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FOG Computing (EDGE Computing) And Its Applications In Internet Of Things


80 Votes

Last Updated: 14 February 2015

Hits: 21657

Fog computing is a paradigm which extends cloud computing paradigm to the

edge of the network. Terms Edge Computing and Fog Computing are often
used interchangeably. Similar to Cloud, Fog provides data, compute, storage,
and application services to end-users. This enables new breed of applications
and services.

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a new world of information and

communication technologies (ICTs) from anytime, anyplace connectivity for
anyone. All Things in Internet of things or IoT are uniquely addressable and
are connected using standard communication protocols. It will consist of
connections that will multiply and create entirely new dynamic network of
networks. In this, objects or things are made as smart so that they will
become knowledgeable and their properties such as transformation,
interactions will allow them to actively interact in environment.

Cloud computing has become the buzz word during the recent years. But it
largely depends on servers which are available in a remote location, resulting
in slow response time and also scalability issues. Response time and
scalability plays a crucial role in machine to machine communication and
services. The edge computing platform solves the problems by the simple
idea of locating small servers called edges servers in the vicinity of the users

and devices and passing to the servers some of the load of center servers
and/or users devices.

The characteristics of fog computing like mobility, proximity to end-users, low

latency, location awareness, heterogeneity, and due to its support for yielding
better and more real-time applications fog computing platform is considered
as the appropriate platform for Internet of Things applications and services
which include and not restricted to connected vehicles, smart grid and smart

It is estimated that by 2020, there will be 50 billion connected devices. The

data these devices will generate is going to be really huge. The speed with
which data can be collected and processed has to definitely increase. By
using the concepts of fog computing, if the same device can be used for
these kind of processing, data generated can be put to immediate use and
deliver a much better user experience. Thus fog computing is going to play a
big role in internet of things applications.
Fog Computing

Cisco in Jan 2014 unveiled a fog computing platform for internet of things
called IOx. Cisco extended their network device software with a parallel Linux
stack. This enables device makers to create their device interfaces and create
and host applications on the network device.

Issues related to security, privacy and system integrity in the FOG

Environment is definitely a topic for research and has to be explored. With the
emergence of software defined networks and related technologies, the idea
of a software defined edge network is not so far.

This seminar will cover:

A brief introduction to fog computing.

Characteristics of fog computing.

Ecosystem and architecture of fog computing.

Applications of fog computing.
Fog computing providers and consumers.
A brief introduction to Internet of things.
Why fog computing for internet of things.
Fog computing platform for internet of things.
Internet of things applications with fog computing.
Role of real-time data analytics.
Future work of FOG Computing

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