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Charmaine Libona

Bsba-mgmt IV

I reported B.f Skinners Operant conditioning.

Skinners Operant Conditioning is is devided into two categories;

Reinforcement are behaviors that are reinforced which will tend to continue
and Punishment simply are behaviors that are punished which will eventually
Anna works over time and takes extra work home. Her boss notices her and
gives her a praise and also becomes employee of the month. Anna feels good
getting that kind of reward thats why she will continue doing what she is
doing to feel accomplished all the time.

Clara is always late and her boss catches her sleeping in her station. Her boss
is mad and gives her a written warning that states; If she doesn't stop being
late she will be getting suspended from work for 2 weeks. Clara gets scared
and tries to do better at work.

Adam's Equity Theory

Is the balance of an employees input (effort ,hard work,ethusiasm, patience
etc.)and an employees output( rewards,benefits, salary,recognition etc.). If
this equality is established it will ensure the employees productivity and
willingness to work.
Claire works over time, takes extra work home, and cancells her family
vacation plans to do extra for work. Claire sees how Linda is taking work easy
all the time at the end of the month Linda gets to be employee of the month
so Claire stands there wondering how unfair it was for her to work so much
for nothing. The following month Claire doesn't care anymore and does just
the things she needs to do. Claire is now thinking of quiting her current job.

Herzberg's two factor theory

The two factors are the Hygiene factor(- the better the hygiene factor
which includes security, salary, job, working conditions etc. The greater
the motivition of employee to work) and the Motivation factor (-these
could be Achievements, Interest in job, growth etc.This is to motivate
employees a higher performance.
Though Sarahs job pays well she wasn't really interested in the position
she is in. She seems to sometimes slack off. She doesn't have the
passion so she is demotivated and peformes very poorly at work.

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