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Veritas Storage Foundation

UMI error messages for


Chapter 1 VxVM diagnostic messages

About error messages ..................................................................... 5
How error messages are logged ......................................................... 5
Configuring logging in the startup script ...................................... 6
Types of message ........................................................................... 7
Messages ................................................................................ 9

Chapter 2 VxFS diagnostic messages

File system response to problems .................................................... 57
Recovering a disabled file system .............................................. 58
About kernel messages .................................................................. 58
About global message IDs ........................................................ 58
Kernel messages .......................................................................... 59
About unique message identifiers .................................................. 102
Unique message identifiers .......................................................... 102
4 Contents
Chapter 1
VxVM diagnostic messages
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About error messages

■ How error messages are logged

■ Types of message

About error messages

Informational, failure, and other error messages may be displayed on the console
by the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) configuration daemon (vxconfigd), the
VxVM kernel driver, vxio, and the various VxVM commands. These messages
may indicate errors that are infrequently encountered and difficult to troubleshoot.

Note: Some error messages described here may not apply to your system.

You may find it useful to consult the VxVM command and transaction logs to
understand the context in which an error occurred.

How error messages are logged

VxVM provides the option of logging debug messages to a file. This logging is
useful in that any messages output just before a system crash will be available in
the log file (presuming that the crash does not result in file system corruption).
If enabled, the default debug log file is /var/vxvm/vxconfigd.log.
vxconfigd also supports the use of syslog to log all of its regular console messages.
When this is enabled, all console output is directed through the syslog interface.
6 VxVM diagnostic messages
How error messages are logged

syslog and log file logging can be used together to provide reliable logging to a
private log file, along with distributed logging through syslogd.

Note: syslog logging is enabled by default. Debug message logging is disabled by


If syslog output is enabled, messages with a priority higher than Debug are written
to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.
To enable logging of debug output to the default debug log file,
/var/vxvm/vxconfigd.log, edit the startup script for vxconfigd.

See “Configuring logging in the startup script” on page 6.

Alternatively, you can use the following command to change the debug level:

# vxdctl debug level [pathname]

There are 10 possible levels of debug logging with the values 0 through 9. Level
1 provides the least detail, and 9 the most. Level 0 turns off logging. If a path name
is specified, this file is used to record the debug output instead of the default debug
log file. If the vxdctl debug command is used, the new debug logging level and
debug log file remain in effect until the VxVM configuration daemon, vxconfigd,
is next restarted.
See the vxdctl(1M) manual page.
See the vxconfigd(1M) manual page.

Configuring logging in the startup script

To enable log file or syslog logging on a permanent basis, you can edit the
/lib/svc/method/vxvm-sysboot (in Solaris 10) or /etc/init.d/vxvm-sysboot
(in previous releases of the Solaris OS) script that starts the VxVM configuration
daemon, vxconfigd.
VxVM diagnostic messages 7
Types of message

To configure logging in the startup script

1 Comment-out or uncomment any of the following lines to enable or disable
the corresponding feature in vxconfigd:

opts="$opts -x syslog"
# use syslog for console messages
#opts="$opts -x log"
# messages to vxconfigd.log
#opts="$opts -x logfile=/foo/bar" # specify an alternate log file
#opts="$opts -x timestamp"
# timestamp console messages

# To turn on debugging console output, uncomment the following line.

# The debug level can be set higher for more output. The highest
# debug level is 9.

# enable debugging console output

The opts="$opts -x syslog” string is usually uncommented so that

vxconfigd uses syslog logging by default. Inserting a # character at the
beginning of the line turns off syslog logging for vxconfigd.
If you do not specify a debug level, only Error, Fatal Error, Warning, and
Notice messages are logged. Debug messages are not logged.
By default, vxconfigd is started at boot time with the -x syslog option. This
redirects vxconfigd console messages to syslog. If you want to retain this
behavior when restarting vxconfigd from the command line, include the -x
syslog argument, as restarting vxconfigd does not preserve the option
settings with which it was previously running. Similarly, any Veritas Volume
Manager operations that require vxconfigd to be restarted may not retain
the behavior that was previously specified by option settings.
2 After making changes to the way vxconfigd is invoked in the startup file,
run the following command on a Solaris 10 system to notify that the service
configuration has been changed:

# svcadm refresh vxvm/vxvm-sysboot

Types of message
VxVM is fault-tolerant and resolves most problems without system administrator
intervention. If the configuration daemon, vxconfigd, recognizes the actions that
8 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

are necessary, it queues up the transactions that are required. VxVM provides
atomic changes of system configurations; either a transaction completes fully, or
the system is left in the same state as though the transaction was never attempted.
If vxconfigd is unable to recognize and fix system problems, the system
administrator needs to handle the task of problem solving using the diagnostic
messages that are returned from the software. The following sections describe
error message numbers and the types of error message that may be seen, and
provide a list of the more common errors, a detailed description of the likely cause
of the problem together with suggestions for any actions that can be taken.
Messages have the following generic format:

product component severity message_number message_text

For Veritas Volume Manager, the product is set to VxVM. The component can be
the name of a kernel module or driver such as vxdmp, a configuration daemon
such as vxconfigd, or a command such as vxassist.

Note: For full information about saving system crash information, see the Solaris
System Administation Guide.

Messages are divided into the following types of severity in decreasing order of
impact on the system:

PANIC A panic is a severe event as it halts a system during its normal

operation. A panic message from the kernel module or from
a device driver indicates a hardware problem or software
inconsistency so severe that the system cannot continue. The
operating system may also provide a dump of the CPU register
contents and a stack trace to aid in identifying the cause of
the panic. The following is an example of such a message:

VxVM vxio PANIC V-5-0-239 Object association

depth overflow

FATAL ERROR A fatal error message from a configuration daemon, such as

vxconfigd, indicates a severe problem with the operation
of VxVM that prevents it from running. The following is an
example of such a message:

VxVM vxconfigd FATAL ERROR V-5-0-591 Disk group

bootdg: Inconsistency -- Not loaded into kernel
VxVM diagnostic messages 9
Types of message

ERROR An error message from a command indicates that the

requested operation cannot be performed correctly. The
following is an example of such a message:

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-5150 Insufficient

number of active snapshot mirrors in
snapshot_volume .

WARNING A warning message from the kernel indicates that a

non-critical operation has failed, possibly because some
resource is not available or the operation is not possible. The
following is an example of such a message:

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-55 Cannot find device

number for boot_path

NOTICE A notice message indicates that an error has occurred that

should be monitored. Shutting down the system is
unnecessary, although you may need to take action to remedy
the fault at a later date. The following is an example of such
a message:

VxVM vxio NOTICE V-5-0-252 read error on object

subdisk of mirror plex in volume volume (start
offset, length length) corrected.

INFO An informational message does not indicate an error, and

requires no action.

The unique message number consists of an alpha-numeric string that begins with
the letter “V”. For example, in the message number, V-5-1-3141, “V” indicates
that this is a Veritas product error message, the first numeric field (5) encodes
the product (in this case, VxVM), the second field (1) represents information about
the product component, and the third field (3141) is the message index. The text
of the error message follows the message number.

This section contains a list of messages that you may encounter during the
operation of Veritas Volume Manager. However, the list is not exhaustive and the
second field may contain the name of different command, driver or module from
that shown here.
Descriptions are included to elaborate on the situation or problem that generated
a particular message. Wherever possible, a recovery procedure is provided to help
you to locate and correct the problem.
10 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

If you encounter a product error message, record the unique message number
preceding the text of the message. When contacting Veritas Technical Support,
either by telephone or by visiting the Veritas Technical Support website, be sure
to provide the relevant message number. Veritas Technical Support will use this
message number to quickly determine if there are TechNotes or other information
available for you.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-2 object_type object_name block
offset:Uncorrectable read error ...
VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-2 object_type object_name block
offset:Uncorrectable write error ...

A read or write operation from or to the specified Veritas Volume Manager object
failed. An error is returned to the application.
These errors may represent lost data. Data may need to be restored and failed
media may need to be repaired or replaced. Depending on the type of object failing
and on the type of recovery suggested for the object type, an appropriate recovery
operation may be necessary.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-4 Plex plex detached from volume volume

An uncorrectable error was detected by the mirroring code and a mirror copy was
To restore redundancy, it may be necessary to add another mirror. The disk on
which the failure occurred should be reformatted or replaced.
This message may also appear during a plex detach operation in a cluster. In this
case, no action is required.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-34 added disk array disk_array_serial_number

A new disk array has been added to the host.

No recovery procedure is required.
VxVM diagnostic messages 11
Types of message

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-35 Attempt to disable controller controller_name
failed. Rootdisk has just one enabled path.

An attempt is being made to disable the one remaining active path to the root disk
The path cannot be disabled.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-55 Cannot find device number for boot_path
vxvm vxdmp WARNING V-5-0-55 Cannot find device number for boot_path

The boot path retrieved from the system PROMs cannot be converted to a valid
device number.
Check your PROM settings for the correct boot string. If a target driver, such as
an ATF, coexists with VxVM, and the target driver claims the boot disk, the message
may be ignored if the device path corresponds to the boot disk.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-64 cannot log commit record for Diskgroup
bootdg: error 28

This message usually means that multipathing is misconfigured.

See “V-5-1-5929” on page 53.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-106 detaching RAID-5 volume

Either a double-failure condition in the RAID-5 volume has been detected in the
kernel or some other fatal error is preventing further use of the array.
If two or more disks have been lost due to a controller or power failure, use the
vxrecover utility to recover them once they have been re-attached to the system.
Check for other console error messages that may provide additional information
about the failure.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-108 Device major, minor: Received spurious close
12 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

A close was received for an object that was not open. This can only happen if the
operating system is not correctly tracking opens and closes.
No action is necessary; the system will continue.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-110 disabled controller controller_name connected
to disk array disk_array_serial_number

All paths through the controller connected to the disk array are disabled. This
usually happens if a controller is disabled for maintenance.
No recovery procedure is required.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-111 disabled dmpnode dmpnode_device_number

A DMP node has been marked disabled in the DMP database. It will no longer be
accessible for further IO requests. This occurs when all paths controlled by a DMP
node are in the disabled state, and therefore inaccessible.
Check hardware or enable the appropriate controllers to enable at least one path
under this DMP node.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-112 disabled path path_device_number belonging to
dmpnode dmpnode_device_number

A path has been marked disabled in the DMP database. This path is controlled by
the DMP node indicated by the specified device number. This may be due to a
hardware failure.
Check the underlying hardware if you want to recover the desired path.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-144 Double failure condition detected on RAID-5

I/O errors have been received in more than one column of a RAID-5 volume.
The error can be caused by one of the following problems:
■ a controller failure making more than a single drive unavailable
VxVM diagnostic messages 13
Types of message

■ the loss of a second drive while running in degraded mode

■ two separate disk drives failing simultaneously (unlikely)
Correct the hardware failures if possible. Then recover the volume using the
vxrecover command.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-145 DRL volume volume is detached

A Dirty Region Logging volume became detached because a DRL log entry could
not be written. If this is due to a media failure, other errors may have been logged
to the console.
The volume containing the DRL log continues in operation. If the system fails
before the DRL has been repaired, a full recovery of the volume’s contents may
be necessary and will be performed automatically when the system is restarted.
To recover from this error, use the vxassist addlog command to add a new DRL
log to the volume.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-146 enabled controller controller_name connected
to disk array disk_array_serial_number

All paths through the controller connected to the disk array are enabled. This
usually happens if a controller is enabled after maintenance.
No recovery procedure is required.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-147 enabled dmpnode dmpnode_device_number

A DMP node has been marked enabled in the DMP database. This happens when
at least one path controlled by the DMP node has been enabled.
No recovery procedure is required.

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-148 enabled path path_device_number belonging
to dmpnode dmpnode_device_number

A path has been marked enabled in the DMP database. This path is controlled by
the DMP node indicated by the specified device number. This happens if a
14 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

previously disabled path has been repaired, the user has reconfigured the DMP
database using the vxdctl(1M) command, or the DMP database has been
reconfigured automatically.
No recovery procedure is required.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-164 Failed to join cluster name, aborting

A node failed to join a cluster. This may be caused by the node being unable to see
all the shared disks. Other error messages may provide more information about
the disks that cannot be found.
Use the vxdisk -s list command on the master node to see what disks should
be visible to the slave node. Then check that the operating system and VxVM on
the failed node can also see these disks. If the operating system cannot see the
disks, check the cabling and hardware configuration of the node. If only VxVM
cannot see the disks, use the vxdctl enable command to make it scan again for
the disks. When the disks are visible to VxVM on the node, retry the join.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-166 Failed to log the detach of the DRL volume

An attempt failed to write a kernel log entry indicating the loss of a DRL volume.
The attempted write to the log failed either because the kernel log is full, or because
of a write error to the drive. The volume becomes detached.
Messages about log failures are usually fatal, unless the problem is transient.
However, the kernel log is sufficiently redundant that such errors are unlikely to
If the problem is not transient (that is, the drive cannot be fixed and brought back
online without data loss), recreate the disk group from scratch and restore all of
its volumes from backups. Even if the problem is transient, reboot the system
after correcting the problem.
If error messages are seen from the disk driver, it is likely that the last copy of
the log failed due to a disk error. Replace the failed drive in the disk group. The
log re-initializes on the new drive. Finally force the failed volume into an active
state and recover the data.
VxVM diagnostic messages 15
Types of message

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-168 Failure in RAID-5 logging operation

Indicates that a RAID-5 log has failed.

To restore RAID-5 logging to a RAID-5 volume, create a new log plex and attach
it to the volume.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-181 Illegal vminor encountered

An attempt was made to open a volume device (other than the root volume device)
before vxconfigd loaded the volume configuration.
No recovery procedure is required. Under normal startup conditions, this message
should not occur. If necessary, start VxVM and re-attempt the operation.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-194 Kernel log full: volume detached

A plex detach failed because the kernel log was full. As a result, the mirrored
volume will become detached.
This condition is unlikely to occur. The only corrective action is to reboot the

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-196 Kernel log update failed: volume detached

Detaching a plex failed because the kernel log could not be flushed to disk. As a
result, the mirrored volume became detached. This may be caused by all the disks
containing a kernel log going bad.
Repair or replace the failed disks so that kernel logging can once again function.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-207 log object object_name detached from RAID-5

This message indicates that a RAID-5 log has failed.

