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My Plan to Build a Better

Andrew Koon
Professor Sabin
Summer Term A 2016
Polk State CollegeLakeland, FL

Type of Stretching:

Static Passive Stretching

Frequency: ____2____________sessions per week

Intensity: __________20-25__________seconds per stretch
Time: ______4 (two on each side)________________sets of each

Name of stretch:

Muscle being stretched:

1. Hamstring Stretch

1. Hamstring muscles

2. Calf/Foot Flexion Extension

2. Gastrocnemius/Soleus muscles

3. Inner Thigh Straddle Stretch

3. Sartorious,Adductor Brevis/Longus

4. Front Thigh Stretch

4. Quadricep Muscles

5. Trunk Twist

5. Spine, Thorasic and Lumbar

6. Side Bend Stretch

6. Oblique Muscles

7. Head and Neck Stretches

7. Trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid

8. Tricep/Shoulder Stretches

8. Tricep/Deltoid Muscles

9. Bicep Rotation Stretch

9. Biceps Muscles

10. Foot/Ankle Rotation Stretch

10. Exterior Reticulum,Achilles Tendon

Activity: Dance Rehearsals for a Musical

Frequency: _3______________ sessions per week

Intensity: (heart rate range) _______122_ to

___147____ bpm

Time: ___180____________minutes per session

Warm-up: Intermittent moderate to brisk walking around Lake Mirror,
Downtown Lakeland for 15-20 minutes.
Cool-down: Partner stretching, squats and lunges for 10-12 reps
Activity: Stationary Cycling

Frequency: _2______________ sessions per week

Intensity: (heart rate range) _____122___ to

___147____ bpm

Time: 30_______________minutes per session

Warm-up: Slow to moderate pace on Stationary Bike
Cool-down: After higher speed training pace, slow down to moderate pace

Type(s) of Resistance used: Free Weights and Shake Weight
Frequency: 2____________sessions per week
Intensity: 10-12________________repetitions per set
Time: __3 or 4_____________sets of each exercise
Warm-up: Static stretches for upper and lower body areas targeted with lower
weight amounts. Example: shoulders, biceps, triceps
Cool-down: Full body static stretches, targeting areas worked for 10-15
minutes to prevent soreness
Name of exercise:

Muscle being affected:

1. Overhead Shoulder Press

1. Deltoid Muscles

2. Shoulder Rows

2. Deltoid Muscles

3. Bicep Curl

3. Bicep Muscles

4. Bicep Extension

4. Bicep Muscles

5. Tricep Press

5. Tricep Muscles

6. Tricep Extension

6. Tricep Muscles

7. Weighted Sit-up/Overhead Press

7. Abdominal Muscles

8. Weighted Leg Raises/Extensions

8. Abdominal Muscles

9. Weighted Squats

9. Quadricep/Gluteal Muscles

10. Weighted Lunges

10. Quadricep/Gluteal Muscles

In designing my fitness plan, looking at my areas of weakness was my first priority, because I always
believe the most essential starting point of self-improvement is to look at what needs work most. These
areas included increasing my amounts of cardiovascular fitness, building more muscle, increasing
flexibility and weight gain, as was reported in my lab data. According to the Skinfold measurements,
and bioelectric impedance assessments from Lab #1, my body fat levels were classified as borderline
low. After taking these findings into consideration, I designed my fitness plan to target and improve
these specific areas, including using static- passive stretching to improve my flexibility, high intensity
dance rehearsals for Lakeland Community Theatre's summer production of Grease the musical, and
following a stationary bike/cycling program to improve my cardiovascular fitness, as well as using free
weights and a shake weight for resistance training to improve strength and BMI goals.
One component of my plan was to improve my flexibility and range of motion, specifically relating
to my hamstrings and hip flexors, helping me to finally be able to touch my toes! This will be achieved
through the use of the static stretching exercises. These were to include four sets of (two on each side)
repetitions of hamstring stretches, calf/foot flexion extension, and inner thigh straddle stretch. Another
component of my fitness plan is a two facet cardiovascular endurance strategy to include both aerobic
activity-dancing and stamina building through riding a cycling machine. I believed by doing these
activities 2-3 times per week, this would greatly improve my cardiovascular fitness standing from
marginal to the good/high performance fitness zone classifications. The third and final focus of my
fitness plan was the resistance training portion to increase my muscle mass, strength and body weight.
The main attention of the resistance training was on my upper body muscle groups including biceps,
triceps, shoulders, and chest. This again followed the 2-3 times a week regiment to make desired gains
in fitness health.
Developing, performing, and adhering to a regimented fitness plan consistently is never an easy
task. But how are we able to maintain this commitment when life happens? Several barriers that I have

experienced in my own personal plan have included: time restraints such as fitting it in between going
to school and studying with other personal obligations and funding the cost of a gym membership, as it
is outside of my financial ability at this time. Another barrier included is my body type, as I like to call
it long and lean, or more commonly known as just plain skinny. However, gaining weight and building
muscle are not as simple as one would think. But, as with all barriers, you must take continuous action
and stay dedicated to produce an effective and desired end result. To tackle the barrier of time
constraint, I have incorporated a part of my weekly schedule into the cardiovascular portion of my plan,
by using the dance rehearsals for the musical production, Grease, that I am currently a part of. The
intensity of the choreography and rehearsal schedule, satisfies the frequency level needed to move me
closer to my fitness goals. Overall, this project has increased my awareness of the importance for living
an active and fit lifestyle to maintain one's long term health, while also providing the opportunity to
improve my fitness routine with a few simple interventions.

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