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"Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life

are entirely harmless, they in fact, prevent people from developing into truly strong and
independent individuals."

Life full of joy makes our life enjoyable but thwarts the way of becoming successful by
making people reluctant to work. Therefore, lavish lifestyle prevents people from
becoming into strong and independent individual.
Firstly, life with limited resources helps a person to have more control over his
personality by teaching him to be tolerant with modicum options. Even some cases, lack
of adequate resources help someone to build a strong mentality and who does not no
know that gold become more pure with more burning. As abstemious people are aware
of potential waste, they learn to accept the reality. Gradually, it not only helps him to be
a positive thinker but also opens a new window of knowledge as he start to grasp the
way of judging a specific issue from different angles, from different aspects. Mahatma
Gandhi, the founding father of India is a great example of abstemiousness; which
gradually helped him to lead a nation to gain independence from oppressors. Another
example can be Gautam Buddha who devoted his life for humanity by abstaining from
all kinds of indulgence.
Secondly, those who enjoy their life with luxuries and conveniences gradually find them
in a position of helpless. Too much indulgence in lavish life-style creates no goal in
front of him, which is needed to keep moving forward. As a result, nothing can actuate
him to be successful in life. By having no direction, a hope potential wastes and who
does not know that there is nothing shocking than a wasted talent. On the other hand
people like Narandra Modi, Steve Jobs; those who have a tough time at their early age
try to improve their condition be working hard.
However, life full of resources can create more option for a person as it abets hem to
create a specific path. Admittedly, he enjoys more choices to be successful over those
who struggle t o have minimal human rights. There is nothing unusual that some
corporations use their motto as 'Live big, think big'. In that case, Donald Trump can be a
proper example, as he enjoyed high-quality education and assist from his father which
helped him to become a successful businessman and gradually a president-nominee.
In sum, though, resourceful life can help to lead a easy life, in most cases it hinders the
way of success for a man. On the other hand, for a person, little resources pave the way
of working harder and gradually become successful.

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