To restore RAID-5 logging to a RAID-5 volume, create a new log plex and attach
it to the volume.
16 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-216 mod_install returned errno

A call made to the operating system mod_install function to load the vxio driver
Check for additional console messages that may explain why the load failed. Also
check the console messages log file for any additional messages that were logged
but not displayed on the console.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-237 object subdisk detached from RAID-5 volume at
column column offset offset

A subdisk was detached from a RAID-5 volume because of the failure of a disk or
an uncorrectable error occurring on that disk.
Check for other console error messages indicating the cause of the failure. Replace
a failed disk as soon as possible.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-243 Overlapping mirror plex detached from volume

An error has occurred on the last complete plex in a mirrored volume. Any sparse
mirrors that map the failing region are detached so that they cannot be accessed
to satisfy that failed region inconsistently.
The message indicates that some data in the failing region may no longer be stored

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-244 Path failure on major/minor

A path under the control of the DMP driver failed. The device major and minor
numbers of the failed device is supplied in the message.
No recovery procedure is required.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-249 RAID-5 volume entering degraded mode operation
VxVM diagnostic messages 17
Types of message

An uncorrectable error has forced a subdisk to detach. At this point, not all data
disks exist to provide the data upon request. Instead, parity regions are used to
regenerate the data for each stripe in the array. Consequently, access takes longer
and involves reading from all drives in the stripe.
Check for other console error messages that indicate the cause of the failure.
Replace any failed disks as soon as possible.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-251 read error on object object of mirror plex
in volume volume (start offset length length)

An error was detected while reading from a mirror. This error may lead to further
action shown by later error messages.
If the volume is mirrored, no further action is necessary since the alternate
mirror’s contents will be written to the failing mirror; this is often sufficient to
correct media failures. If this error occurs often, but never leads to a plex detach,
there may be a marginally defective region on the disk at the position indicated.
It may eventually be necessary to remove data from this disk and then to reformat
the drive.
See the vxevac(1M) manual page.
If the volume is not mirrored, this message indicates that some data could not be
read. The file system or other application reading the data may report an additional
error, but in either event, data has been lost. The volume can be partially salvaged
and moved to another location if desired.
This message may also appear during a plex detach operation in a cluster. In this
case, no action is required.

VxVM vxio NOTICE V-5-0-252 read error on object subdisk of mirror plex
in volume volume (start offset length length) corrected

A read error occurred, which caused a read of an alternate mirror and a writeback
to the failing region. This writeback was successful and the data was corrected
on disk.
No recovery procedure is required. The problem was corrected automatically.
Note the location of the failure for future reference. If the same region of the
subdisk fails again, this may indicate a more insidious failure and the disk should
be reformatted at the next reasonable opportunity.
18 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-258 removed disk array disk_array_serial_number

A disk array has been disconnected from the host, or some hardware failure has
resulted in the disk array becoming inaccessible to the host.
Replace disk array hardware if this has failed.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-281 Root volumes are not supported on your
PROM version.

If your system’s PROMs are not a recent OpenBoot PROM type, root volumes are
If you have set up a root volume, undo the configuration by running vxunroot
or removing the rootdev line from /etc/system as soon as possible. Contact your
hardware vendor for an upgrade to your PROM level.

VxVM vxio WARNING V-5-0-386 subdisk subdisk failed in plex plex in volume

The kernel has detected a subdisk failure, which may mean that the underlying
disk is failing.
Check for obvious problems with the disk (such as a disconnected cable). If
hot-relocation is enabled and the disk is failing, recovery from subdisk failure is
handled automatically.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-90 mode: Unrecognized operating mode

An invalid string was specified as an argument to the -m option. Valid strings are:
enable, disable, and boot.

Supply a correct option argument.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-91 Cannot create device device_path:
VxVM diagnostic messages 19
Types of message

vxconfigd cannot create a device node either under /dev/vx/dsk or under

/dev/vx/rdsk. This should happen only if the root file system has run out of
Remove some unwanted files from the root file system. Then, regenerate the
device node using this command:

# vxdctl enable

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-92 Cannot exec /usr/bin/rm to remove
directory: reason

The given directory could not be removed because the /usr/bin/rm utility could
not be executed by vxconfigd. This is not a serious error. The only side effect of
a directory not being removed is that the directory and its contents continue to
use space in the root file system. However, this does imply that the /usr file
system is not mounted, or on some systems, that the rm utility is missing or is not
in its usual location. This may be a serious problem for the general running of
your system.
If the /usr file system is not mounted, you need to determine how to get it
mounted. If the rm utility is missing, or is not in the /usr/bin directory, restore

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-92 Cannot exec /usr/bin/rm to remove
directory: reason

The given directory could not be removed because the /usr/bin/rm utility could
not be executed by vxconfigd. This is not a serious error. The only side effect of
a directory not being removed is that the directory and its contents continue to
use space in the root file system. However, this does imply that the /usr file
system is not mounted, or on some systems, that the rm utility is missing or is not
in its usual location. This may be a serious problem for the general running of
your system.
If the /usr file system is not mounted, you need to determine how to get it
mounted. If the rm utility is missing, or is not in the /usr/bin directory, restore
20 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-111 Cannot fork to remove directory
directory: reason

The given directory could not be removed because vxconfigd could not fork in
order to run the rm utility. This is not a serious error. The only side effect of a
directory not being removed is that the directory and its contents will continue
to use space in the root file system. The most likely cause for this error is that
your system does not have enough memory or paging space to allow vxconfigd
to fork.
If your system is this low on memory or paging space, your overall system
performance is probably substantially degraded. Consider adding more memory
or paging space.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-116 Cannot open log file log_filename:

The vxconfigd console output log file could not be opened for the given reason.
Create any needed directories, or use a different log file path name.
See “How error messages are logged” on page 5.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-117 Cannot start volume volume, no valid

This error indicates that the volume cannot be started because it does not contain
any valid plexes. This can happen, for example, if disk failures have caused all
plexes to be unusable. It can also happen as a result of actions that caused all
plexes to become unusable (for example, forcing the dissociation of subdisks or
detaching, dissociation, or offlining of plexes).
It is possible that this error results from a drive that failed to spin up. If so,
rebooting may fix the problem. If that does not fix the problem, then the only
recourse is to repair the disks involved with the plexes and restore the file system
from a backup.
Restoring the root or /usr file system requires that you have a valid backup.
VxVM diagnostic messages 21
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-121 Detached disk disk

The named disk appears to have become unusable and was detached from its disk
group. Additional messages may appear to indicate other records detached as a
result of the disk detach.
If hot-relocation is enabled, Veritas Volume Manager objects affected by the disk
failure are taken care of automatically. Mail is sent to root indicating what actions
were taken by VxVM and what further actions the administrator should take.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-122 Detaching plex plex from volume volume

■ This error only happens for volumes that are started automatically by
vxconfigd at system startup (that is, the root and /usr file system volumes).
The plex is being detached as a result of I/O failure, disk failure during startup
or prior to the last system shutdown or crash, or disk removal prior to the last
system shutdown or crash.
■ To ensure that the root or /usr file system retains the same number of active
mirrors, remove the given plex and add a new mirror using the vxassist
mirror operation. Also consider replacing any bad disks before running this

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-123 Disk group group: Disabled by errors

This message indicates that some error condition has made it impossible for VxVM
to continue to manage changes to a disk group. The major reason for this is that
too many disks have failed, making it impossible for vxconfigd to continue to
update configuration copies. There should be a preceding error message that
indicates the specific error that was encountered.
If the disk group that was disabled is the boot disk group, the following additional
error is displayed:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-104 All transactions are disabled

This additional message indicates that vxconfigd has entered the disabled state,
which makes it impossible to change the configuration of any disk group, not just
the boot disk group.
22 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

If the underlying error resulted from a transient failure, such as a disk cabling
error, then you may be able to repair the situation by rebooting. Otherwise, the
disk group configuration may have to be recreated, and the contents of any volumes
restored from a backup.
Failure of the boot disk group may require reinstallation of the system if your
system uses a root or /usr file system that is defined on a volume.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-124 Disk group group: update failed: reason

I/O failures have prevented vxconfigd from updating any active copies of the
disk group configuration. This usually implies a large number of disk failures.
This error will usually be followed by the error:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-123 Disk group group:

Disabled by errors

If the underlying error resulted from a transient failure, such as a disk cabling
error, then you may be able to repair the situation by rebooting. Otherwise, the
disk group may have to be recreated and restored from a backup.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-134 Memory allocation failure

This implies that there is insufficient memory to start VxVM.

This error should not normally occur, unless your system has very small amounts
of memory. Adding swap space will probably not help because this error is most
likely to occur early in the boot sequence, before swap areas have been added.

VxVM vxconfigd FATAL ERROR V-5-1-135 Memory allocation failure
during startup

This implies that there is insufficient memory to start up VxVM.

This error should not normally occur, unless your system has very small amounts
of memory. Adding swap space probably will not help, because this error is most
likely to occur early in the boot sequence, before swap areas have been added.
VxVM diagnostic messages 23
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-148 System startup failed

Either the root or the /usr file system volume could not be started, rendering the
system unusable. The error that resulted in this condition should appear prior to
this error message.
Look up other error messages appearing on the console and take the actions
suggested in the descriptions of those messages.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-169 cannot open /dev/vx/config: reason

The /dev/vx/config device could not be opened. vxconfigd uses this device to
communicate with the Veritas Volume Manager kernel drivers. The most likely
reason is “Device is already open.” This indicates that some process (most likely
vxconfigd) already has /dev/vx/config open. Less likely reasons are “No such
file or directory” or “No such device or address.”
The following are likely causes:
■ The Veritas Volume Manager package installation did not complete correctly.
■ The device node was removed by the administrator or by an errant shell script.
If the reason is “Device is already open,” stop or kill the old vxconfigd by running
the command:

# vxdctl -k stop

For other failure reasons, consider re-adding the base Veritas Volume Manager
package. This will reconfigure the device node and re-install the Veritas Volume
Manager kernel device drivers. If you cannot re-install the package, contact Veritas
Technical Support for more information.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-169 Cannot open /etc/vfstab: reason

vxconfigd could not open the /etc/vfstab file, for the reason given. The
/etc/vfstab file is used to determine which volume (if any) to use for the /usr
file system.
This error implies that your root file system is currently unusable. You may be
able to repair the root file system by mounting it after booting from a network
or CD-ROM root file system.
24 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-249 Volume volume entering degraded mode

Detaching a subdisk in the named RAID-5 volume has caused the volume to enter
“degraded” mode. While in degraded mode, performance of the RAID-5 volume
is substantially reduced. More importantly, failure of another subdisk may leave
the RAID-5 volume unusable. Also, if the RAID-5 volume does not have an active
log, then failure of the system may leave the volume unusable.
If hot-relocation is enabled, Veritas Volume Manager objects affected by the disk
failure are taken care of automatically. Mail is sent to root indicating what actions
were taken by VxVM, and what further actions you should take.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-480 Cannot reset VxVM kernel: reason

The -r reset option was specified to vxconfigd, but the VxVM kernel drivers
could not be reset. The most common reason is “A virtual disk device is open.”
This implies that a VxVM tracing or volume device is open.
If you want to reset the kernel devices, track down and kill all processes that have
a volume or Veritas Volume Manager tracing device open. Also, if any volumes
are mounted as file systems, unmount those file systems.
Any reason other than “A virtual disk device is open” does not normally occur
unless there is a bug in the operating system or in VxVM.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-484 Cannot start volume volume, no valid
complete plexes

These errors indicate that the volume cannot be started because the volume
contains no valid complete plexes. This can happen, for example, if disk failures
have caused all plexes to be unusable. It can also happen as a result of actions
that caused all plexes to become unusable (for example, forcing the dissociation
of subdisks or detaching, dissociation, or offlining of plexes).
It is possible that this error results from a drive that failed to spin up. If so,
rebooting may fix the problem. If that does not fix the problem, then the only
recourse is to repair the disks involved with the plexes and restore the file system
from a backup.
VxVM diagnostic messages 25
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-485 Cannot start volume volume, volume state
is invalid

The volume for the root or /usr file system is in an unexpected state (not ACTIVE,
CLEAN, SYNC or NEEDSYNC). This should not happen unless the system administrator
circumvents the mechanisms used by VxVM to create these volumes.
The only recourse is to bring up VxVM on a CD-ROM or NFS-mounted root file
system and to fix the state of the volume.

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-525 Detached log for volume volume

The DRL or RAID-5 log for the named volume was detached as a result of a disk
failure, or as a result of the administrator removing a disk with vxdg -k rmdisk.
A failing disk is indicated by a “Detached disk” message.
If the log is mirrored, hot-relocation tries to relocate the failed log automatically.
Use either vxplex dis or vxsd dis to remove the failing logs. Then, use vxassist
addlog to add a new log to the volume.

See the vxassist(1M) manual page.

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-526 Detached plex plex in volume volume

The specified plex was disabled as a result of a disk failure, or as a result of the
administrator removing a disk with vxdg -k rmdisk. A failing disk is indicated
by a “Detached disk” message.
If hot-relocation is enabled, Veritas Volume Manager objects affected by the disk
failure are taken care of automatically. Mail is sent to root indicating what actions
were taken by VxVM and what further actions the administrator should take.

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-527 Detached subdisk subdisk in volume volume

The specified subdisk was disabled as a result of a disk failure, or as a result of

the administrator removing a disk with vxdg -k rmdisk. A failing disk is indicated
by a “Detached disk” message.
26 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

If hot-relocation is enabled, Veritas Volume Manager objects affected by the disk

failure are taken care of automatically. Mail is sent to root indicating what actions
were taken by VxVM and what further actions the administrator should take.

