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Paint Shop

Cleanliness (sec 11)
Mopping, Toilet Cleaning,
Check sheets.
Factory should be clean,
walls are white washed,
Floor must be clean by
disinfectants, windows and
doors should be painted,

Yes at first sight the Dept.
was clean. Mopping is done
on regular basis. Two type
of cleaning is done there
floor cleaning and
equipment cleaning.
Equipment cleaning is done
by time table. Weekly,
monthly, half yearly and
yearly too.
Disposal of waste and
There are two type ETP
(sec 12)
(equipment treatment plat)
Proper disposal of
and Sludge pit. The paint
hazardous waste, What
shop has much hazardous
hazardous waste it
chemicals and they are to
produces, How much
be treated well factory
cleans its hazardous
chemical water and reuse it
for gardening work
Ventilation and temperature Yes the dept. has proper
(sec 13) proper working
maintenance of temperature
temperature, proper
and also the ventilation.
The temperature was OK
Overcrowding in factory
Only 27 people were there
work rooms (sec 16) each and 5 are of contract basis
worker should have 14.2
so there is no
cubic meter space to work. overcrowdings in the plant.
Lighting in factory (sec 17) Proper lighting was there
Natural as well as
sky lids as well as tube
artificial lighting should be lights were there. At night
provided also workers
time plant usually dont
should not face problem
work but if work is there
tube lights are available.
Drinking water facility (sec Yes sign board was

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

18) Sign board in their

language, 6 m away from
latrines and urinals, cool
water provided , approved
by health officer, not far
than 50 m.
Latrines and Urinals (sec
19) Sign boards should be
provided. 1 for 50 and if
more than 50 than 1 for 50
first than 1 for 100. Clean,
White washed, tiles.
Spittoons (sec 20)
sufficient spittoons should
be provided.
Hoist or Lift available ( sec
28) Lift way should be
protected with gates,
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Equipment for protecting
eyes and eyesight checked
(Rule 60)

available. No toilet was

available near to it. Water
cooler is provided.
Regularly checked
available in dept. not far
than 50 m.
There is one toilet in the
department and three
urinals and one for women
and one for male in b/w
weld shop and paint shop.
They were cleaned on
regular basis
No spittoons were there.

No Hoist or lift is used by

workers there all work is
automatic in that.

Yes proper mask and

goggles are provided to
them also they checked
their eyesight too before
two month
Stacking or storing of
No stacking was there
material (65 G)
material stored on the
proper stands and shelves
Worker working on height No worker is working on
use safety belts.
height also the area over
tank have bars
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality, hand rails provided

No suggestion

One spittoon must be


No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

material, prevent from

slipping, Hand rails
Excessive weight to
workers (Rule 59) check
wither they use excessive
Self-protecting instrument
(sec 35) equipment
provided as per job, have
knowledge of it too.

also the quality is good

No they have to use normal No suggestion

weight. Pull weight by carts
or other
Yes the workers are
provided masks and
goggles and gloves also the
safety suit too.

No suggestion

Cleanliness (sec 11)
Mopping, Toilet Cleaning,
Check sheets.
Factory should be clean,
walls are white washed,
Floor must be clean by
disinfectants, windows and
doors should be painted,

Disposal of waste and

(sec 12)
Proper disposal of
hazardous waste, What
hazardous waste it
produces, How much

Yes at first sight the Dept.
No suggestion
was clean. Mopping is done
on regular basis.
The store is cleaned on
daily basis and the racks are
to be cleaned also. There
are 4 workers employed for
cleaning the racks and the
parts stored in the racks too
because if the part is not
clean than it would be
Two type of racks were
there Separate rack system
and heavy duty rack system
No effluents was there only No suggestion
the scrap cardboard and
polythene were there. They
are stored in scrap yard and
then sold to scrap owners

Ventilation and temperature
(sec 13) proper working
temperature, proper
Overcrowding in factory
work rooms (sec 16) each
worker should have 14.2
cubic meter space to work.
Lighting in factory (sec 17)
Natural as well as
artificial lighting should be
provided also workers
should not face problem

