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Oracle 10g SQL

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SQL Star International Ltd.

Copyright 2008
Second Edition


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Table of Contents
Oracle 10g SQL




Database concepts


Introduction to Oracle 10g



Data Retrieval



Enhancing Data Retrieval



Generating formatted reports using isql*plus


SQL single Row Functions



Working with Grouped Data






Understanding Sub queries



Advanced Sub queries



Data Manipulation



Managing Tables



Managing Constraints






Other Database Objects



Data Dictionary Views



Security Implementation



Manipulating Large Data Sets



Regular Expressions


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Chapter 1

Database Concepts
Typical Database Architecture
Types of DBMS
Entity Relationship (E-R) Model
Features of SQL

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Understand the basic concepts of a database
Identify the disadvantages with Flat File systems
Identify the advantages of a DBMS
Understand the types of DBMS
Understand the E-R Model
Understand the features of SQL
Describe the Codds Rules

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Database Management
The approach of the new millennium has brought with it several challenges, thereby
making it mandatory for companies and organizations to maintain high level of
efficiency in their computing systems, so as to stand the test of time. Databases and
database systems are the essential backbone of any organization.

When one hears the word Database, one thinks of a collection or a store of mutually
related data. The implicit properties of a database are as follows:

A database represents some aspects of the real world and any changes to the
real world should get reflected in the database. For example, a manufacturing
concern keeps details of the products it manufactures and also of the
suppliers it deals with. Any change in the pricing of the product or a change in
the suppliers who supply raw materials must be immediately reflected in the

A database is a logical collection of relevant data, reflecting some inherent

meaning. Any random grouping of data cannot be referred to as a database.
A manufacturing concern requires data about its customers, products, as well
as its suppliers. Details regarding each of them form a logical group of data.

A database is populated with data for a purpose. It has an audience that is

interested in its contents. For instance, in the above example, the
manufacturing concern needs the customer details to identify its regular
customers and also their credit worthiness. Similarly product detail helps in
determining the stock depletion level (i.e. when to place fresh order for raw

Now a day, the term database is mostly used in connection with computerized
databases. Therefore, today, a study of database systems involves also a study of the
associated technology employed to store, access and manipulate the computerized
Traditionally, data accessed through computers has been stored on different storage
media in the form of individual files. Files proved to be quite satisfactory as long as
computerization was limited to a few application areas and the use of computers
restricted to a privileged few. However, as actual users grew in number, especially
with the advent of online time-sharing systems, the file systems gave rise to many
serious problems. The discipline of database systems evolved in response to these
problems. Let us first consider what these problems are so as to understand the
different features of database systems more clearly.

File Systems and the Associated Problems

Most data processing systems in existence today, especially in India, use files for
storing, accessing and manipulating data. Files are stored typically on magnetic
tapes and disks.
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Most of the problems with files arise out of the fact that files are specific to an
application, e.g., a set of files may be designed for the sales analysis system of a
Programs of the same application system can use these files. However, if some
other new application needs source data from this system, there may be difficulties.
Therefore, in many cases, new files, with considerable data in common with the
existing files, may have to be designed for the new applications.
Therefore, as applications proliferate, the total number of computerized files grows
considerably. Also, as the number of actual users of the computer grows, the
number of applications increases, in turn resulting in an increase in the number of
A large number of files give rise to the following problems:

Files involve a high level of redundancy in data. As we have mentioned above,

proliferation of files results in the same data item being stored at many
different places.

Redundancy in data often results in inconsistency of data. The same data item
being used by different applications may exist in different versions. What is
worse, it may exist in different stages of update at different places and thus
may have different values. This may ultimately result in inconsistencies
amongst reports generated by the two application systems.

Individual files are not amendable to rapid changes, especially with respect to
the way the data items are structured within the file. If an application wants
data from an existing file but structured differently, it cannot be provided
quickly and easily. For this purpose, either conversion programs have to be
written or new files have to be created.

Because of the inflexibility of files, many ad hoc queries cannot be answered.

Yet another consequence of the inflexibility of files is that it is usually

expensive to make changes to a file system. It is also a very slow process. It
may even involve modification of application programs.

What is worse, modification in one program may require modifications in

other programs, which interface with this program. This process may set off a
chain reaction of modifications.

The above problems give rise to further difficulties detailed below:

The Management Information Systems (MIS) finds it difficult to control data,

especially when the actual users develop applications on their own.

Major changes required in the system while modifying files increase the
maintenance load on Data Processing (DP) professionals substantially, thus
making them unavailable for development of new systems.

High-level data redundancy entails repetitive data entry and redundant

storage with the accompanying costs.

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As has been already stated, Database Systems provide an effective solution to the
above problems. Let us see how.

Data Independence
You have just seen, files give rise to several problems because they are application
specific. Consequently, the applications become data-dependent, that is, they
depend upon the organization and access method for the data on the secondary
storage. This happens because, with conventional application development tools such
as COBOL, the application logic incorporates the knowledge of data organization and
access methods. Therefore, most changes in data organization or access methods
affect the application logic substantially. If problems arising due to this fact are to be
avoided, the data organization (and the access method) and the application logic
have to be made independent of each other. Database Systems do precisely this.
The first step towards this goal is to distinguish between data as is actually stored
(called as the physical representation of data) and data as is presented to an
individual user (called as the logical representation of data).
The Physical Representation of Data
The smallest named unit of data physically stored in the database is known as a
stored field, and a named collection of associated stored fields is known as a
stored or physical record. The named collection of all occurrences of one type of
physical record is known as a stored or a physical file. This concept will be clearer
after we discuss the logical representation of data.
The Logical Representation of Data
A logical field, record or file is, the field, record or file as it appears to the users, that
is, as it is defined in the users application programs. In all traditional systems, the
logical and physical data are practically the same, which is the root cause of all the
major problems with traditional files. This is not the case with database systems.
Similarly, the structure of stored and logical records can be different. A logical
record type may be obtained by selectively combining fields from different stored
The logical and physical views of a file could also be different in terms of, say, the
key fields for sequencing the records in the file.
With such a separation of the logical and physical data, the database can be modified
and developed without affecting existing applications. The database architecture
achieves this separation.

A Typical Database System

Typical database architecture divides the database into three levels of abstraction;
the internal, conceptual and external levels.
At the internal level is the physical database, while at the external level; one has the
different logical views corresponding to an individual application. The conceptual
level is an intermediate level, which is a single abstract representation of the entire
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Data Base Management System (DBMS) is software, which interacts with all the
three levels enabling the users to deal with the data in terms of its logical view
rather than the actual physical database.
A diagrammatic representation of the typical database architecture is shown below:

Let us now consider the different individual entities in the architecture in further
detail. Let us start with the actual or physical database and see how the architecture
brings about a transformation in the data representation to get the data to the user
in the form he wants.
The Internal Database
The internal (or physical) database is stored on secondary storage devices, mainly
the magnetic disk. It itself can be conceptually viewed at different levels of
abstraction. At its lowest level, it is stored in the form of bits with the associated
physical addresses on the secondary storage device.
At its highest level, it can be viewed in the form of files and simple data structures. It
is this level that we shall study when we discuss the physical organization for
databases in later chapters.

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The physical database is described by means of a physical scheme or an internal

scheme. It essentially describes the various types of stored records, the different
indexes that are employed for accessing these and the representations for different
stored fields. It is also called as the storage structure definition.
The Conceptual Database
The conceptual model, also called as the data model, represents information content
of the database in its entirety, but is abstract with respect to the physical database.
Broadly speaking, the conceptual model provides a view of the data as it really is.
This model consists of multiple occurrences of multiple types of a conceptual record.
A conceptual record represents relevant information content only. In this sense, it is
much closer to the external record than a stored record is.
However, it is not the same as the external record.
It contains all the information to build relevant external records. A conceptual stock
record may consist of the quantity of material and the buying rate but not its value;
still the users external record may consist of the value of the stock. A conceptual
model may consist of occurrences of such stock records, a collection of supplier
record occurrences and a collection of assembly records.
Obviously, the conceptual model is derived from the physical model. For this, the
database needs a conceptual/physical mapping, which specifies how conceptual
records and fields map into their counterparts in the physical database. The
conceptual database is described by means of a conceptual scheme. Needless to
say, the conceptual scheme is independent of the physical characteristics of data,
such as storage structures, physical sequences, stored field representations etc.
Ideally the conceptual scheme should include many features in addition to just the
definitions of conceptual records. These may include relevant authorization checks
and validation procedures, the uses of data, the source and destination of data etc.
The conceptual database is a real-world view of data from the organization point of
view. As the real world changes, changes have to be made to the conceptual
database and scheme as well. In such a case, it is usually possible to limit the
corresponding changes to only those external schemes, which use the conceptual
elements that are changed.
The External Database
The external model (or view) is application-specific. Therefore, the user views the
database through an external model, and there are as many external views as there
are applications. External views are the proper interface between the user and the
database as an individual user can hardly be expected to be interested in the entire
Generally, an external model consists of multiple occurrences of multiple types of
external record. An example of an external record is the record of a file as defined in
the data division of COBOL program.
Each external model is defined by means of an external scheme, which describes
each external record type in the external model.
The external model is derived from the conceptual model. For this purpose, the
correspondence between the particular external models has to be defined. An
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external/conceptual mapping similar to the conceptual/physical mapping does this.

However, a separate mapping has to be defined for each external view.
An explicit definition of the mapping should be documented, preferably in the
corresponding external scheme.
The user interacts with the database through a high-level language such as COBOL,
PL/I or some special purpose language. This language is known as the host
language. It includes a data sub-language (DSL). The user carries out the retrieval
and storage operations on the database through the DSL.
In fact, the Database Task Group (DBTG) report published in April 1971, contains
proposals for three distinct languages, two of which relate very closely to the concept
of a DSL. These are sub scheme Data Description Language (DDL) and Data
Manipulation Language (DML). The sub scheme DDL is used for defining the external
views while the DML is used for carrying out operations on the database.
In addition to the languages, the user is also supposed to be provided with a
workspace. This workspace is an area meant for receiving or transmitting all data
transferred between the user and the database. This is simply the input-output area
for a program.
Let us now consider what a database management system is, which interacts with
the three levels and the mappings.

What is a Database Management System?

The DBMS is the software, which handles all accesses to the database. Conceptually,
if a user requests a certain data item, the DBMS intercepts and interprets the
request, retrieves the relevant stored occurrences from the physical database,
constructs the required conceptual record occurrences using the physical/conceptual
mapping, then derives the required external record occurrence from the conceptual
records constructed using the relevant conceptual/external mapping.
Advantages of DBMS
You have seen that data independence and the consequential benefits are both an
essential feature and a major advantage of database systems. Yet another essential
feature is the centralization of related data. This phenomenon results in further
advantages of database systems. These are:

The stored data can be shared relatively easily

New applications may be developed using the existing database

Standards for representation of data can be laid down and enforced among
different installations. This can significantly reduce the maintenance activity
and enhance data compatibility among installations.

With a centralized control of data, the database system may be designed for
an overall optimal performance from the viewpoint of the entire organization.

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Ensuring data security becomes much easier as access to the database can be
controlled through establishment of proper channels and authorization

However, to realize the above benefits, proper organizational infrastructure is

needed. The most popular way to support the Database environment is to establish
the office of the Database Administrator (DBA). In fact, the DBA may be a single
person or a team. He is responsible for the centralized control of the database.

The Database Administrator

The database administrator is responsible for the overall planning of the companys
data resources, for the design of data, and for the day-to-day operational aspects of
data management.
The overall planning of corporate data is the strategic aspect of the database
administration function and involves company-wide planning of existing data and
assessment of organization-wise data standards.
Some of the design aspects of database administration work are:

Deciding on the storage structures and access methods

Selecting database software and hardware

Designing restart and recovery procedures to take care of system outages or


Designing means of reconstructing data in the event of abnormal loss of the


Designing scheme

Designing the means of reorganizing or tuning databases periodically

Designing database searching strategies

Designing authorization checks and validation procedures

Specifying techniques for monitoring database performance

The operations management of database administration deals with data problems

arising on a day-to-day basis. Specifically, the responsibilities include:

Investigation of errors found in the data

Supervision of restart and recovery procedures in the event of a failure

Supervision of reorganization of databases

Initiation and control of all periodic dumps of data.

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In addition, this aspect of database administration includes maintenance of data

security, which involves maintaining security authorization tables, conducting
periodic security audits, investigating all known security breaches.
To carry out all these functions, it is crucial that the DBA has all the accurate
information about the companys data readily on hand. For this purpose he maintains
a data dictionary. The data dictionary contains definitions of all data items and
structures, the various schemes, the relevant authorization and validation checks
and the different mapping definitions. It should also have information about the
source and destination of a data item and the flow of a data item as it is used by a
system. This type of information is a great help to the DBA in maintaining centralized
control of data.

Types of DBMS
The different types of DBMS available are:

Hierarchical database management system

Network database management system

Relational database management system

Object Relational database management system

Hierarchical DBMS
Hierarchical DBMS (HDBMS) is one of the oldest methods used for organizing and
storing data. In a hierarchical database, data is organized in a pyramid fashion, just
like the branches of a tree extending downwards.
In a hierarchical database you need to understand the concepts of record type and
parent-child relationship. Let us take an example.
In the order processing of any organization, orders are placed for different products.
Orders comprise the following information, which are also called field values:

Order number

Order date

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Customer number

Product number

Similarly, products comprise a collection of:

Product number

Product type

Product name



The collections of these field values are called records and groupings of records of
the same type are called record types. Related records are grouped together so that
you can have higher-level records and lower-level records, similar to how the parents
in a family tree sit above the subordinated children.
In the example, Orders and Products are the two record types and the relationship
between them is the parent-child relationship.

Hierarchical Database Management System

In the diagram, the parent record (Orders) at the top of the pyramid is called the
root record. The parent record has three child records linked to it. The root of the
hierarchical model cannot act as the child record type. Except the root, every record
type acts as a child record type in exactly one parent-child relationship.
The child records can have only one parent record. In contrast, a parent record may
have more than one child record linked to it. Each child record can also be a parent
with child records underneath it.
Hierarchical DBMS works by moving from the top of the pyramid to its bottom. A
record search is conducted by working down through the pyramid from parent to
child until the suitable child record is found.
The pyramid like structure and the defining of relationship between records in
advance makes it easy to access and update hierarchical databases.

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However, there are few limitations with HDBMS. The relationship between child
records is not permitted, even if they make a logical sense. Moreover, the
hierarchical design is so rigid that adding a new record requires the redefinition of
the entire database.
Network DBMS
Network DBMS (NDBMS) is an extension of HDBMS. Instead of having a pyramid like
structure, a NDBMS looks more like a spider web or interconnected network of
records. In NDBMS, child records are called members and parent records are called
In the network data model too, data is stored in records and descriptions of the
structure of a group of records of the same type are stored in record types. Record
types are linked or related using the set types. Set types consist of:

A set type name

An owner record type

A member record type

Consider an example of orders and its products. The two record types are Order
and Product, the former being the owner record type and the latter being the
member record type. They are linked using the set type ProdOrder, which
represents the relationship between orders and products in them. The relationship is
of 1:N meaning that there will be many set occurrences (or instances) where one
record from the owner record type Order relates to a set of records from the
member record type Product. That is, an order can have one or more products in it.
Therefore, set occurrences are composed of:

One record from the owner record type

A number of records (zero or more) from the member record type

Network Database Management System

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In the figure there are three set occurrences of ProdOrder set type, which are
Product1, Product2, Product3.
A record of the member record type cannot exist in more than one set occurrence,
that is, two customers cannot buy the same product.
Similar to HDBMS, NDBMS structure and relationship must be defined in advance.
The number of connections that can be made between records is also limited.
Relational Database
The databases mentioned so far including the file system databases were not very
efficient. In the file system, users cannot simultaneously access data from the same
file, managing the files is very tedious when data stored is complex and accessing
data from files is also very tedious. HDBMS and NDBMS does not allow many-tomany relationships, has complex path to navigate and retrieve data, and the
relationship between data is in the form of pointers.
The objective of developing the relational model was to overcome the shortcomings
of those systems that existed at the end of the 1960s, and to make DBMS products
more appealing to all kinds of users. Dr. E. F. Codd first introduced the relational
model when he proposed the relational model principles in a paper called A
Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks in June 1970.
A relational database stores data using relations where each relation resembles a
table of values. Each row in a table contains collection of data values. For example, a
university stores information about all its students using tables referred to as a
Student table and a Course table.
Student table contains details about students, such as, their student number, name
and the course code. As different data is stored in the two tables, we may need to
combine them to answer particular questions such as details about students pursuing
course Electronics. An RDBMS enables to relate data in one table to the data in
another. It does so by identifying the relationships, which are represented by
primary key and foreign key. A primary key is assigned to that column, which will
enable you to identify each row of data in a table uniquely. For example, in the
Course table the column containing the course code is the primary key as it helps to
identify each course uniquely. A foreign key is assigned to a column of a table, which
refers to the primary key column in another table. For example, in the Student table
the column containing the course code refers to CourseCode column of the Course

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Object Relational Database

Hierarchical, network and relational database models have been quite successful in
storing data for traditional business applications. But, object oriented databases
evolved to handle more complex applications such as databases for scientific
experiments, geographic information system, engineering design and manufacturing.
An object oriented database stores data, their relationships and the way they
interact with other data. As compared to the relational database approach, which
deals with data at the lowest level, that is, columns and rows, the object oriented
approach deals with data at a higher level, that is, with the objects surrounding the

Dr. E.F.Codd outlined the principles of the relational model, which formed the basis
for the evolution of the Relational Database Management System.
A Relational Database Management System is defined as a collection of tables
related to each other through common values.

Evolution of RDBMS
Before the acceptance of Codds Relational Model, database management systems
was just an ad hoc collection of data designed to solve a particular type of problem,
later extended to solve more basic purposes. This led to complex systems, which
were difficult to understand, install, maintain and use. These database systems were
plagued with the following problems:

They required large budgets and staffs of people with special skills that were
in short supply.

Database administrators staff and application developers required prior

preparation to access these database systems.

End-user access to the data was rarely provided.

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These database systems did not support the implementation of business logic
as a DBMS responsibility.

Hence, the objective of developing a relational model was to address each and every
one of the shortcomings that plagued those systems that existed at the end of the
1960s decade, and make DBMS products more widely appealing to all kinds of users.
The existing relational database management systems offer powerful, yet simple
solutions for a wide variety of commercial and scientific application problems. Almost
every industry uses relational systems to store, update and retrieve data for
operational, transaction, as well as decision support systems.

Basic Relational Database Terminology

In a relational database, the entities of the ERD are represented as tables and their
attributes as the columns of their respective tables in a database schema. The
components of a database schema include:

Tables: Tables are the basic storage structures of a database where data
about something in the real world is stored. It is also called a relation or an

Rows: Rows represent collection of data required for a particular entity. In

order to identify each row as unique there should be a unique identifier called
the primary key, which allows no duplicate rows. For example in a library
every member is unique and hence is given a membership number, which
uniquely identifies each member. A row is also called a record or a tuple.

Column: Columns represent characteristics or attributes of an entity. Each

attribute maps onto a column of a table. Hence, a column is also known as an

Relationship: Relationships represent a logical link between two tables. A

relationship is depicted by a foreign key column.

Some optional properties of relational tables include the following:

Data items (fields) must have a single value.

Data values in columns are of the same kind. This property states that all
values in a given column must come from the same domain.

Let us understand the concept of a domain. Suppose, you have a CourseName

column in the Course table, which is defined to be a character string of length 15.
The possible values this column could have are:





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Visual Basic

Let us name this list as course-names and define a rule that the contents of
CourseName should not only be characters of length less than 15, but must also
contain values that are part of course-names. Here, course-names becomes the
domain and CourseName is in the domain of course-names.
Each row is unique

The sequence of columns (left to right) is insignificant. The benefit of this

property is that columns can be retrieved in any order.

The sequence of rows (top to bottom) is insignificant. The benefit of this

property is that rows can be retrieved in any order, that is, the third, fourth
or fifth row of member details could be retrieved.

Each column must have a unique name. As mentioned above, the sequencing
of columns being insignificant, columns must be referred by name and not by
their position.

One of the methods of designing a database is normalization of steps.
What do you mean by normalization?
Normalization can be defined as the technique implemented to remove redundancy
from an existing set of tables.
Normalization helps:

Reduce redundancy

Increase integrity

Stabilize design

Identify any missing data

A relational table is normalized if it satisfies a certain set of constraints, which are

that they should be free of data redundancy and that they can be modified
consistently and correctly. Therefore, normalization is the process of removing
redundant data by splitting a table into smaller tables.
The technique of normalization includes some rules, which when applied, changes
un-normalized data to a structured and normalized state. The process of normalizing
is implemented in levels called normal forms. There are three such stages, they are:

First normal form

Second normal form

Third normal form

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First Normal Form (1NF)

The first normal form can be defined as the level where the tables represent a set of
two-dimensional structures and contain no repeating groups.
You need to implement the following set of steps to convert your un-normalized data
to its first normal form.

Identify the primary key

Remove all repeating columns

Create a new table to contain the repeating columns

Add a primary key column to the newly created table so as to ensure


Add a foreign key column to the new table. It should be the same column at
the primary key in the base table.

To understand better, follow the example given.

To arrive at a functionally efficient library database schema, you would have to
normalize the tables of the library database. The main table used in the library is
where the transaction details will be stored. You would require:

All information pertaining to the customers who borrow books

All information of the borrowed book, such as its author, its publishers
information and the dates of issue and return

The un-normalized table is as follows

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This table can be brought to the 1NF by removing all the repeating columns. The
repeating columns are put into separate tables in logical groups with a primary key
as a unique identifier for each table. The tables in the first normal form are:

Second Normal Form (2NF)

The second normal form can be defined as the level where tables are in the 1NF, and
where for every table, all its non-primary key columns are dependent on the whole
primary key. A column should not be partially dependent on the primary key. When a
column depends on part of the primary key it is called partial dependency.
To remove partial dependency:

1. Identify the non-primary key columns and remove them from the tables
2. Create another table to contain the removed columns, and the primary key column
that they are dependent on.
To bring a table to the 2NF, any of the following rules should be met:

The primary key column should not be a composite key. That is, it should be
made up of only one column.

All the non-primary key columns are dependant only on the primary key.

There should be no non-primary key dependent columns in the table.

To bring the tables to 2NF, remove all those columns that are partially dependent on
the whole primary key. For instance the book availability does not depend on the
transaction ID but only on the book ID. So that column can be removed into a new
Hence, the tables in the second normal form will be as follows:

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Third Normal Form (3NF)

The third normal form is defined as the level where the non-primary key columns in the
tables are directly dependent on the primary key and are not dependent on any other nonprimary key. If you remove the transitive dependencies from a table in 2NF, then it is
said that, the non-primary key columns are dependent on the primary key, the whole key
and nothing but the key.

Steps to convert a table to the third normal form are:


Identify the non-primary key columns that depend on other nonprimary key columns.


Remove the columns arrived at in the first step from the base table.


Create another table with the removed columns and include the
non-primary key column that they are dependent on making it the
primary key.


Create a foreign key in the base table linking it to the primary key in the
new table.

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To bring the tables to their third normal form remove the non-primary keys that are
dependent on other non-primary keys and also remove the columns that are
calculated or derived columns. The membership fee a non-key column depends on
the age of a member, which is another non-key column. Tables in the third normal
form are:

The Entity Relationship Model

The conceptual level model is a very important model in typical database
architecture. To represent or model data at this level, three major data models
namely, network, hierarchical and relational, have been proposed which you shall
examine later. Each of these models has its own pros and cons. The entity
relationship model is not a formal data model, unlike the three mentioned above.
However, this model is a more natural view of the real world, which consists of
entities and relationships, as you shall see shortly. Therefore, this model is very
useful for understanding the concept of data modeling. The three formal models
employ certain ways of representing data known as data structures; essentially to
represent the entity relationships existing in the real world.
The entity relationship model (E-R model) clarifies concepts regarding what entity
relationships are, and what modeling entity relationships existing in the real world
means. Therefore, a study of the E-R model should be an appropriate first step
towards understanding the three major data models.

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An entity is a thing, which can be distinctly identified. What is important over here is
that it is individually distinct. Employees, a house, a supplier to an organization, are
all entities. Identification of entities relevant to a database is extremely important,
because, a database contains data about entities.
All entities of the same type form an entity set. All Employees form an entity set
and so do All Suppliers.
Distinguishing Entities
As has been stated, an entity is a distinctly identifiable thing. To distinguish one
entity or one member of an entity set from another, one needs some means of
distinction. This distinction is achieved through values of what is known as the Key
Attribute of the entity.
The database gives information about different entities contained in it. This
information is about different properties of each entity. For example, a personal
database contains information about employees (here employee is the entity). The
properties of an employee about which information is given, may typically be,
employee number, name, date of birth, date of joining the organization, total job
experience and educational qualifications. Each of these properties is called an
attribute of the entity.
Each of the attributes can take on a value from a range of possible values, which is
known as the domain of values for that attribute. The values need not be only
numerical but may also be character strings.
For each entity in an entity set, there is an attribute, which distinguishes the entity
uniquely from the other members of the set. This attribute is the key attribute for
the entity-set. For example, the employee entity-set discussed about can have either
the employee number or the employee name (assuming no two names are identical)
as the key attribute. In some cases, a combination of more than one attribute may
act as a key, instead of just one key attribute. Some times, an arbitrary serial
number may have to be supplied as the key attribute.
There are special cases where the members of an entity-set can be distinguished
from one another only by their relationship to entities of another type. The is a
relationship is one such relationship. These cases will be illustrated when we take up
an actual example of an E-R model later.
In a real-world situation, certain entities are associated with each other. For
example, referring to the employee entity-set will have a relationship with the
department entity-set signifying the department for which an employee works. This
relationship can be expressed as the works-for relationship from employee to
A relationship may exist amongst the members of the same entity-set. For example,
in the employee entity-set, some employees may be seniors of certain other
employees. Therefore a relationship senior-of may exist between one member of
the employee entity-set and a few other members of the same set.

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A diagrammatic representation for the employee-department relationship may be as

given below.

A diagrammatic representation for the senior-of relationship may be:

It should be noted that relationships convey very important information regarding

the relevant real world situation just as entities do, and hence should be properly
There may also be relationships involving more than two entity sets. For example,
Prof. Smith teaching Economics to a student named Sam. This relationship contains
two relationships (1) Prof. Smith teaches Economics and (2) Prof. Smith teaches
Sam. These two relationships cannot be combined to deduce the information given
by the original relationship.
The same entity-sets may be also linked by more than one relationship. For
example, the Professors and the Students entity-sets may be linked by the two
relationships, viz; (1) TEACHES and (2) ADVISOR-O

Types of Relationship
Relationships between the entity-sets can be classified according to how many
members of one entity-sets are related to one member of the other entity-set and
vice-versa. Accordingly, the following types of relationships can be identified.
One-to-One Relationships
If a one-to-one relationship exists between two entity-sets A and B, it means that
with each entity in A, at most one entity in B is associated and vice-versa. Strict
one-to-one relationships are not very common in real world situations. Consider an
entity set of traffic policemen and another entity-set of traffic control points in the
city and assume that only one policeman controls one traffic control point. Under this
assumption, the relationship CONTROLS between the entity sets POLICEMEN and
CONTROL-SITES will be a one-to-one relationship.
Many-to-one Relationships
This type of relationship is quite common in everyday life. If, with each entity in the
entity-set B, zero or more entities in set A are associated, then we say that a
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many-to-one relationship exists from set A to set B. In our earlier employee

database example, the WORKS-FOR relationship is a many-to-one relationship from
the entity-set EMPLOYEES to the entity-set DEPARTMENTS (assuming that an
employee works for only one department at a time).
Many-to-Many Relationships
This is yet another type of relationship which is quite common in real-life situations.
In this case, associated with each entity in set A, there may be zero or more entities
in set B and vice-versa. A very common example of this type would be the
relationship between the entity-set SUPPLIERS and the entity-set PARTS. A supplier
may supply many parts, while a part may be supplied by many suppliers.
Guidelines for Constructing the Entity-Relationship Model
Having understood the basic components, you are now in a position to consider the
construction of an E-R model. The principal steps involved in this exercise are:

Select relevant entity-sets for the real-life situation under consideration

Select relevant attributes for each entity-set

Identify the key-attribute for each entity-set

Determine the type of each of the relationships between the entity sets

Draw the E-R diagram

Consider the situation in which the academic administration often finds itself. It has
to handle data regarding students, faculty, and the courses being offered, and
possible areas of specialization. It is worthwhile to consider the following points
before you move to construct the model:

The students specialize in one or more areas

The students study a specific course

A course belongs to an area of specialization

A faculty member belongs to an area of specialization

A student can be either a doctoral student or a degree student

A faculty member guides a doctoral student

Certain courses have certain other courses as prerequisite

A faculty member offers a specific course

From the above, the desirable entity-sets, their relevant attributes and the
appropriate key attributes can be determined.

Entity-set : Students
Attributes : Roll No, Name, Date-of-birth, Basic Educational
Qualification, No. of years of work experience

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: Roll No.


Entity-set : Faculty-members
Attributes : Name, Date-of-birth, Date of Joining, Educational
Qualifications, Total No. of years of Teaching Experience
: Name


Entity-set : Courses
Attributes : Course-No, Course-Name
: Course-No


Entity-Set : Areas (of specialization)

Attributes : Name of the Area
: Name of the Area


Entity-Set : Doctoral-students
Attributes : None

This entity-set is needed to identify individual doctoral students. The reason for
assigning a separate entity-set to doctoral students is to be able to establish the
relationship between these students and their faculty guides, in the actual database.
Now you are in a position to identify the different relationships amongst the above
entities. These are:
1. SPECIALISES_IN: This is a many-to-many relationship between STUDENTS
2. STUDIES: This is a many-to-many relationship between STUDENTS and
3. INCLUDED_IN: This is a many-to-one relationship from COURSES to AREAS
4. BELONGS_TO: This is a many-to-one relationship from FACULTIES to
5. GUIDES: This is a






6. OFFERS: This is a many-to-many relationship from FACULTIES to

COURSES. The assumption here is that a course may be offered by more than
one faculty-member
7. IS A: This relationship is one-to-one between STUDENTS &
8. PREREQUISITE_FOR: This is a many-to-many relationship from COURSES
to COURSES because a course may be a prerequisite for more than one other
course and may have more than one other course as prerequisites for itself
Now you are ready to draw the E-R diagram representing the E-R model. First let us
discuss the relevant diagrammatic conventions and then actually draw the diagram

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Conventions for Drawing E-R Diagrams

Following are the conventions for drawing E-R diagrams:

Entity-sets are represented by rectangles.

Attributes are represented by circles. These are linked to the appropriate

entity-sets by undirected edges.

Relationships are represented by diamond shaped boxes. These are linked to

the appropriate entity-sets by directed edges.

An E-R diagram for the Academic Administration database is:

As already stated earlier, the E-R model brings out the essential features of data
modeling for databases. Data modeling in practice, is done according to the one of
the three models, viz., hierarchical, network and relational. The three models too,
establish relevant entities and the relationships amongst them; they differ in the way
they represent data about both entities and their relationships. The E-R model,
however, is free from these relatively physical aspects of data representation and
therefore can be said to be a general view of the three models unifying them at a
relatively abstract level.
Case Study Entity Relationship for a Library
The library needs to create a database to automate its data storage and processes.
For this you first need to know how a library functions, what are its transactions and
what data it needs to store for activities. To arrive at an ERD for a library, list the
entities and its attributes you require before putting them into a diagram:


Member ID


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phone number


Date of membership

Age group

Branch ID


Book ID

Book name

Author name


Published Year



No of copies in store


Transaction ID

Member ID

Book ID

Issue date

Return date

The actual return date

Fine to be paid by the member for default

Category (for books)

Category ID

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Category description


Age group grade

Minimum value

Maximum value

Fee amount


Branch ID

Branch name



Phone number

Date of establishment


Book id

Available copies


Publisher Id



The list arrived at above can be depicted as an ERD in the following manner:

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Communicating with RDBMS

In order to communicate with the RDBMS, that is, to access data, you have a query
language called a Structured Query Language (SQL). A query can be defined as a
request made to access data from the database. This definition refers not only to
data retrieval, but also defining, manipulating and controlling data. The need to
access data from the database on an ad-hoc basis led to the origin of SQL. The origin
of SQL can also be associated with one of Codds Twelve Rules, where in he states
that a relational database must have a high level language capable of handling all
communication with the database. Although there are several languages that can
access data from the database, SQL is the primary language for communicating with
RDBMS. SQL can also operate on non-relational databases.
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Features of SQL
The features of SQL are as follows:

SQL is a Declarative Language (non-procedural). You need not provide the

Step wise procedure to be followed in order to access the data. Instead, it
allows you to simply declare what data you want without having to provide
details about where it is located or how to get it. It leaves it to the DBMS to
determine the best way to get it.
On the contrary, procedural languages such as C, or C++ provide a step-wise
procedure telling the computer exactly what is to be done. The advantage
being that these instructions given ahead of time can be compiled into
machine language for fast execution. But these languages lack flexibility, that
is, do not adapt to changes easily.

SQL is a set-based language. Since the relational model uses the concept of a
mathematical relation that is, has its theoretical basis in set theory, SQL
supports set operations and relational algebra operations.

A set is an unordered collection of elements of the same type and structure. Tables
(or relations) are called sets and rows (or records) are their elements. In a relational
database the physical positioning of rows is not important, that is, they are
unordered, so SQL being a set-based language can operate on an entire table, or
multiple tables at once. In contrast, a procedural language can operate on a single
record at a time as it uses files which are similar to tables, wherein records have a
physical ordering.
Relational algebra operations can be divided into two groups:
Set operations from mathematical set theories including Union, Intersection
and Set Difference.
Operations developed for relational databases, which include Select, Project
and Join.

Set Operations
Set operations include the following:
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Set Difference


To understand the union operation look at the following two tables, States1 and States2:

The above two tables contain names of US states. Some of the state names are
common in both the tables.
In order to return the state names that are in States1 or in States2 or in both
States1 and States2, eliminating duplicate rows, you use the UNION operation.
The notation for union of tables is:

States1 UNION States2 = States3

The result of the union operation is as follows:

States 3
New Jersey

The resulting table contains the state names that are contained in both the tables,
but displaying the common state names only once.

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The intersection operation returns state names that are in both States1 and
States2, that is, it returns a third table that contains only common state names.
The notation for intersection of tables is:

States1 INTERSECTION States2 = States3

The result of the intersection operation is as follows:

Set Difference
The result of the set difference operation returns state names that occur in the
States1 table but not in the States2 table, or also vice versa. The result is as

Relational Operations
In addition to set operations, certain other operations were developed for relational
databases, which include:




The selection operation enables you to retrieve only specific rows that match your
criteria. For example, you have two tables TabA and TabB.

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Using the selection capability of SQL, you can retrieve those rows from TabB table
where Col1 value is 2.
The result set of rows would be:

The projection operation enables you to retrieve only specific columns from the total
columns available. For instance, using the projection capability of SQL, you can
retrieve only Col2 values from TabA table.
The result set would be:

The join operation enables you to retrieve data from more than one table. For
instance, using the joining capability of SQL, retrieve rows from both TabA and
TabB by joining Col1 as they have equivalent values.
The result set of joining the two tables would be:

Why SQL is Preferred?

SQL is favored due to the following reasons:

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A wide range of users, including those with little or no programming

knowledge can use it.

It is an English-like language.

It is non procedural, that is, the user need not specify the method to be
followed to arrive at the result, rather just specify the result that needs to be
arrived at.

It allows defining, retrieving and manipulating data in the tables.

Relational Data Model Concept

This rule states that all data is represented as tables. Data can be viewed in no other

Codds Rules
Dr. E. F. Codd, was the creator of the relational data model. It was published as a twopart article in ComputerWorld (Codd, 1985). It contains a list of 12 rules that determine
whether a DBMS is relational and to what extent it is relational. These rules are a very
useful yardstick for evaluating a relational system. In the article, Codd mentions that
according to these rules, there is no database yet that is fully a relational system. He says
that rules 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are difficult to satisfy. Each of the twelve rules is briefly
discussed below.

The Information Rule

All information in a relational database is represented explicitly at the logical level and in
exactly one way through values in tables.
Guaranteed Access Rule
Each data item must be accessible by providing table name + primary key of the row
+ column name.
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Systematic Treatment of Null Values

Handle missing or non-applicable data, that is, nulls, in a consistent manner. Nulls
should have no values and should simply be missing data. Treating Null as a zero for
missing numeric data or as a blank for missing character data violates this rule.
Vendors provide the ability to use default values for missing data, if so desired.
Self-describing Database
In addition to storing user data, a relational database must contain data about itself.
There are two types of tables in RDBMS: user tables, which contain data required by
users, and system tables, which contain data about the database structure. The data
that describes the database structure is called meta-data. The collection of system
tables is called as the system catalog or data dictionary. Storing any part of the data
dictionary in operating system files would violate this rule.

Comprehensive Data Sublanguage

The data access language (SQL) must be the only means of accessing data stored in
the database. The language must support relational operations and set operations
with regard to the following:

Data definition

Data manipulation

Integrity definition

Transaction control

Data control

Accessing data files (files that contain the actual data), through a utility other than
an SQL interface, violates this rule.

View Updating Rule

There are situations where users may require only a part of the table information or
information from a collection of tables. Such requirements can be met by creating
Views. Views are virtual tables, which unlike a table contains no data, just
statements that return data in the form of tables.
This rule states that views should allow updates in the underlying tables and vice
But SQL supports only updates of single tables at a time (see rule 7), therefore if,
you join three tables to create a view, and try to update that view, then DBMS would
fail to translate these updates to the underlying tables, thereby violating this rule.
Also, a view not including the column that uniquely identifies each record in a table
cannot be updated, thus violating the rule.
This rule will be dealt in depth in the chapter on Views.
High-level Insert, Update and Delete
This rule states that in a relational database, the query language (SQL) must be
capable of performing manipulations (such as, inserting, updating or deleting data)
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on sets of rows in a table. A database that supports only row-at-a-time manipulation

cannot be considered as relational.
Physical Data Independence
This rule states that in a relational database, any changes made in the way data is
physically stored (that is, data stored in file systems specific to the machines
operating system) must not affect applications that access data. If a file supporting a
table was moved from one disk to another or renamed, then this should have no
impact on the application.
Logical Data Independence
This rule states that changes to the database design should be done in a way without
the users being aware of it. The change could be to expand the database (adding a
new table) or to reduce it, but the application that refers to the data (logical) must
work as before. If a single table were split into two, then a view would have to be
provided joining the two back together so that there would be no impact on the

Integrity Independence
In order to be considered as a relational database, all data integrity, which are
definable in the query language referred to in rule 5 must be stored in the database
as data in tables, that is, in the catalog and not in the application programs.
The data integrity rules that should apply to relational databases are:
Entity integrity- the primary key column cannot have missing values
Referential integrity- for every foreign key column value there must exist a
matching primary key column value.
Integrity rules are covered in depth in a later chapter.

Distribution Independence
In a relational database, data can be stored centrally (on a single system) or
distributed (across a network of systems). The data in a centralized database should
remain logically unaffected if they are distributed across systems. For example, a
user should be able to retrieve data from two tables distributed across two terminals,
the same way, as they would retrieve them if stored in the same terminal.
Non-subversion Rule
This rule states that there should be no other access path to the database, other
than SQL. Any other access language may bypass (or subvert) security or integrity
rules, which otherwise would be obeyed by the regular data access language.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:
Files prove to be inefficient due to their redundant nature when the number of
applications increase. This gave rise to the concept of Database.
Database is a collection of logically related data stored on media.
To handle and maintain this database, a software, Database Management
System (DBMS) came into existence.
They are of 4 types:
1. Hierarchical Database Management System
2. Network Database Management System
3. Relational Database Management System
4. Object Relational Database Management System
Out of these types, Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) was
popularly used which enables to relate data in one table to the data in
Normalization is the process to stabilize a database, by reducing data
Data can be stabilized through 3 stages:
1. First Normal Form (1NF)
2. Second Normal Form (2NF)
3. Third Normal Form (3NF)
To access the stabilized data, Structured Query Language (SQL) is widely

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Lab Exercise
In the following questions, you are given the Universe of Discourse
(UOD, that is, the general outline at the level a user would normally
describe) of some typical enterprises. Please note that a UOD is not
a smooth and structured description.

Entity and associated attributes

Relationships between entities and type of relations

Draw the Entity-Relationship diagram

A library keeps records of current loans of books to borrowers. Each borrower is
identified by a borrower number and each copy of a book by an accession number.
The name and address of each borrower is held so that overdue loan reminders etc.,
can be sent whenever necessary. The information required about books is the title,
authors, publishers, publication date, International Standard Book Number (ISBN),
purchase and price and current price. There is a restriction on the number of books
a borrower may have on loan at any one time, the limit depending on whether a
borrower is classified as having junior or adult status. Books out on loan may be
reserved by other borrowers pending their return. The library stocks only the
hardback version of the book. If a new edition of the book is published, all copies of
earlier editions are withdrawn from stock.

A University has number of departments. Each department has its faculty.
Departments enroll students.
Each faculty member may conduct one or more courses and one or more students
register for a course. The courses are conducted in classrooms based on a prepared
Each subject has a prescribed text book and host of recommended reference books.
A faculty member may guide more than one project and the same project may be
done by more than one student.

The data in the database of a department store are defined as follows:

Each employee is represented. The data about an employee are his employee
number, name, address and the department he works for.

Each department is represented. The data about departments are its

employees, manager and items sold.

Each item sold is represented. The data about items are its name,
manufacturer, price, model number (assigned by the manufacturer) and an
internal item number (assigned by the store).

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Each manufacturer is represented. The data about a manufacturer are its

name, address, items supplied to the store and their prices. Various
employees work for a department and each department stores items supplied
by various manufacturers.

A manufacturing company consists of a number of divisions. Each division, in turn,
consists of one or more departments. Each employee of the company belongs to
only one department at any point of time. Orders are executed at the divisional level.
Any number of departments (as required) may execute an order. A department may
also execute a number of orders.
Employees work on various orders in the
An order needs several parts. A part may be needed by several orders. A part itself
may consist of sub parts. Alternatively, a part may be a support of a super part.
Parts are housed in warehouses which are at specific locations. Suppliers supply

An Airlines company has a fleet of aircrafts which it employs to carry passengers
from one airport to another.
A flight (i.e. an aircraft assigned for trip from one airport to another) is manned by a
crew. A time table is available for all the flights. At each airport, based on the flight
schedules, service schedules are drawn up for the ground staff.
At each airport, for each flight, caterer(s) provide the necessary food and
refreshments according to the catering schedule.
The maintenance of aircrafts (that are not in operation and which have been tagged
for maintenance) is done by the maintenance staff according to the maintenance
schedule. Maintenance is conducted at the airports where hangar(s) are available for
the type of aircraft in question.

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Chapter 2
Introduction to Oracle10g
Key features of Oracle10g
Components of Oracle10g

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At the end of the chapter, you will be able to:

Identify the different components of Oracle10g

Identify the enhanced features of Oracle10g

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The traditional database systems such as relational, hierarchical and network have
been successful in developing the database for traditional business applications such
as banking and railway reservations. But, when it comes to more complex business
applications such as databases for scientific work, engineering designs,
telecommunications, geographic information system and multimedia, the traditional
database systems cannot handle them because the requirements and characteristics
of these applications are different from the traditional business applications. These
applications require more complex structures for:

Storing data related to real world objects such as engineering diagrams,

molecular structures, or financial instruments

Transactions, which would be for longer durations

New data types required for storing complex multimedia data such as audio
and video clips, images and maps.

Oracle10g Database meets the above needs as it tightly incorporates ORDBMs

Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) is a database
management system that has evolved from the relational model and includes both
the relational and object-oriented technology. Oracle8.0 was the first version of the
Oracle database to incorporate object-oriented technology.
In Oracle10g, g stands for GRID. This release is focused on efficient management of
infrastructure based on its grid computing mechanism.
Now, the question arises what is Grid Computing?
The idea behind the grid computing is to utilize the resources available, to the
maximum extent by dynamically pooling it based on the requirement of the end user
during the peak hours. In this case, the end user need not know the whereabouts of
the resource.

Infrastructure Advantages
Data Availability
Internet database availability is critical for any eBusiness application. Oracle10g
focuses on the following areas to achieve continuous data availability:

Zero data loss data protection environment

Support for online reorganization and redefinition architecture to reduce

offline maintenance requirements

Provides more complete and precise database repair capabilities by ensuring

better prevention and improved handling of disk corruption

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Scalability and Performance

Oracle10g enables eBusiness to scale millions of users performing millions of
transactions per hour by focusing on the following key areas:
Transparent cluster scalability and performance: Oracle10g along with its
grid mechanism includes Real Application Clusters (RAC) that has been designed to
provide continuous data availability while increasing the scalability and performance
of the database infrastructure. RAC was introduced in Oracle9i, which is an
arrangement, where a single database runs on a group of servers that are clustered
together. With Oracle9i RAC all servers in the cluster act as backup to each other
while at the same time increasing the overall computing power within the cluster.
Scalable session state management: Oracle10g allows more users to be
hosted on the same or larger hardware platforms due to its new grid mechanism
where in new nodes can be added to the cluster when the load increased.
Optimized features critical for eBusiness: Oracle10g focuses on the following
performance areas, critical for eBusiness:
Support for large datafiles. Enterprises planning to setup Data Warehouse
and transaction systems can extend their Oracle database upto 8
Exabytes, which is equivalent to 8 million terabytes.

