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gay srpg

1. gay
2. good permadeath
-strong temporary bonus - "magic flare" (berserk mode)
-permanent bonus (s rank supports get unique powerful skills)
3. each character mechanically unique (very little customization)

member of minor mage nobility, she ran away from home to join the sorcerer's ass
ociation. headstrong and temperamental, however underneath she is actually quite
capable and has good intuition - her aggression comes from a place of self-care
. she sees all people as more or less equal. scrappy and hot.
former professor. one of the older members of the group. tries to keep a cool he
ad for her own sake and the sake of others, but occasionally has a bit of a temp
er. she actively tries to care for herself and suppress her martyr complex, but
still feels an obligation to care for others (even at her own expense). has diff
iculty seeing people as peers, sometimes.
likes: people, helping, informing
dislikes: layabouts, her temper
interests: magical study, circle scribing, ancient ritual magic (esp witchcraft)
, caring for others
fears: being weak or incapable, pushing people away when she really needs them,
being unable to escape bad situations
info goes here

support bonuses:
lyn last alive: martyr's weight
lyn last alive (all s supports): last hope

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