Middle Ages Test2

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Chapters 13 & 14 Test The Middle Ages

1. The vast amounts of European people at this time were of what social class?
A. Lords
B. Nobles
C. Serfs
D. Merchants
2. What was a manor?
A. The harbor where Viking ships were docked
B. The etiquette that someone had to have to be in government
C. A small house for serfs to live in
D. The lords house, including all the land around it
3. Who followed the code of chivalry?
A. Samurai
B. Knights
C. Peasant sons and daughters
D. Chivas
4. Why did knights participate in tournaments?
A. To practice their skill and win large ransoms
B. To shop themselves as mercenaries to the highest bidder
C. To sell their lands they had received from noble
D. To purchase food from the serfs of the village
5. As the Middle Ages progressed, what happened to womens status in society?
A. They were allowed to have more rights
B. They lost status and power a time went on
C. They got the right to divorce their husbands
D. They were allowed to run the monasteries
6. The Crusades were a series of wars between what two religions?
A. Buddhists and followers of Shinto
B. Christians and Buddhists
C. Christians and Muslims
D. Protestants and Catholics
7. What was the main goal for each side that fought the Crusades?
A. to conquer the other and make them slaves
B. to establish trade routes throughout the world
C. control of Europe
D. control of Jerusalem

8. What is simony?
A. the practice of priests marrying and having children

B. the selling of tickets to Heaven for money

C. the selling of Church positions by bishops
D. the imposed slavery of Muslims by Christians
9. What is lay investiture?
A. the naming of the king by the Pope in a country
B. the taxing of priests by the state
C. the granting of power and title by a king to a bishop
D. the practice of crop rotation
10. Overall, how successful were the Christians during the Crusades in achieving
their goal?
A. Very successful
B. Average, as many losses as wins
C. After initial success, they continuously got beaten by the Muslims
D. They lost battles but won the overall struggle
11. What does it mean to leave a field fallow?
A. to loan it to someone else to plant
B. to pay the tax to the noble for the crop
C. to leave it unplanted once every two or three years
D. to farm it every season
12. How did the shift from a two-field crop system to a three-field system
increase the food supply?
A. it allowed more people to farm the same land
B. it used 2/3 of the land instead of only every year; therefore
producing 1/6 more
C. it did not increase production but only prices
D. it moved the fields closer to the manor for easier distribution
13. How did the shift from oxen to horses increase food supply?
A. Horses are faster and oxen are slower
B. Horses eat less while oxen eat more
C. Horses are more easily purchased
D. There was no increase after the shift from one to another
14. What are guilds?
A. associations of people trying to buy the same products
B. collections of knights for tournaments
C. groups of nobles with the same last name
D. associations of people who do the same job
15. How did guilds set standards for product quality?
A. They set down standards and enforced the master-apprentice structure
B. They wrote down the prices for everything sold
C. They kept accurate logs of transactions
D. They did not set standards for quality
16. How did the use of the vernacular allow greater access to literature?


instead of Latin, everyone could understand it and learn more

vernaculars opened up all over; they were like libraries
serfs began to write books for themselves
the vernacular made it possible to communicate with people who
spoke foreign languages

17. Who were the Scholastics?

A. a group of nobles who set up a school
B. a group of thinkers who traveled around and debated the wisdom of
the time
C. a group of serfs who wrote books
D. they were astronomers who made calendars
18. What battle happened in 1066 that allowed William the Conqueror to control
A. Battle of Tours
B. Battle of Hastings
C. Battle of Crecy
D. The Crusades
19. How did the Magna Carta weaken the power of the English king?
A. It forced him to pay taxes to the state
B. It put him under the French king
C. It granted certain rights to the nobles that the king had previously only
D. It forced him to give up territory
20. Did the original Magna Carta include rights for commoners?
A. Yes
B. No
21. What was the difference between the Parliament and the Model Parliament in
A. The Model Parliament included the commoners
B. The Model Parliament abolished the House of Commons and House of
C. The Model Parliament was used in conquered territories while the
Parliament was for England
D. There was no difference; one just came later than the other
22. Who made up the First, Second and Third Estates in France?
A. burghers, serfs and slaves
B. nobles, burghers and serfs
C. clergy, bishops and priests
D. clergy, nobles and commoners
23. Why did Jan Hus and John Wycliffe upset the Church?
A. They set up monasteries that allowed Muslims in
B. They argued that the word of the bible was the final authority in
religious matters, not the Popes

C. They tried to excommunicate the Pope

D. They tried to combine the wisdom of the Greeks with the teachings of
the Church
24. The first Crusade was generally considered a
A. A rousing success
B. Dismal failure
C. Partial success in that Jerusalem was never captured by the crusaders
D. Partial success in that Richard the Lion-Hearted was captured
25. The third Crusade involved which of the following leaders?
A. Richard the Lion-Hearted
B. Henry II
C. Frederick Barbarossa
D. Both a and c
26. Which of the following was a cause of the Hundred Years War?
A. a dispute of succession to the French throne
B. an English boycott of French exports
C. the lack of centralized power in England and France
D. All of the above
27. Politically, the plague resulted in
A. The decline of the feudal nobility and the centralization of the state
B. The decline of the monarchy and the centralization of feudal
C. The rise of the church in prestige and popularity
D. Political chaos and peasant rebellion
28. The leader who brought Christianity to the Franks was
A. Clovis.
B. Charlemagne.
C. Charles Martel.
D. Pepin the Short.
29. Which of the following groups was called the Northmen?
A. Franks
B. Vikings
C. Magyars
D. Lombards
30. What did the Magna Carta guarantee?
A. The end of taxation
B. A model parliament
C. Basic legal rights
D. A House of Commons
31. What was the major cause of the Great Schism?
A. The morality of the Crusades
B. Ethics and wealth within the Church
C. Arguments about whether Jesus or the pope was the head of the

D. Arguments about which man holding the position of pope was the true

32. Which invaders traveled primarily across the Mediterranean Sea?

A. Vikings
B. Muslims
C. Magyars
D. All of the above
33. What distinguished the Magyars from the Vikings and the Muslims?
A. They avoided cities.
B. They did not invade by sea.
C. Italy was one of their targets.
D. They controlled the Rhine River.
34. Approximately how many miles did the Magyars travel from Paris to Rome?
A. 1,200
B. 1,000
C. 950
D. 750
35. Judging from the Vikings' routes, what can you conclude about them?
A. They preferred traveling on bodies of water.
B. They like to come back to the place where they had started out.
C. They searched for large cities to plunder.
D. They were looking for a route to the Middle East.

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