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The term Authority is used to describe which aspect of a persons design can be relied
upon to consistently yield the best experience as the result of a persons decision.
Authority always comes from a defined center in the bodygraph. As we shall see, only
certain centers when defined become your authority.
We all have to make decisions and we have many internal dynamics
that compete to make them. We have highly developed brains that
are the product not only of millennia of evolution but also, for most
of us, many years of cultural immersion, peer group role modeling,
and formal education. We make decisions based on past experience,
future goals, current impulses, even based on the decisions of those
with whom we are close (spouses, children, parents, friends,
One of the most notable aspects of HD is the recognition that each person comes
genetically wired with a decision making process that is correct for that person. This
wiring is not simply a separate dynamic, but one that is fully integrated with the whole
state of being of the person.
When we make decisions from this genetically wired authority, those decisions result in
an experience that is correct in that the experience is ideally suited to be properly aligned
with other dynamics (e.g. type, definition, profile). We may or may not like the results of
the decision. We may interpret the resulting experience as comfortable or unpleasant, but
regardless of our interpretation of the outcome, a decision properly made from our authority
is one that overall will profit us the most in a whole sense.

In the subsequent sections we will look more closely at each authority and their
connection to type, profile and circuitry.
Before we go into those details however, it is important for you to understand that nobody
can speak very reliably about any authority other than their own. We can learn what others
think about the various authorities, we can listen to how others describe their experience of
their own authority, but we can never directly experience any authority other than our own
and even that is a tenuous understanding at best.
Keep in mind that the results of any decision can unfold over the course of many years
even an entire lifetime and none of us can ever know what the results would have been had
we decided differently. This is one of the most onerous and perhaps tragic aspects of our
existence. Our inability to know what would have happened if we had decided differently
severely limits our ability to make well informed decisions. We are always playing the
When an analyst does a reading for a client it is important to help the client
discover for themselves how to access their own authority. As an analyst its not your job to
make the client see, understand or accept. That belongs to the client and they will come

to it in their own way in their own time or not. Its not something to belabor in a reading,
but something to gently insert and encourage them to test.

Authority Hierarchy
Authority Examples
Emotional Authority
Sacral Authority
Splenic Authority
Ego Authority
Self Authority
No Inner Authority
Authority - Authority Conclusion

Authority Hierarchy
Authority is based on what centers are defined in a bodygraph, and their place in a hierarchy.
The hierarchy is:

1. Emotional Authority
If the emotional center is defined then
it is the inner authority, no matter what
other centers are defined.

2. Sacral Authority
If the sacral is defined and the
emotional center is NOT defined then
the sacral is the authority. If the spleen
is defined as well, then it is called
sacral splenic authority.

3. Splenic Authority
If the spleen is defined and the
emotional and sacral centers are NOT,
then the spleen is the authority, no
matter what other centers are defined.

4. Ego Authority
If the heart center is defined and the
emotional, sacral and spleen are NOT,
then the heart is the authority, no
matter what other centers are defined.

5. Self Projected Authority

If the G center is defined and the
emotional, sacral, spleen and heart are
NOT, then the G center is the
authority, no matter what other centers
are defined.

6. No Inner Authority
If none of the above centers are
defined then the person has no inner
authority. The head, the ajna, the
throat, and the root are NEVER an
inner authority.

Authority Examples
Here are some example combinations of different authorities.

Ego Manifested

Ego Projected


No Inner Authority

Sacral Generated

Sacral Manifested

Emotional Ego Manifested

Self Projected

Splenic Ego Manifested

Sacral Splenic

Splenic Manifested

Splenic Projected

Emotional Authority
When we look at someone with a defined emotional center we know right away that this is a
person whose body chemistry continually
cycles them through a binary experience
of emotions.
It is variously defined as experiencing
high and low, up and down, hope and
pain. If you are not emotionally defined
then it is simply impossible for you to
grasp what this is really like. If you are
emotionally defined it is possible that you
might grasp what it is like but its not
necessarily the case that you will.
Someone whose emotional definition is
the result of a completely unconscious
channel, might not ever be aware of their
Anyone who has the solar plexus defined
can NOT rely on their feelings of the moment. However, once they have gone through the
entirety of their emotional wave they MUST make decisions based on how it makes them feel.
As noted in the introduction, authority is not a separate dynamic. Its not a little control center
sitting off to the side carefully observing and analyzing the present with a full awareness of
everything that happened in the past and carefully considering all possible future outcomes in
the light of sometimes competing goals. Every person is a complex amalgam of various states of
being that are the result of internal and external sensory data AND the relationship that each
person is continually building between the internal and external.
As we saw when looking at centers, the solar plexus always operates in a wave and that works
from hope to pain in some variation, but the shape of the wave differs depending on the defined

Let's recap the wave variations:

The abstract, collective wave, operating
in the gates 41, 30, 35, and 36, is a crash
wave; climbing up, then moving along a
plateau, to be followed by a crash down.
This wave when its in the hope part of
the cycle is kind of saying ohhhhh
great! But in the pain cycle its saying
Oh is that all? This is reflected in the
35-36 channel of Been there, done that.
The tribal wave of the 19, 49, 37, and 40,
is very reliable in its cyclical nature of
moving up and down like a roller coaster.
Here the dynamics of hope and pain play
out more like "It's a
.....benign....catastrophe!" Theres often
the sense that one is, indeed needed and
wanted, but its followed by the feeling
that one is rejected and doesnt belong.
The emotional individual (the 39/55,
12/22) goes along almost flat; people
dont even know that they are emotional.
Then they either go straight up like a
rocket or straight down. When they are
up things are just fabulous, but when
they are down they really feel like they
will never, ever be up again. The pain
and despair can be all encompassing and
they see no light at the end of the tunnel.

