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Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)21:41:17 No.28723484


>>28723938 >>28724008 >>28724032 >>28724069 >>28724107 >>28724197 >>28724214

>>28724323 >>28724408 >>28724503 >>28724516 >>28724581 >>28724646 >>28724748
>>28724757 >>28724954 >>28725130 >>28725154 >>28725181 >>28725404 >>28725578
>>28725664 >>28725702 >>28725745 >>28726057 >>28726166 >>28726610 >>28726625
>>28727344 >>28727530 >>28727609 >>28728329 >>28730242 >>28736992 >>28737250
>>28737921 >>28737998 >>28738019 >>28738489 >>28739988 >>28744486 >>28745416


ITT we create achievements for school shootings

>assault chair: recruit a kid in a wheelchair
>in the oven:hit a Jew with a Molotov
Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:01:46 No.28723847

>>28723484 (OP)
Lift this: Kill a chad by bashing his head in with a dumbell


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:05:05 No.28723908

>>28724049 >>28724092 >>28737916 >>28743482 >>28743568

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:06:35 No.28723938

>>28724014 >>28727405

Who's a fag now?: force two chads to have gay sex


>>28723484 (OP)
>What a blast!:Kill people using only explosives.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:11:17 No.28724008

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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>>28723484 (OP)
We don't need no education!:Kill every teacher in the school.

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:11:37 No.28724014

Allah kekbar


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:12:42 No.28724032

>>28723484 (OP)
Viral hit:Livestream the shooting.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:12:58 No.28724036

Feels good man: let kids who give you rare pepes live


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:13:36 No.28724049

i kek'd hard


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:14:59 No.28724069


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:15:43 No.28724078


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:15:53 No.28724082


>>28723484 (OP)
Triple K mafia:Kill only black people.


Suspended - Kill a kid on suspension


White knight: Let your crush live.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:16:25 No.28724092

This one is the best

So, is that comment original now or not?


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:16:30 No.28724094


>I like you now: successfully warn a kid to return home before you start your attack


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:17:11 No.28724107

>>28723484 (OP)
Final word:Suicide with a manifesto in your hand.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:17:31 No.28724112


If he's suspended then he isn't at school how are you going to kill him


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:18:18 No.28724127


22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

3 di 60

Some of you are alright: post a thread about upcoming shooting on /r9k/ to save fellow robots

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:19:51 No.28724154

File: le mongol man pekka eric.png (319 KB, 500x343)

>>28743034 >>28743598

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:20:29 No.28724169

>>28724386 >>28727226

>speedy gonzales: take less than 30 minutes

>false fag: surrender to the police, say you're a homosexual in the media and say
you did it for gay rights
>this time do it right: have the timers of your bombs actually work
>bros before jocks: do it with a friend
>published author: get a major media outlet to release your manifesto BEFORE you start
>my bloody valentine: do it with your significant other (>implying)


hot potatoes: toss a molotov into special ed


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:20:53 No.28724183

File: 13 hourse.jpg (297 KB, 800x1185)


>tfw no well organized mass shootings with my fellow

robots in arms
beta uprising never....


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:21:18 No.28724194

Was thinking a bomb


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:21:26 No.28724197

>>28724255 >>28727885

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:22:09 No.28724214


>>28723484 (OP)
Turbo killer!:Kill 0 people.


>>28723484 (OP)
Red Shell: Pick the nearest target and chase them down


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:23:08 No.28724233

Serial Shooter: shoot up two schools before your beta uprising is quelled.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:23:59 No.28724255

That achievement should be called 'Asa Coon'.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:24:03 No.28724257


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:25:19 No.28724281

>>28724483 >>28743184 >>28745289

Better than Doom- Beat Eric and Dylan's high score

Richard McWho?- Beat Cho's high score


Anotha one bites the dust: have a partner play music over the PA system
Announcer: have a friend monitor the security cameras and talk over the PA system like a game
announcer saying things like "DOUBLE KILL"

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

4 di 60


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:25:53 No.28724287

>>28725166 >>28730697

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:26:14 No.28724293


School's out for the cummer - Turn the school's power off and ejaculate into in the hallways. When
students come out into the halls they wont be able to see your cum and will slip over.


iSlam dunk:convert to Islam prior to your attack and tweet about notallmuslims


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:27:24 No.28724323

>>28723484 (OP)
>Samurai warrior!:Kill using only melee weapons.
>Macho man!:Survive the shooting.
>I'm a ninja!:Decapitate a person.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:28:35 No.28724351

Straight As: Kill 3 students with names starting with the letter A
Group Project: Bring one or more shooters along with you
School Spirit: Dress up as the school mascot


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:30:19 No.28724386

File: f58908fbc9096bb4bb995de24(...).jpg (21 KB, 400x225)

winner winner original


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:31:03 No.28724403

Livescream: Use Periscope to broadcast it live


05/21/16(Sat)22:31:26 No.28724408
>>28723484 (OP)

>Social outcast: kill someone holding a phone in their hand


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:33:28 No.28724451

Indiscriminate: kill a family member, child under 10 and a senior over 65.
Paramilitary: shoot up both a high school and a college.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:34:37 No.28724482

Apostate: kill only christians.


22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Jerry !GKoCME0np6 05/21/16(Sat)22:34:41 No.28724483

File: 1457287402990.jpg (38 KB, 413x395)

Fucking god right here anon,

jesus fuck

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:35:32 No.28724503

>>28723484 (OP)
>Have a nice flight!:Push a victim down a flight of stairs.
>Your very own castle!:Hold the school hostage for more than 24 hours.
>Where is your benis!:Castrate a victim.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:36:00 No.28724514

>World tour: kill exchange students from atleast 4 different countries

>World famous: get your face broadcast on atleast 10 major networks on atleast 10 countries
>#blacklivesmatter: don't kill any african americans
>cowboy: use a revolver
>Take that Cho!: Beat Cho's record
>Breivheart: shoot up an island
>Master of disguise: escape the school disguised as a fleeing student
>inb4 "creepy virgin nerds on celeb nude hacking forum make fun of school shooting victims" t: Kotaku


05/21/16(Sat)22:36:03 No.28724516


>>28723484 (OP)

>Scarred for Life: kill yourself with a shot to the head (can be in mouth) while having someone else's face
looking at you within an armlength of your face.

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:36:04 No.28724517

Tutorial: Shoot up an elementary school


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:36:07 No.28724518


Armored Trenchcoat: Continue rampage after being shot once

Crashing the Party: Hijack a SWAT vehicle
What You Know, You Know: Erase your HDs, destroy your books, and erase your online presence
Harder Than Breivik: Take out an entire SWAT team
Like a Fish Swims in the Sea: Blend in with the survivors and escape
Radicalizer: Recruit one of the targets to your side
General Mud: Use the terrain to your advantage


54m50n !qoThYyhabg 05/21/16(Sat)22:36:29 No.28724524

Kebab Removal: Kill three Muslim kids
Swim Instructor: Beat Breivik's high score


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:36:52 No.28724531

>>28730443 >>28745289

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Going medieval: Use only melee weapons

Day of Retribution: Kill only women and chads
The student surpasses the master: Kill a teacher
Where there's smoke...: Set off the fire alarm
Regicide: Kill the principal or equivalent
Coexist!: Kill a student that follows each major religion
Ficki ficki?: Rape a student

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:37:38 No.28724546


We don't need no education: Only kill teachers


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:38:52 No.28724570

Radicalized: be recruited


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:38:58 No.28724573

File: 1.jpg (14 KB, 286x308)


Nigger,stop stealing.


05/21/16(Sat)22:39:20 No.28724581
>>28723484 (OP)

>Yes Sir!: Order a janitor to clean up your mess.


Jerry !GKoCME0np6 05/21/16(Sat)22:39:51 No.28724592

Beef buffet: Kill the entire cheerleading team
Speedy Gonzales: Shoot a fleeing Latino student


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:40:38 No.28724614

Just ctrl-f'd and found your post kek, I swear I didn't copy yours I tried to think of an original title and that's
what came into my mind


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:40:43 No.28724618

>Best time of your life:force victims to smile for a merciful death


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:41:37 No.28724642

>>28724672 >>28745289

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:41:40 No.28724644


Beta insurgency: commit a school shooting within 7 days of another one happening.
Social Engineering: take a selfie with a victims phone and post it to a social media account they're logged


22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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FUN TIME: force a class to have an orgy


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:41:41 No.28724645

>>28735658 >>28742661

>>28724686 >>28724705 >>28724732 >>28726417 >>28728597

I wish I could make a school shooter game where you are the shooter but I would get v& so hard.

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:41:41 No.28724646

>>28723484 (OP)
>Cuntshot!:Shoot a female victim in the genitals.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:43:12 No.28724672

Keep the student who you are using the of in the shot though


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:44:06 No.28724686

>being english

Lizard Killer: Deface royal portraiture


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:44:56 No.28724705

File: 1440701958054.jpg (234 KB, 1043x892)

it would have to ge a random generated school, where you only set your
character stats and properties.


Jerry !GKoCME0np6 05/21/16(Sat)22:45:24 No.28724713

Deus Vult: Claim that you are exacting God's justice, and only allow students of one religion to live


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:45:40 No.28724722

Ban tulpas: leave a note saying that your tulpa told you to do it


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:46:08 No.28724732


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:47:05 No.28724748


>I wish I could make a school shooter game where you are the shooter but I would get v& so hard.
Its not illegal to make a game simulating violence


>>28723484 (OP)
>Kill Frenzy: kill 10 people in 5 minutes using only one weapon
>POO POO PEE PEE: shit and piss on a corpse
>Nuthin Personnel: kill a staff member with a katana
>Mighty Foot Engaged: kick someone's head in
>Bottom-feeding Scum Sucker: spout video game quotes (that are not from movies)
>Kekeke, bitch, kekeke!: send a media package to a news company before or during the shooting
>Penn Jillette: use a trash can as a weapon
>Badger Badger Badger: spout internet memes (that are not originally from other media)
>Roast Potatoes: kill the whole special ed class with a flamethrower
>Going Flint: contaminate school water supply
>Cop Killa: kill at least one police officer

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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>Best Served Cold: do the shooting while having common cold

>A Big Guy For You: recruit an obese student to help
>But Your Heads Get Dumped: decapitate 3 or more persons, put their heads in a bag and empty said
bag in another place
>All Gebra: kill everyone who's supposed to have a math class on that day
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: scream incoherently while killing people
>Kindergarten Cap: kill a kid who is in kindergarten with firearms
>They're History: kill everyone who's supposed to have a history class on that day
>Here's Johnny: use an ax to break through a door
>Some Of You Guys Are Alright: post about your deed on /r9k/ on the day before you do it

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:47:28 No.28724757


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:49:24 No.28724790

>>28724799 >>28730268

>>28723484 (OP)
Pay attention to me!:Kill over 10 people while being naked.


Yes, it is.