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-528 Detached volume volume

The specified volume was detached as a result of a disk failure, or as a result of

the administrator removing a disk with vxdg -k rmdisk. A failing disk is indicated
by a “Detached disk” message. Unless the disk error is transient and can be fixed
with a reboot, the contents of the volume should be considered lost.
Contact Veritas Technical Support.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-543 Differing version of vxconfigd installed

A vxconfigd daemon was started after stopping an earlier vxconfigd with a

non-matching version number. This can happen, for example, if you upgrade
VxVM and then run vxconfigd without first rebooting.
Reboot the system.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-544 Disk disk in group group flagged as
shared; Disk skipped

The given disk is listed as shared, but the running version of VxVM does not
support shared disk groups.
This message can usually be ignored. If you want to use the disk on this system,
use vxdiskadd to add the disk. Do not do this if the disk really is shared with other

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-545 Disk disk in group group locked by
host hostid Disk skipped

The given disk is listed as locked by the host with the Veritas Volume Manager
host ID (usually the same as the system host name).
VxVM diagnostic messages 27
Types of message

This message can usually be ignored. If you want to use the disk on this system,
use vxdiskadd to add the disk. Do not do this if the disk really is shared with other

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-546 Disk disk in group group: Disk device
not found

No physical disk can be found that matches the named disk in the given disk group.
This is equivalent to failure of that disk. (Physical disks are located by matching
the disk IDs in the disk group configuration records against the disk IDs stored
in the Veritas Volume Manager header on the physical disks.) This error message
is displayed for any disk IDs in the configuration that are not located in the disk
header of any physical disk. This may result from a transient failure such as a
poorly-attached cable, or from a disk that fails to spin up fast enough. Alternately,
this may happen as a result of a disk being physically removed from the system,
or from a disk that has become unusable due to a head crash or electronics failure.
Any RAID-5 plexes, DRL log plexes, RAID-5 subdisks or mirrored plexes containing
subdisks on this disk are unusable. Such disk failures (particularly on multiple
disks) may cause one or more volumes to become unusable.
If hot-relocation is enabled, Veritas Volume Manager objects affected by the disk
failure are taken care of automatically. Mail is sent to root indicating what actions
were taken by VxVM, and what further actions you should take.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-554 Disk disk names group group, but
group ID differs

As part of a disk group import, a disk was discovered that had a mismatched disk
group name and disk group ID. This disk is not imported. This can only happen
if two disk groups have the same name but have different disk group ID values.
In such a case, one group is imported along with all its disks and the other group
is not. This message appears for disks in the un-selected group.
If the disks should be imported into the group, this must be done by adding the
disk to the group at a later stage, during which all configuration information for
the disk is lost.
28 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-557 Disk disk, group group, device device:
not updated with new host ID
Error: reason

This can result from using vxdctl hostid to change the Veritas Volume Manager
host ID for the system. The error indicates that one of the disks in a disk group
could not be updated with the new host ID. This usually indicates that the disk
has become inaccessible or has failed in some other way.
Try running the following command to determine whether the disk is still

# vxdisk check device

If the disk is no longer operational, vxdisk should print a message such as:

device: Error: Disk write failure

This will result in the disk being taken out of active use in its disk group, if it has
not already been taken out of use. If the disk is still operational, which should not
be the case, vxdisk prints:

device: Okay

If the disk is listed as “Okay,” try running vxdctl hostid again. If it still results
in an error, contact Veritas Technical Support.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-568 Disk group group is disabled, disks
not updated with new host ID

As a result of failures, the named disk group has become disabled. Earlier error
messages should indicate the cause. This message indicates that disks in that disk
group were not updated with a new Veritas Volume Manager host ID. This warning
message should result only from a vxdctl hostid operation.
Typically, unless a disk group was disabled due to transient errors, there is no
way to repair a disabled disk group. The disk group may have to be reconstructed
from scratch. If the disk group was disabled due to a transient error such as a
cabling problem, then a future reboot may not automatically import the named
disk group, due to the change in the system’s Veritas Volume Manager host ID.
In such a case, import the disk group directly using vxdg import with the -C
VxVM diagnostic messages 29
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-569 Disk group group,Disk disk:Cannot
auto-import group: reason

On system startup, vxconfigd failed to import the disk group associated with the
named disk. A message related to the specific failure is given in reason. Additional
error messages may be displayed that give more information on the specific error.
In particular, this is often followed by:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-579 Disk group group: Errors in some

configuration copies:
Disk device, copy number: Block bno: error ...

The most common reason for auto-import failures is excessive numbers of disk
failures, making it impossible for VxVM to find correct copies of the disk group
configuration database and kernel update log. Disk groups usually have enough
copies of this configuration information to make such import failures unlikely.
A more serious failure is indicated by errors such as:

Configuration records are inconsistent

Disk group has no valid configuration copies
Duplicate record in configuration
Format error in configuration copy
Invalid block number
Invalid magic number

These errors indicate that all configuration copies have become corrupt (due to
disk failures, writing on the disk by an application or the administrator, or bugs
in VxVM).
Some correctable errors may be indicated by other error messages that appear in
conjunction with the auto-import failure message. Look up those other errors for
more information on their cause.
Failure of an auto-import implies that the volumes in that disk group will not be
available for use. If there are file systems on those volumes, then the system may
yield further errors resulting from inability to access the volume when mounting
the file system.
If the error is clearly caused by excessive disk failures, then you may have to
recreate the disk group configuration, and restore the contents of any volumes
from a backup.
There may be other error messages that appear which provide further information.
See those other error messages for more information on how to proceed. If those
errors do not make it clear how to proceed, contact Veritas Technical Support.
30 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-571 Disk group group, Disk disk: Skip disk
group with duplicate name

Two disk groups with the same name are tagged for auto-importing by the same
host. Disk groups are identified both by a simple name and by a long unique
identifier (disk group ID) assigned when the disk group is created. Thus, this error
indicates that two disks indicate the same disk group name but a different disk
group ID.
VxVM does not allow you to create a disk group or import a disk group from
another machine, if that would cause a collision with a disk group that is already
imported. Therefore, this error is unlikely to occur under normal use.
The error can occur in the following cases:
■ A disk group cannot be auto-imported due to some temporary failure. If you
create a new disk group with the same name as the failed disk group and reboot,
the new disk group is imported first. The auto-import of the older disk group
fails because more recently modified disk groups have precedence over older
disk groups.
■ A disk group is deported from one host using the -h option to cause the disk
group to be auto-imported on reboot from another host. If the second host was
already auto-importing a disk group with the same name, then reboot of that
host will yield this error.
If you want to import both disk groups, then rename the second disk group on
See the vxdg(1M) manual page.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-577 Disk group group: Disk group log may
be too small
Log size should be at least number blocks

The log areas for the disk group have become too small for the size of configuration
currently in the group. This message only occurs during disk group import; it can
only occur if the disk was inaccessible while new database objects were added to
the configuration, and the disk was then made accessible and the system restarted.
This should not normally happen without first displaying a message about the
database area size.
Reinitialize the disks in the group with larger log areas. Note that this requires
that you restore data on the disks from backups.
VxVM diagnostic messages 31
Types of message

See the vxdisk(1M) manual page.

To reinitialize all of the disks, detach them from the group with which they are
associated, reinitialize and re-add them. Then deport and re-import the disk group
to effect the changes to the log areas for the group.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-579 Disk group group: Errors in some
configuration copies: Disk disk, copy number: [Block number]: reason

During a failed disk group import, some of the configuration copies in the named
disk group were found to have format or other types of errors which make those
copies unusable. This message lists all configuration copies that have uncorrected
errors, including any appropriate logical block number. If no other reasons are
displayed, then this may be the cause of the disk group import failure.
If some of the copies failed due to transient errors (such as cable failures), then a
reboot or re-import may succeed in importing the disk group. Otherwise, the disk
group configuration may have to be restored.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-583 Disk group group: Reimport of disk group
failed: reason

After vxconfigd was stopped and restarted (or disabled and then enabled), VxVM
failed to recreate the import of the indicated disk group. The reason for failure is
specified. Additional error messages may be displayed that give further
information describing the problem.
A major cause for this kind of failure is disk failures that were not addressed
before vxconfigd was stopped or disabled. If the problem is a transient disk failure,
then rebooting may take care of the condition. The error may be accompanied by
messages such as “Disk group has no valid configuration copies.” This indicates
that the disk group configuration copies have become corrupt (due to disk failures,
writing on the disk by an application or the administrator, or bugs in VxVM).

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-587 disk group groupname: import failed: reason

The import of a disk group failed for the specified reason.

The action to be taken depends on the reason given in the error message:
32 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

Disk is in use by another host

No valid disk found containing disk group

The first message indicates that disks have been moved from a system that has
crashed or that failed to detect the group before the disk was moved. The locks
stored on the disks must be cleared.
The second message indicates that the disk group does not contain any valid disks
(not that it does not contain any disks). The disks may be considered invalid due
to a mismatch between the host ID in their configuration copies and that stored
in the /etc/vx/volboot file.
To clear locks on a specific set of devices, use the following command:

# vxdisk clearimport devicename ...

To clear the locks during import, use the following command:

# vxdg -C import diskgroup

Warning: Be careful when using the vxdisk clearimport or vxdg -C import

command on systems that have dual-ported disks. Clearing the locks allows those
disks to be accessed at the same time from multiple hosts and can result in
corrupted data.

An import operation fails if some disks for the disk group cannot be found among
the disk drives attached to the system.

Disk for disk group not found

Disk group has no valid configuration copies

The first message indicates a recoverable error.

The second message indicates a fatal error that requires hardware repair or the
creation of a new disk group, and recovery of the disk group configuration and
If some of the disks in the disk group have failed, you can force the disk group to
be imported with this command:

# vxdg -f import diskgroup

VxVM diagnostic messages 33
Types of message

Warning: Be careful when using the -f option. It can cause the same disk group
to be imported twice from different sets of disks. This can cause the disk group
configuration to become inconsistent.

As using the -f option to force the import of an incomplete disk group counts as
a successful import, an incomplete disk group may be imported subsequently
without this option being specified. This may not be what you expect.
These operations can also be performed using the vxdiskadm utility. To deport a
disk group using vxdiskadm, select menu item 9 (Remove access to (deport)
a disk group). To import a disk group, select item 8 (Enable access to
(import) a disk group). The vxdiskadm import operation checks for host
import locks and prompts to see if you want to clear any that are found. It also
starts volumes in the disk group.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-663 Group group: Duplicate virtual device
Volume volume remapped from major,minor to major,minor ...

The configuration of the named disk group includes conflicting device numbers.
A disk group configuration lists the recommended device number to use for each
volume in the disk group. If two volumes in two disk groups happen to list the
same device number, then one of the volumes must use an alternate device number.
This is called device number remapping. Remapping is a temporary change to a
volume. If the other disk group is deported and the system is rebooted, then the
volume that was remapped may no longer be remapped. Also, volumes that are
remapped once are not guaranteed to be remapped to the same device number in
further reboots.
Use the vxdg reminor command to renumber all volumes in the offending disk
group permanently.
See the vxdg(1M) manual page.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-737 Mount point path: volume not in bootdg
disk group

The volume device listed in the /etc/vfstab file for the given mount-point
directory (normally /usr) is listed as in a disk group other than the boot disk
34 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

group. This error should not occur if the standard Veritas Volume Manager
procedures are used for encapsulating the disk containing the /usr file system.
Boot VxVM from a network or CD-ROM mounted root file system. Then, start up
VxVM using fixmountroot on a valid mirror disk of the root file system. After
starting VxVM, mount the root file system volume and edit the /etc/vfstab file.
Change the file to use a direct partition for the file system. There should be a
comment in the /etc/vfstab file that indicates which partition to use.

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-768 Offlining config copy number on disk
disk: Reason: reason

An I/O error caused the indicated configuration copy to be disabled. This is a

notice only, and does not normally imply serious problems, unless this is the last
active configuration copy in the disk group.
Consider replacing the indicated disk, since this error implies that the disk has
deteriorated to the point where write errors cannot be repaired automatically.
The error can also result from transient problems with cabling or power.

VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-809 Plex plex in volume volume is locked by
another utility.

The vxplex command fails because a previous operation to attach a plex did not
complete. The vxprint command should show that one or both of the temporary
and persistent utility fields (TUTIL0 and PUTIL0) of the volume and one of its
plexes are set.
If the vxtask list command does not show a task running for the volume, use
the vxmend command to clear the TUTIL0 and PUTIL0 fields for the volume and
all its components for which these fields are set:

# vxmend -g diskgroup clear all volume plex ...

VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-923 Record volume is in disk group diskgroup1
plex is in group diskgroup2.

An attempt was made to snap back a plex from a different disk group.
Move the snapshot volume into the same disk group as the original volume.
VxVM diagnostic messages 35
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd FATAL ERROR V-5-1-946 bootdg cannot be imported during

This message usually means that multipathing is misconfigured.

See “V-5-1-5929” on page 53.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1049 System boot disk does not have a
valid rootvol plex
Please boot from one of the following disks:


diskname device boot vx-diskname...

The system is configured to use a volume for the root file system, but was not
booted on a disk containing a valid mirror of the root volume. Disks containing
valid root mirrors are listed as part of the error message. A disk is usable as a
boot disk if there is a root mirror on that disk which is not stale or offline.
Try to boot from one of the named disks using the associated boot command that
is listed in the message.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1063 There is no volume configured for the
root device

The system is configured to boot from a root file system defined on a volume, but
there is no root volume listed in the configuration of the boot disk group.
The following are possible causes of this error:
■ The /etc/system file was erroneously updated to indicate that the root device
is /pseudo/vxio@0:0. This can happen only as a result of direct manipulation
by the administrator.
Boot the system on a CD-ROM or networking-mounted root file system, directly
mount the disk partition of the root file system, and remove the following lines
from /etc/system:

set vxio:vol_rootdev_is_volume=1
36 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

■ The system somehow has a duplicate boot disk group, one of which contains
a root file system volume and one of which does not, and vxconfigd somehow
chose the wrong one. Since vxconfigd chooses the more recently accessed
version of the boot disk group, this error can happen if the system clock was
updated incorrectly at some point (reversing the apparent access order of the
two disk groups). This can also happen if some disk group was deported and
assigned the same name as the boot disk group with locks given to this host.
Either boot the system with all drives in the offending version of the boot disk
group turned off, or import and rename the offending boot disk group from
another host.
See the vxdg(1M) manual page.
If you turn off the drives, run the following command after booting:

# vxdg flush bootdg

This updates time stamps on the imported version of the specified boot disk
group, bootdg, which should make the correct version appear to be the more
recently accessed. If this does not correct the problem, contact Veritas
Technical Support.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1171 Version number of kernel does not match

The release of vxconfigd does not match the release of the Veritas Volume
Manager kernel drivers. This should happen only as a result of upgrading VxVM,
and then running vxconfigd without a reboot.
Reboot the system. If that does not cure the problem, re-add the VxVM packages.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1186 Volume volume for mount point /usr
not found in bootdg disk group

The system is configured to boot with /usr mounted on a volume, but the volume
associated with /usr is not listed in the configuration of the boot disk group.
The following are possible causes of this error:
■ The /etc/fstab file was erroneously updated to indicate the device for the
/usr file system is a volume, but the volume named is not in the boot disk
group. This should happen only as a result of direct manipulation by the
VxVM diagnostic messages 37
Types of message

Boot the system on a CD-ROM or networking-mounted root file system. If the

root file system is defined on a volume, then start and mount the root volume.
If the root file system is not defined on a volume, mount the root file system
directly. Edit the /etc/fstab file to correct the entry for the /usr file system.
■ The system somehow has a duplicate boot disk group, one of which contains
the /usr file system volume and one of which does not (or uses a different
volume name), and vxconfigd somehow chose the wrong boot disk group.
Since vxconfigd chooses the more recently accessed version of the boot disk
group, this error can happen if the system clock was updated incorrectly at
some point (causing the apparent access order of the two disk groups to be
reversed). This can also happen if some disk group was deported and assigned
the same name as the boot disk group with locks given to this host.
■ In case 2, either boot with all drives in the offending version of the boot disk
group turned off, or import and rename the offending boot disk group from
another host.
See the vxdg(1M) manual page.
If you turn off drives, run the following command after booting:

# vxdg flush bootdg

This updates time stamps on the imported version of the boot disk group,
bootdg, which should make the correct version appear to be the more recently
accessed. If this does not correct the problem, contact Veritas Technical

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1186 Volume volume for mount point /usr
not found in bootdg disk group

The system is configured to boot with /usr mounted on a volume, but the volume
associated with /usr is not listed in the configuration of the boot disk group.
The following are possible causes of this error:
■ The /etc/vfstab file was erroneously updated to indicate the device for the
/usr file system is a volume, but the volume named is not in the boot disk
group. This should happen only as a result of direct manipulation by the
Boot the system on a CD-ROM or networking-mounted root file system. If the
root file system is defined on a volume, then start and mount the root volume.
If the root file system is not defined on a volume, mount the root file system
directly. Edit the /etc/vfstab file to correct the entry for the /usr file system.
38 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

■ The system somehow has a duplicate boot disk group, one of which contains
the /usr file system volume and one of which does not (or uses a different
volume name), and vxconfigd somehow chose the wrong boot disk group.
Since vxconfigd chooses the more recently accessed version of the boot disk
group, this error can happen if the system clock was updated incorrectly at
some point (causing the apparent access order of the two disk groups to be
reversed). This can also happen if some disk group was deported and assigned
the same name as the boot disk group with locks given to this host.
In case 2, either boot with all drives in the offending version of the boot disk
group turned off, or import and rename the offending boot disk group from
another host.
See the vxdg(1M) manual page.
If you turn off drives, run the following command after booting:

# vxdg flush bootdg

This updates time stamps on the imported version of the boot disk group,
bootdg, which should make the correct version appear to be the more recently
accessed. If this does not correct the problem, contact Veritas Technical

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1589 enable failed: aborting

Regular startup of vxconfigd failed. This error can also result from the command
vxdctl enable.

