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It refers to the economic activity of a person who starts, manages, and

assumes the risk of a business enterprise. ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
2. It is the person who undertakes entrepreneurial activities ENTREPRENEUR.
3. A scheme aimed at improving the living standards of the nations citizentryEconomic development.
4. Are privately owned by corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that
have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized
business or corporation. SMALL BUSINESS.
5. Give 4 Factors of Economic Development

-Human resources

Natural resources

Capital formation


6. selling large amount to retailers not final consumers.- WHOLESALING

7. selling of goods/services to final consumers. RETAILING
8. Defined as the introduction of a new method, procedure, custom, device,
among others. -INNOVATION
9. Using raw materials converting into products needed by the societyMANUFACTURING
10.He is the top 1 philippine entrepreneur in 2015 HENRY SY

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