15-16 Ted 690 Domain F Justification For Artifacts

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Justification for Chosen Artifacts

Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator

TPE domain F requires teacher to continue to grow and develop as professional

educators. In order to develop as a professional educator a teacher must have a plan
and must reflect on her practice in order to create this plan. The plan should be
consistent with the goals the teacher has for classroom and her career and must be
realistic and meaningful. I have included artifacts that show how I plan to develop as a
professional educator and how I have already take steps to ensure I am continually
growing as a professional.
I have included a five year plan according to the needs I have as I have reflected
upon my teaching experiences. This plan takes into consideration the things I must do
to become a clear credential holding teacher as well as things that I am passionate
about for my classroom and my school. Along with my five year plan I have included a
looking forward abstract that explains in depth my plans and goals and the rationale for
each one.
The artifacts I have included at the bottom of the page are artifacts that display my
continual and past attempts to develop my teaching skill set. Artifact one is a teaching
assessment that was done in my first year of teaching while I was an intern and was
done by my site support provider. This artifact shows my abilities in each of the TPE
domains in my first year of teaching. Artifact two is an assessment done by my principle
during my second year of teaching and shows the progress I was able to make from my

first year of teaching. My principle also highlights the various means I have used to
continue to develop as an educator.
My third artifact is a collage of the multiple workshops and trainings I have attended
in my first two years of teaching. The trainings in this collage were all optional trainings
that I chose to attend in order to help me build a functional and effective classroom
environment. These training along with other mandatory district trainings have all helped
me provide meaningful learning experiences for my students.

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