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Book review

Edwin Mclean, a musician and teacher, has just published his first fiction book
last June. The book was firstly launched on June 16 th, 2016, at Lampu Kota caf,
Surabaya. The title itself exposes a musician-being; Menjadi Gitaris. Its a novel
about a journey of a boy, Nuno, who wants to be a great guitar player. He begins
everything from the schoolplace as an 8 grader. He joins a school band that
improves much of his skill in guitar playing. He wins his first The Best Guitar Player
trophy in a band competition with the band. And its all started here. He begins to
dig guitar-related things deeper and deeper since then. Until he finally succeed
winning the School Idol Competition. He joins several popular bands in his city and
becomes session player after some good experience. Unfortunately, his journey as
a musician is not shuffled along with his love story. Everything is in peak when Nuno
finally achieves his top career as a clinician in music. But things go bad when he
breaks up with love. Nuno decides to leave everything to pursue his higher
education in Berklee College in Boston.
Following the distribution, Edwin was invited to a book review in Walet caf in
Weleri, Central Java, on July 3rd, 2016. The book was discussed with some of the
writing practitioners. One of the guests, Setia Naka, S.Pd, M.Pd, a lecturer in
Semarang University, said; The book was inspirational. Musicians who read will get
lots of musical insight and might get motivated with the story. Every words flow
naturally embellished with some metaphorical phrases and structures. The
fascination of the story lies in fact, that you will learn music while youre walking
from page to another page.
The book itself was published by Oksana publishing company based on
Surabaya. This book, is a piece of dedication to music and literature.

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