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Re: A Challenge of convergence that is before us…An updated proposal and appeal.

Dear All, 24rd May 2010

Jai Insaan, Jai Hind and Jai Jagath.

Since the date first I saw the news and visuals of Operation Green Hunt on the TV,
as a freelance Social Worker I am pursuing the issue for raising the third and real
voice of Indian Citizens, which is Ahimsa path. We need to make this inclusive.

I made approach to all the ‘NGOs’, whom I know all these years- especially those
already involved in providing much needed humane needs to the Elderly and
Children among the Internally displaced Gotti Koyas from Chhattisgarh, now living
in Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh.

Everyone is busy with their work and probably time was not ripe for convergence,
the response was poor. Remembering what I learnt in the early years of what
Ravindranath Tagore said “ekle Chalo- others will join”- Go it alone if needed,
others will join, I started a solo motor cycle Yatra and starting from Chatti home
village in Chinthur Mandal of Khammam District, I started on the 1st March 2010
and ended at Chatti on the 20th April 2010 at Chatti- covering nook and corners in
Andhra Pradesh, Odisa and Dantewada in Chhattisgarh.

I must thank Sri. Lavanam Ji for inviting me to the Annual meeting of Sarva Seva
Dal held at Sevagram on the 12th and 13th April to discuss the issue. It was decided
here to organise a Shanti Yatra between Chatti and Dantewada/Jagadalpur/ or
Raipur- the focus being to lean first hand the facts of violence by both the Maoists
and the Government in the area. It was also planned here that eventually in
continuation, a team of Gandhians and Senior Citizens should hold talks with the
Maoists that can be in turn discussed with the Government.

We had the planning meeting of this Shanthi at Chatti on the 20th April 2010.
Subsequently, even before finalizing the Yatra, with the help of our common
Gandhian friend Sri.G.Narayana, we got invited to join Chhattisgarh Peace and
Justice Yatra from Sri. Banwarilal and Sri.Kuldip Nair on behalf of Azhadi Bhachao

It was a successful Yatra on bus and cars from Raipur to Dantewada and our crucial
learning was that Government, the ruling Political Parties and corporate having
business interest in the area are also not keen on dialogue and they tried to
disturb our Yatra through organised cadre of their political parties. The middle level
corporate executives were in disguise participating in our meetings. In this Yatra,
it was strongly desired that some few in the field should take the grass
root responsibilities on the shoulder, while the Senior Gandhians and
Citizens should proactively participate in the future continuing process. As
a senior Citizen living in the area for over 39 years and now freelance
Social Workers, I offered my services as my future life agenda and in
search of few more to join in the field.

Shaill Didi, who offered full cooperation to Sarva Seva Sangh in the field, has
temporarily backed out from the front line after seeing the protest against Peace at
Raipur, Jagadalpur and Dantewada during our Chhattisgarh Peace and Justice

Subsequently, I am actively in touch with Sri.Banwarilal, Dr. Baranth, Sri.Lavanam

and Swamy Agnivesh. On the 23rd May 2010, I had detailed discussions Lavanam Ji
and Young activist Hippu at Nasthika Kendram at Vijayawada. Swamy Agnivesh is
repeatedly expressing his keen desire to talk to Maoists so tha he liaison with
government on the next step towards Armistice or ceasefire between the two

The outcome of all interactions and actions are being updated, improved, summed
up that is being hereby shared for your feed back and mutual
participation/cooperation at your level and convenience.

It must be reminded the piecemeal and ad hoc approach is not desirable

and we need a broad and flexible framework as road map to negotiate.

1. A convergence Mechanism at National level neede:

At the outset, we are very happy and positive that all are now getting
involved in the issue as the third Neutral party representing the Citizens of
India, with Ahimsa views as non negotiable. This should be reinforced and
desired enduring mechanism should be evolved.

Such mechanism under the umbrella of Sarva Seva Sangh and elderly
Gandhians with impeccable credibility will be a strategic value. Their
balanced guidance is the need of the hour, since they can negotiate both the

2. Our Approach:

Our Approach as People on India is one of that we treat both Maoists and the
Government as our friends. We are worried that both are following the path
of violence. Violence is violence that needs to be condemned. We need both
the Government as State to govern and Maoists as friends with concern for
the poor.

The Government and our doubt: We believe that the Government is

working in the interest of the People of India, towards their welfare and
taking their side. But, a grave doubt is arising in our minds if in reality the
Government is working in the interest of Corporate, especially of foreign
origin. The main reason for this doubt is the all pervading corruption in the
Politicians and burocrats.

Government must prove that her side is with the people. To prove this it
must spell out decisive measures to eradicate corruption without throwing
the blame on the courts.

