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Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom

A Literature Review By Josephine Valadez

Book Title:
Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom

Carol Ann Tomlinson- Professor and chair of educational leadership at University

of Virginias Curry School of Education. She was an educator for 21 years and a
program administrator of special services for struggling learners for 12 years.
She is a well-established author of many educational book many of which focus
on differentiation in the classroom.

Tonya R. Moon- A professor at the University of Virginias Curry school of

Education. She specializes in educational measurement research and
evaluation. She also works with school districts to improve instruction and
student learning.

Back Cover Highlights:

The Authors of this book provide a clear and useful framework for using assessment
and its role in classroom success. The book examines essential elements of
differentiation. It goes on to examine different forms of assessment and how they can be

differentiated. Because co-author Tonya Moon has expertise in assessment and

research the ideas and strategies in this book are backed by research and are proven
Some Takeaways

A teachers job is twofold- leading students and managing process and routines
This statement is true because teachers must be able to implement effective
processes and routines in order to effectively lead students.

Effective differentiation requires teachers to assess student status before a unit

of study begins (pre assessment), throughout the unit of study (formative or
ongoing assessment), and at key ending or wrap up points in a unit of study
(summative assessment). (ch.2).
I know this is the ideal but many times as I plan for a unit of study I dont think
about all of the assessment pieces. This helped me to realize that there should
be ongoing assessment throughout a unit of study.

Students vary in at least three different ways that affect learning: readiness
interest, and learning profile (ch.2)
Students not only need their learning needs to be met but they also need their
interest needs met as well in order for a lesson to have a greater affect and
impact on a students learning.

Pre-assessments are used to determine a students level of readiness for a unit

of study. It can also show that a student has a level of understanding that
requires the teacher to adjust a lesson to challenge to the student to higher level.

Carol Ann Tomlinson and Tonya R. Moon. Assessment and Student Success in a
Differentiated Classroom (2013)

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