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MAY 2016

Content: ELA
Standard: CCSS.ELA.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and
explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
W.3.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
Learning Objective(s): Students will analyze the story "Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday" to
learn about cause and effect relationships.
Language Function: Analyze
Materials: Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday story in Open Court textbooks, handouts, cause
and effect scenarios, letter template, Alexander's letter

Remind students about the story "Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last
Let the students summarize the story in a pair-share.

(5-8 minutes)

State the objective to students Students will analyze the story

"Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday" to learn about cause and
effect relationships.

Go over what cause and effect means: (choral chant)

o Cause is why something happens
o Effect is what happened
I was thirsty, so I drank water.
I drank water because I was thirsty.

Show students a few cartoons to get them thinking about cause and effect
Ask students what they think is the cause/effect of the pictures.
Picture walk through the story "Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last
Sunday" again to refresh their memory.
Body (Including
Model practice)
(10 minutes)

Model a cause and relationship example from the story:

Cause: Alexander's said words he shouldn't have.
Effect: Alexander had to pay 10 cents.
Complete several cause and effect relationships with the cause & effect
cards and complete graphic organizer.
Demonstrate the activity, practice together as whole class

Guided Practice
(15 minutes)

(5 minutes)

Continue with the cause & effect cards:

Guided: Scaffold by doing selecting either a cause or effect. Let
students look through text to find the opposite.
Individual: Select a few cards, let students work on their own
partner share class share

Show students a picture of a cause and ask them to write and/or draw what
an effect would be. (Half sheet of paper)

Total time: 30-35minutes

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