You can't even mention school shootings or you get fucked by a court.
t. Guy who is on probation for applauding school shooters

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:49:44 No.28724795

No witnesses: kill someone you recruited


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:49:56 No.28724799


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:50:05 No.28724804


Where do you live? Seriously. Sounds like you live in a police state


>Cuckold!:Force a couple to have sex,then kill them.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:51:43 No.28724841

SEXTACULAR: get a kill while raping someone


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:52:29 No.28724859

Kentucky, United States

Cops are corrupt with their quotas.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:53:01 No.28724875

X-file: completely destroy a corpse.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:53:37 No.28724886

this is too funny for me


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:54:00 No.28724895

Bullet mechanics!:Shoot up a physics class.

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:55:02 No.28724913

File: Osmosis Jones.jpg (23 KB, 261x243)

Nothing to contribute, but thanks OP for the thread.

This was fun to read.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:56:20 No.28724932

No prob you fuck worthless great asshole


54m50n !qoThYyhabg 05/21/16(Sat)22:57:03 No.28724950

DIY: only use homemade weapons
Shoot a Load: kill someone while ejaculating


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:57:20 No.28724954


>>28723484 (OP)
>You're making my life crap!:Shit on a victim.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:58:30 No.28724970

Why not smother them with shit


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:00:01 No.28725001

Kevin was here: Use only a bow and arrows

Agent 47: Leave no witnesses
True Robot: Kill at least one guy named Chad and one girl named Stacy
It would be extremely painful: Have a mask on, the whole time
Ben Garrison: Kill non whites only


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:01:07 No.28725021

Slumber Party: Get sleep gas in a class full of Stacies and rape them all.
Blowing your Load: Get a jar of cum and spill it on a girl.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:01:59 No.28725031

>Cheeky breeky!:Crush a victim's face using your buttocks.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:05:01 No.28725085

Key to your heart!:Lock the school doors.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:07:15 No.28725130

>>28723484 (OP)
>Scandal!:Kill a news reporter.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:08:36 No.28725154

>>28723484 (OP)
>Dank side of the moon!:Kill while high.

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:09:28 No.28725166
>>28725433 >>28728764

Why did no one laugh at this?


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:09:58 No.28725181

>>28723484 (OP)
>First aid!:Ejaculate into a victim's wound.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:11:32 No.28725208

>May i cut in!:Kill a victim usong scissors!


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:11:38 No.28725213

>Supreme Gentleman: Killed only women


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:13:47 No.28725251

>Shoota loompa!:Kill a victim under 5'2".


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:15:09 No.28725279

>Classic!:Wear a Trenchcoat.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:16:13 No.28725308

>>28725433 >>28725437 >>28725826

An hero: Tell the media you did it for anonymous and the 9gag army
Riot control: Hit a nig with a blunt weapon
Cyka Blyat: Squat over a slav
Darth Beta: Kill 3 or more people using only a sword
*teleports behind u*: Wield a katana
Wake me up: blast music during your spree
Darth Beta 2, Electric Boogaloo: Target immigrants in your spree
I got you bro: Send a pre-emptive "don't come in today" text
Et Tu, Brute?: Get snitched on from your "don't come in today" text
Come on and Slam: Start during a basketball game
Touchdown: Start during an american football game
Shishkebab: Impale an indian
Absolute Madman: Make the Dean lie down on the floor


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:17:11 No.28725329

>>28736465 >>28745289

Millenial bug!:Kill only iPhone users.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:19:31 No.28725377

>Carshow!:Run over a fleeing victim.

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:20:38 No.28725404

>>28723484 (OP)
black out: shoot a nigger


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:21:49 No.28725433


>Hammer Time: kill someone with a hammer

>If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are: kill your school nurse, school psychologist or similar
>Karma Bites Back: kill your main bully
>You Reap What You Sow: kill all your bullies
>Food Gore: shoot up home economics class
>Food Porn: force a couple of home economics students to have sex before killing them
>Game Over: shoot up a sports ground when there are kids playing
>A Blast From The Past: wear a historic costume
>New Game Plus: survive the shooting, avoid getting captured, return to the same school later and start a
new shooting
I did.
Kek'd at Absolute Madman.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:21:55 No.28725435

>Pain and pleasure!:Give a victim a handjob before killing him.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:21:58 No.28725437

>I got you bro: Send a pre-emptive "don't come in today" text
>Et Tu, Brute?: Get snitched on from your "don't come in today" text
these are great.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:22:08 No.28725439

>Rush hour: Kill a black-asian interracial couple.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:23:20 No.28725471


Bonus points for A Blast From The Past: when wearing the costume, use only matching weapons


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:24:47 No.28725502

>Final boss:Shoot up a college and a university in the same spree.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:26:26 No.28725541

>Saved by the bullet:Shoot up a class taking a test.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:26:53 No.28725554

Work Time Is Over: Kill a teacher or any other school employee


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:27:52 No.28725578

>>28723484 (OP)
>Blackstar!:Kill exactly 69 blacks.

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:31:22 No.28725664

>>28723484 (OP)
>The great dump!:Kill janitors only...then shit on them.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:33:20 No.28725702

>>28723484 (OP)
>Comin' straight from the underground!:Dress up as a police officer.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:35:27 No.28725745

>>28723484 (OP)
>Light my fire!:Douse a victim with gasoline ans burn them alive.


54m50n !qoThYyhabg 05/21/16(Sat)23:36:51 No.28725784

Trve Kvlt: at the end of your spree, slit your wrists and neck, then shoot yourself in the head. bonus points
if you leave a suicide note apologizing for the blood


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:36:51 No.28725785


>She likes it hard!:Knife rape a Stacy.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:38:07 No.28725807

File: tmp_24875-IMG_0352_201605(...).jpg (125 KB, 842x1168)
more bonus points for costumes
Just Like Payday: do it with friends
Payday 2: Dress as a meme


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:38:52 No.28725823

Clean Sweep: Kill every member of a school sports team


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:38:55 No.28725826

>>28725855 >>28725940 >>28725986 >>28726361 >>28739252

Scapegoat: Have at least one media outlet blame your spree on video games
Ahmed's Return: Put a clock in a briefcase and claim a bomb threat
Absolutely Haram: Make someone dishonour their religious beliefs
Adamantium Balls: Kill only using a blade no longer than 8 inches long
Overkill: Use an RPG, a Minigun, or any excessively destructive weapon
/pol/itical outcry: Wear a swastica
Mien Nieger: Wear a German WWII outfit and use a luger
Darth Beta 3, Revenge of the Sith: Wear a cool outfit and pose for a photo
Taking a Tumblr: Push a fat woman down a staircase
Teacher's pet: Spare a teacher you're cool with
Extra Credit Assignment: Kill a teacher that was failing you

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Series of Un-4chan-ate Events: Be caught on camera screaming at least 4 of the following phrases:
Well, this is awkward: Go to shoot up the school on the same day as someone else
High-Lander: Kill the rival pot dealer
Mashed Potatoes: Bring a baseball bat to a tard class
NARCo Polo: Kill an undercover cop

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:39:10 No.28725829

This thread is good, boys, thanks OP


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:39:43 No.28725841

>just like roast beef: cut out the pussy and eat it


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:40:14 No.28725855

>Well, this is awkward: Go to shoot up the school on the same day as someone else


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:40:15 No.28725856

>Edgelord:Slice open a victim's head,then ejaculate in it.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:42:34 No.28725922

>Good Boy Points: kill well-behaved male students


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:42:45 No.28725924

Alpha uprising!:Kill a virgin!


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:43:09 No.28725934


She Goes to Another School:

Shoot up a school you don't attend

Dindu Nuffin:
Have skittles and tea in your pocket.

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:43:43 No.28725940

>>28726044 >>28728970 >>28736800

>Well, this is awkward: Go to shoot up the school on the same day as someone else
This would be really funny, actually
>anon is shooting the school
>suddenly, another anon walks through the door with a pistol
>"ANON?! You were gonna shoot up the school too?"
>"Holy shit, this is a coincidence."
>"Yeah, why are you doing it?"
>"Chad plowed my oneitis and sent me pics of his cum on her face."
>"Really?! I'm doing it because he beats the shit out of me in the locker rooms for PE class.
>"What an asshole, right?"

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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>"I know. Well, I'd better get back to work."

>"Yeah, same here, nice talking to you."

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:44:54 No.28725966

Impressive. Most Impressive: Kill all the younglings


Jerry !GKoCME0np6 05/21/16(Sat)23:45:51 No.28725986

File: 1456078231382.png (138 KB, 350x350)
All of these were pretty fuckin
jej, I like (You) anon


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:46:29 No.28725996


They Ain't Laughin' No More:

>Surprise a group of bullies, mid-bullying - With bullets.
I'm the Lord of the Harvest:
>Scythe six Chads hiding in a field.
One Shitty Day:
>Scare a Chad into hiding down in the disgusting part of the outhouse.
>Complete your shooting without harming a single female.
My Brother From Another Mother:
>Identify and spare a fellow robot using the "ree" emote.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:47:18 No.28726022

I came, I saw, I conquered: kill everybody in the entire place


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:47:59 No.28726036

Perfect Stealth: Don't get caught, pin in on another student


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:48:26 No.28726044

>implying it wouldn't be 'hey fuck off I'm doing this


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:48:39 No.28726049

>>28728459 >>28729410

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:48:59 No.28726057

>>28726089 >>28726219 >>28726481 >>28744388

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:50:01 No.28726089

>>28726119 >>28726133

>Devilish: make her eat all the eggs. Every one.


>>28723484 (OP)
>Get on with your life:Cancel the school shooting,get off the computer,get fit,eat healthy,make friends by
finding people with similiar interests,have sex,go to college and get a Master's degree in a STEM
field,earning you over 100k a year,get married to a cute virginal 10/10 waifu,have three beautiful kids and
die in a peaceful haze.


22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

15 di 60

>the memetic warfare counterterrorism bot doesn't know how to put spaces after commas

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:51:46 No.28726119


Fuck off
This one is the best one I've seen of all of the posts.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:52:13 No.28726133

Nah, that's just his autism at work.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:53:15 No.28726160

>he's running in a separate instance
>he doesn't even know he's a bot


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:53:20 No.28726166


>>28723484 (OP)
My Friend Squidward: Do it while wearing a salmon suit


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:54:43 No.28726198

>Judgment Day: don't kill anyone, shoot their kneecaps instead

>She Likes It Hot: burn a Stacy
>Fuck The RIAA: livestream the shooting while blasting copyright-protected music
>School's Out Forever: kill everybody and completely destroy the school premises


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:55:46 No.28726219


best achievement


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:55:56 No.28726227

Torture a victim for 7 hours.