Yes the dept. has proper

maintenance of temperature
and also the ventilation.
The temperature was OK
The store have 16
associated and 10 casuals
so there is no
overcrowdings in the plant.
Proper lighting was there
sky lids as well as tube
lights were there. Between
racks the tube lights were
installed. But the workers
have to work in dark they
dont switch on the lights.
Drinking water facility (sec Yes sign board was
18) Sign board in their
available. No toilet was
language, 6 m away from
available near to it. Water
latrines and urinals, cool
cooler is provided.
water provided , approved Regularly checked
by health officer, not far
available in dept. not far
than 50 m.
than 50 m. water drainage
problem was there but
complaint was entered
Latrines and Urinals (sec
No toilet was there they
19) Sign boards should be have to share it with paint
provided. 1 for 50 and if
shop or assembly
more than 50 than 1 for 50
first than 1 for 100. Clean,
White washed, tiles.
Spittoons (sec 20)
No spittoons were there.
sufficient spittoons should
be provided.
Hoist or Lift available ( sec Yes two lifts are available

No suggestion

No suggestion

Workers and
supervisors have to
switch on the light
b/w the racks

No suggestion

Either one toilet is to

be provided between
the quality and store
or increase number
of toilets in assembly
or paint shop
One spittoon must be
No suggestion

28) Lift way should be

protected with gates,
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Stacking or storing of
material (65 G)

and all the instructions

working load and other
things instructions are
available also they have
proper gates all things are
No stacking was there
material stored on the
proper stands and racks
Worker working on height Workers working on height
use safety belts.
are protected with bars
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality, hand rails provided
material, prevent from
also the quality is good
slipping, Hand rails
Excessive weight to
No they have to use normal
workers (Rule 59) check weight. Pull weight by carts
wither they use excessive
or other equipment
Self-protecting instrument Yes the workers are
(sec 35) equipment
provided gloves and the
provided as per job, have
safety shoes too.
knowledge of it too.

No suggestion

No suggestion
No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

Cleanliness (sec 11)
Mopping, Toilet Cleaning,
Check sheets.
Factory should be clean,
walls are white washed,
Floor must be clean by
disinfectants, windows and
doors should be painted,

Yes at first sight the Dept.
was clean. Mopping is
done on regular basis.

No suggestion

Disposal of waste and

(sec 12)
Proper disposal of
hazardous waste, What
hazardous waste it
produces, How much
Ventilation and temperature
(sec 13) proper working
temperature, proper
Overcrowding in factory
work rooms (sec 16) each
worker should have 14.2
cubic meter space to work.
Lighting in factory (sec 17)
Natural as well as
artificial lighting should be
provided also workers
should not face problem
Drinking water facility (sec
18) Sign board in their
language, 6 m away from
latrines and urinals, cool
water provided , approved
by health officer, not far
than 50 m.
Latrines and Urinals (sec
19) Sign boards should be
provided. 1 for 50 and if
more than 50 than 1 for 50
first than 1 for 100. Clean,
White washed, tiles.
Spittoons (sec 20)
sufficient spittoons should
be provided.

No scrap was there if

anything is rejected than it
will move to store.

No suggestion

Yes the dept. has proper

maintenance of
temperature and also the
ventilation. The
temperature was OK
Quality dept. have 20
associates so dept. have
enough space for them.

No suggestion

Proper lighting was there

sky lids as well as tube
lights were there.

No suggestion

No separate water facility

was there as dept. is near
to store so they have to
take water from there

No suggestion

No toilet was there they

have to share it with

Either one toilet is to

be provided to
quality or increase
the number of toilets
in assembly

No spittoons were there.