The failure was fatal and vxconfigd was forced to exit. The most likely cause is
that the operating system is unable to create interprocess communication channels
to other utilities.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1589 enable failed: Error check group

configuration copies. Database file not found

Regular startup of vxconfigd failed. This error can also result from the command
vxdctl enable.

The directory /var/vxvm/tempdb is inaccessible. This may be because of root file

system corruption, a full root file system, or if /var is a separate file system,
because it has become corrupted or has not been mounted.
If the root file system is full, increase its size or remove files to make space for
the tempdb file.
VxVM diagnostic messages 39
Types of message

If /var is a separate file system, make sure that it has an entry in /etc/vfstab.
Otherwise, look for I/O error messages during the boot process that indicate either
a hardware problem or misconfiguration of any logical volume management
software being used for the /var file system. Also verify that the encapsulation
(if configured) of your boot disk is complete and correct.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1589 enable failed: transactions are disabled

Regular startup of vxconfigd failed. This error can also result from the command
vxdctl enable.

vxconfigd continues to run, but no configuration updates are possible until the
error condition is repaired.
Additionally, this may be followed with this message:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-579 Disk group group:

Errors in some configuration copies:
Disk device, copy number: Block bno: error ...

Other error messages may be displayed that further indicate the underlying
Evaluate the error messages to determine the root cause of the problem. Make
changes suggested by the errors and then try rerunning the command.
If the “Errors in some configuration copies” error occurs again, that may indicate
the real problem lies with the configuration copies in the disk group.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2020 Cannot kill existing daemon,

The -k (kill existing vxconfigd process) option was specified, but a running
configuration daemon process could not be killed. A configuration daemon process,
for purposes of this discussion, is any process that opens the /dev/vx/config
device (only one process can open that device at a time). If there is a configuration
daemon process already running, then the -k option causes a SIGKILL signal to
be sent to that process. If, within a certain period of time, there is still a running
configuration daemon process, the error message is displayed.
This error can result from a kernel error that has made the configuration daemon
process unkillable, from some other kind of kernel error, or from some other user
starting another configuration daemon process after the SIGKILL signal. This last
condition can be tested for by running vxconfigd -k again. If the error message
reappears, contact Veritas Technical Support.
40 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2197 node N: missing vxconfigd

The vxconfigd daemon is not running on the indicated cluster node.

Restart the vxconfigd daemon.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2198 node N: vxconfigd not ready

The vxconfigd daemon is not responding properly in a cluster.

Stop and restart the vxconfigd daemon on the node indicated.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2274 volume:vxconfigd cannot boot-start RAID-5

A volume that vxconfigd should start immediately upon booting the system (that
is, the volume for the /usr file system) has a RAID-5 layout. The /usr file system
should never be defined on a RAID-5 volume.
It is likely that the only recovery for this is to boot VxVM from a network-mounted
root file system (or from a CD-ROM), and reconfigure the /usr file system to be
defined on a regular non-RAID-5 volume.

VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-2290 Attempt to enable a controller that is not

This message is returned by the vxdmpadm utility when an attempt is made to

enable a controller that is not working or is not physically present.
Check hardware and see if the controller is present and whether I/O can be
performed through it.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2353 Disk group group: Cannot recover temp
database: reason
Consider use of "vxconfigd -x cleartempdir" [see vxconfigd(1M)].
VxVM diagnostic messages 41
Types of message

This error can happen if you kill and restart vxconfigd, or if you disable and
enable vxconfigd with vxdctl disable and vxdctl enable. The error indicates a
failure related to reading the file /var/vxvm/tempdb/group. This is a temporary
file used to store information that is used when recovering the state of an earlier
vxconfigd. The file is recreated on a reboot, so this error should never survive a
If you can reboot the system, do so. If you do not want to reboot, then use the
following procedure.
To correct the error without rebooting
1 Ensure that no vxvol, vxplex, or vxsd processes are running.
Use ps -e to search for such processes, and use kill to kill any that you find.
You may have to run kill twice to make these processes go away. Killing
utilities in this way may make it difficult to make administrative changes to
some volumes until the system is rebooted.
2 Recreate the temporary database files for all imported disk groups using the
following command:

# vxconfigd -x cleartempdir 2> /dev/console

The vxvol, vxplex, and vxsd commands make use of these tempdb files to
communicate locking information. If the file is cleared, then locking
information can be lost. Without this locking information, two utilities can
end up making incompatible changes to the configuration of a volume.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1:2524 VOL_IO_DAEMON_SET failed: daemon count
must be above N while cluster

The number of Veritas Volume Manager kernel daemons (vxiod) is less than the
minimum number needed to join a cluster.
Increase the number of daemons using vxiod.

VxVM vxconfigd WARNING V-5-1-2630 library and vxconfigd disagree on
existence of client number

This warning may safely be ignored.

No recovery procedure is required.
42 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2824 Configuration daemon error 242

A node failed to join a cluster, or a cluster join is taking too long. If the join fails,
the node retries the join automatically.
No action is necessary if the join is slow or a retry eventually succeeds.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2829 diskgroup: Disk group version doesn’t support
feature; see the vxdg upgrade command

The version of the specified disk group does not support disk group move, split
or join operations.
Use the vxdg upgrade diskgroup command to update the disk group version.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2830 Disk reserved by other host

An attempt was made to online a disk whose controller has been reserved by
another host in the cluster.
No action is necessary. The cluster manager frees the disk and VxVM puts it online
when the node joins the cluster.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2841 enable failed: Error in disk group
configuration copies
Unexpected kernel error in configuration update; transactions are

Usually means that multipathing is misconfigured.

See “V-5-1-5929” on page 53.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2860 Transaction already in progress

One of the disk groups specified in a disk group move, split or join operation is
currently involved in another unrelated disk group move, split or join operation
(possibly as the result of recovery from a system failure).
VxVM diagnostic messages 43
Types of message

Use the vxprint command to display the status of the disk groups involved. If
vxprint shows that the TUTIL0 field for a disk group is set to MOVE, and you are
certain that no disk group move, split or join should be in progress, use the vxdg
command to clear the field.
Otherwise, retry the operation.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2862 object: Operation is not supported

DCO and snap objects dissociated by Persistent FastResync, and VVR objects
cannot be moved between disk groups.
No action is necessary. The operation is not supported.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2866 object: Record already exists in disk group

A disk group join operation failed because the name of an object in one disk group
is the same as the name of an object in the other disk group. Such name clashes
are most likely to occur for snap objects and snapshot plexes.
Use the following command to change the object name in either one of the disk

# vxedit -g diskgroup rename old_name new_name

See the vxedit(1M) manual page.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2870 volume: Volume or plex device is open or

An attempt was made to perform a disk group move, split or join on a disk group
containing an open volume.
It is most likely that a file system configured on the volume is still mounted. Stop
applications that access volumes configured in the disk group, and unmount any
file systems configured in the volumes.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2879 subdisk: Record is associated
44 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

The named subdisk is not a top-level object.

Objects specified for a disk group move, split or join must be either disks or
top-level volumes.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2907 diskgroup: Disk group does not exist

The disk group does not exist or is not imported

Use the correct name, or import the disk group and try again.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2908 diskdevice: Request crosses disk group

The specified disk device is not configured in the source disk group for a disk
group move or split operation.
Correct the name of the disk object specified in the disk group move or split

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2911 diskname: Disk is not usable

The specified disk has become unusable.

Do not include the disk in any disk group move, split or join operation until it has
been replaced or repaired.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2922 Disk group exists and is imported

A slave tried to join a cluster, but a shared disk group already exists in the cluster
with the same name as one of its private disk groups.
Use the vxdg -n newname import diskgroup operation to rename either the
shared disk group on the master, or the private disk group on the slave.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2928 diskgroup: Configuration too large for
configuration copies
VxVM diagnostic messages 45
Types of message

The disk group’s configuration database is too small to hold the expanded
configuration after a disk group move or join operation.
No action is required.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2933 diskgroup: Cannot remove last disk group
configuration copy

The requested disk group move, split or join operation would leave the disk group
without any configuration copies.
No action is required. The operation is not supported.

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-2935 No more space in disk group configuration.

There is no more space in the disk group’s configuration database for VxVM object
Copy the contents of several volumes to another disk group and then delete the
volumes from this disk group, or use the disk group split/join feature to move the
volumes to another disk group. To avoid the problem in the future, do not create
more than a few hundred volumes in a disk group, or specify a larger size for the
private region when adding disks to a new disk group.

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-3009 object: Name conflicts with imported diskgroup

The target disk group of a split operation already exists as an imported disk group.
Choose a different name for the target disk group.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3020 Error in cluster processing

This may be due to an operation inconsistent with the current state of a cluster
(such as an attempt to import or deport a shared disk group to or from the slave).
It may also be caused by an unexpected sequence of commands from vxclust.
Perform the operation from the master node.
46 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3022 Cannot find disk on slave node

A slave node in a cluster cannot find a shared disk. This is accompanied by the
syslog message:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2173 cannot find disk disk

Make sure that the same set of shared disks is online on both nodes. Examine the
disks on both the master and the slave with the command vxdisk list and make
sure that the same set of disks with the shared flag is visible on both nodes. If
not, check the connections to the disks.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3023 Disk in use by another cluster

An attempt was made to import a disk group whose disks are stamped with the
ID of another cluster.
If the disk group is not imported by another cluster, retry the import using the
-C (clear import) flag.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3024 vxclust not there

An error during an attempt to join a cluster caused vxclust to fail. This may be
caused by the failure of another node during a join or by the failure of vxclust.
Retry the join. An error message on the other node may clarify the problem.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3025 Unable to add portal for cluster

vxconfigd was not able to create a portal for communication with the vxconfigd
on the other node. This may happen in a degraded system that is experiencing
shortages of system resources such as memory or file descriptors.
If the system does not appear to be degraded, stop and restart vxconfigd, and try

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3030 Volume recovery in progress
VxVM diagnostic messages 47
Types of message

A node that crashed attempted to rejoin the cluster before its DRL map was merged
into the recovery map.
Retry the join when the merge operation has completed.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3031 Cannot assign minor minor

A slave attempted to join a cluster, but an existing volume on the slave has the
same minor number as a shared volume on the master.
This message is accompanied by the following console message:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-2192 minor number minor disk group

group in use

Before retrying the join, use vxdg reminor (see the vxdg(1M) manual page) to
choose a new minor number range either for the disk group on the master or for
the conflicting disk group on the slave. If there are open volumes in the disk group,
the reminor operation will not take effect until the disk group is deported and
updated (either explicitly or by rebooting the system).

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3032 Master sent no data

During the slave join protocol, a message without data was received from the
master. This message is only likely to be seen in the case of an internal VxVM
Contact Veritas Technical Support.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3033 Join in progress

An attempt was made to import or deport a shared disk group during a cluster
Retry when the cluster reconfiguration has completed.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3034 Join not currently allowed
48 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

A slave attempted to join a cluster when the master was not ready. The slave will
retry automatically.
No action is necessary if the join eventually completes. Otherwise, investigate the
cluster monitor on the master.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3042 Clustering license restricts operation

An operation requiring a full clustering license was attempted, and such a license
is not available.
If the error occurs when a disk group is being activated, dissociate all but one plex
from mirrored volumes before activating the disk group. If the error occurs during
a transaction, deactivate the disk group on all nodes except the master.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3046 Node activation conflict

The disk group could not be activated because it is activated in a conflicting mode
on another node in a cluster.
Retry later, or deactivate the disk group on conflicting nodes.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3049 Retry rolling upgrade

An attempt was made to upgrade a cluster to a higher protocol version when a

transaction was in progress.
Retry the upgrade at a later time.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3050 Version out of range for at least
one node

Before trying to upgrade a cluster by running vxdctl upgrade, all nodes should
be able to support the new protocol version. An upgrade can fail if at least one of
them does not support the new protocol version.
Make sure that the Veritas Volume Manager package that supports the new
protocol version is installed on all nodes and retry the upgrade.
VxVM diagnostic messages 49
Types of message

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-3091 diskname : Disk not moving, but subdisks on
it are

Some volumes have subdisks that are not on the disks implied by the supplied list
of objects.
Use the -o expand option to vxdg listmove to produce a self-contained list of

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3212 Insufficient DRL log size: logging is

A volume with an insufficient DRL log size was started successfully, but DRL
logging is disabled and a full recovery is performed.
Create a new DRL of sufficient size.

VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-3243 The VxVM restore daemon is already running.
You can stop and restart the restore daemon with desired arguments
for changing any of its parameters.

The vxdmpadm start restore command has been executed while the restore
daemon is already running.
Stop the restore daemon and restart it with the required set of parameters.
See the vxdmpadm(1M) manual page.

VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-3362 Attempt to disable controller failed. One
(or more) devices can be accessed only through this controller. Use the
-f option if you still want to disable this controller.

