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Jasmine Davis
Professor Brown
Eng. 111
10 June 2016
Challenged Twilight Series
Twilight Saga consists of four books that take place in Forks, Washington. In the
beginning, there seems to be a love triangle between the three main characters Belle Swan,
Edward Cullens, and Jacob Black. Bella moved from Phoenix, Arizona, with her mom and step
dad to Forks to live with her dad. Her father is the sheriff. Her father and Jacobs father are best
friends so she knows Jacob from when she spent previous summers with her father. Jacob is an
Indian who lives on an Indian reserve in Forks. He goes to school on the reserve. He is a couple
years younger than Bella. As a new student in a new school, Bella sees Edward for the first time.
Everyone thinks he and his adoptive family are all flawless. Bella seems to be infatuated with
him from first sight, and he seems to be impaled by her to the fact that he tries to get the classes
they have together changed, and when he could not, he skips a few days of class. When he
finally shows up, they have to sit together, and he then warms up to her. She had no idea why he
was so different than other guys she knew.
While talking with Jacob on the reserve, Jacob tells Bella folk tales of tribes before his
and how they were called shape shifter because they could shift themselves into wolves when
there was danger around to help protect their people. The only danger around were vampires
because vampires would come and kill them. They were the wolves natural enemy. The more
vampires around the more Indians would become shape shifters. Jacob told the characteristics of

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these vampires, and Bella began her own research on these folk tales. She now knew why
Edward was different. He was a vampire. It was forbidden to let humans know that vampires
existed. So that put Bella, Edward, and his family at risk from the Volturi, a clan of vampires
who were in charge. Edward and his family, the Cullens, were different. They did not feed on
people they just fed on animals. Some vampires had special powers. Edward was a mind reader,
one of his adoptive sister could see the future, and one of his adoptive brother could change the
mood of people.
Edward could not see Bellas mind so could not read what she was thinking and that
amazed him, and he wanted to know more about her. As time went on Bella and Edward became
inseparable. Edward and his family had to save Bella from a vampire that was hunting her. He
was hunting her for the fun of it since the Cullens protected her and would not let him kill her
when he wanted to. The Cullens ended up killing this vampire which made his partner mad and
out for revenge. Edward had to save Bella once again this time from his newest adoptive
brother, who was still getting used to not feeding on human. After that incident Edward came to
the conclusion Bella was not safe being around vampires so he decided to leave her and said do
not contact him. His family left Forks, and Bella was heartbroken. She found relief from
hanging out with Jacob.
As time goes on, she realized that if she was in a dangerous situation Edward would
appear to her in visions. She likes that so she began putting herself in dangerous positions more
often. At this time, Jacob became very distant, and she then found out he was a wolf (shape
shifter). At first she was not okay with that because people were coming up missing or dead and
the locals thought it was bears, Bella thought it was the wolves. Jacob explained that wolves do
not attack people but protect them from vampires, and there were a lot of vampires popping up

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around Forks. Bella then became worried for Jacob safety because of his job being fighting off
Bella ends up saving Edward from the Volturi when he went to them to die. The Volturi
vampires with special powers did not work when used on Bella. They left the Volturi alive with
the promise that Bella would become a vampire. The Cullens moved back to Forks where
another battle was brewing. The vengeance partner of the vampire who tried to kill Bella was
making an army to kill Bella and the Cullens. But Jacob who now was in love with Bella got
the wolves to help the Cullens protect Bella and kill this army.
Bella was desperate to become a vampire. She did not want to be old while
Edward was still seventeen. They did not want her to become what he was. According to him, he
was a damned soul. They graduated and after that got married. On their honeymoon, Bella
wanted to experience sex while she was still mortal. She ended up getting pregnant and the baby
was growing inside her tremendously fast. They had to cut the honeymoon short and get help
from Edwards father. This kind of thing never happened as far as any of them knew so they did
not know what to expect. They started to do research on this and found scary results. Edward
and Jacob wanted to kill the unborn baby because it was killing Bella. Bella was not having that.
She loved the baby and was willing to die for it. Bella about died during childbirth, but as soon
as her heart stopped, Edward injected her full of vampire venom. She did not wake up so he bit
her multiply times. She still did not wake up but the venom was running through her body,
transforming her.
Jacob was so upset that he went to kill looking for the baby to kill her. As soon as their
eyes met, he imprinted on her, which what wolves did. It meant that they were soul mates, and

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the universe brought them together to be with each other. He would protect her her whole life,
and she would be attracted to him also. Bella finally woke up; she was a vampire who had selfcontrol. She loved her newborn baby. The baby had a special power where she could
communicate by just touching you. They child still was growing at an alarming rate. The Volturi
was coming for the Cullens and when the Volturi came for you it was to get rid of whatever
threat they thought you were. They Cullens clan was becoming too powerful in number and in
special powers, not to mention a known vampire saw the child and told the Volturi about it.
Turning a child into a vampire was prohibited because a child would not know how to keep their
existence a secret.
So with the Volturi coming for them, especially the child, the Cullens went to gather
their friends to be witness as to what the child was which was half immortal-half human. She
had a heart beat and could eat a humans diet or a vampires diet: blood. They gather up any
vampire that would help them stand against the Volturi, and of course, the wolf pack who had
grown in numbers. They had to help protect the child since Jacob imprinted on her. During this
time one of the adoptive brothers and sisters left the family without saying good-bye.
During this time, they had found out Bella had a special power too. She was a shield
which blocked special powers. That is why when she was mortal. None of the other special
vampire powers worked on her. They gathered up all the vampires they could, and when the
Volturi came, they stood together as a unit, not wanting to fight but prepared none the less,
anything to protect the child who was the size of an eight-year-old girl now. The Volturi was
impressed with the little girl but wanted a fight. Before a fight broke out the adoptive brother
and sister who had left returned. With them they had another young man who was half
immortal-half human. Since the adoptive sister could see the future, she let it be known that if

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they wanted a fight they would surely lose. The Volturi decided against that and left the little girl
and the Cullens alone. Jacob and the little girl were happy and Edward and Bella were happy
about that. They know Jacob would protect her.
This book was challenged because it deals with the supernatural. Fantasy, vampires,
shape shifters, special powers all in this book are grouped in with Satanism material, the occult
and witchcraft by those with religious beliefs. This series some also said was sexually explicit
for the age group. The sex scenes between Edward and Bella and her becoming pregnant some
people saw as not being suitable for young readers.
This book was written for entertainment purposes only. The authors tone was to
entertain. She did a great job! The intended audience should be teens and young adults, even
though adults could enjoy also. I think elementary and middle school aged kids probably are too
young to read these books, but it should not have been challenged at all for the teens and young
adults. I chose this series for the simple fact that I loved this series. it is one I could read over
and over and not get tired of. The Twilight Series are a very well written series and is full of
well-rounded characters that readers can, and do, fall in love with.

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