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The success of any business or task depends highly on the effectiveness of its management.

calls for the right decisions to be made to exploit any opportunities open to it. Effective
management pushes the business in forward direction and for this a person should inculcate
competency and skills. To equip myself with the required skills and competency, I decided to
take up higher management studies. It provides a plethora of opportunities like delving into real
business problems and networking besides helping in understanding the aspects that make up
I developed an inclination towards managerial roles during my Engineering. I completed
Electronics & Communication Engineering from Graphic Era University. I had taken the lead
roles in my final year project and mini project. Being the flag bearer of the teams, I had the
responsibilities of managing the roles and work done by team members, maintaining
coordination and harmony in the team and assure that we stick to timelines and guidelines. I
engaged in technical as well as managerial aspects of projects. The team members emerged out
to be good team players and delivered the requirements. Because of the perseverance and hard
work I had put in the projects, I was delegated to represent them at the annual Research Day of
our University. With this exposure, I improved my delegation and interpersonal skills.
In the university recruitment program, I was selected by Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd., as an
Associate Software Engineer. I was rolled on to Customer 3D, a major telecom project of
Vodacom South Africa. I got an opportunity to work on Oracle Siebel CRM technology.
I worked on a diverse platform in Siebel technology ranging from soapUI to workflows and
TBUIs. In a short span of 2 months, because of my efficiency, I was chosen to lead a team
performing soapUI testing. I was commended for the tasks accomplished by our team. My
adaptability and commitment to the tasks assigned provided me to work with different teams in
Siebel technology. Soon I was a shared resource in Siebel team. I didnt lose the chances to show
my competency and even worked with other teams in project to implement out of the box
interfacing solutions. I was nominated for the Go for Gold award and was rewarded celebration
points by three of my supervisors. I conducted knowledge sharing sessions for the colleagues.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I am a firm believer of this phrase. I was the part
of Fun Team in our project. I was an active participant of the team conducting bay games,

quizzes and monthly birthday celebrations. I even handled the event management i.e. events like
project parties. For this I had to meet several people, negotiate with them and successfully
organize the function. Being part of such a team not only restricted me to arrange for
entertainment but I also helped people to take initiatives like self defense for girls or come up
with their other talents which need a platform. I was applauded for my ability to balance my
technical work and my extra-curricular work.
My 20 month tenure at Accenture has witnessed many phases, transforming me from a university
graduate to a professional giving direction to my goals. In long term I want to upscale the
corporate ladder, envisaging myself in leadership roles, and for that I need proper knowledge of
business and its management. I recognized my skills and interests and moved ahead to take up
PGDM/MBA program. This would add-on to my educational and knowledge profile.
After completion of my management degree, I am looking forward to the real learning
experience in the industry. I have an unquenchable thirst to learn new things. In fact, I perceive
that sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon. I see myself in a learning role in a
then chosen sector. Besides learning I would also share and give all the knowledge and
experience I have gained so far, maintaining a symbiotic relationship.
Amidst my learning and work, I have never put aside my responsibility towards the society. I
always believe in giving back to the society. I took steps in this direction by teaching under
privileged kids at drives conducted by my school. I have even given free tutorials to two kids
when I was pursuing my graduation. I readily want to work in the direction of education for poor
children and I consider it as one of my goals in life.
For all my future endeavors, which I want to pursue, an eminent school like K J Somaiya
Institute of Management Studies and Research would be of great help. It would provide me a
well rounded learning, an eloquent peer group and a competitive environment, shaping me to
withstand the rigors of industry. Different co-curricular activities, internships and alumni meets
would help me in network building and develop a versatile skill set. It would be a privilege to be
a part of this institute and I hope to meet the standards set by the institute.

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