Disabling the controller could lead to some devices becoming inaccessible.

To disable the only path connected to a disk, use the -f option.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3486 Not in cluster
50 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

Checking for the current protocol version (using vxdctl protocol version) does
not work if the node is not in a cluster.
Bring the node into the cluster and retry.

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-3689 Volume record id rid is not found in the

An error was detected while reattaching a snapshot volume using snapback. This
happens if a volume’s record identifier (rid) changes as a result of a disk group
split that moved the original volume to a new disk group. The snapshot volume
is unable to recognize the original volume because its record identifier has changed.
Use the following command to perform the snapback:

# vxplex [-g diskgroup] -f snapback volume plex

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3828 upgrade operation failed: Already at
highest version

An upgrade operation has failed because a cluster is already running at the highest
protocol version supported by the master.
No further action is possible as the master is already running at the highest
protocol version it can support.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-3848 Incorrect protocol version (number) in
volboot file

A node attempted to join a cluster where VxVM software was incorrectly upgraded
or the volboot file is corrupted, possibly by being edited manually. The volboot
file should contain a supported protocol version before trying to bring the node
into the cluster.
Verify the supported cluster protocol versions using the vxdctl protocolversion
command. The volboot file should contain a supported protocol version before
trying to bring the node into the cluster. Run vxdctl init to write a valid protocol
version to the volboot file. Restart vxconfigd and retry the join.
VxVM diagnostic messages 51
Types of message

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-4220 DG move: can’t import diskgroup, giving up

The specified disk group cannot be imported during a disk group move operation.
(The disk group ID is obtained from the disk group that could be imported.)
The disk group may have been moved to another host. One option is to locate it
and use the vxdg recover command on both the source and target disk groups.
Specify the -o clean option with one disk group, and the -o remove option with
the other disk group.

VxVM vxassist WARNING V-5-1-4267 volume volume already has at least one
snapshot plex
Snapshot volume created with these plexes will have a dco volume with
no associated dco plex.

An error was detected while adding a DCO object and DCO volume to a mirrored
volume. There is at least one snapshot plex already created on the volume. Because
this snapshot plex was created when no DCO was associated with the volume,
there is no DCO plex allocated for it.
See the Veritas Volume Manager Administrator’s Guide.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-4277 cluster_establish: CVM protocol version
out of range

When a node joins a cluster, it tries to join at the protocol version that is stored
in its volboot file. If the cluster is running at a different protocol version, the
master rejects the join and sends the current protocol version to the slave. The
slave re-tries with the current version (if that version is supported on the joining
node), or the join fails.
Make sure that the joining node has a Veritas Volume Manager release installed
that supports the current protocol version of the cluster.

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-4551 dg_move_recover: can’t locate disk(s),
giving up
52 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

Disks involved in a disk group move operation cannot be found, and one of the
specified disk groups cannot be imported.
Manual use of the vxdg recover command may be required to clean the disk
group to be imported.

VxVM vxassist WARNING V-5-1-4620 Error while retrieving information
from SAL

The vxassist command does not recognize the version of the SAN Access Layer
(SAL) that is being used, or detects an error in the output from SAL.
If a connection to SAL is desired, ensure that the correct version of SAL is installed
and configured correctly. Otherwise, suppress communication between vxassist
and SAL by adding the following line to the vxassist defaults file (usually


VxVM vxassist WARNING V-5-1-4625 SAL authentication failed...

The SAN Access Layer (SAL) rejects the credentials that are supplied by the
vxassist command.

If connection to SAL is desired, use the vxspcshow command to set a valid user
name and password. Otherwise, suppress communication between vxassist and
SAL by adding the following line to the vxassist defaults file (usually


VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-5150 Insufficient number of active snapshot
mirrors in snapshot_volume.

An attempt to snap back a specified number of snapshot mirrors to their original

volume failed.
Specify a number of snapshot mirrors less than or equal to the number in the
snapshot volume.
VxVM diagnostic messages 53
Types of message

VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-5160 Plex plex not associated to a snapshot volume.

An attempt was made to snap back a plex that is not from a snapshot volume.
Specify a plex from a snapshot volume.

VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-5161 Plex plex not attached.

An attempt was made to snap back a detached plex.

Reattach the snapshot plex to the snapshot volume.

VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-5162 Plexes do not belong to the same snapshot

An attempt was made to snap back plexes that belong to different snapshot
Specify the plexes in separate invocations of vxplex snapback.

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-5929 Unable to resolve duplicate diskid.

VxVM has detected disks with duplicate disk identifiers. Arrays with mirroring
capability in hardware are particularly susceptible to such data corruption, but
other causes are possible as explained below.
In releases prior to 3.5, VxVM selected the first disk that it found if the selection
process failed. From release 3.5, the default behavior of VxVM was to avoid the
selection of the wrong disk as this could lead to data corruption. If VxVM could
not determine which disk was the original, it would not import the disks until
they were reinitialized with a new disk ID.
From release 5.0, VxVM checks the unique disk identifier (UDID) value that is
known to the Device Discovery Layer (DDL) against the UDID value that is set in
the disk’s private region. The udid_mismatch flag is set on the disk if the values
differ. If set, this flag is displayed in the output from the vxdisk list command.
A new set of vxdisk and vxdg operations are provided to handle such disks; either
by either writing the DDL value of the UDID to a disk’s private region, or by tagging
a disk and specifying that it is a cloned disk to the vxdg import operation.
54 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

User intervention is required in the following cases:

■ Some arrays such as EMC and HDS provide mirroring in hardware. When a
LUN pair is split, depending on how the process is performed, this can result
in two disks that have the same disk identifier and UDID value.
See the Veritas Volume Manager Administrator’s Guide.
■ If disks have been duplicated by using the dd command or any similar copying
utility, you can use the following command to update the UDID for one or more

# vxdisk [-f] updateudid disk ...

This command uses the current value of the UDID that is stored in the Device
Discovery Layer (DDL) database to correct the value in the private region. The
-f option must be specified if VxVM has not set the udid_mismatch flag on a
For example, the following command updates the UDIDs for the disks
c2t66d0s2 and c2t67d0s2:

# vxdisk updateudid c2t66d0s2 c2t67d0s2

■ If DMP has been disabled to an array that has multiple paths, then each path
to the array is claimed as a unique disk.
If DMP is suppressed, VxVM does not know which path to select as the true
path. You must choose which path to use. Decide which path to exclude, and
then select item 1 (suppress all paths through a controller from VxVM’s
view) or item 2 (suppress a path from VxVM’s view) from vxdiskadm option
17 (Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM’s view).
■ Case 4: (Solaris 9 only) After suppressing one path to a multipathed array from
DMP, you then have suppressed that path from VxVM using item 1 (suppress
all paths through a controller from VxVM’s view) from vxdiskadm
option 17 (Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM’s view).
If all bootdg disks are from that array, vxconfigd does not start. (You may
also see errors V-5-0-64, V-5-1-946 and V-5-1-2841.)
If only one array is connected to the controller, suppress the path from DMP
using item 5 (Prevent multipathing of all disks on a controller by
VxVM), and then item 1 (Suppress all paths through a controller from
VxVM’s view), from vxdiskadm option 17 (Prevent multipathing/Suppress
devices from VxVM’s view).
If more than one array is connected to the controller, suppress the path from
DMP using item 5 (Prevent multipathing of all disks on a controller
by VxVM), and then item 2 (Suppress a path from VxVM’s view), from
VxVM diagnostic messages 55
Types of message

vxdiskadm option 17 (Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM’s


VxVM vxdisksetup NOTICE V-5-2-2400 daname: Duplicate DA records
encountered for this device.

This may occur if a disk has been replaced in a Sun StorEdgeTM A5x00 (or similar)
array without using the luxadm command to notify the operating system.
Duplicated disk access record entries similar to the following appear in the output
from the vxdisk list command:

c1t5d0s2 sliced c1t5d0s2 - error

c1t5d0s2 sliced c1t5d0s2 - online|error

The status of the second entry may be online or error.

To correct the problem
1 Use the following command for each of the duplicated disk access names to
remove them all from VxVM control:

# vxdisk rm daname

Run the vxdisk list command to ensure that you have removed all entries
for the disk access name.
2 Use the Solaris luxadm command to obtain the A5K array name and slot
number of the disk, and then use these with luxadm to remove the disk:

# luxadm disp /dev/rdsk/daname

# luxadm remove_device array_name,slot_number

3 Pull out the disk as instructed to by luxadm.

4 Run the following commands:

# devfsadm -C
# vxdctl enable

This completes the removal of device entries corresponding to the physical

5 As in step 1, run the vxdisk list and vxdisk rm commands to list any
remaining entries for the disk access name and remove these from VxVM
56 VxVM diagnostic messages
Types of message

6 Use the following luxadm command to take the disk offline on all the paths
to it. The following example shows how to take a disk offline that is connected
to controllers c1 and c2:

# luxadm -e offline /dev/dsk/c1t5d0s2

# luxadm -e offline /dev/dsk/c2t5d0s2

7 Repeat step 5 and step 6 until no entries remain for the disk in the output
from vxdisk list. This completes the removal of stale device entries for the
disk from VxVM.
8 Finally, replace the failed or removed disk.
See the Veritas Volume Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Chapter 2
VxFS diagnostic messages
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ File system response to problems

■ About kernel messages

■ Kernel messages

■ About unique message identifiers

■ Unique message identifiers

File system response to problems

When the file system encounters problems, it responds in one of the following

Marking an inode bad Inodes can be marked bad if an inode update or a directory-block
update fails. In these types of failures, the file system does not
know what information is on the disk, and considers all the
information that it finds to be invalid. After an inode is marked
bad, the kernel still permits access to the file name, but any
attempt to access the data in the file or change the inode fails.

Disabling transactions If the file system detects an error while writing the intent log, it
disables transactions. After transactions are disabled, the files in
the file system can still be read or written, but no block or inode
frees or allocations, structural changes, directory entry changes,
or other changes to metadata are allowed.
58 VxFS diagnostic messages
About kernel messages

Disabling a file system If an error occurs that compromises the integrity of the file system,
VxFS disables itself. If the intent log fails or an inode-list error
occurs, the super-block is ordinarily updated (setting the
VX_FULLFSCK flag) so that the next fsck does a full structural
check. If this super-block update fails, any further changes to the
file system can cause inconsistencies that are undetectable by the
intent log replay. To avoid this situation, the file system disables

Recovering a disabled file system

When the file system is disabled, no data can be written to the disk. Although
some minor file system operations still work, most simply return EIO. The only
thing that can be done when the file system is disabled is to do a umount and run
a full fsck.
Although a log replay may produce a clean file system, do a full structural check
to be safe.
The file system usually becomes disabled because of disk errors. Disk failures that
disable a file system should be fixed as quickly as possible.
See the fsck_vxfs(1M) manual page.
To execute a full structural check
◆ Use the fsck command to execute a full structural check:

# fsck -F vxfs -o full -y /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/volume

Warning: Be careful when running this command. By specifying the -y option,

all fsck user prompts are answered with a “yes”, which can make irreversible
changes if it performs a full file system check.

About kernel messages

Kernel messages are diagnostic or error messages generated by the Veritas File
System (VxFS) kernel. Each message has a description and a suggestion on how
to handle or correct the underlying problem.

About global message IDs

When a VxFS kernel message displays on the system console, it is preceded by a
numerical ID shown in the msgcnt field. This ID number increases with each
VxFS diagnostic messages 59
Kernel messages

instance of the message to guarantee that the sequence of events is known when
analyzing file system problems.
Each message is also written to an internal kernel buffer that you can view in the
file /var/adm/messages.
In some cases, additional data is written to the kernel buffer. For example, if an
inode is marked bad, the contents of the bad inode are written. When an error
message is displayed on the console, you can use the unique message ID to find
the message in /var/adm/messages and obtain the additional information.

Kernel messages
Some commonly encountered kernel messages are described on the following

Table 2-1 Kernel messages

Message Number Message and Definition

001 NOTICE: msgcnt x: mesg 001: V-2-1: vx_nospace - mount_point file

system full (n block extent)

■ Description
The file system is out of space.
Often, there is plenty of space and one runaway process used up
all the remaining free space. In other cases, the available free space
becomes fragmented and unusable for some files.
■ Action
Monitor the free space in the file system and prevent it from
becoming full. If a runaway process has used up all the space, stop
that process, find the files created by the process, and remove
them. If the file system is out of space, remove files, defragment,
or expand the file system.
To remove files, use the find command to locate the files that are
to be removed. To get the most space with the least amount of
work, remove large files or file trees that are no longer needed. To
defragment or expand the file system, use the fsadm command.
See the fsadm_vxfs(1M) manual page.
60 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

002 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 002: V-2-2: vx_snap_strategy -

mount_point file system write attempt to read-only file system

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 002: V-2-2: vx_snap_copyblk -

mount_point file system write attempt to read-only file system

■ Description
The kernel tried to write to a read-only file system. This is an
unlikely problem, but if it occurs, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
The file system was not written, so no action is required. Report
this as a bug to your customer support organization.

003, 004, 005 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 003: V-2-3: vx_mapbad - mount_point
file system free extent bitmap in au aun marked bad

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 004: V-2-4: vx_mapbad - mount_point

file system free inode bitmap in au aun marked bad

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 005: V-2-5: vx_mapbad - mount_point

file system inode extended operation bitmap in au aun marked bad

■ Description
If there is an I/O failure while writing a bitmap, the map is marked
bad. The kernel considers the maps to be invalid, so does not do
any more resource allocation from maps. This situation can cause
the file system to report out of space or out of inode error messages
even though df may report an adequate amount of free space.
This error may also occur due to bitmap inconsistencies. If a bitmap
fails a consistency check, or blocks are freed that are already free
in the bitmap, the file system has been corrupted. This may have
occurred because a user or process wrote directly to the device or
used fsdb to change the file system.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set. If the map that failed was a free
extent bitmap, and the VX_FULLFSCK flag cannot be set, then the
file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process was
writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full
structural check.
VxFS diagnostic messages 61
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

006, 007 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 006: V-2-6: vx_sumupd - mount_point

file system summary update in au aun failed

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 007: V-2-7: vx_sumupd - mount_point

file system summary update in inode au iaun failed

■ Description
An I/O error occurred while writing the allocation unit or inode
allocation unit bitmap summary to disk. This sets the
VX_FULLFSCK flag on the file system. If the VX_FULLFSCK flag
cannot be set, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem was caused by
a disk failure, replace the disk before the file system is mounted
for write access, and use fsck to run a full structural check.