How Long is Long Enough?

While we can know right away that a persons body chemistry continually cycles them through a
binary experience of emotions, theres no way to know how long the cycle takes. Nor is it
possible to say that the cycle always takes the same amount of time, nor even that the wave is a
singularity. The wave can be happening in multiple time frames such that one relates to the daily
world via their wave, but relates to more extended interactions with the world from a larger

The major mantra for emotional authority is There is no truth in the now, or Never be
spontaneous. An emotionally defined person should always sleep on it before making a decision.
Sleeping on it may be enough time for some kinds of decisions such as Do you want to have
dinner tomorrow? The longer the possible interaction with the world, the longer the person
needs to experience the larger wave.
For example, someone may be just a single paper away from obtaining their Ph.D. and wake up
one morning suddenly feeling that Oh no, I dont want this! Just sleeping on it simply isnt
enough time for them to really decide that they dont want it. That feeling may just be part of a
daily or weekly cycle
Authority and Decision Making
When an emotionally defined person gets up in the morning and goes to the closet to select their
attire for the day, they dont need to sleep on that decision. There are many decisions to be
made in life that dont require that much time. Odds are that emotional authority probably does
happen with respect to picking out ones clothes of the day, but that manifestation of the wave is
very fast faster than the person can be aware of or needs to be.
What is dangerous for the emotional person is to make a decision based upon someone elses
insistence or manipulation. Often, particularly in todays world, salesman use the technique of
forcing an immediate decision either by offering a reward for the quick decision or instilling fear
about delaying.
It may be OK for some authorities to make that snap decision, but its not healthy for the
emotional authority. If they are closer to the hope end of their cycle the reward is very tempting,
and if theyre closer to the pain/despair end of the
cycle then the fear of delay can be overwhelming.
Making a decision from either end is simply to
make an incomplete decision. If the decision looks
good from both ends then there is clarity. If it
looks bad when theyre up as well as when theyre
down then there is clarity. If it looks good and
bad, then you just need to wait some more :).
The emotional authority only knows after some
time has passed. They may meet someone and
have an instant dislike for them, but then that
emotional authority will keep coming back and
checking the person out again and again. Each
iteration gives them a slightly different take on the
person depending where they are in the wave at
that moment. This is the great gift of emotional
authority. They have the ability to fully feel in an
experiential manner the completeness of things.
Spiritual Potential
The emotional center has spiritual potential to see
that in life there are no good things or bad things,
theres just the incredible fact of the immensity of
existence. This emotional experience allows
people to really come to grips with what is. Life is

Like this movie title, emotional

authority has to see life from all
angles before making a decision.
And yes, some are ugly.

pleasurable and it is uncomfortable. Thats not the point. The point is that there is life and that is
simply wonderful.
Understanding this takes time and it is not easy. For example an emotional manifestor; they are
wired to do what they feel. If you tell them Now listen here, you cant simply do whatever you
feel like doing, you have to wait, sleep on it to get clear and then you have to inform the other
and get permission. Hah! Easy for you to say.
Another example might be an emotional projector with 3 defined motors. They are constantly
filled with energy and intent on finding some way to express that energy. If you simply say to
them Hey you have to wait to be recognized and invited, then you have to sleep on it before
you can act theyre not really well positioned to hear that and the pressure is hard to resist.
The emotional center is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease because it is very hard to ignore
the emotional wave. Some emotionally defined people are very squeaky, but they have the
option of being, rather than engines of chaos, sentinels of depth. The difference is if they follow
what feels right after waiting until there is some clarity.
Emotional authority never has 100% clarity. But with time, they can generally feel good or calm
about something. Or the reverse will happen: they will generally feel nervous or over emotional
about something, in which case it is a "no" to whatever they are dealing with.

