Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry

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July - December 2004

Clinical Psychology
and Psychiatry


New titles published by

Brunner-Routledge, Guilford Press
and Psychology Press

Bhugra: Culture and Self-Harm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Clark: Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Cling: Sexualized Violence against Women and Children . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Heath: Home Treatment for Acute Mental Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Hersen: Psychological Assessment in Clinical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Holmes/Hackmann: Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology . . . .4
Hofmann/Tompson: Treating Chronic and Severe Mental Disorders . . . . . .3
Kline: Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modelling . . . . . . . .8
Levitt et al: Self-Harm Behavior and Eating Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Lilienfeld et al: Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology . . . . . . .8
McFarlane: Multifamily Groups in the Treatment of Severe Psychiatric
Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Otto-Ottosson/Fink: Ethics in Electroconvulsive Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Rudd et al: Treating Suicidal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Rutherford et al: Handbook of Research in Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Stevens/Wedding: Handbook of International Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Tseng et al: Cultural Competence in Forensic Mental Health . . . . . . . . . .5

Ethics in Electroconvulsive
The practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) has always
been surrounded by controversy, with the steadfast
convictions of its detractors matched only by the
incredulity of its proponents armed with evidence of the
treatments efficacy. This book is the first comprehensive
look at the history, controversies, research, and practice of ECT through an
ethical analysis. The authors begin by explicating the facts of ECT, dispelling
many of the most common misconceptions held by both the lay public and
mental health professionals who dismiss the treatment because of its persistent
stigma. Once the factual groundwork has been laid, the book considers the
practice of ECT in light of the four main principles of medical ethics-beneficence,
non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice presenting a defensible position in
favour of the use of ECT in situations where it has been proven efficacious.
Guaranteed to stir up renewed interest in the practice of ECT, this volume will
raise new questions about modern medicine and some of our most basic ethical
Contents: Preface. The Stigmatization of ECT. Principles of Medical Ethics. Previous Ethical
Approaches to ECT. Beneficence. Non Maleficence. Autonomy. Justice. Balancing Ethical
Principles. Conclusions.

0-415-94659-X August 2004 192pp. 19.95 hbk

Published by Brunner-Routledge

Intrusive Thoughts in
Clinical Disorders
Theory, Research, and Treatment
Brunner-Routledge, 27 Church Road,
Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2FA, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 22 5025
Fax: +44 (0) 1273 20 5612

This book highlights the ubiquity of unwanted mental activity, a facet

of cognition that is orthogonal to the pervasive categorization of
thoughts as positive or negative. It is a must read for researchers,
clinicians, and students eager to understand why mental control and
suppression are bound to fail in dealing with these intrusions, and how while it may seem
counterintuitive approaches that encourage patients to develop a curious, detached
awareness of these thoughts have proven helpful across a host of clinical problems.
- Zindel V. Segal, University of Toronto, Canada

Advancing our understanding of the cognitive

underpinnings of psychopathology, this is the first
volume to focus on the role of unwanted intrusive
thoughts, images, and impulses in a variety of
psychological disorders. Leading experts explore the
nature and causes of cognitive intrusions, examining
how they become so persistent and distressing for
certain individuals. Compelling findings are presented
on the contribution of these phenomena to the etiology
and maintenance of such diverse problems as obsessivecompulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder,
depression, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and
sexual offense. Highlighting important questions for
future research, each chapter also discusses practical
implications for assessment and treatment. Clearly
organized and tightly edited, this book will inform the
work of researchers, students, and clinicians alike.
Contents: Clark, Rhyno, Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts in
Nonclinical Individuals: Implications for Clinical Disorders.
Falsetti, Monnier, Resnick, Intrusive Thoughts in
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Wenzlaff, Seeking Solace but
Finding Despair: The Persistence of Intrusive Thoughts in
Depression. Harvey, Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts in
Insomnia. Wells, Worry, Intrusive Thoughts, and Generalized
Anxiety Disorder: The Metacognitive Theory and Treatment.
Clark, O'Connor, Thinking Is Believing: Ego-dystonic Intrusive
Thoughts in Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. Morrison,
Psychosis and the Phenomenon of Unwanted Intrusive
Thoughts. Marshall, Langton, Unwanted Thoughts and
Fantasies Experienced by Sexual Offenders: Their Nature,
Persistence, and Treatment. Purdon, Unwanted Intrusive
Thoughts: Present Status and Future Directions.

1-59385-083-2 December 2004 255pp. 25.00 hbk

Published by Guilford Press

in Clinical
A Pragmatic Guide
What happens when students trained in large hospitals
become solo practitioners or members of small
managed care offices? While most of the clinical
assessments taught in graduate school require the
large staff of a hospital to carry out their procedures,
many new clinicians will not be working under such
ideal circumstances and may find themselves
unprepared to carry out direct evaluations on their
own. Michel Hersons text is intended to meet this
need. Divided into sixteen chapters, each written by an
expert in the field, the book is organized by diagnosis
for ease of reference. Appropriate for students and
practitioners alike, Psychological Assessment in Clinical
Practice teaches readers how to perform assessments
on patients in the absence of the instruments and
assistants that many standard procedures assume.
Contents: Preface. General Issues. Ey, Hersen, Pragmatic
Issues of Assessment in Clinical Practice. Miller, Evans, Ethical
Issues in Assessment. Evaluation of Adults. Dudley McGlynn,
Smitherman, Hammel, Panic, Agoraphobia and Generalized
Anxiety Disorder. Mozley, Buckley, Kaloupek, Acute and

