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Em ingls, assim como em outras lnguas, a
leitura uma habilidade que pode ser desenvolvida
independentemente do aprendizado da fala, da escrita
e da audio. Para se entender um texto escrito em
ingls no h necessidade de saber todas as palavras
e todas as estruturas de gramtica presentes no texto.
O mais importante conseguir entender a idia geral
do texto, ou seja, saber qual o tema e sua mensagem principal. Para isso, basta aprender e aplicar algumas tcnicas de leitura para poder explorar o texto
de modo a compreend-lo da melhor forma possvel.
A seguir, esto listadas as tcnicas para leitura e compreenso de textos em ingls.
1. Predicting Com essa tcnica voc vai
tentar descobrir, antes de ler o texto, o assunto tratado nele. Para isso, voc deve direcionar sua ateno
para o ttulo e o formato do texto. Observe qualquer
figura, ilustrao, ttulo e subttulo que acompanhe o
texto. Assim, voc poder adivinhar que tipo de texto
e qual o assunto que ele trata.
2. Vocabulrio conhecido Ao estudar ingls aprendemos um vocabulrio bsico que vai sendo ampliado medida que os estudos da lngua vo
avanando. Assim, muitas palavras presentes em
qualquer texto so bastante conhecidas. Por exemplo,
I (eu), the (o, os, a, as), and (e), of (de,do,da); alm
de outras que ficam gravadas em nossa memria.
3. Cognates Ou Cognatos so - palavras
semelhantes na ortografia e no sentido em portugus
e ingls. Ao descobrir os cognatos voc j saber
uma parte do vocabulrio presente no texto j que os
cognatos correspondem a 20% de todas as palavras
encontradas em um texto. Porm deve-se ter cuidado,
pois h os chamados False Cognates (Falsos Cognatos), que so palavras que se assemelham na grafia
das duas lnguas, mas possuem significados bem diferentes. (Observe a lista com os principais falsos
4. Contexto Ao ler um texto, podemos nos
deparar com palavras totalmente desconhecidas.
Quando isso acontecer, importante procurar pistas
sobre o significado dessas palavras dentro do prprio
texto. Por exemplo, um sinnimo, uma definio ou
explicao antes ou depois da palavra desconhecida,
figuras que ilustram o que essa palavra significa. Assim, sem a ajuda do dicionrio, podemos deduzir o
significado dessas palavras pelo contexto.
5. Gramtica A gramtica tambm pode
ajudar a descobrir o significado de palavras desconhecidas em um texto. Ao identificar a classe gramaEditora Exato

tical (substantivo, verbo, adjetivo, pronome,

advrbio) ou a funo que a palavra exerce na frase
(sujeito, objeto) ir facilitar a descoberta do significado da palavra que voc no conhece.
Essas tcnicas podem ajudar a identificar o
verdadeiro significado das palavras desconhecidas
em um texto, porm sempre que for possvel ou necessrio consulte o dicionrio para se certificar de
que a correspondncia entre as palavras est correta.
1. TEXT 1 (TEXTO 1)

Charles Spencer Chaplin, who died in 1977
at the age of 88, was one of the most famous stars in
the history of the cinema. He wrote and directed nearly all his films and composed the music of all his
sound pictures. He was certainly the most famous
comic actor of the cinema. Because he was very successful, he created his own film company in 1918.
His first pictures were in the age of the silent films.
Chaplin was born in London. His family was poor
and he had a hard childhood. In 1910 he left England
for the United States. He was married four times and
in 1952 he moved to Switzerland.


De acordo com o texto sobre Charles Chaplin,

marque a alternativa correta.
a) Chaplin died when he was 77 years old.
b) Chaplin was very rich in his childhood.
c) Chaplin was the most famous star in the history of the cinema.
d) Chaplin was na english man.

