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5.1 Definition
Intakes are the structures used for safely withdrawing water from the source over
predetermined pool levels and then to discharge this water into the withdrawal
conduit, through which it flows up to water treatment plant.
5.2 Site selection of an intake
Factors governing location of intake:
1. As far as possible, the site should be near the treatment plant so that the
cost of conveying water to the city is less.
2. The intake must be located in the purer zone of the source to draw best
quality water from the source, thereby reducing load on the treatment
3. The intake must never be located at the downstream or in the vicinity of
the point of disposal of wastewater.
4. The site should be such as to permit greater withdrawal of water, if
required at a future date.
5. The intake must be located at a place from where it can draw water even
during the driest period of the year.
6. The intake site should remain easily accessible during floods and should
not get flooded. Moreover, the flood water should not be concentrated in
the vicinity of the intake.
5.3 Classification of Intake
1. According to source types
2. According to its position
3. According to water available in the chamber
1. a. River Intake
An intake tower constructed at the bank or inside of the river to withdraw water
is called river intake.
These intakes consist of circular or rectangular, masonry or RCC intake tower
from where water can be withdrawn even in the dry period. Several inlets called
penstocks for drawing water are provided at the different levels to permit the
withdrawal of water when the water level drops. All inlet ends are provided with
a screen (to prevent the entry of floating matters) with valves to control the flow
of water operation from the control room.
The penstock discharges the water into the intake tower (intake well) from where
it is pumped or flow under gravity.
In dry river intake, there will be no water inside if the tower inlet valves are

In wet river intake, there is water inside the tower even if the inlet valves of the
tower are closed. Since, these types of intakes remain wet, inspection cannot be
done easily.

b. Reservoir Intake
There is a large variation in the discharge of river during monsoon and summer.
When there is no sufficient water in the dry period, the water in monsoon is
collected in impounded reservoir by constructing weirs or dams across the river.
The intake tower used in such cases is called reservoir intakes. Two types of

reservoir intakes are commonly used to suit the type of dam constructed. One
type is at the slope of earthen dams and other type is within the dam itself in
case of RCC dams.
In case of earthen dam, the intake may consist of an intake tower constructed on
the upstream toe at dam from where intake can draw sufficient quantity of water
even in the driest period. The water is withdrawn through intake pipes located at
different levels with a common vertical pipe so as to draw water in the driest
period. The vertical pipe is connected at the bottom to an intake conduit which is
taken out through the body of dam. Each inlet of intake pipe is covered with a
hemispherical shaped screen to enter relatively clear water. The intake is
provided with valves to control flow from control room. Since there is no water
inside the tower (only in inlet pipes), this intake is called dry intake tower.

In case of RCC masonry dams, dry intake is constructed inside the dam itself and
only porters or intake pipes are provided at various levels with control valves.
c. Lake Intake

It is a submersible intake normally constructed at the central portion of the bed

of lake for withdrawal of water because maximum depth of water is available at
the central portion of natural lake. It consists of an intake conduit laid on the bed

of lake with its inlet end placed in the middle of the lake projecting above the
bed. The inlet end is then covered by protective timber or concrete crib. The
water enters in the pipe through bell mouth (may be with screen) and flows
under the gravity to treatment plant directly or to the sump well from where it
can be pumped to treatment plant. More than one intake conduit can be used as
per requirement.
Since Lake Intake is submersible, there is no obstruction to the navigation, no
danger from floating bodies and no trouble due to ice and cheap in construction.
It can draw small quantity of water and hence can be sued in small water supply
schemes whereas it is not easily accessible for maintenance.
d. Canal Intake

When intake is constructed on canal for water supply purpose, the intake is
called canal intake. It consists of simple structure constructed on the bank and
not necessary to provide porters at various levels because water level in the
canal remains more or less constant. It consists of a pipe placed in a brick
masonry or RCC chamber constructed partly in the canal bank. On one side of
the chamber, an opening is provided with coarse screen to enter water. A bellmouth with hemispherical fine screen in the inlet end of the inlet pipe inside is
provided and the outlet pipe is brought through the canal bank and taken to the
treatment plant. One sluice valve operated by a wheel from the top of masonry
chamber is provided to control flow in the inlet pipe.
e. Spring Intake
An intake constructed at the spring source to withdraw water is called spring
intake. It is generally constructed in small rural water supply scheme in Nepal.
Spring intake should be impervious and provided around the source to prevent
the source contamination and physical damage by runoff water. Simply one or
more springs can be joined for greater discharge and all sources should be

protected from animals, exposure, runoff and bathing etc. Protection work is
done by fencing, digging catch drain, bioengineering works, etc.
2. a. Submerged Intake: Constructed entirely under water. It is commonly used to
obtain supply from a lake.
b. Exposed Intake: It is in the form of a well or tower constructed near the bank
of a river, or in some cases even away from the river banks.
3. a. Wet Intake: The water level is practically the same as the water level of the
sources of supply. Sometimes known as a jack well and most commonly used.
b. Dry Intake: There is no water in the water tower. Water enters through entry
port directly into the conveying pipes. The dry tower is simply used for the
operation of valves.

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