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The Core Six Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common

A Literature Review By Josephine Valadez

Book Title:
The Core Six Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common Core

Harvey F. Silver, EdD- President of Silver Strong and Associates and Thoughtful
Education Press, educator and has been named one of the100 most influential
teachers in the country, creator of the thoughtful classroom program.

R. Thomas Dewing, EdD- 35 year veteran teacher in public elementary and

middle school, Professor at National Louis University and North Central College,
trainer and consultant.

Mathew J. Perini- Director of publishing for Silver Strong and associates and
Thoughtful Education Press, author of more than 20 educational related books.

Back Cover Highlights:

Many schools have adopted the Common Core State Standards and most teachers are
familiar with how they came about and how they are organized but question how to put
them into practice in the classroom. This is where the core six comes into place. The
core six is a set of research based strategies that will help teachers and students

respond to the demands of common core. The authors are experienced and know the
best strategies to engage and prepare students. All strategies can be used across grade
levels. They include; reading for meaning, compare and contrast, inductive learning,
circle of knowledge, write to learn, and vocabularys CODE.
Some Takeaways:
Regular use of these strategies will help students become better at:

Reading and understanding rigorous texts.

Evaluating evidence.

Mastering academic vocabulary.

Finding patterns in content.

(p. 1)

Strategies should be teacher and student friendly.

Students can easily get lost if they have not pulled their thoughts together before the
discussion moves on (P.41).
Learning how to conduct an effective classroom discussion is an essential skill for any
teacher to master (P. 37).

Harvey Silver, T. D. (2012). The Core Six Essential Strategies for Acheiving
Excellence with the Common Core. Alexandria.

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