Improving the performance of many of todays business applications by

providing support for enhanced native compilation and improved
optimization of PL/SQL.

Improving optimization plans and reducing resource usage by adding

memory and CPU costs to the cost based optimizer cost calculation

Improving performance in Data Warehouse and Online Transaction

Processing (OLTP) environments by general I/O improvements such as
better sharing of run-time data structures, larger buffer caches and
deferrable constraints.

Oracle10g provides secure
platform by focusing on:





A strong three-tier security, which ensures that a user can access the database
only through the middle tier. As a result user identities are maintained securely
through all tiers of an application, with centralized user and privilege management in
Oracle Internet Directory.
Deep data protection through enhancements in Virtual Private Database, fine-grained
auditing and Oracle Label Security
Development Platform for eBusiness Applications
Oracle10g continues to provide the best development platform for both eBusiness
and traditional application development by focusing on the following key area
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Enterprise Java Engine:

Java support in Oracle10g focuses on improving the performance of the embedded

Java Virtual Machine, new JDBC and SQLJ functionalities, and enhancement to Java
stored procedures.
SQL and PL/SQL improvements:
Oracle10g has introduced many enhancements in SQL and PL/SQL to meet modern
development requirements. Oracle10g supports inheritance, type evolution, and
dynamic method dispatch to increase the usefulness of objects. Along with the
existing datatypes, new datatypes have been introduced. It also supports CASE
statement, ANSI compliant joins and reserved naming conventions.
New Dataypes
In addition to the existing datatypes, new datatypes have been
introduced. They are BINARY FLOAT and BINARY DOUBLE. Bioinformatics
and life science applications have benefited from these datatypes to solve
complex computations.
Alternative Quote operator:
Strings containing single code as literal, can be now be escaped using
customized symbols using Q operator.
Environmental Scripts after each CONNECT:
Previously glogin.sql and login.sql scripts were read at the startup of
iSQL*Plus. Now, these scripts are automatically run after each user
connects to the database.
Multiple Pages Output:
Output spanning over multiple pages can now be viewed using NEXT
button or can be viewed on a single page as in the previous version.
SQLPlus Recycle Bin:
SHOW RECYCLEBIN [original_name] command has been introduced to
view the dropped database objects.
Oracle Flashback Feature:
This feature has helped a developer to reduce errors.
Oracle Flashback Table:
FLASHBACK TABLE statement in SQL allows to recover the accidentally
dropped table.
This statement removes the database objects permanently from the
Recycle Bin.
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Oracle Flashback
Version Query
Changes in the table data can be viewed using VERSION
BETWEEN clause. A
changed transactions undo records stored in the database must be available.
Oracle Flashback Transaction Query
Changes made to the tables can be viewed using
FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY view. This can be helpful for auditing,
debugging and even performance analysis.

Improved MERGE Functionality

MERGE Statement has been improved by making WHEN MATCHED and WHEN
NOT MATCHED clauses optional. Also, WHERE clause can now be used in this
statement to restrict the values while inserting into target table.

Regular Expression functions:

Regular Expression functions have been introduced which works beyond the
POSIX (Portable Operating System For UNIX) standard for matching ASCII
Improvements to PL/SQL:
Bulk Binding Enhancements:
Performance related to BULK BINDING has been enhanced by introducing
INDICES OF and VALUES OF clauses. INDICES OF clause permits sparse data in a
collection. VALUES OF clause refers one array values based on another array

Enhanced Native Compilation:

The number of parameters to be set for Native Compilation has been reduced. A
much more tight integration of SQL and PL/SQL runtime engines is made
New Packages:
DBMS_WARNING: Warnings generated during
dynamically set using DBMS_WARNING package.





UTL_MAIL: This is an enhancement to UTL_SMTP package. Using this, Emails can be sent through a PL/SQL API.
UTL_COMPRESS: This package compresses and uncompressed RAW Byte
stream of Large Object (LOB) data.
DBMS_METADATA: This package extracts the metadata of a database
object, which can be obtained either in XML version or DDL.

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CLOB and NCLOB Implicit Conversions:

You no longer need APIs to convert CLOB to NCLOB and vice versa. This
release supports their implicit conversion.

Oracle10g and the Internet

Oracle8i was the first internet-based database in the world. It recognized that
Internet provided the safest and efficient access to data to all users spread across
the globe.
Oracle10g continues the Oracle9i focus on the Internet by providing a series of
enhancements targeted at eBusiness environments.
To be able to allow commerce on the net, your system needs some important
hardware configuration so that it can support the transactions between the database
and the Internet. One important step is to identify the kind of machines that you
Fat client or Thin client
There are two kinds of client available, fat client and a thin client. Before debating
whether everybody needs a fat client or a thin client, you need to understand what
these terms mean.
A fat client is a traditional PC system, which if purchased today would have 64MB or
more of memory, 6GB or more of disk space, a fast paced processor and/or a CDROM drive. A fat client would have all the codes locally within them.
A thin client is a personal computer used mainly for functions like e-mail,
presentation of information and word processing. It stores no code/programs locally
and only accesses them from the database.
The reasons for shift from fat clients to thin clients are due to the following

Loss of critical pieces of information if they reside only on a disk drive in the
event of a break down

The need for upgrading the software every time a new version comes into the
market. This raises a lot of questions. Should the release of new versions
force the end users to upgrade their software? Whether to assume that endusers have the necessary skills to upgrade their software? Should the
support people go out to hundreds of PCs and upgrade them individually?
Isnt this a waste of their time when these activities are only for someone who
uses e-mail?

The above complexities of fat client led to the development of a more mature
network known as the Network Computing Architecture (NCA) wherein the end user
would not be required to deal with issues like loss of data due to virus attacks or deal

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with upgradations. Trained professionals would handle these at some central

Oracle Internet Platform
The positioning of Oracle as an Internet solution company is due to the adoption of
NCA. This architecture enables the development, deployment and integration of
applications within a networked computing environment. Oracle has developed NCA,
which is based on the following three separate tiers:

A thin client tier, which is the layer responsible for the presentation of the
information. It is the desktop PC running a web browser.
An application server tier (the middle tier), which is the layer wherein all the
application codes are processed.
A database server tier, which is the layer where all the data is stored.

A Three-tier Architecture
The NCA is designed such that the presentation layer is separated from the
application layer. The application layer resides on a server separate from the
database server and it is assumed that the application server is the fat client. The
application server as well as the database server can be moved to a machine with
more resources, which could be placed in a central location and be managed by
trained professionals thereby keeping the end users away from all the complexities.
Based on the above theoretical concepts, Oracle 10g release is broadly divided into:

Oracle Database 10g

Oracle Application Server 10g
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Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

Oracle Database 10g
Oracle10g database supports Grid Computing architecture. Here, multiple database
servers are pooled together to form a cluster. It enhances utilization of resources. It
efficiently stores and manages the structured and unstructured data such as:

Word documents
PowerPoint presentations
Multimedia data types like MP3, graphics, video and more.
Oracle 10g facilitates two-tiered or multi-layered distributed database environments
like client/server and Web-based applications. Large objects need be stored inside
and outside the database. Oracle Database 10g has services which help to manage
and retrieve data, located outside the database.

Oracle Application Server 10g

A complete infrastructural platform is provided for developing and deploying
enterprise applications, integrating many functions including a J2EE and Web
services run-time environment, an enterprise portal, an enterprise integration
broker, business intelligence, Web caching, and identity management services. The
existing 9iAS gets further enhanced with the introduction of new grid computing
features. It further integrates users, applications and data across your organization.

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

It is the consolidated, core management console that forms the basic framework to
automatically initiate administrative tasks across the networked environment. With
Oracle Grid Control, multiple hardware nodes, databases, application servers and
other targets can be brought together into single logical entities.

Oracle10g continues Oracle Corporations lead on providing the best platform support
for business intelligence by focusing on the challenges raised by large volume of data
and the need for real time complex analysis in an eBusiness environment. Oracle10g
provides the business intelligence platform by enhancing and extending database
support for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), data mining and extraction.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:
In Oracle10g, g stands for GRID. It is a technology, which groups similar
resources into a cluster. This allows efficient utilization of resources. This helps
us to design complex business applications.
Data availability, security and development for e-business applications are
some of the advantages with Oracle10g.
Oracle10g structure is based on NCA (Networked Computing Architecture),
which is developed to overcome the problems with fat client. It enables
development of applications within networked computing environment.
Oracle10g has come up with new features in SQL* Plus environment, new
commands in SQL language and improvements in PL/SQL, making it more user

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Chapter 3

Data Retrieval

iSQL*Plus Interface
Logging into Database using iSQL*Plus
Projection, Selection and Join Terminology
Differences Between SQL and iSQL*Plus
Review of Syntaxes for Basic SQL SELECT statements
Arithmetic and Concatenation Operators in SQL statements
Alternative Quote Operator
Saving SQL Statements to Script Files

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Use the SELECT statement to extract data

Understand the various categories of SQL statements

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Retrieving Data
Oracle uses the Structured Query Language (SQL) to communicate with the
database. The SQL statement used to extract data from the database is the SELECT
statement. The SELECT statement informs the database about the data you want to
retrieve. SQL statements need to be executed in an environment where, they would
be interpreted and sent to database.
iSQL*Plus Environment

iSQL*Plus introduced in Oracle9i is a browser environment in which SQL statements

are executed. SQL*Plus environment was the default environment in the prior
releases of Oracle. SQL*Plus is still available.
Since the Oracle server understands only SQL worded statements, all Oracle tools
support SQL syntax. Implementation of SQL through SQL*Plus environment or
iSQL*Plus environment meets the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) and
ISO (International Standards Organization) standards.
On issuing an SQL statement, the statement first gets stored in a part of the
memory, which is called the SQL buffer. The SQL statements (stored in the buffer)
are then recognized and submitted to the Oracle database for execution by the
SQL*Plus or the iSQL*Plus environment.
The iSQL*Plus environment helps to perform the following tasks:

Executing SQL statements to extract, add, change and remove data from
the database

Formatting and performing calculations on query results so as to produce

more meaningful reports

Storing SQL statements in files (called script files) so that they could be
used later. These files have .sql file extension.

How to log in to SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus?

The steps involved in logging into SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus environments are

Logging in to SQL*Plus Environment

Logging in to SQL*Plus environment depends on the type of operating system you
are working on.

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Logging in through a Windows environment:

1.Click Start-> Programs-> Oracle OraDb10g_home1

2. Select Application Development -> SQL Plus

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3. Enter username, password and the connect string.

Logging in through a command-line environment:

Log on to the DOS prompt
Enter SQL*Plus command as follows:
sqlplus [username[/password[@ ConnectString]]]
Where,username is the database username assigned to each user.
password is the password the user enters to gain access to the database. The
password is visible on entering it at the command line. Therefore, to ensure the
integrity of the password, do not enter it at the command line. Instead enter it at the
password prompt.
@ ConnectString is the alias through which the user has to access the database.

Logging in to iSQL*Plus Environment

The steps to log in to iSQL*Plus environment are as follows:
1. Initiate the browser and enter the URL address of the iSQL*Plus
environment. iSQL*Plus browser window is displayed.
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2. Enter the username and password as shown in the following screen.

Click the
Login button.

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After you log in to iSQL*Plus, you see the iSQL*Plus window as follows:

Within the windows browser, the key areas of the iSQL*Plus window are the:
Enter Statements field: The area to enter the SQL statements and iSQL*Plus
Execute button: Click to execute the statements entered in the Enter
Statements field.

Load Script button: Click to access the area for entering the name and
location of a file (containing the contents of the Enter Statements field, which
has been saved) or the URL for the script you want to execute.
Save Script button: Click to save the contents of the Enter Statements field to
a file. It is suggested that you save these files with .sql extension.
Cancel Button: Click to Cancel the query presently entered by the user. A
confirmation is displayed at the end.
Clear Screen button: Click to clear text from the Enter Statement field, output
and stops any script running at that time.
Help icon: Click to access iSQL*Plus help documentation.

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iSQL*Plus Commands

iSQL*Plus has a set of commands, which are different from the SQL statements.
These commands need to be entered one line at a time. In order to continue a
command on the next line, end the current line with a hyphen (-).
iSQL*PLUS commands can be abbreviated. For instance, a command CLEAR BUFFER
could be written as CL BUFF. iSQL*Plus commands are not stored in the SQL buffer.
The main categories into which iSQL*Plus commands have been divided are:

Environment It affects the behavior of SQL statements for the session.

Formatting It formats the query output.

File manipulation It saves SQL statements into script files and, loads and
runs them whenever needed.

Execution It sends SQL statements from the browser to the Oracle


Editing It modifies SQL statements in the Edit window.

Interaction It allows you to pass values into the SQL statements and
also print messages to the screen.

SQL Vs iSQL*Plus
SQL is the language used to communicate with the Oracle server from any
tool or application. iSQL*Plus is the Oracle tool, which recognizes and
submits the SQL statements to the Oracle server for execution, and based
on the query result, it produces formatted reports using its own commands.
The following diagram depicts the SQL and iSQL*Plus interaction:

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SQL Statements


iSQL*Plus Commands

Query Output

Formatted Report

Features of SQL are:

It is a non-procedural language of ANSI standard

It is an English-like language

Features of iSQL*Plus are:

It is accessible from a browser

It supports ad hoc entry of statements

It formats query output into a basic report

It can access local as well as remote databases

It controls environmental settings

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SQL Statements
The SQL statements can be categorized with regard to their functionality.
They are:

SELECT statements - used to retrieve data from the database.

Data Definition Language (DDL)- used to create and maintain the

database structure. The DDL statements are:






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Data Manipulation Language (DML): used to manipulate data i.e. to add

more data, update or remove data from the database.
The DML statements are:





Transaction Control Statements: used to manage changes made by using

the DML statements. The transaction control statements are:




Data Control Language (DCL): used to secure the database. The DCL
statements are:



Features of a SELECT Statement

Using the SELECT statement, the following tasks can be achieved:
Selection (or restriction): Using this feature you can retrieve only those
rows in a table that you want the query to return.
For example, a Manager may be interested in retrieving details of those
employees who report to him. To selectively restrict retrieval of rows,
there are SQL clauses, which will be covered in the subsequent chapter.
Projection: Using this feature you can choose to retrieve only those
columns in a table that meet your requirement.
For example, an accountant would be interested in dealing only with the
salary details of the companys employees. He would not choose to
retrieve details such as their DOB, educational qualifications and their
Join: Generally, (most of the time) data from more than one table is
required to be retrieved. This task can be achieved by creating links
between the tables from which data need to be retrieved and presented as
combined data.
Basic Parts of a SELECT Statement
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There are two parts that are mandatory in a SELECT statement. They are:

The keyword SELECT (SELECT clause) followed by the columns that you
want to see.

The keyword FROM (FROM clause) followed by the table name from which
the columns have been specified in the SELECT clause.
The syntax of a simple SELECT statement is
SELECT {* | ,(column,)...}
FROM table;
*(Asterisk) is used to select all the columns from a table
column is used to select those columns specified after the SELECT statement
table specifies the table from which the columns are to retrieved
; is the termination character. The SQL statements are executed immediately on
encountering this character.

Guidelines for Writing SQL Statements

There are certain rules and guidelines to be followed while constructing SQL

SQL statements are not case sensitive.

Enter SQL statements on one or more lines.

Cannot split or abbreviate keywords.

Place clauses on separate lines for better readability and editing.

Typically enter all keywords in uppercase, tablename in Initcap and all the
words following them, such as column names, in lowercase.

At the end of the last clause place a semicolon (;).

Writing a SELECT Statement

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Write SELECT statements to:

Select all columns
In order to retrieve all the columns from a table, you need to either place an
asterisk (*) or list all the columns of the table after the SELECT keyword.
For example, to retrieve all the columns from the Category table the following
SELECT statement is issued in iSQL*Plus:
On issuing the statement, the following result is generated:

-------------------------14 rows selected.

Select specific columns

In order to retrieve only specific columns of a table, you need to list the
columns in the order that you want to see in the output.
For example, to retrieve members last names, their age and membership
dates the following SELECT statement is issued in iSQL*Plus:
SELECT cLastName, nAge, dMembershipDt
FROM Member;
On issuing the statement, the following result is generated:

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---------------21 rows selected.

From the query result you will observe that in iSQL*Plus:

Default column heading justification is: Center

Default column heading display is: Uppercase

On the contrary, in SQL*Plus (as shown below):

Character and date column headings are justified to the left

Number column headings are justified to the right

Default column heading display is uppercase

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Refining Retrieved Data

On extracting data using the SELECT statement, you get the output exactly the way
it has been stored in the database. Oracle provides ways to refine retrieved data,
that is, to modify the way the data is displayed, by suppressing duplicate data
display, by performing some calculations or changing the column names.
Using the DISTINCT Keyword
The result of a request for data from a table would be without eliminating any
duplicate rows. To suppress duplicate rows use the DISTINCT keyword in the SELECT
For example, an attempt to retrieve book names from the Book table would result in
the retrieval of duplicate book names. This is because, the same books are stored in
all the branches of the New Jersey Central Library. Therefore, to retrieve the distinct
book names issue the following SELECT statement:
FROM Book;
On issuing the statement, the following result is generated:

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46 rows selected.
You can specify multiple columns after the DISTINCT keyword. It would
affect all the columns selected and return a distinct combination of the
columns selected.
For example, to retrieve unique combinations of the year of publish of books
and the book names, issue the following SELECT statement:
SELECT DISTINCT dPublishedYr, cBookName
FROM Book;

-----------------------48 rows selected.

Using Arithmetic Operators

All the basic arithmetic operators are available in Oracle, thereby enabling
arithmetic calculations to be performed on the selected data.
List of Arithmetic Operators

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Arithmetic operators can be used in any clause of a SQL statement except

the FROM clause.
For example, suppose the library decides to see the result on incrementing
the number of copies of every book in each branch by two. This could be
done easily with the use of arithmetic operation as shown below:
SELECT DISTINCT cBranchID, cBookName, nNoOfCopies, nNoOfCopies+2
FROM Book;





181 rows selected

This example uses the addition operator to increase the number of copies of each
book. In the above result nNoOfCopies+2 is not a new column in the Book table. It is
just for display and by default gets the name from the calculation performed, which
in this case is nNoOfCopies+2. But this name is not very descriptive. Hence, Oracle
provides a way to rename column headings to make them more descriptive and
Renaming Column Headings
When you issue a SELECT statement, iSQL*Plus / SQL*Plus displays the column
headings, which are the same as the names of the columns selected. But, this
heading may not always be descriptive especially when calculations have been
performed. So, Oracle provides you the option to change the column headings by
using column aliases. By doing so, you can hide the business logic from others by
giving a descriptive name to the column specially during a calculation. Alias headings
appear in uppercase by default.
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How to Define a Column Alias?

A column alias is defined as follows:

In the SELECT list, specify the column alias immediately after the column
name using the keyword AS or a space between the column name and
the alias.

Enclose the alias in double quotation marks ( ) if it contains spaces,

special characters such as # or $, or if it needs to be case sensitive.

In the SELECT statement wherein you had performed an arithmetic calculation, by

default the heading of the column that displayed the calculated result was
nNoOfCopies+2. Give this column a more meaningful name by defining an alias as
SELECT DISTINCT cBranchID, cBookName, nNoOfCopies, nNoOfCopies+2
Post Increment
FROM Book;

-----------------------------------184 rows selected.

In the above SELECT statement, the calculated column has been assigned an alias
without the use of the AS keyword. Whether the AS keyword is used or not, the
query result remains the same. As the aliases contain spaces, they have been
enclosed within double quotes.
So, giving column aliases has made the calculated column more descriptive.
Arithmetic operations follow some rules of precedence.

Rules of Precedence
If there is more than one operator used in an arithmetic expression, then operator
precedence comes into picture. In operator precedence, multiplication and division
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take precedence over addition and subtraction. If operators having the same priority
are there within an expression, then they are evaluated from left to right.
Suppose, the New Jersey Central Library wants to increase its total earnings by way
of membership fee. Assuming that at least 10 persons belonging to each grade enroll
as members of the library every year, the proposed earnings would be as follows:
SELECT cGrade grade, nFeeAmount+20 Revised fee/member,
10*12*nFeeAmount+20 Proposed Earnings
FROM MemberFee;
On the issue of the above query, the following result is displayed:

The above statement displays three columns: Grade, Revised fee/member and
Proposed Earnings. This SELECT statement calculates the revised fee to be paid by
each member (nFeeAmount+20) and the proposed earnings for the entire year
assuming each grade has 10 new members enrolled (10*12*nFeeAmount+20). You
will notice that in the expression 10*12*nFeeAmount+20, multiplication is performed
before addition. Since, there are two multiplication operations, they are performed
from left to right.
In order to override the rules of precedence, you can use parentheses. The
expression within the parenthesis would be evaluated first. We shall override the
precedence in the above statement using parentheses as follows:
SELECT cGrade, nFeeAmount+20 Revised fee/member,
10*12*(nFeeAmount+20)Proposed Earnings
FROM MemberFee;
On the issue of the above query, the following result is displayed:

In the above SELECT statement, parentheses have been used to cite the order in
which the operations are to be performed. The SELECT statement calculates the
proposed yearly income by incrementing the fee amount by 20 and then multiplying
the result by 12 (12 months) and 10 (assuming 10 members enroll in each grade).

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While using arithmetic operations there are certain aspects you must be aware of.
For instance, the role DUAL table plays, in performing arithmetic operations and the
result of an arithmetic operation that involves a null value.

Role of the DUAL Table

Until now the arithmetic calculations you have performed were all based on numeric
values extracted from database tables. But you may not always want to perform
calculations on data from a table. For instance, you may want to perform some
calculations on values not part of any table. In such a case, the Oracle server does
not have any real table to extract data from. But, it is mandatory to specify column
names after the SELECT keyword and a table name after the FROM keyword (that is,
every SELECT statement must have a FROM clause). Therefore, why not extract data
from a dummy table? The Oracle server provides a table called DUAL which will serve
the purpose of satisfying the FROM clause. The DUAL table does not have any
meaningful data. It contains one column called DUMMY with one row having a value
For example, the DUAL table is used to perform arithmetic calculations on constant
values as shown below.
SELECT 6788+2292

NULL Values and Arithmetic Operations

If a particular column of a row does not have value, that value is called null. It is not
the same as zero or a space, for zero is a number and a space is a character.
Care needs to be taken while performing arithmetic operations on columns that have
null values because they result in null.
For example, suppose the library intents to increase its earnings by way of
incrementing the fine charged to $2 from $1.5. To depict its future earnings the
following statement is written:
SELECT nFine Fine, nFine +(1.5*0.25) proposed fine earnings
FROM Transaction;
The query displays the following result:

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The result shows some null values in the proposed fine earnings column. This is
because the nFine column values for some rows are null.
Using the Concatenation Operator
In addition to performing arithmetic calculations or changing column headings, you
can also join two or more columns to further refine (or change) the query result.
Concatenation is the method used to join two or more column outputs into one, to
produce more descriptive output. The resultant column is a character expression. It
is advisable to give an alias to the resulting column. The concatenation operator is (
|| ) two pipe characters put together.
You can join columns to

Other columns

Arithmetic expressions

Constant values
For example, while retrieving details of members from the Member table, it would be
more appropriate to join the cFirstName and the cLastName columns to produce a
single member name column.
SELECT cFirstName||cLastName AS NAME
FROM Member;
On the issue of the above statement, the following result is displayed:

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21 rows selected.
The above SELECT statement has joined the first name and the last names of
members using the concatenation operator.
What are Literal Character Strings?
A literal character string refers to any character, number or date included in the
SELECT statement, but which is neither a column name nor a column alias. They are
printed for each row returned by the query.
Date and character literals need to be enclosed within single quotation marks ( ) but
not number literals. For example, while retrieving the distinct book names along with
their respective authors from the Book table, concatenate the two columns with a
literal to make each row returned by the query more meaningful.
SELECT DISTINCT (cBookName ||written by
||cAuthorName) AS Book Details
FROM Book;
On the issue of the above statement, the following result is displayed:

49 rows selected.

Alternative Quote (q) Operator

The usage of character literals becomes obvious in many SQL SELECT statements or
select expressions. Use an (q) operator if the literal itself contains a single quotation
mark. This operator allows the developer to choose customized quotation mark
You can choose from a variety of delimiters, single-byte or multi-byte, or one of the
following character pairs: [ ], { }, ( ), or < >.
The following example will further explain the use of this operator:
SELECT department_name || q[, its assigned Manager Id: ] || manager_id
AS Dept and Mgr
FROM Departments;
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In the example shown, the string contains a quotation mark, which is interpreted as
a delimiter. Using the q operator, the brackets [] are used as the quotation mark
delimiter. The string between the brackets delimiters is interpreted as a literal
character string.
Using Script Files

The statements entered in the Enter Statements field of iSQL*Plus can be saved to
text files (known as script files) as follows:
1. Enter the SQL statement in the Enter Statements field, and click the Save
Script button.


Select Save this file to disk radio button from the file download dialog
box. Specify a file name and save it as shown below.

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To use the saved script:

1. Type the script name and location in the File field as shown below or click
the Browse button to find the script file name and location.

2. Click the Load Script button to load the file contents into the Enter
Statements field of iSQL*Plus.
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3. Click the Execute button to run the file contents.

DESCRIBE Command: It is an iSQL*PLUS command used to display the structure of

a table.
The syntax for the DESCRIBE command is
DESCRIBE tablename
Let us look into the following example and the output it generates, to discuss this in

The Describe command gives us the information about:

Name of the columns in the order it was created.
Where the column can hold null value or not.
Column data could be of any of the following types:
Character type
Character datatypes represent all letters, numbers and special characters on the
Following are some of the character datatypes:
VARCHAR2 holds a character data of variable length with a default minimum size 1
and maximum size 4000.

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CHAR holds a character data of fixed length with a default minimum size 1 and
maximum size 2000.
LONG holds Character data of variable length up to 2 gigabytes.
For example, names of members in the Member table are of CHARACTER datatype.
Number type
The datatype used to store only numeric data is the number datatype, NUMBER
(precision, scale). It can store both fixed and floating-point numbers. By precision we
mean the total number of digits and scale is the number of digits to the right of the
decimal point. For example, 779.69 is number datatype where the precision is 5 and
the scale is 2.
In the Member table, members age is stored as NUMBER datatype.
In Oracle, date data are stored in the DATE datatype, which actually contains two
values: the date, and the time between January 1, 4712 BC and December 31, 9999
AD. The default date format in which Oracle stores date is DD-MON-YY where DD is
the day of the month (01), MON is the month (Jan) and YY is the year (two-digit

In this chapter, you have learnt that:
To retrieve data from the database, a SELECT statement is used.

SQL statements can be executed in either SQL*Plus environment or iSQL

Plus environment where, iSQL Plus is a browser environment introduced
in Oracle9i.
SQL statements can be categorized into:
SELECT statement- to extract data
Data Definition Language- To create data
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Data Manipulation Language- To modify data

Transaction Control Language- To manage transactions done using DML
Data Control Language- To control data access
You can either select all columns of a table (using SELECT *) or select
only specific columns of a table (using the column names) .
To eliminate redundant data from the output, DISTINCT keyword is used.

Column names can be given aliases to make them meaningful.

DUAL is a dummy table used for arithmetic calculations.

Use of operators like Concatenation helps to refine the retrieved data.

Lab Exercise
Begin an iSQL*Plus session using the username and password provided to
you by
your instructor.

Display the structure of the Departments table. Select all the rows from the
Departments table.


Display the structure of the Employees table. Write a query to retrieve the
employee ID, first name, last name, job ID, hire date, department ID, and
salary from the Employees table. Save the query to script file. Name the file


Look at the following SELECT statement. Can you identify any coding errors?
SELECT Employee_ID, First_Name, Job_ID
Salary x 0.1 Raised Salary
FROM Employees;
Execute the above statement and observe the error messages displayed.


Write a query to display the unique department numbers and job IDs from
the Employees table.

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Write a query to display the last name, job ID, salary and annual
compensation of each employee. The annual compensation is to be calculated
by adding a bonus of $500 to monthly salary, and then multiplying the result
by 12. The query should combine the last name and job ID to make a single
column named as Employees. Give an alias Annual Compensation for the
calculated column. The query should display the result as follows:


Copy the contents of LabEx03_03.sql file into the iSQL*Plus Edit window and
make the following modifications:


Name the Employee_ID column as Emp_No

Concatenate first name and last name of employees separated by a space.

Name the column as Emp_Name

Name Department_ID column as Dept_No

The query should display the result as shown below.

Write a query to display the following output:

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Write a query to display the following text using q operator.

Oracles quote operator

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Chapter 4

Enhancing Data Retrieval

Restricting Data Using WHERE Clause
Using Comparison Operators
Working With Logical Operators
Sorting Data

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

WHERE clause in the SELECT statement

Work with comparison operators

Work with Logical operators



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Enhancing Data Retrieval

A simple SELECT statement retrieves data for all the rows in a table. The rows
retrieved are not in any specific order. You can restrict the rows to be retrieved and
also specify the order of retrieval.
There are two clauses available to accomplish these tasks. They are the WHERE clause
and the ORDER BY clause.
Restricting Retrieved Data
You can retrieve only some rows from a table instead of all the rows depending on the
requirement. For example, imagine how tedious it will be if you have to find out those
members who have issued a particular book from a table containing data about
hundreds and thousands of members. But this task could be simplified by singling out
those rows that dont meet your criteria. This can be achieved by using the WHERE
clause. Its syntax is:
SELECT [DISTINCT] {* | column [alias]}
FROM table
[WHERE condition(s)];
The WHERE clause comes after the FROM clause and it contains a condition, which
may or may not be met.
The WHERE clause condition is made up of three elements:

The column name

Comparison operators

The column values

Rules for using the column values in the WHERE clause :

Enclose all character and date values within single quotation marks.

Column values (character values in particular) are case sensitive but

column names are not. Therefore, ensure that in the WHERE clause the
character values are entered in their right case (uppercase, lowercase or
mixed case).

Date values are format sensitive. The Oracle server stores date in
the default format, which is DD-MON-YY. Therefore, ensure that in
the WHERE clause the date values are entered in this default format.

Comparison Operators
As the name suggests, comparison operators are used in the WHERE condition to
compare one expression to another. Following are the comparison operators used:

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Using Comparison Operators

Based on a query made by a member to display all the books written by Enid Blyton,
the following SELECT statement is issued:
WHERE cAuthorName = Enid Blyton;
The result of the query is:

To illustrate the usage of other operators look at the example given below.
For the purpose of preparing a report, which shows the IDs of all those members, who
are above the age of 21, the following SELECT statement is issued:
FROM Member
WHERE nAge >21;
The result of the above query is:

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Similarly you can use >=, <, <= and <> operators in the WHERE clause.
Along with these operators there are other comparison operators such as,

The BETWEEN operator

The IN operator

The LIKE operator

The IS NULL operator

BETWEEN Operator
Using the BETWEEN operator, you can extract rows which fall within the range of
values specified. The operator comprises of a lower range and an upper range. The
lower range must be specified first. Both the values specified in the operators are
For example, the following statement is written in order to satisfy a members query
regarding details of all those books published between 1965 and 1980:
WHERE dPublishedYr BETWEEN 01-JAN-1965' AND 31-DEC-1980';

IN Operator
When you use the equal to (=) operator, you are equating an expression with a value.
Whereas, in case of the BETWEEN...ANDoperator a range of values is specified. But,
if you need to compare an expression to a list of values (may be the first, third, tenth
and sixteenth values), then you need to use the IN operator. The IN operator specifies
a list of values, which could be of any datatype.
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For example, to retrieve details of those books written by Shakespeare, Nora

Roberts, and Mary Higgins Clark, issuing the following SELECT statement would
result in an error:
WHERE cAuthorName = Shakespeare,
Nora Roberts, Mary Higgins Clark;
Following is the error message displayed when the statement is executed:
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
The SELECT statement resulted in an error because the = operator is used only to
equate one value. Hence, rewrite the statement using the IN operator.
WHERE cAuthorName IN(Shakespeare, Nora Roberts, Mary Higgins
The result of the query is:

LIKE operator
You may not always remember the exact value you are looking for in the database
tables. To overcome this problem, Oracle has provided the LIKE operator wherein you
can retrieve those rows that match the character pattern specified in the operator. The
method of matching expressions to a character pattern is called a wildcard search.
Following are the symbols used to create a character pattern:
% :- Sequence of zero or more characters preceding the character specified before the
symbol. Example,
To extract member names starting with A, use LIKE A% in the WHERE clause.
_ :- Any single character preceding the character specified before the symbol.
For example, to extract those member details who have the second letter in their
names as alphabet a, use LIKE _a% in the WHERE clause.
SELECT cFirstName||cLastName Member Name
FROM Member
WHERE cFirstName LIKE _a%;
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The query gives the following result:

But suppose you need to have an exact match for the actual symbols % and _, and
then you need to use the ESCAPE option. In this option you need to specify what the
ESCAPE character would be.
For example, suppose one of the branch names of the library that needs to be queried
is Dover_Brnc, then your ESCAPE option would be as follows:
SELECT cBranchID, cBranchName, cBranchLocation
FROM Branch
WHERE cBranchName LIKE %\_% ESCAPE \;
And the result set would be:


In this SELECT statement the ESCAPE option specifies the escape character to be
backslash (\). Since the escape character precedes underscore (_), it causes the
Oracle server to interpret the _ literally causing the statement to retrieve details of
branch Dover_Brnc.

IS NULL Operator
Since a NULL value stands for anything that is unavailable or unknown, you cannot use
the (=) operation because null cannot be equal or unequal to any value. So, you have
IS NULL operator to test for null values.
For example, the library resolves to bestow certain facilities such as extending the due
dates of all those members who are punctual in returning books. To identify these
members the following SELECT statement is issued:
SELECT cMemberID FROM Transaction
Which displays:
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12 rows selected.
The statement retrieves those members who have not paid any fine amount.

Logical Operators
So far in the WHERE clause you have used only one condition. But, with logical
operators you combine conditions. Two or more conditions are joined together to
produce a single output by using the following logical operators:




AND Operator

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If the desired rows are to be selected, then both the conditions specified in the WHERE
clause must necessarily evaluate to TRUE.
For example, to retrieve only those books that are stored in branch 04RANNJ and
which were published in the years ranging from 1965 to 1980, a SELECT statement
using the AND operator needs to be written as shown below.
SELECT cBookName
WHERE dPublishedYr BETWEEN 01-JAN-1965' AND 31-DEC-1980'
AND cBranchID = 04RANNJ;
The query displays the following result:

If a member has not paid fine, it does not necessarily mean that he has returned the
borrowed books on the due dates. This is because the nFine column of a member
whose due date is yet to come will also be null. Hence, to find out those members who
have not defaulted, the following SELECT statement using the NOT operator is to be
written as shown below.
FROM Transaction
AND dActualReturnDt IS NOT NULL;
The result of the query is:

9 rows selected.
By using two conditions in the WHERE clause, the above statement returns those
members who have returned the borrowed books on their due dates. The two
conditions are:

To retrieve the IDs of those members who have not paid any fine

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To retrieve the IDs of those members who have returned the borrowed

The above statement uses the logical operator NOT in the WHERE clause as follows:
AND dActualReturnDt IS NOT NULL
The NOT operator specifies that the date on which the member returned his books is
not null (that is, he has returned the books).
The result of joining two expressions using the AND operator is given using the AND
TRUTH table.

OR Operator
In order to select the desired rows, either of the conditions specified in the WHERE
clause can be TRUE.
For example, to retrieve books written either by Nora Roberts or those that belong to
the mystery category, the following statement is issued:
WHERE cAuthorName = Nora Roberts
OR cCategoryID = 01MYS;
The result of the query is as follows:

The result of joining two expressions using the OR operator is given below using the
OR TRUTH table.

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NOT Operator
Operators such as BETWEEN, IN, LIKE and NULL can be used along with the NOT
operator. You have already seen its usage in one of the examples above. Here is
another one.
For example, the library database user issues the following statement in order to
display those books not written by Robert Louis Stevenson and Michael Crichton:
WHERE cAuthorName NOT IN (Robert Louis Stevenson, Michael Crichton);
The result of using the NOT operator in a condition is given in the NOT TRUTH table.

Order of Evaluation
The order in which the operators are evaluated are:

/This order of evaluation can be overridden using parentheses.

An example illustrating the rules of precedence:
SELECT cBookName
AND cAuthorName = Charles Dickens
OR nNoOfCopies = 2;
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The query result is as follows:

---------------------------24 rows selected

In this example there are two conditions:

The first condition mentions that branch ID must be 01ADLNJ and author
must be Charles Dickens.

The second condition mentions that the quantity of books stored must be 2.
But, to retrieve those books written by Charles Dickens and stored in branch
01ADLNJ or those books whose quantity stocked is 2,the above example could be rewritten as below:
As per the rule of precedence, the AND condition has a priority over the OR condition.
You can override this by using parenthesis as shown in the following statement:
SELECT cBookName
AND (cAuthorName = Charles Dickens
OR nNoOfCopies = 2);
Which gives the result:

Now, the two conditions in this example are:

The author must be Charles Dickens or the number of copies must be 2.

The branch ID must be 01ADLNJ.

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Sorting Retrieved Data

Data stored in the tables do not follow a particular sequence. They are neither sorted
in the ascending nor descending order of precedence.
You can use the ORDER BY clause to fetch rows in a specific order. The ORDER BY
clause is the last clause in the SELECT statement.
The syntax for using the ORDER BY clause is:
SELECT <column_name>
FROM <table_name
[WHERE condition(s)]
[ORDER BY {column, expr} [ASC | DESC] ];
ORDER BY clause is used to sort the rows to be fetched.
ASC specifies that the rows are to be sorted in the ascending order, which happens to
be the default order.
DESC specifies that the rows are to be sorted in the descending order.
When you issue a SELECT statement to retrieve member details from the Member
table, the resulting rows are not in any sequential order.
SELECT cMemberID, nAge
FROM Member;
The query gives the following result:

-----------------21 rows selected.

But if you want to retrieve member details sorted according to their ages, issue the
following SELECT statement:
SELECT cMemberID, nAge
FROM Member
The query gives the following result:

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-----------------21 rows selected.

This statement displays all the members sorted according to their ages. The rows are
sorted in ascending order, as it is the default way of sorting.
The ascending order of sorting for different datatypes is as follows:

Number data values are fetched with the lowest values first.

Character data values are fetched in the alphabetical order from A to Z.

Date data values are fetched with the earliest date first. For example,
17-OCT-97 will be displayed before 17-OCT-99.

Null values are fetched last.

In order to reverse the default sorting order, you need to specify the DESC keyword
after the column name in the ORDER BY clause.
The above statement had retrieved details from the Member table beginning from the
junior most (age wise) members. To retrieve the details of the senior members, issue
the following statement:
SELECT cMemberID, nAge
FROM Member
The result of the query is:

----------------------------21 rows selected.

In case an alias has been assigned to the column based on which you intend to sort
the result, then you can use the column alias in the ORDER BY clause.
SELECT cMemberID,nAge,dMembershipDt Membership Date FROM Member
ORDER BY Membership Date;
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The result of the query is as follows:

-----------------------21 rows selected.

In the ORDER BY clause, you can specify more than one column each separated using
For example, to display the names of the library members sorted according to their
membership dates and age, the following statement is issued:
SELECT cMemberID, cFirstName, cLastName
FROM Member
ORDER BY dMembershipDt, nAge DESC;
The result of the query is:

-------------21 rows selected.

This statement orders the result by membership date and then by descending order of
members age.
One interesting aspect that comes out of this example is that you can sort by columns
not specified in the SELECT clause. Neither dMembershipDt nor nAge columns based
on which the result has been sorted have been specified in the SELECT clause.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:
Use of WHERE clause in a SELECT statement lets you to retrieve only the
required data and ORDER BY clause arranges the retrieved data in a specific

Comparison operators such as BETWEEN..AND, LIKE, IN, IS NULL along with

relational operators (>, <, <=, >= etc) and logical operators (AND,OR,NOT)
can be used in the WHERE clause condition to restrict the output.
ORDER BY clause sorts the data either in ascending or descending order
keywords ASC and DESC respectively.

Column specified in the ORDER BY clause need not be mentioned in the

SELECT clause of the query.

Lab Exercise
1. Write a query to display details of employees whose job ID is ST_CLERK.
2. Write a query to display last name, job ID, department number and salary of
employees whose salary is greater than $14,000.
3. Write a query to display last name, department number and hire date of employees
hired between 01-JAN-1995 and 31-DEC-1999. Sort the query in descending order
of hire date.
4. Write a query to display the employee ID, first name and manager ID of employees
whose manager ID is 100, 108, 148 or 120.
5. Write a query to retrieve the last name and hire date of employees hired in 1997.

Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, last name and job ID of employees
whose job ID contains the string SH_.

7. Write a query to retrieve the first name, job ID and Department number of
employees who do not have a manager.
8. Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, last name, salary and commission of all
employees who earn a commission. Sort the query result in descending order of
9. Write a query to retrieve the last name, department number, job ID and salary of
employees if, the job ID is SA_MAN or SA_REP, and if the employee earns a
salary more than $10,000. The query result should be as shown below:

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8 rows selected.
Write a query to retrieve the last name, job ID, department number and salary
for employees whose department ID is 50 or whose job ID contains the string MAN.
The query result should be as shown below:


Write a query to display the details of employee whose last name is ernst.

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Chapter 5

Generating Formatted Reports using iSQL*PLUS

Substitution Variables
Using Pre-Defined Variables
Producing Formatted Reports
Using FORMAT Commands
Creating Formatted Script Files

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Write queries requiring user input
Format the output using the various iSQL*PLUS commands
Create script files to run reports

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iSQL*Plus Substitution Variables

SQL comprises of statements that are entered into the command line. On
encountering an SQL statement, the Oracle servers SQL processing mechanism
returns the required data. After returning the data, it is ready to execute the next
statement that is entered.
For example, in order to retrieve the address details of a member with ID
DDG019503, you must issue the following SELECT statement:

SELECT cFirstName||cLastName Name, vAddress, cArea

FROM Member
WHERE cMemberID = DDG019503;

On encountering this statement, the Oracle server returns the data that corresponds
to the cMemberID value specified in the WHERE clause.

On running the above query again, the Oracle server returns the same data because
its range is predetermined by the fixed WHERE clause of the query. This query will
not hold good if the librarian wants to retrieve address details of any other member.
Therefore, the query issued is not interactive. It could be made interactive by
enabling the librarian to enter values that determine the range of data to be
returned, at runtime. Oracle servers SQL processing mechanism contains features
that enable users to specify their own values to restrict the range of data to be
retrieved at runtime. This is achieved by using iSQL*Plus substitution variables (also
known as runtime variables).
Substitution Variables
Several times when developers execute a query, they do not know what value the
user may want to use to restrict the range of data to be returned. Therefore, they
hard code the value into the statement. However, it is cumbersome when the same
query is issued each time with a different value to restrict the range of data to be
For instance, when the librarian extracts the address details of a member with ID as
DDG019503, the cMemberID column value is hard coded in the WHERE clause.
However, if he uses the same statement to extract address details of a member with
ID as DCF058502, he would be unable to do so.
To make the statement reusable and flexible, substitute the hard-coded member ID
value with a variable that prompts the user to enter different member ID values each
time the statement is executed. These variables are known as substitution variables.

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In iSQL*Plus environment, single-ampersand (&) substitution variables are used to

store temporary values.
The statement used to retrieve data from the Member table based on the hardcoded member ID value can be rewritten by using the substitution variable (&) as
SELECT cFirstName||cLastName Name, vAddress, cArea
FROM Member
WHERE cMemberID=&MemID;
In the statement, the MemID variable is prefixed with a single ampersand (&). Doing
so, informs the Oracle server that the user should be prompted for a member ID
value each time the statement is executed.

The output is:

On entering the member ID value, the query displays the name and address for that
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Now the SQL statement is a flexible statement, therefore, you can re-execute it by
specifying a different member ID value at run-time.
You can verify the changes made on re-executing the statement by using the SET
VERIFY command. Setting SET VERIFY ON displays the value before and after it is
replaced by the substitution variable. Before a variable is replaced by the userprovided value, the old value is always the variable itself.
Points to remember while using substitution variables:
Enclose substitution variables within single quotes if they are used to store
character or date values. If they are used to store number datatypes, single quotes
are not required.
For example, WHERE cMemberID = &MemID;
Functions such as UPPER and LOWER can be used with substitution variables.
For example, using UPPER(&BkName) indicates that the user need not enter the
book name in uppercase.
You can use substitution variables not only in the WHERE clause but also in
the following clauses:
The ORDER BY clause
Column names in the SELECT clause
Table name in the FROM clause
Use substitution variables in the ORDER BY clause when you want to sort the result
of a query on the Book table according to a column of your choice.
SELECT cBookID,cBookName,&ColumnName
WHERE &Condition
ORDER BY &SortingColumn;
On executing the statement, the book ID, book name and any other column that the
user specifies at runtime into the ColumnName substitution variable, is displayed.
These columns are retrieved by the condition the user specifies into the Condition
substitution variable for their retrieval and the column by which the retrieved data is
to be sorted.

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The output is:

Many times a user may want to use the same variable value more than once without
being prompted for a value each time.