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:57:07 No.28726250

>>28726292 >>28727885

Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:58:53 No.28726284

>>28726331 >>28729029

Green Shell: Blindfold yourself during your spree, and kill someone by randomly shooting
Blue Shell: Go straight for the people at the top of the social hierarchy, and only kill anyone else who tries
to stop you


Hail Rhodesia: kill a student of direct African heritage

High Expectations: cause enough chaos to warrant police choppers
Divide and Conquer: leave a series of notes behind your wake describing various Chads as the shooters
Extinguish Those Burning Loins: use a fire extinguisher to knock a Stacy out cold
Hope and Change: use a sock full of nickels as a melee weapon
RKO OUT OF NOWHERE: use a wrestling move to bring a student down before finishing them off

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

16 di 60

Taco Tuesday: wear a sombrero and poncho while on the rampage


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)23:59:13 No.28726292

The blue shell one is kinda vague.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:00:59 No.28726331

These are very great


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:01:37 No.28726342

>full stealth: shoot up the school with silenced weapons only, hide all bodies, and have it discovered later
completly unconnected to you


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:01:55 No.28726344

File: 392530.jpg (52 KB, 500x532)

Masturbator & Commander: beat your

meat in between gunfire


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:02:37 No.28726361

>>28726425 >>28726774 >>28747981

Redistribution of Wealth: Wield a sickle

Last Laugh: Kill your oneitis' boyfriend in front of her

Shh: Use a silenced weapon in the library
Winter Wonder 'Nam: Throw a grenade inside a snowball
Most Innovative School Shooter: Chant "SUPER HOT" after every kill
You funny, I kill you last: Spare the class clown
50 Shades of Gay: Beat up the gay kid
System of a Downs: Give the tard a gun
360 No-scope: Use a sniper rifle for the whole spree
I cast Bullet Spray: Don your wizard hat and robe
Edward Scissorhands: Use only scissors, pliers or shears
Oy Vey: Mutilate Chad's genitals
'Hard' mode: Sport a full erection the whole time
Ted Cruz: Kill people by Star Sign
Allahu Snack Bar: Suicide bomb in the lunch queue

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Commit Sudoku: Kill yourself before the police do

Double Bluff: Tip off police about a shooting, then shoot up the school the next day

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:05:27 No.28726417

You can do it by making it freeware and hiding your identity. I believe you anon.
OT: Radical Dude!: Commit a mass shooting in the name of a political idea without being affiliated with a
radical group.
Nerd Rage: Kill the captain of any of the schools teams
Jungle fever: kill only black students
Yellow Fever: kill only Asian students
iLa migra!: kill only Latinos
He dindu nuffin: get caught before shooting and face no jail time
Eric Harris Rocks My World: gain a following after the shooting


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:05:56 No.28726425

Shh, and Double Bluff are 10/10


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:06:16 No.28726433

File: d1939.jpg (73 KB, 604x453)

Call Me Saigon Sam: kill three or more students of Vietnamese

Calling This a Nguyen: kill three or more people with the last name

Trace Italienne: overcome a makeshift barricade to slaughter everyone on the other side
Kentucky Fire-Cured: use fire to lure people out

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:08:44 No.28726467

>Kill La Kill: Leave the anime club in a blood bath


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:09:12 No.28726480

Fight or flight: Force someone, ANYONE into attempting to fight back


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:09:15 No.28726481

File: 1.jpg (90 KB, 507x705)

What are your most favorite posts from this

thread?mine is:


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:10:18 No.28726491

Basement Dweller: Do it during a tornado drill.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:11:54 No.28726527

File: 2000px-Confederate_Rebel_(...).png (84 KB, 2000x1263)

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

18 di 60

My South Shall Rise Again : Rape a redneck after

raping anyone beforehand

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:15:56 No.28726610

File: class of 2010.jpg (339 KB, 2048x1366)


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:17:04 No.28726625


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:17:55 No.28726637

>>28726663 >>28726781

>>28723484 (OP)
I'll have those two achievements,
thank you.


>>28723484 (OP)
Golf: Get a negative score


how the fuck would that work? would you like... bring someone back to life or something?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:19:06 No.28726663

Either you kill nobody and some stacey goes into labor during it, or you become an hero and kill nobody.
a kid in my school got this achievement


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:19:52 No.28726672

Pacifist: Have someone attempt to stop you through non-violent means (e.g. by monologuing)


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:21:20 No.28726698

Saved by the Bell:
Start right after classes end.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:22:37 No.28726730

Barneyfag retribution: kill everyone wearing a my little pony shirt


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:23:22 No.28726741

>Perfect Score
Kill at least 10 people, with no wounded.
>Too Slow!
Kill yourself before the police arrives.
Talk someone into killing another student in exchange for his life, then kill him anyways.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:25:19 No.28726774

Probably last set i'm doing, i'm running out of pun names and ideas
Make them pay for it: Construct a barricade of Mexican students
Evacuation Drill: Shit yourself during the attack

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Penis Inspection Day: Shoot up the Male changing room

Independence day: Launch a firework into the school
IED advise against that: Have a car-bomb explode as someone tries to escape
*tips fedora*: Don't kill any delicate M'ladies
Russian Roulette: Chamber a single round, let them live on a blank
Heeeeeres ANON: Bust down a locked door
Inside Job: Be a teacher
Big Guy: Rip out a pacemaker
Sleeper Agent: Get another beta to snap and join you mid-rampage
Gorilla Warfare: Kill only blacks
Buy Juan get one free: Kill a pregnant mexican
Fuck it, we'll do it live: Start in the middle of a normal day with no weapons, using only what you can find

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:25:32 No.28726781


More people are born due to glad-to-be-alive sex than you killed.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:26:19 No.28726804

Trolley Problem: Give a student a choice: they shoot one person (not you), or you shoot thirty.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:27:46 No.28726832

True Capitalist: Use only a revolver/explosive beer cans to kill


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:28:15 No.28726843


>commit a school shooting because of your hatred of how no girls have sex with you
>they survive, and go have sex with other people
jesus, I think I'd just kill myself in that scenario


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:29:07 No.28726862

File: 1462593299790.jpg (20 KB, 317x184)


I hope this reaction image is worth
getting on a watchliist over!


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:30:01 No.28726891

>multiplayer: someone else is shooting up the school

>co-op: shoot the school along with someone else


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:30:12 No.28726893

Who's a good boy ? : have your dog kill someone

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Man's best friend : have your dog save your life

The universe : kill exactly 42 people
Call of the devil : kill exactly 666 people
Mercenary : get paid for your killings
A glimmer of hope : listen to someone beg for mercy
That's haram ! : detonate a pork with explosives
Drunken master style : do it drunk
Nope : kill someone who almost stopped your spree

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:30:19 No.28726896

File: 623457634673567.png (156 KB, 534x662)
take this for free anon


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:33:42 No.28726964

For you: Crash a plane into a classroom and leave no survivors.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:35:56 No.28727001

File: landscape-1452878710-broo(...).jpg (70 KB, 980x490)

>Failed Stacy: Go on killing spree as a woman

pic related are two incompetent chicks who got caught before
pulling their attack off


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:36:00 No.28727003

It Doesn't Get Better Than This: Reenact this lunchables comercial [Embed]


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:46:58 No.28727226

*Whispers* holy shit

No child left behind: every casualty is a death.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:49:27 No.28727260

>All's Fair in Love and War: Murder your oneitis


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:49:37 No.28727264

Not on an Empty Stomach: Do it at lunch. But not until you finish eating.


Jerry !GKoCME0np6 05/22/16(Sun)00:51:36 No.28727307

File: rage.jpg (261 KB, 900x900)

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

21 di 60

>tfw you'll never have a psycho qtp2t gf that wants to hurt
everyone around her


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:53:35 No.28727344


>>28723484 (OP)
Went to Prom in the Same Dress: Two unaffiliated shooters end up coincidentally deciding to shoot up the
school on the same day. Bonus points if they are wearing the same clothes or are using similar weaponry.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:54:47 No.28727371

No Russian: You and several friends shoot up a school together


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:56:47 No.28727405

File: shooting school.png (119 KB, 1824x298)
>Kill people using only explosives.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:57:53 No.28727423

It physically hurts


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:59:08 No.28727449

Hail to the King: kill the principal


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)00:59:19 No.28727454

>no child left behind: If the child with the lowest class average can solve something at their grade level,
everyone lives


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:00:33 No.28727478

Am I Talented Now?: Start during the talent show. On stage. Facing the audience.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:03:33 No.28727530

>>28723484 (OP)
Roast is toast: Molotov a Stacy


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:07:16 No.28727609


>>28723484 (OP)
Beta Uprising: arm 2 or more outcasts


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:08:05 No.28727623

I prefer anal: shove the muzzle of your gun up someone's ass and pull the trigger


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:12:40 No.28727702


22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

22 di 60

>crashing this plane: no survivors
>getting it on: only kill teachers, take a class hostage and have a discussion with them

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:15:14 No.28727760

Cleans Up Nice: co-op with the fed up school janitor

Naughty list: shoot up school decorated for Christmas
Rare Pepe: take down bio classroom, keep dissected frog as a prize
Benny hill: kill victim after chasing them through multiple classrooms


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:15:51 No.28727773

Just be yourself: kill a girl who friendzoned you


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:16:09 No.28727783

File: image.jpg (34 KB, 286x318)
is that Andrew Garfield


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:18:40 No.28727843

Spilled My Spaghetti: mumble and look at your feet when shooting a qt


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:19:59 No.28727867

File: duck.png (569 KB, 900x900)


Word-wide Winner: Kill at least one person of each race

Shotgun buck-tooth: Only kill people who use braces
Where'd he go?: Blind everyone who you would've killed instead
Stealth Master: Raze at least 3 classrooms full of people before going loud

Bleed-out: Succesfully accomplish a school shooting while having a bullet wound the whole time

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:20:54 No.28727885

File: mass shooting prevention (...).png (158 KB, 1000x963)
>toasty roastie
kill a female with fire

>crabs in a bucket
death isn't enough, they must suffer! permanently cripple them, but don't kill
make sure you shoot their genitals
>folded over 9000 times
kill someone with a katana
shove the muzzle up a chad's ass and shoot
>Beta uprising
get 5 other to help, this can be done before or during

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

23 di 60

>Omega uprising
Get 5 robots to help
succesfully blame a tripfag
>some of you are alright
Post said meme on r9k, this can be done the same day you start the killing
>Alpha uprising
kill a robot
kill over 15 non whites and race traitors
>ben garrison
Kill over 50 non-whites and race traitors)
>my twisted world
get your manifesto published, must contain redpill on woman
kill over 10 alphas or woman, an hero, and get your manifesto full of woman and normie redpil to be
same as above, but must contain redpill on niggers and jews instead, you may redpill on all those things
>old b
do it naked and poop during it
>living meme
be a autistic neet, bring your dakimakura with you
torture chad, mutilate his genital, shoot his asshole, cripple him, disfigurate, leave him alive
You may get this one multiple times
>worse than elliot
Kill 0 people, hurt less than 5 and an hero
Blue Shell: Go straight for the people at the top of the social hierarchy, and only kill anyone else who tries
to stop you
The robot way

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:27:01 No.28728016

File: skool shooter bingo.jpg (28 KB, 480x567)

>>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: scream incoherently
while killing people
my favorite