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorders. Hopko, Lejuez, Armento,

Bare, Depressive Disorders. McClough, Clarkin, Personality
Disorders. Adesso, Cisler, Larus, Hayes, Substance Abuse.
Stewart, Williamson, Assessment of Eating Disorders.
Maletzky, Steinhauser, Sexual Deviations. Sayers, Marital
Dysfunction. Evaluation of Children. Silverman, Lopez,
Anxiety Disorders. Orvaschel, Depressive Disorders. Sandler,
Hatt, Mental Retardation. Demolino, Harris, Jennett
Martins, Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Freeman,
Conduct Disorders. Winters, Newcomb, Fahnhorst,
Substance-use Disorders.

0-415-93502-4 September 2004 416pp. 30.00 hbk

Published by Brunner-Routledge




Treating Suicidal
An Effective TimeLimited Approach
This remarkable book deftly guides the practitioner through the
considerable challenges of working with suicidal patients. It is
among the first (and only) comprehensive works of its kind... I am
certain that the ripple of this books impact on the field of clinical
suicidology will be seen for many years to come.
- David A. Jobes, The Catholic University of America; Past
President, American Association of Suicidology
This manual provides an empirically supported approach
to treating suicidality that is specifically tailored to
todays managed care environment. Structured yet
flexible, the model is fully compatible with current best
practice standards. The authors establish the empirical
and theoretical foundations for time-limited treatment
and describe the specific tasks involved in assessment
and intervention. The book then details effective ways
to conduct a rapid case conceptulization and outpatient
risk assessment, determine and implement individualized
treatment targets and monitor treatment outcomes.
Outlined are clear-cut intervention techniques that
focus on symptom management, restructuring the
patients suicidal belief system, and building such key
skills as interpersonal assertiveness, distress tolerance,
and problem solving.
Contents: Establishing a Foundation for Treatment. What Do
We Know about Treating Suicidality?: A Critical Review of the
Literature. A Cognitive-behavioral Model of Suicidality: An
Overview of the Treatment Process. Assessment and
Treatment. Treatment Course and Session-by-session
Guidelines. The Evaluation Process and the Initial Interviews.
Assessing Suicide Risk. Crisis Intervention and Initial Symptom
Management. Reducing and Eliminating Suicide-related
Behaviors. Cognitive Restructuring Changing the Suicidal
Belief System and Building a Philosophy for Living. Skill
Building: Developing Adaptive Modes and Ensuring Lasting
Change. Epilogue.

1-57230-614-9 2001 274pp. 30.00 hbk

1-59385-100-6 September 2004 274pp. 17.95 pbk
Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Series
Published by Guilford Press

Handbook of
Research in
Emotional and
Foreword by Frank H. Wood
Offering balanced, authoritative coverage of a rapidly
growing field, the Handbook provides invaluable tools
for practitioners, students, and investigators.
Contents: Wood, Foreword. Rutherford, Quinn, Mathur,
Overview of Foundations, Assessment, Characteristics,
Interventions, and Methodology in Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders Research. Part I: Foundations of Research in
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Kauffman, Introduction.
Kauffman, Brigham, Mock, Historical to Contemporary
Perspectives of the Field of Behavioral Disorders. Cullinan,
Classification and Definition of Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders. Osher, Cartledge, Oswald, Sutherland, Artiles,
Coutinho, Cultural and Linguistic Competency and
Disproportionate Representation. Quinn, Poirier, Linking
Prevention Research with Policy: Examining the Costs and
Outcomes of the Failure to Prevent Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders. Tankersley, Landrum, Cook, How Research
Informs Practice in the Field of Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders. Part II: Assessment and Evaluation of Emotional and
Behavioral Disorders. Polsgrove, Introduction. Elliott, Busse,
Assessment and Evaluation of Students Behavior and
Intervention Outcomes: The Utility of Rating Scale Methods.
Fox, Gable, Functional Behavioral Assessment. Mattison,
Psychiatric and Psychological Assessment of Emotional and
Behavioral Disorders during School Mental Health
Consultation. Hyatt, Howell, Curriculum-based Measurement
of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders:
Assessment for Data-based Decision Making. Conroy,
Hendrickson, Hester, Early Identification and Prevention of
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Shriner, Wehby,
Accountability and Assessment for Students with Emotional
and Behavioral Disorders. Part III: Characteristics of Emotional
and Behavioral Disorders. Forness, Introduction. Furlong,
Morrison, Jimerson, Externalizing Behaviors of Aggression
and Violence and the School Context. Gresham, Kern,
Internalizing Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents.
Nelson, Leone, Rutherford, Youth Delinquency: Prevention
and Intervention. Sweeney, Hoffman, Research Issues in
Autism Spectrum Disorders. Part IV: Intervention and
Treatment Research. Nelson, Introduction. Kendziora, Early
Intervention for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
Konopasek, Forness, Psychopharmacology in the Treatment
of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Cheney, Bullis, The
School-to-community Transition of Adolescents with
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Meadows, Stevens,
Teaching Alternative Behaviors to Students with Emotional
and Behavioral Disorders. Polsgrove, Smith, Informed
Practice in Teaching Self-control to Children with Emotional
and Behavioral Disorders. Witt, Van DerHeyden, Gilbertson,
Instruction and Classroom Management: Prevention and
Intervention Research. Kavale, Mathur, Mostert, Social Skills
Training and Teaching Social Behavior to Students with

