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Learning Goals

I cried a lot in kindergarten. My mother asked my teacher if she should be concerned. My Teacher
replied, The world could use more sensitive men. As a sensitive boy, I was bullied from grade 1 to
grade 7. I was always the tallest in my class, so I guess I presented as a good target, especially given
that I would almost never fight back. I even remember trading places with a smaller child (at will)
who was being bullied so that he could go free. As I write this, I realize that it only represents seven
years of my life, and yet those years have done so much to shape who I am and how I see people
and the world. I reflect that it is not enough to simply have an experience to learn from it - critical
self-analysis and reflection is crucial when developing my own pedagogical beliefs. Not so long ago,
my mother showed me my report cards from those early school years. Every year it was the same
story: I would do really well during the first couple of months and then my grades would plummet
as time passed. It was clear that the school system failed me.

So What?
I am a smart person. I have many skills, gifts and talents. In fact, I have a circle of friends who call
me (affectionately), effortless, because I can do most things with relative ease. My problem was
that I got bored easily and didnt thrive in the prevailing educational environment of my day.
Instead of sitting at a desk for most of the day, facing forward and listening, I would have benefited
greatly from a more discussion based, inclusive environment where creative problem solving and
hands-on activities were employed to encourage growth and stimulated learning. Couple this
juxtaposition in learning style and environment, with being picked-on and harassed on a daily
basis, its not a huge stretch to understand where I was let down. None of my teachers noticed. No
one cared. I was one of the kids who slipped through the cracks, left to fend for myself. In grade
eight I was able to change school and recreate my identity and ultimately my own fate. In high
school, I did well enough to get by, despite my teachers. Having developed an attitude they were the
enemy and not allies, I thrived in the social arena of high school. Academically, I floated.

Now What?
The bigger picture here is that I know, once teaching, I will do my utmost to cater to the special
needs of each and every student whos learning I am entrusted with. If I have gleaned anything
thus far in my Bachelor of Education program, it is that building relationships with students is the
single most important thing I can do to be a great teacher. I understand that this will be tough, and
will require a level of personal risk that many other teachers are not willing to wager but I believe
I will be successful. My show and tell embodies the attitude I will take with me. Having almost
failed grade 7 science, I have since discovered a passion that thrives on the understanding of
physics that I simply could not grasp at that time. Not because I was incapable of understanding but
rather, because the methodology used to teach it was out of my wheelhouse. Using Kub Kars to
teach science to my nephew and other young cub scouts has empowered me in ways I never
thought possible. As a kinesthetic learner, I can help identify this in other students, relate to their
style of learning, and help them not only in my classroom, but also to form an understanding of
their own pedagogical needs and how to have a voice, learning to be advocates in their own

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