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Explore your alumni near you

Elevator pitch
Why this App All Alumni under one roof.
Current social network apps is based on the user building their own network. On the other hand, apps
like meetup just pulls up unrelated people together based on location. XYZ will build your network
intelligently based on profile(educational history) and adds a location based flavor for converting virtual
meetups to physical world meetups.
Why not this App Limited only to alumni and there are social apps like facebook which can be used for
Motivation for this App - We wanted an app which would foster a shift from virtual to real world

1. Default view of the application: The following would be the icons/tabs (UX
Profile Launch Icon
Network View
o Animated people thumbnails
o Filter option [slide out]
o Schedule event
o My upcoming events
o Event details view
o Events alert
Other Logins
o College View

2. Registration via LinkedIn:

Register option can be selected or if user is already registered he can use the option to Login
(exception is the 3 month refresh, see below)
Register option selected Login using LinkedIn and create password for our app
The following options would be selected from LinkedIn or we need to force the user to enter so
that user can proceed
o Collect the School/College Info (Screen should capture more than 2 entries at least)
School /College Name :
Specialization :

Year of Pass out :

o Apptag Info Page :
This page should show the apptags of interests from Linkedin and ability to add
and remove apptags.
For mentor or mente view these hashtags would be used to calculate ranking in
the network view.
Mentor Checkbox Do you want to be a mentor? If you, show a text box for tutortags (this is
different from apptags)
Mentee Checkbox Do you want to be a mentee? If you, show a text box for tutortags (this is
different from apptags)
Collect the work history from LinkedIn : We would force a three months refresh from LinkedIn

3. Network View:
This view is to show all the faces of people who are connected (either via alumni or apptag or
tutortag) to the user. This system has no connection requests or friend list or groups, users are
connected automatically based on the school/universities or app/tutortags. Top faces most
relevant to your profile and bottom ones least relevant. List of people wall of all the alumni
friends, interest friends based on an algorithm that factors in distance, alumni, tags and also
recent contacts.
The face would also have badge. There are two kinds of badges and the number of badges in a
face can be zero to a max of two.
The badges are
o Connect badge : No of meetings owned/participated.
o Mentor/Mentee badge
Mentor/Mentee badge: The face would also have a badge for those who have chosen either
mentor or mentee while registration. Mentor would have a green color and Mentee would have
a blue color (color/design upto to UX designer)
The badge would also have a number which is the number of sessions conducted or attended.
Filter option based on logged in user alumni/tag:
o This would allow us to narrow down the faces shown in the network view. When a filter
icon is selected , a fly out should pop in showing the following options :
School/College/Specialization/Year (Three level tree)
App/tutortags (single selection list)
o Educational selector would be a tree based structure. There should be one or more
trees (one each for each for educational degrees)
o There would also be tag selectors which would allow the user to select one of his
Clicking on a face in this view A fly out to show different options like View Profile, Schedule an

4. Profile View:
The profile view would look different based on who is accessing the page
Self Profile View - Profile/Setting of the logged in user. This view will have an edit option
Visiting Profile View - We can reach this profile view from network view. (Refer n/w view)

Visiting Profile View should show the following

o The profile would have one more badges in bigger font from what was displayed in the
network view.
o Icon to take the user to the Schedule View (Refer Schedule View)
o Basic Profile details
School / College
Year and Specialization
Apptag and tutortags
Except Name all others on the list above should show some numbers which will
be number of people with those interest in the system. Clicking on that will take
the view to network view of people faces. This network view should have a
difference than the general network view. This is basically the network view
with the filters selected for that type

5. Schedule View (from call out / fly out from network view or profile view)
Type of event icon which can be alumni or apptag (not tutortag) or mentorship.
This would contain a tree similar to the network view filter based on the type of event chosen
For mentorship view we would have a text box for dollar value and a radio button to select if the
user is a mentor or a mentee. If the user is a mentee this would imply the maximum amount he
is willing to invest.
Event Name Mandatory Text Box only
Schedule information
Open/Closed Open would sent out invite to everyones notification tab based on our
algorithm. Closed event would only sent to the invitees Scheduled Events View and that user
would also get a pop up notification.
Add people If the user directly accesses this screen instead of navigating from network view
then the app would give an option to add users irrespective of open or closed event. This will
take the user to the network view.
Optional message for the event.

6. My upcoming events:
List all the upcoming scheduled events or planned events of the logged in user.
Every event should show ->
o Face of the Meeting Owner
o Event Name
o Location
o Date
o May be agenda/notes with smaller text
#4Event Options Three types of categorization 1. Closed Events Accept/Reject/Report Spam buttons
2. Open Event - Accept/Reject/Add/Report Spam button

3. Host of Event - Add/Cancel/Modify

On click of any event list should navigate to Event View
Few scenarios
If the mentee schedules an event with multiple people or as an open event. The Accept button
would be displayed as Accept as Mentor for all the mentors but once the first person accepts
this all the other mentors and mentees would have a Accept as Mentee button.

7. Event Details View:

It will be similar to Schedule view but would be read only since this is the viewer and not the
creator. This would have all the buttons mentioned in My Upcoming Events
Tap to end event All the participants of the event would have to tap the phone with any other
person in the meetup/mentorship to validate that the event took place.
A notification at the start of the event, during the event and at the end of the event would take
the user to the Event Details View so that the user can tap to validate event.

8. Event Alert:
There would be alerts when a directed event notification is send the user.

9. College View:
Registration this is not applicable. We provide them with login information depending on
premium or regular user
In the Network View section the tree would be two. One based on the college subgroups and
the other based on employment.
In the Schedule Event View section the college admin would have Type of event icon as
alumni or fund raiser.
My upcoming events section would have only that particular college events.

10. Gamification:
NX Points This would allow the user to get premium membership or in app purchases.
NX Points can be received in the following ways
Referral points This would only happen when the invited user has registered and had a
first meetup
Meeting up points When the user taps to validate an event has taken place
Mentor points
Mentee points

11. Stickiness
Opportunity to meet new people in the real world

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