The Maoists and our doubt: Violence should be the last resort that even
Gandhi agreed. But the Maoists are starting with violence to get justice. For
violence you need plenty of money that you need to collect from the very
contractor. You do not seem to say anything or hurt such contractors. We the
People of India are getting a strong doubt in our minds that you will not do
anything to the contractors who contribute money to you, even if they

Maoists also have a responsibility to correct the Democracy that all of us

believe. Towards this they must give up violence and they will not need so
much of funds from the contractors.

3. An open letter subscribed by as many elders needed: We need to draft,

circulate, get subscribed and release for wide publicity an open letter as
already being planned by Sarva Seva Sangh.

4. Armistice or Ceasefire brokered and enforced by Ahimsa Dal: The

reality is good that government is willing to accept a cease fire and start talk
process. We should take advantage of this position and do not allow it to slip
which may lead to (mis)- adventure initiatives by both the government and
Maoists. This will cause huge casualties of vulnerable Adivasis. Can us as
Citizens broker and pre-empt by declaring Armistice and even monitor by
unique “Ahimsa Dal” without weapons.

5. Grass Root level core team:

Himans and others: We understand and it is true that the years of

Gandhian work done by Himans at Dantewada is misprojected as Maoists
tiled and there is fear of is getting arrested, if he come to this area. Swamy
Agnivesh and others must immediately work out with Home Ministry that
such arrest is withdrawn. He is needed as one with grass root experience to
come back and join us in the core team.

Others in the area: Persons like Gandhi Babu are doing wonderful job in
providing humanitarian assistance to those who have fled Dantewada as
Internally Displaced Persons- IDPs and are now living in Andhra Pradesh
There are many others interested and are activists lobbying for informed
participation of Adivasis in mega development projects like mining and Big
Dam in the area. They also must join to form the core in the Ahimsa Dal.

Sarva Seva Sangh and Azhadi Bhachao Andholan are requested to

address all the friends to join for collective action, while we will also keep
proactive local consultation.

6. Regular Ahimsa Dal camps:

While Government was active engaging CRPF camps to maintain Peace,

throughout the World we had Peace Keeping forces provided with weapons,
can we in India show an ideal constructive model of Ahimsa camps, where
we maintain Peace- the Armistice or ceasefire by active persuasion and
passive control, willing to be killed but not kill any one. In the meantime, we
also engage our dal in empowering local Adivasis as informed Citizens.

In the given field reality, the recruitment to both the earlier Salwa Jhudum
now christened Special Police Officers (SPOs) and recently the recruitment
drive to CRPF gives a wrong impression of government creating the divide
between the local Adivasis because in both these forces only Koya
communities have come forward to join. It will be dangerous, if the Koyas,
Gotti Koyas and Gondwana people are divided as opposite groups.

In Ahimsa Dal, we should take are to include all these groups of Adivasis in
the larger interest of National Integrity.

We should have these camps in all the four states of Andhra Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Odisa and Maharashtra. But, shall we begin with camps at
Chatti in Khammam and Gudem at G.K.Veedhi Mandal.

Many Voluntary Organisations have their base at Vara Ramachandrapuram

(ASDS), Koraput, Rayagada, Danteewada and Jagadalpur. We can start such
camps in all such places gradually, but very soon.

Duration: The Ahimsa Dals shall exist, may be for couple of years, when
finally the Maoists and Government completely establish Peace and
Tranquility in the area and Maoists give up the gun totally as common

Constitution of the Ahimsa Dal: Gandhi dreamt of the Second

Independence of the Poor and Rural Communities of India. JP gave a
Democratic Revolutionary touch with similar motives but focusing up on
eradication of corruption that is obstructing the change. Now is the time to
take these forward in a sustained enduring manner and let us- especially the
Senior Gandhians focus to Dandakaranya threat as a challenge and give

We need a core of them to literally get settled in the area and others keep
floating with consistency. We shall have similar teams of concerned citizens
from the Youth all over India joining in the mission along with members
drawn from the local Adivasi communities.

Infrastructure and Resources: The local Voluntary Organisations shall

provide infrastructure but the maintenance shall be essentially mobilised
from the local communities and Individual Citizens of India. This
should be a non negotiable maxim and code of conduct.

Activities: The main activity of the Dal is to maintain the Armistice by

consistent propagation, while if at all any killing by either Maoists or the
Government, they shall even risk their life to fully investigate such violation
and give publicity to the ground facts.

During Peace time, they shall conduct regular meetings of Adivasis and
ensure developing empowered informed citizens among them.

Literature on Peace, Gandhian and other thoughts are widely distributed at

nominal cost. We organise regular workshops and seminars in the
surrounding communities.

7. Talks and Dialogue between Maoists and the Government-


We need people with impeccable integrity and neutrality. Persons like

Lavanam who had already offered and others who are not seen with either
parties should be carefully chosen with the consent of both the Maoists and
the Government.

