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Question # 4


Pass Journal entry if debenture is


Issued at Rs. 100 and repayable at Rs. 100

Issued at Rs. 90 and repayable at Rs. 110
Issued at Rs. 100 and repayable at Rs, 110.

Question # 5


A company purchased a machine ( second hand ) for Rs. 8,000 on 1st April 2008. They spent Rs.
3,500 on its overhauling and installation. Depreciation is written off at 10% per annum on the
original cost. On 30th June 2008, the machine was sound unsuitable and sold for Rs. 6,500.
Prepare machine account from 2008 to 2011, assuming accounts are closed on 31st December
every year.

Question # 4


Pass Journal entry if debenture is


Issued at Rs. 100 and repayable at Rs. 100

Issued at Rs. 90 and repayable at Rs. 110
Issued at Rs. 100 and repayable at Rs, 110.

Question # 5


A company purchased a machine ( second hand ) for Rs. 8,000 on 1st April 2008. They spent Rs.
3,500 on its overhauling and installation. Depreciation is written off at 10% per annum on the
original cost. On 30th June 2008, the machine was sound unsuitable and sold for Rs. 6,500.
Prepare machine account from 2008 to 2011, assuming accounts are closed on 31st December
every year.

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