Sacral Authority
The Business of Busy-ness

Anyone who is a generator (defined sacral) who DOES NOT have the emotional center defined
has sacral authority. This particular authority is the most closely aligned to the Type. For the
Generator type, their strategy is to respond.
If they have the emotional center defined also then they have to wait out the emotional wave to
see how they feel before they respond. But if they dont have the emotional center defined then
their authority is in the response itself. This is the sacral voice of "Uh huh" or "uh uh", for
Generators are busy people. They really arent all that comfortable being at rest. To some extent
this is simply because once the engine shuts down it can be hard
to restart it, so for a generator its just easier to keep the motor
going all the time.
Generally when you tell a generator they have to wait to
respond you kind of set up a state of anxiety for them. Youre
introducing a mental concept into an arena that is purely
biological body mechanics. Theyre wired to be busy.
Generators without the knowledge of HD dont have a clue that
not everyone has this busy-ness. Being busy is simply the
normal state of affairs anything else is a temporary aberration.
Sacral Variety
There are really a lot of different ways to have a defined sacral.
There are 11 different channels that can define the sacral (three
out of gate 34). Most of them are in the Tantric energy flow and
feed into the G Center (the channels from the root-sacral-G).
The sacral is the center of life energy and as such it is very
Then there are the manifesting generators (MG). Someone can be an MG if the sacral connects
directly to the throat (e.g. 20-34 - green in the image to the right), or via a connection from the
sacral to the G and from the G to the throat (e.g. 29-46, and the 1-8 - blue). Or they might have
the ego to throat and the sacral to root as a split (purple).
When the solar plexus is defined along with the sacral then the solar plexus is the authority and
the strategy is to respond as a generator. They need to wait through the wave before they can
respond with clarity.
When the spleen is defined along with the sacral then the authority is sacral splenic. It is a
response in the now.
To Respond or to Wait
None of us are really very aware on a moment to moment basis of the way we operate. A lot of
things come and go very quickly in life and for someone who is accustomed to being busy this
concept of waiting seems very alien.
Remember that generators tend to have their heads down doing what they are doing Theyre not
really paying a lot of attention to the world of possibility. When you tell them they have to wait
to respond they take that to mean they have to go sit down and wait for something obvious to
come along and its kind of an Oh no, I cant sit around waiting.

But this is not true. When a generator walks out into their garden and sees that the plants are
dry, or the leaves are brown, or something needs pruning that is the something to respond
to. The question is do they have the energy at that moment to water, or fertilize or prune. This
is the magic of the sacral response. The body either responds with the enthusiasm of Uh huh or
the lack of energy of uh uh. This is what makes it so easy for the generator. The Uh huh is their
own way of knowing if they want to do something in the moment. They can completely trust this
Theres never a lack of things to which a generator can
respond. The floor is dirty, the trash is full, the painting is
askew, the bed is unmade, the laundry is ready to go into the
dryer, theres food to be bought and prepared, etc. The world
is teeming with stuff to do. Its the sacral that enables the
generator to know which of the many things it wants to do
Generators can really like having a list of things to do. They
look at the list and their body responds uh huh or uh uh not
now to various things on the list. They like finishing the list
and making another one.
The Sacral Sounds
The moan, the groan, the sigh, the uh uh, and the uh huh,
these are all sacral sounds. It is imperative for generators to
listen to and trust these sounds. Not all generators have these sounds. Some just don't have
them naturally and respond in more subtle ways, others have ignored them for so long that they
aren't there (and need to be awakened through practice). But if you have them, these sounds
are great tools.
When we extrapolate this into the larger world, for example someone calls and asks Do you
want to go out to dinner?, the generator has this reliable voice uh huh or uh uh. Do you want
to marry me? Uh huh or uh uh. Do you want to study in Paris? Uh huh or uh uh. Whats really
important for the generator is to know how reliable this is. If the generator has an uh uh (no),
then dont do it! Maybe tomorrow they will have an uh huh (yes). Its their very energy source
saying either yes the energy is available or no it isnt available now.
The theme of frustration enters the picture when the generator thinks they have to do something
even though their body says uh uh (no).
"I have to marry you because you asked me and everybody knows were perfect for each other."
"I have to go out to dinner because its Saturday and we always go out to dinner on Saturday."
If they have a sacral no and they go ahead and do it, the experience just wont be worth it to
them. Lacking the right energy (either too much or too little) they will be frustrated that they
couldnt make it work.

They may have a yes to something and they may

enter into an experience and the results of that
experience may, to an outside observer, look bad.
The generator may respond to the friend who asks
her to go kayaking and she might get seasick, or
blisters, or fall out of the boat and shiver with cold,
but if she did it from the response of uh huh (yes),
she will consider the experience good and
worthwhile. It will not be frustrating for her.
If that same generator goes kayaking because her
boyfriend expects her to, and her body is saying no,
then no matter how beautiful the day or how easy it
goes she will be disappointed. It just wont work for
her, and she will be frustrated.
Manifesting Generators
With manifesting generators the story is a little different. In the generator sense they respond to
whatever presents itself. But the manifesting generator doesnt really know his response until he
enrages in the activity.
Of course weve all heard the maxim Finish what you start. Well, for a manifesting generator
thats simply not true. They can start many things and not follow through because once they
engage in it and their body is in the act of doing, the sacral might say no.
Can this be frustrating? Only if they dont understand their dynamic. Of course others like to put
the pressure on them. Hey we just started this game, you cant quit now. But they can and
they should if they get an uh uh.
Whats important for a generator is how reliable that internal gut response is. Its not the waiting
for something to respond to, theres never any lack of things to respond to. Its accepting the
fact that at any given moment in time their body will reliably inform them whether or not the
response will result in a satisfying experience for them.

Splenic Authority
The Animal Awareness
Splenic authority occurs when the spleen is defined and
the solar plexus and the sacral are NOT defined. When a
chart has both sacral and spleen defined then it is called
sacral splenic, or splenic sacral. See below for more on
Splenic awareness is rooted in the survival of the
organism. Prior to mankind all animals had only the
splenic awareness to rely on for the survival.

