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Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is so impressive. This phenomenon often appears after rain.
Rainbow is an arc spectrum which is so large and occurs because the drops are refracted by
sunlight. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, then you will see a
refraction that causes a wide variety of colors. Light is refracted like light passing through a glass
Other names of the rainbow is a rainbow which is a symptom of optical and meteorological
phenomenon in which light with different colors refracted parallel to each other into water droplets.
You can also see this phenomenon under the very high and heavy waterfall.
How does rainbow happen in detail? All the happenings begin when the sunlight passing through the
raindrops. Then the light is deflected to the center of the droplet. The white light, now separated from
each other into a spectrum of colors. The process does not stop there. The colors that have been
separated, then separate again into the very small portions. There is more light separated from each
other in the droplets. Then there are more curved and finally those color form a light curve called a
Can we make a rainbow? Of course. There are at least two ways that you can do to make a rainbow.
First, you can use a spray containing water. We know that rainbows occur when sunlight passing
through the raindrops. So, we make our own rain droplets from the water spray. In the morning or
afternoon, spray water under the sun, then see the water droplets flying. Spray lots of water and you
will see a small rainbow that you can touch easily.
Second, use pieces of video discs then reflected to the light of the sun, and navigate to the wall or
ceiling of your house. On the ceiling or the wall, you will see a colorful light that have the same color
with the rainbow.
Thats the definition of rainbow, how does it happen, and how we can make it true.

Arti explanation text about rainbow:

Pelangi adalah sebuah fenomena alam yang begitu mengesankan. Fenomena ini sering muncul
setelah hujan. Pelangi merupakan sebuah busur spektrum yang begitu besar dan terjadi karena
butir-butir air yang dibiaskan oleh cahaya matahari. Ketika cahaya matahari tersebut bersinar dan
melewati butiran air, maka Anda akan menyaksikan sebuah pembiasan yang menyebabkan
timbulnya berbagai macam warna. Cahaya tersebut membias layaknya sebuah cahaya yang
melewati prisma kaca.
Nama lain dari pelangi adalah bianglala yang merupakan gejala optik serta fenomena meteorology
dimana cahaya dengan aneka warna yang berbeda saling sejajar membias ke butiran air. Anda juga
bisa melihat pelaingi di air terjun yang tinggi dan sangat deras.
Bagaimana proses terjadinya pelangi secara detail? Semua kejadian dimulai ketika cahaya matahari
melewati tetesan hujan. Kemudian cahaya tersebut dibelokkan ke bagian tengah dari tetesan
tersebut. Cahaya yang sebelumnya putih, kini saling terpisah menjadi sebuah warna spektrum.
Prosesnya tidak berhenti hanya disitu saja. Warna-warna yang telah terpisah, kemudian terpisah
kembali hingga ke bagian-bagian yang sangat kecil. Ada lebih banyak cahaya yang terpisah satu
sama lain di tetesan-tetesan tersebut. Semakin lama, cahaya semakin melengkung dan membentuk
kurva yang disebut dengan pelangi.
Apakah kita bisa membuat pelangi? Tentu saja. Setidaknya ada tiga cara yang bisa Anda lakukan
untuk membuat sebuah pelangi. Pertama, Anda bisa menggunakan semprotan yang berisi air. Kita
tahu bahwa pelangi terjadi ketika cahaya matahari melewati tetesan hujan. Jadi, tetesan hujan kita
buat sendiri dari semprotan air tersebut. Ketika pagi atau sore, semprotkan air di bagian bawah sinar
matahari, kemudian lihat tetesan air yang beterbangan. Semprotkan banyak air dan kamu akan
melihat sebuah pelangi kecil yang bisa kamu sentuh.
Kedua, gunakan kepingan video disc kemudian pantulkan ke arah cahaya matahari dan arahkan ke
dinding atau plafon rumahmu. Di plafon atau dinding tersebut, kamu akan melihat sebuah cahaya
warna-warni yang mempunyai warna sama dengan pelangi.
Itulah definisi mengenai pelangi, bagaimana itu terjadi, dan bagaimana kita mampu membuatnya.

A rainbow is the one of example common natural phenomenon happened in the sky. A rainbow is a electromagnetic
waves that can we see. On the other hand natural phenomenon are wonderful events that happen on the earth.
Natural phenomenon caused by many factors. A rainbow caused by many factors like sunlight, drops of water,
refraction etc. A rainbow appeared as beautiful scene that is so impressive in the sky. It is usually appeared after
raining together with sun shining. The form of rainbow like arc which so large, consisting of many colors as painting in
the sky. A wonderful painting in the sky.
In addition, rainbow is formed because refraction of sunlight by drops of water in the atmosphere. However, related
with physics course a rainbow can be described as an even natural refraction. Refraction is a process it describes a
specific color (monochromatic) into become some other color (polichromatic) through a particular medium called
spectrum. The process of rainbow is formed begin when sunlight through a rain drops and then are refracted into the
middle of the rain drops. And then separated colors are bounching behind drops of rain and more separated when
leaving. In a rainbow of color formation process occurs when white light become spectrum of color through rain
drops. As for the spectrum in rainbow that occurs consisting of 7 colors there are red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
blue dye, and violet colors. The different colors caused by electromagnetic waves especially wavelength of colors.
The colors of red more than dominant from other colors because the red color has the greatest wavelength 780-622
nm and has low frequency 384-482 Hz, as a contrast the violet color has smallest wavelength 455-390 nm and has
high frequency 659-769 Hz. So, with the different wavelength can affect a colors of rainbow.
In conclusion, rainbow happened because many factors and appeared in big arc with many colors. Rainbow is the
one of beautiful scene as we can see in the sky, it is likes a painting of God in the earth. It is a wonderful