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For example, the librarian may want to retrieve book details sorted by the same
column he specifies for the substitution variable. But by using single-ampersand
substitution variable, each time he re-executes the statement, he would be
prompted for the column value with which the data is to be sorted. In order to be
prompted for a value only once, the double ampersand (&&) substitution variable is
used in the following manner:
SELECT cBookID,cBookName,&ColName
ORDER BY &&Column;
Re-executing the above statement retrieves book Ids, book names and any other
column that the librarian specifies to be placed in the single ampersand ColName
substitution variable. But each time, the retrieved columns are sorted according to
the same column he specifies in the double ampersand Column substitution variable.
Yet, entering new values for single ampersand variables or using the same value that
is placed into the double ampersand variable may not always be useful. For example,
the values entered into the ColName can be used only in the statement in which they
have been defined. Once the variable value is used, iSQL*PLUS discards it, thereby,
requiring you to enter a new value each time. Instead of running the statement over
and over again so as to enter new values, you could predefine variables with values
before executing the statements. This is done by using two iSQL*PLUS commands:
Predefining variables
The two iSQL*Plus commands used to predefine variables are:
The DEFINE Command
Values for runtime variables are defined by using the DEFINE command. The
command defines the input value of a variable before executing any statement.
Therefore, unlike substitution variables, any statement can use them, as the value is
not discarded once it is used in that session.
In case the library desk officer wants to make queries about information on books
from the Book table and from the Transaction table, she may do so by using a
substitution variable for accepting the ID of the book.
SELECT cBookName Books
WHERE cBookID=&BookID;

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The output is:

The disadvantage of this query is that other SELECT statements cannot use the
substitution variable used in the above SELECT statement.
Therefore, the DEFINE command can be used to avoid entering values for variables
each time the statements are run. It assigns a value to a CHAR datatype variable
that gets created.
The DEFINE command is issued with the following syntax:
DEFINE <variable_name> = value
To enhance the above statement, issue the DEFINE command in the Enter Statement
field and click the Execute button.
DEFINE BookID = MYS040000068
To display the values in a variable, use the command with the variable name as
DEFINE <variable_name>
The above command displays the following result:
The value you have defined into the BookID variable can now be used in any of the
statements as follows:
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SELECT cBookName FROM Book

WHERE cBookID=&BookID;

Or you can issue

SELECT cTranID,dIssueDt
FROM Transaction
WHERE cBookID=&BookID;
The output is:

The variables defined with this command remain throughout the session unless you
undefine them. By un-defining the variables, they can be reused. To undefine the
BookID, give the following command.
You can confirm the change made, by issuing the DEFINE command.
SP2-0135: symbol bookid is UNDEFINED

ACCEPT Command:
ACCEPT command requests value for a variable from the end
ACCEPT <variable_name> datatype
Example: ACCEPT vage NUMBER
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SELECT * FROM Member WHERE nage=&vage;

A variable declared using a DEFINE command is always of
character datatype, whereas you can specify the datatype for a
particular variable using ACCEPT command.

Producing Formatted Reports

When users execute queries they are presented the data, as it is stored in the tables.
But reports need to be formatted so as to be more presentable and expressive. This
is made possible by using:
SET commands
FORMAT commands
Using SET Commands
SET commands are used to control the session environment in
which iSQL*Plus operates. Following is the syntax to set the
session environment variables:
SET <system_variable> value
system_variable is a variable that controls the
value is the value of the session environment variable.


For example,
This command sets the value of the session environment
variable ECHO to ON.
Later, you can verify the values of all the session environment
variables that are set, using the SHOW command. For instance,
you can check the value of the ECHO variable in the following
echo ON
In order to verify all the system variables that have been set,
use the SHOW ALL command.
SET Command Variables

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As mentioned earlier SET command variables are used to

control the environment of the current session. Following are
the SET command variables:

In the commands, the underlined values are the default values.

n is a numeric value that the user enters. If no value is
entered, iSQL*Plus considers the default value.
For instance, set the system environment variable HEADING to
OFF in the following manner:
Now select the records from the Member table giving the
following query:
The output is:

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Notice that the heading is not displayed in the output.

Using FORMAT Commands

The SET commands help only to control the current

environment settings. However, to format the report features
such as determining the way columns should be displayed, or
giving suitable headers and footers, use the FORMAT
The commands used to format reports are:
The COLUMN commands to format column display
TTITLE and BTITLE commands specify headers and footers
that should appear on each page of the report
BREAK command suppresses duplicate values and helps
creating break reports

Using the COLUMN Commands

COLUMN commands control the way column data should be
displayed. This is done by using the following options with the
COLUMN command:

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The syntax for changing the way column data is display is:
COL[UMN] [{column|alias}] [option]]
column|alias is the column whose data display is to be
option specifies the way the column data is to be formatted.
The following commands are used to show or to clear the
current column formatting:

The column command options discussed above are explained

here with the help of examples:

This option sets the heading that appears for a particular
For example, the heading of vAddress column could be
changed to make it more meaningful in the following way:
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COLUMN vAddress HEADING Member|Address

In the COLUMN command, the vertical line causes the word
after it to be placed on the next line. On issuing a SELECT
statement, you could see the result of the above setting.
The output is:

------------------21 rows selected.

The NULL Option

The NULL option specifies the text to be displayed for null values. For
example, while preparing a report to display all the member details, the
library clerk may not want nfine column to show any null values.
Therefore, he could replace it with text using the NULL option as follows:
Issue the following SELECT statement in order to display the
text written using the NULL option:
SELECT cMemberID,nFine
FROM Transaction;
The following screenshot is the output: -

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---------------32 rows selected.

Notice the nFine column with null values is populated with the
text No Dues.


These options determine which columns are to be hidden or
shown while preparing reports.
For example, the librarian may not want the cGrade and nAge
columns to be displayed while selecting all the columns from
the Member table. To do so he could hide them by using the
NOPRINT option as follows:
When you issue a SELECT statement specifying these two
columns, they will not be displayed.

SELECT cMemberID, cGrade,nAge

FROM Member;
Displays the following output:

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-------------21 rows selected.

To display these columns, you can either clear the settings of
both the columns using the CLEAR option or use the PRINT
option as follows:
Having cleared the NOPRINT option, check the output of the
above SELECT statement. It displays all the columns specified
in the SELECT statement.

The FORMAT Option

The FORMAT option enables the user to change the display of
column data. There are different formatting models available to
change the display of number data and character data.
Number Formatting Model


Specifies the display

width of the number of
digits to be entered. If
there is a number
overflow, the Oracle
Server displays #. It
suppresses any leading
Enforces the display of
leading zeros

Places a dollar sign before

the number

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152550- not
acceptable. It



Displays local currency

symbol before the number

Specifies the position for

placing a thousand

Specifies the position of a

decimal point and rounds







Examples of some formatting models are:

Column nFeeAmount FORMAT $999.99
SELECT nFeeAmount
FROM MemberFee;
Displays the following result:

Using the TTITLE and BTITLE Commands

The TTITLE and BTITLE commands are used to format page headers and
footers respectively. The syntax for both the commands is identical:
text represents what the page title or footer should be. Enclose the text in
single quotes if it is more than a word.
ON | OFF specifies whether the headers or footers are to appear on the
report or not.
For example, display a suitable header and footer for all the reports
generated by the New Jersey Central Library.

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TTITLE New Jersey Central Library | Weekly Book Issue Report

BTITLE Confidential Report
SELECT cTranID,cMemberID,cBookID,dIssueDt
FROM Transaction;
The report displayed by the above statement is:

-----------------------31 rows selected.

The TTITLE command displays New Jersey Central Library centered on the
first title line and Weekly Book Issue Report centered below it. The TTITLE
command automatically displays the date and page number on every page
in the report.
The BTITLE command displays Confidential Report centered below every
page of the report. You can use the words RIGHT and LEFT with BTITLE to
right or left justify the text other than the center of the page.
An enhancement over
REPFOOTER commands.








You have seen the default behavior of the TTITLE command. This is
sufficient for most of your report generating activities. But, some reports
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would require more sophistication

such as placing the clerks name
(who is preparing the report), or place page numbers at the specified
position, etc. This is met by using the REPHEADER command.
The REPHEADER command places a specified title at the top of each report
and formats it. Its syntax is,
REPH [EADER] [PAGE] [printspec [text| variable]...]|[OFF|ON]
The syntax is the same even for REPFOOTER.
PAGE starts a new page after printing the specified report header or before
printing the specified report footer.
printspec represents one or more of the following clauses used to place the
text and format it:
COL n - Indents to position n of the current line
S[KIP] [n] determines the number of lines to be skipped. If
you omit n, one line is skipped at a time; if you enter zero
for n, the print position goes backward to the start of the
current line.
TAB n - Skips forward n print position. If you enter a negative
value for n, it skips backward.
LE[FT] CE[NTER] R[IGHT] specifies how the text is to be
BOLD - Prints data in bold print.
FORMAT text - Specifies a format model that determines the
format of the data items. Refer to the FORMAT clause of the
COLUMN command in this chapter
Text - Represents the report header or footer text. Enter text in
single quotes if you want to place more than one word on a
single line.
OFF - Turns the report header or footer off (suppresses its
display) without changing its definition.
Variable represents any of the following system generated
variables like:

Sql.ino specifies the current line number

Sql.pno specifies the current page number

Sql.user specifies the name of the user who has

logged in to iSQL*PLUS environment.

If you do not enter a printspec clause before the text or variables,

REPHEADER left justifies the text or variables.
To understand these advanced clauses, let us use them to make a more
sophisticated header and footer.
REPHEADER LEFT Report generated by Brad RileySKIP CENTER New Jersey Central Library SQL Star International Ltd.


SKIP CENTER Yearly Book Issue Report

Now run the query:
FROM Transaction
WHERE dIssueDt BETWEEN 01-JAN-2000'

AND 31-DEC-2000';

It displays the following output:

10 rows selected.

Using the BREAK Command

The BREAK command is used to suppress duplicate values.
To understand its usage, look at the result of the following
query without using the BREAK command:
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SELECT cBranchID, cBookName, nNoOfCopies

ORDER BY cBranchID, cBookName;
The output of the statement is:

184 rows selected.

The query displays the books belonging to each branch. But
you will notice that the branches IDs are repeated. In order to
suppress them, you should use the BREAK command. Its
syntax is:
BREAK ON column [ | alias ]
After issuing the above BREAK command, observe the result
obtained by performing the following query:
SELECT cBranchID, cBookName, nNoOfCopies
ORDER BY cBookName;

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-----------------184 rows selected.

By issuing the BREAK command, the same query result changes. You
will notice that the branch ID 01ADLNJ is printed only in line 1 and
is suppressed in lines 2 to 36, and from line 37 a different branch ID
is printed.

You will notice that the ordering of the query output by book name
hampers the suppression of duplicate branch IDs. This is because
you must always remember to order your query by the same column
on which you have issued the BREAK command.
But this report is quite incomplete without computing the total copies
of books that each branch stores. To do this, you need to just
mention what you want added up by using the COMPUTE command.
You will have to re-format the above query by incorporating the
COMPUTE command as follows:
SELECT cBranchID, cBookName, nNoOfCopies
ORDER BY cBranchID, cBookName;
The output is:

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-----------------184 rows selected.

The COMPUTE SUM OF nNoOfCopies ON cBranchID forces the
total number of copies for each branch to be printed only when
a new branch ID is printed.
Having used all the various commands to format your reports,
you need to remember some important points:

All formatting commands remain in effect unless you end the current
iSQL*PLUS session or overwrite them.

After every report, remember to reset the iSQL*PLUS settings to their default

There is no command available to reset the iSQL*PLUS settings to their

default values. You must either know the default value or log out and log in again.

In case, you have assigned an alias for a column, then reference the alias
name instead of the column name.

The entire standard SET commands, as well as, other iSQL*PLUS commands
required for every session are stored in a file known as the login.sql. As soon as you
CONNECT to a user in iSQL*PLUS environment, this file is read and all its commands
are implemented. These settings can be changed during the current session. But
they are in effect only for that session. Once you log out they are lost. Therefore, to
make them permanent add these settings to the login.sql file.

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Creating Formatted Script Files

All the iSQL*Plus commands you have covered so far could either be entered
individually in the Enter Statement field or entered along with the SELECT
statement into a script file (or command file). Creating a script file is
recommended because all the formatting commands needed for the generation
of a report could be kept in one place without having to enter them individually.
You only need to run the script file for producing the result. You already know
how to create script files. Now you will see further enhancements that can be
made. However, before that you should understand the steps for creating script

Create a Script File for Formatted Results

The steps to be followed for creating script files are:
1. Issue a SELECT statement in the Enter Statement field and ensure
that before you save it to a file, the data it retrieves is accurate. Include the ORDER
BY clause if you intend to use the BREAK command.
2. Edit the script file and enter the formatting commands before the SELE
statement. Ensure that you do not add them within the SELECT statement.
3. Add the format-clearing commands after the SELECT statement.
4. Save the changes made to the script file. In Oracle10g, you can have spaces in
the filename or within the directory path by enclosing them fully with double quotes.
Syntax to save a script in SQL*Plus:

SQL> SAVE <filename>

Example: SQL> SAVE d:\training classes\ my script.sql

5. To execute the script file, click the Browse button, select the script file, and
click the Load Script button. Once the script is loaded, click the Execute button.
To run the above script in SQL*Plus, give the following statement:
SQL> @ d:\training classes\my script.sql
6. Use REM whenever you wish to add a remark or a comment in iSQL*Plus script
Following the above steps, you can now create a script file to generate a report that
displays the total number of copies of books stored in each branch.
7. The required SELECT statement is entered in the iSQL*Plus Enter Statement field.

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8. Save the statement to a script file called REPORT

9. Edit the REPORT script file to add all the formatting commands


BREAK ON cBranchName
COMPUTE SUM OF nNoOfCopies ON cBranchName
COLUMN cBranchName HEADING Branch|Name
COLUMN cBookName HEADING Book|Name
COLUMN cAuthorName HEADING Author|Name
REM Insert a SELECT statement here
SELECT B.cBranchName, Bk.cBookName, Bk.cAuthorName, Bk.nNoOfCopies
SQL Star International Ltd.


FROM Branch B, Book Bk

WHERE B.cBranchID = Bk.cBranchID
ORDER BY B.cBranchName;

REM clear all the settings



Execute the script file and observe the result.

The report generated is more presentable as compared to the
result generated on executing a SELECT statement without any

184 rows selected.

columns cleared
breaks cleared

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SPOOL Command
In SQL*Plus, the output of a script can be directed to a file
using SPOOL command.
Syntax to use SPOOL command is :
SQL> SPOOL <filename>

SQL> SPOOL d:\test.txt
The output of the above SELECT statement is stored in a text
file called test.
In Oracle10g, new option called APPEND has been added to
SPOOL command. It appends the output of a SPOOL command
to an existing file.
The above code can be re-written using APPEND command as
SQL> SPOOL d:\test.text APPEND
SQL> SELECT * FROM Memberfee;
In the test.txt file, the output of the above SPOOL command
gets appended.
New variables have been introduced to set the prompt in your
SQL*Plus session with this release of 10g.
_DATE : the current date or a pre-defined string.
_PRIVILEGE : level of connection, SYSDBA, SYSOPER or NULL for normal.
_USER : user you are connected to.



20-MAY-04 : SYSTEM@prd9i >

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If you want the column name in the condition to remain same each time you
execute the query, use &&-double ampersand Substitution Variables.
Variable can be pre-defined using DEFINE and ACCEPT command. DEFINE
stores Character value by default. Datatype of a variable can be specified
while using ACCEPT command.

Lab Exercise
Display the Last Name, department and salary of the employees whose
employee id is 105.

Make the above query interactive.

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After Execution:

2.Write a query that prompts the user to specify the condition and the
order by sorting column, using substitution variables.

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6 rows selected.
3.Display employee details, by prompting the user to enter a column name he/she
wishes to view. The user should be prompted only once for the sorting column.

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------------------108 rows selected.

For the report above, display the heading Employees Report
on the top of the page. (Give any name you like). Give a name for the
person who generated the report. (You may use your own name.).
Create a script file to generate employee Ids, first and last names,
departments and job IDs and salaries of all employees sorted according
to the department IDs. Format the report to include:
a page size of 300
line size of 100
feedback off
a title and subtitle for the report
appropriate column headings
word wrap
format salaries to include decimals and thousand.
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Once the script is run and the report generated, ensure that all the
settings are back to the default.

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Chapter 6

SQL Single RowFunctions

Types of SQL Functions
Features of Single Row Function
Character functions - Case Manipulation and Character
Number and DATE Functions
RR Date Format
General Functions
Use of Conditional Expression

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Use Character Manipulating Functions
Use Number Manipulating Functions
Use Date Manipulating Functions
Convert One datatype to another
Work with NULL values

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So far you have retrieved, restricted and sorted data from the database. But, the
real importance of the data lies in the way it is presented to the user. This requires
formatting the data. To format data values stored in the database, SQL provides
functions. Functions make your query more powerful.
Function Capabilities
Functions are an important and powerful feature of SQL that enables database users
to format the values stored in the tables. The following tasks are achieved using

Performing calculations on data values

Modifying the presentation format of data values

Formatting groups of rows to give a single output

Converting datatypes such as character(CHAR) to date(DATE)

SQL Function Types

SQL functions are of two types:

Single-row functions: These functions format only single rows and return
one result for each row.

Multiple-row (or group) functions: These functions operate on groups of

rows and return one result for each group of rows.

Single-row Functions
Single-row functions operate on single rows returning one value for every row
fetched by the query. Single-row functions can be used in SELECT, WHERE and
ORDER BY clauses. The syntax for issuing single-row functions is:
<function_name> (column | expr [, arg1, arg2, ])
function_name is the name of the function.
column is the database column name.
expr is any literal character string or calculated expression.
arg1, arg2 are arguments passed into the function.
Arguments mean:

Any constant or variable value

Any column name or expression

A function may accept one or more arguments. However, the data value it returns
may be of a different datatype than what it was when referenced. For instance, a
function may accept an argument of character datatype but return a data value of
number datatype.
Single-row functions are of different types. They are as follows:
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Character functions

Number functions

Date functions

Conversion functions

General functions

Character Functions
Character functions format character data values by accepting them as inputs and
returning either character or number values as output. Character functions are
further divided into two categories, case conversion functions and character
manipulation functions.
Case Conversion Functions
These functions convert the case of the character data depending on the
requirement. The following are the case conversion functions:

Look at the following SELECT statement to identify the output derived using
conversion functions:
SELECT UPPER(cFirstName)||
enrolled as member on ||dMembershipDt Member Details
FROM Member;
The query result is as follows:

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----------------21 rows selected.

The usage of conversion functions is widely felt in the WHERE clause. For example,
the following SELECT statement is issued to retrieve books written by John Grisham:
SELECT cBookName
The above query displays the following message:
no rows selected.
You will notice that this statement does not return any rows because the WHERE
clause mentions the author name as JOHN GRISHAM. But in the Book table all
author names and book names are not stored in upper case, therefore, the name
JOHN GRISHAM does not find an exact match in the table. This could be overcome
using case conversion function as follows:
SELECT cBookName

Character Manipulation Functions

These functions manipulate character data and return either character data or
number data. Following are the character manipulation functions:

CONCAT(column1| expr1,
column2| expr2)

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Joins the first argument (character value)
to the second. It is the same as the
concatenation operator (||) except that
you are limited to using only two

E.g. CONCAT(Break, fast) - Breakfast

Extracts characters (from the character
value) of n character length starting from
the character position m. In case you omit
n, it extracts the characters till the end of
the string.
E.g. SUBSTR(Function,1,3) - Fun

SUBSTR(column| expr, m, [n])

LENGTH(column| expr)
INSTR(column| expr, m)




TRIM(leading| trailing |both FROM


REPLACE(text,search_string, character
TRANSLATE(string1, string_to_replace,

SUBSTR(Star,2) tar Incase, m is

negative it starts the count from the end
of the character value.
E.g. SUBSTR(Stars,-1) s
It returns the length of the character
value. The result is a numeric value. E.g.
It returns the numeric position of
character m in the character string. E.g.
INSTR(Sqlstar, t) 5
It pads character values left justified or
right justified using string to n character
position width
E.g. LPAD(8000,10, *)- ******8000
RPAD(8000,10, *) 8000******
It trims leading or trailing characters or
both from source text. In the e.g. it trims
the leading F in the start of the character
string FIT
Replaces the specified text expression
found in a string with the specified
replacement string.
Replace the 1st character in the
string_to_replace with the 1st character in
the replacement_string.

Display the first and last names as a single name of members whose first name
starts with A. Display the length of the cFirstName column and find out the
numeric position of the vowel e in the first name. Issue the following SELECT
statement to see the output derived:
SELECT CONCAT(cFirstName,cLastName) Name with A,
LENGTH(cFirstName) Len,
INSTR(cFirstName, e) Instr
FROM Member
WHERE SUBSTR(cFirstName,1, 1) = A;
The query result is as follows:

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This statement displays following data for those members whose first names start
with A:
Members first name joined with their last names
The length of their first names
The numeric position of the alphabet e in their first names.

Number Functions
Number functions accept number values as input and return only numeric values as
output. Following are the types of number functions:

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To understand the usage of NUMBER functions, use the examples mentioned above
in SELECT statements from the DUAL table.
SELECT ROUND (67.238,2) ROUND,TRUNC (67.238,2) TRUNC



Date Functions
In the Oracle database, dates are stored in an internal numeric format, which
represents the century, year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds.
The default display for any date is DD-MON-RR. For example, the membership date
of the member Austin is displayed as 12-OCT-90. However, the date is not stored in
the database in this format. There is also time and century information associated
with it. The complete date might be October 12th, 1990 10:30:55 a.m.
Date functions accept date values and return a date or number datatype value.
Following are the date functions:

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In addition to the functions mentioned above, you have the ROUND and TRUNC
number functions, which can be used with dates too.
ROUND (date, fmt) it rounds the date to the format model specified (month or
year). It rounds the date to the nearest day if the format is omitted. Given below are
some examples:
ROUND (16-FEB-99, MONTH) ->01-MAR-99
ROUND (16-FEB-99, YEAR) ->01-JAN-99
Syntax for the TRUNC function is:
TRUNC (date, fmt)
Examples for the same are:
TRUNC (16-FEB-99, MONTH) ->01-FEB-99
TRUNC (16-FEB-99, YEAR) ->01-JAN-99
After having understood the functionality of the various DATE functions, look at their
usage in the SELECT statement that follows.
Suppose the New Jersey Central Library management requests a complete report,
displaying the following details of all those persons who have been the members of
the library for greater than a year:

Number of months the person has been the member of the library and

Number of months after which his/her membership is to be renewed

SELECT cMemberID,dMembershipDt Date,

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MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE, dMembershipDt) Membership Period,

ADD_MONTHS(dMembershipDt, 24) Renew Date
FROM Member

On issuing the query on member table, the following result is displayed:

------------------------------------21 rows selected


SYSTIMESTAMP returns the system date, including fractional seconds and time zone
of the system on which the database resides. The return type is TIMESTAMP WITH
The following example returns the system date.
----------------28-MAR-00 PM -08:00

Performing Arithmetic Operations with Dates

Oracle stores dates as numbers in the database, therefore arithmetic operations
performed with dates produce the following results:

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Adding a number to or subtracting a number from a date results in a date

For example,

Subtracting two dates results in the number of days between them.

For example, subtracting the current date from the membership date, returns the
number of days for which a person has been the member of the library.
SELECT ROUND(SYSDATE-dMembershipDt) No of days, cMemberID
FROM Member;
The result of the statement is:

------------------------21 rows selected.

Conversion Functions
In an Oracle database, in addition to Oracle datatypes, other datatypes can also be
defined. In such a case, the Oracle server automatically converts them to Oracle
Similarly, the Oracle Server can convert one Oracle datatype to another Oracle
datatype. These datatype conversions are of two types: implicit conversion by the
Oracle server or explicit conversion by the user.

Implicit Datatype Conversion

While assigning values to a column, the assignment succeeds only when the Oracle
server converts the datatype of the value being assigned to that of the assignment
For example, the nAge column of the Member table is of NUMBER datatype.
However, while assigning values to it, if you enter the age of a person in quotes
(24) it indicates that the value assigned is of CHARACTER datatype. In such a case
the Oracle server implicitly converts it to NUMBER datatype.
The Oracle server can automatically convert the following for assignments:

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While evaluating expressions in the WHERE clause, the Oracle Server can
automatically convert CHARACTER values to NUMBER values provided the character
string represents a number.
For example, in the following statement the Oracle Server automatically converts the
number of copies entered in the WHERE clause to NUMBER datatype and displays the
desired result:
SELECT cBookName
WHERE nNoOfCopies = 9;

----------9 rows selected.

Similarly, for expression evaluation, the Oracle Server automatically converts
CHARACTER value to DATE value provided the character string has the default date
format. You have witnessed this implicit conversion in a number of SELECT
statements written earlier.
For example,
SELECT cFirstName,cLastName
FROM Member
WHERE dMembershipDt = 19-SEP-00';

Explicit Datatype Conversion

Datatype conversions can also be performed by the database developers or users,
for which SQL has provided the following three functions:

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TO_CHAR Function
The TO_CHAR function is used to explicitly convert number and date datatype values
into character types. It converts NUMBER and DATE types to VARCHAR2.
The uses of TO_CHAR function are as follows:
To display a number value as a character. The syntax for using the function with
numbers is:
TO_CHAR (number, fmt)
The syntax converts number values to character values using the format fmt
specified. The number formatting models are:

To understand the usage of the different number formats, look at the statement that
follows. The amount entered into the nFine column of the Transaction table is all of
number datatypes. But when you want to print a report displaying the amount the
library earns by way of fine, it would be more appropriate to prefix the amount with
a dollar symbol. This would require you to convert the values of the nFine column to
character datatype.
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SELECT cTranID,dIssueDt, TO_CHAR(nFine, $9999)Fine

FROM Transaction
The query displays the following result:

-----------------19 rows selected.

Points to remember while using TO_CHAR function with numbers:

If the number of digits exceeds that provided in the format model, then
pound signs (#) are displayed in its place.

The decimal values are rounded to the number of decimal spaces provided
in the format model.
To convert date from the default format of DD-MON-YY to the format you specify.
The syntax for using TO_CHAR function with dates is:
TO_CHAR (date, fmt)
This syntax converts the DATE data to the format fmt specified. The date format
models are:
BC or AD
B.C. or
or Y

Century. Using S places a minus sign before BC
BC/AD indicator
BC/AD indicator with periods


Name of the month with blanks to pad a length of nine

characters => DECEMBER
Three letter abbreviation of the month name =>DEC for DECEMBER
Month as a two digit value 12 represents the month DECEMBER
Month as a roman numeral
Week of year (numeric representation)
Week of month
Name of the day (Friday) with blanks to pad a length of nine characters
Day of the year 001 stands for Jan 1, 032 for Feb 1
Day of the month (01-31) and day of the week (1-7)
Three letter abbreviation of the name of the day Fri, Sat

DD or D

Year spelled out. For example, the year 2001 spelled as TWO THOUSAND
Year complete with all the four digits => 2001
The last three, two, or one digits of the year => 001, 01,1
Quarter of year January through March=>1

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AM or PM
A.M. or
HH or
HH12 or

Julian day stands for the number of days since 31 December 4713 BC
Placed after any day of the months and are called ordinal number.E.g. for
4TH write DDTH
It is used to spell out a day and is called spelled-out number
E.g: for Four- Write SPDD
Spelled-out ordinal number. E.g for Fourth write DDSPTH
Meridian indicator
Meridian indicator with periods
Hour of the day, or hour (1-12) or (0-23)

Minute (0-59)
Second (0-59)

Following guidelines need to be followed while using TO_CHAR with dates:

You need to enclose the format model in single quotation marks.

Format models are case sensitive.

Any of the valid date formats can be included as the format model.

Use a comma to separate the date value from the format model.

The output is padded with blanks. Use the fm (fill mode) element to
remove the padded blanks.

By default the resultant column width is 80 characters.

On issuing a SELECT statement to retrieve the membership dates of members, the
dates are retrieved in the default date format. To convert it use the TO_CHAR
function as follows:
SELECT cFirstName||cLastName NAME,
TO_CHAR(dMembershipDt, fmDdSPTH of Mon YYYY) Membership Date
FROM Member;
The query displays the following result set:

----------------21 rows selected.

The result displays the membership date as the format model specified. Notice that
the day is spelled with the first letter capitalized and rest in lower cases, the month
displayed as a three-letter abbreviation with the first letter capitalized, and the year
displayed complete with four digits.
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In addition to the above mentioned date formats, there is a RR format. The RR

format is explained below. The RR date format is similar to the YY format except that
the century of the return date varies according to the specified two-digit year and
the last two digits of the current year. Therefore, RR format allows you to specify
different centuries.

The following table illustrates the way the RR element behaves:

Suppose you enter your date of birth as 20-JAN-79 (where the year of birth is 1979),
then Oracle interprets it as 20th Jan 2079 (according to YY format). This is incorrect.
However, with the RR format, it will be interpreted as:

TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE Functions

To convert a character string to a number or a date you need to use TO_NUMBER
and TO_DATE function. For conversion use the format models previously explained.
To convert a character string to number or date, the following syntax is used:
TO_NUMBER (char, fmt)
TO_DATE (char, fmt)
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Suppose the user querying the Member table is unaware of the default date format,
then while retrieving the IDs of members enrolled on 13 th March 1989, he/she would
issue the following SELECT statement:
FROM Member
dMembershipDt = March 13,1989;
And encounter the following error message:
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
This SELECT statement is erroneous because the date entered in the WHERE clause
is not in its default format. This can be rectified using the TO_DATE function as
FROM Member
WHERE dMembershipDt = TO_DATE (March 13,1989, Month dd,YYYY);
The result is now correct as given below:

General Functions
General functions work with any datatype and comprise of the following:

NVL function

NVL2 function

DECODE function

The CASE expression, which comprises:

Simple CASE expression

Searched CASE expression



NVL Function
Performing calculations with null values result in null values. This situation can be
overcome using the NVL function.
NVL function converts a null value to a specified value. This function can be used
with any datatype be it character, number, or date. Its syntax is:

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NVL (expr1, expr2)

expr1 is the column containing null value
expr2 is the value for converting the null value
The datatypes of both expr1 and expr2 must match.
While issuing a SELECT statement to retrieve details of members, some of the values
of the cPhone and cEmailID columns may be null. Rather than leaving them as
null, you can use the NVL function to display a suitable text in place of the null value.
SELECT cMemberID,NVL(cPhone,not known)Phone
FROM Member;
On executing this statement, the text not known would be displayed for all those
members whose phone numbers are unknown.

--------------21 rows selected.

NVL2 Function
The NVL2 function returns the result based on its examining the first expression. If
the first expression is not null, the function returns the second expression. If the first
expression is null, the function returns the third expression. The syntax of NVL2
function is as follows:
NVL2 (expr1, expr2, expr3)
expr1 is the expression that may or may not contain null
expr2 is the expression returned in case expr1 is not null
expr3 is the expression returned in case expr1 is null
While retrieving transaction details of members, their fine status could be made
more descriptive, such that if fine is null, the text No fine dues is displayed, and if
fine is not null, the text Defaulter fine due is displayed. To achieve this, the
following SELECT statement is to be written:
SELECT cMemberID, dIssueDt,
dActualReturnDt, nFine,
NVL2(nFine,Defaulter - Fine due,
No fine due) Fine Status
FROM Transaction;
The result of the query is:

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---------------31 rows selected.

DECODE Function
The functionality of DECODE is similar to that of IF-THEN-ELSE logic used in most of
the programming languages.
Its syntax is:
DECODE (column / expr, search1, result1
[, search2, result2,,]
[, default])
The DECODE function compares the expr or the column values to each of the search
values and returns the result if the expr is same as the search value. If we omit the
default value, it returns a null value wherever the expr does not match the search
Suppose the library increases the stock of books, but by different quantities for its
branches, the same could be illustrated using the DECODE function as follows:
SELECT cBranchID, nNoOfCopies,
DECODE (cBranchID, 01ADLNJ, nNoOfCopies+1,
02CHSNJ,nNoOfCopies+2, nNoOfCopies) revised copies
The result of the query is.

--------------- SQL Star International Ltd.


70 rows selected.
In the statement, the cBranchID value has been decoded, that is,

If branch ID is 01ADLNJ, the number of copies is increased by 1

If branch ID is 02CHSNJ, the number of copies is increased by 2

In case of all other branches the number of copies is to remain the same.

The CASE Expression

CASE expressions use IF-THEN-ELSE logic in SQL thereby facilitating conditional
inquiries. The SQL: 1999 standard has the following four types of CASE expressions:

Simple CASE expression

Searched CASE expression


Simple CASE Expression
The simple CASE expression is similar to the DECODE function. It does not support
comparison operators. Its syntax is as follows:
CASE expr WHEN comparison_expr1 THEN return_expr1
WHEN comparison_expr2 THEN return_expr2
WHEN comparison_exprn THEN return_exprn
ELSE else_expr
The CASE expression functions as follows:
The Oracle server searches for the first WHENTHEN pair for which expr is equal to
comparison_expr, and returns return_expr.
In case none of the WHENTHEN pairs meet this condition, and if an ELSE clause
exists, then Oracle server returns the else_expr, otherwise it returns null. [The literal
NULL cannot be specified for all return_exprs and else_exprs, and all the expressions
must be of the same datatype]
The Library management decides to revise the member fee structure as follows:
If grade is A then increase the fee by 5%
If grade is B then increase the fee by 10%
If grade is C then increase the fee by 15%
For all other grades there is no increase in fee
The effect of implementing the above changes could be viewed by writing the
following SELECT statement making use of the CASE expression:
SELECT cGrade,nFeeAmount,
CASE cGrade
WHEN A THEN nFeeAmount*1.05
WHEN B THEN nFeeAmount*1.10
WHEN C THEN nFeeAmount*1.15
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ELSE nFeeAmount
END Revised Fee
FROM MemberFee;
The result of the query is:

Searched CASE Expression

Searched CASE expression can conditionally be used to search and replace values
within expressions. Comparison operators can be used in the conditional expression.
Searched CASE expressions are more flexible than simple CASE expressions because,
within searched CASE expressions, each WHEN condition can be different and
multiple conditions can be combined with logical operators.
For example, look at the following query:
SELECT cBookName,cCategoryID,nNoOfCopies,
CASE WHEN cCategoryID LIKE __%FIC THEN nNoOfCopies+2
WHEN cCategoryID LIKE __%ROM THEN nNoOfCopies+1
WHEN cCategoryID LIKE __%NFI THEN nNoOfCopies+3
WHEN cCategoryID LIKE __%SFI THEN nNoOfCopies+4
WHEN cCategoryID LIKE __%MYS THEN nNoOfCopies+1
ELSE nNoOfCopies
END Revised Copies
In the query, you are trying to determine the revised number of copies of books
based on the book categories for branch 03HAMN as follows:

If category is FIC then increase copies by 2

If category is ROM then increase copies by 1

If category is NFI then increase copies by 3

If category is SFI then increase copies by 4

If category is MYS then increase copies by 1

For all other categories there is no increase in the number of copies

The query generates the following result:

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---------------39 rows selected.

NULLIF Function
The NULLIF function compares two expressions. If the first expression is equal to the
second, the function returns NULL. If they are not equal, the function returns the
first expression. The syntax of NULLIF is:
NULLIF (expr1, expr2)
expr1 is the expression compared to expr2, and is the expression returned in case
the two expressions are not equal. [The literal NULL cannot be specified for expr1]
expr2 is the expression compared to expr1
The semantics of the NULLIF expression is defined as follows:
WHEN expr1=expr2 THEN NULL
ELSE expr1
The NULLIF function can be used while querying the Transaction table, in a way
that by comparing the return dates with their actual return dates helps determine
whether books were returned on the return date set or at a later date.
SELECT cMemberID, dReturnDt,
FROM Transaction;
On executing the query, the following result is generated wherein, the result displays
null if dReturnDt and dActualReturnDt are equal, and displays the actual return
date if they are not equal:

---------------- SQL Star International Ltd.


32 rows selected.

The COALESCE function is a generalization of the NVL function. However, its
advantage over the NVL function is that it can take multiple alternate values.
The COALESCE function accepts any number of expressions, and returns the first
non-null expression in the list.
If the first expression is not null, the function returns it, or else, it does a coalesce of
the remaining expressions. The syntax of The COALESCE function is:
COALESCE (expr1, expr2, , exprn)
expr1 is returned if it is not null.
expr2 is returned if expr1 is null and this expression is not null.
exprn is returned if the preceding expressions are null.
The semantics of the COALESCE expression is defined as follows:

When the expression has exactly two arguments

ELSE expr2

When the expression has three or more arguments

ELSE COALESCE (expr2, expr3,,exprn)

The following query makes use of the COALESCE function:

SELECT cTranID, dReturnDt, dActualReturnDt,
COALESCE(dActualReturnDt,dReturnDt,sysdate) Returned
FROM Transaction;
In the above SELECT statement, if the actual return date(DACTUALRETURNDT) is
not null, it is returned. If the actual return date(DACTUALRETURNDT) is NULL, then
the return date (DRETURNDT) is displayed provided it is not null. If both
DACTUALRETURNDT and DRETURNDT are null, then SYSDATE is displayed as shown

In this chapter, you have learnt that:

Functions are built-in programs that accept arguments and

return a value.

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Data in the database can be retrieved using SQL functions in a

desired manner.
These functions accept arguments
of different data type such as character, data
number, returning a single output for each row. Hence they are
known as Single Row functions.

While retrieving the character information, case of a character

can be controlled
using Case Manipulation functions and specific information from
these characters can be extracted using Character Manipulation

Number functions can be used to work with number data which

accept number
values as input and return only
numeric values as output.

Date Functions are used to work with Date data and returns
number as well as date output.

In case of Incompatibility of data, conversion function such as

TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBE and TO_DATE are used to explicitly
convert data to specific datatypes. Implicit conversions are
handled by Oracle server itself.

NULL values can be handled using a set of functions

which are categorized under the general functions. Using these
function one can improve the logic of the programs.

Lab Exercise

Write a query to display:

The last name in uppercase

The length of the last names

Job IDs starting from the fourth character.

The output should be as shown below.

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---------------107 rows selected.

Write a query to display employee ID, first name, salary and salary increased
by 10%, which is expressed as a whole number. Name the column as New_Sal.
Write a query to display the first name and number of months worked by the
employees. Round the number of months worked to the closest whole number. Sort
the result by the number of months employed. The output should be as shown

Write a query to display the employee ID, hire date, and salary. The hire date
should appear as (For E.g.) Seventh of June 1994 12:00:00 AM. The salary should
appear as $15,000. Give each column an appropriate label as shown below.

Write a query to display the employee ID, hire date and salary review date.
The salary review date is the first Friday after a year of service. Name the column as
Salary Review Dt.. The salary review dates should appear as Friday, 31 st of July,

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Write a query to retrieve the last name and hire date of employees hired
before 1994. The query should return the same result even if the query is run in
1994 or now.
Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, salary, commission, and annual
salary, which is calculated by multiplying salary by 12, and then adding the
commission percentage to the result. Annual salary is to be calculated for all
employees irrespective of whether they earn a commission or not.


The query result should be as shown below.

Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, job ID and salary of all employees.
The query should calculate increase in salary on the following basis:
If job ID is SA_REP, salary increase is 10%
If job ID is ST_CLERK, salary increase is 15%
If job ID is IT_PROG, salary increase is 20%
For all other job IDs, there is no salary increase.
Perform the above query using CASE expression as well as DECODE function.

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Chapter 7

Working with Grouped Data

Explain the various group functions
Use of NULL value function
Use of GROUP BY clause
Use of HAVING clause

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Group functions


GROUP BY clause


the groups using HAVING clause

As we have seen earlier, SQL Functions are broadly categorized into two types,
Single row functions and Multiple row functions. We are familiar with the working of
single row function and its use. Let us now, look into the second category of the
functions-Group functions.
What are these group functions and why do we need them?
To explain the above question, let me relate a scenario. Suppose an organization
wants to calculate the total salary expenditure incurred for a particular month. Since,
the calculation has to be done on a collective data, we need to use Group Functions.
Further, if they need to know what is the salary disbursed in each department, the
table has to be split into groups and then, the Group Functions need to be applied on
So, Group Function performs data operations on sets (or groups) of rows. The set
may be the whole table or table split into groups. It gives one result per group.
Group functions differ from single row functions, in that, they can manipulate several
rows at a time. This helps in obtaining summary details such as averages, sum,
maximum or minimum.

Group Functions
There are different group functions available. Some of them are:






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AVG Function
This function returns the average value of columns with numeric values. Its syntax
AVG ([distinct| all] x)
It returns the average value of the values of column x, ignoring null values.
distinct is used in order to consider only non-duplicate values.
all is the keyword that causes the function to consider even duplicate values. This is
the default and hence, need not be mentioned.
For example, to calculate the average fine amount earned by the library, the
following statement is issued:
FROM Transaction;
But this statement ignores null values and calculates the average fine by dividing the
total fine amount by the number of people who have paid the fine. Therefore, use
the NVL function to include null values. Now, notice the difference in the average fine
FROM Transaction;

SUM Function
This function returns the total or sum of given values. Its syntax is:
SUM ([distinct|all] x)
Which returns the sum of all the values in column x, ignoring null values.
For example, to calculate the total number of copies of books stored in branch
04RANNJ the following SELECT statement is issued:
WHERE cBranchID = 04RANNJ;
MAX and MIN Functions
These functions return the maximum and the minimum values respectively for any
given expression. You can use these functions for any datatype unlike AVG and SUM.
Their syntax is:
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MAX ([distinct|all] x)
MIN ([distinct|all] x)
Which returns the maximum and the minimum value for column x, ignoring null
For example, in order to determine the senior most and junior most members of the
library based on their age as well as on their membership dates, issue the following
SELECT statement:
SELECT MAX(nAge) Oldest,
MAX(dMembershipDt) JuniorMem,
MIN(nAge) Youngest,
MIN(dMembershipDt) SeniorMem
FROM Member;

COUNT Function
There are two formats for COUNT function. They are:
COUNT (column_name)
COUNT (*) returns the total number of rows in a table including both the duplicate
rows as well as those rows containing null values in any of the columns.
In case a WHERE clause is included in the SELECT statement, the function returns
the count of only those many rows that satisfy the WHERE condition.
For example, to retrieve the total number of members whose age is above twenty,
issue the following statement:
FROM Member
WHERE nAge > 20;
The query displays the following result:
Using of COUNT (*) is not recommended because the processing mechanism is very
slow, as it has to first resolve all column names in the table. This step is unnecessary
when you need to know only the number of rows in a table. Instead, use COUNT (1)
COUNT (ROWID). A ROWID is a pseudo-column. It is not a part of the table. Rather,
they are unique numbers generated by the server to identify each row uniquely and
they are stored internally within Oracle.
COUNT (column_name) on the other hand, returns the number of rows in a table,
but excludes rows with null values in the column identified by column_name.
For example, to display the number of members who have paid fine for books issued
on 08-AUG-2000, issue the following statement:
FROM Transaction
WHERE dIssueDt = 08-AUG-2000';
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The result gives a total of two rows (instead of three) because one of the members
who had issued books on 08-AUG-2000 did not have to pay fine as they had
returned the books on the due dates.

Creating Logical Groups of Data

Till now you have used group functions, which treat the entire table as one group.
But, you may need to collect summarized details for different groups within the same
table. For example, finding the total number of books stored in a library can be done
using the COUNT function in a simple SELECT statement as shown below.
FROM Book;
However, situations arise when you need to know the total number of books
belonging to different categories. In such a situation you have to group the books
based on the categories to which they belong. This is done using the GROUP BY
The GROUP BY clause divides the table into smaller groups. Its syntax is:
SELECT column, group_function (column)
FROM table
[WHERE condition]
[GROUP BY group_by_column]
[ORDER BY column];
column is the individual column you want to select.
group_function (column) is the column on which a group function has been applied.
Group_by_column specifies those columns whose values will form the basis for
splitting the table into groups of rows.
There are certain points to remember while using the GROUP BY clause:
In order to select individual columns (columns that are not an aggregate
along with the column specified within the group function, place the
individual columns
in the GROUP BY clause.
For example, to retrieve the total number of books grouped according to their
categories, if you type the following:
SELECT cCategoryID, COUNT(cBookName)
FROM Book;
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You get an error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00937: not a single-group group function.
Use the WHERE clause before dividing rows into groups.
Column alias cannot be used in the GROUP BY clause.
Group functions can be used in the ORDER BY clause.
The following SELECT statement explains how to retrieve the total number of books
grouped according to their categories:
SELECT cCategoryID, COUNT(cBookName)
GROUP BY cCategoryID;
And the result is:

----------------------14 rows selected.

In the above example, the SELECT clause contains the columns to be retrieved i.e.
the book category IDs and the total number of books in each of the categories. The
FROM clause contains the table that needs to be accessed i.e. the Book table. The
GROUP BY clause specifies how the rows are to be grouped. The rows are grouped
based on the category to which they belong.
The same example could be rewritten as follows:
GROUP BY cCategoryID;
In this statement, the column specified in the GROUP BY clause is not contained in
the SELECT list, yet it displays the number of books belonging to different categories.
This shows that the GROUP BY column need not be in the SELECT list. But the results
do not look meaningful.
So far we have grouped rows based on one column, but you may need to display
results for groups within groups. For example, to find the total number of books
published, each year grouped by category, you would first need to group the table by
book category, and within that group, you would need to group by publishing year.
SELECT cCategoryID,dPublishedYr Published,
COUNT(cBookName)Total Books
GROUP BY cCategoryID, dPublishedYr;
The result of the query is:

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-----------------------------------45 rows selected.