Spittoons must be

No suggestion

Hoist or Lift available ( sec No hoist and lift was there.
28) Lift way should be
protected with gates,
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Stacking or storing of
No stacking was there
material (65 G)
material stored on the
proper stands.
Worker working on height No worker is working on
use safety belts.
height there.
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality.
material, prevent from
slipping, Hand rails
Excessive weight to
No they have to use
workers (Rule 59) check
normal weight. Pull weight
wither they use excessive
by carts or other
Self-protecting instrument
Yes the workers are
(sec 35) equipment
provided masks and
provided as per job, have
goggles and gloves also
knowledge of it too.
the safety suit too.

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion
No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

Assembly shop
Cleanliness (sec 11)
Mopping, Toilet Cleaning,
Check sheets.
Factory should be clean,
walls are white washed,
Floor must be clean by

Yes Dept. was clean and the No suggestion
cleaning is done on regular
basis also the floor is
cleaned by machine.

disinfectants, windows and

doors should be painted,
Disposal of waste and
(sec 12)
Proper disposal of
hazardous waste, What
hazardous waste it
produces, How much
Ventilation and temperature
(sec 13) proper working
temperature, proper
Overcrowding in factory
work rooms (sec 16) each
worker should have 14.2
cubic meter space to work.

There are oil dipped gloves

which are to be disposed in
normal disposal the oil
dipped gloves are not
disposed in hazardous

Yes the dept. has proper

maintenance of temperature
and also the ventilation.
The temperature was OK
Only 25 people were there
and there are 5 white collar
and 16 are blue collar 4 are
workers and it has quality
dept. too there are 9 people
of that dept. so there is no
overcrowdings in the plant.
Lighting in factory (sec 17) Proper lighting was there
Natural as well as
sky lids as well as tube
artificial lighting should be lights were there. At night
provided also workers
time plant usually dont
should not face problem
work but if work is there
tube lights are available.
Drinking water facility (sec NO sign board was
18) Sign board in their
available. No toilet was
language, 6 m away from
available near to it. Water
latrines and urinals, cool
cooler is provided.
water provided , approved Regularly checked
by health officer, not far
available in dept. not far
than 50 m.
than 50 m.
Latrines and Urinals (sec
There is one toilet in the
19) Sign boards should be department and one urinals
provided. 1 for 50 and if
and it is b/w the assembly
more than 50 than 1 for 50 and store 100 people are

The oil dipped

gloves are to be
disposed properly
factory has to make
rules for it

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

Sign board must be

available and
properly maintained

There is high
requirement of toilet
and urinals many
people are using

first than 1 for 100. Clean,

White washed, tiles.

using same bathroom at a

time it require one more
bathroom They were
cleaned on regular basis

Spittoons (sec 20)

sufficient spittoons should
be provided.
Hoist or Lift available ( sec
28) Lift way should be
protected with gates,
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Equipment for protecting
eyes and eyesight checked
(Rule 60)
Stacking or storing of
material (65 G)

No spittoons were there.

4 Hoist or lift is used by

workers they are checked
recently and ok for use

Yes proper goggles

provided for cutting and
other thing.
No stacking was there
material stored on the
proper stands and shelves
Worker working on height No worker is working on
use safety belts.
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality, hand rails provided
material, prevent from
also the quality is good
slipping, Hand rails
Excessive weight to
No they have to use normal
workers (Rule 59) check weight. Pull weight by carts
wither they use excessive
or other
Self-protecting instrument Yes the workers are
(sec 35) equipment
provided masks and
provided as per job, have
goggles and gloves also the
knowledge of it too.
safety suit too. But they are

same toilet at same

And due to heavy
use the toilet is not
clean too.
Spittoons must be

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion
No suggestion

No suggestion

Workers must be
told about the proper
use of PPEs

not using them properly.

Weld Shop
Cleanliness (sec 11)
Mopping, Toilet Cleaning,
Check sheets.
Factory should be clean,
walls are white washed,
Floor must be clean by
disinfectants, windows and
doors should be painted,
Disposal of waste and
(sec 12)
Proper disposal of
hazardous waste, What
hazardous waste it
produces, How much
Ventilation and temperature
(sec 13) proper working
temperature, proper
Overcrowding in factory
work rooms (sec 16) each
worker should have 14.2
cubic meter space to work.
Lighting in factory (sec 17)
Natural as well as
artificial lighting should be
provided also workers
should not face problem

Yes at first sight the Dept.
No suggestion
was clean. Mopping is done
on regular basis.