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:32:39 No.28728128

Red Dragon reference?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:36:43 No.28728208

>>28728308 >>28728419

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/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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File: drama club.jpg (76 KB, 470x262)

Break a leg: begin massacre in theater or

How rude: kill someone on cellphone in theater or
What a ham: kill fattest member of drama club
Out brief candle: drop light on member of drama club
Past the point of no return: Kill drama club member wearing cape/mask
Exeunt: Kill all of drama club


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:41:22 No.28728300

Post the music you'd play during: [Embed]


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:41:45 No.28728308


Ecoterrorist: kill the drama club member who played a tree


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:42:38 No.28728322

I swear if I am ever involved in a school shooting on either side of the equation I will banepost my head off
even if it gets me killed.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:43:04 No.28728329


>>28723484 (OP)
Cho still has the high score


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:43:08 No.28728330

Burn down the school garden


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:44:35 No.28728356

>>28728459 >>28740464

Pretty sure there's one guy that beat Cho by a lot, but it may not have been at a school


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:45:51 No.28728367

The Crusader: kill the Arab students before they have a chance to detonate


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:48:39 No.28728419

File: highschool cafeteria.jpg (89 KB, 640x426)


Food fight: start massacre in cafeteria
Picky eater: kill a kid solely with allergens
Sloppy Joe: set off explosive in cafeteria
Hot lunch: spare a cafeteria lady in exchange for sex
Cold lunch: have sex with cafeteria lady under pretense that you'll spare her, then kill her anyway
Sanitary: steal and wear cafeteria hairnet
Can I sit here?: kill every person sitting at the popular kids' table
Peta: kill only kids eating animal products


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:50:52 No.28728459


22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

25 di 60

Intentionally kill a robot
no, better
Stop a shooting spree, them continue it
>true flag
be a non-white
>greatest ally
be a jew
Shotgun buck-tooth
kill at least 5 people with barces
>Bleed-out: Succesfully accomplish a school shooting while having a bullet wound the whole time
>not "just a flesh wound"
>Oops, wrong thread
Blame a 4chan board that is not /r9k/
>turbo autist
cosplay as someone from warhammer/pathfinder/tabletopgame and blame /tg/
> - 4 str
kill at least 3 woman with a melee weapon
>blame the mods
blame a 4chan mod
>not important
use a trench coat, no victims left alive, you must kill everyone you hurt
talk about your feeling, how the world is unfair, redpill etc while killing
>mentally ill tranny faggot
be a queer or something
>Cancer vs cancer
Blame lebbit and/or furfags
>fucking yellow niggers
beat cho score
>fucking lanklets
be a manlet
>do they ever learn?
be a lanklet
>lich king
be a skelly
>i'm the juggernough bitch!
be obese and kill over 50
>do you even lift?
be a /fit/zen and kill over 15
>cold steal
get a new high score, carry a katana the whole timem use a sniper rigle as your main weapon, survive
and don't go to jail, use earring, blame deviantart

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

26 di 60

the /pol/ guy? not a school/collegue

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:52:13 No.28728488

Marching band:

It's Not a Tuba: Kill a sousaphone player

Thud: Shoot someone through the bass drum
Is Mayonnaise an Instrument?: Shoot up the band room without being in band.
Orchedorks: Shoot up the orchestra room while in band
Not Your Average Saxaphone: Begin the rampage in the band room, with the gun hidden in an instrument
End of the Song: Shoot the director while the band is playing.
Comedian: Stop shooting just long enough to play a rimshot on school equipment.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:55:22 No.28728540

check mate: kill the nerds in chess club

blackout: kill only african americans
number juan: kill the mexican top students
thats so bereivik: kill exactly 74 people
everyone hate elliot: kill all normies
chilly powder: kill the cooking class
honhonhon: kill a french student
writers block: kill your english teachers
sleepless: dont sleep before the shooting
the old go out cold: kill all old people
multiculturalism: kill all races equally
equality: kill males and females equally.
exponential meme: kill more people te more time you spend


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:58:02 No.28728597


>le low iq maymay

be from /lit/

survive, claim you are white, be non-white
>br br?
huehuehueheuehuehuueheue (secret achievement)
dress as a slave, squat on at least 5 bodies
>20% deader
kill every ponyfag
>eggman again
blame eggman, convince the media his fans are also school shooter
make sure to add all those achievements, and a good AI for teambots

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:58:03 No.28728598


>ctrl+f pumped up kicks

>not one suggestion
For shame


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)01:59:56 No.28728638

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/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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File: hs bathroom.jpg (30 KB, 650x400)

When you gotta go: start massacre in bathroom
Bathroom Bill: shoot up the girl's bathroom in drag
Sexual emergency: rape younger student in bathroom
Spare a square: spare someone in bathroom stall
The Brown note: shoot someone in bathroom stall
White trash waterboarding: swirlie a victim until they reveal where other survivors are hiding


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:00:00 No.28728639

File: Spoiler Image (1.44 MB, 944x528)
>kill only X

no, we aren't here to motivate them to kill less, change all those to
"kill at leas 5" or so

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:01:31 No.28728664

File: edge.png (41 KB, 643x935)
Heel Turn: Shoot up graduation

Kitty-tan's Revenge: Leave all embarrassing or incriminating harddrives or objects in your

The Gauntlet: Force an entire class to line up and kiss the teacher on their quivering lips
before being killed

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:03:26 No.28728697

Last One Out: Stay until the school is completely evacuated

Hasta La Vista, Baby: Shoot a spanish teacher.
Cosplay: Dress exactly like another famous school shooter
This Is A No-Smoking Area: Smoke indoors.
Confuse the News: Take a hostage, and send him out with his hands up. As he's being handcuffed, shoot
In His Own Dojo: Wear a ghi. Challenge random people to hand-to-hand combat. If they refuse, shoot


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:03:39 No.28728699


holy shit i meant slav

>single mother
kill your mother and leave single mother hate on your manifesto
be a beta/omega nigger

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:06:42 No.28728753

>Pussy Slayer: Cut the clitoris off of 5 Stacies.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:07:21 No.28728764

Because it wasn't funny and was obviously written by an underage faggot.

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/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:09:30 No.28728809


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:10:57 No.28728840


>Pumped up kicks: Kill a black athlete and take his Jordans as a trophy.


>black athlete
don't you mean a black?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:11:13 No.28728846

Eugenics: Successfully kill 10 in the special ed class.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:12:34 No.28728874

Edge Lord: Kill 5 Chads and 5 Stacies with a Katina, finger less gloves, and a Sonic shirt equipped.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:13:51 No.28728895

>his class didn't have the token 300-pound black kid


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:15:19 No.28728924

Muh Shooting Statistics: Do it in Australia


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:16:05 No.28728938


Coalburner: Kill stacy with a flamethrower


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:17:45 No.28728970

A new partnership emerges


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:18:20 No.28728983


This is an original comment telling you that your post was great.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:20:36 No.28729022

File: 1421261085040.png (8 KB, 215x255)

Successfully kill the fatest kid

at school
>They live(d)
Chew your last bubblegum
before a shotgun kill

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:20:52 No.28729029

Battle of Blood River: Kill 5 African students at the school pool.

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/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:20:55 No.28729031

Up in Smoke: Kill the chads, stacies, normies, and stoners by burning them alive


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:23:29 No.28729085


Good one, breh


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:23:51 No.28729090

>>28729149 >>28729298

Thanks, pal. Have some more

Triggered: Force a feminist at gunpoint to shoot herself

Tumblr: Push student down the stairs
Reddit: Spill 10 gallons of blood

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:25:12 No.28729123

An uncommon date : bring a gun at prom

Stairway to heaven : kill someone climbing up the stairs


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:25:34 No.28729128

Watch out those edges, you may cut


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:26:34 No.28729149


Scooby-Doo: Skin a victim and pull off their face yelling "Zoinks!"


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:26:35 No.28729151

File: 1366225967289.jpg (29 KB, 201x209)
>NEET life

Spend an entire run in

an MG nest


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:26:40 No.28729154

File: get a load of this slack (...).jpg (56 KB, 500x375)

Extreme Discomfort: Kill everyone while wearing nothing but a thong

you stole from a Stacy


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:32:10 No.28729256

File: 1407109654336.jpg (61 KB, 759x1092)
>Isla Vista, Baby

Die after 6 kills and having

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injured 13 others

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:32:30 No.28729268

Stimulate your Senses - kill everyone while chewing gum


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:34:05 No.28729298


Wee-a-boo: Kill Asian student with sneak attack

Supreme Gentleman: Kill any faggot wearing a supreme t shirt
Teacher's Pet: kill only students
Homework: Kidnap student and take them back to your dungeon

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:37:14 No.28729351

Shut-in: don't leave house, snipe kiddies as school lets out.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:40:12 No.28729410

Top kek. Origami Commento Mr. Roboto


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:40:17 No.28729411



Spilling spaghetti: shoot students in the stomach after lunch

Neet and tidy: Complete mission with minimal blood spill

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:42:08 No.28729447

Dindu: plead not guilty

/Mu/tant: Kill student with musical instrument

Tripfag: Push a gay kid over
tfw no gf: kill every woman

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)02:56:13 No.28729725

>screencap of the whole thread when?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:00:49 No.28729790

>>28729810 >>28729866 >>28729901

it's just a prank tbqhwyfam


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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:01:31 No.28729796

File: 1462693599954.jpg (40 KB, 496x480)

reap what you sow dipshit


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:02:24 No.28729810

>>28729847 >>28729901

HAHAHAHA yeah bro people dying is so fucking funny xDDDDD
>fucking bitches won't fuck me so i'll become the most disgusting vile piece of shit I can be
Great strategy, pal. I'm sure you'll get very far in life with this mentality.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:02:53 No.28729816

Hitler's Legacy: Secure a vintage German WW2 gun to use in your shooting


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:05:00 No.28729838

File: kek.png (48 KB, 177x202)
>Taking anything on this
site seriously


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:05:22 No.28729847


>inb4 people reply to this shitty b8
When this attention whore replies to this ignore that to.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:06:08 No.28729865

File: battlefeel_hardline.png (96 KB, 460x470)
>Calculated killer

Start the spree during

Math class


alt. title
>Math Class's

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:06:14 No.28729866

File: normies on r9k.jpg (1.29 MB, 3172x3324)


Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)20:57:36 No.28729737 This post has been

deleted>>28729790 >>28729796
You guys see this shit? This shit right here?
This is why no woman, nobody ever actually, ever wants to be around you. This is
why you'll die virgins. Because you're disgustingly bitter virgin psychopaths. Don't you
EVER in your fucking lives complain about not having a girlfriend, you psychotic

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>calling anyone a psychopaths
they are bitter because of you
>because i refused to have sex with them?
no, because you bullied them, you and your friends
you can't expected someone to be bullied by over 20 years and keep up the smile, you reap what you
sow, subhuman
but normies will never understand, they are incapable of putting themselfs in others places and much less
to care about others.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:08:08 No.28729894

Mom get the camera! : Livestream your school shooting


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:08:47 No.28729901

File: normies.jpg (176 KB, 484x983)


>Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)21:02:24 No.28729810 >>28729847
>HAHAHAHA yeah bro people dying is so fucking funny xDDDDD
>>fucking bitches won't fuck me so i'll become the most disgusting vile piece of
shit I can be
>Great strategy, pal. I'm sure you'll get very far in life with this mentality.