8. Basis of the Talk and Dialogue: It is a solemn commitment of the Indian

State that the State Tribal Policy is not to make any Tribal Policy. The mother
of Schedule V and VI, the special powers of the President and Governors,
formation of TAC- Tribal Advisory Committee are acts made by British Raj in
1917, then in 1935 and finally policy of Panch Sheal propounded by Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru to remove the apprehensions of Adivasis that they will be
colonized by non Adivasis. The Adivasis are brought into as integral part of
India with these promises.

The reality is that the present rulers have totally broken these
promises and the spirits of the provisions in the Indian Constitution
are diverted misleading the Democratic Peace loving Indian

9. Tentative Agenda for such talks:

9.1. Power: Maoists want to gain the power on behalf of the poor and they
believe that it is possible only though guns. Government has no
objection if anyone gains power but only through ballot. The common
point between is Maoists gaining power. Difference is Ballots and

Electoral System: The difference can be overcome, if the election

system is changed drawing from the recent one in Nepal and those
from South Africa, Germany and others. In the present system of
winning by simple majority, even persons getting small percentage of
vote can get power. Ironically, those who get majority of votes do not
get representation. As a Democratic Political parties are essential.

We could appropriately opt for proportional representation, with list of

nominees already given by the parties. This could be pure wherein
only parties are represented or mixed one with combination of both
individuals and parties getting majority getting into the legislation.

Maoists will get substantially represented in the Parliament. Maoists

have support not only from Dandakaranya but many in the cities who
have lost their faith in this system. Many are either not voting or
voting with no choice and anguish that their vote is not heard to the
desired level, if their candidate does not win- therefore a waste.

Governance: In the next step, even Governance can be change.

Not only Violence in Maoism, but it will resolve many other

issues like non voting, election cost, High Commandism-
looking to high command without internal Democracy in the
political partie etc.

9.2. Development- Mining and Big Dams: The need out carve out for
development Dandakaranya Zone carved out of Maharashtra,
Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Odisa and orm An Autonomous
Development Council managed by only Adivasi Elected Representatives
in the area. Any mining activity that has not commenced should be
reviewed and decided by this council.
Dandakaranya Mineral Development Corporation should be
formed to plan the mining activities and the ongoing activities should
be handed over to this corporation.

Big Dams: No big Dam should be constructed that submerges

Adivasis and without the consent of the Autonomous Council. The
ongoing Dams, the challenge should be thrown to the Engineers to
redesign them without submergence of Adivasis and with compromises
provide water o the plains. Producing Hydro Electric power by
submergence of Adivasis should be banned.

9.3. Human Development in Dandakaranya: This is more the

responsibility of the Maoists, Gandhians, social activists, Voluntary
Organisations and others. But, the Government in spite of being
influenced by globalization should give sufficient space for this activity.

Political: All the Political parties should abide by the spirit of the
Constitutional Genesis and constitute autonomous Adivasi Wings in
their Structure. In the interest of National Integrity, at least these
wings should not be commandeered by High Commands from outside.
The overall party can only influence but allow internal democracy to
play the role in taking decisions.

Ideally, we need to facilitate an exclusive Political party formed by

Adivasis in Danakaranya area. Maoists and activists should actively
participate in the process.

Morality and Spirituality Vs Science/Technology Development:

The spirituality does not necessarily mean belief in God. Even Atheist
is and can be spiritual. Right to Development as Human Right and with
equity must be explored.

Even Pope has lately agreed that Science and Technology are not
against spirituality. They need to influence each other so that
Development is capped to provide for equity and balance with nature.

The Traditional High Self Esteem: It is really in danger. By a

process of unseen design of soul murder, Adivasis are made to look
down up on themselves. Interestingly, even Hinduism that gave huge
freedom and space to various other religions like Buddhism are
brahminising the Adivasi traditions while Christians and Muslin are
blundering by whole sale conversion.

There is practically no Adivasi in Andhra University with doctorate in

Religions, Anthropology, Sociology, Environmental sciences, ethnology
and Psychology. Of course, there are no professional worth the
number from among Adivasis to handle. The height of the present
tragedy is that there are no worthwhile Adivasi headed Voluntary
Organisations and Civil Society that can speak for and work with the

We need universities, colleges and real Gurukulams established

in Dandakaranya towards the Human Development in the area
to take up positions in the development Council.

10.Conclusion: The above are only tentative home work and fervent
conclusions of our initiatives since September/October 2009 that are being
shared in a nut shell, updating all our earlier communications. Feed back and
alternate forward looking suggestions are welcome.

With High Regards,


People’s Peace and Prosperity Mission,

Chatti Post, Chinthur Mandalam, Khammam District, A. P. Pin: 507 129.


Gudem Post, G.K.Veedhi Mandal, Visakha District, A.P. Pin Code: 531 133.


Mobile: 9490109328.

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