NR Group Address: 1,3,4 Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge, Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad. Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar (+919879254510)

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JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology based on the Java language and enables the
development of dynamic web sites. JSP was developed by Sun Microsystems to allow server
side development. JSP files are HTML files with special Tags containing Java source code
that provide the dynamic content.
The following shows the Typical Web server, different clients connecting via the Internet to
a Web server. In this example, the Web server is running on Unix and is the very popular
Apache Web server

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

The following diagram shows a web server that supports JSP files. Notice that the web server
also is connected to a database.

JSP source code runs on the web server in the JSP Servlet Engine. The JSP Servlet engine
dynamically generates the HTML and sends the HTML output to the clients web browser.

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

JSP compared to ASP

JSP and ASP are fairly similar in the functionality that they provide. JSP may have slightly
higher learning curve. Both allow embedded code in an HTML page,session variables and
database access and manipulation. Whereas ASP is mostly found on Microsoft platforms i.e.
NT,JSP can operate on any platform that conforms to the J2EE specification. JSP allow
component reuse by using Javabeans and EJBs. ASP provides the use of COM / ActiveX
JSP compared to ASP.NET
ASP.NET is based on the Microsoft .NET framework. The .NET framework allows
applications to be developed using different programming languages such as Visual
Basic,C# and JavaScript. JSP and Java still has the advantage that it is supported on many
different platforms and the Java community has many years of experience in designing and
developing Enterprise quality scalable applications. This is not to say that ASP.NET is
bad,actually it is quite an improvement over the old ASP code.
JSP compared to Servlets
A Servlet is a Java class that provides special server side service. It is hard work to write
HTML code in Servlets. In Servlets you need to have lots of println statements to generate
HTML. JSP pages are converted to Servlets so actually can do the same thing as old Java
In jsp's the overall code is modulated so the developer who deesn't know about java can
write jsp pages by simply knowing the additional tages and class names.
One more important to be considered is servlet take less time to compile. Jsp is a tool to
simplify the process and
make the process automate.
JSP architecture
JSPs are built on top of SUN Microsystems' servlet technology. JSPs are essential an HTML
page with special JSP tags embedded. These JSP tags can contain Java code. The JSP file
extension is .jsp rather than .htm or .html. The JSP engine parses the .jsp and creates a Java
servlet source file. It then compiles the source file into a class file,this is done the first time
and this why the JSP is probably slower the first time it is accessed. Any time after this the
special compiled servlet is executed and is therefore returns faster.

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

Steps required for a JSP request:


The user goes to a web site made using JSP. The user goes to a JSP page (ending with
.jsp). The web browser makes the request via the Internet.


The JSP request gets sent to the Web server.


The Web server recognises that the file required is special (.jsp),therefore passes the
JSP file to the JSP Servlet Engine.


If the JSP file has been called the first time, the JSP file is parsed, otherwise go to step


The next step is to generate a special Servlet from the JSP file. All the HTML
required is converted to println statements.


The Servlet source code is compiled into a class.


The Servlet is instantiated, calling the init and service methods.


HTML from the Servlet output is sent via the Internet.


HTML results are displayed on the user's web browser.

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

Tomcat is a free open source JSP and Servlet engine, developed by Apache.

Creating your first JSP page

<title>My first JSP page
<%@ page language="java" %>
<% out.println("Hello World"); %>

Type the code above into a text file. Name the file helloworld.jsp.
Using JSP tags
There are five main tags:
1. Declaration tag
2. Expression tag
3. Directive tag
4. Scriptlet tag
5. Action tag
Declaration tag ( <%! %> )
This tag allows the developer to declare variables or methods.
Before the declaration you must have <%!
At the end of the declaration,the developer must have %>
Code placed in this tag must end in a semicolon ( ; ).
NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

Declarations do not generate output so are used with JSP expressions or scriptlets.
For Example,
private int counter = 0 ;
private String get Account ( int accountNo) ;
Expression tag ( <%= %>)
This tag allows the developer to embed any Java expression and is short for out.println().
A semicolon ( ; ) does not appear at the end of the code inside the tag.
For example,to show the current date and time.
Date : <%= new java.util.Date() %>
Directive tag ( <%@ directive ... %> )
A JSP directive gives special information about the page to the JSP Engine. There are three
main types of directives:

page - processing information for this page.


Include - files to be included.


Tag library - tag library to be used in this page.

Directives do not produce any visible output when the page is requested but change the way
the JSP Engine processes the page.
For example,you can make session data unavailable to a page by setting a page directive
(session) to false.