>hahaha bullies dying is so funny! xDDDDD

>>fucking bitches made my life hell so i will return the favor and send them to hell
>shitty strategy bro. you shuold surrender and be a submissive little beta cuck slave

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:13:16 No.28729977

I want to play this really badly now
Is there a game like this at all?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:15:00 No.28729997

Mommy's special baby: Trade 30 GBP for a plate of tendies at the cafeteria


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:17:00 No.28730047

Copper Stopper: Shoot an officer within his first 3 steps into the school


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:17:13 No.28730052

>>28730094 >>28730404

You're not victims. You don't deserve sympathy. You deserve to be put down like the rabid psychos that
you are. People like you should not be outside of a prison cell or mental hospital.
I didn't think you guys could go any lower. You deserve to be alone forever.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:17:20 No.28730055

>Two for one: Kill a pregnant student or teacher

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:19:30 No.28730094

File: fembot getting what she d(...).gif (1.6 MB, 320x240)
its like you didn't read
the images

you got rekt, slut

whore, get outta here
This is the last (you) i'm giving ya

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:28:53 No.28730242

>>28723484 (OP)
Robots' uprising: spare a robot


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:29:21 No.28730252

See me After Class: begin your shooting by killing a teacher after class is out


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:30:01 No.28730268

If you can buy a game off Steam about getting a shotgun and massacring an entire town, then I don't
think it'll be an issue


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:31:40 No.28730293


Unwanted vigilante - accidently kill another school shooter


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:32:01 No.28730300

just think about the coop mode


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:34:26 No.28730340

The game could have two modes, one where you are the shooter and one where you try to stop the


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:37:52 No.28730392


He does it for free: Kill the janitor first

Nothing personnel kid: Kill the underclassmen first

Disturbed: Play shitty metal music over intercom
Bye Bye Bye: Play ironic shitty 00s pop over the intercom
Downvoted: Kill the reddit kid first
Pop Quiz: Ask students questions that would have been on the homework before killing them, if they
answer correct spare them
Git Gud: Roll behind an enemy and backstab them

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:38:38 No.28730404

Oh god yes, please keep going. Don't stop. Your loathing gets me hard.

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:39:27 No.28730418

Blind date - shoot a girl in the back of the head


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:40:45 No.28730443

International hit: Kill an exchange student

Death from above: snipe targets from the roof of building


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:42:48 No.28730474


Chinese Cartoons Made Me Do It: Kill someone with a katana

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA: Shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane
Crawling in my Skin: Play early 2000s nu metal while on your spree

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:42:54 No.28730478

Low Energy: Fire your gun, miss every shot, and hold the class hostage for at least 5 hours before
becoming an hero


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:44:38 No.28730502

50 Blessings: Wear an animal mask and spraypaint the 50 Blessings insignia at least once
True Impersonator: Wear a rooster mask and a varsity jacket while using a shotgun and a baseball bat
Tony: Start with only brass knuckles
Track Star: Listen to the Hotline Miami 1/2 soundtrack
Gotta Get a Grip: Commit your shooting on drugs
I Was Born With Thick Skin: Impersonate a police officer


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:45:09 No.28730511

> blitzkrieg: kill a pollock, Russian, and Frenchie

>This is my rifle this is my gun: kill while fucking someone
> we ARE the people: kill all of the student government
> Auschitz part 2: kill people using some form of gas
> the ol ultra violence: beat someone with a cane
> Harold Shipman: give someone a lethal dose of morphine
> the Tet offensive: kill all the Asians


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:45:26 No.28730517

File: smug pepe smug wojak.png (272 KB, 696x537)

Search and Destroy: Find and kill all Chads/pseudo-Chads first

Misogynist: Kill all Stacies and female normies
Deus Vult: Kill all non-christian students

Rambo: Use an M60 to complete the massacre

1337: Use nothing but a pistol and/or knife to complete the massacre

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Medium Rare: Burn a roastie with a molotov

Suck on This: Rape a Stacy/Roastie before starting
Race Mixing: Kill all interracial couples
Ethnic Cleansing: Kill all non-white students
Remember the Fallen: In the middle of the massacre, pray to St. Elliot, Cho, Breivik, etc...
No Inheritance: Kill all the rich kids
Bad Blood: Cause a bully to bleed to death
Silent but Deadly: Use a toxic gas to kill at least half the population
Hot for Teacher: Burn a teacher you hated with a molotov
WOOORLSTAAR: Record the massacre and upload it to the internet
They Live: After the massacre, go to court and be put in mental rehab for claiming that you tried to kill evil
aliens to end a conspiracy

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:45:38 No.28730524

>Smells Like Teen Spirits!: kill everyone in the gym.

>Sit Cho Ass Down: kill more than 32 people
>Dream on: kill someone while they are asleep on their desk
>Cinco De Uh-Oh: shooter is spic


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:46:39 No.28730544

Comfy end - commit suicide in the rain


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:47:33 No.28730556


Comrades: spare an edgy communist

Magneto's Brotherhood: spare someone with a genetic abnormality


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:50:18 No.28730600

>genetic abnormality
God those kids are hard to look at and they are too retarded to use 4chan


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:50:47 No.28730611

Inside job:write in your manifesto that Reddit told you to do it


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:52:24 No.28730628

Who's stupid now: give a teacher who gave you an f permanent brain damage
Aiden pierce: launch a ddos attack at least a minute in advance


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:56:47 No.28730697


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this was laugh out loud funny


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)03:57:44 No.28730718

File: normies about robot's death.jpg (196 KB, 900x1273)
>He does it for fREE
[write in]

>cuck's revenge
have sex with tyrone's/chad's GF infront of everyone
>death from bellow
as a manlet kill someone much taller than you
>not so gentle femdom
kill a faggot and his mommy GF
>>tfw no taller gf
as a manlet, have sex with a girl taller than you
>for the horde
say warcraft memes and blame WOW for your shooting, blame hordefags.
>/the suffering/
Shoot at least 10 people in the neck and do not kill them directly
>do they ever learn?
kill 10 womanlets
>she likes it hot
kill 1 stacy(alpha female) with fire
>medium rare
kill 10 stacies with fire
>toasty roastie
kill 25 stacies with fire
>he's hot
kill an alpha male with fire
>[write in]
kill 10 chads with fire
>[write in]
kill 25 chads with fire
>burning fat
kill someone obese with fire
>happy ending
kill the ones you hated most and commit suicide
>autism strengh
kill a chad with a meele attack
>counter attack
post your manifesto on reddit as to attract robots unaware of 4chan to there
>anti-bullying campaign
blame alphas, sy thir pshicological and phisical bullying made you nap, say the programs/system only
made it harder for you and helped the agressors
post on your FB how all those fake cunts will moun over your death, list how they bullied you. (tip: make a
copy and send to other websites as FB will surely ban your posts)

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)04:02:49 No.28730821

Soundtrack achieves:

Run, Sally, Run! - Listen to Carpenter Brut

Subliminal Messages - Listen to Escape from Midwich Valley
Dangerous Days - Listen to Perturbator
Faster Than My Bullet - Listen to Pumped Up Kicks
Already A Demon - Listen to Sins of the Father or Nuclear
Wastelander - Listen to big band jazz
Six Shooter - Listen to country music
Nig Nog - Listen to rap
Death Metal - Listen to screamo
Guy Fawkes, Success Edition - Listen to classical

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)04:18:27 No.28731070

File: elliot rodger supreme gen(...).png (542 KB, 986x881)

Tribute - listen to Hatred soundtrack
Full cosplay - listen to hatred soundtrack, cosplay as not important, kill at least 1
person with a bownie knife


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)04:24:02 No.28731173

>Edgy Bushido: Use only a katana

>Rampaging Ronin: Kill all the teachers
>Honorable Shogun: Recruit and lead a group of r9k robots to completely annihilate the place


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)05:01:05 No.28731785


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)05:06:47 No.28731899

File: succubus on tg succubutts.jpg (94 KB, 1024x576)


LARP: Roll a d20 before you shoot someone, where you shoot them depends on the roll, 1 misses, 10
hits the torso, 20 headshots


>1-5 you miss
>6-10 barely hits
>11-15 shoot in the arm
>16-20 shoot in the genitals


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)05:09:04 No.28731935

MAGIC MISSILE: carry around and fire off bottle rockets, and shout "I'M OUTTA MANA" when you run


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)05:13:18 No.28732030

Princess: Kill Stacies with a frying pan, tennis racket, and golf club

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)05:45:20 No.28732646

File: beta bucks alpha fux hear(...).jpg (74 KB, 1876x247)

I JUST posted that on /tg/
roasties going crazy claiming theyr wheren't borns with innies and sex doesn't makes it ugly, lots of virgin
calling too


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)06:01:21 No.28732948

>this thread screeshots when?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)06:06:24 No.28733059

>darwinist: make two students compete in a physical activity, the winner lives.
>blind hate: attack a school that you've never attended
>language arts: publish multiple copies of your manifesto and place them in the library the day before
>you did it for free: kill the janitor
>school dj: play music over the PA (has anyone ever actually done this?)
>blast from the past: play poppy 80s songs
>columbine comeback: play 90s industrial metal
>razr sharp edge: play 2000s angsty nu metal
>the powers that m e m e: play metal/rap /mu/core released after 2010


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)06:09:12 No.28733122

>I'm already a demon: use the ashes of your victims to make diamonds


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)06:18:41 No.28733277

D'oh! - You were the only casualty. - 0G


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)06:25:10 No.28733399

File: 1460512259702.jpg (217 KB, 960x1280)

Extra Crispy: bring a flamethrower with you on

Judgement Day.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)06:49:53 No.28733837

>>28734971 >>28736777 >>28738156

Introducing the "Boards" DLC

Only kill Chads and Stacies

Recite the whole plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises while killing
Kill all non-whites, non-straight and non-christians
Look at your feet while walking
Fuck the dead body of someone you just killed

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Successfully detonate a homemade bomb
Use +5 weapons
>Use +10 weapons
Begin the killing spree in the kitchen
Begin the killing spree in the gym class
Begin the killing spree in the library
Go dressed as Eric or Dylan
Take pictures of the weapons and the dead bodies

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)07:58:07 No.28734971

>Look at your feet while walking
kill chads and stacies without getting caught
>True robot
Leave no normie uncrippled/dead
>now merely bitter
lose your virginity during the shooting
>off the records
do it on a shopping center and improvise a kill with a object you got there during the shooting
go dressed as elliot
>fucking normies tought they could win
let someone go, when they running away, shoot them.
blame /soc/


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)08:13:58 No.28735230

School Shooting Mischief Edition: Do the shooting with a water gun loaded with piss, and play very loud
gun sounds from your phone/boom box/anything


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)08:41:15 No.28735658

probably can't, but what would you want?