Grinding dust, Steel Weld

and hand gloves are there
they handle over it to store
and the store arrange it by
selling them into scrap.

Yes the dept. has proper

maintenance of temperature
and also the ventilation.
The temperature was OK
Only 31 people were there
and 4 of them are white
collar so there is no
overcrowdings in the plant.
Proper lighting was there
sky lids as well as tube
lights were there. At night
time plant usually dont
work but if work is there
tube lights are available.
Drinking water facility (sec Yes sign board was

No suggestion

No suggest ion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

18) Sign board in their

language, 6 m away from
latrines and urinals, cool
water provided , approved
by health officer, not far
than 50 m.
Latrines and Urinals (sec
19) Sign boards should be
provided. 1 for 50 and if
more than 50 than 1 for 50
first than 1 for 100. Clean,
White washed, tiles.
Spittoons (sec 20)
sufficient spittoons should
be provided.
Hoist or Lift available ( sec
28) Lift way should be
protected with gates,
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Equipment for protecting
eyes and eyesight checked
(Rule 60)

available. No toilet was

available near to it. Water
cooler is provided.
Regularly checked
available in dept. not far
than 50 m.
There is one toilet for men
and one for women in
between paint shop and
weld shop

No suggestion

No spittoons were there.

One spittoon must be


One hoist of capacity 1.5

ton is there

No suggestion

Yes proper mask, gloves

and goggles are provided to
them also they checked
their eyesight too before
two month
Stacking or storing of
No stacking was there
material (65 G)
material stored on the
proper stands and shelves
Worker working on height No worker is working on
use safety belts.
height also the area over
tank have bars
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality, hand rails provided
material, prevent from
also the quality is good

Some workers are

not using the gloves
as well as some are
not using goggles
No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

slipping, Hand rails

Excessive weight to
workers (Rule 59) check
wither they use excessive
Self-protecting instrument
(sec 35) equipment
provided as per job, have
knowledge of it too.

No they have to use normal No suggestion

weight. Pull weight by carts
or other
Yes the workers are
provided masks and
goggles and gloves also the
safety suit too. But they are
not using them

Workers must be
told about PPEs

No at first sight the Dept.
was not clean. Floor was
dirty and backside area was
not clean too

The area is separate
so they have to
maintain cleanliness

Plant Engineering
Cleanliness (sec 11)
Mopping, Toilet Cleaning,
Check sheets.
Factory should be clean,
walls are white washed,
Floor must be clean by
disinfectants, windows and
doors should be painted,
Disposal of waste and
(sec 12)
Proper disposal of
hazardous waste, What
hazardous waste it
produces, How much
Ventilation and temperature
(sec 13) proper working
temperature, proper
Overcrowding in factory
work rooms (sec 16) each

ETP is treated here so

No suggestion
Phosphate, paint sludge,
grating burning ash was
also there so all these things
are recycled and the
remains are handed over to
govt. agencies
Yes the dept. has proper
No suggestion
maintenance of temperature
and also the ventilation.
The temperature was OK
Only 31 people were there No suggestion
as 1 head, 2 managers, 4

worker should have 14.2

cubic meter space to work.