Marque a alternativa correta, baseando-se na leitura do texto acima.

a) Chaplin lived only in England.
b) Chaplin was not only an actor.
c) Chaplin did not write films.
d) Chaplins family was not poor.

Marque a alternativa correta, de acordo com o

texto lido.
a) Chaplin married in 1952.
b) Chaplin was born in 1977.
c) Chaplin left England in 1910.
d) Chaplin died very young.


2. TEXT 2(TEXTO 2)

3. TEXT 3 (TEXTO 3)

What is the World Cup?

It is a soccer tournament to decide the best
national team in the world. Both professional and
amateur players take part. Held once every four years, the 2002 FIFA World Cup in Japan and South
Korea was the seventeenth tournament. There are
world cups in volleyball, skiing, ice-skating, and
many other sports, but the soccer one is the oldest.
Many sports saw the popularity of the soccer World
Cup and decidec to create their own versions to go
alongside their world championships.
The World Cup was born in 1930. Two years
before that, the idea of establishing the competition
was proposed by Jules Rimet, who was the third president of FIFA, the international federation of national football associations. The country chosen to host
the historic first World Cup was Uruguay, a small
South American nation then celebrating 100 years of
independence. Uruguay had won back-to-back
Olympic soccer titles in 1924 in Paris and 1928 in
Amsterdam and secured the right to host the event through its enthusiasm, even offering to pay all the
travel and other costs of the players and officials
from competing countries.
Nas questes de 1 a 5 a seguir, marque a alternativa que responda corretamente s perguntas.

The Internet
A few years ago the internet did not exist.
The world seemed bigger and communication were
not so fast. Todays world is considered ery small,
partly due to the fast development in the
communication system. To become a member of this
small world, also called an international
community, two things are essential: to know English
and to be a computer literate.
The internet is a familiar term to almost
everyone, and it is also called the Net, cyberspace,
the information highway, the online community.
By the way, what is the internet? The internet
is an eletronic communication network linked by
telephone lines and satelites which are connected to
computers. It transports information all over the
world through programs such as e-mail (eletronic
mail) nd the World Wide Web (www).
The Internet started during the 1960s in the
United States as a network for the Defense
Department and as a channel for information sharing
among scientists. Soon people started to send simple
messages to distant friends and colleagues, and the
system was improved to become the communication
tool called Internet.
It was in 1973 that the Internet was first
connected to the United Kingdom and Norway. South
America gained access to the Net only in the early
Most of the communication via internet takes
place in English today. So lets learn and become
computer literate to enter this international

Whats the World Cup?

a) Its the 2002 FIFA World Cup.
b) Its the best national team in the world.
c) Its a soccer tournament to decide the best national team in the world.
d) Its an amateur player.

(Adapted from TELLER, D., GRAY, P. How to use the Internet.

Longman, 2000.

How many World Cups were there before the

one in Japan and Korea?
a) 2002
b) 72
c) 17
d) 16
When was the World Cup born?
a) 1930
b) 2002
c) 1928
d) 1924
Who proposed the idea?
a) Uruguay.
c) Jules Rimet.

b) Amsterdam.
d) FIFA.

Where was the first World Cup held?

a) In Japan.
b) In Uruguay.
c) In South Korea.
d) In Amsterdam.

Editora Exato


The Internet started to exist:

a) during the 1960s.
b) in 1973.
c) in the early 1990s.
d) todays world.

What is the Internet?

a) It transport information all over the world
through programs such as e-mail and the
World Wide Web.
b) It started in the USA as a network for the
Defense Department and as a channel for
information sharing among scientists.
c) It is na electronic communication network
linked by phone and satellites which are
connected to computers.
d) It was first connected to the United Kingdom
and Norway in 1973.


Marque a altenativa incorreta The Internet is

also called:
a) the Net.
b) the www.
c) the online community.
d) the cyberspace.

What is essential to become part of this

international community?
a) To need to use the international highway.
b) People need to send simple messages.
c) To become a scientist.
d) To know English and to be a computer literate.