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)08:42:52 No.28735682


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)08:45:13 No.28735711


1 Gun 1 School: Kill the entire school using only a pistol


Postpone the shooting because Mom put your trench coat in the laundry


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)08:46:14 No.28735734

>2 Guns 1 School
Do it only with dual-wield pistols


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:08:48 No.28736079

File: Plague Dr drawing.jpg (143 KB, 506x640)


>Life ruined: wear a shirt with innocent peoples twitter/social media names on it so
they're instantly related to everything
>The cure: wear a plague doctor's suit
>Schools out: shoot it up on the last day of school
>senior nation: shoot specifically the seniors at their graduation
>A fight! A fight! A nigger and a white!: kill only blacks and start a nationwide race war
>Suicide watch: livestream the whole event from your phone, along with the suicide of
your choice
>Mystery meat: make students eat each other or they get shot
Rate mine


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:11:07 No.28736109

>Life ruined
That's a great idea as well as the live stream one.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:35:19 No.28736465



Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:48:08 No.28736635

>>28736689 >>28737012

> Jim Crow

Paint your face , arms, and hands, black
> Trap
Go dressed wearing girly clothing

> Checked
Play, "Its hip to be square", during the shooting, while pointing bateman-styled at someone, then shooting
them after
> Osama
Go dressed as a terrorist
> "Hey, Elliot Rodger here"
Do a drive-by shooting on outside students

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:51:46 No.28736689

File: 1463787666665.png (51 KB, 128x131)

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> checked


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:57:47 No.28736777

>/co/ Edition

>Man of Murder
Rip open your shirt to reveal a Superman logo before beginning your rampage.
>Prep Time
Research the school's scheduling and layout before the rampage.
Get rid of your restricting clothes and become the Flash for better movement.
>gREEEEn Lantern Corps
Acknowledge sympathetic robots during your assault and recruit them
>Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
Target the Honor Roll
Rely on nothing but your brute strength and take at least 3 lives.
>Spider Sense
Manage to successfully counter a sneak attack
>Blackest Night
Use corpses to defend yourself from police fire
>Superiority CompLEX
Kill your biggest rival.
>Civil War
Incite a violent riot before beginning your rampage.
>All New, All Different
Take the entire school and yourself in a fiery explosion.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)09:58:54 No.28736800

Columbine part 2: unlock co op mode


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:05:23 No.28736887

>Gun Control This!: Move/sneak into a country with strict gun control laws and shoot up a school.
>Gun Control This! (Gold Edition: Do the same as above, but without using any firearms. Kill at least 15


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:11:13 No.28736967

File: 1444208291081.png (822 KB, 3300x300)

>yfw all girls in Isla Vista become pregnant on the 2nd anniversary of the Day of Retribution just to give
Elliot a negative score

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:11:48 No.28736977

interest in and ideas for a school shooting game could bring chance up from 0% to .5%


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:12:44 No.28736992

>>28723484 (OP)
Last Kiss: While a couple is in their last embrace, kill only one and maim the other


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:13:09 No.28737000

Reminds me 'nam: kill 5 Asians with napalm

Martyr: die in a blaze of glory and be the inspiration for a new shooter
Chemical warfare: use anthrax in the school's ac unit


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:14:25 No.28737012


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:18:13 No.28737072

>>28737105 >>28737139 >>28737361 >>28737408 >>28737416

>deadly trap
>Go dressed wearing girly clothing, say you did it for trap rights


I like this thread.

>Standing Here
Kill the principal with a samurai sword.
>I Mean, Crap, Man!
Kill someone with a single bare-knuckle body blow.
>End of the Tour
Kill the band captain.
Starting your shooting solo, recruit 3 teammates during it.
>Gonna Have a Bad Time
Kill someone by throwing them against a wall/floor/ceiling.
>Fuckin' Invincible!
Use two identical melee weapons and wear heavy body armour.
>Ace In the Hole
Smuggle a weapon into school using your anus.
Flood the school, but spare your friends with life preservers.
>Black Widow
Kill everyone you've been in a relationship with.
>If I Can't Have You
Kill your oneitis.
>They See Me Rollin'
Kill at least 10 in a drive-by using a shopping cart.
>Gotta Get a Grip
Take heavy amounts of drugs before your massacre.
>Holy Smokes!
Set the religious chaplain on fire.

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:18:34 No.28737077



Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:20:34 No.28737105


Nice job muh dude.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:22:44 No.28737139

File: 1374620722103.jpg (42 KB, 477x297)

>>I Mean, Crap, Man!
>Kill someone with a single
bare-knuckle body blow.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:22:50 No.28737142


Sadistic: Only aim for the legs

Narsasitic personality: force complements from victims
It was just uploaded: Listen to a podcast during the spree
Knife fight: use a knife for 30% of your killings
Scapegoat: Blame the school in manifesto
Deadpool: wear red
In the commotion: steal police/swat uniform to escape
Spetnaz: Wear only a gas mask and use an AK 47 or variant
Thats a big bitch: only kill fat people
That was fucked: force one member of couple to kill the other one for there life
Collateral: kill more than 3 people with one bullet
That was easy: staple wounded people eyes closed
Passifist: only kill bullies
666: draw pentagrams on victems
God: draw crosses on victems
Assassin: kill atleast one person without anyone noticing
Harbringer: ride a horse during the spree


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:24:50 No.28737177

File: 1462131011289.png (226 KB, 507x360)

>walk into class
>99% of the class looks confused and teacher starts
>one kid REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE's back and hits the floor covering his head
>tfw it saved his life


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:25:56 No.28737198

Locker combination: Beat someone to death against a locker.

Homecoming: Escape home unscathed.
Textbook: Plan out your assault by the book (tactical).
School's out forever: Kill the administrative staff.
Adult supervision not required: Kill an adult (18+).
Keyboard warrior: Render someone unconscious with a keyboard.
JUST A PRANK BRO: Shoot off someone's kneecaps.
Narcissist: Take a selfie with someone you're about to gun down.

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Prom Queen: Get everyone to "dance" by shooting at their feet.

Touchdown: Fondle a girl's vagina while your gun is pressed to her head.
Dodgeball!: Kill at least one person with a grenade.
Too cool for school: Start off your rampage with someone who's ditching school.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:30:11 No.28737250


>>28723484 (OP)
>The ABSOLUTE madman: Shoot up a school with nothing but blank ammo and harmlessly scare the
shit out everyone


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:39:42 No.28737361

>>Black Widow
>Kill everyone you've been in a relationship with.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:43:23 No.28737405

>>The ABSOLUTE madman:
lie in the floor and force someone to take a pic and upload it quoting the meme


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:43:29 No.28737408

>Gotta get a Grip

>Miami Mutilator
Clear a floor of people in less than two minutes.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:44:10 No.28737416


And a few more:

>Going Native
Use only a spear.
>Going Native (Rank 2)
Use only a spear and do not wear any clothing.
Carry an armed accomplice on your back.
Carry two armed accomplices on your back.
>Valar Morghuulis
Hire a professional hitman to help you.
Force someone to become your accomplice at gunpoint.
>Back For Seconds
Escape your massacre uncaptured and perform another at the same school.
>Still Hungry
Escape your massacre uncaptured and perform another at a different school.
>I'm the King of the Castle

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Kill 10 from the roof.

>Get Down, You Dirty Rascal
Kill someone by pushing them off the roof.
>In Your General Direction
Taunt and insult the police from the roof.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)10:48:31 No.28737468

Hey, R9K! Samefag here


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:01:08 No.28737592

>>28737652 >>28737674

High Roller: Kill a student in a wheelchair.

Apple Juice: Force a student to drink your piss.
Inspiration!: Start your rampage during a school assembly with a motivational speaker.
Drama Queen: Kill the school's resident gossiper.
Forced retirement: Kill a teacher about to retire.
Early graduation: Kill the entire graduating class.
Four-eyes: Use tactical goggles.
Hot for teacher: Rape a female teacher at gunpoint.
Hot tomato: Force a student to hold a timed explosive charge.
Tardy slip: Start the rampage behind schedule.
Schoolhouse Rock: Blast rock music over the school's intercom.
Extra credit: Kill two people with one shot.
Honor student: Kill only the regular students.
Bullet hell: Blast Touhou music during your rampage.
Physical education: Beat someone to death with your bare hands.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:05:11 No.28737652

Hot teacher: kill a teacher with fire
> Touhou music
post some


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:07:29 No.28737674

these are ok
Inspiration!: Start your rampage during a school assembly with a motivational speaker.
Early graduation: Kill the entire graduating class.
Bullet hell: Blast Touhou music during your rampage.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:27:00 No.28737880

>V for Vendetta: Wear a Guy Fawkes mask

>We are Legion: get at least 2 other people to join you and all of you wear a Guy Fawkes mask
>Everyone will Suffer: make and publish a creepy video about the shooting before doing it and use lots of
symbolism in the video, the video must also become viral
>You're not Terribly Important to Me: kill your girlfriend
>Redneck Rampage: do the shooting in one of the southern states of the US
>I Like to Dissect Girls: mutilate at least two Stacies
>Dylan Roof: kill at least 13 people of which at least 9 are black, all this while being on top of the school
>Papers Please: carry a fake ID card all the time (and not your real one)
>For Home Country: be in the military while doing it (either enlisted or on a vacation from a conscription)
>Hip to Be Square: kill someone with an ax while wearing a raincoat
>The Danza: go by the first name or nickname of another school shooter (e.g., Adam, Elliot, Eric, Dylan,

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>My Intense World: write in your manifesto that you are a highly sensitive person with an autism spectrum
>Aidan Kill 'em: dress up as CIA from TDKR and spout quotes of him
>Internet Exploder: destroy school server with explosives
>Internet Lumberjack: destroy school server with an ax or a chainsaw
>Special Deeds: kill all teaching assistants
>Step it up, Senpai!: kill your teaching while correctly reciting material of his or her subject
>JUST: get your hairstyle ruined during the shooting
>I Lied: promise to spare someone's life, then kill them later
>A E S T H E T I C: wear vaporwave clothes and accessories and play vaporwave music
>Rick Roll: Rick Roll the school; dress up as Rick Astley from 1987 and play Never Gonna Give You Up
and dance to it while killing, also be sure to sing along
>Bilingual Bonus: say fitting phrases in a foreign language in addition to your own
>Multilingual Bonus: like above, but use at least 2 foreign languages
>Polyglot: write your manifesto in at least 2 languages

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:28:05 No.28737897

one of the funniest


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:30:50 No.28737916

This is the most amazingly insecure post I've ever seen on this website and that is seriously saying


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:31:35 No.28737921

File: 1446759492504.jpg (14 KB, 207x212)