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Lane, Academic

Instruction and Tutoring Interventions for Students with
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: 1990 to the Present.
Liaupsin, Jolivette, and Scott, Schoolwide Systems of
Behavior Support: Maximizing Student Success in Schools.
Eber, Keenan, Collaboration with Other Agencies:
Wraparound and Systems of Care for Children and Youths with
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Part V: Research
Methodology. Guetzloe, Introduction. Lewis, Lewis-Palmer,
Newcomer, Stichter, Applied Behavior Analysis and the
Education and Treatment of Students with Emotional and
Behavioral Disorders, Van Acker, Yell, Bradley, Drasgow,
Experimental Research Designs in the Study of Children and
Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Sabornie,
Qualitative Research and its Contributions to the Knowledge
of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Gunter, Denny, Data
Collection in Research and Applications Involving Students
with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.

1-59385-056-5 October 2004 622pp. 50.00 hbk

Published by Guilford Press




Treating Chronic
and Severe Mental
A Handbook of
Empirically Supported
For a long time, severe mental disorders have mostly been treated
with medication. This book fills a longstanding gap in clinical
psychology with its sound collection of effective, empirically based
psychological treatments for the most troubled populations. I highly
recommend this book. - Professor Dr. Kurt Hahlweg, Technical
University of Braunschweig, Germany
While recent developments in psychopharmacology
have been widely disseminated, equally important
advances in psychological strategies for severe mental
health problems have received less attention. Filling a
crucial gap in the literature, this volume brings
together leading clinical scientists to present
evidence-based approaches for treating schizophrenia,
mood disorders, substance use problems, and severe
personality disorders. Cutting-edge modalities presented
include behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapies,
dynamic therapies, interpersonal therapies, couple and
family treatments, motivational interviewing, and
more. Throughout, step-by-step clinical guidelines are
accompanied by illustrative case examples and
patient-therapist dialogues. Particular attention is
given to strategies for integrating psychological and
pharmacological interventions, as well as to gender and
cultural issues in treatment.
Contents: Part I: Psychological Treatments for Schizophrenia.
Falloon, Cognitive-behavioral Family and Educational
Interventions for Schizophrenic Disorders. Pratt, Mueser,
Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia. Hogarty, Personal
Therapy: A Practical Psychotherapy for the Stabilization of
Schizophrenia. Tarrier, Haddock, Cognitive-behavioral
Therapy for Schizophrenia: A Case Formulation Approach.

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Part II: Psychological Treatments For Mood Disorders.

Hamilton, Dobson, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for
Depression. Otto, Reilly, Harrington, Cognitive-behavioral
Therapy for the Management of Bipolar Disorder. Swartz,
Markowitz, Frank, Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Unipolar
and Bipolar Disorders. Miklowitz, Family-focused Treatment
for Bipolar Disorder. OLeary, Treatment of Marital Discord
and Coexisting Depression. Rotheram-Borus, Goldstein,
Elkavich, Treatment of Suicidality. Part III: Psychological
Treatments For Substance Use and Abuse Disorders.
Handmaker, Walters, Motivational Interviewing for
Initiating Change in Problem Drinking and Drug Use. OLeary,
Monti, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Addiction.
Nowinski, Twelve-step Facilitation Therapy for Alcohol
Problems. Rohrbaugh, Shoham, Couple Treatment for
Alcohol Abuse: A Systemic Family Consultation Model.
Higgins, Sigmon, Budney, Psychosocial Treatment of
Cocaine Dependence: The Community Reinforcement plus
Vouchers Approach. Part IV: Psychological Treatments for
Severe Personality Disorders. Koerner, Linehan, Dialectical
Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Whitehurst, Ridolfi, Gunderson, Multiple Family Group
Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. Letourneau,
Cunningham, Henggeler, Multisystemic Treatment of
Antisocial Behavior in Adolescents. Freeman, Cognitivebehavioral Therapy for Severe Personality Disorders. Kuhn,
McCullough, Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Resolving
Character Pathology by Treating Affect Phobias. Hofmann,
Tompson, Concluding Remarks.

1-57230-765-X 2002 430pp. 39.50 hbk

1-59385-098-0 September 2004 430pp. 21.50 pbk
Published by Guilford Press

Mental Imagery
and Memory in
Special Issue of
Intrusive mental images in the form of flashbacks have
long been recognised as a hallmark of post-traumatic
stress disorder. However, clinicians have become
increasingly aware that distressing imagery is a more
pervasive phenomenon. There appears to be a
powerful link between imagery and autobiographical
memory. The field of autobiographical memory needs
to account for disorders of remembering in
psychopathology, including the reliving of past
experiences in the form of imagery. While the role of
mental imagery in psychopathology has been an
under-researched topic, recently, there has been a surge
of interest.
Contents: Holmes, Hackmann, Editorial. Hackmann,
Holmes, Reflecting on Imagery: A Clinical Perspective and
Overview of the Special Issue on Mental Imagery and Memory
in Psychopathology. Ehlers, Hackmann, Michael, Intrusive
Phenomenology, Theory, and Therapy. Day, Holmes,
Hackmann, Occurrence of Imagery and its Link with Early
Memories in Agoraphobia. Osman, Cooper, Hackmann,
Veale, Spontaneously Occurring Images and Early Memories in