Splenic authority derives from

changes in patterns and knowing what
For some animals this is primarily based
visual patterns, for others its changes in
smell, for others changes in sound, for
others changes in taste, and for some
(e.g. pit vipers) changes in heat.

the change means.
on changes in

In the animal world survival is always

immediate. In the now. Its a raw, primal
world with no safety nets. Failure to
recognize the pattern is out of place
right now. Failure to take action right
the fear results in death. Animals dont
world with any question about whether it
something. When theyre hungry they go
and they will look anywhere they can for
that they are aware of is the splenic
there at any given moment. Animals
yes theyre simply extremely alert to
3 Streams
Each gate of the spleen has specific
and fears are also tied into the
streams. The 3 splenic awareness
Intuition and Instinct.

results in death
now in response to
go through the
is OK to do
looking for food,
it. The only thing
reaction Dont go
arent looking for

The fears by gate are:

50 Fear of Responsibility
48 Fear of Inadequacy
57 Fear of the Future
44 Fear of the Past
32 Fear of Failure
28 Fear of Death, risk taking
18 Fear of Authority

fears. These gates

streams are Taste,

1. Taste
Taste resides in the 18-58 and the 16-48
channels. Its not
limited to taste as being simply the
product of the
taste buds in the tongue. People with
this channel are
particularly alert to taste in the overall
sense He has
really good taste in clothes is in play
here as well. Its a
correlation between visual context and the response to it. Its a sensation of Oh, that looks so
good I want to eat it if the spleen approves and one of Gag me with a spoon if the spleen
2. Intuition
Intuition resides in the 28-38 and 57-20 channels. It is particularly attuned to sound. Is that
sudden bump in the night a threat? That depends on the quality of the sound of the bump. The
sound gets your attention and the spleen makes a split second decision as to whether or not
there is something to fear that requires action and it determines what action is best.
3. Instinct
Instinct resides in the 44-26 and the 54-32 channels and is particularly attuned to smell. Of all
the senses smell has the most direct route to the part of the brain that has to process the data.
There are only a couple of synapses between the data (the smell) entering the nostrils and
where the smell is processed and analyzed.

The awareness of the spleen is very fast. The mind and emotions dont operate at anywhere the
same speed. The spleen is processing vast amounts of physical sensory data and when it detects

something out of place, some deviation in the pattern, it alerts the creature so that evasive
action can be immediately taken.
Also, once engaged in an action, the spleens warning is no guarantee that the creature can
interrupt or change its behavior quickly enough. This is much more of a problem for humans
than for animals because humans are so often very engaged mentally in what theyre doing.
For the most part the spleen is quiet until something elicits the response This is not OK. And it
expects the organism to immediately change its behavior. The spleen, as an authority, usually
tells a person to avoid something. If you happen to be driving down a street it might well say
Dont go down that street. Something is wrong there. Something is suspicious. Its not
necessarily a little voice speaking a full sentence (although it can be like a little voice). The hairs
on the back of the neck stand up, one gets a prickly sensation. Its something at the body level
that warns the organism: NO.

3 Splenic Variations
There are 3 different modes of splenic authority and they are tied in to the
persons type.
1. Manifesting Splenic Authority
Manifesting splenic authority is when the spleen is connected to the throat and
to a motor - either the ego or root. So, for example, the 28-38 spleen to root
with the 57-20 spleen to throat is a splenic manifestor. They are attuned to the
sound of their world. If they make a judgment from that 18-58 the basic
assumption as it moves through the 57th gate is that the judgment will hold
good through the future. The 57th gates fear of the future is sitting there as a
potential alarm. If it picks up on anything that indicates the future result of that
judgment is potentially threatening that alarm goes off. It lets them know
immediately that the judgment holds some threat to their future.
The 44-26 spleen to ego and the 57-20 spleen to throat is also. Note that only
the defined ego and the root can be involved with the spleen as an authority.
The manifestor, in general, since they are here to do, profits greatly from
having the spleen as authority. If they learn to trust that immediate splenic
reaction they can avoid a lot of unpleasant consequences.
No matter how powerful a person is, nobody can just do whatever they want
without creating consequences. If the lion roars at the wrong time it alerts its
prey and misses dinner. If the mouse squeaks at the wrong time it becomes
dinner. The splenic manifestor needs to learn this.

2. Splenic Generator Authority

A person that has both sacral and
splenic definition has splenic
generated authority. Other names for
it are sacral splenic and splenic
sacral authority. Their splenic
awareness guides their response. It is
Example of Sacral
a response in the now with
Splenic Authority
awareness. The pure sacral definition
without a defined spleen responds in
the now as well but it does not have the awareness that the spleen

38-28 and 57-20

Splenic Manifestor

44-26 and 57-20

Splenic Ego
Splenic Projected Authority

provides. The difference is very subtle.

Can you think of

other examples?