>>28738049 >>28738082 >>28738106

>>28723484 (OP)
Post songs for the here comes the sun achievment


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:32:46 No.28737935

>Hey, Mom! It's Me!: appear on TV after the shooting


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:40:12 No.28737989

>Devil's tools: Kill someone without using your hands

Cooler than cool: Lock people inside the cafeteria refrigerator
>It's raining men: Throw your hostages from the roof


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:41:02 No.28737998

>>28723484 (OP)
What would you do for one?:
>Agree to surrender to police in exchange for a Klondike Bar.
Balls of Steel:
>Only kill a male if you have kicked him in the balls first. You are allowed to slow/incapacitate/weaken
someone first, so long as they are alive when you kick them in the balls.
Trained by video games:
>Scream vidya-related shit after every kill, whether it be a simple "PWNED NOOB" or "BOOM
HEADSHOT" or Douk Noukem quotes
Trained by 47:

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>Escape the area undetected by donning a disguise taken from somebody you killed.
Third Street Saint:
>Only aim for the groin. Groin shots will now count towards your kill count, even if the victim lives.
Too much Counter-Strike:
>If moving, do so with your guns holstered and your knife out
Chewbacca Defence:
>Survive, get arrested, represent yourself at trial, and use the Chewbacca defence as featured in South
No homo:
>Make Chad swallow your babybatter, then say "No homo", and immediately follow it up with "you just
sucked a dick you're a homo now"
A Higher Calling
>Instead of doing something as retarded as going on a school shooting, just stay at home and shitpost on
4chan instead

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:44:04 No.28738019

>>28723484 (OP)
Big Iron: do it with a 1858 navy colt

Tarkus: destroy school with killdozer

Rip and tear!: make doom level for it
Revengeance: do it on 4/20
Trench warfare: use chemical terrorism

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:46:35 No.28738043


Failure at everything:
>Miss every shot, get disarmed and killed by Chad, who the media then lauds as a hero, and Chad gets
even more pussy as a result of your death


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:46:55 No.28738049

>>28737921 [Embed]


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:49:54 No.28738072

This would literally be hell on earth


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:50:55 No.28738082

>>28737921 [Embed]


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:52:42 No.28738098

Luggage Combination: Kill 1 kid in one class, 2 kids in another, 3 kids in another, 4 kids in another, and 5
in another.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:53:20 No.28738106


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>>28737921 [Embed]

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:54:59 No.28738124

>I love the smell of napalm in the morning!: kill an Asian with any kind of flame weapon
>fortunate son: perform the massacre with any model of m16


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)11:57:31 No.28738156

/x/: Tell the cameras your crazy conspiracy about aliens, and why they made you shoot up the school
/co/: Go dressed as your favorite villain
/tg/: Decide all your actions by dice rolls
/vp/: Challenge Chad to a pokemon battle for his life at gun-point
/soc/: Organise a Beta meetup to help you
/d/: Take a break to fap to your japanese animes
/fit/: Break someone's bones with raw strength
/mlp/: Bring your toys and favorite mlp shirt, kill the first person to laugh


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:06:39 No.28738266

>Ashes to Ashes: stack the corpses of your victims into a funeral pyre
>Lord of cinder: Fashion a throne, place it on top the of the pyre, burn it down with yourself on top of the
>You are my beast friend: bring your pet to the shooting
>Beastmaster: let your pet kill someone
>Hunter: kill only with animals and bow


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:09:02 No.28738290

File: KEK Police Operators.jpg (1.75 MB, 5133x3601)

Dirty sanchez
>Kill a mexican taking a shit


Transgender activist
>Go into the girls bathroom with your dick out and shoot anyone who tells you to

Oprah Winfrey
>Successfully clear an entire classroom by killing each and every student with a pipebomb attached
below their desk.
Culturally enriched
>Kill every nonwhite in the school
I am the keeper of the gene pool and I must administer the chlorine
>Wipe out the special Ed classroom
>Eliminate the football team

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>Eliminate the volleyball team

I hate niggers, I hate jews, I hate spics and arabs too. I hate women, I hate fatties, I hate cripples and I
hate trannies.
>Your victims included blacks, jews, hispanics, arabs, women, fatties, retarded cripples, and transgender
>Exposed a black man's dishonesty by putting two of his girlfriend's under the gun and making him
choose. Then proceed to kill the nigger and his chosen woman after the other woman finds out she's
been cheated on. Bonus points if she kills herself after the ordeal.
Social media superstar
>You made the rounds on the internet by getting a video of your massacre trending on youtube with
millions of views, got a hashtag named after you, trended world wide on facebook and dominated the
headlines on the internet.
Cis white male
>Become CNN's top trending story on why racist Republicans are gun obsesses lunatics for the millionth
Trump talking point
>boost Trump's numbers by proving his point that gun free zones such as schools are a terrible idea.
/k/ollateral damage
>Your recent rampage generated enough upset to cause the white house to pass a gun control bill.
5 star service
>trigger a response from the local SWAT team, fire department, national guard, the ATF, and the FBI all in
one shooting
Its just like my japanese animes
>Survive the ordeal, go to prison, achieve a fanbase of suicidal, depressed girls and pick one as your wife
when you get out of Jail when you're 70.
Allah akb>Explode

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:16:42 No.28738375


God mode: get every achievement that does not involve your death or long-term containment
Jesus mode: get every achievement


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:18:21 No.28738396

That Yellow Bastard: Be Asian or team up with an Asian


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:22:26 No.28738453

You got serbed: kill someone who listens to franz ferdinand


Heaven 05/22/16(Sun)12:24:54 No.28738489

>>28723484 (OP)
Safe Space: drop a safe on someone.

Hour of Need: commence the massacre an hour before the end of school
Eye go Unwanted: Rip your crushes eyes out (that'll show em)

Heaven 05/22/16(Sun)12:33:01 No.28738582

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>>28738106 [Embed]

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:46:02 No.28738746

A drink, milady?: Immolate a group of 4 women with a Molotov cocktail


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)12:50:22 No.28738794


Run full armed into a lecture or busy room, then announce that it is indeed "just a prank bro"
>gone wrong
start shooting anyways
tell a dying student it's only a prank


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)13:02:44 No.28738942


Pay a fellow student to help you on your murder spree


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)13:23:31 No.28739187

Out with a bang: Kill yourself at the end with explosives

Leveller: Destroy a large portion of the building you're attacking
Level Up!: Attack a building from the ground floor, where the only way out is through the ground floor.
Lumberjack: Only use an axe, bonus points is wearing plaid shirt and firemans trousers.
Houdini: Escape the scene alive.
Trap Queen: Boobytrap the building before you attack it


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)13:27:14 No.28739225

>White knight
Only kill men while wearing full plate and using a sword, assist women escaping


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)13:29:47 No.28739252

>Well, this is awkward: Go to shoot up the school on the same day as someone else
I wonder if anything like this had ever happened


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)13:38:56 No.28739342

>not "black deaths matter"


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)13:39:31 No.28739353

Nothing But Net : decapitate student at pep rally then toss his head up for a sweet 3-pointer


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)14:13:16 No.28739750

Psyops, nice.


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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)14:17:35 No.28739797

underrated post


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)14:31:12 No.28739988

>>28723484 (OP)
No more F's: Kill the teacher who gave you an F with a stapler


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)14:42:16 No.28740141

Holy Spirit mode: get every achievement that involves your death or long-term containment


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)14:53:31 No.28740278


>Cluster F Bomb: blow up a class having an exam

>Ludicrous Gibs: make someone explode so that their body parts, entrails and blood flies everywhere
>Eeny, Meanie, Miny, Moe: chant nursery rhymes while shooting
>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?: leave only a trail
of nonsensical documents and media
>There is no Point, That's the Point: say in your manifesto that you had no motives
>No One Cared Who I was Until I Put on the Mask: before the shooting, stay in obscurity in a way that no
one really knows you, then commit the shooting while wearing a unique mask which will make you known
>Jennifer's Body: kill a cheerleader


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)15:05:25 No.28740464

Cho is the highest for a lone shooter in the US I think.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)16:38:08 No.28741875



Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)17:09:18 No.28742334

The Reich Strikes Back: Shoot up a Jewish school


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)17:15:33 No.28742431

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like is fucking genius,
good work anon


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)17:27:01 No.28742646


Dio:Kill any student with a throwing knife

The World: Punch any student stunned in fear
Muda Muda: Resort to a fist fight in the middle of a shooting
Wrrrryyy: Use a piece of construction equipment to kill someone, or crush any corpse


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)17:28:00 No.28742661

Have you tried Hatred ? It's pretty much this except not in a school

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)17:52:52 No.28743034

>published author: get a major media outlet to release your manifesto BEFORE you start
Now this would be impressive.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:03:25 No.28743184

They must also play music.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:10:58 No.28743307

>Silent but Violent

Kill 20 targets without raising any alarm
>Alpha Wolf
Kill all the leaders of the most popular cliques
Get a hostage to love you through Stockholm syndrome then shoot them in the chest
>Thrifty Shopper
Get one kill for every round fired
>Value for money
Kill at least two people with one bullet
>I am the Alpha and the Omega
Become the most popular kid in school by the end of your spree, 100% casualties counts.
>Chad Thundercock
Stick a pipe-bomb down a chad's trousers and successfully detonate it, bonus points if he fails to notice
before it blows
>All the Other Kids with the Pumped up Kicks
Kill everyone only using roundhouse kicks
>Master of the Arcane
Leave only deliberately obscure diaries full of occult symbols that people will study for decades
>Dishonorobul Dispray
Take a katana but fail to kill anyone with it
>Well I'm Sorry to Hear That
Kill someone on their birthday
Kill only Mexicans


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:16:59 No.28743396

>Man of the Moment

Escape the scene as a fleeing student then give a live TV interview on the scene where you reveal
yourself and start all over again
>Hog Roast
Kill a cop with a petrol bomb
>Destroyer of Worlds
Build a rudimentary nuke instead of just pipe bombs
>The Mighty Thor
Kill at least one person with electricity


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:17:13 No.28743402

Bozo's Blitzkrieg: Kill someone with cream pie


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:18:21 No.28743420

>ROAD HEAD!: Decapitate a roasties head and use it for fellatio while on your rampage.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:19:39 No.28743440

>Preacher Man
Quote the bible with every kill

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Kill at least one person engaged in each of the deadly sins
>Anime Club
Do it while in cosplay

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:22:32 No.28743482

Best laugh of today


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:28:42 No.28743568

>Who's a fag now?

Didn't someone actually say this during a shooting?


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:29:04 No.28743572


Kill the most outgoing kid before you kys
>Old school
Use Mustard Gas
>Mustard race
Seal off exits and mustard gas 10 people.
>Death before dishonor
Kill self with explosive and take cops with you.
>Pet teacher,
Put a choke collar around the hottest teacher's neck and walk her like a dog while unloading on normies
>Slice n'Dice
Slice up an entire body and leave it in pieces
>Ode to silence
Remove a the vocal chords of a choir club student.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:30:29 No.28743598


>>speedy gonzales: take less than 30 minutes

That's an eternity. Most are over in 5-10 minutes.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:30:35 No.28743599

Scarface: Fuck someone's sister infront of them.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:31:33 No.28743616

Big Boss: Recruit someone to join you mid-spree


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:36:16 No.28743685

File: aid139364-900px-Survive-a(...).jpg (163 KB, 900x675)

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/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Juicy: it was all a dream

and you didn't save your
oneitis in the process

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:36:55 No.28743691

Hahaha That literally made me laugh.