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People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Mansell, Lam,

Preliminary Study of Autobiographical Memory in Remitted
Bipolar and Unipolar Depression and the Role of Imagery in
the Specificity of Memory. May, Andrade, Panabokke,
Kavanagh, Images of Desire: Cognitive Models of Craving.
Dadds, Hawes, Schaefer, Vaka, Individual Differences in
Imagery and Reports of Aversions. Bywaters, Andrade,
Turpin, Intrusive and Non-intrusive Memories in a Non-clinical
Sample: The Effects of Mood and Affect on Imagery Vividness.
Bywaters, Andrade, Turpin, Determinants of the Vividness
of Visual Imagery: The Effects of Delayed Recall, Stimulus
Affect and Individual Differences. Stopa, Bryant, Memory
Perspective and Self-concept in Social Anxiety: An Exploratory
Study. Hirsch, Meynen, Clark, Negative Self-imagery in Social
Anxiety Contaminates Social Interactions. Gilbert, Irons, Pilot
Exploration of the Use of Compassionate Images in a Group of
Self-critical People. Morrison, The Use of Imagery in Cognitive
Therapy for Psychosis: A Case Example. Conway, Meares,
Standart, Images and Goals.

1-84169-967-5 July 2004 160pp. 35.00 pbk

Published by Psychology Press




Groups in the
Treatment of
Severe Psychiatric
Provides information so detailed that the second portion of the
book functions as a treatment manual... This volume is
exceptionally accessible, and therefore, suitable for students
interested in working with schizophrenic patients and those
interested in better understanding the biological, psychological and
social processes influencing the course and symptomatology of
schizophrenia. - The Clinical Psychologist
This volume presents a proven psycho-educational
therapy approach for persons with severe mental illness
and their families. Pioneering schizophrenia treatment
developer, William R. McFarlane, first lays out the
theoretical and empirical foundations of the
multifamily model. Chapters co-authored with other
leading clinician-researchers then provide detailed
how-to instructions for forming groups; implementing
educational and problem solving interventions;
managing clinical, relationship, and functional issues
that may arise; and, integrating psychoeducation with
other forms of treatment. Also addressed are
applications of the model some described here for the
first time to a variety of disorders other than
schizophrenia, including bipolar disorder, depression,
OCD, borderline personality disorder, and medical
Contents: Lefley, Foreword. Part I: Theoretical and Empirical
Foundations: The Scientific Basis for the Design of Multifamily
Group Treatment. The Psychobiology of Schizophrenia.
Families, Social Networks, and Schizophrenia. The Therapeutic
Social Network: A Healing Community. Empirical Studies of
Outcomes in Multifamily Groups. Part II: The Practice of
Multifamily Group Treatment in Schizophrenia: A
Psychoeducational Approach to Developing a Healing Social

Network. An Overview of Psychoeducational Multifamily

Group Treatment. McFarlane, Gingerich, Deakins, Dunne,
Horen, Newmark, Joining with Families and Patients.
McFarlane, Gingerich, Deakins, Dunne, Horen,
Newmark, Educating Families: A Multifamily Workshop on
Schizophrenia. McFarlane, Gingerich, Deakins, Dunne,
Horen, Newmark, The Initial Sessions of a Psychoeducational
Multifamily Group: Forming a Healing Network. McFarlane,
Gingerich, Deakins, Dunne, Horen, Newmark, Leading
Psychoeducational Multifamily Groups: A Problem-solving
Approach to Treatment and Rehabilitation. Part III:
Applications in Other Disorders and Contexts: Expanding the
Range and Relevance of Multifamily Group Treatment.
McFarlane, Deakins, Family-aided Assertive Community
Treatment. Horen, Ranz, Training Staff of Supportive Housing
Programs in Principles and Practices of Psychoeducation:
Creating a Family-like Social Environment. Moltz, Newmark,
Multifamily Groups for Bipolar Illness. Keitner, Drury, Ryan,
Miller, Norman, Solomon, Multifamily Group Treatment for
Depressive Disorder. Berkowitz, Gunderson, Multifamily
Psychoeducational Treatment of Borderline Personality
Disorder. Van Noppen, Steketee, Multifamily Behavioral
Treatment of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. Gonzalez,
Steinglass, Application of Multifamily Groups in Chronic
Medical Disorders. Dixon, Dunne, Implementing Multifamily
Groups in the Real World: The New York State and Ohio
Training and Dissemination Programs. Beels, Afterword.