Restricting Grouped Data

Suppose you are interested in finding the total number of books belonging to each
category, but display only those categories, which have more than 10 books
belonging to them. In such a case, you need to put restriction on the groups.
SELECT cCategoryID, COUNT(cBookName)
WHERE COUNT(cBookName)>10
GROUP BY cCategoryID;
This statement gives you an error at the following statement:
WHERE COUNT (cBookName)>10
Error at line 3
ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here
This statement gives rise to the following error: group function is not allowed here,
indicating that you cannot use group functions in the WHERE clause.
Instead you need to use the HAVING clause. By using the HAVING clause you specify
the groups that need to be displayed.
You can place the HAVING clause before the GROUP BY clause, but it is more logical
to place the GROUP BY clause before because you first form the groups, then
perform the group functions.
SELECT cCategoryID,COUNT(cBookName)No. of Books
GROUP BY cCategoryID
HAVING COUNT(cBookName)>10;
The result of the query is:

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-----------------10 rows selected.

In this chapter, you have learnt that:
Group function takes a collective data for its operation and returns a single
value. The function can act upon character, number and date datatypes

The functions discussed in this chapter are sum(), avg(), min() , max() and
count(). NULL values are ignored in all these functions except count (*).
To get a group wise resultant, the table is split into groups using GROUP BY
clause. Groups can be based on one or more columns.

In order to select individual columns (columns that are not an aggregate

function) along with the column specified within the group function, place the
individual columns in the GROUP BY clause.

Using WHILE clause, one can restrict the number of rows used in the
formation of the group.

Using HAVING clause, one can restrict the groups to be included in the final

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Lab Exercise
Write a query to display the maximum, minimum, sum, and average salaries
for each job type. The query result should be as shown below.


Write a query to display the number of employees belonging to the same

department numbers. The query output should be as follows:

12 rows selected.
Write a query to display the manager ID and the highest paid employee for
that manager. Exclude employees who do not have a manager.
Write a query to display the job ID and total salary for each job that has total
salary exceeding $13000.

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Chapter 8

Introduction to Joins
Discuss the Need of Joins
Types of Joins
Oracle Proprietary Join
SQL: 1999 syntax Join
Three way Join with the ON clause
Using Set operators

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Identify the need for joins
Obtain data from multiple tables using Oracle proprietary
Obtain data from multiple tables using SQL:1999 syntax
Use Set operators

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Introduction to Joins
Organizations usually have large databases consisting of many tables. It is not
functionally efficient to have a single table storing all data. In the process of their
business, organizations require to prepare reports by extracting data that may be
from one or more than one table. You can retrieve data from more than one table by
creating joins. Joins are query statements made on more than one table using a
column, which is common to both tables.
Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables
View the report shown below to understand the use of a join:

The report displays names of books and their publishers. The book names are
derived from the Book table, where as the publisher names are derived from the
PublisherDetails table.
In order to join these two tables there must exist a relationship between them. For
instance, Book and PublisherDetails tables in the library database are related
through the column cPublisherID. You can query for the names of the books and
their publishers with a join as this column relates the two tables.
The syntax for creating a join is:
SELECT table1.column, table2.column
FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1.column1= table2.column2;
SELECT t1.column, t2.column
FROM table1 t1, table2 t2
WHERE t1.column1= t2.column2;
SELECT table1.column, table2.column
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lists the columns that you want to be displayed along with any of the functions or
column alias.
FROM table1, table2 specifies the table where the data is stored.
WHERE table1.column1= table2.column2 specifies the condition that needs to be
met for the join to be created.
In a table join, the FROM clause contains two or more tables which are the source for
data. The WHERE clause contains comparison operations, which specify how data
from the tables are to be joined.
Guidelines for writing Join conditions

The FROM clause contains names of more than one table each followed by an
alias. This reveals an interesting aspect of Oracle. Not only the columns in the
SELECT statement can have alias, but even the tables in the FROM clause can
have aliases.

Table alias must not be more than 30 characters in length.

The table alias given for a table in the FROM clause must be used for the
table name throughout the SELECT statement.

The table alias is valid only for the current SELECT statement.

Columns having common values in multiple tables may have the same column
names. For instance, the column-containing publisher Ids has the name
cPublisherID in both, the Book as well as the PublisherDetails table. This
makes it easier to identify them as columns with similar data. However, this
causes ambiguity as the Oracle SQL processing mechanism is unable to
resolve the column names (from which table is the column being referred to)
and therefore, would return an error. To avoid ambiguity, precede each
column with the table name or the alias.

You need not precede a column name with its table name or alias if it appears
only in one of the tables specified in the FROM clause. But, by prefixing the
table name or alias you would be able to enhance database access, as the
server would know exactly, in which table the column resides.

For joining n tables, you must have at least (n-1) join conditions. For
instance, to join three tables there must be a minimum of two join conditions.
What is a Cartesian product?
A Cartesian product results in the display of a large number of rows, that is, all
combination of rows, where all rows in the first table are joined to all the rows in the
second table. A cartesian product is generated as a result of:

Omitting a join condition

Specifying an invalid join condition

The following example illustrates how a Cartesian product gets generated:
SELECT cMemberID, nFeeAmount
FROM Member,MemberFee;
The statement displays the following output:

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---------------84 rows selected.

The Member IDs and their fee amounts are displayed from the Member table and
the MemberFee table respectively. But since the WHERE clause has been excluded,
all rows from the Member table are joined with all the rows in the MemberFee
table returning 84 rows in the result.
In order to avoid a Cartesian product ensure that you have at least n-1 join
conditions in the SELECT statement for n joined tables. There must be one join
condition to avoid the Cartesian product.

Types of Joins
Tables are joined by including a join condition in the WHERE clause. There are
different ways of joining data.
The types of joins are:

Oracle Proprietary Joins



Outer join

Self join

SQL:1999 Compliant Joins

Cross joins

Natural joins

Using clause

Full or two sided upper joins

Arbitrary join conditions for outer Joins

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Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables

Prior to Oracle9i, you could obtain data from multiple tables using the join
statement, which belongs to Oracle proprietary syntax. These join statements
include equijoin, non-equijoin, outer join and self join.
Creating Equijoins
Equijoins are also referred to as simple joins or inner joins. In an equijoin we make
use of the equality operator in the join condition. It returns data where column
values in one table equal that of the other table.
For example, in order to display the publishers name for each book, you would have
to compare the publisher ID values in the Book table with the publisher ID values in
the Publisher table. There exists an equijoin relationship between the Book table
and the Publisher table, as the values in the cPublisherID columns of both the
tables are the same. This is executed with:
SELECT B.cBookName, B.cPublisherID, P.cPublisherName
FROM Book B, PublisherDetails P
WHERE B.cPublisherID = P.cPublisherID;
Which displays the following result:

------------------184 rows selected.

In the statement the SELECT clause retrieves book names and their publishers ID
from the Book table and publisher names from the PublisherDetails table. These
tables are joined by the equijoin condition specified in the WHERE clause.
Additional Search Condition
The above example retrieved the publisher names of all the books stored in the
library by issuing a join condition in the WHERE clause. However, in addition to the
join, you may want some other restrictive condition to be specified in the WHERE
clause. For instance, retrieve the publisher names of the books written by John
Grisham and which are stored in the Chester branch of the library. You can specify
this additional criteria in the WHERE clause using the AND operator as follows:
SELECT B.cBookName, B.cPublisherID,
FROM Book B, PublisherDetails P
WHERE B.cPublisherID = P.cPublisherID
AND B.cAuthorName = John Grisham
AND B.cBranchID = 02CHSNJ;
The result of the query is:

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So far you have joined only two tables, but it is also possible to join more than two
tables when the need arises.
For example, if the desk officer wants to display the category name and the publisher
name of books written by Nora Roberts stored in branch 05PRINJ, you would have
to join three tables, namely the Book table, the PublisherDetails table and the
Category table as follows:
SELECT B.cBookName, C.cCategoryName,
FROM Book B, Category C, PublisherDetails P
WHERE B.cCategoryID = C.cCategoryID
AND B.cPublisherID = P.cPublisherID
AND B.cAuthorName = Nora Roberts
AND B.cBranchID = 05PRINJ;
The result of the query is:

Creating Non-Equijoins
A non-equijoin relationship is established when a column in a table does not directly
correspond to any column in the other table. To establish a non-equijoin relationship
you need to use operators other than equal (=), such as <=, >=, or BETWEEN.
For instance, based on the age of a person the library charges the membership fee.
The MemberFee table contains details about the amount of fee payable by people
falling within the range of ages specified. To display the different membership fee
amounts, age must be specified between a range as shown below.
SELECT M.cMemberID, M.cFirstName,
FROM Member M, MemberFee MF
The query displays the following result:

-----------21 rows selected.

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Creating Outer Joins

An outer join is used to retrieve data from multiple tables where information in one
of the joining columns is deficient compared to the same in the other tables. For
instance, querying the Book table will not display the list of books that have been
issued and those that have not, because the result of the query will not specify which
books have been borrowed. To identify which books have been issued and which can
be issued, you need to use an outer join.
The outer join operator is a plus sign enclosed in parentheses (+). You can place the
operator on either side of the WHERE clause condition, which ever is deficient in
data. That is, place it after the column, which does not have values that match
corresponding values in the other table. It denotes the creation of one or more null
rows in the deficient table that can be joined to the non-null rows of the nondeficient table. But an outer join operator can appear only on one side of the
The syntax to create an outer join is:
SELECT table1.column, table2.column
FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1.column (+) = table2.column
[WHERE table1.column = table2.column (+)];
The situation mentioned above can be handled in the following way:
SELECT T.cMemberID,B.cBookName
FROM Book B, Transaction T
WHERE B.cBookID = T.cBookID (+);
The result of the query is:

----------------186 rows selected.

From the output, you can identify all those books that have been issued by the
member ID, mentioned along with it. The books that are available but have never
been borrowed have no match in the transaction table and hence there is no
member ID mentioned along with it.
Creating Self Joins
A self-join is a join that is created while joining a table to itself. A self-join can be
created with a single table only. You can create a self-join when you want two kinds
of information from the same table or, in other words, you want the same data but
from two different angles.
This can best be explained by the following example:
In order to find the names of the superiors of each of the library staff members, you
would have to join the LibStaff table to itself.
The information contained in the LibStaff table is as follows:

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7 rows selected.
From the details displayed in the LibStaff table, to find the immediate superior of
Matt Scummen, you would have to:
Identify Matt Scummen from the cLibStaffName column.
Identify the manager (or superiors) number for Matt Scummen from the
nLibMgrNo column. On identifying, you get the manager number as 104.
Identify the name of the superior having staff number as 104 from the
cLibStaffName column. The staff member having staff number as 104 is Susan
Dudley. Therefore, Susan Dudley is Matt Scummens superior.
To identify Matt Scummens superior, you had to look at the LibStaff table twice.
First, to locate Matt Scummen and his superiors staff number. Second, to locate the
name of the superior having the staff number 104.
Rather than doing this manually, you could derive at the following result using self
and Their Superiors

To join LibStaff table to itself, you would have to issue the following SELECT
SELECT Subordinate.nLibStaffNo,
Subordinate.cLibStaffName, Subordinate.nLibMgrNo,
Superior.nLibStaffNo, Superior.cLibStaffName
FROM LibStaff Subordinate,LibStaff Superior
WHERE Subordinate.nLibMgrNo=Superior.nLibStaffNo;
In the above self join, LibStaff table has been assigned two aliases, Subordinate
and Superior in the FROM clause. The join condition in the WHERE clause matches
the subordinates manager number with the staff number of the superior. The result
of the self-join is:

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Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables using SQL: 1999

Prior to Oracle9i, the Oracle database supported joins using the proprietary syntax.
The traditional join syntax has its limitations. In a complex query, it can be difficult
to parse the WHERE clause to separate the join condition from other restrictions
placed on the query results. In addition, the programmers sometimes overlook to
specify any join condition at all, leading to Cartesian product.
Support for SQL/99 standard join syntax was introduced in Oracle 9i.This support
makes it easier to write portable applications and enables full outer joins.
Types of SQL: 1999 Joins
To retrieve data from more than one table, you make use of the join statement. The
SQL: 1999 join syntax provides the following types of joins:





The SQL: 1999 join syntax is as follows:

SELECT table1.column, table2.column
FROM table1
[CROSS JOIN table2] |
[NATURAL JOIN table2] |
[JOIN table2 USING (column_name)] |
[JOIN table2
ON (table1.column_name = table2.column_name)] |
ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name)];

table1.column is the table and column from which the data will be retrieved.
CROSS JOIN retrieves a Cartesian product from the two tables.
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NATURAL JOIN joins two tables, based on the same column name.
JOIN table USING column_name
performs an equijoin based on the column
JOIN table ON (table1.column_name = table2.column_name).
performs an equijoin based on the condition in the ON clause.
Cross Joins
The CROSS JOIN clause is used to retrieve the Cartesian product of two tables, which
is the cross product of two tables.
For example,
SELECT cBookName, cCategoryName
FROM Book CROSS JOIN Category;
The CROSS JOIN statement retrieves the names of books and categories from the
Book and Category tables. The keyword CROSS JOIN indicates that a Cartesian
product must be retrieved.
Natural Joins
A NATURAL JOIN takes into account all the columns in the two tables that have the
same name and the same datatype. In prior releases, to join two tables, you had to
explicitly specify the columns on which the JOIN was to be based. However, in case
of NATURAL JOINS you need not specify the column names explicitly. A natural join
is performed automatically based on all the columns in two tables that have same
name and same datatype. If you perform a natural join on two tables that have
columns with same names but different datatypes, a NATURAL JOIN syntax error is
When you perform a natural join on two tables, it selects rows that have equal
values in all the matched columns.
The keyword NATURAL JOIN is used to perform this type of join.
SELECT cTranID, dIssueDt, cBookName, dActualReturnDt
FROM Book NATURAL JOIN Transaction;
In the statement, Transaction table is joined to the Book table taking into account
cBookID column, which exists in both the tables. Had there been more common
columns, NATURAL JOIN would have used them.
The same result can be obtained using equijoin as follows:
SELECT cTranID, dIssueDt, cBookName,dActualReturnDt
FROM Book b, Transaction t
WHERE b.cBookID = t.cBookID;
A Natural Join with WHERE clause
You can also use WHERE clause with a NATURAL JOIN to restrict the result of your
SELECT cTranID, dIssueDt, cBookName, dActualReturnDt
NATURAL JOIN Transaction
WHERE cBookID IN (SFI050001993,NFI040000224, HUM050001003);
In the statement a natural join is created on Book and Transaction tables. The
WHERE clause restricts the output of the query.

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The USING Clause

Natural joins can be created on tables having columns with same name and same
datatype. However, if tables have columns with same name but different datatype,
the USING clause can be used. The NATURAL JOIN and USING clauses are mutually
The USING clause is used to specify the columns to be used for equijoins. Although
more than one column may match in two tables, the USING clause can be used to
match only one column.
The following statement shows the usage of the USING clause:
SELECT t.cTranID, t.dIssueDt, b.cBookID, b.cBookName,t.dActualReturnDt
FROM Book b JOIN Transaction t
USING (cBookId)
WHERE cBookID in
(SFI050001993, NFI040000224, HUM050001003);

The USING clause with WHERE Clause

Use the USING clause with the WHERE clause to restrict records retrieved from two
tables. First, join the tables and then use the USING clause as follows:
SELECT t.cTranID, t.dIssueDt, cBookID, b.cBookName, t. dActualReturnDt
FROM Book b JOIN Transaction t
WHERE cBookID = FIC030001111;
In the above statement, first, the Book and the Transaction tables are joined with
the JOIN keyword using the cBookID column to match the columns. The search is
restricted to condition specified in the WHERE clause.
The ON Clause
A natural join is based on all columns with same name, same datatype, and same
values. You can use the WHERE clause to retrieve the records based on some
condition. You can also specify a condition in the natural joins using the ON clause.
The ON clause specifies a condition that is separate from search condition specified
by the WHERE clause.
The following statement shows the usage of the ON clause:
SELECT t.cTranID, t.dIssueDt, b.cBookID, b.cBookName,t.dActualReturnDt
FROM Book b JOIN Transaction t
ON (b.cBookID = t.cBookID);

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In the code you specify the join condition using the ON clause. The Book and the
Transaction tables are joined based on the column cBookID present in both the
Using ON Clause with Different Column Names
The ON clause can also be used to join tables using columns with different names. It
is similar to a self-join, wherein you join a table with itself. The following statement
shows the usage of the ON clause to create a join using columns with different
SELECT S.nLibStaffNo StaffNo, S.cLibStaffName StaffName,
MgrNo, M.cLibStaffName MgrName
FROM LibStaff S JOIN LibStaff M
ON S.nLibMgrNo = M.nLibStaffNo;
In the statement, the join condition is specified in the ON clause using different
The query displays the following result:

Creating Three-Way Joins Using ON Clause

In the SQL: 1999 syntax, you can also create three-way joins. That is, you can join
three tables. The join is performed from left to right. The first join is created on the
first two tables. It cannot reference the third table. The second join is created on the
first two tables collectively (created by the first join) and the third table. This way, all
three tables are referenced in the second join.
To retrieve data from the Book, Transaction and Member tables simultaneously,
use three-way join clause in the following manner:
SELECT m.cMemberID, m.cLastName,
b.cBookName, b.cAuthorName, t.cTranID,
t.dIssueDt, t.dReturnDt
FROM Book b
JOIN Transaction t
ON (b.cBookID = t.cBookID)
JOIN Member m
ON m.cMemberID = t.cMemberID;
In the query, the first join is created between the Book and the Transaction tables
using the column cBookID. The second join is created between the Book and the
Transaction tables taken together and the Member table using the column
cMemberID. Once the joins are created data can be retrieved simultaneously from
three tables.
When you use joins on two tables, it returns all rows that match the condition.
In SQL: 1999 syntax, this type of join is called an inner join.
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When a join not only returns the result of an inner join (the matched rows), but also
the unmatched rows, it is called an outer join. The unmatched rows are the ones that
are deficient in information and thus, do not match the condition specified in the join
condition. The information deficiency could be in the right side or the left side of the
join condition. Accordingly, the join is called right outer join or left outer join. If the
deficiency is on both sides of the join condition it is called full outer join.
Left Outer Join
Left outer join enables you to retrieve all rows (matched or unmatched) from the
table specified on the left side of join condition.
To retrieve information about the books that are issued as well as the books that are
not issued to any members, you can give a left outer join query as follows:
SELECT T.cMemberID, B.cBookName
ON (B.cBookID = T.cBookID);
The query retrieves the names of the books that are issued to the members.
However, as there is a left outer join on the Book table, the query also retrieves all
books that are not issued to anybody. Book IDs of such books are however not found
in the Transaction Table.
From the output, you can identify member IDs to whom books have been issued.
The books that are available but have never been issued have no match in the
Transaction table and hence no member ID is retrieved along with it. You could get
the same result on issuing the Oracle proprietary syntax as follows:
SELECT T.cMemberID, B.cBookName
FROM Book B, Transaction T
WHERE B.cBookID= T.cBookID(+);
Right Outer Join
Right outer join enables you to retrieve all rows (matched or unmatched) from the
table specified on the right side of join condition. The following statement specifies
right outer join:
SELECT M.cMemberID, M.cLastName, T.cTranID, T.cBookID, T.dissueDt,
FROM Transaction T
ON (T.cMemberID = M.cMemberID);
The query retrieves the member details and transaction details based on the column
cMemberID. The query specifies right outer join, as there may be a deficiency in
the Member table (on the right side). All members may or may not issue a book
from the library; hence there may not be transaction details for each member.
Full Outer Join
In an outer join, there can be a deficiency on both the sides of the join condition. For
instance, some books may not belong to any category. This is the case when you
buy a new set of books for the library and may not put them in any category for
some time. You just make entries into the Book table, thereby assigning a book ID.
On the other hand, a particular category may not have any books. Such situation can
be handled using full outer joins, wherein both columns specified on either side of
the join condition have some deficiency.
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To retrieve information about all books from the Book table (whether or not a book
belongs to a category) and information about all categories (whether or not it
contains any book), you can use a full outer join in the following manner:
SELECT B.cBookID, B.cBookName, C.cCategoryName
ON (B.cCategoryID = C.cCategoryID);
You can also give additional conditions with full outer joins
SELECT B.cBookID, B.cBookName, C.cCategoryName
ON (B.cCategoryID = C.cCategoryID)
AND B.cBookID = CLS010009970;
Mapping Joins
The Oracle proprietary joins can be mapped to SQL:1999 syntax joins as follows:

You queried multiple tables by joining them using a single query statement. You
could also query multiple tables by joining two individual query statements on the
different tables. This is done using any of these operators:


For instance, to place a requisition for books from your supplier, you need the book
list from two tables. You could:
Order for all the books in both the tables a union
Order for only those books, which are there in both the tables an
Order for only those books, which are there only in one of the tables - minus
Assume that the New Jersey Central Library maintains two tables, BookArchive and
BookProspect. The former containing details of books that have been stored in the
library for quite sometime and the latter storing information of prospective books
(books they intend to buy). The lists of books in the two tables as seen with a simple
select statement is given below.
FROM BookArchive;
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----------Triumph Of Katie Byrne

The Comedy of Errors
The Magic Faraway Tree
Oliver Twist
Woman Of Substance
The Humor of Humor
Wings Of The Storm
10 rows selected.
The list of books in the BookProspect table is:
David Copperfield
For the New Intellectual
Sense and Sensibility
The Prodigal Daughter
Oliver Twist
Honour Among Thieves
The Fountainhead
10 rows selected.
Union operator
This operator returns the data which are unique to all the tables used in the Query.
The following statement is written, when the library wants to display the list of
archived and prospective books for which he has to place an order.
SELECT cBookName
FROM BookArchive
SELECT cBookName
FROM BookProspect;
The result it displays is:
--------David Copperfield
For the New Intellectual
Honour Among Thievesl
Oliver Twist
Sense and Sensibility
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Comedy of Errors
Humor of Humor
Magic Faraway Tree
Prodigal Daughter

Triumph Of Katie Byrne

Wings Of The Storm
WomanOf Substance
16 rows selected.
Using Union operator, all the books contained in the query tables are displayed
eliminating the duplicate once.
However, if you need to display the duplicates data also, you can use the union all
Intersect operator
This operators returns the data which are common to all the tables used in the
By using intersect, only those books, which are common to the joined tables, are
displayed. To place an order for those books that are archived and in the prospective
book list issue:
SELECT cBookName
FROM BookArchive
SELECT cBookName
FROM BookProspect;
The result of the statement is:
Oliver Twist

Minus operator
This operators causes the common values to be subtracted from one of the tables
and display the remaining values.
For instance, to place orders for those books that are contained only in the
BookProspect table and not in BookArchive, the following statement is issued:
SELECT cBookName
FROM BookProspect
SELECT cBookName
FROM BookArchive;
The result of the statement is:
--------David Copperfield
For the New Intellectual
Honour Among Thievesl
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Sense and Sensibility

The Fountainhead
The Prodigal Daughter
6 rows selected.

Guidelines for using the Set Operators

1. The number and the datatypes of the columns should always match with its
corresponding query.
2. The column name in resultant would be based on the outer most SELECT

In this session, you have learnt that:
Data present in the different tables can be extracted using the JOIN
functionality in SQL. Cartesian product result when there are no joining clauses in
the Statement.
Data can be obtained from multiple tables using Oracle proprietary syntax as
well as using SQL: 1999 syntax.

The various Joining options in Oracle proprietary syntax are:

Equijoin (based on equal value and datatype), Non-Equijoin (based on a

range of
valid values between the tables), Outer join (to fetch the
matched as well as
unmatched values) and Self join (to extract information
from the same table used
in lookup operation)
In SQL:1999 syntax, along with the above joins, we can also have NATURAL
Join(based on same column names between the tables), FULL OUTER join
(deficiency in both the tables) and CARTESIAN join(cross product) respectively.
Set operators such as UNION (extracts distinct data), UNION ALL (extracts all
data from both tables), MINUS (uncommon data) and INTERSECT (common data)
allow us to show data from query based on multiple tables by joining two
individual query statements.

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Lab Exercise
[Note: Questions 1 to 5 are based on Joins using the Oracle syntax. Questions 6 to
10 are based on the SQL 99 Join syntax]
Write a query to retrieve the first name and last name of employees along
with their respective department numbers and department names as shown below.

-------------------106 rows selected.

Write a query to retrieve the last name, department name, city, and
commission earned of all those employees who earn a commission as shown


Write a query to retrieve the first name, last name, salary and job titles of
employees belonging to department numbers 100 and 30 as shown below.

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12 rows selected.

Write a query to retrieve the employees last names, department numbers,

department names, including those departments that do not have
employees. The result should be as follows:

-----------122 rows selected.


Write a query to retrieve the names of each employee and their managers.
result should be as shown below.

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-------------------106 rows selected.

6. Write a query to retrieve the last names and department names of employees
who have superiors. The result should be as shown below.

Write a query to retrieve the names of employees and their managers. The
result should be as shown below.

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--------------------106 rows selected.

Write a query to retrieve the last name, and department name of all
even if the employees have not been assigned to any department. The
should be as shown below.

----------------107 rows selected.

Write a query to retrieve the employee IDs, department numbers, and
department names even if employees have not been appointed to some of the
existing departments. The result should be as shown below.

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----------------122 rows selected.

Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, department number, and
department names of those employees who have not been assigned to any
department, and those departments to which employees have not yet been assigned.
The result should be as shown below.

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Chapter 9

Understanding Subqueries
Introduction to Subqueries
Types of Subqueries
Guidelines for using Subqueries
Single Row Subqueries using group functions
Identifying illegal statements with Subqueries
Multiple Row Subqueries
Multiple Row Comparison Operator
Impact of Null Value on the Outer Query

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Identify the need for subqueries
Write subqueries

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Introduction to Subqueries
A subquery is a SELECT statement embedded within another SELECT statement. To
understand this, look at a scenario where in you need to find the details of those who
became members after Celena Stevenson.
To get the desired result, you would have to frame two queries, one query to find out
the membership date of Celena Stevenson and the other to find out those who
became members after Celena Stevenson. By combining these two queries, i.e by
placing one query inside the other you would be able to arrive at the desired result.
The inner query is known as the subquery where as the outer query is called the
main query. The value returned by the subquery is used as the search value in the
main query.
Subqueries are SELECT statements that are part of a clause of another SELECT
statement. Subqueries can be embedded in any of the following SQL clauses:

FROM clause
WHERE clause
HAVING clause
ORDER BY clause

The syntax to write a subquery is:

SELECT select_list
FROM table
WHERE <column_name> operator (SELECT select_list
FROM table[WHERE condition]);
In the syntax, operator stands for any comparison operator such as >, =, <>, IN

Uses of a Subquery
A subquery has the following uses:
Values can be provided for the conditions specified in the WHERE, HAVING,
and the START WITH clauses used in the SELECT statements.
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A set of rows can be defined and directly inserted into the target table of an
A set of rows can be defined and included in a CREATE VIEW or SNAPSHOT
statement used for creating views and snapshots .
One or more values can be assigned to existing rows in the UPDATE
A table can be defined in a subquery and operations can be performed on it
by the outer query defined by the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE

Types of Subqueries
The types of subqueries are:
Single-row subqueries :The inner SELECT statement returns only one row.
Multiple-row subqueries:The inner SELECT statement returns more than
one row.
Multiple-column subqueries:The inner SELECT statement returns more
than one column.

Using Subqueries
Before using the different types of subqueries, you must remember the guidelines to
be followed while using them.
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Subqueries should be enclosed within parentheses.

Subqueries should be placed on the right side of the comparison operator.

Subqueries cannot contain an ORDER BY clause except in a Top-n analysis.
A main SELECT statement can contain only one ORDER BY clause and it
must be the last clause.
There are two types of comparison operators, the single row operators to
be used with single row subqueries and the multiple row operators to be
used with multiple row subqueries.

Single-row Subqueries
In single row subqueries the inner SELECT statement returns only one row. Following
single row comparison operators are used in single row subqueries:
> =
< =
< >
Tifiny Keener, a member of the New Jersey Central Library makes a request to
furnish her with details of all those members who reside in the same area as
hers. But she does not mention the area where she resides. Therefore, to meet
this requirement the desk officer issues the following SELECT statement:
SELECT cFirstName||cLastName Name,cPhone
FROM Member
WHERE cArea = (SELECT cArea
FROM Member
WHERE cFirstName = Tifiny
AND cLastName = Keener);
The query displays the following result:

Since the library desk officer does not know the area where Tifiny resides, he
issues an inner query to retrieve Tifinys area and then uses the result to
execute the outer query.
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The above example had only one condition in the WHERE clause. You can have
multiple conditions too in the WHERE clause.
For example, if you want to know all books written by the author who wrote the
book, which has the ID PSH030000017, and which was published after the year the
book having the ID NFI040000224 was published, issue the following statement:
SELECT DISTINCT(cBookName),cAuthorName
WHERE cAuthorName = (SELECT cAuthorName
WHERE cBookID = PSH030000017)
AND dPublishedYr > (SELECT dPublishedYr
WHERE cBookID = NFI040000224);

The query displays the following result:

Here the query statement contains three queries: the outer query and two inner
queries. First, the two inner queries are executed returning the respective results:
Paul Harris and 20-JAN-89. Then the outer query is executed using the values
returned by the inner query to satisfy its search condition. So the query is to retrieve
all those books written by Paul Harris and which are published after 20-JAN-89.

Accessing Data from Different Tables

Both the outer query and the inner query can return data from different tables.
For example, based on a query made by a member of the Hamilton branch to
display a list of all those books that belong to the Fiction category, the desk officer
issues the following statement:
SELECT cBookName,cAuthorName
WHERE cCategoryID = (SELECT cCategoryID
FROM Category
WHERE cCategoryName = Fiction)
AND cBranchID = 03HAMNJ;
The query displays the following result:

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In this example, the inner query returns the ID of Fiction category from the
Category table. The outer query then is processed using this value to extract the
book details of Hamilton branch from the Book table.

Using Group Functions in Subqueries

You can also use group functions in a subquery. For example, the library
management requests the desk officer to display the details of the junior most
members of the library (according to their age). In order to do so, the desk officer
issues the following statement:
SELECT cMemberID,cFirstName,cLastName,
FROM Member
FROM Member);

The query displays the following result:

In this example, the inner query uses the MIN function to retrieve the lowest age of
members of the library. The age retrieved is then used as a result for the outer
You can embed subqueries not only in the WHERE clause, but also in the HAVING
For example, suppose that the library management is interested in knowing about
those books, which are more in stock in the library, than the books written by
Charles Dickens. To fulfill this requirement the desk officer issues the following
SELECT cAuthorName, COUNT (cBookName)
GROUP BY cAuthorName
WHERE cAuthorName = Charles Dickens);
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The query displays the following result:

6 rows selected.

Multiple-row Subqueries
Examine the query below:
SELECT cMemberID, nFine
FROM Transaction
WHERE nFine = (SELECT MAX (nFine)
FROM Transaction
GROUP BY dIssueDt);
The query displays an error in the following line:
WHERE nFine = (SELECT MAX (nFine)
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
This query attempts to retrieve the IDs of those members who have paid a fine
amount that is equivalent to the maximum amount of fine received on books
borrowed on issue dates taken as a group.
However, on executing this statement the Oracle Server displays an error message
saying, single-row subquery returns more than one row. This error is encountered
because in the example, the inner query contains the GROUP BY clause, which
causes more than one row to be returned, that is, one result for each group. The
result of the subquery is used in the WHERE clause of the outer query. But the
WHERE clause uses an equal (=) operator, which is a single-row comparison
operator. A single-row operator does not expect more than one value and hence
generates the error.

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Therefore, subqueries that return more than one row is called multiple-row
You will have to change single-row comparison operator to multiple-row comparison
operator in order to overcome this error.
Following are the multiple-row operators:

You can modify the example using the multiple-row comparison operator IN as
SELECT cMemberID,dIssueDt, nFine
FROM Transaction
FROM Transaction
GROUP BY dIssueDt);
The query displays the following result set:

------------------20 rows selected.

ANY Operator

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The ANY operator is used to compare values to each value that a subquery returns
and is used along with =, !=, > and < operators.
On the request of the library management to retrieve the Ids of those members who
have not borrowed books on 14-APR-01 and have paid a fine amount that is more
than any of the amounts received by way of fines on books issued on 14-APR-01,
the desk officer issues the following statement:
SELECT cMemberID,cBookID,
FROM Transaction
FROM Transaction
WHERE dIssueDt = 14-APR-01')
AND dIssueDt <> 14-APR-01';
The query displays the following rows:

------------------11 rows selected.

This statement compares the fine amount with the fines received on books issued on
14-APR-01. Since you have used > ANY, the minimum fine amount received on
14-APR-01 is $3.
FROM Transaction
WHERE dIssueDt = 14-APR-01';
The statement returns:

The outer query then returns those transaction details (other than the transactions of
14-APR-01) where the fine amount is greater than $3.
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ALL Operator
The ALL operator is used to compare a value to every value that a subquery returns.
It is used along with the operators like > and <.
The desk officer issues the following statement to meet the request made by the
management to retrieve those transaction details wherein members have paid fine

amounts exceeding the average amount of fine received on all the dates the books
were borrowed from the library:
SELECT cMemberID,cBookID,nFine
FROM Transaction
FROM Transaction
GROUP BY dIssueDt);
no rows selected
This statement compares the fine amount with the average fines received on issue
dates taken as a group.
Executing the subquery below, we get the average of fines.
SELECT dIssueDt,AVG(nFine)
FROM Transaction
GROUP BY dIssueDt;
The query displays the following result set:

---------------20 rows selected.

Since you have used >ALL, the highest average fine of an issue date is $13.5. The
outer query, however, returns no rows, as there are no members whose fine amount
is greater than $13.5.

Errors in Subquery Statements

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When you write subqueries and execute them, you need to be very careful about a
few issues. There may not be any technical or syntactical error but the logic is
executed in such a way that will not get the required result.
Impact of Null Value on the Outer Query
To understand the impact of null values on outer query, look at the statement
written below that displays information about a book, which is not published in the
same year as books written by Enid Blyton.
SELECT cBookName,cAuthorName,dPublishedYr
WHERE dPublishedYr NOT IN (SELECT dPublishedYr
WHERE cAuthorName = Enid Blyton);
This query does not return any rows.
In the above example, you are trying to display those books, not published in the
same year books written by Enid Blyton were published. But, you get a statement
saying no rows selected. This is because one of the values returned by the inner
query is null as the year of publish of one of Enid Blytons book (The Magic Faraway
Tree) is unknown.
You already know that when conditions compare a value to a null value, they result
in null. Therefore, if null values are returned by the inner query, do not use the NOT
IN operator as it is equivalent to not all.
But, if null values are returned by the inner query, you can use the IN operator, as it
is equivalent to equal to any.
SELECT DISTINCT(cBookName), cAuthorName, dPublishedYr
WHERE dPublishedYr IN (SELECT dPublishedYr
WHERE cAuthorName = Enid Blyton);
The query displays the following result set:

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By using the IN operator you are trying to display those books, that were published
in the same year as books written by Enid Blyton were published.

In this chapter, you have learnt that:

Subqueries are used to extract unknown information from a known value.

These are created by enclosing one SELECT Statement within the other.
The inner SELECT statement is known as a Subquery and outer SELECT
statement is known as a Main Query.
Both the outer query and the inner query can return data from different

Resultant of Outer query is based on the values fetched by the Subquery.

A subquery can return one or more number of values. Based on the return
values, comparison operators are divided into single row comparison operators
(relational operators) and multiple row comparison operators (ALL, ANY and IN).
Null value generated in a subquery nullifies the entire query resulting in no
row selected. It can be handled restricting the NULL values using IS NOT NULL

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Lab Exercise

Write a subquery to display the last name and salary of employees in the

samdepartment as Nancy.

6 rows selected.

Write a query to retrieve the employee numbers, last names and salaries of all

employees whose salary is greater than the average salary.

-----------------49 rows selected.


Display the last name, department number and salary of all employees whose

location ID is 1400.

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Write a query to display the last name, department number, and salaries of all

employees who report to Hunold:


Write a query to display last name, job ID and manager ID of employees

belonging to the marketing department.

-----------------34 rows selected.


Write a query to display the last names, department ID, and salaries of all

employees whose department ID and salary match the department ID and salary of
all employees who earn a commission.

6 rows selected.

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Chapter 10

Advanced Subqueries
Multiple column Subqueries
Pairwise and Non-Pairwise Comparison
Subquery in the FROM Clause
Working with Scalar Subqueries
Using Correlated subqueries
EXISTS and NON EXISTS operators
WITH clause

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Use Multiple column Subqueries

Write Subqueries in FROM clause

Use Correlated subqueries

Work with EXISTS and NON EXISTS operators


WITH clause

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Multiple Column Subqueries

While using single-row subqueries and multiple-row subqueries, you have only
compared one column in the WHERE clause or the HAVING clause.
But what should be done if the need arises to compare more than one column?
This can be achieved by using multiple-column subqueries, that is, subqueries that
return values for more than one column.
The syntax for writing this subquery is:
SELECT column, column,
FROM table
WHERE (column, column,) IN
(SELECT column, column,
FROM table
WHERE condition);
In a multiple column subquery, the WHERE clause compares columns in two ways:
Pairwise and Non-pairwise. To understand these two column comparison types, let us
look at some examples.

Pairwise Column Comparison

Generate a report with the details of a book whose category ID and number of books
in that category is the same as those of books written by Shakespeare. For example
if Shakespeare has written four tragedies, the result should display other authors
who have written four tragedies. The result should not contain details of
Shakespeares books.
SELECT cBranchID,cBookName,
WHERE (cCategoryID,nNoOfCopies) IN (SELECT cCategoryID, nNoOfCopies
WHERE cAuthorName=Shakespeare)
AND cAuthorName<>Shakespeare;

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The query displays the following result:

----------------11 rows selected.

To understand how the pairwise column comparison works, look at the resultant
values obtained by executing the inner query.
SELECT cCategoryID, nNoOfCopies
WHERE cAuthorName= Shakespeare;
The inner query displays the following result:

-----------------------10 rows selected.

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In pairwise column comparison, each row returned by the outer query must have
both the category Ids and the number of copies same as that for the books written
by Shakespeare.

Non-pairwise Column Comparison

Generate a report with details of books whose:

Category ID is same as any of Shakespeares book category IDs.
The number of books matches the number of books written by
Shakespeare in any category.
For example if Shakespeare has written four tragedies and two romances, the result
should also contain details of books of authors who have written either two or four
tragedies or romances.
SELECT cBranchID,cBookName,
WHERE cCategoryID IN (SELECT cCategoryID
WHERE cAuthorName= Shakespeare)
AND nNoOfCopies IN (SELECT nNoOfCopies
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WHERE cAuthorName= Shakespeare)
AND cAuthorName <> Shakespeare;

The query displays the following result:

-----------------16 rows selected.

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Subquery in the FROM Clause

So far you have written subqueries in the WHERE clause and the HAVING clause. You
can also embed a subquery in the FROM clause.
The query uses a FROM clause subquery:
SELECT T.cMemberID, T.cBookID, T.nFine,
TR.FineAvg, T.dIssueDt
FROM Transaction T, (SELECT dIssueDt,
AVG(nFine) FineAvg
FROM Transaction
WHERE T.dIssueDt = TR.dIssueDt
AND T.nFine > TR.FineAvg;
The query displays the following result:

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6 rows selected.
This example displays the member IDs, the book IDs, fine amount, average fines
and the issue dates of those members who have paid a fine amount, which is more
than the average fines paid for that issue date.
In the above statement, the Transaction table is given the alias T and the FROM
clause subquery (which returns value from the Transaction table) is given the alias
TR. This is similar to self-join. The WHERE clause compares the issue dates of the
Transaction table with the issue dates returned by the subquery and also the fine
amount is compared with the average fines for all issue dates that are returned by
the subquery.

Scalar Subqueries
A scalar subquery is a subquery that returns exactly one column value from one row.
It is used to specify a scalar value returned from an expression. You cannot qualify
multiple column subqueries as scalar subqueries.
The value of a scalar subquery expression is the number of rows returned by the
SELECT statement in the scalar subquery. The data type of the return value should
match the value being selected in the subquery.
If the number of rows returned by the scalar subquery expression is zero, the value
of the scalar subquery is NULL. If the number of rows returned by the scalar
subquery is more than one, the Oracle server returns an error. This is because, a
scalar subquery must return exactly one column value from one row.

In Oracle8i, scalar subqueries were supported in the following cases:

SELECT statement (FROM, WHERE clauses)
VALUES list of an INSERT statement

The enhancements made in Oracle9i enable you to use scalar subqueries in all valid
expressions like:
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All clauses of a SELECT statement, except the GROUP BY clause

Conditions and expressions used in CASE and DECODE functions
The SET clause, on the left hand side of the operator
The WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement

Scalar subqueries cannot be used in certain cases, such as:

Default values for columns

The basis for function-based index
A returning clause in DML statements
In HAVING clauses
In GROUP BY clause, CHECK constraints and WHEN condition
In Hash expressions for clusters
In statements such as CREATE PROFILE that are not related to

A Scalar Subquery in CASE Expression

The following example demonstrates the use of a scalar subquery in CASE
expression. To retrieve the ID and name of all books belonging to the category
Fiction in the branch Randolph NJ Library, you can use CASE expression in scalar
SELECT cBookID, cBookName,
WHEN cCategoryID =
(SELECT cCategoryID FROM Category
WHERE cCategoryName = Fiction)
THEN Fiction ELSE Others END) Category
WHERE cBranchID = 04RANNJ;

It has an outer query that retrieves the IDs and the names of the books stored in
branch 04RANNJ from the Book table. The CASE expression evaluates the category
of the book depending on the result of the inner query. The inner query returns the
category ID of books belonging to the category fiction.
When you execute this scalar query, the inner query is executed first. The Oracle
server looks into each row of the Category table and compares the value of
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cCategoryName column. If it is Fiction, then it returns its category ID to the outer

query. Based on the value of category ID returned, the Oracle server assigns the
value Fiction to category, else assigns Others.
The output is:

-----------------38 rows selected.

A Scalar Subquery in ORDER BY Clause

A scalar subquery can be used in ORDER BY clause. To retrieve the ID and names of
books stored in branch 01ADLNJ in the order of category, you must issue the
following query:
SELECT cBookID, cBookName
FROM Book b
ORDER BY (SELECT cCategoryName
FROM Category c
WHERE b.cCategoryID = c. cCategoryID);

The query is sorted based on the category name, which is retrieved by the scalar
subquery that matches the category ID in the Book table with the category ID in the
Category table.
The query retrieves the following output:

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-------------------------------31 rows selected.

A Scalar Subquery in Functions

A scalar subquery can be used as an argument to built-in functions, user-defined
functions and type constructors. For instance, you want to retrieve the book name
and the first three letters of category. You can give a scalar subquery in the SUBSTR
function and retrieve the first three letters of the category. This is shown in the
following code:
SELECT cBookName,SUBSTR((SELECT cCategoryName
FROM Category c
WHERE c.cCategoryID = b.cCategoryID)
FROM Book b;
In the code, the inner query is executed first. Matching the category ID from the
Category table and the category ID from the Book table retrieves the category of the
book. As this query is in the SUBSTR function, the letters from position one to three
are only retrieved. Then, the outer query is executed, which retrieves the book name
from the Book table.
The output is shown in the following screenshot:

----------------184 rows selected.