>Hang out,
Stealthy kill 5 students and leave them in a freezer hanging.
Say moe things whilst slaughtering
>My lil' brony
Dress up as rainbow dash while running and gunning
>Allah Akbar!
Quote the Quran with each kill.
>Molyneux Mode
Quote Rhetorical questions to hostages before you execute them.
>Muh Feminism
Talk about male privilege and gender wage gap before shooting all the males in a room.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:38:13 No.28743712


The Dark Knight Rises: Kill a student attempting to protect a roastie


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:42:31 No.28743812

>FUCK YOU MOM I AM HARDCORE: kill yourself by lighting yourself on fire

>Ultimate sacrifice: force a chad to kill himself to save his stacey
>light up a fag: kill a homosexual with fire
>it's just a prank bro: drown a chad in a toilet
>shattered dreams: paralyze all the top athletes or bust their legs up


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:46:55 No.28743894

>for you
Push someone off the roof
>but he was a good kid!
Change all your grades to A's
>Eternal Summer
Start your spree on the last day of classes
>Gonna be a good year
Start your spree on the first day of classes
>Respect your Elders
Kill no teachers
>The Grey Knight
Kill an equal number of male and female students
>Boss of this Gym
Leather gimp suit, bare hands only
Walk in the same exact path you wold have walked on any other day


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)18:51:24 No.28743981

>brobot: shitpost on r9k during your rampage

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:01:36 No.28744175

Your mom is so stupid she bought tickets to xbox live.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:08:40 No.28744326

>In 64 incidents where the duration of the incident could be ascertained, 44 (69.0%) of
64 incidents ended in 5 minutes or less, with 23 ending in 2 minutes or less.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:11:00 No.28744364


GANOO/Murder: slam a bottle of water on the desk before screaming "IT'S TOO LATE THIS IS


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:12:14 No.28744384

>#booflinder: Shoot up a 'rival' educational institution.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:12:15 No.28744385

And then repeat that in spanish


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:12:32 No.28744388

besides if that does not work out then you can always shoot up the school later


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:14:20 No.28744408

this is the best thread ive seen in ages


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:15:08 No.28744419

Singin' in the Rain: loudly play upbeat music throughout the shooting


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:15:37 No.28744424


shoot up the same school 3 times in a school year

remember, no matter how many people you kill, they can only kill you once

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:16:25 No.28744444


>Killer Catfish
Use a fake pic and make profile, use it to step up a date with a bunch of stacies, blow em up
Dress up like Sonichu fail to kill anyone get arrested
Dress up like a black chad and go gangsta on them.
Blare Justin Bieber while capping people.


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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:18:26 No.28744478

>THIS is the face... of Jewish vengeance

Burn down the school hall during an assembly with the doors locked.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:19:20 No.28744486

>>28723484 (OP)
Cant stump the trump: dress up as donald trump while targeting mexicans


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:21:26 No.28744523


Indiana Jones: Shoot up archeology class


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:22:18 No.28744543

File: dr mengele.jpg (125 KB, 634x923)

The Angel of Death: Keep the special ed kids alive longer than everyone else so you can
have your own fun with them.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:22:55 No.28744549

File: carlos.png (45 KB, 168x192)
>archeology class
shouldn't it be Indiana


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:33:50 No.28744732

#1 Fan: say you're doing it for a moderately known musician or actress

Quality over Quantity: get more than five kills with no injuries
6 stars: leave the school and hide out somewhere


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:39:37 No.28744825


A different sort of idea?

Saved by the Bell: Avoid the shooting by skipping class.

Good Bacteria: Avoid the shooting by being sick.
Anne Frank's Diary: Leave a message, but die in the shooting.
Where's Wally?: Successfully hide the duration of the shooting.
You have no chance to survive make your time: Die during the shooting, but without the involvement of
the shooter.

!!JblxqZ0KytB 05/22/16(Sun)19:47:49 No.28744973

Do you Feel Lucky?
>kill with a .44 Magnum


!!JblxqZ0KytB 05/22/16(Sun)19:54:18 No.28745090

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Sieg Heil!
>Play hitler's speeches on the PA

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)19:59:10 No.28745170


Hey Ron, Hey Billy: Briefly speak with the shooter without realising the shooting is taking place.


Mr Skelly !!zd58zs+mYyl 05/22/16(Sun)20:01:01 No.28745202


Detention: kill 3 teachers

Unstoppable: successfully make a barracade
Brute-forcer: force your way into a barracaded classroom
Where there's smoke, there's fire: set of the fire bell and use molotov cocktails in your rampage
Out with a bang: use explosives during your rampage
Check your privilege: kill 3 people with brightly dyed hair
Overkill: bring at least 500 rounds of ammunition
Heroes death: die in a shootout with the police
Ace: have a kill/death ratio of at least 2x your age
Assassin: kill your first victim using a melee weapon
Shakespeare: have a manifesto with at least 10000 words
Professional: Don't miss a shot
Well equipped: bring at least 3 firearms
Gun to a fistfight: shoot someone who tries to muscle you
Artist: shoot only alpha males, teachers and females


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:01:36 No.28745212

IBM & Dehomag: Provide asistance to the shooter, but without being caught.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:06:58 No.28745289

the announcer would be fucking epic
>day of retribution
i would unironically love this
>ficki ficki: rape a student yelling inshallah
a better one for social engineering: force a student to record a video of you together, like a selfie, kill him
with a headshot while you laugh, then post on facebook logged in his account
beta uprising: force girls to have sex with every guy who is under 5'8 or has a dick smaller than 5in or has
cystenic acne
you could have chosen to live: rape than kill every girl that rejected you, record it


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:15:20 No.28745416

>>28723484 (OP)
im voting this thread for edgiest thread. good job lads.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:20:40 No.28745534

Selous Scouts: wear short shorts and use an FAL or L1A1, kill only black students

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/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

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Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:22:12 No.28745559

Just a general one:

Start the Van Up: Get stopped before your rampage begins because you posted in a rampage related
thread on /r9k/
Danger 5 related:
>Laminated Porn!: Masturbate during the shooting.
>Johnny Hitler: Wear a fake hitler moustache during the shooting.
>Cheese und Knives: Stab a teacher in the face multiple times.
>Komm zu mir, Holly: Make your crush join you after the shooting has begun.
>Agent Hitler, FBI: Trick at least one person into thinking you are a police officer.
>Moechten Sie mit mir zum Weihnachtsball?: Have your crush try to stop your rampage.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:31:03 No.28745717

toastan in an epic bread


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:35:59 No.28745809

>Cuckio: force a couple to have sex, watch them and fap and cum during that while singing an ex
tempore rap song, then kill the couple
>Gotta Go Fast: finish in less than 1 minute, bonus points if you wear a blue shirt and red shoes
>Like a Midwinter Storm: play Cotton Eye Joe while shooting
>The Fire Rises: successfully burn at least a part of the building
>Pretty Princess Points: kill attractive girls
>Carlos: make a pun on each kill, the pun should always fit into the context
>Die Fahne hoch: dress up as a Nazi and sing the Horst Vessel lied
>Lemon Party: force three elderly male teachers to perform sexual acts together at gunpoint
>Going Postal: kill someone using a shovel
>Hospital Flip: seriously injure a skateboarder
>Bulletflip: kill a skateboarder using firearms
>Batter Up: kill someone using a baseball bat
>Why so Serious?: dress up as the Joker
>Blue Note: shoot up a music class
>Death Note: shoot up a music class and leave no survivors
nice digits


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)20:43:26 No.28745948

There's a kind of hush:

>Have an member of the opposite sex accompany you on your rampage.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)21:14:03 No.28746531

>shoot only alpha males, teachers and females
Do you mean >shoot alpha teachers >shoot alpha girls
Or do you mean
>shoot alpha males
>shoot all teachers
>shoot all females


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)21:17:25 No.28746595

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

59 di 60

>What have I done?: Regret starting the shooting.

>The point of no return: Even after regretting, continue regardless.
>It was just a prank bro: Prematurely end the shooting after feeling regret.
>I'm Ethan Bradberry: Successfully avoid prosecution after prematurely ending the shooting.

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)21:54:56 No.28747264

Star Finger: kill a kid with one finger


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:03:26 No.28747445

File: anime girl pen face.jpg (16 KB, 351x329)
more like The white
knight falls


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:14:59 No.28747691

Ye Olde Massacre: Only kill with longbows and replica swords

Battle of Waterloo: As a brit, kill all the french exchange students


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:27:57 No.28747981

File: 1410712243608.png (8 KB, 493x402)
>Redistribution of
Wealth: Wield a sickle
I'm fucking over here,


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:31:29 No.28748069

File: Virgin Wars Now.jpg (72 KB, 600x458)

>she was single

Kill your mother before you start
>best for last
last one you kill before yourself is your mother

>last laugh
explosives must go out after your death
have someone, that you haven't recruited, continue your shooting after you die.
>Smug frog
dress in green, you may use a blue tshirt, and make a smug face the whole time
>smug anime girl
cosplay as a anime girl, be smug the whole time, repeat your victims argu- last words before you shoot
be a wizard and kill at least 10 females

Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:34:20 No.28748159

Radical Larry: Katana a normie through a wall

22/05/2016 23.08

/r9k/ - ITT we create achievements for school shootings >a - ROBOT...

60 di 60


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:39:30 No.28748302

Educational: Cut open a Bio prof.


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)22:49:07 No.28748564


>It's All About Meme: Become a meme during or after the shooting
>Smug Feels: Dress in white, completely shave your head except for eyebrows, and make a smug face
all the time, preferably also become fat or muscular
>Superior Life: Go around yawning, wearing a blanket, and calling everyone a schoolcuck or a gradecuck
>Truly Superior Life: Do the Superior Life, but also have a teammate or a friend who does the Smug
Feels and always says "This." after you have spoken (both of you unlock this achievement if you're
>Nomen est omen: Kill at least 60% of all people in the school and go by the name Victor
>Together Forever: Do it with your boyfriend or girlfriend and kill yourselves in the end
>It's A Meme You Dip: Confuse someone by referencing an obscure Internet in-joke
>I'm Disarming You: Rip, cut, shoot, or blow someone's arm off, they must be attacking you (or at least
>From Behind The Grave: Schedule your computer or get someone to release material about or by you
after the shooting
>Too Soon: Make jokes about a recent tragedy while shooting


Anonymous 05/22/16(Sun)23:06:43 No.28749012

You and the other guy also have to be NEET in order to unlock Superior Life and Truly Superior Life.

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