1-57230-743-9 2002 403pp. 34.50 hbk

1-59385-095-6 November 2004 403pp. 20.00 pbk
Published by Guilford Press

Violence against
Women and
A Psychology and Law
B. J. CLING, Ed.
The first book to interweave clinical and legal perspectives
on such recently formulated diagnoses as rape trauma
syndrome and battered woman syndrome, this up-to-date
resource helps mental health clinicians better understand
their role in criminal or civil proceedings related to
sexualized violence against women and children.
Foundational knowledge is provided on the nature,
prevalence, and psychological consequences of a variety of
crimes, including rape, spousal abuse, stalking, sexual
harassment, and child sexual abuse. The ways victims and
perpetrators are dealt with in the legal system are critically
examined, and important recent reforms discussed.
Presenting guidelines and findings that will improve
forensic assessment, this is a vital sourcebook for those
called on to serve as expert witnesses and an invaluable
student text.
Contents: Cling, Introduction. Part I: Sexualized Violence against
Women. Cling, Rape and Rape Trauma Syndrome. Kaser-Boyd,
Battered Woman Syndrome: Clinical Features, Evaluation and
Expert Testimony. Hempel, Battered Women Who Strike Back:
Using Expert Testimony on Battering and Its Effects in Homicide
Trials. Rosenfeld, Cling, Stalking. O'Connor, Vallabhajosula,
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Legal and Psychological

Framework. Part II: Sexualized Violence against Children. Olafson,

Child Sexual Abuse. Brown, Memories of Childhood Abuse:
Recovered, Discovered, and Otherwise. Part III: Perpetrators of
Sexualized Violence against Women and Children. Murphy,
Management and Treatment of the Adult Sexual Offender. Terry,
Cling, Megan's Law: New Protections against Sex Abuse.
Blackman, Maternal Violence: The Social Psychology of Mothers
Who Kill. Cling, Epilogue.

1-59385-061-1 September 2004 305pp. 30.00 hbk

Published by Guilford Press

Competence in
Forensic Mental
A Guide for
and Attorneys
The principle of cultural competence in the practice of
mental health services has become commonplace
among scholars, researchers, and clinicians throughout
multiethnic societies around the world. This book
responds to an increasing awareness of the issue within
the field of forensic psychiatry, as sensitivity to and
understanding of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds
has become a necessity. Brought to fruition through the
combined expertise of a cultural psychiatrist, a forensic
psychiatrist, and a medical legal expert, this unique text
is the first comprehensive look at the burgeoning field
of cultural forensic psychiatry.
A breakthrough text that will have international
appeal across a wide range of academic and
professional disciplines, this essential resource will form
a cornerstone of this dynamic new field.
Contents: Part I: Introduction: Culture and Forensic Psychiatry.
What is Culture? Law in Various Cultures. Effects of Culture in
Court. Possible Impact of Culture on the Legal Procedure and
Decision. Universal Rule Versus Cultural Relativism. The Impact
of Culture on Various Aspects of Forensic Psychiatry Services.
The Goal, Scope and Nature of the Book. Part II: General
Cultural Issues in Forensic Psychiatry Assessment. Basic
Considerations for Transcultural Forensic Assessment. Special
Attention Needed for Forensic Psychiatric Assessments. A
Culturally Appropriate Approach to Examining Mental Status.
Certain Legally-related Issues Requiring Cultural Consideration.
Assessment of Malingering: Cultural Considerations. Particular
Concern is Needed for Certain Populations. Part III:
Psychological Testing for Forensic Evaluation. Transcultural
Application of Psychological Instrument: General Issues.
Conventional Psychological Tests. Specialized Forensic
Assessment Instruments. Implications for Forensic Application.
Part IV: Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders in the Forensic
Context. Culture and Psychiatric Disorders: General Review.
Schizophrenia. Delusional Disorders. Mood Disorders.
Dissociation, Possession, and Multiple Personality Disorders.

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Substance-related Mental Disturbances. Conduct Disorder and

Juvenile Delinquency. Sexual Disorders. Culture-related
Specific Disorders. Part V: Cultural Dimensions of Various
Crimes and Behavioral Problems. Spouse Abuse. Infanticide
and Filicide. Child Abducting and Kidnapping. Violence
Against Others. Homicide. Mass Homicide. Rape. Religionrelated Wrongful Behavior. Conflict Between Religion Belief
and Societal Law. Part VI: Cultural Considerations in Specific
Types of Forensic Evaluation. Cultural Input in Various Phases
of the Legal Process. Culture Defense Strategy. Criminal Cases.
Civil Cases. Family-related Issues. Part VII: Legal Regulation of
Psychiatry and Medical Practice: Cultural Consideration.
Psychiatric Care of Mentally Ill. Therapist-patient Relationship
Problems. Ethic-legal Issues Relating to Medical practice.
Part VIII: Correctional Psychiatry: Culture-relevant Care and
Treatment. General Issues. Cultural Considerations in Prison for
Institutional Care. Care for Special Populations. Counseling for
Offenders. Part IX: Cultural Analysis of Forensic Psychiatric
Cases. Cultural Examination of Selected Landmark Cases.
Analysis of Cases Using Culture Defense. Cases That
Proceeded with Input on Cultural Issues. Final Discussion and
Comments. Part X: Closure: Review, Comments, and
Suggestions. Review of Present Situation. Overall Cultural
Comments. Suggestions for the Future.