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Correlated Subqueries
Correlated subqueries are also a type of nested subqueries, but execute differently.
In nested subqueries, the inner query executes first and the resulting value is used
by the outer query. However, in correlated subqueries, the execution is the opposite.
The outer query is executed first and the result is used by the inner query. In other
words, the inner query is driven by outer query. Correlated subqueries are used
whenever every row in a table must be processed and evaluated to generate a
The Oracle server performs a correlated subquery whenever a subquery references a
column from a table specified in the outer query (or the parent statement). A
correlated subquery involves row-by-row processing of the table specified in the
parent statement. These rows are also known as candidate rows. It reads every
candidate row and compares the values in each row against a related data.
Following steps take place when a correlated subquery is executed:


candidate row is retrieved (from the outer query or the parent statement)
value of the candidate row is used by the inner query
result of the inner query is used to qualify or disqualify the candidate row
above steps are repeated for all candidate rows

The syntax of a correlated subquery is:

SELECT column1, column2
FROM table1 parent
WHERE column1 operator
(SELECT column1, column2
FROM table2
WHERE expresion1 = parent.expression2);
You can use a correlated subquery to find out all members whose age is greater than
or equal to the average upper age of their grade. Following is the code:
SELECT cFirstName, nAge, cGrade
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FROM Member m
WHERE nAge >= (SELECT AVG(nUpperAge)
FROM MemberFee
WHERE cGrade = m.cGrade);
This query uses a correlated subquery where the cGrade column of the table from
outer query is used in the inner query. The inner query calculates the average upper
Age of all members belonging to each grade fetched by the outer query. The inner
query result is used by the outer query. The outer query looks into all records of the
Member table and displays only the records where the age of a member is greater
than or equal to the average upper age of members belonging to a grade. The result
of the query is as follows:

EXISTS Operator in Correlated Subqueries

All types of logical operators can be used with nested subqueries. In addition to
these, you can use the EXISTS operator, which is mostly used with correlated
The EXISTS operator tests whether a row value exists in the resultset of inner query.
If the row value is found in the inner query, the condition is flagged as TRUE, and
the search is discontinued. This holds good for the first occurrence of the row value
in the inner query. If the row value is not found in the inner query, the condition is
flagged as FALSE and the search is continued in the inner query.
If you want to find out the Library staff members who have at least one person
reporting to them, you can use the following correlated subquery with an EXISTS
SELECT nLibStaffNo, cLibStaffName
FROM LibStaff l
FROM LibStaff
WHERE nLibMgrNo=l.nLibStaffNo);
On executing the query, the following result is obtained:

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In the query, the nLibStaffNo and the cLibStaffName columns of the LibStaff
table are retrieved from the outer query. In the inner query, the search begins from
the first row of the nLibMgrNo column of the LibSatff table. The value in the
nLibMgrNo is matched with the value in the nLibStaffNo column of the LibStaff
table (of the outer query). If a match is found, the condition becomes TRUE and the
result of the outer query is displayed. The EXISTS operator ensures that the search
does not continue further.
Note that in the inner subquery, a constant x is used in the SELECT statement. This
is done for performance reasons. As the EXISTS operator does not return any
specific value but only checks for the existence of a value in a column, it is advisable
to give a constant in the SELECT statement. This is because, having a column name
in the SELECT statement causes a table scan for that column, which affects the
Alternatively, you can use the IN construct to get the same result as the EXISTS
SELECT nLibStaffNo, cLibStaffName
FROM LibStaff l
WHERE nLibStaffNo IN (SELECT nLibMgrNo
FROM LibStaff

The NOT EXISTS Operator

The NOT EXISTS operator works in a manner opposite to the EXISTS operator. It
checks whether a row value selected in the outer query does not exist in the inner
query and flags a TRUE condition. If it exists, it flags FALSE.
You can use the NOT EXISTS operator to find the categories for which the library has
not stored any books.
SELECT cCategoryID, cCategoryName
From Category c
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The query is a correlated subquery. The outer query selects the category ID and the
category name from the Category table. The inner query selects constant value
from the Category table and compares the category ID with the category ID
selected from the outer query. If the two categories match, a FALSE condition is
flagged (as NOT EXISTS operator is used). If the category ID in the inner query does
not match with the category ID in the outer query, the condition becomes TRUE and
the columns from the outer query are returned. Thus, the above code retrieves all
categories that do not have an entry in the Book table, meaning those categories
that do not have any books. The result of the query is as follows:

Alternatively, you can use NOT IN operator in place of NOT EXISTS operator to get
the same result. This is shown in the following example:

SELECT CategoryID, cCategoryName

From Category c
Where cCategoryID NOT IN (SELECT cCategoryID
FROM Book);
However, if the result of the inner query contains even a single NULL value, the NOT
EXISTS operator evaluates to FALSE. Therefore, the query will not return any rows
even if the WHERE condition is satisfied.

WITH Clause

In a complex query, it is possible that a query block is used more than once or has
many references. Executing the same query block repeatedly is not advisable from
performance standpoint.
The WITH clause also known as subquery_factoring_clause can be used in such
cases. It:

Enables you to use the same query block in a SELECT

when it is referenced more than once in a complex query
Retrieves the results of the query block and stores it in the
temporary table space, thereby improving performance

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Allows you to define a query block before using it in a query

Can hold multiple query blocks separated by commas
Improves performance, as the calculations in the invoked
are done only once
Is resolved as in-line view or a temporary table

Using a WITH clause you can improve the readability and maintainability of SQL
statements. It allows you to separate the business logic from data gathering.
Internally the WITH clause is resolved as an in-line view or a temporary table.
You can use a WITH clause to find out the issue dates on which the total fine
collected is greater than the average fine collected. Following is the code:
WITH TotFinePerIssDt AS (
SELECT dIssueDt, SUM(nfine) fine_tot
FROM Transaction
GROUP BY dIssueDt),

AvgFinePerIssDt AS (
SELECT SUM(fine_tot)/count(*) fine_avg
FROM TotFinePerIssDt)

FROM TotFinePerIssDt
WHERE fine_tot>
(SELECT fine_avg
FROM AvgFinePerIssDt)
ORDER BY dIssueDt;
In the code the WITH clause creates two query blocks TotFinePerIssDt and
AvgFinePerIssDt. The TotFinePerIssDt query block retrieves the total fine
collected on every issue date. The AvgFinePerIssDt query block calculates the
average of the total fine collected on each issue date. To calculate this,
AvgFinePerIssDt query block takes the total fine values from TotFinePerIssDt
query block. Finally, the query retrieves the total fine that is greater than the
average of the total fine collected on each issue date.
Without a WITH clause the query would be very complex, and the use of several
SELECT statements would affect the performance. By using a WITH clause, you can
write a code which is easy to read and maintain. In addition, the results of each
query block is stored in a temporary tablespace and used every time it is referenced,
thereby enhancing the performance.
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There are some points you should remember while using a WITH clause. A WITH
clause can:

Be used with SELECT statements only

Hold more than one query, each of which is separated by a


Create a query block, which is available to all WITH element

query blocks defined after it and the main query block.

Have a query block with the same name as an existing table

name, where the query block name is given priority

In this chapter you have learnt that:

Multiple columns in a WHERE clause can be used by writing

multiple column subqueries.

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Comparison in multiple column subqueries are done using

Pairwise (exact values are searched) and Non-Pairwise
(combination of values are searched for) comparisons.

Subqueries written in a FROM clause helps us to create a virtual

column (non existent column) for calculation purpose. This
query is also known as Inline View.

Scalar subqueries can be written in a CASE expression, in a

Function and in an ORDER BY clause.

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Lab Exercise

Write a query to display the last names, department ID and salaries of all
employees whose department ID and salary match the department ID and
salary of all employees who earn a commission.

----------------34 rows selected.

2. Display the last name, department name and salary of all employees whose
salary and department name are same as the salary and department name of
employees located in location ID 1700.



18 rows selected.
Write a query to display details of employees who have one or more
colleagues in their department who joined after them, with higher salaries.

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-----------------66 rows selected.


Display the details of employees who are not managers.

[Hint: Use the NOT EXISTS operator. Also, use the NOT IN operator and see
the result].

---------------89 rows selected.

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Chapter 11

Data Manipulation
Various types of INSERT statements
Create UPDATE statements
Generate DELETE statements
Single set Aggregate in DML RETURNING Clause
Transaction command to Save and discard changes
Locking Mechanism
Show how Read consistency works

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Describe the Data Manipulation Language
Perform 10g Single Set Aggregates in DML
Control the Database Transaction

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Manipulating Data
In the previous sessions, the library database users have only extracted the data
stored in the database. For instance, when a member wishes to see a list of all the
books stored in the library, the desk officer issued a simple SELECT statement as
FROM Book;
However, when the desk officer issues the same statement after a few days, he may
observe some noticeable variations in the resultant output. For instance, there would
be additions to the already existing list of books, or a particular book may no longer
be stocked. This reflects that the data stored in the database is dynamic in nature.
These changes involve:
Adding new data
Modifying existing data
Removing data
This chapter deals with how a database developer should implement these changes.
These changes are made possible by the use of Data Manipulation Language (DML).
The following DML statements are executed in order to manipulate the data in the


Insert Rows
In every organization, the new data or additional data must necessarily be
incorporated into the database. For example, when people enroll themselves as
members of the New Jersey Central Library, their details must be added to the
Member table. Similarly, details regarding new books ordered by the library should
be inserted into the Book table. In order to add new data to the tables, use the
INSERT statement. Its syntax is:
INSERT INTO table [(column [, column])]
VALUES(value [, value]);
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N.B.: [This is not a complete syntax.]

table is the name of the table into which new column values are inserted.
(column [, column]) are the columns of the specified table into which the values
are inserted.
(value [, value]) these are the actual values that are inserted into the columns
There are different ways of inserting data into a table using the above syntax.

Ways of Inserting Data

The Oracle server enables you to insert data into the database in the following four



for each column

for selected columns
using substitution variables
from another table

Inserting a Row Containing Values for Each Column

Suppose the library has ordered for a Paul Scott book. When the book is delivered,
the librarian has to enter the relevant information into the Book table. To do so, the
following INSERT statement should be issued:
INSERT INTO Book (cBookID,cBookName,cAuthorName,
VALUES (FIC011111111,Jewel In The
Crown, Paul Scott,01FIC,HC0176',25-NOV-1966', 01ADLNJ, 2);
1 row created.
The INSERT statement tends to become quite cumbersome, especially when all the
details of a book must be added. To resolve this issue, Oracle makes it optional to
specify the column list in the INSERT clause, if a row being inserted contains values
for each column.
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VALUES (FIC011111111,Jewel In The Crown, Paul
Scott,01FIC,HC0176',25-NOV-1966',01ADLNJ, 2);
1 row created.
But, in the above statement how would you know what data will be inserted into
which column? This is achieved by listing values in the VALUES clause according to
the position of columns in the table.
In order to determine the default order of the columns in the table, use the
iSQL*Plus DESCRIBE command.
For example to view the structure of the table Book, use the following code:
While using the INSERT statement, you need to remember the following points:
Enclose character and date values in the VALUES clause within single quotation
You can also insert pseudo columns such as SYSDATE, USER (displaying the
current users name) and conversion functions.

Inserting Rows that Contain Values Only for

Some Columns
In the above example, on the arrival of the new book, the entire details are inserted
into the Book table using the INSERT statement. However, at times the library may
not have all the details of a new book. For instance, on the delivery of a new book
Roots, the library did not have details of its publisher. In such a case, only the
available details are inserted and the remaining columns are left null, so that they
can be inserted later.
To insert null values, the Oracle server provides two methods:
Implicit Method
Explicit Method

Implicit Method

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In this method, you can omit those columns from the column list, into which values
are not to be inserted. The following INSERT statement specifies only those columns
into which values are to be inserted:

INSERT INTO Book (cBookID, cBookName,

CAuthorName, cCategoryID, cBranchID)
Ensure that these columns allow null values. You can verify this using the iSQL*PLUS
DESCRIBE command.

Explicit Method
In this method, specify the NULL keyword in the values list for those columns into
which values are not to be inserted. The above INSERT statement could be rewritten
as follows:
VALUES (FIC051111112,Roots,ALEX
This statement omits the column list in the INSERT clause. In the VALUES clause, the
NULL keyword is specified in place of all those columns whose values are not known.

Inserting Rows Using Substitution Variables

Till now you have inserted only single rows into a table. However, in reality you
would be required to insert multiple rows.
For instance, a library would always place a bulk order for books. In such a scenario,
you can imagine how tedious it would be to issue that many INSERT statements.
This can be made easier if the user is prompted to enter the new values each time.
This is achieved by using the iSQL*PLUS substitution variables. You can insert details
of a bulk order of books delivered using substitution variables as follows:
INSERT INTO Book (cBookID, cBookName, cAuthorName, cCategoryID,
cPublisherID, dPublishedYr, cBranchID, nNoOfCopies)
VALUES (&BkID, &BkName, &Author, &CatgID,&PubID, &PubYr,
&BrnID, &Copies);

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Inserting Rows from Another Table

The New Jersey Central Library maintains an IncompleteTransaction table to store
details of those transactions where members have not returned the borrowed books
for more than six months. Instead of inserting these details manually, Oracle
provides an option of populating the table with values derived from an existing table,
which in this case is the Transaction

table. This is achieved by using a subquery instead of the VALUES clause in the
INSERT statement.
Its syntax is as follows:
INSERT INTO table [column (, column)]
Remember that the number of columns and their datatypes specified in the column
list must be the same as the number of columns and their datatypes specified in the
The following example illustrates how the usage of the subquery in the INSERT
statement populate the IncompleteTransaction table.
INSERT INTO IncompleteTransaction
SELECT cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID, dIssueDt, dReturnDt,
dActualReturnDt, nFine
FROM Transaction
WHERE dActualReturnDt IS NULL
AND (SYSDATE-dIssueDt) > 185;
2 rows created.
You can view the values inserted into the IncompleteTransaction table.
FROM IncompleteTransaction;
-------------------------- -------- --------- ----T0000300100 CBW109702 ROM020003211 07-SEP-00 21-SEP-00
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T0000241000 CRB038901 PSH010000010 11-OCT-00 25-OCT-00

Update Data
Just as you enter details of new members in the Member table, similarly any change
in the members information, such as their address, requires you to incorporate
these changes effectively in the database tables. Such changes in the existing data
are made using the UPDATE statement.
The syntax for using the UPDATE statement is:
UPDATE table
SET column = value [, column = value,]
[WHERE condition];
table is the name of the table you are attempting to update.
column is the column in the specified table whose value is to be updated.
value is the new value with which the old column value is to be replaced.
condition specifies the condition for the rows to be updated

Variations in Updating Data

Oracle provides different ways in which you can update the data in a database table.
These are:
Updating Specific or all the Rows
Updating Using Subqueries
Updating Rows Using Values from Other Tables

Updating Specific or all the Rows

In order to update specific row(s), you must specify the WHERE clause in the
UPDATE statement.
For example, a library member Jessica Hatcher has intimated the change in her
address and phone number. In order to incorporate these changes the following
UPDATE statement is to be issued:
SET vAddress = 112, Rockturn Manor Apts.Second Cross Rd,
cPhone = 9678111903
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WHERE cFirstName = Jessica

AND cLastName = Hatcher;
1 row updated.

In this example if the WHERE clause had been omitted, all the members address and
phone numbers would have been updated.
However, it is advisable to use the primary key column in order to update a specific
row. This is due to the using of non-primary key columns (such as cFirstName and
cLastName) that may cause other rows to be updated too. For instance in the
above example, you used the member name to identify the specific row that is to be
updated. It works fine as long as there is only one member with the name Jessica
Hatcher. But it could cause a problem if the library has more than one member with
the same name.

Updating Using Subqueries

In order to update column values for specific rows with already existing values of the
table you can use subqueries in the SET clause of the UPDATE statement.
For example, suppose the Dorrance publishing company shifts its company location
to the same area as that of the Blackwell publishing company, then you need to
update Dorrance publishing companys address to that of Blackwell publishing
companys address. This can be achieved using subquery in the UPDATE statement.
We will First have a look at its syntax:
UPDATE table
SET (column, column,) =
(SELECT column, column,
FROM table WHERE condition)
WHERE condition;
The syntax is same as an UPDATE statement, except that the SET clause contains
columns whose values are updated using values retrieved from subqueries.

Now use this syntax to update the above-mentioned change in the PublisherDetails
UPDATE PublisherDetails
SET vPublisherAddress= (SELECT
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FROM PublisherDetails

WHERE cPublisherName= Blackwell)

WHERE cPublisherName=Dorrance;
1 row updated.

Updating Rows Using Values

from Other Tables

Just as you can populate a table using values from an existing table, similarly you
can update rows by using subqueries that return values from other tables.
For example, suppose the New Jersey Central Library creates a table, RandolphBks
having a structure similar to the Book table and populated with details of books
stored only in the Randolph NJ Library.
The library management may decide to update the number of copies of books stored
in the above created table with the number of copies of book number
MYS010000001 from the Book table as follows:
UPDATE RandolphBks
SET nNoOfCopies = (SELECT nNoOfCopies
WHERE cBookID=MYS010000001');
38 rows updated.

Using Explicit Default Values

In Oracle9i, enhancements were introduced with regard to the usage of the DEFAULT
keyword. Whenever the DEFAULT keyword is used, the default value specific to the
column is applied. This is a feature of the SQL: 1999 standard. The benefit of using
this feature is that, data integrity is ensured, and you need not hard code literals in
your applications.
You can specify a default value for the columns. Later, whenever you use the
DEFAULT keyword, the default value is taken for that column. If you do not specify a
default value for a column, then the Oracle server sets the column to null. Explicit
DEFAULT can be used in INSERT and UPDATE statements.
For instance, when the New Jersey Central Library procures a new set of books,
entry for the new books is made in the Book table. Initially you may not decide upon
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the categories to which the books belong. Therefore, you put them in a common
category. Under such circumstances, you can set the default value for the category
ID in the Book table and make entries. Here, the default value is set as 01HUM.
First, alter the Book table to modify the category column to take the default value as
Now, you can make new entries in the Book table as follows:
INSERT INTO Book(cBookID, cBookName, cCategoryID, cPublisherID, cBranchID)
VALUES (XYZ0135599555,Fish, default, PN0135, 01ADLNJ);
When you execute this query, book details are entered into the Book table.
However, for the category of the book, the default value is entered.

You can also use the DEFAULT keyword in UPDATE statements to set default values
for the columns. In the following query we will change the category ID of the book
Fun With Maths and Physics to the default value of category ID, that is, 01HUM.
WHERE cBookName=Fun With Maths and Physics;

Delete Data
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The purpose of creating a database and maintaining it is to ensure that it truly

reflects the changes taking place in the real world. For instance, if library member
Nina Philip terminates her membership with the library, retaining her details in the
Member table does not serve any purpose. You can remove any such unnecessary
data using the DELETE statement. Its syntax is:
[WHERE condition];
The DELETE statement removes the entire rows unlike the INSERT and UPDATE
statements, which allow the adding of values to specific columns or updating only
specific column values. In order to delete specific column values, set their values to
null using the UPDATE statement. Since the WHERE clause is optional, omitting it will
cause all the rows to be deleted.

Ways of Deleting Rows

There are two ways of deleting data from tables. These include removing:
All or specified data
Data using subqueries

Removing Specific Rows or All Rows

By specifying the WHERE clause you can delete specific row or rows. For instance,
the New Jersey Central Library maintains a NonMember table, wherein the details
of ex-members are stored. Their details are used to communicate any new schemes
the library comes up with. However, the details of those non-members are deleted
who fail to respond to any correspondence sent to them.
WHERE cFirstName = Susan
AND cLastName = Philip;
1 row deleted.

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Deleting Rows Using Subqueries

Similar to inserting and updating rows using subqueries, you can delete rows from a
table by using values returned by the subquery, written in the WHERE clause.
For example, due to lack of response to any of the correspondence made by the
library to non-members of the Hamilton NJ Library branch, the management decides
to delete their details from the NonMember table as follows:
WHERE cBranchID = (SELECT cBranchID
FROM Branch
WHERE cBranchName = Hamilton NJ Library)
2 rows deleted.

In this example, the subquery returns the branch ID of Hamilton branch. This value
is then used in the WHERE clause of the DELETE statement.

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Single set aggregates in DML RETURNING clause

Oracle10g Offers new enhancements that allow the use of single-set aggregate
functions in the returning clause of the DML statements. This can result in
significant performance gains in transactions that process many rows of the
same table - such as in batch processes.
The DML statements that can use the single-set aggregates in their returning clauses
are INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. We will begin with the INSERT statement.
Single-set Aggregates in the INSERT Statement
The general format for the INSERT statement when using a RETURNING clause for a
single table insert, using the INTO clause is shown below.

INSERT INTO <table or expression> <alias> (column,?)

RETURNING <exprs> INTO <data_items>;
table or expression is a valid table, materialized view, single-table view, or an
expression based on one of the above.
alias is a valid alias for the table or expression.
Column is a comma-separated list of column names or a single column name.
Values clause is a valid values clause to be used to provide inserted values.
Subquery is a valid subquery to generate inserted values
exprs is a set of expressions based on the affected row
data_items is a valid set of variables into which values are returned by the
Single-set Aggregates in the UPDATE Statement
When the target of the UPDATE is a single row, the RETURNING clause can retrieve
column expressions using the affected row, rowid, and REFs to the affected row.
Single-set aggregates can only be used when the returning clause returns a single
row. These aggregates cannot be combined with simple expressions in the same
returning clause.

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An example of UPDATE using the RETURNING clause and a single-set aggregate is

shown below.
SQL> UPDATE Transaction
SET nfine=nfine*0.5
RETURNING SUM(nfine) INTO :Total_Fine;
SQL> PRINT Total_Fine
Single-set Aggregates in the DELETE Statement
The general format for the DELETE statement when using a RETURING clause for a
single table delete is shown below.
DELETE <table or expression> <alias>
WHERE <where_clause>
RETURNING <exprs> INTO <data_items>;

Transaction, in simple words is a series of data manipulation statements executed as
one logical unit of work.
But, why are DML statements executed as one logical unit of work?
This could be understood by looking at the outcome of treating data manipulating
statements as individual activities.
An act of a customer purchasing a product of certain quantity, is a transaction, which
comprises of two different activities:

Updating the stock level of the product in Product table

Entering the cash received details in the CashTransaction table.

But, after making the payment if the customer decides to change the quantity of the
product purchased, then Oracle would not be able to undo the stock level updates or
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the cash received at entry, as these two activities have been saved to the Oracle
database individually. Hence, the changes will not be reflected in the respective
tables. This is because we have treated them as two individual activities independent
of each other.
But in reality when a product is purchased both the activities involved are performed
Therefore, a collection of DML statements is executed as a single unit of work, which
is a transaction.
The act of purchasing a product affects more than one table. However, if you wanted
to reverse the transaction would it get reflected in all the required tables?
Controlling your transactions can solve this problem.
The different types of transactions are:
DML transactions that comprise any number of DML statements treated as
one unit of work
DDL (Data definition language) transactions that comprise only one DDL
DCL (Data control language) transactions that comprise only one DCL

Controlling Transactions
You can control transactions using transaction control mechanisms. Transaction
control mechanism comprises of a set of commands that define the beginning, end
and breakpoint of a transaction.
These commands are called transaction control commands and are as follows:
COMMIT permanently saves the data changes
ROLLBACK discards all data changes
SAVEPOINT divides a transaction into different sections

Using Transaction Control Commands

There are two ways to control transactions, which are:
Explicit transaction control
Implicit transaction control

Explicit transaction control

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To control the transactions explicitly you need to use the COMMIT, ROLLBACK and
SAVEPOINT control statements. Each of these is explained below .

The COMMIT statement is issued when the user is satisfied with all the changes
made and therefore is ready to save them to the database. Issuing a COMMIT
statement ends the current transaction and begins a new one.
For example, the following DML statement is issued on the Member table to update
the phone number of Stanley Davenport:
SET cPhone=9865457989'
WHERE cFirstName=Stanley
AND cLastName=Davenport;
1 row updated.
But before issuing a COMMIT statement the state of data in the Member table would
be as follows:
Other users cannot change all those rows that are currently being changed by
another user. This is known as the locking of rows.
Changes made to the data get reflected only in the SQL buffer and not in the
database. Therefore the previous state of the data can be recovered if you
want to discard the changes made.
The current user can view the result of the DML statements, by using the
SELECT statement. But other users cannot view the changes, as the changes
have not yet been permanently saved to the database.
FROM Member
WHERE cFirstName=Stanley
AND cLastName=Davenport;

But after issuing a COMMIT statement as follows:
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Commit complete.
Changes to the data are made permanent in the database, hence, the
previous state of the data cannot be recovered.
All users can view the result of the DML operations as the changes are
permanently saved to the database.
Other users can now perform new data changes as the locks on the rows are

The ROLLBACK statement is issued when the user wants to discard changes made to
the data before they are committed and made permanent. If the user deletes rows
that should not be deleted, the deletion could be undone by issuing the ROLLBACK
statement. For example, you may accidentally delete all the rows from the
Transaction table while attempting to delete only one record from the table.
DELETE FROM Transaction;
32 rows deleted.
Issuing the ROLLBACK keyword and then writing the correct transaction can undo
Rollback complete.

DELETE FROM Transaction

WHERE dIssueDt=05-MAY-2001';
2 rows deleted.

Commit complete.
ROLLBACK statement not only undoes the current transaction, but also marks the
beginning of a new one.
State of the data before ROLLBACK is similar to that before COMMIT. But after

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All changes to data are undone.

Previous state of the data is recovered. In the example you can check the
status by issuing a SELECT statement for the Transaction table library
Other users can perform new changes to data as the locks on the rows are
During the execution of a transaction, if a DML statement fails, only its effect is
rolled back. But all the other data changes made by the previous DML operations are
not scraped away. This kind of functionality is performed implicitly.
For example, while attempting to delete Shakespeares book details from the Book
table, the following error message is displayed and the effect of the DML operation is
rolled back implicitly:
WHERE cAuthorName=Shakespeare;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (SCOTT.TRANSACTIONBOOKIDFK) violated
child record found
You receive the child record found violation error because you have attempted to
delete Shakespeare books from the Book table, which are being referenced in the
Transaction table. Such errors are known as Integrity Constraint Errors and are
covered in depth in the subsequent chapters.

Issuing a ROLLBACK statement ends the current transaction by discarding all the
changes made to the data. But, a user may not always want to discard all the
changes made, simply because the last statement issued contains changes which are
unwanted. Therefore, divide the transaction into different segments so that you can
discard those segments you want to while keeping the rest intact. The syntax to use

For instance assume that you have executed the following transaction in the library
INSERT INTO Transaction
VALUES (T000300501,BJH029405',
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1 row created.

Savepoint created.

UPDATE Transaction
SET dActualReturnDt= 27-MAY-2001'
WHERE cTranID=T000300501';
1 row updated.

Savepoint created.
DELETE FROM Transaction
WHERE cTranID=T000300501';
1 row deleted.
In the example, the transaction has been divided into small sections by using the
SAVEPOINT statement.
In case you want to rollback any of these transactions, then you will have to issue
the ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT clause, which rolls back the current transaction to the
specified savepoint. So, all the changes made after the savepoint are discarded. If
this clause were omitted, the ROLLBACK statement would discard the entire
transaction. Hence, to rollback the transactions to a particular point only, add the
following statement:
Rollback complete.
In the example, the ROLLBACK TO UpdateTran clause rolls back the deletion made
after the issue of the savepoint UpdateTran, while keeping the insertion and
updation, made prior to the savepoint, intact.

When Does a Transaction begin

and end?

A transaction begins when the Oracle server encounters the first executable SQL
statement written by the user on logging on to the SQL*PLUS environment. The SQL
statement could be DML, DDL or DCL statement.
A transaction ends on the occurrence of the following:
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Saving or committing
Execution of a DDL or DCL statement because they automatically save the
activities performed
A user exiting from the SQL*PLUS environment.
Machine failure
When one transaction ends, the next transaction begins with the next executable
SQL statement.

Implicit Transaction Control

Implicit transaction controls do not involve the use of transaction control commands. Instead, the
functionality of these commands automatically occurs under different circumstances.

Automatic Commit
Under the following circumstances, an automatic commit occurs:
Issue of a DDL or a DCL statement, or
Normal exit from SQL*PLUS environment, or
Keeping the SQL*PLUS, AUTOCOMMIT command on. Therefore, as soon as
each DML statement is executed, it is committed. Hence, they cannot be
rolled back.

Automatic Rollback
An automatic rollback occurs when the user exits from SQL*PLUS environment
abruptly, i.e. shutting down the machine without following the normal exit routine or
if the system crashes. In either case the entire transaction is rolled back and the
initial state of the data, as it was at the time of the last commit, is returned. This
prevents unwanted changes to be made to the data.

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Locking Mechanism
Different users access the database to perform different operations. Database users
accessing the database perform the following two types of operations:
Read operations to retrieve data from the database but not make any
modifications to it (SELECT statement)
Write operations to perform modifications to the data in the database
Therefore it is necessary to ensure that the users reading from and writing to the
database get a consistent view of the data at all times. This is referred to as read
write consistency.
Read consistency is needed to ensure that,
Both, the database reader as well as the writer gets a consistent view of the
Readers get to see the data that is not in the process of being changed.
A change made by one writer does not conflict with changes made by another
The tool used to achieve this is locking. In order to prevent data from being modified
by more than one user, the Oracle server uses the locking mechanism, which
requires no user effort. It is fully automatic and occurs for all SQL statements except
Locks are broadly classified into two types namely:

1. DML Locks Or Data Locks

Table level Locks

Row level Locks

2. DDL Locks
What Happens when Row-Level Lock is placed on Row?
First a DML Lock is placed on the row.
No Other Transaction Can Lock Or Update this Row
This Lock will be released when the locking transaction commits or rollback.

Secondly, a DDL Lock is placed on the table, containing the row, to prevent anyone
from altering or dropping the table while the row is undergoing the update.
What happens when a Table level Lock is placed on the table?
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Only the table Locking Transaction can Update Rows in the table
No rows in the table can be updated by other transactions

The whole table is Locked

Other Transaction can query the table, including the one being updated in the

table - Writers wont block Readers.

Transactions that query the table will be redirected to the rollback data to

satisfy the query.

The following example illustrates the locking mechanism.

Lisa Carmen attempts to update the number of copies of the book Fractals
Everywhere in the Book table. The Oracle server keeps a copy of the data before it
is updated into a segment within the server known as the rollback segment.
Before she commits the change she will be able to view the modifications made to
the data. But all other users will see only the copy kept in the rollback segment.
Therefore, when user Matt Scummen attempts to read data from the Book table,
he will get the data that is kept in the rollback segment. This ensures that the
database readers get data that is not currently being modified.
After Lisa Carmen commits the DML operation, the change is made permanent to
the database. It now becomes visible to anyone attempting to execute a SELECT
statement. So, now when Matt Scummen issues a SELECT statement he gets the
new updated data. The space that was occupied by the old data in the rollback
segment is released so that it can be reused.
Instead, if Lisa Carmen decides to rollback the DML operation, the Oracle server
writes the data kept in the rollback segment back to the table. Therefore, all the
users are able to see the data as it existed before the transaction began.

Read Consistency
Consider 2 users using the same table for two different operations as shown in the
table below.

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When user2 queries the Member table after some time he gets the old telephone no
(9865457989) till the time user1 commits.

In this chapter, you have learnt that:

Data within the database can be manipulated using the Data Manipulation
command (DML).

The various DML commands are,

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INSERT: Adding new values into table, UPDATE: modifying the existing
values DELETE: removing the values and MERGE: adding and modifying
data based on the condition in a single statement.
These DML commands can be made interactive using the substitution
variables (&) in the scripts.
RETURNING INTO clause can be used in DML statement to view
modifications done by the DML operation. This feature avoids using another
SELECT statement to see the changed value.
Transaction can either be saved or undone using Data Transaction Control
Statement. COMMIT statements make the transaction permanent and
ROLLBACK statement reverses all the un-committed transaction.
Rows in a table undergoing a change, gets implicitly locked. Explicit locks can
also be applied on the tables.
Only committed data is viewed by all the users. This is known as read

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Lab Exercise
[Note: For questions 1 to 8, you are required to insert, update and delete data from
the OfficeStaff table.]
To work with the OfficeStaff table, run the LabEx11_00.sql script file. This creates
the OfficeStaff table. The structure of the table is as follows:

The rows to be inserted are given below.


From the sample data given above, insert the first row into the OfficeStaff
table without listing the columns in the INSERT clause.

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Insert the second row from the sample data into the OfficeStaff table by
explicitly listing the columns in the INSERT clause. Confirm the creation of


Create a script file LabEx11_03.sql. Within the file write an INSERT statement
to populate the OfficeStaff table. The INSERT statement should be such that it
prompts you to enter the required values. To produce values for the Mail_ID
column, concatenate the first letter of first name with the last names.


Now run the script file to insert the next two rows of sample data. Make the
data inserted permanent. Confirm the rows inserted into the OfficeStaff table.


Increase Susan Brights salary by 10%.


Remove the details of Morgan Sheen from the OfficeStaff table. Confirm the
changes made. Commit the changes made.


Insert the last row of the sample data. Mark a savepoint immediately after
inserting the row.


Delete all the rows from the OfficeStaff table. Confirm that the table is empty.
Now,rollback the DELETE statement, but ensure that the earlier INSERT
statement is not discarded. Make the transaction permanent.


Write a query to update the salary of the employees working in department

number 10 by 10% and using the returning clause to print the updated value.

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Chapter 12

Managing Tables
Data Definition Language
Datatypes used in Defining columns
Modifying Table
Manipulating Table Definition
Flashback Table

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Create tables
Identify the datatypes used when defining the columns
Modify table structure
Understand Flashback table

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In order to store data in an organized manner, Oracle provides data containers
known as Database Objects. Oracle also provides a mechanism by which you can
create and manipulate them. To understand the creation of database objects, you
must first know the different types of database objects.

Database Objects
Any data structure created within the database for a specific purpose is known as a
database object. Oracle provides various database objects, which are as follows:
Table for storing data
View for providing a customized view of data from one or more tables
Sequence for generating numeric column values that serve as primary keys
Index to retrieve data faster from the database
Synonym to give alternative names to other database objects
In order to create the above listed database objects, you must use a language that
supports database object creation. The language provided by SQL for database
object creation, modification and removal is the Data Definition Language or DDL.

Data Definition Language

Data Definition Language (DDL) comprises of a set of SQL commands that are used
Create database objects
Alter database objects
Drop database objects
Truncate rows with the database objects
Rename the database objects
The DDL commands that perform the above-mentioned tasks are:

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Creating Tables
A table is a database object that stores data. Here, the data is stored in the form of
rows and columns. Each row consists of one or more columns. The DDL statement
used to create a table in the database is CREATE TABLE.
To create a table with the CREATE TABLE statement, the syntax is as follows:
CREATE [GLOBAL TEMPORARY] TABLE [schema.] <table_name>
(Column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [,.] );
GLOBAL TEMPORARY specifies that the data in the table is temporary where as the
table definition is permanent. In other words, the data is visible only in the session in
which it was inserted, but the table definition is visible in all sessions.
schema is same as the user name
table_name is the name of the table
DEFAULT expr specifies a default value that a column should have
column is name of the column
datatype specifies the datatype and the length of a column
Given below is an example that creates a table named Branch, with columns to
store ID, name, address, location, phone and the year during which the branches
were established.






cBranchLocation CHAR(15),




When the table is created, the following message is displayed.
Table created.

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To view the columns and their datatypes in the Branch table, issue the command
DESCRIBE in the following manner:

When a database is created, several users access it. A single user does not create all
the database objects. Database objects are created by each user as and when
required. Database tables are usually created just once as they make up the basic
When many users create objects, there is a security issue. To prevent the users from
tampering with each others objects, every user is allotted a separate work area. A
user is allowed to create database objects in his work area and use them. There is no
physical demarcation of memory area for different users. It is a logical allotment of
memory area. Database objects created by one user are logically separate from the
database objects created by other users. Such logical collection of database objects
such as tables, views or sequences is known as a schema.
For example, the tables named Member and Book are created by the DBA. Hence,
the DBA becomes the owner of the tables and the tables become a part of the DBA
To reference the objects created by a user, prefix the object name with the schema
or owner name.
For instance, to refer to the Member table you would refer to it as
Table Naming Conventions
To improve readability and avoid common mistakes, some naming conventions need
to be followed.
They include:
Keeping short and descriptive names. For example, it would be hard to
comprehend a table named as Bk_iss_trans. Instead, you could name it
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Giving same name to the columns having same values in different tables.
For example, category ID are present in Book as well as the Category table. So
give them the same name, cCategoryID.
Rules to be followed when naming tables are:
All tables must begin with an alphabet.
All column names must be in lowercase.
Names can be up to 30 characters long.
You cannot use non-alphanumeric characters except the underscore (_), the
dollar sign ($) and the hash mark (#).
The names must not be the same as that of any other object owned by the
The names must not be an Oracle server keyword such as SELECT, CREATE,

Setting Default Values

Specifying default values for columns at the time of creating tables saves the task of
entering values for them during an insert. If a row is inserted without a value for a
column then this option prevents null values from being entered into that column.
Literal values, expressions or SQL functions can be used as the default value.
For example, in the Member table, a default value for the dMembershipDt column
can be defined, so that when new member details are to be inserted, their
membership date is set by default to SYSDATE.

Create Tables Using Subqueries

When a table is created, initially it does not contain any value. A table is populated
using the INSERT statement. However, you can create tables with pre-populated
data. That is, you can create a table with the same structure and data as another
table. You can create a table with pre-populated data by using a subquery in the
CREATE TABLE statement.

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The syntax to perform this task is:

CREATE TABLE <table_name>
[(column, column)]
AS subquery;
table_name is the name of the table.
column is the name of the column. You need not specify the columns that the table
must have if the subquery SELECT statement retrieves all the columns.
There are certain guidelines that need to be followed.
While defining columns, mention only the column names and if necessary the
values. Do not define their datatypes and width.
The number of columns defined must be the same as the number of columns
mentioned in the SELECT clause.
If columns were not defined then the column names of the table created would
the same as the column names specified in the subquery.

For example, the user DBA creates the IncompleteTransaction table for the library
to store details of those books, which have been issued six months back and have
not yet been returned by members. The data for this table comes from the
Transaction table. Inserting rows into the former table will prove to be quite
cumbersome, if there are large number of members who have not returned books in
the past six months. Instead, these details could be directly populated from the
Transaction table, as both the tables are similar in structure. The code to solve this
problem is:
CREATE TABLE IncompleteTransaction
SELECT * FROM Transaction
AND dActualReturnDt IS NULL;
Table created.

The code selects all those details from the Transaction table, where members have
not returned books issued more than six months back and populates them into
IncompleteTransaction table.
FROM IncompleteTransaction;
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Displays the following output:

---------------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----T0000300100 CBW109702 ROM020003211 07-SEP-00 21-SEP-00
T0000241000 CRB038901 PSH010000010 11-OCT-00 25-OCT-00

Datatypes Used When Defining Columns

To create tables, you need to decide what kind of data you want to store in the
tables. Are they number or text? This brings us to the issue of datatypes.
Datatypes help us identify the type of data that can be entered in a column. The
datatypes that have been used so far are alphanumeric datatypes such as
VARCHAR2 and CHAR, numeric datatype such as NUMBER and the DATE datatype.
Character Datatype
This datatype is used to store character values.
CHAR datatype supports character data up to a maximum length of 2000. It
pads the column value with blanks up to the length declared after taking up
the required space for the value.
VARCHAR2 datatype allows you to store character data up to a maximum
length of 4000. VARCHAR2 does not pad up the blank cells.
In addition to the above datatypes, the other character datatypes available in the
Oracle database are:

Number Datatype
The datatype used to store only numeric data is the number datatype, NUMBER
(precision, scale). It can store both fixed and floating-point numbers. By
precision we mean the total number of digits and scale is the number of digits to the
right of the decimal point. For example, 779.69 is number datatype where the
precision is 5 and the scale is 2.
In the Member table, members age is stored as NUMBER datatype.
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Date Datatype
In Oracle, dates are stored in the DATE datatype, which actually contains two values:
the date, and the time between January 1, 4712 BC and December 31, 9999 AD. The
default date format in which Oracle stores date is DD-MON-YY where DD is the day
of the month (01), MON is the month (Jan) and RR is the year (two-digit year-99,

This datetime datatype had been introduced in Oracle9i. The datetime datatype
includes the time zone in the date and time data, as well as provide support for
fractional seconds. New datetime functions are also provided to use these datatypes.
These datatypes and functions ease the development of applications accessed
globally and significantly reduce the cost of developing and deploying applications.
Applications that are deployed across the globe include time zones and multilanguage support through Unicode. The datetime datatypes are time zone sensitive
and adjust the datetime as per the session time zone of the user.
The datetime datatypes are based on the concept of time zones and Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT), now known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The time along the
prime meridian in Greenwich, England is known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The
meridian line is an imaginary line that runs from the North pole to the South pole.
The earth is divided into 24 time zones depending on the hours of a day. UTC is the
standard time, which is same all around the year. It does not change by summer
time or daylight savings time. All time zones in the world refer to the UTC. When it is
noon in Greenwich, it is midnight along the international line.

The datetime datatypes include:

TIMESTAMP data type
INTERVAL data type
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The TIMESTAMP data type allows time to be stored as a date with fractional seconds.
It is an extension of the DATE datatype and stores the year, month and day of the
DATE datatype along with the hour, minute and seconds. Apart from this, it also
stores the fractional value of seconds. The TIMESTAMP datatype has the following
fractional_seconds_precision specifies the number of digits in the fractional part of
the SECOND datetime field. It can be any number ranging from 0-9.
For instance, create a table AdmissionDetails with a column of type TIMESTAMP.
CREATE TABLE AdmissionDetails
( StudentName



AdmissionDate TIMESTAMP(7),


In AdmissionDetails table, the AdmissionDate column is of type TIMESTAMP and
of precision 7, which indicates the fractional seconds precision. If you do not specify
the precision, the default is 6.
Now, insert two rows into the table. When you execute the following query.
SELECT admissiondate FROM Admissiondetails;
The output is as follows:
25-NOV-20 AM
01-OCT-20 AM

The TIMESTAMP datatype has the following variations:



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TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype is an extension of TIMESTAMP and stores
year, month, day, hour, minute, second with fractional seconds, TimeZone hour and
TimeZone_minute or TimeZone_region. It has the following format:
TIMESTAMP[(fractional_seconds_precision)] WITH TIME ZONE
Two values of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype are considered identical if they
represent the same instant in UTC, regardless of the TIME ZONE offset. For instance,
TIMESTAMP 2000-02-15 9:00:00 +8
is identical to
TIMESTAMP 2000-02-15 3:00:00 +2
+8 is the time zone offset of Singapore.
+2 is the time zone offset of Egypt.
As the difference in the values of the two offsets is six hours, 9:00 AM in Singapore
is same as 3:00 AM in Egypt.
Create a table AdmissionDetails1 with a column admission date of type TIMESTAMP
WITH TIME ZONE. Insert two records and see the output.
CREATE TABLE AdmissionsDetails1







Table created.

Insert some values into the table AdmissionDetails1 by selecting data from
AdmissionDetails table.
INSERT INTO AdmissionDetails1
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SELECT * from AdmissionDetails;

Now, you select the admission date from the newly created table
AdmissionDetails1 table:
SELECT AdmissionDate from AdmissionDetails1;
Following is the output, which shows the Time Zone offset from UTC, as +5:30:
------------25-NOV-20 AM +05:30
01-OCT-20 AM +05:30


datatype that includes a time zone displacement in its value. Data stored in the
database is converted to the database time zone. However, the time zone offset is
not stored as a part of the column data. When a user selects a data, the server
returns the value according to the users session time zone.
For example, a Singapore database has system time zone offset of +8. If a user
from India (with session time zone offset +5.30) uses the Singapore database,
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data is adjusted as follows:
The user in India inserts a TIMESTAMP value 10-NOV-2001 9:00:00 +5:30
into a TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE column in Singapore database. The
inserted data is stored in Singapore database as 10-NOV-2001 11:30:00. Note the
difference in time from 9:00 to 11:30. This is due to a difference of +2:30 hours
between the offset of Singapore and India time zone.
Later, when the client in India retrieves the same data from Singapore
database, the value displayed in India is10-NOV-2001 9:00:00 . The Oracle
database returns the data in the users local session time zone.

Whereas, a client in Singapore retrieves the same data, the value displayed is
10-NOV-2001 11:30:00

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The format of TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype is:

TIMESTAMP[(fractional_seconds_precision)] WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE
Create a table with TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype. Insert some data
into it. Try to retrieve the same data from a different session. You will see the
difference in time, as the Oracle database returns the data in the users local session
time zone.
This session is started in the time zone of India. Later you can change the time zone
and see the difference in time.
CREATE TABLE AdmissionsDetails2
( StudentName






The code creates a table called AdmissionDetails2 with AdmissionDate of type
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE and other columns of their respective
Insert some rows into the table as follows:
INSERT INTO AdmissionDetails2
SELECT * FROM AdmissionDetails1;
When you retrieve data within the column AdmissionDate from the table
AdmissionDetails2, the output shows the time as per current time zone:
SELECT AdmisionDate FROM AdmissionDetails2;

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------------------25-NOV-20 AM
01-OCT-20 AM
04-MAR-01 PM
Change the time zone to Singapore time zone in the following manner:
Session altered.
Now if you select the AdmissionDate column from AdmissionDetails2 table, you
get the following output:
SELECT AdmisionDate FROM AdmissionDetails2;

------------------------25-NOV-20 AM
01-OCT-20 AM
05-MAR-01 AM
As the difference between time zone of Singapore and time zone of India is two and
a half hours, the time displayed in the output shows a difference of two and a half
hours in each entry. Therefore, a user in Singapore will see the output according to
Singapore local time zone and a user in India will see the output according to Indian
local time zone. This is possible with the help of TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME
ZONE datatype.
The INTERVAL Datatype
The INTERVAL datatype is used to store a period of time. A period of time is the
difference between two datetime values. The period can be years, months, days,
hours, minutes or seconds. Therefore the interval datatype comprises of two types:
The INTERVAL qualifier may specify a leading field precision, which specifies the
number of digits that can be present in a leading field.

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The INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH datatype stores a period of time using YEAR and
MONTH datetime fields. It is specified as follows:
INTERVAL YEAR[(year_precision)] TO MONTH
Where, year_precision is the number of digits in the YEAR datetime field. The default
value of year_precision is 2.
For instance,
INTERVAL 21-5 YEAR(2) TO MONTH indicates an interval of 21 years and 5
INTERVAL 21-5 YEAR(2) indicates an interval of 21 years
INTERVAL 5 MONTH(2) indicates an interval of 5 months
Create a table LEASE that has a lease_time column of INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
datatype, with year_precision value as 2 and insert some values for year and
Table created.
SELECT Lease_time FROM Lease;
The output is:

The first INSERT statement inserts the value for year as 10. The year takes a
precision of 2 as specified during table creation. If you try to insert a value of three
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digits, Oracle server gives an error. The second INSERT statement inserts a value for
month as 11. The third INSERT statement inserts values for both year as well as
month as 3-9.


The INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND datatype stores a period of time in days, hours,
minutes and seconds. The format is:
INTERVAL DAY[(day_precision)] TO SECOND
For instance,
INTERVAL 5 03:15:20 DAY TO SECOND indicates an interval of 5 days, 3
hours, 15 minutes and 20 seconds.
INTERVAL 10 00:00:00 DAY TO SECOND indicates an interval of 10 days, 0
hours, 0 minutes and 20 seconds.
Let us create a table MATCH with a column StartDt of INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
datatype with a precision value of 2 and insert some values into it.




The output is as follows:

+09 02:30:15.000000
+15 10:20:30.000000
In the above CREATE statement, when we declare a column of DAY TO SECOND
datatype with a precision value of 2, it indicates that we can insert a value of two
digits per DAY. If we insert more than two digits, the Oracle server gives an error. In
the first INSERT statement, we inserted a time period of 9 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes
and 15

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seconds. In the second INSERT statement, we inserted a time period of 15 days, 10

hours, 20 minutes and 30 seconds.

Datetime Functions
You have seen the various datetime datatypes. Now you will learn about the
datetime functions, which enable you to retrieve the current session and database
time for all datetime datatypes. The datetime functions are:

CURRENT_DATE returns current date and time in the session time zone as DATE
datatype (without fractional seconds). The value returned is in the form of Gregorian
calendar date value. In earlier releases, current date and time could be retrieved
using SYSDATE. However, using CURRENT_DATE, you can see the time zone changes
as well. You can change the time zone of a session using the ALTER SESSION
Retrieve the current date and time of the session by giving the following code:
The output is:
--------------- -----------+05:30
19-FEB-2002 15:10:19
Now you alter the session to time zone of Singapore.
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The output is:
--------------- ------------------+08:00
19-FEB-2002 17:44:45
As you can see from the output, CURRENT_DATE is relative to the session time zone.
Any change in the session time zone is reflected in the time value.
In the first ALTER SESSION statement, the session is altered to the time zone of
India, whereas, in the second statement the session is altered to the time zone of
Singapore. Therefore, when you retrieve the current date, it shows the time of
respective timezones.


The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function returns the current date and time of the session
in the form of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype.
The following code retrieves the SESSIONTIMEZONE and CURRENTTIMEZONE from
The output is:
--------------- -----------------+02:00 19-FEB-02 PM +02:00
As shown in the output, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns date and time as
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type, with time zone as +2.
Now change the time zone to -5 as shown below:

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The output is:






19-FEB-02 AM -05:00

The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns current date and time with time zone as -5.


The LOCALTIMESTAMP function returns the current date and time in the session time
zone. However, the value returned is of TIMESTAMP datatype. The difference
between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and LOCALTIMESTAMP functions is that the former
returns a value of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, whereas, the latter returns a
value of type TIMESTAMP. The following code illustrates this difference:
The output is:
------------------------19-FEB-02 AM -05:00 19-FEB-02 AM
Now alter the session:
----------------19-FEB-02 PM +02:00 PM


Note the difference between the values returned. The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns
the date and time along with the time zone, whereas the LOCALTIMESTAMP does

The SYSTIMESTAMP function returns date and time of the server in TIMESTAMP
format, whereas the SYSDATE function (of previous releases) returns only server
system date and time.
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The output is:



19-FEB-02 PM +05:30

19-FEB-2002 16:40:05

Observe that SYSTIMESTAMP returns date and time in TIMESTAMP format.

The DBTIMEZONE function returns the default database time zone. You can set the
default database time zone at the time of database creation by specifying the
SET TIME_ZONE clause of the CREATE DATABASE statement. If not specified, the
time zone of the operating system where the database is installed is taken as the
default database time zone.
The output is:
The return value can have the following formats, depending on how the user has
specified the database timezone:
A character type time zone offset in the format [+ | - TZH:TZM]
A time zone region name
The output of the above select statement shows that the database time
zone is -5:00:


The SESSIONTIMEZONE function returns the time zone of the current session. It can
have the following format, depending on the time zone specified during database
A character type time zone offset in the format [+ | - TZH:TZM]
A time zone region name
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Give the following statement to view the sessions time zone:


The output is:

Observe that the values for database time zone and session time zone are different .

The EXTRACT expression extracts the value of a specified datetime field from a
datetime or interval field value. Using the EXTRACT function, you can extract any of
the components specified in the EXTRACT function syntax:
FROM [datetime_value_expression]
When you extract
A TIMEZONE_REGION or TIMEZONE_ABBR (abbreviation), the return value is a
string containing the appropriate time zone name or abbreviation
From a datetime with a time zone, the value returned is in UTC
Any other values, the value returned is in Gregorian calendar format.

The following query extracts the month from the system date:
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The output is:

Give the following query to extract the year from the membership date of all the
members belonging to grade B:
SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM dMembershipDt) from Member WHERE cGrade =
The output is:
6 rows selected.


The FROM_TZ function converts a timestamp value to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME

ZONE value. The syntax of the FROM_TZ function is:
FROM_TZ(timestamp_value, time_zone_value)
Where time_zone_value is a character string in the format TZH:TZM or a character
expression that returns a time zone region string TZR, like Asia/Singapore or
For instance, to convert to the time stamp value of the date 25th May2001 to a TIME
STAMP WITH TIME ZONE value, give the following query:
SELECT FROM_TZ(TIMESTAMP 2001-05-25 10:15:20, 5:00)
The output is:
FROM_TZ(TIMESTAMP2001-05-5 10:15:20',5:00')
--------------------------------------------25-MAY-01 AM +05:00
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Alternatively, you can also specify the TZR (time zone region) name in the query as
SELECT FROM_TZ(TIMESTAMP 2001-05-25 10:15:20, Asia/Singapore)

The output is:

------------------------------------------------------25-MAY-01 AM ASIA/SINGAPORE

The TO_TIMESTAMP function is used to convert a string of CHAR, VARCHAR2,
NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 datatype to a TIMESTAMP datatype. The syntax is:
TO_TIMESTAMP (char,[fmt],[nlsparam])
fmt is optional. It specifies the format of char. However, if it is not specified, the
string must be in the default format of TIMESTAMP datatype.
nlsparam is also optional. It specifies the language in which day and month names
and abbreviations are returned. It can have the form:
If not specified, the TO_TIMESTAMP function takes the default language selected for
your session.
To convert a date specified as string to a TIMESTAMP value, give the following query:

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The output of the above query is:

------------------------------------------------------25-NOV-01 AM

Observe that the TO_TIMESTAMP function converts the date specified in YYYY-MMDD format to TIMESTAMP datatype format which is DD-MON-YY.

The TO_TIMESTAMP function is used to convert a string of CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR
or NVARCHAR2 datatype to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype. The syntax is:
TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ (char,[fmt],[nlsparam])
- fmt is optional. It specifies the format of char. However, if it is not specified, the
string must be in the default format of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype.
- nlsparam is also optional. It specifies the language in which day and month names
and abbreviations are returned. It can have the form:
If not specified, the TO_TIMESTAMP function takes the default language selected for
your session.
To convert a date specified as string to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value, give
the following query:
SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(2002-01-12 10:15:20 +8:00,YYYY-MM-DD

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The output of the above query is:

--------------------------------------------------------------------12-JAN-02 AM +08:00
Observe that the output displays the time zone also. The TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ
function converts the date specified in YYYY-MM-DD format to TIMESTAMP WITH
TIMEZONE datatype format, which is DD-MON-YY.

The TO_YMINTERVAL function is used to convert a string of CHAR, VARCHAR2,
NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 datatype to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH datatype. The
TO MONTH datatype stores a period of time using the YEAR and MONTH datetime
fields. The format of the INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH is as follows:
INTERVAL YEAR [(year_precision)] TO MONTH
year_precision is the number of digits in the YEAR datetime field. The default is 2.
The syntax of TO_YMINTERVAL function is:
Here, char is the string to be converted.
To calculate a lease period that is one year and two months after current date, give
the following query:
The output is:
------- ------------20-FEB-02 20-APR-03
In the above query, the current date is first retrieved. Then a period of one year and
two months is added to it and displayed as lease period.

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TO_DSINTERVAL converts a character string of CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR or
SECOND datatype stores a period of time using the DAY and SECOND datetime
fields. The format of the INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND is as follows:
INTERVAL DAY [(day_precision)] TO SECOND
day_precision is the number of digits in the DAY datetime field. The default is 2.
The syntax of TO_DSINTERVAL function is:
Here, char is the string to be converted.
To calculate a lease period that is fifty days, ten hours after current date, give the
following query:
The output is:
------- -----------29-MAY-07 18-JUL-07
In the above query, the current date is first retrieved. Then a period of fifty days, ten
hours is added to it and displayed as lease period.

Every time zone across the globe has a corresponding offset. The TZ_OFFSET
function returns the corresponding time zone of the value entered depending on the
date when the statement is executed. For instance, if the return value of the
TZ_OFFSET function is 5:00, it indicates that the time zone from where the
statement was executed is
five hours after UTC. If it is +2:00, the time zone is two hours ahead of UTC.
The TZ_OFFSET function can take :
A valid time zone name
A time zone offset from UTC, (which returns itself)
The keyword DBTIMEZONE
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The syntax of the TZ_OFFSET function is:

TZ_OFFSET ([time_zone_name] [[+ | -] hh:mm]
To find out the time zone offsets of the regions America/Chicago and Asia/Singapore,
give the following statements:
The output is:
America/Chicago Time Zone is:
Asia/Singapore Time Zone is:
The output is:
The return values indicate that America/Chicago time zone is six hours behind UTC
and Asia/Singapore time zone is eight hours ahead of UTC.
To find out the time zone offset of the current session, give the following statements:
The output is:
The session time zone is five and a half hours ahead of the UTC.
To find out the time zone offset of the region where the database is installed, give
the following statement:
The output is:
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The database time zone is five hours behind the UTC.

Modifying Table Structure

Once a table has been created in the database, it does not necessarily mean that the
table structure is permanent. It can also be modified depending on the need to do
For example, the developer would have defined the length of the book name column
as 20 at the time of creating the Book table. But, while attempting to insert the
details of the book The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, the Oracle server
would generate an error as the length of the book name does not match the column
length defined. This problem necessitates changing the column length.
Apart from this, there can be various other instances where you may need to change
the table structure.
This brings into the picture the following changes that a table structure may
Changing column definitions
Adding new columns
Changing the definitions of the existing columns
Removing columns altogether
Changing table definitions
Removing tables from the database
Renaming tables
Manipulating Column Definitions
After creating a table, you would need to change its structure if:
A column has been omitted while creating the table
The data being inserted into a column does not conform to the column
An unwanted column has been added to the table at the time of its creation
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Column definitions can be manipulated using the ALTER TABLE statement.

The ALTER TABLE Statement

The ALTER TABLE statement is used to:
Add new columns
Modify existing columns
Remove columns
Mark columns as unused
Adding Columns
At the time of creating tables, only those columns that are considered to be
important are created. But at a later stage, new columns may need to be added to
the table.
Using the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD clause can help. The syntax for
adding a column is,
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
ADD (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype]);
table_name is the name of the table
column is the name of the column to be added
datatype is the datatype and the width of the new column
DEFAULT expr is the default value that may be specified for the new column
For example, at the time of creating the Member table, the developer may have
omitted the creation of a column to store the email IDs of members. But later, due
to the wide usage of email facilities, he decides to add a column to store email IDs of
members. The database developer can add this additional column by using the
ALTER TABLE statement.
ADD (cEmailID CHAR (50));
When the table is altered successfully you will see the following message.
Table altered.
Points to remember
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While adding a new column, you cannot specify where it is to appear in the
table. The new column is always the last column.
A new column added to a table (already containing rows of data) is initially
NULL for all the rows.
If a column with NOT NULL constraint is to be added, then:
1 The column must first be added to the table without the constraint.
2 It must be populated with data in all the rows.
3. Once the column values are not null, the NOT NULL constraint can be
added to it.
In a table, only one column can be of LONG and LONG RAW datatype.
Therefore, you cannot add columns of LONG and LONG RAW datatypes if the
table already has columns of these datatypes.

Modifying Columns
While creating tables, columns are defined along with their datatypes and lengths in
order to identify the type of data that the columns can hold. In case you want to
alter the column to hold values larger than the current ones then the new column
length must be made larger.
This can be done by using the ALTER TABLE statement with the MODIFY clause. The
syntax for modifying a column is:
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
MODIFY [column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype]);
For example, in the Book table, the column cBookName is defined of length 20.
But, while attempting to enter details of book The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde, the Oracle server would generate an error because the book name happens to
be longer than the length defined for the column. Therefore, modify the column
width so as to accommodate long book names.
MODIFY (cBookName CHAR (100));
In the code, the length of the cBookName column has been changed from 20 to
In addition to changing the column length, the column datatype and default value
can also be changed.

Points to remember:

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Increasing column length using the MODIFY clause is OK, but decreasing them or
changing the column datatype tends to be tricky. For example, if the column length
of cMemberID were reduced from 9 to 7, then all those members having IDs of
lengths more than 7 would not satisfy the column definition and would therefore get
MODIFY cMemberID CHAR (7);
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01441: column to be modified must be empty to decrease column
In order to overcome this problem, some special steps need to be taken.

Before reducing the column length, ensure that the column has all null
But before deleting all the values from the column in question, create
a temporary table to store the values of the column. This can be done
by using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement, where the SELECT
statement extracts data from the primary key column and the column
that is to be modified.
Changing the DEFAULT value of a column affects only succeeding insertions to
the column.
Dropping Columns
Columns are dropped when you no longer need them from a table. The DROP
COLUMN clause with the ALTER TABLE statement is used to remove a column. This
feature is available only from Oracle8i. The syntax for dropping columns is,
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
DROP COLUMN <column_name>;
<column_name> specifies the column that is to be dropped.
For example, the developer creates the Category table with the following columns:




CHAR (4),

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CHAR (15)

But after creating the table, the developer realizes that both the cCategoryID and
cCategoryCode columns hold the unique identity numbers given to each category.
Therefore, one of them must be removed from the table structure. This can be done
using the DROP clause as follows:
DROP COLUMN cCategoryCode;

Points to remember
The dropped column may or may not contain data.
At a time only one column can be dropped.
The table must have at least one column left after one of its columns has been
A dropped column cannot be recovered.

Mark Columns as UNUSED

The database developers or administrators could feel that some columns in a table
are not appropriate or not required to be included in the table. Therefore, they would
decide to drop these columns from their respective tables. But the response time
taken for executing a DROP clause is quite slow. This is because dropping of columns
using the DROP clause results in the restoration of the storage disk space. Also,
dropping of columns could come in the way of any transaction that is currently
accessing the database and system resources.
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Therefore, to speed up the response time you could mark the columns to be dropped
as unused. Doing so does not restore the disk space. Instead, the columns so
marked could later be dropped when the requirement for the system resources is
less. The option used to mark one or more columns as unused is the SET UNUSED
The syntax to mark columns as unused is,
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
SET UNUSED (<column_name>);
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
SET UNUSED COLUMN <column_name>;

SET UNUSED COLUMN are the keywords to mark the column
table_name is the table name
column_name is the column name
For example, the New Jersey Central Library decides to drop the cMaritalStatus
column from the Member table. But the database developer or administrator
considers the option of dropping the column during the library hours as not
advisable. This is because the act of dropping the column could come in the way of
users accessing the table.
Therefore, they decide to mark it as unused and drop it probably after library hours
when the demand on the resource is less.
SET UNUSED (cMaritalStatus);
Table altered.

On marking cMaritalStatus as unused, it is treated as if it were dropped. But on

marking it as unused:
Its values are not removed from each row in the table. Meaning that the disk
space used by it is not restored.
As the disk space is not restored, the response time is faster when executing
the SET UNUSED option.
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Though the column data remains in the tables rows, you cannot access it by
using the SELECT * query. Also, the column will not be displayed even by
issuing the DESCRIBE command.
SELECT cMemberID,cBranchID,cMaritalStatus
FROM Member;
Displays the following error message:
SELECT cMemberID,cBranchID,cMaritalStatus
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: invalid column name
It will also not be displayed when you describe the structure of the table.























A new column with the same name as the unused column can be added to the
ADD cMaritalStatus CHAR (1);
The disk space occupied by cMaritalStatus column, which is marked unused cannot
be restored. However, if you want to reclaim the disk space, you can drop the
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unused column. Use the DROP UNUSED COLUMNS option to do this. The syntax for
the same is:
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
To drop the unused column from Member table:ALTER TABLE Member
This statement removes the marked column from the Member table.
However, if you would have dropped the cMaritalStatus column using the DROP
clause, then

The disk space used by the column is restored. This means that
values of cMaritalStatus are removed from each row in the
table and the space occupied by it is now available for any
further use.
As the disk space has to be restored, the response time taken
by executing the DROP COLUMN clause is slower.
The data stored in cMaritalStatus is lost and cannot be
Executing a SELECT * query will not retrieve data from

Manipulating Table Definitions

There may arise circumstances when you would have to make major modifications to
the database. These modifications could be related to changing or removing the
definition of a table, such as:
Giving the table a new name
Truncating a table i.e. deleting rows without affecting its definition
Dropping the table altogether
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These modifications are done using DDL commands.

Dropping Tables
If the basic need of a database changes, then you would have to make some
changes to the tables created within the database. In order to drop a table, the
DROP TABLE command is used. Its syntax is:
DROP TABLE <table_name>;
table_name is the table that is to be dropped.
In case you want to delete the Member table issue the following command.
A point to remember is that dropping tables is not simple. Before issuing the DROP
TABLE command ensure that no other table references the table to be dropped. In
other words, there should be no foreign key columns referencing the table. In case
you go ahead and issue the command you will see the following error message.
ORA-02449: unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys
To overcome this you must use the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause with the DROP
TABLE command. Using this clause drops the constraints that refer to the table being
In the above example, the Member table has a primary key constraint that is being
referenced by a foreign key constraint of Transaction table. Therefore, to overcome
this error use the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause as follows:
The code executed is irreversible. This is because the DROP command is a DDL
command. You can confirm this by trying to rollback the statement. When you issue
the ROLLBACK command you get the following message:
Rollback complete.
This message implies that the rollback activity has been completed. Issue the
DESCRIBE command to check if the table still exists. On doing so the following
message is displayed:
ORA-04043: object Member does not exist
Points to remember while using the DROP TABLE command:
The table definition is removed from the database
Data stored within the table is deleted
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You cannot roll back the DROP TABLE command. Being a DDL command it is
commit by nature.
Flashback Table
A table can be reinstated automatically using a new 10g feature referred to as
Flashback table feature.
Here is a scenario that happens more often:
A user drops a very important table accidentally, and it needs to be recovered as
soon as possible.
Use the Flashback Table feature, which makes the recovery of a dropped table as
easy as the execution of a few statements.
Lets see with an example, how this feature works.
Drop the Member table of the library application
Table dropped.
Lets check the status of the table now.
The table Member is gone but note







Heres what happened:

The dropped table Member, instead of completely disappearing, was renamed to a
system-defined name. It stays with the same structure as that of the original table.
If there are indexes defined on the table, they are renamed too, using the same
naming convention used by the table.
The table and its associated objects are placed in a logical container known as the
Recycle Bin, which is similar to the one we have in our PC. The Recycle Bin is
merely a logical structure that catalogs the dropped objects. Use the following steps
to restore the dropped table back.

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------------- ----------------------------- ------RECYCLETEST



BIN$04LhcpndanfgMAAAAAANPw==$0 TABLE


This shows the original name of the table, RECYCLETEST, as well as the new name in
the Recycle Bin, which has the same name as the new table we saw created after
dropping the table. (Note: The internal Name given may be OS dependent) To
reinstate the table, all you have to do is use the FLASHBACK TABLE command:
-------------- ----------MEMBER


But what if you want to drop the table completely, without needing a flashback
feature. In that case, you can drop it permanently using:
This command will not rename the table to the Recycle Bin name, rather, it will be
deleted permanently, as it would have been pre-10g.
Managing the Recycle Bin
Or using its Recycle Bin name:
This command will remove table MEMBER and all dependent objects such as indexes,
constraints, and so on from the recycle bin, saving some space. If, however, you
want to permanently drop an index from the recycle bin, you can do so using:
PURGE INDEX in_Member_01;
This will remove the index only, leaving the copy of the table in the recycle bin.
Truncating Tables
The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is a part of the Data Definition Language that
performs high-speed data deletion.
The TRUNCATE statement deletes data from tables just as the DELETE statement,
but with a slight difference. The difference being in the speed with which the deletion
is performed by the two statements.
The DELETE statement uses the transaction processing control commands for the
completion of its task. That is, the task performed by a DELETE statement is not
considered to be complete unless the task is committed to the database. This makes
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it a very slow process. Therefore, using the DELETE statement proves to be an

inefficient option when the task is to remove data from a large table.
On the other hand, the TRUNCATE statement bypasses the transaction processing
control commands because the task gets automatically committing on execution of
the statement. If a user were sure that he or she wants to delete a large number of
rows from a table, then using the DELETE option would prove to be time consuming.
Therefore, executing the TRUNCATE statement immediately deletes all rows from a
table releasing the storage space occupied by them. This is the reason why the
TRUNCATE statement is known as the high-speed data deletion statement. The
syntax for truncating a table is:
TRUNCATE TABLE <table_name>;
Truncate the Member table from the library database
This statement removes all row data from the Member table.
Points to remember while using the TRUNCATE statement:

Data from all rows are deleted, but the table definition including the definition of
constraints remains intact.
The storage space occupied by all rows is released.
As it is a DDL statement, data once deleted cannot be recovered.

Changing Table Names

At times you might have to change the names of tables in case they have not been
named according to the naming conventions of the organization or if a newly created
table is to be given a name as that of an already existing table. You can change the
name of a table with the RENAME statement. Its syntax is:
RENAME <old_name> TO <new_name>;
old_name is the old name of the table.
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new_name is the new name with which it is to be replaced.

You created a table Publisher to store details of publishers. You want to make the
name more self-explanatory and want to change it to PublisherDetails. In order to
this, issue the following statement:
SQL> RENAME Publisher TO PublisherDetails;
In the example, the RENAME statement changes the name of the Publisher table to
PublisherDetails. The message displayed is:
Table renamed.

Data Dictionary Tables

The tables you have worked with, were all created and maintained by developers
such as yourself. But in addition to these tables, Oracle server provides tables that
are not created by developers. They are known as Data Dictionary tables. More
discussion on this will be done separately later.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:

Data Definition commands (DDL) are used to create and manage database
objects in a schema.
Schema is a collection of database object. The word SCHEMA and USER are
DDL commands are CREATE: creates new database object, ALTER: modify
the structure of the database object, DROP: removes the database object
from the schema, RENAME: gives a new name to the database object,
TRUNCATE: removes rows permanently leaving the structure intact .
New tables can be created using an existing table using a subquery in the
CREATE TABLE statements.
Datatypes such as VARCHAR2, CHAR, NUMBER, DATA and various
TIMESTAMP determine the type of data a column can hold.
FLASHBACK statement can be used to restore the dropped objects.
Dropped objects of a schema can be viewed using SHOW RECYCLE BIN
Table can be removed from the recycle bin using PURGE command.

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Lab Exercise



Create a table Dept_details based on the details given in the following chart.
Save the syntax in a script named LabEx12_01.sql. Execute the script and
confirm that the table has been created.

Populate the Dept_details table with data from Departments table. Insert
only the columns that you need.
Create a table Emp_details based on the following chart.

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4. Modify the empFirstName and empLastName columns in the Emp_details
table to allow for longer names.
Table altered.


Create a table emp2 based on the structure of employees table. Include the
columns employee_id, first_name, last_name, department_id, job_id,
and salary into the Emp2 table.


Drop the Emp_details table.

Rename the table Emp2 as Emp_details.
Drop the column first_name from the table Emp_details and see the
structure of the table

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Make the job_id column of Emp_details table UNUSED and confirm the


Drop all the unused columns from Emp_details table, confirm

the modification.

11.Create a table New_Emp having employee details, and hire date as

TIMESTAMP datatype.

12. Modify the table New_Emp with hiredate as TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE
datatype. View the structure of the table.


Try the following:

a) Create table test with column specified below:

b) Select all the tables from present schema.
c) Drop the Test table from schema.
d) Select all the tables from current schema and see the change.
e) Display the contents of RecyleBin
f) Write the command to reinstate the table.
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g) Select all the tables from current schema.

h) Drop the table completely without flashback feature or drop it permanently.
i) What command is used to remove the table from Recycle Bin after the table is

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Chapter 13

Managing Constraints
Introduction to Constraints
Defining Constraints at different level
Explain the different types of Constraints
Creating Constraints
Deferring Constraints
Dropping Constraints
Enabling and Disabling the Constraints
Querying Data Dictionary for Constraints

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Understand Integrity constraints
Maintain Integrity constraints
Understand Deferred Constraints
Understand Dictionaries related to constraints

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Enforce Business Rule

In any organization, Data plays an important role in its day to day functioning.
In order to prevent entry of invalid data into tables, Oracle server uses a mechanism
called constraints. Constraints (also known as data integrity constraints) are mainly
used to enforce business rules. They ensure accuracy and consistency of data in a
relational database.
Referential Integrity Constraints therefore ensure that:


updating and deleting of rows from a table succeed only if the

constraints are satisfied.

Parent tables (those tables on which other tables are dependent) are not

Defining Constraints
Constraints can be defined before or after the table creation. There are two levels for
defining a constraint:

Column level

Table level

Column Level Constraints

Column level constraints are defined within the column specification and reference
only a single column. Hence, they enforce restriction on the type of data that can be
entered into that column. The syntax is:
CREATE TABLE <table_name>
<column_name> datatype,. . .
[CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>] <constraint_type>,.
column_name is the name of the column for which the constraint is to be defined.
datatype specifies the type of data that can be entered into the column.
CONSTRAINT constraint_name assigns a name to the constraint that is being defined
for the column. This clause is not mandatory.
constraint_type specifies the type of constraint being defined. Different constraint
types are covered next.
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Table Level Constraints

Table level constraints are defined separately from the column specifications and can
reference one or more columns. They enforce restrictions on the type of data that
can be entered into the table. All constraints except NOT NULL can be defined at this
level. The syntax is:
CREATE TABLE <table_name>
<column_name> datatype,. . .
[CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>] <constraint_type>
(column, .)
constraint_name is name of the constraint.
constraint_type is the type of constraint.

Types of Constraints
The data integrity constraints used to enforce business rules are:


NULL: This constraint prevents null values from being entered into a

UNIQUE: This constraint ensures that the column values or combination of

column values is unique for all rows in the table.

PRIMARY KEY: This constraint prevents null values into the column and
identifies each row of a table uniquely.


KEY: A foreign key constraint establishes a parent-child

relationship by ensuring that the child column

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referencing the parent column has same values or are


CHECK: A Check constraint checks whether a particular condition is met or


The NOT NULL Constraint

The NOT NULL constraint ensures that null values are prevented from being entered
into columns.
There can be instance, where some columns in a table can not have null values. For
example, when a person registers himself as a member, the librarian must
necessarily fill in his name, address and age in the Member table. This is because
they are all vital pieces of information that cannot be done away with. Therefore, by
defining these columns as
NOT NULL, you ensure that null values are not entered into them.
Create the Member table with constraints to prevent null values from being entered
into members name, address and age.

CHAR (9),

cFirstName CHAR (20) NOT NULL,








CHAR (10),





CHAR (1),

cBranchID CHAR(7)
In the above code, all the NOT NULL constraints are defined at the column level.
Since the constraints are unnamed, the Oracle server will generate names for them.
You can however name the constraints while defining them along with the column
specification as follows:

The UNIQUE KEY Constraint

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A UNIQUE KEY constraint ensures that no two rows of a table have identical values in
a column or a collection of columns. UNIQUE KEY constraints allow the entry of null
values unless NOT NULL constraint is defined for the same column. A UNIQUE KEY
can be defined at the column level or table level.
How would you ensure that two rows of the Branch table do not have the details of
the same branch? You could do so with the following DDL statement.




vBranchAdress VARCHAR2 (50),

cBranchLocation CHAR (15),

CHAR (10),

In the code, the cBranchName column has been defined as UNIQUE specifying that
the column cannot have duplicate branch names. This is a column level constraint
A UNIQUE constraint is defined at the table level, usually if it comprises a collection
of columns.
A UNIQUE KEY constraint defined for a group of columns is known as a composite
unique key. It ensures that the combinations of values in the columns are unique.
To define a composite UNIQUE KEY constraint on the Book table to ensure that the
book name and the publishing year of each book are unique, create the Book table
in the following manner.

CHAR (13),

cAuthorName CHAR (30) NOT NULL,

cCategoryID CHAR (5),
cPublisherID CHAR (6),
dPublishedYr DATE,

CHAR (7),

nNoOfCopies NUMBER (2),

CONSTRAINT BkNamePublishYrUK UNIQUE (cBookName, dPublishedYr)
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The PRIMARY KEY Constraint

A PRIMARY KEY constraint on a column or a collection of columns helps to uniquely
identify each row in a table. A PRIMARY KEY constraint defined for a collection of
columns is known as a Composite Primary key.
The primary key constraint ensures that any value entered in the columns that is
part of the primary key constraint must be unique for all rows. And they must not
contain null values.
Suppose the library desk officer wants to retrieve the details of a member named
Perry Paine.
He would issue the following SELECT statement.
FROM Member
WHERE cFirstName=Perry
AND cLastName=Paine;
But, if the library has more than one member with the name Perry Paine, how
would the Oracle server be able to distinguish between them? This can be achieved
by giving each member a distinct identity number so that they could be identified
uniquely. This is achieved by defining the PRIMARY KEY constraint.
PRIMARY KEY constraints can be defined at the column level or at the table level.
To define PRIMARY KEY constraint at the column level for the Member table.
cFirstName CHAR (20) NOT NULL,
cLastName CHAR (20) NOT NULL,






CHAR (10),



dMembershipDt DATE,

CHAR (1),

cBranchID CHAR(7));
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In the code, the PRIMARY KEY is defined at the column level for the column
cMemberID. This constraint ensures that, when a row is inserted in the Member
table, the value for cMemberID column is a non-null value and is not same as an
existing column value of another row.

The FOREIGN KEY Constraint

A FOREIGN KEY constraint is defined on the column of a child table, which is
dependent on the primary key column of the parent table. Defining a FOREIGN KEY
constraint on a column or a collection of columns establishes a relationship between
the foreign key columns and the primary key or unique key columns of the same
table or a different table. This constraint ensures that foreign key columns do not
contain values that do not exist in the primary key column, they are referencing.
FOREIGN KEY constraints can be defined at the column level or at the table level.
The foreign key constraint is defined at the table level using the following keywords:

FOREIGN KEY specifies the foreign key column in the child table.
REFERENCES identifies the column in the parent table that the foreign key
column is dependent on.


DELETE CASCADE indicates that when a row in the parent table has
been deleted, its dependent rows in the child table are also deleted.

ON DELETE SET NULL converts foreign key values to null when parent
value is removed. But, without the ON DELETE CASCADE and ON DELETE SET
NULL, you cannot delete rows from the parent table if there are dependent
rows in the child table.

For example, there exists a parent-child relationship between the Book table and the
Transaction table. The Transaction table contains the issue details of those books
that are listed in the Book table. The foreign key constraint is defined on the
cBookID column of the Transaction table (child table or dependent table). It refers
to the cBookID column of the Book table (parent or referenced table), which is the
primary key column.
To ensure that the books issued to members are those that are available in the Book
table of the library, create the Transaction table as follows:

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CREATE TABLE Transaction



cMemberID CHAR(7),


dIssueDt DATE,
dReturnDt DATE,
dActualReturnDt DATE,

nFine NUMBER(2),
When the FOREIGN KEY constraint is defined at the column level, there is a slight
change in the syntax. The FOREIGN KEY keyword is not used while defining it.
The following example illustrates this:
Define a constraint on the Availability table to ensure that it stores the status of
availability of only those books that are stored in the library.
CREATE TABLE Availability
(cBookID CHAR(13) CONSTRAINT AvailabilityBookIDFK
nAvailableCopies NUMBER (2),
cBranchID CHAR (7) CONSTRAINT AvailabilityBranchIDFK
REFERENCES Branch (cBranchID));
In the code, the FOREIGN KEY constraint has been defined at the column level for
both cBookID column and cBranchID column.

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The CHECK Constraint

The CHECK constraint ensures that the data being entered into a column satisfies a
set of valid values or conditions. For instance, it is the New Jersey Central Librarys
policy not to allow any person below the age of five to be registered as its member.
Hence, if the librarian inserts a row into the Member table entering a members age
as four, then the Oracle server would return an error saying that the CHECK
constraint for the nAge column has been violated.

To check whether the age of persons being entered in the Member table is not
below five, issue the constraint as follows:
cFirstName CHAR (20) NOT NULL,
cLastName CHAR (20) NOT NULL,
vAddress VARCHAR2 (50) NOT NULL,
cArea CHAR (10) NOT NULL,
cZipcode CHAR (7) NOT NULL,
cPhone CHAR (10),
cGrade CHAR (1)
cBranchID CHAR(7) REFERRENCES Branch(cBranchID));
In the code, the CHECK constraint is defined for the nAge column, which ensures
that the age being entered is not below five.
Points to remember:

While defining CHECK constraints, reference to columns or rows of any

table, including the one on which the constraint has been defined cannot be
For example, to check whether the publisher IDs entered in the Book table is
among the publisher IDs specified in the PublisherDetails table you would



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cAuthorName CHAR(30) NOT NULL,

cCategoryID CHAR(5) CONSTRAINT BookCategoryIDFK

REFERENCES Category(cCategoryID) ,
cPublisherID CHAR(6) CHECK (cPublisherID IN (SELECT cPublisherID
FROM Publisher)),
dPublishedYr DATE,cBranchID CHAR(7)CONSTRAINT BookBranchIDFK
REFERENCES Branch(cBranchID),
CHECK(nNoOfCopies < 11));
However, this code is not valid as it refers to the cPublishedID column of the
PublisherDetails table and it displays the following error message:
ORA-02251: subquery not allowed here

References to functions such as SYSDATE, USER, etc. cannot be made

while defining a CHECK constraint.


CHECK constraints can be defined for a single column. CHECK

constraints can be defined at column level or table level. Execute the
following code to check whether the number of copies of books entered in the
Availability table is not more than 5.
CREATE TABLE Availability
(cBookID CHAR(13) CONSTRAINT AvailabilityBookIDFK
REFERENCES Book (cBookID),nAvailableCopies NUMBER (2),
cBranchID CHAR(7) CONSTRAINT AvailabilityBranchIDFK
REFERENCES Branch(cBranchID), CONSTRAINT AvailabilityCopiesCK
CHECK(nAvailableCopies < 5));
In the code, the CHECK constraint on nAvailableCopies column has been defined at
the table level.

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Consider an example shown below:

Empcode NUMBER(6),

Ename VARCHAR2(20)CONSTRAINT chk_ename

In the above example empid_pk is a constraint defined as a primary key in the table
level for the column empcode.
The above example can be modified as:


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Manipulating Tables using Constraints

If there are changes to the business rules, then changes to the constraints that
enforce these rules need to be made. These changes could include adding, removing,
disabling or enabling constraints.
Adding Constraints
Even when business rules have not been finalized, the database developers create
the tables so that, later the rules could be added to the columns or the tables of the
database. The syntax for adding a constraint is,
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
ADD [CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>] constraint_type (<column_name>);
table_name is the name of the table
constraint_name is the name of the constraint. The constraint name syntax is
constraint_type specifies the type of constraint to be added.
column_name is the name of the column to which constraint is to be added.
For instance, the library has not decided the rule pertaining to the eligibility of a
person to be registered as a member. The developer still creates the Member table.
Later, when the library management decides that only persons above the age of five
should be enrolled as members, this rule could then be incorporated in the Member
table which is already created.


By adding this constraint, only the subsequent ages entered after the addition of the
constraint will be checked.
Another case where you need to alter a constraint is to add a constraint to ensure
that the grades allotted to each member in the Member table belongs to one of the
grades decided upon on the basis of age range in the MemberFee table.
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REFERENCES MemberFee (cGrade));
In the code, FOREIGN KEY constraint is added to establish a parent-child relation
between the Member table and the MemberFee table by ensuring that the grade
values in the Member table correspond to the grade values in the MemberFee
Points to remember while adding constraints:
The column to which the constraint is to be added must already exist in the table.
PRIMARY KEY constraints: The columns must not have null values and must
only unique values.
FOREIGN KEY constraints: The columns must have values corresponding to
in the referenced primary key column or be null.
UNIQUE constraints: The column must have either unique values or be null.
CHECK constraints: Apply only to the subsequent data added to the
NOT NULL constraints: These constraints can only be defined at column
NOT NULL constraints are added using the MODIFY clause in the

Deferred Constraints
Normally, constraints are checked as data is inserted or updated in the row. When a
row is inserted, all the constraints are checked and then, the row is either accepted
or rejected. You can, however, defer the constraint checking until the transaction
commits. In that case, the row is inserted into the table and constraints are not
checked until the COMMIT is issued. If the row then fails, it is removed from the
table. You can change the status of the constraints by setting them as DEFERRED or
IMMEDIATE. In order to change the constraint, it must be set to DEFERRABLE.

Consider an Example for using Deferred Constraints:

Name VARCHAR2(20),
Deptno NUMBER(2)
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If you try to enter values into Deptno column of Dupemp table, which does not lie
within the domain of the column values of Dupdept table, an error message is
thrown indicating the violation of foreign key constraint.
But, if you still want to add data into the Dupemp table, you can do it by changing
the status of the constraints by setting them as DEFERRED or IMMEDIATE. The
advantage of doing this is it defers constraint checking until the transaction is
committed. In order to change the constraint, it must be set to DEFERRABLE.
Now, you insert values into detpno of Dupemp table directly without entering the
corresponding deptno value in the main table.
As an example, the above one works perfect. But, why at all we need a deferred
Sometimes, it so happens that, we get the data for the secondary table, but not for
the main table. Since there is a referential integrity constraint present on these two
tables, we cannot enter data directly into the second table.
By deferring the foreign key constraints, we can atleast get the data loaded into the
secondary tables, and then validate the data against the main table once it is also
loaded. This saves time. When a COMMIT statement is issued against the secondary
table, constraints are checked and invalid data is rejected.
We can enable the deferred constraint by issuing the following command:
Dropping Constraints
If the organization decides to do away with a business rule, then you will have to
drop the constraint that enforced the rule. Use the DROP clause with the ALTER
TABLE statement to remove a constraint. The syntax for dropping a constraint is:
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ALTER TABLE <table_name>

DROP PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE (column_name)|
CONSTRAINT constraint_name [CASCADE];
PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE (column_name)| specifies the primary key or the unique key
columns of a table that are to be dropped.
CASCADE option causes the dependent constraints to be dropped when the primary
key or unique key constraints are dropped.
Drop the primary key constraint from the Book table along with its associated
foreign keys.
In the code, the CASCADE option used with the DROP clause causes the dependent
constraint on cBookID columns of Transaction table and Availability table also to
be dropped.

Enabling and Disabling Constraints

Rectifying a constraint failed during creation is similar to the way any electric gadget
would be repaired. To repair an electric gadget you would first of all see to it that the
electric supply has been switched off until the repair work has been completed.
Likewise, to repair a failed constraint you must first switch off or in technical terms
disable the constraint and after taking steps to rectify the failure, switch on or enable
Disabling Constraints
The Oracle server automatically disables a constraint that has failed during creation.
A simple example to explain this task. Create two tables Tab1 and Tab2.
cCol2 CHAR (4));


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In the above codes, the primary key constraint is defined on the column nCol1 of
Tab1. The foreign key constraint is defined on the column nCol1 of Tab2. But the
creation of this constraint fails as it references cCol2 of table Tab1 instead of
nCol1. This automatically disables the Tab2nCol1FK constraint. The error message
displayed is as follows:
ORA-02267: column type incompatible with referenced column type
In the above case, the constraint was disabled automatically as its creation failed.
However, you can disable the constraint without dropping or re-creating it if you do
not want to enforce the rules defined for it. Using the DISABLE clause with the ALTER
TABLE statement can disable a constraint. Disabling a constraint renders it
ineffective, as if it had been dropped. The syntax for disabling a constraint is:
ALTER TABLE <table_name>

table_name is the table name
constraint_name is the constraint name
CASCADE option disables a dependent constraint if its primary key constraint is
For example you can disable the unique key constraint defined on cBranchName
column of the Branch table.
In this example you did not have to issue the CASCADE clause because the disabled
constraint did not have any dependent constraints. An example where you will have
to issue the CASCADE clause is to disable the primary key constraint defined on the
cBookID column of the Book table.
This example uses the CASCADE clause because disabling the constraint on
cBookID column will affect the cBookID column constraint of the Transaction
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Points to remember:


can use the DISABLE clause with both the CREATE TABLE as well as
the ALTER TABLE statements.

Ensure that

data being entered, while disabling of a constraint, does not

violate the rule that had been defined. If such a precaution is not taken,
then enabling the constraints later will not be a smooth process.

Enabling Constraints
You must enable the disabled constraints after you have taken the steps needed to
correct the reasons that led to the failure of constraints during their creation. When
constraints are enabled the business rules that were defined would be enforced. The
syntax for enabling constraints is:
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
ENABLE CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>;

table_name is the table name
constraint_name is the constraint name
Points to remember:


can enable only those constraints which have been defined and which
are currently disabled.

When you attempt to enable a disabled constraint, ensure that the data
that had been loaded into the table does not violate the rule that had been defined.
This is because when you enable a constraint, that constraint applies to all the data
in the table.

You can use the ENABLE clause with both the CREATE TABLE as well as the
ALTER TABLE statements.

The disabled UNIQUE KEY constraint of the Branch table can be enabled as follows:
In this code, the disabled unique constraint is enabled. But, if duplicate branch
names had been entered during the time the constraint was disabled, then the above
code would not execute and would display the following error:
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ORA-0229: cannot enable constraint BranchNameUK duplicate keys found

To enable the primary key constraint defined on the cBookID column of the Book
table, execute the following statement:
In this code, the disabled primary key constraint is enabled.
But, if duplicate book IDs or null values had been entered during the time the
constraint was disabled, then the above code would not execute and would display
the following error:
ORA-02298: cannot enable constraint BookBookIDPK parent keys not
Cascading Constraints
While dropping columns you need to handle,


referential integrity constraints that depend on the primary key or

unique key constraints defined on the columns that are to be dropped.


multicolumn (a single constraint which defines rules for two or more

columns) constraints defined on the columns that are to be dropped.
Example of a multicolumn constraint is:
CONSTRAINT Constraintname CHECK (Col1 > 10 AND Col2 = 25)
The above-mentioned issues are handled by using the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS
clause along with the DROP COLUMN clause in the ALTER TABLE statement. Its
syntax is:
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
For example create a table TabA.
nC2 NUMBER(3),
nC3 NUMBER (3),

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nC4 NUMBER (4),

CONSTRAINT TabACK1 CHECK (nC3 > 10 AND nC2 <5));
The table TabA is created with four columns nC1, nC2, nC3 and nC4. Primary key
constraint is defined on column nC1 which is referenced by the foreign key column
nC4. A multicolumn CHECK constraint is defined on columns nC2 and nC3.
When you attempt to drop the columns nC1 and nC3, you would encounter error
Executing this statement would give the following error:
ORA-00904: invalid column name
This is because nC1 is being referenced by nC4.
If you drop column nC3
Executing this statement would give the following error:
ORA-12991: column is referenced in a multi-column constraint
This is because nC3 is part of the multicolumn constraint.
To avoid these errors, use the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause with the DROP
COLUMN clause. Hence drop the columns as follows:



If the columns referencing the constraints of the dropped columns are also dropped,
then you need not use the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause with the DROP COLUMN
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For instance in the same example you drop columns C1 and C4


without the


DROP (nC1, nC4);
Querying USER_CONSTRAINTS Data Dictionary View
You can confirm the creation of a table by issuing the DESCRIBE command. But,
except the NOT NULL constraint, the DESCRIBE command does not verify the
existence of other constraints that were defined during the creation of the table.
Therefore, you can query the USER_CONSTRAINTS dictionary view to confirm the
creation of all the constraints on your table.
Before you query USER_CONSTRAINTS, issue the DESCRIBE command to see all the
columns that are available in it.
Now, query USER_CONSTRAINTS using the SELECT statement to display all the
constraints defined on the Member table.
Displays the output:
--------------- ---------















nAge > 5





8 rows selected.
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In the code, you are retrieving the name of the constraint, the type of constraint and
the search conditions used with the check constraints. If the user has not named the
constraints, then the query retrieves the names assigned by the server. In the type
of constraints retrieved by the code, C stands for CHECK and NOT NULL, P for

Querying USER_CONSTRAINTS does not retrieve the columns on which the

constraints have been defined. In order to view the columns associated with the
constraints use the USER_CONS_COLUMNS data dictionary view. This view is
especially useful when system assigned constraints names have been retrieved by
USER_CONSTRAINTS, because these names do not help in identifying the columns
on which they have been defined. You can identify the columns associated with the
constraints by viewing the USER_CONS_COLUMNS data dictionary view.
The usage of USER_CONS_COLUMNS dictionary view is most widely felt when you
have to drop constraints from a table.
To drop a constraint, you need to identify the name of the constraint that is to be
dropped. By viewing USER_CONS_COLUMNS dictionary view, you can identify the
constraint names and columns on which they have been assigned and then use it in
Display the constraints along with columns on which they have been defined on the
Member table.