assistant managers, 1 civil

head, 22 blue collar so there
is no overcrowdings in the
Lighting in factory (sec 17) Proper lighting was there
No suggestion
Natural as well as
sky lids as well as tube
artificial lighting should be lights were there. At night
provided also workers
time plant usually dont
should not face problem
work but if work is there
tube lights are available.
Drinking water facility (sec No water cooler provided
One water cooler
18) Sign board in their
and they have share it from must be provided
language, 6 m away from
the weld shop.
latrines and urinals, cool
water provided , approved
by health officer, not far
than 50 m.
Latrines and Urinals (sec
No toilets are provided to
One toilet must be
19) Sign boards should be this area and the workers
provided. 1 for 50 and if
have share toilets available
more than 50 than 1 for 50 in the cabin of managers.
first than 1 for 100. Clean,
White washed, tiles.
Spittoons (sec 20)
No spittoons were there.
One spittoon must be
sufficient spittoons should
be provided.
Hoist or Lift available ( sec No Hoist or lift is used by
No suggestion
28) Lift way should be
workers there all work is
protected with gates,
automatic in that.
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Equipment for protecting
Yes proper mask and gloves No suggestion
eyes and eyesight checked provided to them
(Rule 60)

Stacking or storing of
material (65 G)

No stacking was there

material stored on the
proper stands and shelves
Worker working on height No worker is working on
use safety belts.
height but for maintenance
purpose they use safety
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality, hand rails provided
material, prevent from
also the quality is good
slipping, Hand rails
Excessive weight to
No they have to use normal
workers (Rule 59) check weight. Pull weight by carts
wither they use excessive
or other
Self-protecting instrument Yes the workers are
(sec 35) equipment
provided masks and
provided as per job, have
goggles and gloves also the
knowledge of it too.
safety suit too.

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

Health and safety dept.

Register maintained for
Yes Proper Register is
specially trained adult
maintained and OJT (On
the Job Training) is given to
Dangerous machines are
Yes 6 power press are there
in plant
and number of workers are
Fencing done near heavy Yes fencing is done near
heavy machinery and
specially trained workers
work on them
Health and safety policy
Yes the factory have health

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

Safety committee

Industrial waste

Hoist or Lift available ( sec

28) Lift way should be
protected with gates,
maximum working load,
gates have interlocking,
connected with two ropes
each can bear full load
Equipment for protecting
eyes and eyesight checked
(Rule 60)

and safety policy

Yes safety committee is
No suggestion
there and meetings
regarding safety are
organized too
Yes the factory provides
No suggestion
information about its
industrial waste and all data
is available.
Yes there are 12 hoists and No suggestion
all are maintained properly
also they are checked on
regular basis also there are
2 lifts and all the instruction
are given about the lift too

Yes proper mask and

goggles are provided to
them also they checked
their eyesight too record is
Stacking or storing of
No stacking was there
material (65 G)
material stored on the
proper stands and shelves
Safety belts.
5 Safety belts were
purchased in April 2016
and they have one year
Floor, stair, steps, passages, Yes all these are of good
gangways (sec 32) sound quality, hand rails provided
material, prevent from
also the quality is good
slipping, Hand rails
Excessive weight to
No they have to use normal
workers (Rule 59) check weight. Pull weight by carts
wither they use excessive
or by folk lift no worker is
carrying weight by himself

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

No suggestion

Self-protecting instrument
(sec 35) equipment
provided as per job, have
knowledge of it too.

Yes the workers are

provided masks, goggles,
gloves, safety shoes, ear
plugs, helmet, sleeve arms
and other equipment too
But they dont follow the
rules so they must follow

They must follow

rules also the
supervisor and safety
officer keep an eye
on them

Condition of Occupational Health Centre

1. Glazed sink with hot and cold water
2. A table with a smooth top of size at
least 180cm X 105cm
3. Means of sterilizing instruments
4. A couch
5. Two buckets/container with close
fittings lids
6. A kettle and spirit stove for boiling
7. One bottle of sprites ammoniac
8. Two medium size sponges


13.Two graduated measuring glasses 120

14.1 wash bottle 1000cc for washing eyes

Partial Available

Partial Available
Partial Available
Partial Available

15.1 bottle 1l carbolic lotion 1 in 20

16.3 chairs

9. Two kidneys trays

10.Four cake of toilets preferably
antiseptic soap
11.Two glass tumblers and two vine
glasses two clinical thermometer
12.Two tea spoons