008, 009 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 008: V-2-8: vx_direrr: function -

mount_point file system dir inode dir_inumber dev/block
device_ID/block dirent inode dirent_inumber error errno

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 009: V-2-9: vx_direrr: function -

mount_point file system dir inode dir_inumber dirent inode
dirent_inumber immediate directory error errno

■ Description
A directory operation failed in an unexpected manner. The mount
point, inode, and block number identify the failing directory. If the
inode is an immediate directory, the directory entries are stored
in the inode, so no block number is reported. If the error is ENOENT
or ENOTDIR, an inconsistency was detected in the directory block.
This inconsistency could be a bad free count, a corrupted hash
chain, or any similar directory structure error. If the error is EIO
or ENXIO, an I/O failure occurred while reading or writing the disk
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block so that fsck will
do a full structural check the next time it is run.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem was caused by
a disk failure, replace the disk before the file system is mounted
for write access. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a
full structural check.
62 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

010 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 010: V-2-10: vx_ialloc - mount_point file

system inode inumber not free

■ Description
When the kernel allocates an inode from the free inode bitmap, it
checks the mode and link count of the inode. If either is non-zero,
the free inode bitmap or the inode list is corrupted.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block so that fsck will
do a full structural check the next time it is run.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural

011 NOTICE: msgcnt x: mesg 011: V-2-11: vx_noinode - mount_point file

system out of inodes

■ Description
The file system is out of inodes.
■ Action
Monitor the free inodes in the file system. If the file system is
getting full, create more inodes either by removing files or by
expanding the file system.
See the fsadm_vxfs(1M) online manual page.

012 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 012: V-2-12: vx_iget - mount_point file

system invalid inode number inumber

■ Description
When the kernel tries to read an inode, it checks the inode number
against the valid range. If the inode number is out of range, the
data structure that referenced the inode number is incorrect and
must be fixed.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block so that fsck will
do a full structural check the next time it is run.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
VxFS diagnostic messages 63
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

013 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 013: V-2-13: vx_iposition - mount_point

file system inode inumber invalid inode list extent

■ Description
For a Version 2 and above disk layout, the inode list is dynamically
allocated. When the kernel tries to read an inode, it must look up
the location of the inode in the inode list file. If the kernel finds a
bad extent, the inode cannot be accessed. All of the inode list
extents are validated when the file system is mounted, so if the
kernel finds a bad extent, the integrity of the inode list is
questionable. This is a very serious error.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block and the file system
is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural

014 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 014: V-2-14: vx_iget - inode table overflow

■ Description
All the system in-memory inodes are busy and an attempt was
made to use a new inode.
■ Action
Look at the processes that are running and determine which
processes are using inodes. If it appears there are runaway
processes, they might be tying up the inodes. If the system load
appears normal, increase the vxfs_ninode parameter in the
64 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

015 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 015: V-2-15: vx_ibadinactive -

mount_point file system cannot mark inode inumber bad

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 015: V-2-15: vx_ilisterr - mount_point

file system cannot mark inode inumber bad

■ Description
An attempt to mark an inode bad on disk, and the super-block
update to set the VX_FULLFSCK flag, failed. This indicates that a
catastrophic disk error may have occurred since both an inode list
block and the super-block had I/O failures. The file system is
disabled to preserve file system integrity.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk failed, replace
it before remounting the file system.

016 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 016: V-2-16: vx_ilisterr - mount_point

file system error reading inode inumber

■ Description
An I/O error occurred while reading the inode list. The
VX_FULLFSCK flag is set.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem was caused by
a disk failure, replace the disk before the file system is mounted
for write access. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a
full structural check.
VxFS diagnostic messages 65
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

66 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_attr_getblk -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_attr_iget - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_attr_indadd -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_attr_indtrunc -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_attr_iremove -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_bmap - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_bmap_indirect_ext4 -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_delbuf_flush -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_dio_iovec - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_dirbread - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_dircreate - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_dirlook - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_doextop_iau -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_doextop_now -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_do_getpage -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_enter_ext4 - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_exttrunc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core
VxFS diagnostic messages 67
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_get_alloc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

017 (continued) WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_ilisterr - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_indtrunc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_iread - mount_point file

system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_iremove - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_iremove_attr -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_logwrite_flush -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_oltmount_iget -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_overlay_bmap -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_readnomap -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_reorg_trunc -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_stablestore -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_tranitimes - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_trunc - mount_point file

system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_write_alloc2 -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_write_default -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-17: vx_zero_alloc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad in core
68 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

017 (continued) ■ Description

When inode information is no longer dependable, the kernel marks
it bad in memory. This is followed by a message to mark it bad on
disk as well unless the mount command ioerror option is set to
disable, or there is subsequent I/O failure when updating the inode
on disk. No further operations can be performed on the inode.
The most common reason for marking an inode bad is a disk I/O
failure. If there is an I/O failure in the inode list, on a directory
block, or an indirect address extent, the integrity of the data in the
inode, or the data the kernel tried to write to the inode list, is
questionable. In these cases, the disk driver prints an error message
and one or more inodes are marked bad.
The kernel also marks an inode bad if it finds a bad extent address,
invalid inode fields, or corruption in directory data blocks during
a validation check. A validation check failure indicates the file
system has been corrupted. This usually occurs because a user or
process has written directly to the device or used fsdb to change
the file system.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block so fsck will do a
full structural check the next time it is run.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process is writing
to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. In either case, unmount the file system. The file
system can be remounted without a full fsck unless the
VX_FULLFSCK flag is set for the file system.
VxFS diagnostic messages 69
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

019 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 019: V-2-19: vx_log_add - mount_point

file system log overflow

■ Description
Log ID overflow. When the log ID reaches VX_MAXLOGID
(approximately one billion by default), a flag is set so the file system
resets the log ID at the next opportunity. If the log ID has not been
reset, when the log ID reaches VX_DISLOGID (approximately
VX_MAXLOGID plus 500 million by default), the file system is
disabled. Since a log reset will occur at the next 60 second sync
interval, this should never happen.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural

020 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 020: V-2-20: vx_logerr - mount_point

file system log error errno

■ Description
Intent log failed. The kernel will try to set the VX_FULLFSCK and
VX_LOGBAD flags in the super-block to prevent running a log
replay. If the super-block cannot be updated, the file system is
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk failed, replace
it before remounting the file system.
70 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

021 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 021: V-2-21: vx_fs_init - mount_point

file system validation failure

■ Description
When a VxFS file system is mounted, the structure is read from
disk. If the file system is marked clean, the structure is correct and
the first block of the intent log is cleared.
If there is any I/O problem or the structure is inconsistent, the
kernel sets the VX_FULLFSCK flag and the mount fails.
If the error is not related to an I/O failure, this may have occurred
because a user or process has written directly to the device or used
fsdb to change the file system.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process is writing
to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. In either case, unmount the file system and use fsck
to run a full structural check.
VxFS diagnostic messages 71
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

022 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 022: V-2-22: vx_mountroot - root file

system remount failed

■ Description
The remount of the root file system failed. The system will not be
usable if the root file system cannot be remounted for read/write
When a root Veritas File System is first mounted, it is mounted
for read-only access. After fsck is run, the file system is remounted
for read/write access. The remount fails if fsck completed a resize
operation or modified a file that was opened before the fsck was
run. It also fails if an I/O error occurred during the remount.
Usually, the system halts or reboots automatically.
■ Action
Reboot the system. The system either remounts the root cleanly
or runs a full structural fsck and remounts cleanly. If the remount
succeeds, no further action is necessary.
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk has failed, replace
it before the file system is mounted for write access.
If the system won't come up and a full structural fsck hasn't been
run, reboot the system on a backup root and manually run a full
structural fsck. If the problem persists after the full structural
fsck and there are no I/O errors, contact your customer support

023 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 023: V-2-23: vx_unmountroot - root file

system is busy and cannot be unmounted cleanly

■ Description
There were active files in the file system and they caused the
unmount to fail.
When the system is halted, the root file system is unmounted. This
happens occasionally when a process is hung and it cannot be killed
before unmounting the root.
■ Action
fsck will run when the system is rebooted. It should clean up the
file system. No other action is necessary.
If the problem occurs every time the system is halted, determine
the cause and contact your customer support organization.
72 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

024 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 024: V-2-24: vx_cutwait - mount_point

file system current usage table update error

■ Description
Update to the current usage table (CUT) failed.
For a Version 2 disk layout, the CUT contains a fileset version
number and total number of blocks used by each fileset.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block. If the super-block
cannot be written, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural

025 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 025: V-2-25: vx_wsuper - mount_point

file system super-block update failed

■ Description
An I/O error occurred while writing the super-block during a resize
operation. The file system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk
failure, replace the disk before the file system is mounted for write

026 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 026: V-2-26: vx_snap_copyblk -

mount_point primary file system read error

■ Description
Snapshot file system error.
When the primary file system is written, copies of the original data
must be written to the snapshot file system. If a read error occurs
on a primary file system during the copy, any snapshot file system
that doesn't already have a copy of the data is out of date and must
be disabled.
■ Action
An error message for the primary file system prints. Resolve the
error on the primary file system and rerun any backups or other
applications that were using the snapshot that failed when the
error occurred.
VxFS diagnostic messages 73
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

027 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 027: V-2-27: vx_snap_bpcopy -

mount_point snapshot file system write error

■ Description
A write to the snapshot file system failed.
As the primary file system is updated, copies of the original data
are read from the primary file system and written to the snapshot
file system. If one of these writes fails, the snapshot file system is
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk has failed, replace
it. Resolve the error on the disk and rerun any backups or other
applications that were using the snapshot that failed when the
error occurred.

028 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 028: V-2-28: vx_snap_alloc - mount_point

snapshot file system out of space

■ Description
The snapshot file system ran out of space to store changes.
During a snapshot backup, as the primary file system is modified,
the original data is copied to the snapshot file system. This error
can occur if the snapshot file system is left mounted by mistake,
if the snapshot file system was given too little disk space, or the
primary file system had an unexpected burst of activity. The
snapshot file system is disabled.
■ Action
Make sure the snapshot file system was given the correct amount
of space. If it was, determine the activity level on the primary file
system. If the primary file system was unusually busy, rerun the
backup. If the primary file system is no busier than normal, move
the backup to a time when the primary file system is relatively idle
or increase the amount of disk space allocated to the snapshot file
Rerun any backups that failed when the error occurred.
74 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

029, 030 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 029: V-2-29: vx_snap_getbp -

mount_point snapshot file system block map write error

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 030: V-2-30: vx_snap_getbp -

mount_point snapshot file system block map read error

■ Description
During a snapshot backup, each snapshot file system maintains a
block map on disk. The block map tells the snapshot file system
where data from the primary file system is stored in the snapshot
file system. If an I/O operation to the block map fails, the snapshot
file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk has failed, replace
it. Resolve the error on the disk and rerun any backups that failed
when the error occurred.

031 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 031: V-2-31: vx_disable - mount_point

file system disabled

■ Description
File system disabled, preceded by a message that specifies the
reason. This usually indicates a serious disk problem.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. If the problem is a disk failure, replace the disk before the
file system is mounted for write access.

032 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 032: V-2-32: vx_disable - mount_point

snapshot file system disabled

■ Description
Snapshot file system disabled, preceded by a message that specifies
the reason.
■ Action
Unmount the snapshot file system, correct the problem specified
by the message, and rerun any backups that failed due to the error.
VxFS diagnostic messages 75
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

033 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 033: V-2-33: vx_check_badblock -

mount_point file system had an I/O error, setting VX_FULLFSCK

■ Description
When the disk driver encounters an I/O error, it sets a flag in the
super-block structure. If the flag is set, the kernel will set the
VX_FULLFSCK flag as a precautionary measure. Since no other
error has set the VX_FULLFSCK flag, the failure probably occurred
on a data block.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk
failure, replace the disk before the file system is mounted for write

034 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 034: V-2-34: vx_resetlog - mount_point

file system cannot reset log

■ Description
The kernel encountered an error while resetting the log ID on the
file system. This happens only if the super-block update or log
write encountered a device failure. The file system is disabled to
preserve its integrity.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk
failure, replace the disk before the file system is mounted for write

035 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 035: V-2-35: vx_inactive - mount_point

file system inactive of locked inode inumber

■ Description
VOP_INACTIVE was called for an inode while the inode was being
used. This should never happen, but if it does, the file system is
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Report as a bug to your customer support organization.
76 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

036 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 036: V-2-36: vx_lctbad - mount_point

file system link count table lctnumber bad

■ Description
Update to the link count table (LCT) failed.
For a Version 2 and above disk layout, the LCT contains the link
count for all the structural inodes. The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set
in the super-block. If the super-block cannot be written, the file
system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural

037 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 037: V-2-37: vx_metaioerr - function -

volume_name file system meta data [read|write] error in dev/block

■ Description
A read or a write error occurred while accessing file system
metadata. The full fsck flag on the file system was set. The
message specifies whether the disk I/O that failed was a read or a
File system metadata includes inodes, directory blocks, and the
file system log. If the error was a write error, it is likely that some
data was lost. This message should be accompanied by another file
system message describing the particular file system metadata
affected, as well as a message from the disk driver containing
information about the disk I/O error.
■ Action
Resolve the condition causing the disk error. If the error was the
result of a temporary condition (such as accidentally turning off
a disk or a loose cable), correct the condition. Check for loose cables,
etc. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check (possibly with loss of data).
In case of an actual disk error, if it was a read error and the disk
driver remaps bad sectors on write, it may be fixed when fsck is
run since fsck is likely to rewrite the sector with the read error.
In other cases, you replace or reformat the disk drive and restore
the file system from backups. Consult the documentation specific
to your system for information on how to recover from disk errors.
The disk driver should have printed a message that may provide
more information.
VxFS diagnostic messages 77
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

038 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 038: V-2-38: vx_dataioerr - volume_name

file system file data [read|write] error in dev/block device_ID/block

■ Description
A read or a write error occurred while accessing file data. The
message specifies whether the disk I/O that failed was a read or a
write. File data includes data currently in files and free blocks. If
the message is printed because of a read or write error to a file,
another message that includes the inode number of the file will
print. The message may be printed as the result of a read or write
error to a free block, since some operations allocate an extent and
immediately perform I/O to it. If the I/O fails, the extent is freed
and the operation fails. The message is accompanied by a message
from the disk driver regarding the disk I/O error.
■ Action
Resolve the condition causing the disk error. If the error was the
result of a temporary condition (such as accidentally turning off
a disk or a loose cable), correct the condition. Check for loose cables,
etc. If any file data was lost, restore the files from backups.
Determine the file names from the inode number.
See the ncheck(1M) manual page.
If an actual disk error occurred, make a backup of the file system,
replace or reformat the disk drive, and restore the file system from
the backup. Consult the documentation specific to your system for
information on how to recover from disk errors. The disk driver
should have printed a message that may provide more information.
78 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

039 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 039: V-2-39: vx_writesuper - file system

super-block write error

■ Description
An attempt to write the file system super block failed due to a disk
I/O error. If the file system was being mounted at the time, the
mount will fail. If the file system was mounted at the time and the
full fsck flag was being set, the file system will probably be
disabled and Message 031 will also be printed. If the super-block
was being written as a result of a sync operation, no other action
is taken.
■ Action
Resolve the condition causing the disk error. If the error was the
result of a temporary condition (such as accidentally turning off
a disk or a loose cable), correct the condition. Check for loose cables,
etc. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
If an actual disk error occurred, make a backup of the file system,
replace or reformat the disk drive, and restore the file system from
backups. Consult the documentation specific to your system for
information on how to recover from disk errors. The disk driver
should have printed a message that may provide more information.