One of life impressive phenomenon and often we meet is rainbow. The rainbow phenomenon often
occurs after the rain stops. Rainbow consists of a big bow spectrum and happens from water droplets
which reflacted parallel cause of light of the sun. When the sun light shines and passes the water
droplets, we can see a lot of colors bercause of this reflacted parallel. The light passes and reflacts like a
light passes through a prism mirror.
Rainbow or often called as Bianglala is an optical phenomenon in the world of meteorology . Rainbow is a
light with a lot of colors. These colors are reflacted parallel into the droplets. We can see the rainbow on
the heavy and high waterfall.
How does the rainbow work? all the occurings start when the sun light run through the water droplets.
Then, the sun light is deflected into the center of the water droplets. Before that, The light has white
colors, now the are separated dan changed into spectrum colors. The process does not stopped until
here. The separatd colors then separated again one by one from on the water droplets. Then, the light
tunrs into curve and now we can see and called it as rainbow.
Can we make a rainbow? Of course we can. There are two steps at least that we can do to make a
rainbow. First, we can use water which spraying. We have been known that rainbow happens during the
sun light run through the droplets water of rain. When morning or evening, spray the water under the sun
light, then see the droplets water which is flying. Spraying the waters and we can see a small rainbow
and can we touch.
Second, using the disc which has function to pointthe sun light to the wall or ceiling of our house. Then
see the wall or ceiling, we will see the colorful light which have colors like rainbow.

Artinya explanation text about rainbow

Salah satu fenomena alam yang begitu mengesankan dan sering kita temui adalah pelangi. Fenomena
pelangi ini sering muncul pasca hujan berhenti. Pelangi terdiri dari sebuah busur spektrum yang sangat
besar dan terjadi karena butir-butir air yang dibiaskan oleh cahaya matahari. Pada saat cahaya matahari
tersebut bersinar dan melewati butiran air, maka kita dapat melihat berbagai macam warna yang
disebabkan oleh pembiasan cahaya tersebut. Cahaya tersebut masuk dan membias layaknya sebuah
cahaya yang bergerak melewati suatu kaca berbentuk prisma.
Pelangi atau yang sering disebut sebagai bianglala adalah suatu gejala optik serta fenomena di dunia
meteorologi. Pelangi ialah cahaya dengan aneka warna yang berbeda. Warna tersebut saling sejajar
membias ke butiran air. Kita juga dapat melihat pelangi pada suatu air terjun yang sangat deras dan
Bagaimana pelangi bisa terjadi? Semua kejadian dimulai ketika cahaya matahari melewati tetesan hujan.
Kemudian cahaya itu diarahkan ke bagian tengah dari tetesan air tersebut. Cahaya yang sebelumnya
memiliki warna putih, kini terpisah dan berubah menjadi sebuah warna spektrum. Prosesnya tidak
berhenti hanya sampai disini saja. Warna-warna yang telah terpisah, kemudian terpisah kembali hingga
menjadi partikel partikel yang sangat kecil. Ada lebih banyak cahaya yang terpisah antara satu dengan
lainnya di tetesan-tetesan tersebut. Lama kelamaan, cahaya tersebut semakin melengkung dan
membentuk suatu kurva yang sekarang dapat kita lihat dan kita sebut dengan pelangi.
Apakah kita bisa membuat pelangi sendiri? Tentu saja bisa. Setidaknya ada dua cara yang bisa Anda
lakukan untuk membuat sebuah pelangi. Pertama, Anda bisa memakai semprotan air. Kita sudah tahu
bahwa pelangi terjadi pada saat cahaya matahari melewati tetesan hujan. Jadi, kita dapat mengganti
tetesan hujan dengan semprotan air tersebut. Pada pagi atau sore, semprotkan air di bagian bawah sinar
matahari, lalu lihat tetesan air yang sedang terbang. Semprotkan banyak air dan kita akan melihat
sebuah pelangi kecil dan bisa kamu sentuh.
Kedua, pakai kepingan video disc yang berfungsi mengarahkan cahaya matahari ke dinding atau plafon
rumah kita. Lalu lihat di dinding atau plafon, Kita akan melihat warna-warni cahaya yang mempunyai
warna mirip dengan pelangi.

Explanation Text About Snow

Water in its pure formis colorless. If there are impurities, the color of the water.Snowcan
also take the color of other objects. For example, in the case of deep glacier ice blocks appear
blue. But the snow is slightly different from the ice. Snow is a collection of small ice crystals
and interconnected. Ice is clear and color less as the accumulation of crystals combine to
form snowflakes.
Snow invisible to us because of the light.Snow fell from the top to the atmosphere and
reaches Earth. Ice crystals allow the light that fall son them to get reflected on its surface.
There are some crystal faces and the light because it's also so scattered. Has a wave length of
visible light of different light show to us.When light strikes any object to be absorbed
somewhere in the reflected light and the other part. Part of the reflected light reaches our
eyes and make us recognize colors.
Light falling on the ice crystals do not pass through the glass for long distances, but they
tend to change direction. Light reflected at an angle in the ice. As the snow there as a
collection of some of the snow flakes on the ground, the light falling on them will not have a
specific wavelength this reflected with some regularity. Thus, most of the light falling on the
snow almost entirely be reflected back. The light that is reflected in the snow will stay white
for most of the time as the total light and the reflected wavelength. Therefore, the snow is

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