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Name: Dania Surez Flores

Report of book Just Good Friend

This story begins with the life of Stephany and Max, they were dating, and they
had much time together. They want to go on holiday to Italy, then Stephany has
a friend calling Carlo, she called him to lend him a department that does not
use, Ruth, wife of Carlo, also accepts, but she was not happy. Stephanie and
Max went to Italy by plane. When they reached the floor of Carlo were received
by the father of Carlo. Here begins a great story.
One day the four were to dinner at a restaurant in that place Stephany talked a
lot with Carlo, Max was jealous. Max speaks with Luigi the waiter, he told him
that two years ago Stephany and Carlo had kissed. One night Max was sick and
Ruth was home with the kids, then Stephany and Carlo went to the beach. At
the end of the evening they were kissing again. The last day Stephany and
Carlo went to a bar together and they kissed, Max did not know she had left
while he was sick, then came Luigi. He said he had found the watch of
Stephany on the beach he was very angry. I did not want to talk to her. Back in
England, Stephany tried to talk to Max, but he did not want a relationship with a
woman who could not be trusted. Stephany was sad. But she thought she did
not need Max. She thinks about having fun and hanging out with friends.
The story is sad, because Ruth does not know the truth, Ruth also was sure
that Stephany was not a good woman, she damaged the relationship between
Ruth and Carlo, it is for this reason that Ruth was afraid she returns to Italy. I
also thought Stephany would feel bad for having finished with Max, but was not,
Stephany did not regret anything, not even felt badly, she continued her life no
matter what, she's a bad woman.

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