Not Available

17.1 screen
18.1 electric hand torch
19.1 educate supply of tetanus toxied
20.Cora mine liquid
21.Tablets antihistaminic antispasmodic
25 each
22.2 needle holders big and small

23.Suturing needles and materials

24.1 dissecting forceps
25.1 dressing forceps
26.1 statoscope

27.1 scalpels
28.Rubber bandage, pressure bandage
29.Oxygen cylinder with necessary
30.1 blood pressure apparatus

31.1 patellar hammer

32.1 stomach wash set
33.Any other equipment recommended
by factory medical officer according
to specific need related to
manufacturing process
34.One peak flow meter for lung
function measurement
35. Syringes with needles 2cc, 5cc, 10cc

First Aid Appliances

1. 24 small sterilized dressings
2. 12 medium size sterilized dressings
3. 12 large size sterilized dressings


Not Available

4. 12 large size sterilized burn dressings

5. 12 (15 mgs) packet of sterilized cotton
6. 1 snake bite lancet
7. 1 pair of scissors
8. 2 (30 mgs) bottle of potassium per
magnet crystals
9. 1 (120 ml) bottle containing a two
percent alcoholic solution of iodine
10.1 (120 ml) bottle of Sal-volatile having
the dose and mode of administration
indicated on the label
11.1 copy of first aid leaflet issued by the
director general Factories advice
service, govt of India
12.(a) A bottle containing 100 tablet
(each of 5 grs) of aspirin
(b) Ointment for burns
(c) A bottle of suitable surgical
antiseptic solution
13.12 roller bandage 10 cm wide and 12
of 5 cm wide
14.2 rollers of adhesive plaster

17.A supply suitable splints

18.1 tourniquet

15.6 triangular bandages

16.2 packet of safety pins



1. Is the factory clean as required under Section 11?

2. Are the proper arrangements done for Disposal of

water and effluents as per Section 12?



3. Are the proper arrangements made for Ventilation

and Temperature maintenance as per Section 13?

4. Are the workrooms in factory not overcrowded as

required in section 16

5. Is there sufficient lighting in the factory as required

in section 17?

6. Does the factory have drinking water facility for the


7. Are there sufficient latrines and urinals in the

Factory and the condition is as required under
section 19?
8. Are there sufficient spittoons in the Factory and their
condition is as per section 20?
Overall Observation
Yes the factory is clean as I have observed most of the area but at some places it need to be
cleaned but on overall basis I can say that it is clean.
Yes the proper arrangements of disposal of wastes have been done only in assembly the oil
dipped gloves are to be looked after so overall the disposal of waste and effluents is done.
Yes proper ventilation is there and temperature is maintained and normal to work I am
fully satisfied with the ventilation system of company.
No room is overcrowded in the factory there is lot of area for everyone.
Yes the lighting facility is good in factory only in area of store the lighting facility is
provided but it is fault of workers that they dont use it.
Yes the factory have drinking water facility also the company has provided cool water
facility according to the season to the workers but in some area it lacks as in plant
engineering department no separate drinking water facility is provided.
I cannot say anything about latrines and urinals because as per factory law the company
have sufficient latrines and urinals but as per department wise the company have lack of

latrines and urinals as in the assembly and plant engineering department there is need of
separate latrine and urinals.
No the company has not even a single spittoon so I think that there will be at least one
spittoon in department



1. Is there any Register maintained for specially trained

adult workers?
2. How many Dangerous machines are in plant and
how many workers are employed to work on them?

3. Is the proper fencing done near the heavy machinery

and are the rules followed as given in section 21?
4. Is there any Hoist/Lift available in the factory if yes
then, is the condition appropriate as under section

5. Do the workers have proper equipment for

protecting their eyes also they have checked their eye
sight or not?
6. Is there any stacking or storing of material done in
7. Do the workers working on height use safety belts or
8. The factory have Health and safety policy.