0-415-94789-8 September 2004 352pp. 33.50 hbk

Published by Brunner-Routledge

Culture and
Attempted Suicide
in South Asians in
Attempted suicide is a matter of serious public health
concern. Culture and Self-Harm considers the factors
that attribute to the increased rate of self-harm and
suicide among south Asians in London, which cannot be
blamed on migration alone. Cultural pressures that
dictate the way stress is dealt with are examined and
the effects of cultural conflict and changes in an
individuals cultural identity are considered.
Culture and Self-Harm offers a new preventative
strategy that will be of theoretical and clinical interest
to all mental health professionals, social workers,
voluntary and primary care workers. It will help them
understand significant factors that play a key role in the
lives of south Asians who attempt suicide and what
lessons can be learnt for dealing with other ethnic
groups with same problems.
Contents: Suicidal Behaviour. South Asia and Concepts of Self.
Definitions. Culture and Self-Harm: Contributions of Durkheim.
Social and Personal Factors and Suiciadal Behaviour in
Adolescents. Women and Suicidal Behaviour. Sati and Jauhar.
Attempted Suicide in the Indian Subcontinent. Attempted
Suicide in Indian Diaspora. Rates of Attempted Suicide and
Social Cultural Factors in West London. Cultural Identity and
Deliberate Self-Harm. Prevention Strategies and Community

1-84169-521-1 August 2004 312pp. 24.95 hbk

Maudsley Monographs Series
Published by Psychology Press

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Behavior and
Eating Disorders
Dynamics, Assessment
and Treatment
Although self-harm behaviors such as burning, cutting
or abrading oneself are common in individuals with
eating disorders, not much is known about the precise
relationship between this frequent occurrence. As the
first clinical text to address the subject in a comprehensive
fashion, Self-Harm Behavior and Eating Disorders fills
that gap. The books seventeen chapters, written by
expert therapists and clinicians, are designed to provide
professionals with the information and tools they need
to treat patients who have eating disorders and engage
in self-harm behaviors. Grouped into four major sections
Epidemiology, Psychodynamics, Assessment, and
Treatment these chapters examine the co-occurrence
of self-harm behavior and eating disorders from a variety
of perspectives. The authors consider cross-cultural
factors, the complications caused when a patient suffers
from other disorders, and the efficacy of various
treatment programs. This long-needed book is destined
to be a critical resource for professionals in the field.
Contents: Introduction. Levitt, Sansone, Cohn, Epidemiology.
Sansone, Levitt, The Prevalence of Self-harm Behaviors
Among Those with Eating Disorders. Nasser, Cross-cultural
Issues and Self-harm Behavior. Psychodynamics. Favaro,
Ferrara, Santonastaso, Impulsive and Compulsive
Self-injurious Behavior and Eating Disorders. Anderson,
Bulik, Bulik, Self-harm and Suicide Attempts in Bulimia
Nervosa. Sansone, Sansone, Levitt, Borderline Personality
Disorder: Self-harm and Eating Disorders. Hartman McGilley,
Feminist Perspectives on Self-harm Behavior and Eating
Disorders. Assessment. Sansone, Sansone, Assessment Tools:
Eating Disorder Symptoms and Self-harm Behavior. Juzwin,
The Self-injury Self-report Inventory. Treatment. Sansone,
Levitt, Sansone, An Overview of Psychotherapy Strategies for
the Management of Self-harm. Behavior. Claes, Vandereycken,
Vertommen, Therapy Related Assessment of Self-harming
Behaviors in Eating Disorder. Clients: A Case Illustration.
McCabe, Marcus, Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Eating
Disorder Patients with Self-harm Behavior. Myers,
Wonderlich, Norton, Crosby, An Integrative Cognitive
Therapy Approach to the Treatment of Multi-impulsive.
Bulimia Nervosa. Ostroff, Eclectic Treatment of Eating
Disorders and Self-injury: A Case Illustration. Costin,
Interventions and Strategies for Families and Friends of the
Self-harming Patient With an Eating Disorder. Levitt, A
Self-regulatory Approach to the Treatment of Eating Disorders
and Self-injury. Levitt, Sansone, Group Therapy for the
Treatment of Self-destructive Behavior. Sansone, Levitt,
Sansone, Psychotropic Medications, Self-harm Behavior, and
Eating Disorders.

0-415-94698-0 September 2004 288pp. 26.95 hbk

Published by Brunner-Routledge

Handbook of

Home Treatment
for Acute Mental


An Alternative to

Foreword by
Florence L. Denmark


Destined to be the benchmark in international

psychology texts, this indispensable volume provides a
comprehensive understanding of the discipline of
psychology as it has evolved in different regions of the
world, in hopes of advancing Western psychology from its
individually based, parochial, and ethnocentric paradigm
toward one that takes into account the many interlaced
contextual variables that affect human behavior.
Unmatched in scope and coverage, this text surveys
psychology in 27 countries from 9 distinct regions across 6
continents. To achieve this panoramic vista of psychology
around the world, eminent psychologists Michael J.
Stevens and Danny Wedding bring together leading
international experts to write about the psychology of
their country.
Vital to contemporary psychologists in an increasingly
global world, the text includes an overview of each
countrys psychology, the education and training of
psychologists, the scope of psychological practice, and
future challenges and prospects. An invaluable reference
tool for researchers, practicioners, and students, the
Handbook describes the new speciality of international
psychology, identifies important international psychology
organizations, forecasts the future of psychology
worldwide, and offers readers who are accustomed to
Western perspectives a glimpse into psychologies that
have different historical and cultural roots.
Contents: Denmark, Foreword. Stevens,
International Psychology: An Overview. Part I: Africa. Koinange,
Psychology in Kenya. Gire, Psychology in Nigeria. Stead,
Psychology in South Africa. Part II: North America. Ritchie,
Sabourin, Psychology in Canada. Sanchez-Sosa, Psychology in
Mexico. Fowler, Newman, Psychology in the United States. Part
III: South America. Klappenbach, Psychology in Argentina. Hutz,
McCarthy, Gomes, Psychology in Brazil: The Road Behind and
the Road Ahead. Ardila, Psychology in Columbia. Part IV: East
Asia. Yang, Advances in Psychology in China. Tanaka-Matsumi,
Otsui, Psychology in Japan. Nair, Psychology in Singapore. Part V:
South Asia. Barnes, Psychology in India. Rahman, Psychology in
Pakistan. Tapanya, Psychology in Thailand. Part VI: East Europe.
Heszen-Niejodek, Psychology in Poland: A Country Under
Transformation. Balachova, Isurina, Levy, Svetkova,
Wasserman, Psychology in Russia. Boratav, Psychology in
Turkey. Part VII: West Europe. Plath, Eckensbeger, Psychology in
Germany. Prieto, Garca-Rodriguez, Psychology in Spain. Lunt,
Psychology in the United Kingdom. Part VIII: The Middle East.
Ahmed, Psychology in Egypt. Birashk, Psychology in Iran.
Jacoby, Psychology in Israel. Part IX: The Pacific Rim. Garton,
Psychology in Australia. Sarwono, Psychology in Indonesia.
Montiel, Teh, Psychology in the Philippines. Stevens, Wedding,
International Psychology: A Synthesis.