Displays the output:


-------------- -------------MEMBERAGECK








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8 rows selected.

In this chapter, you have learnt that:

Data accuracy and consistency can be checked by creating constraints in


Constraint can be defined before or after the table creation. These are
either at the table level(after defining all the columns) or at
the column level(after
each column).

The different types of constraints are: NON NULL: defined only at column
level and
prevents NULL values, UNIQUE: prevents duplicate values,
PRIMARY KEY: prevents
duplicate and NULL values, FOREIGN
KEY: values referred by PRIMARY KEY domain
CHECK: allows values based on a criteria.

You can defer the constraints till the transaction commits using DEFFERED

Constraint can be either created, dropped, enabled or disabled using

ALTER statements.

Information regarding Constraints can be viewed in USER_CONSTRAINTS

USER_CONS_COLUMNS data dictionary respectively.

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Lab Exercise

Add a table level PRIMARY KEY constraint to the new_emp table on the
empID column. Name the constraint as emp_id_pk. [Hint: Use the ALTER
TABLE command].


Create a table NEW_DEPT with columns for department ID, department

name and location ID. Create primary key constraint to the NEW_DEPT table
using the deptID column. Name the constraint deptID_pk.


Add the column deptID to the NEW_EMP table. Add a foreign key constraint
on the NEW_EMP table using the deptID column. This ensures that the
employees are not assigned to a department that does not exist. Name the
foreign key constraint as emp_dept_fk.


Confirm that the constraints are added by querying the USER_CONSTRAINTS


------------7 rows selected.

5. Create a table dept_Details based on the following details.


Create a table emp_details based on the following chart.

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Modify the emp_details table to add the foreign key on department id column.
Also ensure that this constraint can be deferred.


Make Necessary changes to make the constraint deferred.


Insert 1 record into emp_details table first.


Will it raise an error during inserting? If no, then why?


Try to commit the inserted data. Is the data committed? If no, why?

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Chapter 14

What are
Simple vs Complex
Enforcing Constraints on
Creating Complex
Creating Inline
Data Access from

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At the end of this chapter, you will able to:
Describe the need for different types of views
Use views

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What are Views?

A view is defined as a database object that allows you to create a virtual table, which
would contain data selected from a table or a collection of tables and presented in a
distilled form to conceal complexity. The tables on which views are based are known as
base tables or underlying tables.
Views can be compared to windows; windows that only give you a glimpse of the
world surrounding you, concealing all its complexities. For example, consider the
view residents living in a tall building like Majestic Towers would get. When person
P1, living on the first floor looks out of his window, he probably gets to see nearby
buildings like a bank, a hospital and some people going on with their daily activities.
But when person P2, living on the top floor looks out of his window, the view he gets
would differ from that of person P1. For instance, in addition to the buildings and
people, he could also get a glimpse of trains plying from a near by station. This
shows that each window shows a different view of the same landscape surrounding
Majestic Towers. Similarly, VIEWS too present different views of the same table to
different users.
What the residents get to view from their windows does not belong to them.
Similarly, views too contain no data of their own. Views are just results of SELECT
statements. Therefore, when users manipulate data from views it is similar to
manipulating data from a table.
Why Views?
Views are widely used due to the following reasons:

Views provide security as they can restrict data being accessed by users. For
example, to implement data security, the library may create a view that will
allow the librarian to see only the details of the librarys members, thus,
preventing him from manipulating data pertaining to the books, or the
membership fee structure of the library.

Views conceal data complexity by making complex queries simple. For

example, retrieving data from two or more tables using a JOIN statement
could prove to be very confusing for an end user. To simplify this complexity,
you could create a view, which is a combination of two or more tables. For
example, you could create a view by combining the Book, Category and
PublisherDetails tables, thereby enabling the end user to make a simple
query on the view without ever having to know that it is based on these three

View definition remains unaffected despite any alteration to the structure of

its base tables (except when the tables are dropped or the table columns
selected by the view is altered). For example, if a view were made of two
tables, selecting two columns from one table and three columns from the
other, adding one more column to the first table would not affect the view
definition. Therefore, any application that refers to the view also remains

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Data dictionary views are widely used as they prevent users from directly
accessing the tables of the data dictionary. This is important due to the
following reasons:
To safeguard data stored in the data dictionary tables. If users manipulate
data dictionary tables it could result in loss of data or the table itself being
removed, thus causing serious damage to the Oracle database, even
rendering it completely ineffectual or unproductive.
Data stored within the data dictionary tables are hard to comprehend.
Therefore, dictionary views help to condense data into something easily
comprehensible and helpful.

Simple Views Vs Complex Views

Views can be classified into two types depending on the need for which they are to
be created. They are:

Simple views

views Complex

The basic differences between simple and complex views are:

Simple views are based on only one table whereas complex views are based
on more than one table. For example, the database developer could create a
simple view based on the Book table. Whereas, he could create a complex
view to show the books that belong to each category by joining the Book
table and the Category table.

Simple views allow DML operations to be performed (but with certain

restrictions) whereas complex views do not always allow DML operations to
be performed.
The syntax for creating simple as well as complex view is the
same except that the subquery that defines a simple view
cannot have any join conditions or group functions.

Creating Views
To create a view, a subquery must be embedded within the CREATE VIEW
statement. The syntax for creating a view is:
CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE| NOFORCE] VIEW <view_name> [(alias [,
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AS subquery
[WITH CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>]]
OR REPLACE changes the definition of a view without dropping
or re-creating it.
FORCE forces the creation of a view even without the existence
of a base table.
NOFORCE this is the default option. It creates a view only if
the base table exists.
view_name is the name given to the view that is created.
alias specifies the names for the expressions which will hold the
values of the columns selected by the subquery.
subquery is the SELECT statement which retrieves the columns
that the view must have.
WITH CHECK OPTION is a type of CHECK constraint, which
specifies that only those rows that are selected by the view can
be inserted, updated or deleted.
CONSTRAINT constraint_name assigns a name to the CHECK
OPTION constraint.
WITH READ ONLY prevents any DML operations from being
performed on the view.
Points to remember while creating views:

The subquery can contain complex SELECT statements, that is, SELECT
statements, which include joins and group functions.

The subquery cannot contain an ORDER BY clause. Specify the ORDER BY

clause while retrieving data from the view.

Creating Simple Views

Simple views are created by embedding a subquery that retrieves data only from a
single table, within the CREATE VIEW statement.

For example, in order to prevent the librarian of the Randolph NJ Library from
accessing or modifying the book details of other branches, the library database
developer creates a view that shows details of only those books that are stored in
the Randolph NJ Library. In order to create this view the developer would have to
execute the following code:
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CREATE VIEW vwRandolphBook

As SELECT cBookID, cBookName, cAuthorName,
cCategoryID, cPublisherID, dPublishedYr, nNoOfCopies
WHERE cBranchID = '04RANNJ' ;
View created.

On executing the code, vwRandolpBook view gets created containing book details
of only the Randolph branch, which is identified by its ID 04RANNJ. The structure of
the vwRandolpBook view can be displayed by issuing the iSQL*Plus DESCRIBE
DESCRIBE vwRandolpBook

Enforcing Constraints on Views

The base tables have constraints defined on them that limit the kind of data that can
be entered or modified. The views that are based on them too have the same
In addition, special constraints can also be enforced on views. This is made possible
by using:

The WITH CHECK option



This option protects data integrity and performs data validation checks by ensuring
that the data being changed is the data the view can select. It sees to it that any
inserts or updates being performed through the view do not create rows that the
view cannot select.
For example, due to the frequent enquiries made by its members regarding the
books stored

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in the Princeton branch (which has been assigned an ID 05PRINJ), the library
database developer decides to create a view that will contain details about all the
books the Princeton branch stores. But, the developer must ensure that the
librarian accessing the view does not make any changes to the data stored. To
ensure this the following code must be executed:
View created.
The code creates a vwPrincetonBks view with the WITH CHECK OPTION clause. By
specifying the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint, any attempt made by the librarian to
manipulate the branch ID for any row in the view will fail.
For example, if the branch ID of the book were changed to 01ADLNJ, the view
would no longer be able to select that book and therefore the following DML
operation performed fails:
UPDATE vwPrincetonBks
WHERE cBookID=FIC050003232;
Displays an error:
Error at line 1:
ORA-01402: view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation
Using the WITH CHECK OPTION ensures that the DML operations being performed
are within the scope of the view, that is, DMLs are performed on rows that the view
can select. But, how to ensure that no DML operations are performed?
This can be ensured by using the WITH READ ONLY option. This option prevents any
DML operation from being performed on the view. If any attempt is made to perform
DMLs on any row in the view, the Oracle server will generate an error.
For instance, if the DBA creates a view for the clerk Brad Riley, he needs to ensure
that Brad Riley does not write into the view. The following code will help:
WHERE cAuthorName=Shakespear
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View created.
The view vwHamiltonBks is created by adding the WITH READ
ONLY option, which
prevents any DML operations from
being performed on it.
If Brad Riley attempts to delete any row from the view, he
encounters the following error:
DELETE FROM vwHamiltonBks
WHERE cBookName=Othello;
Error at line 1:
ORA-01752: Cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table
Similarly, if he attempts to add or modify a row, the Oracle
server would generate the following error:
UPDATE vwHamiltonBks
SET nNoOfCopies=6
WHERE cBookName=Othello;
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here

Rules for Performing DML operations

The user of a view can insert, update or delete data on the
underlying table if the creator of the view allows him/her to do
so. However, there are a few restrictions that apply when the
user of a simple view attempts to perform any DML operations:

The user cannot insert, update or delete data on the underlying table, if the
view itself cannot select that data. This happens if the WITH CHECK OPTION
is used.

The user cannot insert, update or delete data on the underlying table, if the
subquery that defines the simple view contains:


Any single-row or group function

The DISTINCT keyword

Columns defined by expressions such as nNoOfCopies


The user cannot perform any DMLs if any references to virtual or pseudo
columns such as ROWID, CURRVAL, NEXTVAL and ROWNUM are made by the

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subquery. Pseudo-column is not an actual column of any table but returns an

Oracle generated value when selected.

The user cannot perform any DMLs if the WITH READ ONLY option is used in
the subquery.

The user cannot add data into the underlying table if its NOT NULL column is
not selected by the subquery. For example, the librarian cannot insert data
into the Book table if the vwRandolpBook view does not select the
cBookID column. This is because cBookID is a primary key column implying
that it cannot contain null values. (Remember that you are attempting to
insert values directly into the base table through the view.)

Creating Complex Views

Complex views are created by embedding a subquery that
retrieves data from more than one table, in the CREATE VIEW
statement. In addition to joins, the subqueries can possibly

Single-row as well as group functions

References to pseudo columns

GROUP BY clauses
Complex views are created for concealing complexities involved
in retrieving data such as the performance of joins or using
group functions to obtain the result set.
For example, members may request the librarian to provide a
list of all the books stored in the Randolph NJ Library branch
complete with their category names. To do so the librarian
would have to cross-check both the Book as well as the
Category tables. This proves to be quite taxing, especially if
queries of the similar kind increase. To overcome this, the
developer creates a view by joining the two tables. The librarian
then needs to only query this view without even knowing that it
is based on two tables. Executing the following code would
create the view:
AS SELECT B.cCategoryID, C.cCategoryName, B.cBookID, B.cBookName,
FROM Book B,Category C
WHERE B.cCategoryID=C.cCategoryID
AND B.cBranchID=04RANNJ;
View created.
On the execution of the code, a complex view gets created
wherein the subquery contains a join condition.

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SELECT cCategoryName,cBookName
FROM vwRandolphBooks;


--------------Aha! Gotcha: Paradoxes to Puzzle and Delight


Amelia Jane is Naughty Again





38 rows selected.
But, if the library clerk wants to know the total number of
copies of books of each category that the library stores, then
the above view would not serve the purpose. To do so, the
developer would have to create a view by executing the
following code:
AS SELECT C.cCategoryName,SUM(nNoOfCopies)
FROM Book B,Category C
WHERE B.cCategoryID=C.cCategoryID
GROUP BY C.cCategoryName;
View created.
On executing the code, a complex view vwBookCopies gets
created that contains a group function.
The clerk can display the contents of the view by executing a
SELECT statement.
FROM vwBookCopies;
The statement retrieves the following result set:


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Non Fiction






Science Fiction


14 rows selected.

Complex views do not allow data to be added, changed or

deleted on the underlying table because of the join that is
performed. Therefore, it is not necessary to specify the
WITH READ ONLY option as complex views are already
considered to be read only.
N.B.:- This can be resolved by creating INSTEAD OF triggers,
which will be dealt in a later chapter.
Constraints on Views
One of the Oracle9i constraint enhancements has been with
regards to the ability to create primary and foreign keys on
views. Now, you can specify constraints on view columns.
However, view constraints are declarative only. That is, they
are not enforced by the Oracle database.
View constraints are subject to the following restrictions:
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Only unique, primary key and foreign key constraints can be specified on

You cannot specify clauses like DEFERRED or DEFERRABLE because view

constraints are not enforced.

View constraints can be specified only in the DISABLE NOVALIDATE mode.


cannot be specified in view constraints.

Creating Inline Views

In addition to creating simple and complex views, you can also
create Inline Views.
Inline views are named subqueries (a subquery with an alias)
written in the FROM clause. The named subquery defines the
source of data for the main SELECT statement.
For example, the library clerk would be required to produce a
list of books whose number of copies stored is less than the
maximum number of copies of books stored in their respective
To produce the desired result, the developer would have to first
retrieve the maximum number of copies of books stored in each
SELECT cBranchID,MAX(nNoOfCopies) MaxCopies








The developer would have to then cross check the query output
with the Book table in order to find out those books whose
number of copies stored is less than the maximum number of
copies of books stored in their branches.

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The developer could instead write the above SELECT statement

as a subquery in the FROM clause of a main query as shown
SELECT B.cBookName Book,B.nNoOfCopies Noofcopies,B.cBranchID
BranchID,C.MaxCopies Max Copies
FROM Book B, (SELECT cBranchID,MAX (nNoOfCopies) MaxCopies
WHERE B.cBranchID = C.cBranchID
AND B.nNoOfCopies < C.MaxCopies;
The query displays the following result set:





Archaeology as Cultural History

Fractals Everywhere





. .

173 rows selected.

In the code, the SELECT statement inside the parentheses is
used as one of the tables in the query and is given an alias,
C. It is treated just as if it were a view. It is this named
subquery that is known as an inline view.
Writing the following join condition joins the Book table and
the inline view:
WHERE B.cBranchID = C.cBranchID
This join condition produces the same output that you would get by cross checking
the result of the subquery manually with the Book table.

Oracle7 and Oracle8 did not allow the use of the ORDER BY clause within subqueries.
But since Oracle8i you can use the ORDER BY clause with inline views.
The following code will illustrate the use of the ORDER BY clause:
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FROM (SELECT cFirstName||cLastName Name
FROM Member
The query displays the following result:




















21 rows selected.
The Inline view retrieves a sorted list of members names by
concatenating their first names with last names. This inline
view defines the data source for the SELECT statement. The
execution of the code does not result in any error despite the
use of the ORDER BY clause.

The importance of using the ORDER BY clause in inline views

can be seen when you need to retrieve the n largest or smallest
values of a column.
Top-N Analysis
Top-N analysis or top-n queries are used to retrieve the n
largest or smallest values of a column.
For example, there may be queries to retrieve the ten most
recently registered members in the library or to retrieve the
four most senior members of the library. To retrieve the desired
results, you will have to use top-n queries. The syntax for
creating a top-n query is:

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SELECT column_list, ROWNUM

FROM (SELECT column_list
FROM <table_name>
ORDER BY Top-N_column)
Where the top-n query consists of:

A subquery or an inline view which includes the ORDER BY clause to ensure

that the results are retrieved in the desired order. Specifying the ORDER BY
clause retrieves the top n smallest values of a column. In order to retrieve the
top n largest values use DESC keyword along with the ORDER BY clause.

An outer query that limits the number of rows that is to be retrieved. It

comprises of:

The ROWNUM pseudocolumn, which assigns successive values to each
of the rows returned by the subquery, and

The WHERE clause, which specifies the number of rows that are to be
returned. The WHERE clause must use a < or <= operator.
The outer query limits the number of rows by WHERE ROWNUM <= N.
Using Top-N Queries
If the developer has to find out the four most recently
registered members of the library, he would have to issue the
following SELECT statement:
FROM (SELECT cFirstName||cLastName Name, dMembershipDt MembershipDt
FROM Member
ORDER BY dMembershipDt DESC) M
In the code, the inline view M returns the names and the
membership dates from the Member table, which are sorted in
the descending order of the membership dates. The outer query
selects the pseudocolumn ROWNUM, which assigns sequential
values to the rows that are returned by the inline view. The
rows returned are limited by the
<= 4 clause, which ensures that only four rows from the
resultant rows are displayed.



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Using Views
The users using views find that accessing data from the views
is similar to accessing data from a table. They can even modify
or remove views just as they would do to a table.
Data Access from Views
Before you access data from a view, you need to confirm its
creation by querying the USER_VIEWS data dictionary table. In
order to display the contents of USER_VIEWS issue the
DESCRIBE command.






















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USER_VIEWS data dictionary view displays the name of the

view as well as the view definition. The view definition is stored
in the dictionary table as SELECT statements. The text of the
SELECT statements is stored in a LONG column.
For example, the developer of vwRandolpBook view could
confirm its creation by viewing USER_VIEWS.
When a user attempts to access data using a view, the Oracle
server retrieves the view definition from USER_VIEWS and
converts it into a similar query on the underlying table, thereby
retrieving data from the base table.
For example, when the librarian attempts to retrieve data using
vwRandolpBook view, he would issue the following SELECT
FROM vwRandolpBook;
On encountering the above statement, the Oracle server
retrieves vwRandolpBooks views definition from USER_VIEWS
data dictionary. The view definition on being retrieved would
-------------------------------SELECT cBookID,cBookName,cAuthorName,
The Oracle server then converts the view query into a similar
query on the underlying base table and retrieves data from the
base table.
Modifying Views
There are situations when the developers of views are required
to make some modifications to the views.
The statement used to modify a view is the CREATE OR
REPLACE VIEW statement. On issuing a CREATE OR REPLACE
VIEW statement, the Oracle server overwrites the old
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definition of the view with the new one by overlooking the error
that arises on encountering an already existing view with the
same name. The following code illustrates the use of the
For example, the user of the vwRandolpBook view may
suggest the developer that more meaningful names be
assigned to the columns as they currently have the same
names as the columns of the underlying Book table. To do so
the developer would have to modify the view by specifying
column aliases.
AS SELECT cBookID BookId,cBookName BookName,cAuthorName Author,
cCategoryID CatgID, cPublisherID PublisherID,
dPublishedYr PublishedYr, nNoOfCopies Copies
View created.
In the code, the OR REPLACE option replaces the old version of the
vwRandolpBook view with the new one. The execution of the above code
controls the column names by
specifying aliases in the subquery.
The column aliases can also be specified in the CREATE VIEW clause. But
they must be listed in the same order as the columns that are selected by
the subquery. The following code will illustrate how to specify column
aliases in the CREATE VIEW clause:
AS SELECT cBookID,cBookName,cAuthorName,cCategoryID,
View created.
Just as there is the ALTER TABLE statement to modify the table
structure, similarly there is an ALTER VIEW statement available
in the Oracle SQL language. The syntax is:
ALTER VIEW view_name;
But instead of being used to modify the view structure, it is used to recompile a
view that becomes invalidated either due to:

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Change made to the definition of the underlying table

Deletion of the underlying table

To rectify the invalidated view you must either recreate the underlying table and
issue the ALTER VIEW statement or modify the view by using the CREATE OR
REPLACE VIEW statement.
Removing Views
There may arise situations that would require the developer of
a view to remove it from the database.
The statement used to remove a view is the DROP VIEW
statement. Removing a view does not affect the table on which
it was based. Only the view definition is removed from the
database. The syntax for dropping a view is:
DROP VIEW <view_name>;
view_name is the name of the view that is to be dropped
For example, the developer creates a view to display the
addresses of all the library members, based on the requirement
made by the librarian for the purpose of sending mails to them.
The developer executes the following code to create the view:
AS SELECT cFirstName,cLastName,vAddress,
FROM Member;
View created.
After querying the vwMemberAddress view, the librarian
would be able to retrieve the addresses of members and
accordingly send mails to them.
FROM vwMemberAddress;

The query displays the following result:

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Dinsmore 41B, Cliftwood Avenue,

Allenbury NJ01956

Fourth Cross Rd

Wells 65A, Maple Breeze Apts,



Redford Township
Celena Stevenson 19-22A, Free Gallop Villa,



Greenwich Hallway Rd
Ferdinand Swander 909D, Sunrise Marble Apts,

Stanhope NJ12543

Springwood Lane
---------------------21 rows selected.
After sending mails, the librarian would no longer need to query
the view as his purpose has been met. Therefore, the developer
(on being told by the librarian) would decide to remove the
view from the database.
The developer of the vwMemberAddress view would execute
the DROP VIEW statement to drop the view.
DROP VIEW vwMemberAddress;
View dropped.
Execution of this code removes the vwMemberAddress view
from the database.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:
Views are virtual tables based on the underlying database tables. They can
be visualized as a window to a base table.

Views provide restrictive access to the base table, hide the complexity of
joining multiple tables and can provide specific information for different

Views based on single table are known as simple views. DML operations can
be perfomed on these views directly.

Views based on Multiple tables are known as complex views. DML operations
can be done on these views through triggers only.

Views are created using CREATE VIEW statement and modified using

Inline views are named subqueries (a subquery with an alias) written in

the FROM clause. The named subquery defines the source of data for the
main SELECT statement. TOP-N analysis can be performed using Inline

Constraints can be applied on views using WITH CHECK options and READ
ONLY clauses.

Information regarding Views can be fetched using USER_VIEWS data

dictionary view.

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Lab Exercise

Create a view vwDept50EmpDetails to display the following of employees

belonging to department number 50:
First name and last names concatenated together and named as
Job IDs
Retrieve the contents of the view. The view should display the contents as
shown below.


Create a view vwDeptSalaryDetails to display the maximum, minimum, and

average salaries of each department. The view should display the results as

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Make the following modifications to vwDept50EmpDetails:

Include the department number in the view
Ensure that any attempt to reassign an employee to any other
department through the view fails
After making the modifications, try and update the department number of
employee ID to 120. What error message do you get?


Create a view vwEmpDetails, which should display the following:

Employee first name and last name concatenated and given an alias
Department name
Job title
City name
Country name
Region name

Ensure that no DML operations can be performed on the view.

The view should display the result as shown below.

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Retrieve the view name and view text of vwDept50EmpDetails,

vwDeptSalaryDetails and vwEmpDetails views from USER_VIEWS data
dictionary view.
[Hint: For better readability, use the iSQL*Plus SET LONG n, where n is the
number of characters of the LONG column you would want to see]


Create an inline view to display the last name, department number, salary
and average salary for all those employees who earn a salary less than the
average salary in their respective departments.
On querying the view, the following result should be displayed:


Write a query to display the last names and salaries of the top 10 salary
earners. The query should display the following result:

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Chapter 15

Other Database Objects

Types of Indexes
B-Tree Index
Bitmap Index
Working With Indexes
Index Organized Tables

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
State the need for Indexes
Use Indexes
Define the role of Sequences
Use Sequences
Use Synonyms

When you request for a particular row of data, the server does a full table search and
when the requested row is found, it is retrieved and displayed. The process of full
table scan takes a lot of time and also uses up a lot of the system resources. To
quicken the process, you can create an index. An index is a database object with
which you can increase the speed of data retrieval.
Following are the uses of indexes:
Indexes ensure that all data in a column with an index is unique.
Indexes ensure faster retrieval of data.

Creation of Indexes
Indexes are created to enforce integrity constraints for uniqueness. Indexes are
created either:
Automatic Creation
Automatic indexes are called so, because the Oracle server creates them. These
indexes are created when a table with a column having the primary key or the
unique key constraint, has been created. When the constraint and its supporting
index is created and the column values are put into it, the index takes its name after
the constraint. In case you do not name the constraint when creating the table, the
system gives the index a name like SYS_28349240. Automatic indexes are created
basically to enforce the uniqueness check. The difference between an index created
with the primary key and that with a unique constraint index is that the former does
not allow NULL values and the latter does.

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There could be requirements in a database for indexes other than the ones that are
automatically created. These need to be created manually.
Manual Creation
Manual indexes are created using the CREATE INDEX statement. They are not
different from the indexes that are created automatically. The only way you can
differentiate an automatically created index from a manually created one is from its
name. You would follow some naming convention of your own to name the index you
create. For example, an index of a primary key in the Member table of the library
database could be called idxMemberPK. The Oracle server follows its own
conventions for naming indexes.
The syntax for creating an index is as follows: [This is not the complete syntax. It is
dealt in depth later in this topic.]
CREATE INDEX <index_name>
ON <table_name> (column[, column]);
index_name is the name you assign to the index you are creating.
table_name is the name of the table whose column you are attempting to index.
column is the name of the column in the table you are trying to index.
You can create non-unique indexes to speed up the accessing of rows. For instance,
the library desk officer has to frequently query the Book table to retrieve books
based on their author names. To speed up the access time, the database developer
could create an index on the author name column using CREATE INDEX statement as
CREATE INDEX idxAuthorName
ON Book (cAuthorName);
On successful creation of the index, you get the following message:
Index created.

Types of Indexes
The types of indexes available are:

B-tree index
Bit-map index
Non Unique Index
Compressed Index
Function-based index

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B-Tree Index
B-tree is the traditional index of the Oracle database and is based on a complex
algorithm of sorting. Data in a B-tree is stored in a top to bottom manner resembling
an inverted tree. This kind of data storage is based on the binary search tree
concept. The highest level of the data store is called the root-node and is depicted on
top of the inverted tree. The data is in a sort of a list and is arranged in a layered
and branching manner.

When the values are stored in this manner the data does not have to be searched in
a sequential manner, which is time consuming. It is suggested that data should be
stored in this manner when the column has many distinct values or when the column
is unique.
The B-tree consists of branch nodes, leaf nodes and data blocks.
The algorithm of a B-tree is as follows:
1. Data is stored in the form of a list with the midpoint of the list as the rootnode. Each sections midpoint is in turn made the next level and so on.
2. The data to be searched is compared with the values at the midpoint. If the
value is greater, then the values below the midpoint are eliminated. If the search
value is lower than the midpoint value, the values above the midpoint are
3. This process is performed with every successive section and its midpoint, till
the value is found.

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Nodes store certain important information referred to as ROWID. This stores

information about the row location of the value on the disk. These are pointers to the
data values.
Data is stored in an order and the NULL values if any are not indexed. Multiple data
blocks are read at a time enabling faster scan of data. Rows of data are found by
traversing the branches of the tree and scanning the leaf blocks. If the search
required more columns, then the data block is accessed.

Let us take an example to understand B-Tree Index better.

From the above tree structure if we want to find the value of 45, we start from the
top of the tree and move towards the right. We would read the block and find that
we should go to the block in the range less than 50 to 40. This block will be the leaf
block and point to the rows containing the number 45. Note that the blocks in the
leaf nodes are doubly linked. This would help us in solving range scans because all
we need to do is to identify where to start in the leaf node and once its found doing
an ordered scan of values is very easy.
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For example,
To solve the query,
SELECT * from <table name>
where x between 20 and 30;
Oracle will simply find the index block that contains 20 and from there the scanning
goes horizontally till 30. Here the advantage is that it does not have to navigate
through the entire tree structure again.

A bitmap index is structured like a matrix where the data value in a table column is
shown in columns along one axis of the matrix. The other axis contains the ROWIDs.
Every value is represented in one column; hence if a column in a table has too many
distinct values the index will become larger. Therefore, this kind of index is best
applied to a table where there are as few distinct values (also referred as low
cardinality columns) as possible.

Indexes are also classified as unique and non-unique depending on the data that
they store.

Consider the Member table in the Library example explained in this book. Two
columns are ideal candidates for bitmap index namely cMaritalstatus (Only Y/N) and
cGrade (A/B/C/D).


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Once the bitmap index is created on CMARITALSTATUS, Oracle will store
something like the following table.

Considering bitmap index being created for Cgrade the structure would be

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In the first row marital status is N so the bit N is 1, in the third row the marital
status is Y so the bit is 1 and the value for N is 0 so the bit is 0 and so on.
In the Bitmap index of cGrade, first row is C so the bit Corresponding is 1.
Similarly, in the 5th row, the value for grade is D; hence, it is equivalent bit in
column D is 1.
Consider a query,
SELECT count(*)
FROM Member
WHERE cmarital status = N AND Cgrade IN(C,B);
The above query involves the bitmap of N, C and B. While processing, the bitmap
N C and B will be taken as












The result of OR operator combined with AND is calculated to fetch the final

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From the Bitmap result there are 5 records satisfying the condition, because there
are 5 ones (1) in the result set.

As discussed earlier, the server creates unique indexes automatically, when a column
of a table is set with the unique or primary key constraint. The structure of a unique
index is a B-tree.
The non-unique index is manually created on a column, which is most frequently
used for queries. The data in the column may contain duplicate values. This could be
an index on a foreign key column of a table.
Compressed Index
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This type of index saves the disk storage by storing the repeated portion of the
column value (Key), just once, depending on the degree of compression. There are a
lot of real applications that can use this type of index effectively.
Consider an application which maintains a table for storing object details created for
an application like owner, object type and object name. Whenever new objects are
created it gets a new entry in the table. When application wants to retrieve that
information it can have a compressed index, which saves lot of space in the disk.
Considering the three columns mentioned above the data would be something like
An uncompressed index for the above data would be like the sample data above,
which is a concatenated index on all the three columns.
For a compressed index with a degree of compression 1 it will be
In this case the storage would be,

The above Index would definitly occupy less space ,since the key (username) is
stored only once.

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Function-Based Index
Another kind of index is a function-based index. This index is created based on the
expression used in the SELECT statement or other DDL statements.
This query helps you to use the index to search for data rather than do an entire
table scan. To ensure this, you need to specify the WHERE clause with the condition
that the column of the values of the expression does not contain a NULL. If you do
not specify the clause, the server may scan the entire table.
For instance, the following query could have been implemented with a complete table
scan if the WHERE clause was not specified:
SELECT * FROM Transaction
Prior to Oracle9i, all the columns used in the function-based index had to be declared
NOT NULL. But from the 9i release, even if the expression contains a NULL value, the
built-in operators recognize them as NOT NULL and give a result that is NOT NULL.
Therefore, the function-based index will contain NOT NULL values and the index-only
scan can be performed on it.

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Working with Indexes

Using an index involves creating it and following some guidelines to do so. There can
be some negative consequences if a table has too many indexes. You should be able
to manipulate the index and perform tasks related to maintaining all the indexes in a

Creating an Index
The process of creating an index comes into picture when you need to create it
manually. Unique and primary indexes are automatically created by the system when
the respective constraints are set on table columns. These indexes can also be
manually created by using the CREATE INDEX statement. You need to specify the
type of index to be created with the CREATE INDEX statement. For instance, the
syntax to create a unique index is as follows:
ON <table name> (column_name);
CREATE INDEX is the key word to create the index
UNIQUE is the keyword that specifies that a unique index is to be created
<index name> is a name for the index
<table name> is the table on which the index is to be created.
column_name is the name of the column on which the index has to be created
For example, for faster retrieval of data from the NonMember table, you can create
a unique index on the nSerialNo column as follows:
ON NonMember(nSerialNo);
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Index created.
You can also create an index:
On more than one column thus creating a composite index
Of bitmap type by using the BITMAP keyword instead of UNIQUE
However, creating an index is not very easy. You need to think about query
performance, database performance and size and requirement of the indexes to be
created. An index is needed to be created according to the requirements of a table.
You need to decide when to create a B-tree index and when to create a bitmap
index. If you create many indexes on a table it does not imply that the data retrieval
speed increases. On the contrary, any manipulations to the table data needs to be
reflected on the indexes and this could be a time taking process.
Some points to help you decide when it is best to create indexes are given below:
A particular column (or columns) is frequently used in the WHERE clause of a
SELECT statement or in a JOIN condition.
The column holds a large range of values or a large number of NULLS.
The table is of a large size and the result set of a query is less than 2-4 % of
the rows in the table.
There are some cases, like the following, where creating an index may not prove to
be useful:
If the table in question is small in size
If the columns of a table are not frequently used in a query
If the result set of a query is expected to be about 2-4 % of the rows in the
If the table requires frequent updates. In this case, every time the table is
updated all the indexes on the table need to be updated too.

Altering an Index
You cannot make many changes to an existing index directly. If you want to change
the structure of an index, you need to first remove the index completely and
recreate it with the new specifications.
View Index Structure
You can check if there are any indexes that have been created. Whether created
manually or automatically, all indexes are stored in the database with their structure
definition. You can confirm the existence of the indexes in a database by using the
USER_IND_COLUMNS. The information stored in this data dictionary is the name of
the index, the column name on which the index is created and the table name.

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The ALL_INDEXES data dictionary view contains information about the storage of
indexes. The names of the tables of the indexes are also stored. The USER_INDEXES
data dictionary view displays the names of indexes and the type of index it is (that
is, its uniqueness).
Using the data dictionary views, confirm the creation of your indexes.

SELECT ic.Index_Name, ic.Column_Name, ic.Column_Position col_pos,

FROM USER_INDEXES ui, User_Ind_Columns ic
WHERE ic.Index_Name = ui.Index_Name
AND ui.Table_Name IN (NonMember,Book);
The above SELECT statement displays the following result:














Removing Indexes
Once indexes are created and if the users no longer require them, they can be
deleted. You can remove an index by using the DROP INDEX command. When an
index is dropped, it is removed from the data dictionaries and indexed searches are
no longer performed on the database. If the index was based on a constraint like
UNIQUE, then it will not enforce the constraint. The syntax for removing the index is:
DROP INDEX <index_name>
The unique index that you created on the NonMember table can be deleted as
Index dropped.
You can verify if the index is deleted by viewing the USER_INDEXES data dictionary
SELECT index_name
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The above statement displays:
no rows selected.

Index Organized Tables

Each row in a table has a physical location with a unique ROWID assigned to it. As
long as the row exists, its physical ROWID does not change. When you create an
index on a table, the index contains both the column data and the ROWID, and the
index is stored in a memory location separate from the table. As a result, the column
values are repeated, thereby causing redundancy. Secondly, each query that uses
the index increases the I/O operation of following a ROWID back to table data.
Therefore, in Oracle8, concept of Index Organized Tables (IOTs) was introduced.
Index Organized Tables are tables, where the index is created and stored within the
table. Compared to an ordinary table, an IOT has its own way of structuring, storing
and indexing data. A row in an IOT does not have a permanent physical address and
can move across data blocks when new rows are inserted.
An IOT is implicitly indexed on the primary key. The table data is sorted in order of
the B-tree index, which is created on the primary key of the table. The IOTs provide
fast access to table data for queries involving exact match or range search based on
a primary key. It also reduces storage requirements as the indexed column values
are not duplicated in both the table and the index and no additional storage is
needed for ROWIDs.
Index Organized Tables are ideal for the following kinds of applications:
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Internet (search engines and portals)
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Data Warehousing
Time-series applications
The syntax to create an Index Organized Table includes an additional

The following command creates an IOT StudentDetails, with studentID as primary

key column:
CREATE TABLE StudentDetails
(studentID CHAR(2), studentName VARCHAR(40),
courseID CHAR(2), marksTot NUMBER(4),
CONSTRAINT student_c_pk PRIMARY KEY (studentID))
Table created.
The ORGANIZATION INDEX clause indicates that the table should be an IOT.
Do queries fail to use index?
Yes, in some cases queries fail to use an index. Let us see some cases here.
Case 1:
If the indexed column is mentioned along with a function, the index usage will be
For example:
This results in Full Table Scan (FTS). This is because, we have indexed on
cFirstName column not on UPPER (cFirstName).
N.B : We can index the function if we choose to do it using Function Based Index.
Case 2:
The indexed column, cPhone has numeric data. But since no calculations are done on
it, it is defined as a character column.
When a query is given with a following syntax,
SELECT * FROM Member WHERE cPhone=9600102033;
Note that the phone number is not given in single quotes, so while processing,
Oracle will process it as shown below.
SELECT * FROM Member WHERE TO_NUMBER(cPhone)=9600102033;
Hence, it will not use the index.
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How do we check the usage of the Index?

In order to check the usage of the index for a given query, developers can use a
statement as a tool known as EXPLAIN PLAN to determine the execution path of an
SQL statement.
The Execution plan is stored in a TABLE called PLAN_TABLE whose structure is
described below.
The structure of the table will be shown as:



Syntax for using EXPLAIN PLAN:

EXPLAIN PLAN FOR <statement>;
Case 1.
Consider querying from the Member table with out any index.
In order to get the formatted output of the execution plan, run the following script.
SQL> @<Oracle_home>\RDBMS\admin\utlxpls
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------------------Plan hash value: 3441279308

---------------------------------------| Id | Operation
| Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time
-----------------------------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT |
| 2 | 24 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 24 | 3 (0) | 00:00:01|
-------------------------------------------------------------------Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
-------------------------------------------1 - filter(CAREA=Allenbury)
17 rows selected.

The above plan indicates that FULL access is done on the Member table.
We can also see the COST of executing the statement (COST=3), expected number
of rows to be returned and how many bytes of output will be returned.

Case 2.
Let us create an index on the cArea column and re-execute the SQL statement.

SQL> CREATE INDEX myindex ON Member(cArea);

Index created.
3 SELECT cArea FROM Member WHERE cArea=Allenbury;
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SQL> @<Oracle_home>\RDBMS\admin\utlxpls.sql
-------------------------------Plan hash value: 1648515940
--------------------------------------| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | BytesCos(%CPU)| Time |
-------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT |
| 2 | 24 | 1 (0) |00:00:01 |
INDEX RANGE SCAN|MYINDEX | 2 | 24 | 1 (0) | 00:00:01 |

|* 1 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

------------------------------------1 - access(CAREA=Allenbury)
17 rows selected.

Here the output very clearly shows that the query uses index access (MYINDEX).
Note that the cost of executing the statement (COST=1) is much less here compared
to the previous case.

A sequence is a database object used to automatically generate sequential integers
for primary key columns.
Sequences generate and store numbers, which are not dependent on any particular
table. Hence, sequences can be applied to any table that requires a unique identifier
for each row.
The purposes of generating sequences are:
The integer values are automatically generated by an internal Oracle server
routine and therefore, time is saved that would have been otherwise required
to write a sequence generating application code.
Sequences that are generated are independent of any table. Therefore,
multiple users can use the same sequence.
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Sequences are most commonly used to populate those primary keys that are not
used for accessing data stored in tables. This is because there are drawbacks
associated with generating sequences to populate primary key columns.
For example, the IDs assigned to members, help to identify them as being unique
from one another. But if these unique IDs are created by sequences, they could
result in some gaps in the sequential values generated, thereby rendering the
primary key values meaningless.
These gaps in sequences result in the following circumstances:
If inserting sequence-generated values into the primary key column fails, the
statement gets rolled back and the number is lost.
If there is a system crash while generating sequential numbers, the number is

As the same sequence can be used for multiple tables, each table will have
different values for their primary keys. For example, sqSerialNo sequence is
used for inserting ten rows into the Book table. By doing so, its primary key
would have the values from 1 to 10. Later, if the same sequence were used to
insert ten rows into the Member table, its primary key would have values
beginning from 11 to 21. This shows that any subsequent use of the same
sequence by the Book or the Member table would generate different value

Using Sequences
You can create sequences based on some rules and clauses. These help the
sequences to generate unique integers in a special order. You can also ensure that
their performance is optimized.

Creating Sequences
The syntax to create a sequence is as follows:
sequence is the name of the sequence that will generate the numbers.
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START WITH n is the first value that the sequence generates.

INCREMENT BY n is the value with which each integer of the sequence will be
incremented. If you do not specify a value the default incrementing value is 1.
MAXVALUE n is the value that is the highest integer to be generated by the
sequence. If you do not want a maximum limit you can use the NOMAXVALUE
NOMAXVALUE is 10^27 in ascending and 1 for descending sequences. The latter
figure is the default value.
MINVALUE n is the value that is the lowest integer to be generated by the sequence.
You can use the NOMINVALUE option if you do not want to specify any minimum
value. This value is 1 in case of an ascending value and 10^27 in case of
descending value.
CYCLE | NOCYCLE allows you to specify if you want the sequence to continue
generating numbers after reaching the maximum or minimum values. The numbers
generated are recycled. For instance if the minimum value is 1 and the maximum is
10 and you specify CYCLE then the 11th number will be 1 and so on.
Specify NOCYCLE if you do not want the numbers to continue being generated.
CACHE n | NOCACHE respectively is specified if you want or do not want some values
to be pre-allocated and stored in memory by the server. By default 20 values are
The syntax clearly shows that there are many rules available that allow developers to
define how the sequence numbers are to be generated.
For instance, the library database developer decides to create a sequence that
generates serial numbers, which could be made use of by any user for any table. The
following code illustrates the creation of this sequence:
On the successful execution of the above code, you get the following message:
Sequence created.
Viewing Sequence Information
Like other database objects, information about sequences is also stored in the
system in a data dictionary.

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You can view and confirm the information on the structure of a sequence by using
the USER_SEQUENCES data dictionary.
The structure of USER_SEQUENCES can be verified by issuing the DESCRIBE





















You can retrieve the minimum and the maximum values specified for the sequences,
along with their incremental values by querying USER_SEQUENCES as shown below.
Displays the following result:
------------- --------- --------- ------------ ----------SQSERIALNO

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After you have created a sequence, you need to be able to view the values in it. To
query data from tables with sequences, use the CURRVAL and the NEXTVAL
keywords. These keywords represent virtual columns or pseudocolumns.
The NEXTVAL pseudocolumn retrieves the next available sequence number from a
specified sequence. The CURRVAL pseudocolumn returns the current sequence value
that gets generated by NEXTVAL. But to extract the values that NEXTVAL and
CURRVAL return, you need to reference them in a SELECT statement issued against
the DUAL table.
NEXTVAL and CURRVAL are referenced in the SELECT statement by prefixing them
with the sequence name.
When you pass the command sequence.NEXTVAL, a new number is generated and
the current number is stored in CURRVAL. sequence.CURRVAL displays the number
that was last returned to the user.

When you access NEXTVAL, the value in CURRVAL is the accessed value of NEXTVAL
and the previous value in CURRVAL is lost.
The values are generated according to some rules that are set when developing the
Given below is a list of restrictions on sequences:
You can only display data from the pseudocolumns and not insert data into
Avoid using the pseudocolumns in an INSERT and UPDATE triggers. This
action causes the session in which the trigger has been fired to end
You cannot use them when selecting from a view.
SELECT statements with the DISTINCT keyword, GROUP BY, HAVING or
ORDER BY clauses cannot include these columns.
They cannot be referenced in a DEFAULT expression in a CREATE TABLE or
ALTER TABLE statement.
You can, however, reference these values in:


SELECT list of a SELECT statement, which is not part of a subquery

SELECT list in a subquery used in an INSERT statement
VALUES clause in an INSERT statement
SET clause of an UPDATE statement

The New Jersey Central Library maintains a table to store details of non-members,
that is, those, whose membership has been terminated either due to failure in
returning borrowed books after repeated reminders, or those who have terminated
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the membership on their own will. The sequence sqSerialNo can therefore be used
for the purpose of inserting rows into the NonMember table as shown below.
INSERT INTO NonMember (nSerialNo, cMemberID,
cFirstName, cLastName, cPhone,dMembershipDt)

1 row created.
To view the current value issue the following statement:
Some points that you need to remember while using sequences:
You can access the sequence values faster by caching the values. When a
reference is made to the sequence, some values are put into memory.
values are retrieved from the cache each time it is requested.
Once the values in cache are over, the next request for a sequence value
causes another set of values to be cached.
Gaps in a sequence are not advisable. Sequences are generated in a
sequential manner, but incase a ROLLBACK is done, the value is lost. In the
event of a system crash the values in cache are lost. Sequences can be used
for more than one table and thus in such a case gaps in the sequences will be
seen in each table that it is used.
You can view the next value in a sequence without incrementing it, even if
you specified NOCAHCE while creating the sequence.

Manipulating Sequences
You have seen that you can alter a table in case you want to change the definition of
some column. Similarly, you can also change the definition of a sequence.
In case you want to increase the maximum value of the sequence, you can change
its definition to include a higher value.
The syntax do so is:
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The syntax is the same as that for creating the sequence, but the name used is the
name of the sequence already created and needing modification. You can change any
parameter of a sequence except the START WITH parameter.
Some points to remember when modifying a sequence are:
You need to be the owner of the sequence and have the right to alter it.
You need to be careful when changing a sequence as the future values
generated are the ones that are affected by the change.

If you want to change the starting value of the sequence then you need to
drop and recreate the sequence as this value cannot be changed using the ALTER
SEQUENCE statement.
Care must be taken to ensure not to reset the maximum value to a value
lower than the current sequence number.
Suppose you have reached the maximum value specified for the sequence
sqSerialNo, then the sequence stops generating any additional numbers and
displays an error stating that the sequence has surpassed the MAXVALUE. If
however, you wish to continue using the sequence, then you need to modify it. But
while modifying, if you specify a maximum value lower than the current sequence
number generated, you would encounter an error. To view the error, issue the
following ALTER SEQUENCE statement:




Error at line 1:
ORA-04009: MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value.