9. The factory have safety committee.

10. The company provides information on its industrial

11. As per rule 65-SS the workers working on
hazardous process are medically examined.
12.The condition of occupational health center is as per
rule 65-T.
13.Are the floors, stairs, steps, passages, gangways
properly maintained as per section 32?

14.Do the workers have to carry excessive weight?

15.Are the proper precaution made against Dangerous
fumes and gases?


16.Are the proper precautions made against fire as

required under section 38?

Does the factory have proper sign boards related to

instructions and emergency exit?

Yes the company provides special training to the workers who work on
dangerous machines as power press, cutting saws.
The company has 6 power press and the workers work on it are trained.
Yes all the machines are properly fenced I have checked it in the assembly
department, weld department, and paint department
Yes there are 12 hoist available in the plant and they are checked on regular
basis recently they are checked and they are also checked on 27/11/15.
Yes the workers have goggles and they have checked their eyesight too I have
checked records of their health checkup and eye checkup.
No there is not any stacking and storing of material done in the plant all the
things are putted in their shelves or racks
No the workers have to work on height but if they have to do maintenance
work than they have to wear safety belts too. I have checked the safety belts
the belts there are 5 safety belts which are purchased in month of April and
they are in warranty period.
Yes the factory have safety policy and they also have the safety committee and
they do meetings regularly to tell the workers about their safety.
Yes the company has provided the information on the industrial waste. All the
departments have told that what kind of waste they are producing but in
every department the actual quantity of waste cannot be identified because
the plant I on startup so actual quantity cannot be identified
Yes the workers are medically examined and I have checked their records too.
Workers who are working on hazardous process have to get their x ray report
and they have their full medical checkup
I am not satisfied by the occupational health center because the necessary
things that are to be available are not there and it is very necessary to keep an
eye on the health center

Yes the floors, passes, gangways and other things are of sound quality also
they are made of good material
No the workers have not carry excessive weight they use carts and folk lifts so
as per my view they are not carrying any heavy weight
Yes there are proper precautions made against dangerous fumes and gases
proper ventilation provided, information is also given in case of dangerous
Yes proper precautions made against fire the fire extinguishers are provided
also there are fire exits and the workers are well known of firefighting.
Yes the factory have proper sign boards but the boards related to emergency
exit are not there also there are lot of sign boards but workers are not
following that rules.




1. The first aid condition is as under section 45?

2. The factory provides ambulance to the injured


3. Is there a canteen provided in the factory as required

under section 46?

4. The furniture, floor and other equipment of canteen

are clean?

5. Are there adequate and suitable shelter, rest rooms,

and lunch rooms provided in the factory as required
under section 47?

Required things are not fully available in the first aid box.
No the company does not provide ambulance to the injured workers but they
provide alternate means of it

Yes the company has provide canteen to the workers and the condition of
canteen is good.
Yes the furniture of canteen is clean and the floor of canteen is also clean and
there is not anything wrong found in the canteen and the kitchen of canteen is
also clean so I think that canteen facilities are as per rules
No the Factory does not provide shelter and lunchrooms and restrooms if
someone has to do the lunch he/she has to go to the canteen separate
lunchroom is not provided also there is no rest room.

In overall condition of factory I think the health facilities of factory are well
the factory is clean and there is proper maintenance of these things so I think
that the factory is doing well in some places it need to work as in case of toilets
and urinals the departments need to have more number of toilets and urinals.
The factory need to install some spittoons because there is not a single spittoon
in the plant.
As in case of overcrowded area the factory does not have overcrowding it has
lot of area for every worker and there is proper ventilation system in the plant
The factory has proper disposal system but in some cases it need to look after.
Lighting facility is also good in the plant
I have searched a lot of area in the plant I think in some areas there is lack of
concern of health and safety officer he need to communicate to the workers
because the workers are not properly using their PPEs the supervisors also
need to strict to them regarding the PPEs also the Health and safety officer
need to work on the OHC and First Aid Conditions too.
The welfare facilities need to be improved except from the canteen.

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