In the US, when a patient is in need of intensive

psychiatric care, the first step is hospitalization.
However, elsewhere in the world, psychiatric home
treatment is proposed as an alternative. Model
programs in Canada and the United Kingdom are
publicly administered by community health agencies or
teaching hospitals. Home Treatment of Acute Mental
Disorders provides a review of the literature on home
care and describes working programs around the world.
This timely volume reviews treatment plans for
different disorders with case illustrations, explains the
administration of a PHC program and offers guidelines
to case workers. It will be of interest to professionals
and postgraduates of all mental health disciplines
working on the issue of patient hospitalization.
This book, the first of its kind, considers the recent
research, theory, and limited practice of Mobile Crisis
Home Treatment (MCHT) as an efficacious treatment of
acute mental disorders. With the advent of managed
care, hospital cutbacks, and increasingly limited health
insurance coverage, psychiatric patients are often
denied adequate hospital care. MCHT has recently
emerged as the most versatile and effective alternative
to hospital admission, and has been verified as such by
several independent studies. This text reviews the
numerous studies supporting these claims and discusses
how MCHT might fit into existing mental health
systems and managed care structures, and compares it
to other community alternatives. In addition to this
exhaustive survey, David Heath presents practical
guidelines to facilitate the implementation and
operation of an MCHT service, supporting his
arguments with case examples and real life situations.
Contents: Part I: Review of Research and Discussion of Mental
Health Systems. Introduction. Review of Research on Mobile
Crisis Home Treatment. Why Mobile Crisis Home Treatment;
How Does it Fit in with Mental Health Systems? Part II:
Examples of Mobile Crisis Home Treatment Services: How to
Set Up and Operate a Mobile Crisis Home Treatment Service.
Mobile Crisis Home Treatment Services in Three Countries:
Seven Site Visits. Key Elements and Principles of Mobile Crisis
Home Treatment. How to Set Up and Operate a Mobile Crisis
Home Treatment Service. Daily Program Operations. Mobile
Crisis Home Treatment of Specific Mental Disorders.

0-415-93408-7 November 2004 350pp. 50.00 hbk

Published by Brunner-Routledge

0-415-94612-3 September 2004 560pp. 68.99 hbk

Published by Brunner-Routledge

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Science and
Pseudoscience in
Foreword by Carol Tavris
This superb volume is an instant classic and one of the most
important books published in the last 20 years in psychology or
law... Mental health professionals, lawyers and judges should all
view these chapters as essential information for basic
professional competence. - R. Christopher Barden, National
Association for Consumer Protection in Mental Health
This is the first major text designed to help
professionals and students evaluate the merits of
popular yet controversial practices in clinical
psychology, differentiating those that can stand up to
the rigors of science from those that cannot. Leading
researchers review widely used therapies for
alcoholism, infantile autism, ADHD, and posttraumatic
stress disorder; herbal remedies for depression and
anxiety; suggestive techniques for memory recovery;
and self-help models. Other topics covered include
issues surrounding psychological expert testimony, the
uses of projective assessment techniques, and
unanswered questions about dissociative identity
disorder. Providing knowledge to guide truly
accountable mental health practice, the volume also
imparts critical skills for designing and evaluating
psychological research programs.
Contents: Tavris, Foreword. Lilienfeld, Lynn, Lohr, Science
and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology: Initial Thoughts,
Reflections, and Considerations. Part I: Controversies in
Assessment and Diagnosis. Garb, Boyle, Understanding Why
Some Clinicians Use Pseudoscientific Methods: Findings from
Research on Clinical Judgment. Hunsley, Lee, Wood,
Controversial and Questionable Assessment Techniques.
McCann, Shindler, Hammond, The Science and
Pseudoscience of Expert Testimony. Lilienfeld, Lynn,
Dissociative Identity Disorder: Multiple Personalities, Multiple
Controversies. Part II: General Controversies in Psychotherapy.
Garske, Anderson, Toward a Science of Psychotherapy
Research: Present States and Evaluation. Singer, Nievod, New
Age Therapies. Lynn, Lock, Loftus, Krackow, Lilienfeld,
The Remembrance of Things Past: Problematic Memory
Recovery Techniques in Psychotherapy. Part III: Controversies in
the Treatment of Specific Adult Disorders. Lohr, Hooke, Gist,
Tolin, Novel and Controversial Treatments for Trauma-related
Stress Disorders. MacKillop,
Rosenbaum, Controversial Treatments for Alcoholism.
Walach, Kirsch, Herbal Treatments and Antidepressant
Medication: Similar Data, Divergent Conclusions. Part IV:
Controversies in the Treatment of Specific Child Disorders.
Waschbusch, Hill, Empirically Supported, Promising, and
Unsupported Treatments for Children with Attentiondeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Romancyck, Arnstein, Soorya,
Gillis, The Myriad Controversial Treatments for Autism: A
Critical Evaluation of Efficacy. Part V: Controversies Regarding
Self-help and the Media. Rosen, Glasgow, Moore, Self-help