3. Projected Splenic Authority

When the spleen is connected and there is no motor connecting the throat, and no defined solar
plexus or sacral then you have Projected splenic authority. The spleen can connect to the root,
ego, self, and throat. The spleen is the authority, giving awareness to the rest of the chart.
These people are always projectors.
With respect to the warning aspect of the splenic authority, waiting to be recognized and/or
invited is immediately a cue to a projector that the situation holds the potential to play out with
no disastrous effect.
All projectors, whether they know anything at all about Human Design or being a projector, are
naturally attuned to be alert to recognition and invitation. Accepting an invitation is very
attractive to projectors, and acting spontaneously is very attractive to the spleen. But just
because one is recognized or invited doesnt mean that one should proceed. The splenic
authority is critical to this type of projector to make healthy choices.
A significant challenge to projected splenic authority occurs when the projector initiates. And
they do and they will regardless of any information to the contrary. Doing this uninvited act
requires a focus of energy, and a commitment to the matter at hand such that they may build up
so much momentum that they cant apply the brakes in time when the splenic authority speaks.

The possibility of the spleen to infuse a person completely is very real. One can truly let go
completely of the mind, give oneself over to the immediate moment and run full tilt down a
mountain, surf a 20 foot wave, or jump out of a plane. For projectors with splenic authority,
when they get recognized and invited, if the spleen doesnt speak a clear No, they can really
abandon themselves to the invitation. Everything is aligned for them and total immersion in the
experience to the point of the sublime is a very real possibility.

Final Thoughts
Conditioning is a powerful force for the spleen. The mind and solar plex can easily overpower the
splenic voice. One can be in the world at home alone, or one can be in the world interacting with
another human, or one can be in nature interacting with the natural elements (e.g. the wave,
the cliff, the desert). Or you can be interacting with a different creature (e.g. a dog, a tiger, a
horse). The function and reliability of the spleen changes depending upon the nature of these

Ego Authority
The Will To Do Something
Ego authority is very limited in the way it can occur
because of the hierarchy of the authorities. In order for the
ego to be the authority the chart CANNOT have a defined
solar plexus, or a defined sacral, or a defined spleen. This
means that there are only 2 channels that can activate the
ego as authority. The 45-21 channel and the 51-25 channel.
Ego authority is the authority of the will, of willpower. The
ego center is essentially a me energy. This is not to be
confused with the self of the G center. This is rooted in
possession. Possession of things and of place. Whos first?
Me. Whos in charge? Me. Who owns this house? Me.
Two Channels
There are two channels that create ego authority are the 45-21 and 51-25. This
first channel is a manifested channel, and therefore anyone with 45-21 ego
authority will be a manifestor. Of course this is provided the sacral, spleen and
solar plexus are not defined. The second channel is a projected channel and as long
as the G center is not connected to the throat (which would make them an ego manifestor)
people with the 51-25 only are ego authority projectors.

1. 45-21 Material People

The dynamics of the 45-21 energy are straightforward. It is the focus
of me is on material plane and the control that comes with that. This
channel is called the Money Channel but its not simply about money.
Its about all of the elements of holding the community together in a
particular order. This involves education and where one sits in any
given status based organization.
In terms of authority, it means that such a person has to have the will power to support their
decision, to bring their will energy into play. There cant be any waffling about it. This person has
to be able to forcefully say, with heartfelt conviction, This is for me. I will do it. This is, after
all, a manifesting channel. They have to have the complete conviction that they can control the
endeavor, whatever it is. The ego authority, if the person decides to get a Ph.D. for example,
they must have the full force of their will over an extended period of time. To do that, they must
begin with a strong sense of will towards the goal. There must be a clear goal and utter
conviction that they can reach the goal.
2. 51-25 Competitive People
The energy dynamic of the 51-25 is different. This the Channel of
Initiation a design of needing to be first. More simply it is Me first.
This can be in a competitive sense of needing to win, to catch the biggest
fish, or I got here first. As an authority this plays out in 2 different
1. Manifesting
If the G center is also connected to the throat through one of the 4 GThroat channels then this is a manifesting ego. In such a case you have
additional information to consider.
For example it could be 51-25 and 31-7, the Channel of the alpha
Leadership for good or for bad. There are numerous animal species in
which the role of the alpha is well documented, but lets just look at
wolves for a moment. In a wolf pack there is only one alpha male and one
alpha female. All the rest are lower in the hierarchy.
Now any wolf cub that happens to grow to be an alpha either overthrows
the current alpha or it leaves the pack. An alpha cant really be a follower
for very long. It will go be on its own (a dangerous act) rather than do

Top Dog

So a 51-25 with the 31-7 is more concerned with being first as a leader
then it is with fitting into the hierarchy. As an authority such a person
draws upon their will power to be first, to lead the way, regardless of
whether or not anyone follows. If this person is worried whether or not
anyone will follow then they arent coming from authority. Their willpower

isnt fully engaged.

This form of willpower (through the G center) is willpower expressed in self identity. 31-7 = Me,
Im the leader. 8-1 = Me, I can do it. 10-20 = Me, Im myself. 13-33 = Me, Im the
witness. You can see that the willpower has to align with the self, the identity to really operate.