040 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 040: V-2-40: vx_dqbad - mount_point

file system user|group quota file update error for id id

■ Description
An update to the user quotas file failed for the user ID.
The quotas file keeps track of the total number of blocks and inodes
used by each user, and also contains soft and hard limits for each
user ID. The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block. If the
super-block cannot be written, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk has a
hardware failure, it should be repaired before the file system is
mounted for write access.
VxFS diagnostic messages 79
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

041 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 041: V-2-41: vx_dqget - mount_point

file system user|group quota file cannot read quota for id id

■ Description
A read of the user quotas file failed for the uid.
The quotas file keeps track of the total number of blocks and inodes
used by each user, and contains soft and hard limits for each user
ID. The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block. If the
super-block cannot be written, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. Check the console log for I/O errors. If the disk has a
hardware failure, it should be repaired before the file system is
mounted for write access.

042 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 042: V-2-42: vx_bsdquotaupdate -

mount_point file system user|group_id disk limit reached

■ Description
The hard limit on blocks was reached. Further attempts to allocate
blocks for files owned by the user will fail.
■ Action
Remove some files to free up space.

043 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 043: V-2-43: vx_bsdquotaupdate -

mount_point file system user|group_id disk quota exceeded too long

■ Description
The soft limit on blocks was exceeded continuously for longer than
the soft quota time limit. Further attempts to allocate blocks for
files will fail.
■ Action
Remove some files to free up space.

044 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 044: V-2-44: vx_bsdquotaupdate -

mount_point file system user|group_id disk quota exceeded

■ Description
The soft limit on blocks is exceeded. Users can exceed the soft limit
for a limited amount of time before allocations begin to fail. After
the soft quota time limit has expired, subsequent attempts to
allocate blocks for files fail.
■ Action
Remove some files to free up space.
80 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

045 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 045: V-2-45: vx_bsdiquotaupdate -

mount_point file system user|group_id inode limit reached

■ Description
The hard limit on inodes was exceeded. Further attempts to create
files owned by the user will fail.
■ Action
Remove some files to free inodes.

046 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 046: V-2-46: vx_bsdiquotaupdate -

mount_point file system user|group_id inode quota exceeded too

■ Description
The soft limit on inodes has been exceeded continuously for longer
than the soft quota time limit. Further attempts to create files
owned by the user will fail.
■ Action
Remove some files to free inodes.

047 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 047: V-2-47: vx_bsdiquotaupdate - warning:

mount_point file system user|group_id inode quota exceeded

■ Description
The soft limit on inodes was exceeded. The soft limit can be
exceeded for a certain amount of time before attempts to create
new files begin to fail. Once the time limit has expired, further
attempts to create files owned by the user will fail.
■ Action
Remove some files to free inodes.
VxFS diagnostic messages 81
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

048, 049 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 048: V-2-48: vx_dqread - warning:

mount_point file system external user|group quota file read failed

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 049: V-2-49: vx_dqwrite - warning:

mount_point file system external user|group quota file write failed

■ Description
To maintain reliable usage counts, VxFS maintains the user quotas
file as a structural file in the structural fileset.
These files are updated as part of the transactions that allocate
and free blocks and inodes. For compatibility with the quota
administration utilities, VxFS also supports the standard user
visible quota files.
When quotas are turned off, synced, or new limits are added, VxFS
tries to update the external quota files. When quotas are enabled,
VxFS tries to read the quota limits from the external quotas file.
If these reads or writes fail, the external quotas file is out of date.
■ Action
Determine the reason for the failure on the external quotas file
and correct it. Recreate the quotas file.

055 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 055: V-2-55: vx_force_unmount -

mount_point file system disabled by forced unmount

■ Description
■ Action
82 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

056 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 056: V-2-56: vx_mapbad - mount_point

file system extent allocation unit state bitmap number number marked

■ Description
If there is an I/O failure while writing a bitmap, the map is marked
bad. The kernel considers the maps to be invalid, so does not do
any more resource allocation from maps. This situation can cause
the file system to report “out of space” or “out of inode” error
messages even though df may report an adequate amount of free
This error may also occur due to bitmap inconsistencies. If a bitmap
fails a consistency check, or blocks are freed that are already free
in the bitmap, the file system has been corrupted. This may have
occurred because a user or process wrote directly to the device or
used fsdb to change the file system.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set. If the VX_FULLFSCK flag cannot be
set, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process was
writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full
structural check.

057 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 057: V-2-57: vx_esum_bad - mount_point

file system extent allocation unit summary number number marked

■ Description
An I/O error occurred reading or writing an extent allocation unit
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set. If the VX_FULLFSCK flag cannot be
set, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process was
writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full
structural check.
VxFS diagnostic messages 83
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

058 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 058: V-2-58: vx_isum_bad - mount_point

file system inode allocation unit summary number number marked

■ Description
An I/O error occurred reading or writing an inode allocation unit
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set. If the VX_FULLFSCK flag cannot be
set, the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process was
writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full
structural check.

059 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 059: V-2-59: vx_snap_getbitbp -

mount_point snapshot file system bitmap write error

■ Description
An I/O error occurred while writing to the snapshot file system
bitmap. There is no problem with the snapped file system, but the
snapshot file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process was
writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. Restart the snapshot on an error free disk partition.
Rerun any backups that failed when the error occurred.
84 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

060 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 060: V-2-60: vx_snap_getbitbp -

mount_point snapshot file system bitmap read error

■ Description
An I/O error occurred while reading the snapshot file system
bitmap. There is no problem with snapped file system, but the
snapshot file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process was
writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. Restart the snapshot on an error free disk partition.
Rerun any backups that failed when the error occurred.

061 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 061: V-2-61: vx_resize - mount_point

file system remount failed

■ Description
During a file system resize, the remount to the new size failed. The
VX_FULLFSCK flag is set and the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
check. After the check, the file system shows the new size.

062 NOTICE: msgcnt x: mesg 062: V-2-62: vx_attr_creatop - invalid

disposition returned by attribute driver

■ Description
A registered extended attribute intervention routine returned an
invalid return code to the VxFS driver during extended attribute
■ Action
Determine which vendor supplied the registered extended attribute
intervention routine and contact their customer support
VxFS diagnostic messages 85
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

063 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 063: V-2-63: vx_fset_markbad -

mount_point file system mount_point fileset (index number)
marked bad

■ Description
An error occurred while reading or writing a fileset structure.
VX_FULLFSCK flag is set. If the VX_FULLFSCK flag cannot be set,
the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural

064 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 064: V-2-64: vx_ivalidate - mount_point

file system inode number version number exceeds fileset's

■ Description
During inode validation, a discrepancy was found between the
inode version number and the fileset version number. The inode
may be marked bad, or the fileset version number may be changed,
depending on the ratio of the mismatched version numbers.
VX_FULLFSCK flag is set. If the VX_FULLFSCK flag cannot be set,
the file system is disabled.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process is writing
to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. In either case, unmount the file system and use fsck
to run a full structural check.

066 NOTICE: msgcnt x: mesg 066: V-2-66: DMAPI mount event - buffer

■ Description
An HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management) agent responded to
a DMAPI mount event and returned a message in buffer.
■ Action
Consult the HSM product documentation for the appropriate
response to the message.
86 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

067 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 067: V-2-67: mount of device_path

requires HSM agent

■ Description
The file system mount failed because the file system was marked
as being under the management of an HSM agent, and no HSM
agent was found during the mount.
■ Action
Restart the HSM agent and try to mount the file system again.

068 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 068: V-2-68: ncsize parameter is greater

than 80% of the vxfs_ninode parameter; increasing the value of

■ Description
The value auto-tuned for the vxfs_ninode parameter is less than
125% of the ncsize parameter.
■ Action
To prevent this message from occurring, set vxfs_ninode to at
least 125% of the value of ncsize. The best way to do this is to
adjust ncsize down, rather than adjusting vxfs_ninode up.

069 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 069: V-2-69: memory usage specified by

the vxfs:vxfs_ninode and vxfs:vx_bc_bufhwm parameters exceeds
available memory; the system may hang under heavy load
■ Description
The value of the system tunable parameters—vxfs_ninode and
vx_bc_bufhwm—add up to a value that is more than 66% of the
kernel virtual address space or more than 50% of the physical
system memory. VxFS inodes require approximately one kilobyte
each, so both values can be treated as if they are in units of one
■ Action
To avoid a system hang, reduce the value of one or both parameters
to less than 50% of physical memory or to 66% of kernel virtual
VxFS diagnostic messages 87
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

070 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 070: V-2-70: checkpoint

checkpoint_name removed from file system mount_point

■ Description
The file system ran out of space while updating a Storage
Checkpoint. The Storage Checkpoint was removed to allow the
operation to complete.
■ Action
Increase the size of the file system. If the file system size cannot
be increased, remove files to create sufficient space for new Storage
Checkpoints. Monitor capacity of the file system closely to ensure
it does not run out of space.
See the fsadm_vxfs(1M) manual page.

071 NOTICE: msgcnt x: mesg 071: V-2-71: cleared data I/O error flag in
mount_point file system

■ Description
The user data I/O error flag was reset when the file system was
mounted. This message indicates that a read or write error occurred
while the file system was previously mounted.
See Message Number 038.
■ Action
Informational only, no action required.

072 WARNING: msgcnt x: vxfs: mesg 072: could not failover for
volume_name file system

■ Description
This message is specific to the cluster file system. The message
indicates a problem in a scenario where a node failure has occurred
in the cluster and the newly selected primary node encounters a
■ Action
Save the system logs and core dump of the node along with the
disk image (metasave) and contact your customer support
organization. The node can be rebooted to join the cluster.
88 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

075 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 075: V-2-75: replay fsck failed for
mount_point file system

■ Description
The log replay failed during a failover or while migrating the CFS
primary-ship to one of the secondary cluster nodes. The file system
was disabled.
■ Action
Unmount the file system from the cluster. Use fsck to run a full
structural check and mount the file system again.

076 NOTICE: msgcnt x: mesg 076: V-2-76: checkpoint asynchronous

operation on mount_point file system still in progress

■ Description

An EBUSY message was received while trying to unmount a file system.

The unmount failure was caused by a pending asynchronous fileset
operation, such as a fileset removal or fileset conversion to a nodata
Storage Checkpoint.

■ Action
The operation may take a considerable length of time. You can do
a forced unmount, or simply wait for the operation to complete so
file system can be unmounted cleanly.
See the umount_vxfs(1M) manual page.

077 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 077: V-2-77: vx_fshdchange -

mount_point file system number fileset, fileset header: checksum

■ Description
Disk corruption was detected while changing fileset headers. This
can occur when writing a new inode allocation unit, preventing
the allocation of new inodes in the fileset.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
VxFS diagnostic messages 89
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

078 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 078: V-2-78: vx_ilealloc - mount_point

file system mount_point fileset (index number) ilist corrupt

■ Description
The inode list for the fileset was corrupted and the corruption was
detected while allocating new inodes. The failed system call returns
an ENOSPC error. Any subsequent inode allocations will fail unless
a sufficient number of files are removed.
■ Action
Unmount the file system and use fsck to run a full structural
90 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

VxFS diagnostic messages 91
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_attr_getblk -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_attr_iget - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_attr_indadd -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_attr_indtrunc -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_attr_iremove -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_bmap - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_bmap_indirect_ext4 -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_delbuf_flush -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_dio_iovec - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_dirbread - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_dircreate - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_dirlook - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_doextop_iau -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_doextop_now -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_do_getpage -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_enter_ext4 - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_exttrunc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk
92 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_get_alloc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

079 (continued) WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_ilisterr - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_indtrunc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_iread - mount_point file

system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_iremove - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_iremove_attr -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_logwrite_flush -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_oltmount_iget -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_overlay_bmap -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_readnomap -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_reorg_trunc -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_stablestore -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_tranitimes - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_trunc - mount_point file

system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_write_alloc2 -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_write_default -

mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad on disk

WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 017: V-2-79: vx_zero_alloc - mount_point

file system inode inumber marked bad on disk
VxFS diagnostic messages 93
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

079 (continued) ■ Description

When inode information is no longer dependable, the kernel marks
it bad on disk. The most common reason for marking an inode bad
is a disk I/O failure. If there is an I/O failure in the inode list, on a
directory block, or an indirect address extent, the integrity of the
data in the inode, or the data the kernel tried to write to the inode
list, is questionable. In these cases, the disk driver prints an error
message and one or more inodes are marked bad.
The kernel also marks an inode bad if it finds a bad extent address,
invalid inode fields, or corruption in directory data blocks during
a validation check. A validation check failure indicates the file
system has been corrupted. This usually occurs because a user or
process has written directly to the device or used fsdb to change
the file system.
The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block so fsck will do a
full structural check the next time it is run.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure,
replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, find
out how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process is writing
to the device, report the problem to your customer support
organization. In either case, unmount the file system and use fsck
to run a full structural check.
94 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

080 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 080: V-2-80: Disk layout versions older
than Version 4 will not be supported in the next release. It is advisable
to upgrade to the latest disk layout version now.

See the vxupgrade(1M) manual page.

See the Veritas Storage Foundation Release Notes.

■ Action
Use the vxupgrade command to upgrade file systems using older
disk layouts to Version 5, then 6, then 7. Consider the following
when planning disk layout upgrades:
■ Version 1 disk layout file systems can support more than 8 million
inodes, while Version 2 disk layout file systems have an 8 million
inode limit.
The Version 1 disk layout provides finer control of disk geometry
than subsequent disk layouts. This finer control is not relevant on
disks employing newer technologies, but can still be applicable on
older hardware. If you are using Version 1 disk layout file systems
on older hardware that needs fine control of disk geometry, a disk
layout upgrade may be problematic.
Images of Version 1 or Version 2 disk layout file systems created
by copy utilities, such as dd or volcopy, will become unusable
after a disk layout upgrade.

