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I would like to extend my profound gratitude to those people who made it possible for me
to finish my study.
Maam Cristetae. Bagtang, my research adviser, for the foresight you have provided in
making my study better.
Dr. Marilou L. Agustin, my research instructor, for the guidance and suggestions for the
improvement and enrichment of my study.
Dr. Liezel P. Mique, my research statistician, who was kind in sharing her statistical
expertise and taught me in the accurate statistical treatment of my data.
To my validators, Dr. Arman S. Carrera, Dr. Kaezel A. Lauigan, Maam Angelisa O.
Huliganga, Maam Luzviminda Z. Sanchez and Maam Elsa A. Soriano, thank you for
sharing you brilliant knowledge and ideas for the refinement of my study.
To the Local Government Unit of Bauang, headed by the Municipal Mayor Hon. Eulogio
Clarence Martin P. De Guzman, to the Municipal Health Officer Dr. Olga G. Estepa for
allowing me to conduct my study, to the Rural Health Midwives, for their unending patient and
allowing me to access their records.
To the Barangay Captains, Barangay Health Workers and other Health Personnel,
who helped and accompanied me during my data gathering.
To my NDP Family, To Sir Raemu, Sir Richmond, Sir Carl, Maam Christine Marie,
and Maam Aiko, for welcoming me in their respective areas and their help during
administering my questionnaires. Also to Maam Carla, Maam Sheryllie, Maam Lyslie, and

Maam Romelyn for the help during administering of the questionnaires and data gathering.
Special mention to Maam Larissa, for the company during the time of administering my
questionnaires your help is very much appreciated.
To my friends for the moral support and assistance on the completion of my study.
Specially Gezelle Tangalin, for the word of encouragement and to focus to finish my study.
To my respondents, for their cooperation and honesty in answering the questionnaire.
Above all, to the ever loving Almighty God, the foundation of all wisdom and the source
of blessing for his bountiful and countless blessings and guidance throughout the study.



This humble piece of work is sincerely dedicated to my dear parents, Marius Sr. and Diana; to
my siblings, Marion Andy and Marianne, for their unconditional love, never fading patience,
understanding, care, support, encouragement and countless prayers.
To my Nanang, sorry if I didnt finished it when youre alive as Ive promised during your last
minute. I will finish it for you, thank you also for the love and support during my sleepless night.
I love you always nang.
And above all to our Almighty Father who provided His spiritual guidance, determination good
health and blessings.

Marius Fernandez Flores, Jr.

Today, Teen mothers face many challenges to successful breastfeeding that are unique to
their age and situation in results impending health issues of the baby and also for the mother will
occur, not only health issues but also financial problems. This study aimed to determine the
feeding practices of teenage mothers and their partners/ husbands that can serve as a basis in the
formulation of advocacy program. The Descriptive survey design of research was utilized in
obtaining relevant information from the respondents. The respondents of this study were 58
teenage mother ages 15-19 years old, who are residing in coastal and upland barangays of
Bauang, La Union with baby aged 12months-24months old and 13 partners/ husbands. The
duration of data gathering is from December 02, 2015 to March 18, 2016. Descriptive and
inferential statistics were used for data management. The results showed that the level of
awareness of the respondent is moderately aware with bottle feeding (formula milk) preparation
being the highest and consequences of bottle feeding being the lowest. Also the level of
implementation of the respondents is highly implemented with guidelines in complementary
feeding being the highest and consequence of bottle feeding being the lowest. Results showed
that there is a significant difference in the level of awareness and level of implementation of the
respondents, the teenage mothers and their partners/husbands. However, However among the
factors influencing implementation, there is only a moderate influence on implementation of the
teenage mother to their feeding practices. Correlation analysis showed that there is a significant
relationship between the level of awareness and the level of implementation and also, there is no
significant relationship between the level of awareness and degree of influence and the level of
implementation and degree of influence. Based on the findings, a proposed breastfeeding advocacy
program was developed which can be adopted and implemented.

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