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )


Page directive

This directive has 11 optional attributes that provide the JSP Engine with special processing
information. The following table lists the 11 different attributes with a brief description:

Which language the file <%@ page language

= "java" %>
Superclass used by the
<%@ page extends =
JSP engine for the
"com.taglib... %>
translated Servlet.
Import all the classes in a <%@ page import =
java package into the
"java.util.*" %>
current JSP page. This
allows the JSP page to use
other java classes.
Does the page make use Default is set to true.
of sessions. By default all
JSP pages have session
data available. There are
performance benefits to
switching session to false.
Controls the use of
<%@ page buffer =
buffered output for a JSP "none" %>
page. Default is 8kb
autoFlush Flush output buffer when <%@ page autoFlush
= "true" %>
isThreadSafe Can the generated Servlet
deal with multiple
requests? If true a new
thread is started so
requests are handled
Developer uses info
<%@ page info =
attribute to add
information/document for test page,copyright
a page. Typically used to 2001. " %>
and date info.
Different page to deal
<%@ page errorPage
with errors. Must be URL = "/error/error.jsp"
to error page.
IsErrorPage This flag is set to true to
make a JSP page a special
NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

Error Page. This page has

access to the implicit
object exception (see
contentType Set the mime type and
character set of the JSP.


Include directive

Allows a JSP developer to include contents of a file inside another. Typically include files
are used for navigation,tables,headers and footers that are common to multiple pages.
Two examples of using include files: This includes the html from privacy.html found in the
include directory into the current jsp page. <%@ include file = "include/privacy.html"
%> or to include a naviagation menu (jsp file) found in the current directory. <%@
include file = "navigation.jsp" %> Include files are discussed in more detail in the later
sections of this tutorial.

Tag Lib directive

A tag lib is a collection of custom tags that can be used by the page. <%@ taglib uri = "tag
library URI" prefix = "tag Prefix" %> Custom tags were introduced in JSP 1.1 and allow
JSP developers to hide complex server side code from web designers.
Scriptlet tag ( <% ... %> )
Between <% and %> tags,any valid Java code is called a Scriptlet. This code can access any
variable or bean declared.
For example,to print a variable.
String username = "visualbuilder" ;
out.println ( username ) ;

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

Action tag
There are three main roles of action tags :

enable the use of server side Javabeans

transfer control between pages
browser independent support for applets.

JSP Implicit Objects

JSP container provides a list of instantiated objects for you to access different kind of data in
a web application. Those objects are called implicit object because it is automatically
available to access. These are some main implicit objects in JSP which you use most:
request object
response object
session object
out object
pageContext object
application object
config object
page object
excpetion object
The request object
Each time a client requests a JSP page, the JSP engine creates a new object to represents that
request called request object. The request object is an instance of
classjavax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. The request object contains all information about
the current HTTP request and the clients. Be noted that request object only available in a
scope of the current request. It is re-created each time new request is made.
By using methods of the request object you can access almost information such as
HTTP header, query string, cookies...
The response object
JSP also creates the response object which is an instance of
classjavax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse. The response object represents the response to
the client. By using this object you can add new cookies, change MIME content type of the
NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )

page. In addition, the response object also contains sufficient information on the HTTP to be
able to return HTTP status codes or make the page redirect to the other page.
The session object
The session object is used to track information of a particular client between multiple
requests. the session object is avaible in the server so it can helps you to overcome the
stateless of HTTP protocol. You can use session object to store a arbitrary information
between client requests. The session object is an instance of
The out object
The output stream is exposed to the JSP through the out object. the out object is an instance
of class javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter. The out object may refer to an output stream or a filtered
stream... You can use the out object methods to send the data into the output stream such
as println method. Then JSP take care the rest.
The pageContext object
The pageContext object represent the entire JSP page. You can use the pageContext object to
get page attributes of a page. the pageContext object is an instance of
The application object
The application object is a representation of JSP page through its life
cycle. The application object is created when a JSP page is initialized and removed when the
JSP page is removed by jspDestroy() method or JSP page is recompiled. As its name imply,
the information of the application object is accessible to any object used within the JSP page.
The config object
The config object allows you to access the initialization parameters for the Servlet and
JSP engine. The config object is an instance of the class javax.servlet.ServletConfig.

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )


The page object

The page object is an instance of a JSP page. By using the page object, you can call any
method of the page's servlet.
The exception object
The exception object contains the exception which is thrown from the previous JSP page.
You can use the exception object to generate friendly error message based on erorr condition
to the end-user.

NR Group
Address: 1,3,4; Malhar Complex, Near Satadhar Overbridge,
Satadhar-Science City Road, Ahmedabad.
Prepared By: Bhavin Thakkar ( +919879254510 )


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