081 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 081: V-2-81: possible network partition


■ Description
This message displays when CFS detects a possible network
partition and disables the file system locally, that is, on the node
where the message appears.
■ Action
There are one or more private network links for communication
between the nodes in a cluster. At least one link must be active to
maintain the integrity of the cluster. If all the links go down, after
the last network link is broken, the node can no longer
communicate with other nodes in the cluster.
Check the network connections. After verifying that the network
connections is operating correctly, unmount the disabled file
system and mount it again.
VxFS diagnostic messages 95
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

082 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 082: V-2-82: volume_name file system is

on shared volume. It may get damaged if cluster is in partitioned state.

■ Description
If a cluster node is in a partitioned state, and if the file system is
on a shared VxVM volume, this volume may become corrupted by
accidental access from another node in the cluster.
■ Action
These shared disks can also be seen by nodes in a different
partition, so they can inadvertently be corrupted. So the second
message 082 tells that the device mentioned is on shared volume
and damage can happen only if it is a real partition problem. Do
not use it on any other node until the file system is unmounted
from the mounted nodes.

083 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 083: V-2-83: mount_point file system

log is not compatible with the specified intent log I/O size

■ Description
Either the specified mount logiosize size is not compatible with
the file system layout, or the file system is corrupted.
■ Action
Mount the file system again without specifying the logiosize option,
or use a logiosize value compatible with the intent log specified
when the file system was created. If the error persists, unmount
the file system and use fsck to run a full structural check.

084 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 084: V-2-84: in volume_name quota on

failed during assumption. (stage stage_number)

■ Description
In a cluster file system, when the primary of the file system fails,
a secondary file system is chosen to assume the role of the primary.
The assuming node will be able to enforce quotas after becoming
the primary.
If the new primary is unable to enforce quotas this message will
be displayed.
■ Action
Issue the quotaon command from any of the nodes that have the
file system mounted.
96 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

085 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 085: V-2-85: Checkpoint quota - warning:

file_system file system fileset quota hard limit exceeded

■ Description
The system administrator sets the quotas for Storage Checkpoints
in the form of a soft limit and hard limit. This message displays
when the hard limit is exceeded.
■ Action
Delete Storage Checkpoints or increase the hard limit.

086 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 086: V-2-86: Checkpoint quota - warning:

file_system file system fileset quota soft limit exceeded

■ Description
The system administrator sets the quotas for Storage Checkpoints
in the form of a soft limit and hard limit. This message displays
when the soft limit is exceeded.
■ Action
Delete Storage Checkpoints or increase the soft limit. This is not
a mandatory action, but is recommended.

087 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 087: V-2-87: vx_dotdot_manipulate:

file_system file system inumber inode ddnumber dotdot inode

■ Description
When performing an operation that changes an inode entry, if the
inode is incorrect, this message will display.
■ Action
Run a full file system check using fsck to correct the errors.

088 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 088: V-2-88: quotaon on file_system

failed; limits exceed limit

■ Description
The external quota file, quotas, contains the quota values, which
range from 0 up to 2147483647. When quotas are turned on by the
quotaon command, this message displays when a user exceeds
the quota limit.
■ Action
Correct the quota values in the quotas file.
VxFS diagnostic messages 97
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

089 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 089: V-2-89: quotaon on file_system

invalid; disk usage for group/user id uid exceeds sectors sectors

■ Description
The supported quota limit is up to 2147483647 sectors. When
quotas are turned on by the quotaon command, this message
displays when a user exceeds the supported quota limit.
■ Action
Ask the user to delete files to lower the quota below the limit.

090 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 090: V-2-90: quota on file_system failed;

soft limits greater than hard limits

■ Description
One or more users or groups has a soft limit set greater than the
hard limit, preventing the BSD quota from being turned on.
■ Action
Check the soft limit and hard limit for every user and group and
confirm that the soft limit is not set greater than the hard limit.

091 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 091: V-2-91: vx_fcl_truncate - failure to

punch hole at offset offset for bytes bytes in File Change Log file;
error error_number

■ Description
The vxfs kernel has experienced an error while trying to manage
the space consumed by the File Change Log file. Because the space
cannot be actively managed at this time, the FCL has been
deactivated and has been truncated to 1 file system block, which
contains the FCL superblock.
■ Action
Re-activate the FCL.

092 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 092: V-2-92: vx_mkfcltran - failure to map

offset offset in File Change Log file

■ Description
The vxfs kernel was unable to map actual storage to the next offset
in the File Change Log file. This is mostly likely caused by a problem
with allocating to the FCL file. Because no new FCL records can be
written to the FCL file, the FCL has been deactivated.
■ Action
Re-activate the FCL.
98 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

096 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 096: V-2-96: file_system file system

fullfsck flag set - function_name.

■ Description
The next time the file system is mounted, a full fsck must be
■ Action
No immediate action required. When the file system is unmounted,
run a full file system check using fsck before mounting it again.

097 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 097: V-2-97: VxFS failed to create new
thread (error_number, function_address:argument_address)

■ Description
VxFS failed to create a kernel thread due to resource constraints,
which is often a memory shortage.
■ Action
VxFS will retry the thread creation until it succeeds; no immediate
action is required. Kernel resources, such as kernel memory, might
be overcommitted. If so, reconfigure the system accordingly.

098 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 098: V-2-98: VxFS failed to initialize File
Change Log for fileset fileset (index number) of mount_point file

■ Description
VxFS mount failed to initialize FCL structures for the current fileset
mount. As a result, FCL could not be turned on. The FCL file will
have no logging records.
■ Action
Reactivate the FCL.

099 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 099: V-2-99: The specified value for
vx_ninode is less than the recommended minimum value of

■ Description
Auto-tuning or the value specified by the system administrator
resulted in a value lower than the recommended minimum for the
total number of inodes that can be present in the inode cache. VxFS
will ignore the newly tuned value and will keep the value specified
in the message (VX_MINNINODE).
■ Action
Informational only; no action required.
VxFS diagnostic messages 99
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

101 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 101: V-2-101: File Change Log on

mount_point for file set index approaching max file size supported.
File Change Log will be reactivated when its size hits max file size

■ Description

The size of the FCL file is approching the maximum file size supported.
This size is platform specific. When the FCL file is reaches the
maximum file size, the FCL will be deactivated and reactivated. All
logging information gathered so far will be lost.

■ Action
Take any corrective action possible to restrict the loss due to the
FCL being deactivated and reactivated.

102 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 102: V-2-102: File Change Log of

mount_point for file set index has been reactivated.

■ Description

The size of FCL file reached the maximum supported file size and the
FCL has been reactivated. All records stored in the FCL file, starting
from the current fc_loff up to the maximum file size, have been
purged. New records will be recorded in the FCL file starting from
offset fs_bsize. The activation time in the FCL is reset to the time
of reactivation. The impact is equivalent to File Change Log being
deactivated and activated.

■ Action
Informational only; no action required.

103 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 103: V-2-103: File Change Log merge on
mount_point for file set index failed.

■ Description

The VxFS kernel has experienced an error while merging internal

per-node File Change Log files into the external File Change Log file.
Since the File Change Log cannot be maintained correctly without
this, the File Change Log has been deactivated.

■ Action
Re-activate the File Change Log.
100 VxFS diagnostic messages
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

104 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 104: V-2-104: File System mount_point

device volume_name disabled

■ Description

The volume manager detected that the specified volume has failed,
and the volume manager has disabled the volume. No further I/O
requests are sent to the disabled volume.

■ Action
The volume must be repaired.

105 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 105: V-2-105: File System mount_point

device volume_name re-enabled

■ Description

The volume manager detected that a previously disabled volume is

now operational, and the volume manager has re-enabled the volume.

■ Action
Informational only; no action required.

106 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 106: V-2-106: File System mount_point

device volume_name has BAD label

■ Description

A file system's label does not match the label that the multi-volume
support feature expects the file system to have. The file system's
volume is effectively disabled.

■ Action
If the label is bad because the volume does not match the assigned
label, use the vxvset command to fix the label. Otherwise, the
label might have been overwritten and the volume's contents may
be lost. Call technical support so that the issue can be investigated.

107 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 107: V-2-107: File System mount_point

device volume_name valid label found

■ Description

The label of a file system that had a bad label was somehow restored.
The underlying volume is functional.

■ Action
Informational only; no action required.
VxFS diagnostic messages 101
Kernel messages

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

108 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 108: V-2-108: vx_dexh_error - error:

fileset fileset, directory inode number dir_inumber, bad hash
inode hash_inode, seg segment bno block_number

■ Description

The supplemental hash for a directory is corrupt.

■ Action
If the file system is mounted read/write, the hash for the directory
will be automatically removed and recreated. If the removal or
recreation fails, subsequent messages indicate the type of prolem.
If there are no further messages, the removal and recreation of
the hash succeeded.

109 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 109: V-2-109: failed to tune down

tunable_name to tunable_value possibly due to tunable_object
in use, could free up only up to suggested_tunable_value

■ Description

When the value of a tunable, such as ninode or bufhwm, is modified

using the kctune command, sometimes the tunable cannot be tuned
down to the specified value because of the current system usage. The
minimum value to which the tunable can be tuned is also provided as
part of the warning message.

■ Action
Tune down the tunable to the minimum possible value indicated
by the warning message.

110 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 110: V-2-110: The specified value for
vx_bc_bufhwm is less than the recommended minimum value of

■ Description

Setting the vx_bc_bufhwm tunable to restrict the memory used by

the VxFS buffer cache to a value that is too low has a degrading effect
on the system performance on a wide range of applications. Symantec
does not recommend setting vx_bc_bufhwm to a value less than the
recommended minimum value, which is provided as part of the
warning message.

■ Action
Tune the vx_bc_bufhwm tunable to a value greater than the
recommended minimum indicated by the warning message.
102 VxFS diagnostic messages
About unique message identifiers

Table 2-1 Kernel messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

111 WARNING: msgcnt x: mesg 111: V-2-111: You have exceeded the
authorized usage (maximum maxfs unique mounted user-data file
systems) for this product and are out of compliance with your License
Agreement. Please email or contact your
Symantec sales representative for information on how to obtain
additional licenses for this product.

■ Description

As per your Storage Foundation Basic license agreement, you are

allowed to have only a limited number of VxFS file systems, and you
have exceeded this number.

■ Action
Email or contact your Symantec sales
representative for information on how to obtain additional licenses
for this product.

About unique message identifiers

VxFS generates diagnostic or error messages for issues not related to the kernel,
which are displayed along with a unique message identifier (UMI). Each message
has a description and a suggestion on how to handle or correct the underlying
problem. The UMI is used to identify the issue should you need to call Technical
Support for assistance.

Unique message identifiers

Some commonly encountered UMIs and the associated messages are described
on the following table:
VxFS diagnostic messages 103
Unique message identifiers

Table 2-2 Unique message identifiers and messages

Message Number Message and Definition

20002 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-20002: message

■ Description
The command attempted to call stat() on a device path to ensure
that the path refers to a character device before opening the device,
but the stat() call failed. The error message will include the
platform-specific message for the particular error that was
encountered, such as "Access denied" or "No such file or directory".
■ Action
The corrective action depends on the particular error.

20003 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-20003: message

■ Description
The command attempted to open a disk device, but the open() call
failed. The error message includes the platform-specific message
for the particular error that was encountered, such as "Access
denied" or "No such file or directory".
■ Action
The corrective action depends on the particular error.

20005 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-20005: message

■ Description
The command attempted to read the superblock from a device, but
the read() call failed. The error message will include the
platform-specific message for the particular error that was
encountered, such as "Access denied" or "No such file or directory".
■ Action
The corrective action depends on the particular error.

20012 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-20012: message

■ Description
The command was invoked on a device that did not contain a valid
VxFS file system.
■ Action
Check that the path specified is what was intended.
104 VxFS diagnostic messages
Unique message identifiers

Table 2-2 Unique message identifiers and messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

20076 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-20076: message

■ Description
The command called stat() on a file, which is usually a file system
mount point, but the call failed.
■ Action
Check that the path specified is what was intended and that the
user has permission to access that path.

21256 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-21256: message

■ Description
The attempt to mount the file system failed because either the
request was to mount a particular Storage Checkpoint that does
not exist, or the file system is managed by an HSM and the HSM
is not running.
■ Action
In the first case, use the fsckptadm list command to see which
Storage Checkpoints exist and mount the appropriate Storage
Checkpoint. In the second case, make sure the HSM is running. If
the HSM is not running, start and mount the file system again.
VxFS diagnostic messages 105
Unique message identifiers

Table 2-2 Unique message identifiers and messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

21264 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-21264: message

■ Description
The attempt to mount a VxFS file system has failed because either
the volume being mounted or the directory which is to be the mount
point is busy.
The reason that a VxVM volume could be busy is if the volume is
in a shared disk group and the volume is currently being accessed
by a VxFS command, such as fsck, on a node in the cluster.
One reason that the mount point could be busy is if a process has
the directory open or has the directory as its current directory.
Another reason that the mount point could be busy is if the
directory is NFS-exported.
■ Action
For a busy mount point, if a process has the directory open or has
the directory as its current directory, use the fuser command to
locate the processes and either get them to release their references
to the directory or kill the processes. Afterward, attempt to mount
the file system again.
If the directory is NFS-exported, unexport the directory, such as
by using unshare mntpt on the Solaris operating system.
Afterward, attempt to mount the file system again.

21268 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-21268: message

■ Description
This message is printed by two different commands:
fsckpt_restore and mount. In both cases, the kernel's attempt
to mount the file system failed because of I/O errors or corruption
of the VxFS metadata.
■ Action
Check the console log for I/O errors and fix any problems reported
there. Run a full fsck.
106 VxFS diagnostic messages
Unique message identifiers

Table 2-2 Unique message identifiers and messages (continued)

Message Number Message and Definition

21272 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-21272: message

■ Description
The mount options specified contain mutually-exclusive options,
or in the case of a remount, the new mount options differed from
the existing mount options in a way that is not allowed to change
in a remount.
■ Action
Change the requested mount options so that they are all mutually
compatible and retry the mount.

23729 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-23729: message

■ Description
Cluster mounts require the vxfsckd daemon to be running, which
is controlled by VCS.
■ Action
Check the VCS status to see why this service is not running. After
starting the daemon via VCS, try the mount again.

24996 UX:vxfs command: ERROR: V-3-24996: message

■ Description
In some releases of VxFS, before the VxFS mount command
attempts to mount a file system, mount tries to read the VxFS
superblock to determine the disk layout version of the file system
being mounted so that mount can check if that disk layout version
is supported by the installed release of VxFS. If the attempt to read
the superblock fails for any reason, this message is displayed. This
message will usually be preceded by another error message that
gives more information as to why the superblock could not be read.
■ Action
The corrective action depends on the preceding error, if any.

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