Reflection Paper

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The movie focuses on a man who, ten years after his wife and daughter are

brutally murdered, returns to extract justice from the assistant district

attorney who prosecuted the case against their killers. His vengeance
threatens not only the man who allowed mercy to supersede justice, but also
the system and the city that made it so.A frustrated man decides to take
justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers
free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others
involved in the deal.Ten years later he avenges his family by tampering with
the execution to make it more painful and abducting, torturing, and killing the
criminal who cut a plea.
Clyde's revenge doesn't stop when he's arrested and imprisoned. Even from
behind bars he takes out his anger on everyone involved with the case and
threatens to bring down the entire justice system launches into a tirade
against the judge. The Judge and he gets into a shouting match, about how
the judge was about to set him free because he cited a few legal examples of
why he should be set free. He demonstrates how the legal system will set a
person free just because of some legal technicalities, even when it is clear
and evident that the defendant committed the murders or crimes. The movie
system focuses more on moving on to the next case that upholding justice is
lost.No one cares about what is right or wrong, they only care about the
crossing of the him's and the dotting of the I's. There have been so many
cases in which the defendant has gotten off because of a technicality,
whether it is the police who forgot to read the defendant his or her rights or
because of some red tape type of nonsense.

People always say that justice is slow,but it always comes. What happens if
justice is so slow that one decides to take it in his own hands? When one
loses what he loves the most, the most precious thing in his life, and he
knows who are those who are guilty for that he starts living his life in order to
make revenge. But, sometimes, like in this movie, one can blame the whole
justice system and try to revenge to all people included in it. law abiding
citizen is the movie about a man whose developed sociopathic tendencies
drove him into killing while targeting not only his familys killer but also the
all criminal justice system.
I cant carry this movie, for all scene are about revenging, no one win
because all are draven by their own paths, on other side being rise by an
anger, and other are rise by the corruption of their own knowledge and filled
with wonder who is right and who is wrong. putting themselves that I'ms are
justice and yours is not, simply saing that they themselves are being polluted
and the scene will took to death, dead here, dead there. On this situation
many of people getting frustrated, being manipulated by their anger, wrath,

envy, hatred and being covered by their fears as it refers to an actual or true
story of life of the people that lives in this world even now a times. I can say
on this kind of situation, this kind of man is being covered by fear because
fear can give wrath, envy, and hatred. fear because they cannot revenge by
their own, fear because they cannot forgive, fear because they are not
satisfied of the justice that given to them and it comes to revenging by their
ownselves, on their ownselves, on this matter the justice that they want is no
longer for justice anymore, but it took or became for revenging. revenge is
the most bitter act that comes not from the wisdom nor from knowledge, but
comes from the heart emotionally being covered by darkness for they are
being decieved, they know not what is the right thing to do but as for them as
they can avenge no matter what the impact is, that even they can also
destroy the lives of many, even the civilian people that is not worthy to be

Sometimes or not just sometimes, we must try to realize that if the Love
dominates all, upon all human being and living things, is this world will
suffered death? I mean I'm not just talkig about death literally, but I'm talking
about what the life is in this world, Is it obtain joy or suffered sadness? in
peace or restless? in light or darkness? The Life and death is not comes from
what we see literally, but it comes from the inner part of a man, for no man
knows what is inside the man's mind save himself, but what if joy, peace, and
light is upon all the man's heart and mind, is their any sadness, or any
restless, or any darkness? this was i mean of, that if our lives in this world are
filled with sadness, restless, and darkness our lives likewise considered dead.
I'm not talking about a religious fantasies for religion cannot save us from
turmoil, I'm talking about what our faith is. For in our knowledge all we can
say is; I want to do good but all I made is evil, see! even ourselves judge our
own. Why we are not trying to move forward, I mean move in right way? It is
useless to be in our own thoughts because " I cannot do this and i cannot do
that" is always what we say. Many of us abided on law but law sometimes can
cause us to be tempted that can cause us too to struggle, but I'm not saying
that law is wrong, but as for me law exist that we might know that we do
wrong, but what shall I say therefore? If a man abided in law, is he abided
because he is faithfull in law or bacause by just using a law that he might
obtain riches and glory? If a man abide not in law but the world confronted
with and sorrounded with law, can himself confounded to abide in law
faithfully even he chokes by the law because he is poor and needy or he urge
himself to steal even he rejected the law that is ordained by this world? May
that man abided in law be faithful in law and a man that is abide not the law
respect the law that is ordained in this world as he respect and faithfull to
himself. May any man render not evil for evil; but ever follow which is good,

both among ourselves, and to all man. And what damnation is it, if we cannot
do law? is their no law that any man cannot forbear called law of faith that is
to be faithfull to do good and not for evil? For when a man which have not the
law, but do by nature the things contained in the law, these , having not the
law, are a law unto themselves, which shew the work of the law written in
their heart, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thought the
mean while accusing or else excusing one another.

Even I, as the matter of this movie, it is not easy to forget the bitter past, but
the most effective thing for us to do to live in peace is to forget and to
forgive, yes it may not easy to forget, but if we help ourselves to step forward
and not to look backward their will be a day that we might obtain joy, and
peace, and Love. but if we continually look toward our worst moment to have
bitterness, hatred, and wrath or boost with anger, likewise we will be like
them a murderer, for we are wanting not for justice but for revenge as what I
have said before.

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