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power solutions

battery pack

battery pack

k-LITHIUM is the next-generation battery for every industrial application.

It is based on lithium iron phosphate cells (LiFePO4), a technology that is safe and has the best performance/cost ratio, and
integrates Kaiteks balancing system (BBS) to maintain the cells always equalized and efficient.
k-LITHIUM gives great usage flexibility and reduces the total ownership costs, thanks to its 3000 cycles lifespan, being
maintenance-free and allowing opportunity fast charging to increase the daily available energy.
The absence of emissions and the extended operating temperature range make k-LITHIUM perfectly suited for every workplace.
It is available in various sizes and capacity, to offer its advantages in replacement of the most common battery types such
as lead-acid, gel, pure lead, nickel, etc.

Rapid charge, whenever you want

Suited for every application

+50% charge level in only 30 minutes

Complete charge in 2 hours
Accepts partial charge and discharge
No memory effect
These characteristics allow high power charging during short
working breaks of the machine, extending the range of the
battery, thus avoiding in many cases the need of replacement
batteries and multiple charging stations.

Having no gas emissions, these batteries are suited also for

food industries, as well as for refrigerator rooms, thanks to the
wide operating temperature range (- 20C + 60C).

Long lifespan

Energy saving

More than 3000 cycles

The lifespan is 3 times longer than traditional batteries, making
the cost per cycle lower.

Thanks to their high efficiency, up to +25% than lead batteries,

energy costs and CO2 emissions are reduced.


No emissions

Planned service is avoided, having no need of topping up or

periodical checks. The conditions of the battery can be easily
verified thanks to integrated diagnosis systems.

No gas emissions during charge and discharge, so no special

charging rooms are required. They may be charged at any place
in the plant with maximum safety.

Batteries are available in different protection class es up to

IP67, and optionally in inox case.

Opportunity charging
K-LITHIUM batteries offer great usage flexibility both in charge and discharge. They are not affected by memory effect and they
accept complete or partial charges at any moment and with high current: up to 1C for limited time, 0.5C for full charge. Thanks
to these features, battery usage can be optimized according to the needs of the application, and you can save costs avoiding to
oversize the battery or to manage replacement batteries.
In applications with multiple shifts and short working breaks, opportunity charging at high current can greatly extend the range
of each battery. For example, considering a typical use case of 16 hours working period in two shifts, each having one 15 minute
and one 30 minute break, a single nominal 200Ah k-LITHIUM battery is able to supply 360Ah, the equivalent of a nominal 450Ah
lead-acid battery.

Charge level (%)














Charge level (%)


In a single shift use case, it is possible to

charge the battery almost fully during 1
our break.
This way you can eliminate the replacement
battery and equipment, or use smaller and
thus chepest batteries.












Remote control device

With the remote control device its easy to equip any machine with a display and a userfriendly button to turn on and off the system. The display precisely shows the battery
level with 1% resolution and gives immediate information about the state of the battery.
Precise and reliable battery level
Instant voltage and current

Magnetic enclosure
LED display operating down to -40C
WiFi interface for remote connection

Through the WiFi interface the battery can be connected to the network and send
data to a control station, where you can monitor all the batteries in the plant, make
usage statistics, schedule the access to a single charging station and early react in
case of failure.

battery pack

Active and passive safety systems

k-LITHIUM batteries guarantee the maximum safety, in fact they integrate all the necessary protection systems for the safety
of the users, of the machine and of the battery itself. They are equipped with several sensors to monitor the voltage and the
temperature of every single cell, indicating and preventing potentially dangerous operating conditions such as overdischarge,
overcharge, extreme temperatures. The output terminals are disconnected when the system is off or in case of failure, preventing
the risk of accidental short circuits. Internal fuses protect the battery and the machine in case of failure during operation.

k-LITHIUM can work as a standalone battery, or it can interface through CAN-bus to other electronic devices of the machine (PLC,
controller, display, ), in order to display the data of the battery on a dashboard, or to implement an advanced management of the
available energy.

power solutions

Kaitek Srl
Via Enrico Fermi, 29
42049 Calerno - SantIlario dEnza (RE)
p.iva 02513130357

tel. +39 0522 906035

fax. +39 0522 906035

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