To fully realize the potential of whichever channel is connecting the G center to the throat this
ego manifestor must engage with a full sense that they can be number 1 in the endeavor.
Doing a reading for an ego manifestor where the ego is also the authority is relatively easy. You
tell them about informing others, getting permission, etc. and then really its simply a matter of
letting them know that they can trust their ego. They can compete or control without having to
feel guilty. The expression playing ego games has come to have such a negative aspect that
some people find themselves trapped in internal dialogue with themselves about it.
The ego authority when it operates says Me, Ill give it 110 percent. Ill bring my A game. This
is what that person needs to have to know that its making the right decision.
2. Projected
The second situation is the 51-25 without the G being connected to the throat. This is ego
projected authority and of course this means that the person is a projector. In order to reap the
full benefit of this authority they have to wait for an invitation where they are recognized. This is
more challenging. For projectors with motors the concept of waiting for recognition or an
invitation is difficult. The energy to do is there it just needs the connection. The more potential
gates are activated waiting for a person or a transit to complete the connection the more difficult
it is to wait.
The energy of that ego is powerful. This is the stuff of kings, of heroes, of legends,
and superstars. Its the A game, the 100 percent. But for the projector the strategy
is different. The manifestor can simply walk onto the stage with their A game and
the result is of value to them. This is the actor who, even when they arent the star they can
steal the scene.
The projector should not be concerned about actively stealing the scene, but instead they can
wait until the spotlight is focused on them. Thats their strategy. When the spotlight shines on
them they really shine if they have the energy. This is why its important for them to not to
expend their energy when the spotlight isnt shining on them. If theyre continually spending
that energy trying to get into the limelight, when they make it they are very likely not to have
their A game anymore.

Self Authority
Always A Projector
Self Authority is different than any other authority. In
order to have self authority EVERYTHING below the
G center is undefined. It does not matter what is
defined above the throat. Everybody who has self
authority is always a projector.
There are 4 channels that create a self authority and
they are all direct connections from the throat to the
self (10-20, 31-7, 1-8 and 13-33.
The Elusive Self Authority
Self authority is really just an auto-pilot system.
People with self authority do not have to wait out the

emotional wave or listen for a splenic voice that only speaks once, or listen to a sacral voice, or
need the drive of ego.
These are people who have to do only one thing: What they do. This is the monopole driving the
person. The self authority has only to sit in the vehicle and let the driver do the driving.
They dont even have to think about it. Typically, when questioned about a decision theyve
made they may have many thoughts to justify the decision but the thoughts didnt make the
decision. On the other hand they may have no thoughts about it at all and when asked will I say
I dont know, it was just the right thing to do. Its very nebulous.
Much like the hummingbirds that migrate thousand of miles, self authority is tuned into
something that you cant really put a finger on. These hummingbirds have to find enough flowers
along the way to survive and the time when those flowers bloom changes from year to year.
Somehow the hummingbirds know from year to year just when to set off. Somehow they just
know how to get where they are going.

Their Own Direction

Someone with self authority is a person who isnt here to follow rules. This person doesnt have
to leave on Tuesday even though everybody else may have to. What other people say, what
the school says, or the employer, or society at large just isnt relevant to their decision making.
They dont tend to do things simply to reach a goal, and they dont tend to do things just
because it worked in the past. Something happens something on T.V., something in a book, a
conversation, a thought that drifts through their mind, a cock crowing 3 times whatever it is, it
somehow propels the driver to turn left or right and off they go.
The only issue for the person with self authority is trust. Trusting that internal navigation
system. Once that navigation system engages, the worst thing self authority can do is to go
against it. This applies to both the love and direction aspects of the G center.
This principle of trust operates not just in terms of direction but also in terms of self organization
and self relationship (love). The self authority is intimately connected to its sense of self. These
people have a finely tuned sense of themselves even to the extent of appearing overly selfconfident or self involved.

As long as they dont violate that sense of self by going where they KNOW they shouldnt go or
doing what they KNOW they shouldnt do things are just fine for them. This is a person who can
simply refuse to do something for 10 years and then suddenly flip 180 degrees completely, and
embrace it wholly for the next 20 years.
For them its simply a question of whether or not it fits into their current self. When it doesnt fit
they dont do it, when it fits they do it. Its critical for self authority that they maintain their
sense of rightness about themselves. It doesnt matter if that sense of rightness is in accord with
anyone elses but it must be right with them.
You can know a person like this for years and believe you can predict their behavior and
suddenly they will do something completely out of left field that is just totally contrary to what
you would expect. Its simply that their self has changed for whatever reason. If you happen to
know one for a goodly long time youll have the chance to see that they are very rigid until
they change.
As long as self authority is operating correctly - trusting itself - then any decision made is the
right one. It doesnt matter what decision they make, turn left or turn right, whichever they
choose, as long as it comes from that place of trust, they will have the right experience. Its the
quintessence of gate 46 the serendipity of being in the right place at the right time.

No person with self authority can love anyone else unless they are right with themselves. And no
person with self authority can be happy in a relationship with another person if that other person
cant accept the extreme sense of identity. Remember these are people with no motors. They
dont have the energy to be able to constantly hassle with an emotional person who wants them
to change. Or with an ego that has to compete about whats the right way. Once they are caught
up in endless conflict about what they do and where they go, and whats right and whats not
and why they have to do this and cant do that, well they dont have the staying power for that.
Self authority is no more reliable than any other authority in terms of guaranteeing that the
resulting experience will be pleasurable, but as long as that pure innocent trust is there the
person will have the right experience. Whats the right experience? Thats pretty simple. Its
the one that somehow leads to the next correct experience for the person to fully become who
they are.