De acordo com o texto:

a) um vrus pode obrigar um computador a fazer
milhares de cpias de um software.
b) na sociedade do computador, todo mundo comercializa discos de computador para basebol.
c) se um vrus se alojar num computador hospedeiro, ele poder assumir o controle do sistema
d) sempre que um computador infectado entra em
contato com outro computador, ele contamina
seu usurio.

Julgue C (certo) ou E (errado) as afirmaes abaixo, de acordo com o texto:

1 Biological and electronic viruses act similarly.
2 The replicas of a virus produced by a cell is
different from the computer virus.
3 A computer user may contaminate an
uninfected program via the Internet.
4 If eletronic virus is not lodged in a host
computer, it can cause no damage to other
5 The possibility of contagion is very high in
modern world.

Most of the communication via the Internet:

a) takes place in English today.
b) become computer literate to the community.
c) gained access to the Net only in the early
d) was improved to become the communications
too called Internet.

4. TEXT 4 (TEXTO 4)

A virus, wheter biological or eletronic, is
basically an information disorder. Biological viruses
are tiny scraps of genetic code DNA ou RNA that
can take over the machinery of a living cell and trick
it into making thousands of flawless replicas of the
original virus. Like its biologica counterpart, a
computer virus carries in instructional code the recipe
for making perfect copies of itself. Lodged in a host
computer, the typical virus takes temporary control of
the computers operating system. Then, whenever the
infected computer comes in contact with an
uninfected piece of software, a fresh copy of the virus
passes into the new program. Thus unsuspecting
users who either swap disks or send programs via the
Internet can spread the infection from computer to
computer. In todays computer culture the potential
for widespread contagion is enormous.

5. TEXT 5 (TEXTO 5)

Physical Fitness
Physical fitness can help you live longer, feel
healthier and cope with lifes problems. Various activities can help you keep fit: from running marathons,
to climbing mountains, to lifting heavy weights. For
the average non-sportingperson without much time to
spare, activities like these are not very practical and,
to be frank, they are a waste of time. It is much better
in my view to devote no more than half an hour every
other day to doing exercises. The important thing is
to stick to a routine so that you dont say to yourself,
I wont bother today! or Ill do it later! If you
have not got the willpower to establish a routine like
this, a sport like tennis or golf might suit you better.
Your partner will help you remember to play regularly and youll be able to get your exercise outdoors,
Taking exercises can be time-consuming but
the feeling of being fit and healthy makes up for the
few minutes a day it takes.

O artigo afirma que:

a) um vrus tropical pode temporariamente tomar
conta de um computador.
b) tanto o vrus biolgico como o vrus eletrnico
tem seu cdigo gentico.
c) um vrus biolgico pode fazer cpias perfeitas
de um vrus de computador.
d) a infeco causada pelo vrus eletrnico pode
passar de um computador para um usurio.

Editora Exato


De acordo com o primeiro pargrafo, Physical

a) is not important.
b) should not be taken into consideration.
c) may result in an increase in longevity.
d) does not make any differences in terms of health.


Na opinio do autor:
a) we do not need to exercise every day.
b) we should exercise at least two hours a day.
c) we need to exercise from Monday to Friday.
d) we shoould devote an hour every day to doing

De acordo com a concluso do autor, The time

you spend exercising is:
a) useless.
b) too consuming.
c) a waste of time.
d) worthwhile.

Marque a alternativa que no expressa o que o

texto diz.
a) Keeping in shape should be part of our weekly
b) Physical exercise should be avoided by those
who do not enjoy it.
c) Physical exercises improve our quality of life.
d) Regular exercises may be time-consuming.

Text 5 (Texto 5)


Text 1 (Texto 1)

3 C
Text 2 (Texto 2)

5 B
Text 3 (Texto 3)

5 A
Text 4 (Texto 4)

C, E, C, C, C

Editora Exato


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