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How Can you live simple and think high?

This is where the Green Temple Society comes into picture

We have the following verticals under which you can seek guidance, share
experience, donate time and resources, or just join in, for some practical
experience of Prabhupada's mission.

Green Hom
es- Eco
for homeinteriors,
and daily
Green Temp
le- waste
& composting
of flowers
and kitchen
packaging as
to plastics

4 Green Food
HabitsEdibles/FoodHealthy and
sourced from

Brief Description/Line of Sight

1) The Vision is to build homes in tandem with nature, thus
ushering in spaces where nature's peace flows into homes
like sunshine flows into trees.
2) Green Homes are to be designed as Environmental
Friendly, Economical & Sustainable.
3) Green Homes focus on efficient use of Energy, Water,
Recyclable Building Material, Improving Indoor Air Quality,
Producing Less Waste etc.
1) Flowers and Nirmalya Compost to avoid mass waste
dumping and pollution of land land sea.
2)Kitchen Waste Compost to aid recycling of daily waste into
useful manure.

1) More Earthly Friendly & Environmentally Preffered.

2) Less polluting to Ecology including Terrestrial & Aquatic
Life since most of the plastics get dumped into the land or
3) Reusable, Recyclable & Bio - degradable.
1) Healthiest option as compared to processed foods.
2) Lower chemical residues including insecticides, pesticides,
antibiotics, hormones etc.
3) Rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals etc. Vital for
dietary needs of every individual & increases self reliance
over qualitative consumption.
4) Help to boost local economy & support self-sustenance of

Green Daily
: Cow &

3)To provide economically and ecologically viable alternatives

to harmful materials lie fibre, polythene and plastics.

5) Direct sourcing will help reduce too many heads

participating in supply chain & distribution channels & help
curb inflation.
1) Possessing tremendous medicinal values. Natural & cost
effective alterantive for curative & healing treatment. Pure for

Hare Krishna and Welcome to the Green Temple Project,

Kindly fill in the attached form with your complete details and let us know how you
would like to join us.
You could give us some ideas about how to achieve these goals, or add something to
our data base of contacts, or research papers, or call us to know how you can bring
these changes in your life. Honestly, we can engage you in some way or the
other, all you need to do is contact us!!
So as Prabhupada has said Chant Hare Krishna and Fight!! we welcome you to our
army of simple living! And fight we must against extreme industrialisma and extreme
greed, within and without. Mother Bhoomi is in pain, and as Vaishnavas it is our duty
towards her and Srila Prabhupada to relieve her!!
Looking forward to hearing from you

2) Highly beneficial from utility point of view. More than 30

different cow products available in market for various
purposes. Life sustaining.

Yours in Service to Mother Bhoomi, Mother Cow, Sri Guru and Gauranga

3) Helps to drive small scale businesses. Employment

generating for rural india.

The Green Temple Society

How is it even
related with your

Srila Prabhupada has always

been very clear about what the
effect of the chanting of the
Mahamantra shall be

Can you even

imagine a Vraja
without trees, a
Mayapur without
Mother Ganga, if no?
Then, now is the
time to finish your
rounds before 7

... Yes, naturally. If this man is

fed up with this industry, he can go
back to village and produce his
own food. But he is attached to
this industrial activity because
he is thinking that "We are
getting more money for wine
and woman and meat. Let me
enjoy." That is the perfect,
imp... But if he chants Hare
Krishna maha-mantra, his
consciousness will be purified
and he will be made not
interested in this kind of work.
He will go back to village and
produce food.
-Conversations, May 24, 1974,

Hare Krishna,

What can we learn from this?

Please accept our humble obeisance

The idea is to live simple!! If chanting makes one feel an attraction towards
simple living, then simple living must make one attaracted towards chanting. A
world free of extreme industrialism is always more conducive to Krishna
Consciousness. While we understand that, moving to a village may not be a quick
decision but we can always include this ideology in our lives, and since preaching
is the essence spread the good word by being examples of Prabhupada's version
of an excellent life!!

We extend a warm welcome to all the Vashnavas looking for an action pact engagement
in Srila Prabhupada's mission.
Green Temple
The Green Committee
If you were thinking that your prayers for service to Krishna are unanswered, well, here

What can you do?

is the answer. We are offering a chance to serve Krishna through service to his eternal

It is quite simple, let's bring about this change little by little, and let's make the
world more conducive to Krishna Consciousness!! You can start by bringing the
change in yourself, and become examples for others gradually in the process.

consort Mother Bhoomi! A simple life, conscious of Krishna's eternal energy, and respect
towards the natural resources as the property of Krishna, shall do the trick!

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