Self authority is the perfect union of essence and existence, of being and becoming. The defining
mantra for the person with self authority is Shakespeares wonderful line:

This above all,to

thine own self be
And it must follow,
as the night the day,
Thou canst not then
be false to any man.
- Hamlet

Projectors With A Twist

The self authority is always a projector with no motors. But if you say You have to be
recognized and invited before you can do anything, youre leading them astray. These projectors
have to do what they hear the self say. Invitation for them doesnt have to come from the
KEY POINT : When they have to make a decision they need others to listen to what they are
saying. What they say will allow them to hear what the right decision is. This can take time and
require talking about it with several people. They need to trust what comes out of their mouth.
They may not understand it since the G center is not an awareness.
When the self authority projector has to do something absent that external recognition and
invitation its useful for them to understand that their doing has nothing to do with the outcome.
This is one area that can be difficult for them. Maybe they write a book that never gets
published. They have to write the book because thats what they have to do.
Helping Others
Self authority can help others find their identity and direction. But they must be recognized
and invited. This is what can be hard for self authority to come to grips with. They know how it
works, but nobody is going to listen to them unless they are invited.
This is just pure energy dynamics.

No Inner Authority
When you look at a chart where none of the centers are defined (a
reflector) or a chart where the only defined centers are above the G
Center, (mental projectors) you are looking at someone whose inner
authority operates much differently.
The moon transits through all of the gates in a 28 day cycle and we all
experience this, Any undefined center when it is turned on sort of

stands up and shouts Here I am. For many people with really a lot of undefined centers that
experience is more noticeable.
Ideally the person with no inner authority can wait out this 28 day
cycle, allowing themselves the time to fully and intensely experience
their own definition through that period.
Take the TIme you Need
Of course, its easy to say, Oh, they have to wait 28 days to make a
decision. But life is more fluid than that and we can't fix it into a neat
little 28 day box. The important thing is to take as much time as
needed and to realize that anything that can't wait for them to make a
decision correctly isn't for them anyway.
One of the challenges for this kind of authority is the temptation to
make a decision before the synthesis is complete. They can be
overwhelmed by a particular experience during the process and make
a decision based on a very powerful, but incomplete, experience. The trick is to really draw the
process out.
Taking in The World
With all those open centers Reflectors and mental projectors are always taking in the other
they are very attuned to the others state of being, to their emotions, their responses, their ego,
their awareness, their pressures. Its all flooding into them.
They are experiencing the energy of the external world at a very deep level. This can be
wonderful or miserable, depending on what the other people are like and how the Reflectors and
mental projectors resonate with them. Its crucial that they as much as possible surround
themselves with people whose internal energy dynamics suit them.
The people around them will act as sounding boards. This is similar to the self projected
authority. They bounce things off others. But in the case of somebody who has no inner
authority the ultimate decision is not made from simply hearing what comes out of their throat.
It is much more complex and takes more time.
Whether through a 28 day lunar cycle or through activation by others, the Reflectors and mental
projectors are designed to synthesize their disparate internal experiences into a whole, and to
make decisions from the gestalt of that synthesis.

Authority is not a little man sitting in a control tower calling the shots. The person's full
characteristics play a part. When Reflectors and mental projectors allow the synthesis time to
fully evolve they can then incorporate it with other aspects of their design. Their profile, their
incarnation cross, their current life theme are some of the factors that will determine how any
particular Reflector or mental projector will use the synthesis that leads them to making a
correct decision one that is aligned with their whole design.

A 4th line profile, for example, may weight the decision more favorably toward something that is
perceived as an opportunity. A 3rd line profile may weight it less favorably if it is perceived as
something they already know doesnt work. In their current theme of life, a person may have
the line 47.1 Taking Stock - Realizing that negative thoughts have to be eradicated, leading
them to favor a decision that promotes that agenda. Which factor lends more weight depends on
the persons life experience.
This process is not an easy task and it may take them years to get the hang of it if they ever
do. It requires considerable trust, patience, self awareness and practice. But once they get it
down their lives are extremely rich and rewarding. The ones who do get it down are
extraordinary role models for the rest of us in terms of the most ideal function of the undefined

Outer Authority
The Reflectors and mental projectors who learn, by whatever means, to live out their
designs somewhat correctly can be very valuable to others as an Outer Authority. A
generator, for example, has inner sacral authority and their reflector friend (who takes
the generator in very deeply) can give them great things to respond to that are in harmony with
the generator's design.
One of the fundamental and key concepts of the open centers is that they not only take in but
amplify whatever behaviors are associated with them and mirror them. Reflectors and mental
projectors are constantly experiencing others, amplifying that experience and reflecting it back.
Reflecting doesnt necessarily mean parroting. The quality of the reflection depends on the state
of being of the reflector.
What is fundamentally being reflected back is the energy of the amplified center. It may be the
up energy of the emotional wave or the down energy. It may be the vitality and joy energy of
the root or it may be the stress energy. It may be the uh huh or the uh uh of the sacral and so
When the energy is reflected back to the person with the defined center who originated it they
then have two new possibilities. To understand this you have to really grasp a couple of difficult
First: we dont live in a universe that is fundamentally digital. That is to
say the switch isnt limited to being just on or off. That off or on view
suffices for logic and is very useful, but its only part of the story. The
switch can be neither on or off and it can also be on and off
simultaneously. Light is one of the best examples of this in the physical
world. It is both a wave and a particle.
Second: in the world of energy, flow can be in any direction and it tends not to be stable at any
particular end of the spectrum. Behavioral energy operates in a gradient. This is particularly
evident in the emotional wave up, then down.

