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NOTE : This information will be kept confidential and will be used for
research purpose only.

TOPIC : factors affecting job satisfaction.

(A study of 60 middle level executives of GACL ltd.)

RESEARCH : Devang patel

RESEARCH GUIDE : Miss Komal kantariya


1 Name of the respondent

2 Age
(a) 20 to 30
(b) 30 to 40
(c) 40 to 50
(d) above 50
3 Educational qualifictions ;
(a) Graduate
(b) Postgraduate
(c) PG Diploma
(d) Training if any
(e) Other
4 Desigation:__________________________________
5 Monthly income :____________________________
6 Total experience:_____________________________
7 Martial status:
(a Unmarried
(b married
(c) Divorce
(d) Widow
(e) Widower



8 Does your job tire you too much physically?

a. yes
b. No
9 Does your present job force your to maintain too fast a pace?
a. yes
b. No
10 Do you get restless during working hours?
a. yes
b. No
11 Does your work have bad effect on your health?
a. yes
b. No
12 Does your present job require you to work long?
a. yes
b. No
13 Do you think that your job gets note difficult for you each year?
a. yes
b. No

14 Do you feel satisfied with the condition of place where you work?
a. yes
b. No


15 Do you feel that you are paid a fair salary for the work you do?
a. yes
b. No

16 Does your work improve your earning capacity?

a. yes
b. No

17 Does your work give you good financial prospects?

a. yes
b. No

18 Does your work give your opportunities to earn maximum income?

a. yes
b. No

19 Does your work prepare you for a more lucrative job in future?
a. yes
b. No

20 Does your work give you good returns and your investment in
a. yes
b. No

21 Do you sometime thing that you can earn more in some other job?
a. yes
b. No


22 Have you been able to get the promotion and increments which you
feel you deserve?
a. yes
b. No

23 Is the method of promotion satisfactory

a. yes
b. No

24 Do you feel that your employer is unfair with you?

a. yes
b. No

25 Do you believe tat other people ahead of you execute unfair means
Such as special influence or politics?
a. yes
b. No

26 Does the organization follow the method of promotion to your

a. yes
b. No

27 Is it necessary to do thing you dislike in order to get promotion?

a. yes
b. No

28 Does poor promotion policy have a n effect on industrial

a. yes
b. No

29 Do you thing that the policies easy to understand?

a. yes
b. No


30 Do you feel that you know where you stand with your present
a. yes
b. No

31 Do you ha e respect and regard for your authority?

a. yes
b. No

32 Do you sometimes wonder whether the people under whom you

Work approve of your work?
a. yes
b. No

33 Do you feel that you have been required to take more responsibility
In your work than you desire?
a. yes
b. No

34 Are the people under you work desirous of willing to make improve-
ments in working conditions?
a. yes
b. No

35 Are the policies and problems of people under whom you work
Adequately explained?
a. yes
b. No


36 Are you afraid of losing tour job?

a. yes
b. No

37 Do you feel efficient as the average persons with whom you work?
a. yes
b. No

38 Is adequate arrangement made for absence due to sickness?

a. yes
b. No
39 Do you have eventual relevant security of you job?
a. yes
b. No

40 Does you job provide you financial security?

a. yes
b. No

41 Are you satisfied with the job security in this organization?

a. yes
b. No

42 Does poor job security have an effect on industrial relation

a. yes
b. No

43 Do you think job security will be improved constant contact

with supervisors?
a. yes
b. No


44 Do you felt that you are really interested in your present job?
a. yes
b. No
45 Do you often feel that you work is boring and monotonous?
a. yes
b. No

46 would your life feel empty without your working to occupy you?
a. yes
b. No

47 Does your job give you real personal satisfaction than the things
the things you do in spare time?
a. yes
b. No

48 Do you feel your work so interesting that you mind being not
Having work?
a. yes
b. No
49 Would you continue to work if not financially necessary?
a. yes
b. No
50 Do you feel you are trained for he assigned job and thus experience
minimum stress?
a. yes
b. No
51 Do you think that tour work interest increased by freedom in job?
a. yes
b. No
52 Do you think that your work interest increased by salary and
a. yes
b. No
53 Do you think that you would continue to work if not financially
a. yes
b. No

54 Do you think that you would decline an opportunity to change

your job for the same or another profession of equal pay, status
a. yes
b. No


55 Does your job restrict your social freedom?

a. yes
b. No

56 Does your job provide your a3wquate financial status in your

a. yes
b. No

57 Do you hesitate in accepting responsibility of social functions?

a. yes
b. No

58 Do you think that you have selected the right job for yourself?
a. yes
b. No

59 Do you feel your social status has increased because of your job?
a. yes
b. No

60 Are you invited to preside over some social gathering of functions

because of your job status?
a. yes
b. No


61 I feel that I have to work with some such people whom I don’t like
a. yes
b. No

62 I feel that there is none in whom I can confide

a. yes
b. No

63 I like my work because of the people with whom I work is good

a. yes
b. No

64 My subordinates do not like to9 work but they do it because it is

Necessary to do
a. yes
b. No

65 I get disturbed when my peers try to double cross which I do not

Explicitly show it.
a. yes
b. No

66 My superiors because of their ego problems reject my suggestions

very often
a. yes
b. No

67 Do you think that your social status effect your job satisfaction?
a. yes
b. No

68 Does frequent problem in interpersonal relations between the

employees and their supervisor may lead the disturbed industrial
a. yes
b. No

69 Do you think that your social relationship in your family and

friends affect your job satisfaction?
a. yes
b. No

Description Highly Moderatel Neutra moderatel Highly
satisfie y Satisfied l y Unsatisfie
d Unsatisfie d

70 Are you satisfied

with the welfare
facility in your

71 Does poor welfare facility have an effect on industrial relation?

a. yes
b. No


Description Highly Moderatel neutra Highly Moderatel

satisfie y satisfied l unsatisfie y
d d unsatisfie
72 To what extent
do you think
that you have
to work longer
than ordinary
73 To what extent
do you think
that your
subordinates go
against your
74 To what extent
do you think
you sometimes
feel like giving
present job and
taking up some
another hob

75 To what extent
do you think
that you get
anxious goal or
purpose in our
76 To what extent
do you think
your present
job is a
respectable job
77 To what extent
do you think
that you easily
maker friends
with your

78 Do you think that your supervisor sympathetically hear your

a. yes
b. No

79 Do you think that your colleagues are sincerer to you to what

extent do you feel nervous or hesitate?
a. yes
b. No

80 Do you feel nervous or hesitate while talking to your boss?

a. yes
b. No

81 Do you think the people in your office misunderstand you

a. yes
b. No

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