Dropping a sequence

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You can delete a sequence from the data dictionary by using the DROP SEQUENCE
The syntax is:
If the purpose for which the sequence was created has been accomplished, you can
remove it.

You now know how to create various database objects such as tables, views, indexes
and sequences. However, when it comes to accessing these objects owned by some
other users, then you need to prefix the object names with the names of their
owners. This proves to be quite cumbersome especially when the names are lengthy.
Hence, an object known as synonyms, which simplifies the accessing of objects
owned by other users can be created.
Synonyms enable the users to provide alternative names to objects and thereby do
away with the need to prefix object names with their owners name. The syntax to
give another name to an object is as follows:
CREATE [PUBLIC] SYNONYM <synonym_name>
FOR <object_name>;
PUBLIC specifies that the synonym created can be accessed by all users.
synonym_name is the alternative name given to the desired object.

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object_name specifies the object (table, view, sequences or indexes) for which a
synonym is to be created.
Using Synonyms
Synonyms are of two kinds, PUBLIC and PRIVATE. Owners of database objects create
private synonyms, especially when their objects have lengthy names, which make
them difficult to remember. For instance, Lisa may decide to create a synonym for
the vwRandolphBook view created by her. To do so, she would create the following
private synonym:


FOR vwRandolphBook;
The following message is displayed on successful creation of the sequence:
Synonym created.

Only the user DBA creates a public synonym, so that it could be accessible to all
users. For example, the user DBA decides to create a public synonym for Brads
NonMember table as follows:
FOR Brad.NonMember;
After creating a synonym, the user or the user DBA could drop it using the DROP
SYNONYM statement. However, only the user DBA can drop a public synonym as
Synonym dropped.
Issuing this statement removes the synonym from the database.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:

An index is a database object with which you can increase the speed of data
retrieval. Indexes are created automatically when Primary key or Unique key
constraints are added to the table. Indexes can also be created manually.

The different types of Indexes are:

B-tree index, Bit-map index, Unique index, Non Unique Index, Compressed
Index, Function-based index.

EXPLAIN PLAN statement helps us to know the execution details of a

particular statement.

Sequence is a database object used to generate automatic numbers.

Pseudocolumn NEXTVAL and CURRVAL are used to generate a sequence. A newly
created sequence should be first invoked with NEXTVAL. To check the current
generated value, use the CURRVAL pseudocolumn.
Once a sequence generates a number, it cannot be rolled back. Also, we
cannot use the START WITH clause in the ALTER statement of a sequence.

Synonyms are database objects used to give alternative names to the exisit

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Lab Exercise
Create a sequence that can be used with primary key column of the new_dept
table. The sequence should start with 200 and have a maximum value of 1000.
Name the sequence as NEW_DEPT_ID_SEQ and the sequence should increment by
Display the information about your sequence- the sequence name, maximum value,
increment size and the last number.


Insert three rows into the new_dept table. Use the sequence you created for
the deptID column. Add three departments namely, Marketing,
Administration and Education. Confirm whether the rows have been inserted


Create an index on the foreign key column of the new_emp table.


Display the indexes and the uniqueness that exist in data dictionary table for
the new_emp table.

Create a synonym for the new_dept table.

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Chapter 16

Data Dictionary Views

Structure of Dictionary Views
Purpose of the Dictionary Views

Querying Data Dictionary Views

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Understand available Data dictionaries in Oracle
Query Data dictionary Views
Understand Dynamic Performance Views v$

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Data Dictionary
A Data Dictionary is nothing but a set of read only tables that provides information
about its associated database. It provides information for all types of users right
from end users to administrators. It indirectly gets updated under the influence of a
DML or DDL Operation. There are hundreds of data dictionary tables and views.
These views are built on underlying base tables such as SYS.TAB$.
The static data dictionary views contain information about database objects such as tables,
indexes and procedures. They are called static because the contents of the views change only
when DDL operations are executed. For example, a row is added to the USER_TABLES view
when any user successfully executes a CREATE TABLE statement. (There are also dynamic
views, which we will discuss later in this chapter.)
There are three types of static views:
1. USER_
2. ALL_
3. DBA_
USER_ level views contain information about the current users objects.
ALL_ level views contain information about the users objects and objects in other schemas that
the user has some privilege on.
DBA_ level views are accessed by administrators.

Characteristics of Data Dictionaries

Following are some of the characteristics of Data Dictionaries:

Cannot be shared across Database(DB)

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Describe the database and objects contained in it

Can be accessible with simple SELECT
Maintained by the Oracle server
Read only
Contains Base tables and Data dictionary views
A Base table is an internal table, which is automatically created during Database creation. Only
Oracle server has the privilege to write it. An example of the base table is the IND$ table, which
gets populated while creating indexes for application development.

Data Dictionary Contents

The tables and views provided by the data dictionary contain information about:

Entire Database structure

Tables and indexes

Integrity Constraints

User Information

Privileges granted on database objects

Usage Of Data Dictionaries

Data dictionaries are primarily used for Object resolution during any SQL OR PL/SQL operation.
For example,
SELECT * FROM Member WHERE nAge>6;
requires a verification, whether
(1) The table Member exists
(2) The user has the privilege to access this table
(3) The column nAge has been defined for this table etc.
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List of Data Dictionary Views

The following SQL command
lists all tables and views of the data dictionary that are accessible to the user. The
selected information includes the name and a short description of each table and
view. Before issuing this query, check the column definitions of DICT[IONARY] using
and set the appropriate values for column using the format command.


This holds the information of the objects created by the user.

USER_TABLES: All tables with their name, number of columns, information,
statistical information etc. (TABS)
USER_COL_COMMENTS: Comments on columns
USER_CONSTRAINTS: Constraint definitions for tables
USER_INDEXES: All information about indexes created for tables
USER_OBJECTS: All database objects owned by the user
USER_TAB_COLUMNS : All Columns of the tables and views owned by the user

USER_TAB_COMMENTS: Comments on tables and views.

USER_TRIGGERS: Triggers defined by the user

views defined by the user


Rows in the ALL views include rows of the USER views and all information about
objects that are accessible to the current user. The structure of these views is
analogous to the structure of the USER views.
ALL_CATALOG: owner, name and types of all accessible tables, views and synonyms
ALL_TABLES: owner and name of all accessible tables
ALL_OBJECTS: owner, type and name of accessible database objects


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The DBA views encompass information about all database objects, regardless of the
owner. Only users with DBA privileges can access these views.
DBA_TABLES: tables of all users in the database

: tables, views, and synonyms defined in the database

: object of all users

DBA_DATA FILES: information about data rules

DBA_USERS: information about all users known in the database
Following is an illustration to use a Data Dictionary View:


Object_type can be any of the database objects like table, Index, views, synonym,
sequence or any objects created in PL/SQL programming like procedures, functions
or triggers etc.
Created indicates the date of creating the object. Note that a conversion function
to_char can be used to get the time.
Status indicates whether it is a valid database object or not. Invalid status requires
recompilation in certain PL/SQL objects.
Note: A view would become invalid, if the underlying base table undergoes any
structural change.
Below is the output of the above query.

------------------45 rows selected.

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Commenting a Table Or Column

A table or a column in a table can be provided with comments up to 2000 bytes in
10g. These are registered primarily in 4 data dictionaries for future reference





In addition to these, there is a dictionary called


used only by the DBA.

To add a comment on the table issue the following command.
COMMENT ON TABLE Member IS To maintain library member information;
This comment will be recorded in USER_TAB_COMMENTS
Dynamic Performance Views V$
These views are virtual tables in which the Oracle server records all the activities
happening in a database dynamically. This will reside only in memory and will not
occupy any space in any of the schema.

V$ views are handled only by administrators to get information such as:

Is the database open?
Is there any session hanging?
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Is the database performance optimal?

Trouble shooting related information.
Examples of V$VIEWS are:
V$SESSION: To know the details of a list of users connected to the database.
V$SGA: Information regarding Memory
V$DATAFILE: List of Datafiles that belong to the database.
There are thousands of dynamic performance views available in Oracle.

In this chapter, you have learnt that:

A data dictionary is nothing but a set of read only tables that provides
information about its associated database. It indirectly gets updated under the
influence of a
DML or DDL Operation.

Views created on these Data dictionary tables are accessed by the users for
retrieving metadata information.

A Data dictionary view can be a static view or a dynamic view. Static views
are USER_,(having specific user related information) ALL_,( owned as well as
accessible objects information) DBA_(all information accessed by DBA) and
dynamic views are V$.(information related to your database)

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Lab Exercise
1. Write a query to check the available tables in your schema.
2. Write a query to see the different objects created in your schema.
3. Display the object names and types from the USER_OBJECTS data dictionary
view for the New_Emp and New_Dept tables.
4. Add a comment on the Employees table and view it.
5. Can you access DBA related tables in your schema. If no, what errors do you

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Chapter 17

Security Implementation
Introduction to user access control
Security Model of the Database
Creating users
Granting system privileges
Creating and Managing roles
Granting object privileges
Query Data Dictionary View for privileges
Revoking object privileges

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Identify the security requirements of a database
Identify the database system privileges
Create Database Users
Change User password for security
Create roles to grant privileges to users
Grant and revoke object privileges

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Introduction to User Access Control

Organizations started using databases due to the huge amounts of data and the
functional requirements of accessing the data frequently. But another aspect of
organizations is the number of people working there who would access the database
regularly. Just as it is important for a bank to keep its money safe with just one or
two people permitted to access it, similarly each organizations data is critical to
them and needs to be handled by the right people. With hundreds of people in the
organization accessing the database, security of the database becomes an important
issue for the administrators to concentrate on.

Methods of Controlling User Access

There are various methods by which you can control the user access on the
database. They are:

Setting system privileges

Creating roles for users to restrict database access

Setting object privileges

Changing passwords assigned to users

Granting and revoking object privileges

Creating synonyms for database transparency

Security Model of the Database

Security for the Oracle database is divided into two parts. The first part is the
password security provided by the operating system or the Oracle server. The other
security model is controlling the access users have to database objects.
A database administrator (DBA) or the security administrator for the organization is
responsible for the security of the databases. For organizations that are large and
work with highly critical data, it is better to have one person dedicated to implement
security for the database.

The right to execute particular SQL statements is referred to as privilege(s). The
DBA, who is the high-level user, has the power to grant access to the database and
its objects, to the users.
To gain access to the database, users require system privileges and to manipulate
the content of the objects within the database, they require object privileges.

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System Privileges
System privileges are certain rights and restrictions that are implemented on the
database, so that you can control the access, people have to the database.
There are over 100 system privileges available. System privileges are provided
typically by the DBA. A few of the typical DBA privileges are listed below.
DBA System Privileges

Once a DBA creates a user, the DBA can assign specific system privileges to the
user. These are known as user system privileges. A few of the typical user privileges
are listed below.
User System Privileges

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Creating Users
The first task that needs to be done is to allow the users to access the database.
Only then, will you be able to implement control on their access. To allow people to
use the database, you need to create users, as are understood by the database. All
personnel who have access to use the database will have a different name and
password assigned to them.
You can create users by using the CREATE USER command. The syntax is:
IDENTIFIED BY <{password | externally}>;
User is the name you want to give the user
Externally is specified when you want the system and database log on to be the
same. In this case you need not give a password and when you log on to your
machine, you will get connected to the database server without specifying the
username and password.
Password allows the user to access the database by giving the password specified.
An example of creating a user with a password is:
User created.
A password is a secret character string, known only to the user. Passwords are set
after a user account is created. At first, users are given a default password. They can
change it with the following statement.
User altered.
You could also use the PASSWORD command to change the password.
The PASSWORD command, when typed, prompts the user for the old password, the
new password and confirmation of the new password.
The password security does not allow too many attempts in case you have forgotten
your password and the account may be locked. It is a good practice to change your
password regularly but not too often. When you change your passwords ensure you
maintain a history of your passwords so that you do not reuse an old one. There is
also a feature that allows you to set the maximum and minimum size of a password.
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The expiry of passwords depends on the profile assigned to your account. Profiles
determine the following:

Time period for which a password holds good

Grace period given to change the password

Number of attempts to log on to your account after which the account is


Number of days the account is locked

Number of days and other passwords to be used before reusing a password

Granting System Privileges to Users

System privileges are given with the GRANT command. The syntax is as follows:
GRANT privilege [, privilege]
TO user [, user | role, PUBLIC];
privilege is the system privilege to be granted
user | role is the name of the user or role
PUBLIC specifies that every user is granted the privilege
User Lisa (created in the previous section) could be granted the user system
privileges as follows:
Grant succeeded.

A System privilege that is granted with the WITH ADMIN OPTION clause can be
passed on to other users by the grantee. SYSTEM privileges granted with the WITH
ADMIN OPTION clause are NOT revoked when the grantors privilege is revoked.

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In the event of DBA revoking the privilege from user1,



user2 still enjoys the

So far you have created a user account for Lisa and given her some system
permissions. You may create many such user accounts for all the personnel in the
organization and give them privileges. But when the size of the database and the
organization increases, it will be difficult to manage all the user accounts and the
privileges. This makes management of database security more critical. Hence, to
make this easier you can create roles.
Creating Roles for Database Access
A role is the functional part, one plays. For example, an actor or actress performs a
role in movies or a person of an organization plays a role like those of a finance
manager or marketing executive among many others. When used in relation to a
database a role means the same. Many privileges can be grouped under a particular
role. This enables easy management of privileges. Roles are also used as virtual
The activities you need to perform to start using roles are:
1. Identifying the similar privileges and grouping them together.
2. Grouping together the various users of the database according to their usage
3. Create the role.
4. Grant the identified set of privileges to the role.
5. Grant the role to the identified group of users.
The syntax for creating a role is:
CREATE ROLE <role_name>;
role_name is the name assigned to the role to be created.
Just as a user name is created with password protection, a role can also be created
with password protection. For example,
CREATE ROLE MktAnalysis IDENTIFIED BY analyzemarket;
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Role created.
The DBA can now assign privileges to the role MktAnalysis using the GRANT
statement as follows:
Grant succeeded.
The above role MktAnalysis can now be assigned by the DBA to users using the
GRANT statement as follows:
GRANT MktAnalysis TO Lisa, Maria;
Grant succeeded.
To assign roles to users, you need to classify the users based on the activities they
perform and the privileges they require to perform these activities. Hence based on
these, the roles will be granted privileges.
The three default roles are:

CONNECT: Enables the users to connect to the database and access data.
This role is not assigned the privilege to create tables in the database. The
privileges of this role can be further controlled by giving specific rights on
tables with different owners and specifying whether the role can perform a
query, an insert, update or delete on the tables.

RESOURCE: A role assigned to those users who use the database more
regularly. A user with this role has the right to create database objects.

DBA: A role with the highest privileges. The database administrator is

responsible for giving and revoking the system privileges from other users
and roles. There are two kinds of privileges, DBA and system. DBA privileges
are available with the DBA role and system privileges are meant for a DBA
user. A DBA also has the rights to export and import the database. For this
they are given the roles of EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE.

Managing Roles
You can alter a role using the ALTER ROLE IDENTIFIED BY statement. You can also
delete a role using the DROP ROLE statement. When you drop a role, the user
belonging to that role will not have any of the privileges that were attached to the
role. To be able to perform these activities you need to have the CREATE ANY ROLE,
ALTER ANY ROLE and DROP ANY ROLE privileges. Privileges can be revoked from a
role as is done for users using the REVOKE statement.
By default, roles are enabled and would have to be disabled explicitly if required.
When a role is to be assigned to a user, the required role should be enabled. The
ALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE statement needs to be implemented if you want to
change the status of the role for a user in any of the following ways:
ALTER USER lisa DEFAULT ROLE mktanalysis, statdata;

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Object Privileges
Once you create an object in a database, there might be situations where the object
would have to be changed. Not all users are allowed to manipulate database objects.
You (the owner) or the administrator have control over the objects and can
manipulate it. If a user has the GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE system privilege then he or
she can also control the object.
To be able to make changes to database objects you need to have privileges on an
object. These are called object privileges. Object privileges enable you to perform
specific actions on specific objects. Different objects have different privileges granted
for it.
Following is a list of object privileges and the objects they can be applied to:

ALTER: tables and sequences

DELETE: tables and views

EXECUTE: procedures

INDEX: tables

INSERT: tables and views


SELECT: tables, views and sequences

UPDATE: tables and views

Granting Object Privileges

You grant the object privileges mentioned above with the GRANT command. The
syntax is as follows:
GRANT <object_privilege| ALL> [(columns)]
ON <object>
TO {user | role | PUBLIC}
<object_privilege> is one of the object privileges to be granted.
ALL is specified when you want to grant all the privileges.
columns of a table or view to which privileges are to be granted.
ON object, the object on which the privilege is granted.
TO {user | role | PUBLIC} specifies that the privilege can be granted to either a user
or a role or to all the users .PUBLIC Keyword is used for all users.
WITH GRANT OPTION allows the user with the privilege to grant the same to others.
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The syntax of granting Lisa the right to insert data into the Member table is given
ON Member
TO Lisa;
If you want to restrict the columns that she can update you may give the following
GRANT UPDATE (vAddress, cPhone)
ON Member
TO Lisa;
Some points to remember about object privileges are:

Object privileges vary for different objects.

Owners of objects have all the privileges associated with the objects.

Users get the privileges for all objects on their schema.

Grantees can either grant the privileges to other users or not grant them to

To grant a privilege, you must be the owner of schema or have the WITH

When you are granted privilege on an object in another schema, you need to access
the object by prefixing it with the name of the schema. For example, Lisa has been
given privilege to enter data into the Member table. The Member table is in the
schema owned by Jack. So Lisa will have to execute the following statement:
INSERT INTO Jack.Member (cFirstName, cLastName)
VALUES (Sandy, Prill);

Viewing the Privileges

You can confirm the privileges granted to users by querying the data dictionaries.
Following is the list of data dictionaries that can be queried:

ROLE_SYS_PRIVS to see system privileges granted to roles

ROLE_TAB_PRIVS to see the table related privileges granted to roles

USER_ROLE_PRIVS to see roles accessible by users

USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD to see object privileges granted on the user objects

USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE to see object privileges granted to the user

USER_COL_PRIVS_RECD to see the columns on which privileges have been


USER_COL_PRIVS_MADE to see the object privileges granted to users on

specific columns
In case you do not know what privileges you have, you can query these data
dictionary views to check the privileges. If you perform an activity for which you do
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not have privileges, the transaction will not be performed and an error message will
be displayed.
Revoking Privileges
You can also revoke privileges from users and roles, by using the REVOKE
statement. The syntax for revoking is as follows:
REVOKE <object_privilege, object_privilege, | ALL> [(columns)]
ON <object>
FROM {user, user, . . . | role | PUBLIC}
While revoking, you can revoke more than one privilege from more than one user or
role or the public at a time.
CASCADE CONSTRAINTS is specified if you want to remove any integrity constraints
that come with granting the REFERENCES privilege.
If there has been a chain of grants enabled by the WITH GRANT OPTION from user
to user, then when the owner revokes the privilege from a user who in turn granted
the privilege,
the revoking has a cascading effect on all the privileges granted. Look at the diagram
shown below.

User 1

User 2

User 3

When User1 revokes the SELECT privilege from User2, then the privilege granted to
User3 by User2 is also revoked.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:

Restrictive access to the database is implemented by PRIVILEGES. Privileges

can be divided into SYSTEM privileges and OBJECT privileges.
SYSTEM privileges are given by the DBA to create database objects. OBJECT
privileges are given by the users to another user to manipulate database objects.
PRIVILEGES can be given individually or through ROLES. Role is a schema
object containing collection of privileges that can be given to the users.
PRIVILEGES are given to the user by GRANT command and taken back by
REVOKE command.

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Lab Exercise
[Note: For this Lab exercise, you need to team up with other students in order to
implement controlling access to database objects.]
Grant query access on your Employees table to another user. (Assume you
are user1) In turn have the user (Assume the user to be as user2) grant
query access on his/her Employees table to you (user1).
Have user1 and user2 insert the following data into their respective
Employees table:
user1 : Should add 500 as employee ID, Nancy and Win as the first name
and last name respectively, nwin@somemail.com as the email ID, 15-Mar2002 as the hire date and ST_CLERK as the job ID.
user2 : Should add 501 as employee ID, Brown and Rhodes as the first name
and last name respectively, Brown@mailme.com as the email ID, 15-Mar2002 as the hire date and ST_CLERK as the job ID.
Will user1 be able to view the new row inserted by user2 on querying
user2.Employees table? Similarly, will user2 be able to view the new row
inserted by user1 on querying user1.Employees table? Why? How can they
view the new rows inserted by one another?
Have user1 create a synonym user2 for user2.Employees table and have
user2 create a synonym user1 for user1.Employees table.
As a DBA, how would you grant CREATE TABLE, CREATE SEQUENCE and
CREATE VIEW privileges to user1 and user2. Since, the same set of system
privileges are to be granted to both the users, is there any way to make your
job easier? What is the way?
Have the users revoke the SELECT privilege on their respective Employees

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Chapter 18

Manipulating Large Data Sets

Overview of Multi-table INSERT Statements
Creating Directories
Creating and querying External Tables
Unloading Data Using External Table
Performing DML with Merge Statement
Using FlashBack Enhancement

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Perform Multi-table Inserts
Create Directories
Creating and querying External tables
Perform DML with Merge Statements
Tracking changes in DML using VERSION clause

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Multi-table INSERT, a feature introduced in Oracle9i, allows you to insert rows into
multiple tables as a part of a single DML statement. Multi-table INSERT statements
were especially designed with regard to data warehousing system. To facilitate
business analysis efficiently, data warehouses must be updated regularly. Multi-table
INSERT statements can be used in data warehousing systems to transfer data from
one or more operational sources to a set of target tables. Prior to Oracle9i, this was
done with independent INSERTSELECT statements. However, this approach was not
only cumbersome, but also created a heavy load on the Oracle server.
Multi-table INSERTs perform better than:

Multiple INSERTSELECT statements

A procedure to do multiple inserts using IFTHEN syntax

There are four types of Multi-table INSERT statements:

Unconditional INSERT
Conditional INSERT ALL
Conditional INSERT FIRST
Pivoting INSERT

Multi-table INSERT Statement has the following syntax:

INSERT [ALL] [conditional_insert_clause]
[insert_into_clause values clause] (subquery)
The syntax for conditional_insert_clause is:
[WHEN condition THEN] [insert_into_clause values clause]
ELSE [insert_into_clause values clause]

Unconditional INSERT
In an unconditional Multi-table insert statement, there is no restriction on the
insertion of rows into different tables. There may be restriction on the rows that are
retrieved in the subquery. You must specify ALL followed by multiple
insert_into_clause to perform an unconditional Multi-table insert. The Oracle server
executes each insert_into_clause once for each row returned by the subquery.

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For example, to insert details of members who were issued books before 1 st January
2001 and details of books issued before 1st January 2001, use an unconditional
Multi-table INSERT statement. First create two tables, namely:
TransMemberHistory, that holds the transaction details of members who
were issued books before 1st January 2001. The TransMemberHistory table
contains columns to store transaction ID, member ID, book ID, issue date
and fine amount.
TransBookHistory, that holds the details of books issued before 1 st January
2001. It contains columns to store transaction ID, book ID, issue date, actual
return date and fine amount.
To perform Multi-table insert into TransMemberHistory and TransBookHistory
tables, issue the following query:
INTO TransMemberHistory
VALUES (cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID,dIssueDt, nFine)
INTO TransBookHistory
VALUES (cTranID, cBookID, dIssueDt,
dActualReturnDt, nFine)
SELECT cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID,
dIssueDt, dActualReturnDt, nFine
FROM Transaction
WHERE dIssueDt<01-JAN-2001';

50 rows created.
In the query, first the transaction details before 1st Jan, 2001 are retrieved from
the Transaction table. Then, using INSERT ALL statement, the respective values are
inserted into TransMemberHistory and TransBookHistory tables. No condition is
specified in the INSERT ALL statement, hence known as unconditional Multi-table
insert statement.

Conditional INSERT ALL

In conditional INSERT ALL statement, the values to be inserted are filtered based on
some condition. Depending on your requirement, you can give a separate condition
for inserting values into each table or single condition that applies to all tables.
In the TransBookHistory and TransMemberHistory tables, if you wish to insert
only the data of those members who are due to pay a fine, you can use the Multitable conditional INSERT ALL statement in the following manner:
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INTO TransMemberHistory
VALUES (cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID,
dIssueDt, nFine)
INTO TransBookHistory
VALUES (cTranID, cBookID, dIssueDt,
dActualReturnDt, nFine)
SELECT cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID,
dIssueDt, dActualReturnDt, nFine
FROM Transaction
WHERE dIssueDt<01-JAN-2001';

32 rows created.
In the query, first the details of transaction that occurred before 1 st Jan, 2001 are
retrieved by the subquery. Only the details of transactions where a fine amount has
to be collected are inserted into the tables TransBookHistory and
TransMemberHistory. The condition for selective insert is specified by the
WHENTHEN clauses. As a single insert condition is specified in the above query, it
applies to both the tables. You can give separate insert conditions for different

Conditional INSERT FIRST

Using the conditional INSERT FIRST statement you can insert selective values into
multiple tables. Multiple WHEN conditions are specified in this query. However, in
INSERT FIRST statement, if the first WHEN condition evaluates to true, the Oracle
server executes the corresponding INTO clause, and the subsequent WHEN
conditions for this row are skipped. If the first WHEN condition is not true, the
subsequent WHEN conditions are evaluated. Wherever the WHEN condition evaluates
to true, the corresponding INTO clause is executed.

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For example if you want to perform conditional Multi-table insert using INSERT FIRST
statement in the query, first, create the tables TransHistory99, TransHistory00
and TransHistory. Insert the following values in the newly created tables:

The transaction details of all members

TransMemberHistory table
Details of transactions that took
Details of transactions that took
Details of transactions that took place
in table TransHistory

who are due to pay a fine in















in the years other than 1999 and 2000

TransMemberHistory, TransHistory99, TransHistory00
using INSERT FIRST statement.



INTO TransMemberHistory
VALUES (cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID, dIssueDt, nFine)
WHEN dIssueDt LIKE (%99%) THEN
INTO TransHistory99
VALUES (cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID, dIssueDt, dActualReturnDt)

WHEN dIssueDt LIKE (%00%) THEN

INTO TransHistory00
VALUES (cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID, dIssueDt, dActualReturnDt)
INTO TransHistory
VALUES (cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID, dIssueDt, dActualReturnDt)
SELECT cTranID, cMemberID, cBookID, dIssuedt, dActualReturnDt,
FROM Transaction;
32 rows created.

Pivoting INSERT
Suppose you retrieve a record from a non-relational database table and wish to store
it in a relational format, you can do so with the help of an operation called Pivoting
INSERT. Pivoting INSERT enables you to transform records retrieved from a non SQL Star International Ltd.


relational database table into a relational format. This is done by converting the
retrieved record into multiple records and storing it in a manner that resembles a
relational database table environment.
For instance, the table StudentMarksDetail contains the details of marks scored by
students in all courses. It is a non-relational database table. When you select records
from this table, it gives the following output:

------------------ ------- --------SE01


As this record is retrieved from a non-relational database table, you can give it a
relation format by implementing Pivoting INSERT on it. Because of pivoting INSERT,
the marks for each subject in the course will be inserted as a separate row in the
StudentMarksInfo table. First create another table called StudentMarksInfo that
contains columns for student number, course ID and marks. Following is the query to
perform Pivoting INSERT:
INTO StudentMarksInfo values (nStudentNo, cCourseID, nOpSys)
INTO StudentMarksInfo values (nStudentNo, cCourseID, nBDMS)
INTO StudentMarksInfo values (nStudentNo, cCourseID, nArtInt)
INTO StudentMarksInfo values (nStudentNo, cCourseID, nProgLang)

SELECT nStudentNo, cCourseID, nOpSys, nBDMS, nArtInt, nProgLang

FROM StudentMarksDetail;
4 rows created.
When you execute this query, the student marks details are selected from the nonrelational database table StudentMarksDetail. The marks of the students in each
subject as operating systems, DBMS, Artificial Intelligence and programming
languages are inserted as separate records in StudentMarksInfo table. Thus, the
output from a non-relational database table is converted into a relational format.
When you select records from StudentMarksInfo table, following is the output:


Points to Remember: SQL Star International Ltd.


Multi table inserts can only be performed on tables, not on views or

materialized views.
You cannot perform Multi-table inserts into nested tables.

The sum of all the INTO columns cannot exceed 999.

Sequences cannot be used in the subquery of the multi-table insert


External Tables
External tables are read-only tables. Here data is actually stored outside the
database in flat files and only the metadata is stored in the database. If you want to
make a table as read-only, create it as an external table.
The Oracle server uses drivers to access the data from external files (stored outside
the database). However, with external tables you can perform only SQL queries. You
cannot perform DML operations (UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE) on external tables, nor
can you create indexes on them.
To access external tables, Oracle server provides two main access drivers:

ORACLE_LOADER, for reading data from external table using the Oracle
loader technology.
ORACLE_INTERNAL, the import/export access driver used for importing and
exporting of data using a platform independent format.

The data used by external tables is stored in data files stored under a directory.
Therefore, you must create a DIRECTORY object that corresponds to the directory on
the file system on which the data files reside. The syntax to create a directory object
CREATE, Allows you to create a new directory database object
REPLACE, Allows you to re-create or replace a directory object
DIRECTORY, Name of the directory object to be created, with a maximum length of
30 bytes. You cannot specify a schema name to a directory object.
path_name Specifies the full path name of the directory on the server where the
data files are located. Single quotes indicate that the path name is case sensitive.
As the above command indicates, the path_name is an alias for the directory
object. Whenever this directory object is referenced, it actually refers to path where
the data files are located.
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Create a directory object mem_dir in the following manner:

CREATE DIRECTORY mem_dir AS \ext_dat;
The directory object mem_dir specifies an alias for the directory on the file system
of the server, where the data files are stored.
Now create a data file called Members.txt containing the data about old members
of New Jersey Central Library in the following format :
Observe the data in the file. The fields are delimited by a , and the records are
terminated by new-line. Save this file in the path \ext_dat\Members.txt.
To convert this datafile into a datasource for external tables, follow these steps:

You must first create three directory objects

The default directory object as follows:


The log file directory object as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY log_memdir AS d:\ext_data;

The bad file directory object as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY bad_memdir AS d:\ext_data;

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2. Grant appropriate read write permissions to the files stored in these


Only read permission to default directory:


Write permission to log and bad directories:


3. Connect to the user scott/tiger and create the external table.

CONNECT scott/tiger;

Creating External Tables

Creating an external table is similar to creating a regular table, except for some additional clauses.
You must incorporate the following clauses in your code:

CREATE TABLE clause with column names and their datatypes.

ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL to indicate that the table is an external table and
must be stored outside the database.
The access driver type to indicate which driver will be used by the Oracle
server to access data from data files.
The DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause, that lets you specify one or more directory
objects that correspond to the directories on the file system where the data
files are stored. You can specify multiple default directories, as these are
permitted to facilitate load balancing.
ACCESS PARAMETERS, which are values specific to the access drivers used
for this external table. These values are not interpreted by Oracle but by the
access driver used to access data files.
The LOCATION clause that allows you to specify one external locator (usually
a data file) for each external data source. The access driver interprets this
information and not the Oracle server.
The PARALLEL clause specifies the number of execution servers to
simultaneously scan the external data sources (files) during the execution of
The REJECT LIMIT specifies how many conversion errors can occur while
querying an external data before the Oracle server returns an error message
and the query is aborted. By default, the REJECT LIMIT is zero.

The following code illustrates the use of all the aforesaid clauses and creates an
external table known as OldMembers:
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(cMemberID char(9),
cFirstName CHAR(20),
cLastName CHAR(20),
dMembershipDt DATE
BADFILE bad_memdir:memXt%a_%p.bad
LOGFILE log_memdir:memXt%a_%p.log
(cMemberID CHAR, cFirstName CHAR,
cLastName CHAR, dMembershipDt CHAR
date_format date mask dd-mon-yyyy
LOCATION (Members.txt)
In the above code, the Keywords ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL indicates that the table
to be created is an external table which stores data for member ID, first name, last
name and membership date. TYPE ORACLE LOADER specifies the access driver. The
default directory is memdir. The code also specifies the log directory and the bad
directory. The ACCESS PARAMETERS specify the format of the data file. LOCATION
specifies the name of the flat file where the data is actually stored. PARALLEL 5
specifies that five server process can simultaneously execute. The REJECT LIMIT is
200, indicating that 200 errors can occur before the query is aborted.
When you execute the above code successfully, it creates the external table
Table created.
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Now when select the data from external table OldMembers, the driver ORACLE_LOADER looks for the
data file Members.txt in the path d:\ext_data specified by the default directory memdir, fetches the
data from Members.txt file and displays it as follows:
--------- ---------- --------- --------A01010101
Unloading Data Using External Tables in Oracle10g
Oracle10g has taken external tables a stage further by enabling an external table to
be created as a CTAS ( Create Table As Select ) operation, which enables a one-time
unloading of data. Oracle has in fact supplied a new access driver known as
ORACLE_DATAPUMP which means that Oracle will unload an external table to a
proprietary format usable by the Data Pump set of utilities (significant new 10g
feature to replace imp and exp). So, generating an ASCII, CSV file from external
tables is not possible, but this new feature is exciting nonetheless. The above feature
is demonstrated with a sample example below.
Step 1: Create a directory
SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY mydir AS /oracle/opt;
Step 2: Provide permission to one of the users say scott.
Step 3: Create the external table.
(TYPE ORACLE_DATAPUMP default directory mydir
LOCATION (book_category.exp))
SELECT b.cBookname, b.cAuthorname, c.cCategoryname
from Book b, Category c
WHERE b.cCategoryid=c.cCategoryid;

and we will find a file generated book_category.exp in /oracle/opt directory. We can

take this file to the target database and create an external table for that.

Merging Rows
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Merging rows enables you to use the UPDATE and INSERT statements in the same
query. The MERGE statement (also called upsert) is an extension of the existing
SQL statements. The MERGE statement allows you to conditionally update and insert
rows in a table. If the row exists, it updates it, else, inserts it into the table.
You can perform these activities using PL/SQL loops and multiple DML statements.
However, MERGE is easier to use and can be written as a single SQL statement.
The MERGE statement avoids the use of multiple UPDATE statements, requiring few
scans of the source table, and thereby improving performance. This concept is
particularly useful in data warehousing, where data may be inserted from multiple
sources. There can be duplicates. If the row exists, it will be updated, else it will be

For MERGE statements, you need two tables, a source table and a target table. Using
MERGE, you can not only update the values in the target table with the values in the
source table but also add new rows from the source to the target table.
You must have the INSERT and UPDATE object privileges on the target table and the
SELECT object privilege on the source table. To specify the DELETE clause of the
merger_update_clause, you must also have the DELETE object privilege on the
target table.
The MERGE statement is deterministic. You cannot update the same row of the
target table multiple times in the same MERGE statement.
For instance, if you wish to update the phone numbers in the Member table
(target), with the phone numbers in the MemberSrc table (source), use the query
given below. The MemberSrc table contains a new row for member Allen Scott.
The Member table does not contain this row. When you issue a MERGE statement,
the new row is inserted into the Member table. This is the advantage of using a
MERGE statement, where you can update and insert the rows using a single query.
You need not use multiple queries.

MERGE INTO Member M USING Membersrc S

ON (m.cMemberID = S.cMemberID)
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UPDATE SET m.cPhone=s.cPhone

INSERT VALUES(s.cMEmberID, s.cFirstName,
s.cLastName, s.vAddress, s.cArea,
s.cZipcode, s.cPhone, s.nAge, s.dMembershipDt,
s.cGrade, s.cMaritalStatus, s.cBranchID);
In the query, first the member IDs of the source and the target are matched. If they
match, the phone number in the Member table is updated with the values in the
MemberSrc table. If the member IDs do not match (meaning the row does not
exist), the row is inserted into Member table.
In Oracle10g use of WHEN MATCHED AND WHEN NOT MATCHED clause is made
optional. Also, you can restrict the values while inserting into target table using
For example the above can be slightly modified to insert only those members whose
age is greater than 10.
MERGE INTO Member M USING Membersrc S
ON (m.cMemberID = S.cMemberID)
INSERT VALUES(s.cMEmberID, s.cFirstName,
s.cLastName, s.vAddress, s.cArea,
s.cZipcode, s.cPhone, s.nAge,
s.dMembershipDt, s.cGrade, s.cMaritalStatus, s.cBranchID)
Oracle10g Flashback enhancements
Oracle 10g provides two enhancements to flashback query, namely,
1. Flashback version query
The flashback version query feature lets us see the table data as it changed over
time. We request the 10g database to show us all versions between two points in
time (in the form of time stamps) or between the two system change numbers
(SCNs). This feature requires that the undo records for the transaction that changed
the table data are available.
The concept of a version of a row is transaction based. A version is created when a
transaction involves row commits. So, if there have been 10 transactions that
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changed the row and 8 were committed between yesterday and today, and you
request all versions of that row in that time period, you will see 8 rows of outputone for each version. Changes that were rolled back do not generate a version.
Use the VERSIONS BETWEEN CLAUSE to code a flashback version query.
Oracle 10g supports MINVALUE and MAXVALUE in the VERSIONS BETWEEN clauses.
These expressions give access to the oldest and most recent data available.
Example of the flashback version query
SELECT nFine FROM Transaction WHERE cTranid=T0000290100;
Assume the output gives 15
UPDATE Transaction SET nFine=nFine+0.10 WHERE cTranid=T0000290100;
Now nfine is 15.1.
Now commit the above transactions using COMMIT command.
Now execute the following statement:
WHERE cTranid=T0000290100;
Now the output will be 15 and 15.1.

It is easy to see the changes made to the tables with flashback_transaction_query
view. This can be helpful for auditing (i.e. who changed my table), debugging and
even performance analysis (how often is a table being changed).
The SELECT ANY TRANSACTION privilege allows the user to query the past
transaction by querying the above-mentioned view.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:
Multi-table insert allows you to insert rows into multiple tables as a part of a
single DML statement. These are designed with regard to data warehousing
There are four types of Multi-table INSERT statements:

Unconditional INSERT
Conditional INSERT ALL
Conditional INSERT FIRST
Pivoting INSERT

External tables are read only tables whose data is stored in a flat file. It
stores only the metadata information in the database.

MERGE statement is used to perform the insertion and updation as a single

operation in the same statement. In Oracle10g, condition merging can be

The flashback version query feature lets us see the table data as it changed
over time.

FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY VIEW helps us to get information for

auditing, debugging and statistic analysis.

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Lab Exercise
[Note: For questions 1 to 2, you are required to work with SalHistory,
ManagerHistory, SpecialSalary, SpecialSalHistory, HireDt00, HireDt99 and
HireDt_History tables.]
To work with these tables, you need to run the script file LabEx18_01.sql.
The structures of these tables are given below.
Structure of SalHistory

Structure of ManagerHistory

Structure of SpecialSalary

Structure of SpecialSalHistory

Structures of HireDt00, HireDt99, and HireDt_History are the same

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Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, manager ID, hire date, and salary
of those employees whose employee ID is less than or equal to 115. Use the query
result set to do the following:

Insert into the SpecialSalary table the employee ID and salary of those
employees who earn a salary of more than $15,000. In case salary is less than
15,000, do the following:

Insert into the SalHistory table the employee ID, hire date,
and salary.
Insert into the ManagerHistory table the employee ID,
manager ID, and salary.
Confirm the rows created in all the three tables.
Write a query to retrieve the department ID, sum of salary, and maximum
hire date, which are grouped according to the department ID. Use the result set to
perform the following:

Insert department ID and salary into the SpecialSalHistory table if the

sum of salary happens to be greater than $20,000. Use conditional FIRST Multi-table

In case the first WHEN clause returns TRUE, skip the subsequent WHEN
clauses for this row.

In case of the rows that do not satisfy the first WHEN clause, insert into:

HireDt00 table if hire date year is 2000

HireDt99 table if hire date year is 1999
HireDt_History table for all other hire dates

Confirm the rows created in the above tables.

[Note: For question 3, you are required to work with SalesInfoFile and SalesInfo
To create these tables run the script file LabEx18_03.sql. To insert records
into the SalesInfoFile table run the script file LabEx18_03a.sql.
Structure of SalesInfoFile

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SalesInfoFile table data

Structure of SalesInfo

Write a query to retrieve the employee ID, week ID, and sales figures on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from the SalesInfoFile table such that
the records retrieved are converted into multiple records for the SalesInfo table.
Confirm the records inserted into SalesInfo table.

Create an External Table called All_objects_Xt, dump data into a .txt file.
Select the data from all_objects data dictionary.
Query the external table


Create a table Tax with the below given two columns:

Salary NUMBER(10)
Tax_Rate NUMBER(15,5)


Insert 1 row into them with values 20000,10.

Commit it
Update the Tax_rate with 0.15.
Commit it
Increase the Tax_rate further with 0.20.
Commit it
Delete the row from the table.
Commit it
Insert 1 row into the table with values 20000,25.
Commit it
Update the Tax_rate with 0.27.

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Commit it

Write a query to select the prevailing tax rate from the table.


Write a query to list all the changes made to the Tax table.

What enhancement has been made in External table.

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Chapter 19

Overview of Regular Expression Support
List of Meta-characters
Regular Expression Functions

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Use meta-characters
Use regular expression functions

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In Oracle Database 10g, additional meta-characters have been introduced; in an
attempt to make the search, compare and replace functions operate in a more
intensified manner, than it is in Unix and Java. These functions are known as regular
expressions that has made matching complex text pattern more effective. It follows
Portable Operating System For Unix (POSIX) standard for matching ASCII
With this new feature, most of the complex search requirements of the end users can
be addressed.
These are special characters with pre-defined meaning that are used in our
complex string-matching pattern.
Following is the list of Meta-Characters that are used for String Searching.

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Below are the various comparisons for the Character class, which is used in complex
string searching.

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Regular Expression Functions

Oracle Database 10g has come up with 4 new functions which use meta-characters
in their arguments to help us accomplish our complex string pattern matching task.
The Searched String is to be enclosed in single quotation marks. These functions are
primarily an extension to our basic SQL functions with little variations.
Following are the list of Functions introduced in Oracle10g:

Looks for a matching pattern in a character column.
It takes two arguments. First argument is the name of the character column. Second
argument is a regular expression string.
Following is an example of the syntax for this function: -

REGEXP_LIKE(srcstr, pattern [,match_option])

In this example, Names of the Members are extracted who have at in their
SELECT cFirstName
FROM member
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (cfirstname,(at));
Looks for a matching pattern in a character column and replaces each occurrence of
that pattern with the specified pattern.
The syntax for this is:
REGEXP_REPLACE(srcstr, pattern [,replacestr [, position
[, occurrence [, match_option]]]])
In this example, two spaces are replaced by a single space in a string.




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This function searches a string for a given occurrence of a regular expression
pattern. You can specify which occurrence you want to find and the start position.

Syntax :
REGEXP_INSTR (srcstr, pattern [, position [, occurrence
[, return_option [, match_option]]]])
Example given below shows the position of @ in a given email id.

This is similar to REGEXP_INSTR but instead of the position of the specified pattern it
returns a part of a string after matching the regular expression pattern.
Following is the syntax: REGEXP_SUBSTR (srcstr, pattern [, position [, occurrence
[, match_option]]])

Example to extract the username from the email of the members of New Jersey
Central Library:

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(member_email, [^@]+)



Explanation for the words used in the Syntax

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Srcstr:- Indicates the Search value that can be an expression or a character column
Pattern:- Regular expression
replacestr:- Character String replacing pattern.
Position:- Starting position to Search from.
Occurrence:- Number of Occurrences to search for.
Return_option:- Beginning or Ending position of occurrence
Match_option:-Option to change default matching; it can include one or more of the
following values:
c uses case-sensitive matching (default)
I uses case-insensitive matching
n allows match-any-character operator
m treats source string as multiple line

Validating Data using Constraints

These multilingual regular expression functions can be included in CHECK constraint,
which prevent invalid data from being entered.
To make the checkings on the subsequent data only, NOVALIDATE clause can be
To check that cMemberid should start with M only, the following code should be
Here ^M expression checks for the Member id starting with M. NOVALIDATE clause
ensures that only subsequent entries of data are validated.

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In this chapter, you have learnt that:
Regular expression works beyond the Portable Operating System For Unix
(POSIX) Standard.

It helps us to perform complex string matching operation.

New meta-character symbols have been introduced for string

matching operation.

New Functions such as REGEXP_LIKE(for comparison), REGEXP_REPLACE(for

Replacing), REGEXP_INSTR(for finding position of a character),
part of a string) are introduced to accomplish our complex string pattern
matching task.

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Lab Exercise
1. A string contains three spaces in between. For example NEW

DELHI. Write a

query to replace the spaces with one. The output displayed should be as
2. Write a query, which extracts a part of a string. The regular expression searches
for a comma followed by a space; then zero or more characters that are not
commas, as indicated by [^,]*; and lastly looks for another comma.
The pattern will look similar to a comma-separated values string.
(first part, second part, third part)
3. Retrieve any values from ename that start with J, followed by any letter, then
N or M, then any letter, then S from Emp table

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