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Therapy: The Science and Business of Giving Psychology Away.

Entertainment, Advertising, and Psychological Advice.
Lilienfeld, Lynn, Lohr, Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical
Psychology: Concluding Thoughts and Constructive Remedies.

1-57230-828-1 2003 474pp. 32.50 hbk

1-59385-070-0 September 2004 474pp. 17.95 pbk
Published by Guilford Press

Principles and
Practice of
Second Edition
An outstanding introduction to SEM, geared toward the beginner
in this area. The relaxed, conversational writing style makes
access to this complex material pain-free and easy. I recommend
this book strongly, and I will use it the next time I teach SEM.
- Alexander von Eye, Department of Psychology, Michigan State
The bestselling text that has been so popular with
graduate students and researchers for providing an
accessible guide to the application, interpretation, and
pitfalls of structural equation modelling (SEM) has now
been carefully revised to be even more useful.
New to this edition are:
the first SEM text web page, offering free access to data
and program syntax files for many of the research
examples in the book, electronic overheads that readers
can download and print, and links to other useful sites
separate chapters that review fundamental statistical
concepts: one on correlation and regression (providing
a foundation for less advanced readers), and another on
data preparation and screening
more coverage of the relation between measurement
models and structural models in Chapter 8, which
directly compares both types of models
new, separate chapters on nonrecursive models of
multiple-sample SEM in Part 3, including extensive
explanations of latent growth models in Chapter 10 and
multilevel SEM in Chapter 13.
Contents: Part I: Fundamental Concepts. Introduction. Basic
Statistical Concepts: I. Correlation and Regression. Basic
Statistical Concepts: II. Data Preparation and Screening. Core
SEM Techniques and Software. Part II: Core SEM Techniques.
Introduction to Path Analysis. Details of Path Analysis.
Measurement Models and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
Models with Structural and Measurement Components.
Part III: Advanced Techniques, Avoiding Mistakes. Nonrecursive
Structural Models. Mean Structures and Latent Growth
Models. Multiple-sample SEM. How to Fool Yourself with SEM.
Other Horizons.

1-59385-075-1 December 2004 366pp. 50.00 hbk

1-57230-690-4 December 2004 366pp. 31.00 pbk
Methodology in the Social Sciences Series
Published by Guilford Press

Nordic Journal
of Psychiatry
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry is
published for the Psychiatric
Finland, Iceland, Norway and
Sweden. A main source of
Nordic psychiatry and related fields, addressing itself
to researchers, clinical psychiatrists and other
professionals within the field.
The journal is distributed to members of the Nordic
Psychiatric Associations as well as to most members of
the Nordic Associations for Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, and to the members of the Psychiatric
Associations in the Baltic countries. The journal also
has many subscribers among psychologists, social
workers and psychiatric nurses.
The Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, which was first
published in 1947, is the professional scientific organ
for the five Nordic Psychiatric Associations. All relevant
themes in psychiatry are represented from
psychotherapy to psychopharmacology.
Publication Details:
Volume 58, 2004, 6 issues per year
ISSN Print 0803-9488
ISSN Online 1502-4725

Journal of
Psychiatry in
Clinical Practice

Review of
Each issue of International
Review of Psychiatry provides a
comprehensive, topical account of a particular subject
within psychiatry and is edited by a distinguished
guest editor, recognized as an international authority
in the speciality under review. Indispensable in themselves, these individual issues form yearly volumes,
prized both for their use in training and as a key reference for any individual in this field. The audience of
the journal ranges from postgraduate students to the
general psychiatric professional and the specialist who
wishes to maintain a general knowledge of other
areas. International Review of Psychiatry is published
from the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London
and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, John Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Publication Details:
Volume 16, 2004, Quarterly
ISSN Print 0954-0261

For 2005 subscription rates of these and other

Taylor & Francis journals, please telephone
+ 44 (0)1256 813002 or see the website at

The Psychology Arena brings together a number of
subject specific resources in the following areas of
clinical psychology and mental health:

Psychiatry in Clinical Practice provides an international
forum for communication among health professionals
with clinical, academic and research interests in
psychiatry. The journal gives particular emphasis to
papers that integrate the findings of academic
research into realities of clinical practice.

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includes original research papers, comprehensive
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Publication Details:
Volume 8, 2004, Quarterly
ISSN Print 1365-1501
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International Society for the Psychological Treatment

of Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses Book Series

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