In the affairs of humans then, many decisions are complex enough, either because of the
amount of data involved or because of interference from competing flows, that the innate
authority may not discern a clear cut choice. The mind can interfere, other centers can interfere,
and conditioning can interfere along with many other more subtle variables.
Reflectors and mental projectors, when they reflect back to others, reflect back the energy itself.
The form the reflection takes may be colored by the reflector (based on various elements in their
design) and it may be distracting, but the basic reflection is pure energy. Sometimes the person
receiving the reflection needs that in order to get past being stuck because the decision is so
complex or because of interference.
Reflectors and mental projectors can, simply by reflecting, provide the extra little bit of weight
that leads the other to get over the hump inside themselves so to speak. They can get unstuck.
It helps if the Reflector or mental projector is able to reflect things back without muddying the
waters too much. Not all Reflectors and mental projectors can do that or do it consistently or do
it for everybody. In a sense, the purest reflection affirms the other persons own authority which
is the actual decision making dynamic.
The second dynamic that Outer Authority brings is new possibility.
As humans we grow, evolve, change in various ways. That in itself
isnt easy, especially out and out change. In fact its very difficult.
But its also sometimes necessary.
Well integrated Reflectors and mental projectors offer the very real
possibility of change to the rest of us. When they reflect back the amplified energy of our own
inner authorities they often color it with aspects of their own design. When that happens we are
getting not just a pure reflection of our own energy but something that is a little different, and
that difference becomes a new input for us.
A 3rd line may say to us, Well I tried that and it didnt work. A 4th line may say Hmm, theres
an opportunity here. The cross of explanation may engage in a lengthy explication on the
matter. The Cross of Penetration may dive right to the core. If that is their design speaking then
the reflection we receive may occasion a change deep in us.
When that happens we have the opportunity to respond to that modified reflection. A splenic
authority may revisit the decision, an emotional authority may have different feelings. This a
case where reflection mutates the other persons behavior by offering an enhanced view the
situation which their own authority then includes in its own process or not.

Authority - Authority Conclusion

You Have the Key Already
Everybody already knows their design, and by
extension their authority. How could you not? It is,
after all, you. You may have been conditioned to
operate out of alignment with who you are, but
thats not the same as not knowing who you are.

Even the undefined centers are known at some level insofar as we all know that our behavior
changes somewhat depending on who we are with. Really, any person knows what their
authority is and how it works. Many people muddle through life just fine without HD and live out
their designs correctly without this knowledge.
This is not to say that life is a piece of cake, and decisions might be easier to make if you
understood the mechanics, but you already have the key to everything you need inside you.
In talking about and describing these authorities we have, in a sense, artificially deconstructed
something that is whole. Its like taking apart an engine to see how it works. You disassemble it,
lay out all the parts, look at how they fit and what they do. But then all you have is a bunch of
pieces on the floor that dont do what an engine should.
Authority is not like a little man in a control center, it is interwoven throughout our design. The
design is a whole, not a bunch of separate little pieces. We look at what we call the pieces but
what we strive to understand is the wholeness of the design.
People are living out their designs in many ways through the self, through the not self, alone,
with others. The descriptions of behaviors here are not simply statements about what should
be, they are statements about what is. This is not a rule book for what people should do, its
a description of what people, in general, are doing. Some people are doing it consciously, some
arent. Some people are embracing their authority, some are afraid to do that. Some trust their
authority more than others. Some have been seduced (conditioned) to rely on an authority for
which they arent wired.

What's Your Vehicle?

With authority, you can kind of think about it in terms of transportation. There are
a multitude of transportation methods being used by people. We can walk, ride a
horse, take a train, ride a bike or swim. They all work to get us from one place to
another. But if youre riding a bike, you dont make decisions the way you would if
you were driving a car or piloting a plane.
When you look at the world you see people using all of these different transportation modes, and
its the same with inner authority. There are different ways depending on your unique design.
None is superior. One works better for some and another works better for others. When
someone says something like Get in touch with your feelings. Or, Rely on you gut. Or, Trust
your instincts, thats not inaccurate, and it might work for millions of people - but it might not
work for you.

If your authority is emotional then you are wired to wait out the wave, if your authority is splenic
you are built to decide spontaneously. With self projected authority you hear your decision at the
same time everyone else does - when it comes out your mouth. WIth ego authority you are here
to assert your ego. These are all different ways of driving depending on what vehicle you have.
You cant know in advance what the results will be from making your decision from your
authority or, for that matter, what they might be if you dont make it from your authority. What
you can know is that making a decision from your authority is reliable in terms of your design.
We can all trust our own wiring.
Give it a Try
There isnt any belief or judgment involved in this. You dont have to believe
in anything thats been presented. The entire systems is logically consistent.
If you want to, you can experiment with it, test it, enjoy it, explore it. This
isnt something you have to blindly accept or reject. Look at your world
through this lens and see how it looks. So jump in and see what happens!

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