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Glunz & Jensen A/S

Haslevvej 13
DK-4100 Ringsted
Denmark & Jensen launches the 3

Generation of their inkjet based CTP

Tel.: +45 5768 8181
Fax: +45 5768 8340
solutions, PLUS introduces a National Press release, May 2010
PlateMaking scrappage scheme to help
Glunz & Jensenfuture proof
launches the 3their
rd business
Generation andinkjet based CTP solutions,
of their
PLUS theiraplate
introduces making
National systems.
PlateMaking scrappage scheme to help customers
future proof their business and upgrade their plate making systems.

¾ This year at IPEX, a NEW addition to the iCtP PlateWriter line-up will be unveiled. Built on
the very latest advances in inkjet technology the PlateWriterTM 3000 is aimed at small to
medium printers, and is up to 4 times faster than existing models.

¾ The National PlateMaking Scrappage Scheme introduced for IPEX means up to £4,000
scrappage allowance offered by Glunz & Jensen, to scrap old traditional, energy hungry or
chemical based plate making solutions and to help customers go green and create a profitable
future strength for their printing business.

¾ GO Green at IPEX - Glunz & Jensen shows, what it believes to be some of the most
environmentally friendly plate makers available today. Glunz & Jensen inkjet CTP solutions are
chemistry free, environmentally friendly and can save a whopping 90% in energy compared to
traditional film based plate making.

In Detail:
The launch of the new 3rd generation inkjet plate making solution from Glunz & Jensen
The PlateWriterTM 3000, uses the NEW generation of super high density print heads from Epson, and boasts virtual
Macro-Piezo technology, which effectively doubles the number of imaging elements on the CTP imaging array. At
the same time, the number of imaging channels used is effectively doubled by re-written firmware developed by
Epson for Glunz & Jensen. The result is a 3 – 4 times faster PlateWriterTM 3000!
In addition, the PlateWriterTM incorporates an upgraded plate alignment system for improved registration. This
utilises registration pins that rise automatically when a plate is loaded, an audible tone is then generated as the
plate achieves register, then the pins automatically withdraw as the plate is “set” for imaging.

Glunz & Jensen launch PlateMaking Scrappage Scheme for UK printers.

At IPEX, Glunz & Jensen introduce the National PlateMaking Scrappage Scheme.
Glunz & Jensen’s chemistry-free, energy-saving CtP plate makers are incredibly affordable. However, to help printers
further, the National PlateMaking scrappage scheme could provide up to £4,000 towards a brand new iCtP
PlateWriterTM when customers scrap their old chemistry-based plate making system.
UK printers and in-plants could save both energy and money by taking out their old, inefficient chemistry-based
plate making system and replacing it with a new ultra energy efficient, chemistry-free plate maker from Glunz &

Sales 1.800.551.1976 Fax 1.952.831.9680

Jensen. In addition, the print shops that previously made plates using film based solutions could cut their carbon
emissions by 90% and produce environmentally friendly products for their customers.

ABOUT the Glunz & Jensen PlateWriterTM series:

The PlateWriterTM series are designed to allow customers the ability to reduce their plate making costs, improve
their quality and create digitally accurate CtP plates without the need for chemistry or the use of plate processors.
By harnessing the development of inkjet technology Glunz & Jensen drives the green revolution when it comes to
plate making, and brings this form of environmentally friendly metal plate making to an affordable level for offset

Background: In 2004 Glunz & Jensen launched its first iCtP PlateWriter systems, initially Glunz & Jensen’s
approach to CtP (which consists of using blank plates and implementing inkjet technology to add an ink receptive
image on to a conventionally grained aluminium printing plate) created a huge interest along with a level of
scepticism over the reliability and quality such an approach could offer.

Since then the market has grown to accept that inkjet technology is capable of many sophisticated tasks from
building 3D models and imaging LCD panels to creating printed circuit boards for the medical industry. Imaging
offset plates by comparison is a relatively simple undertaking, so in a few short years Glunz & Jensen has won
over the sceptics with its unbuckling commitment to this technology and to delivering the trust that its’ industry
renown name commands.

In 2007, Glunz & Jensen developed partnerships with Epson. The result was that in 2008 we saw the introduction
of the second generation of iCtP systems, a major upgrade to Glunz & Jensen’s inkjet CTP. Glunz & Jensen
PlateWriterTM systems have proven themselves extremely reliable and consistent with their remarkably simple
approach to CtP along with the elimination of chemistry, special-light working conditions and the associated
costs to these areas. So much, that during these difficult economic times, over 550 iCtP PlateWriter 2000/2400
systems have been shipped.

Glunz & Jensen’s PlateWriters™ are a significantly lower investment cost than current laser based plate imaging
systems on the market. Priced from £14,995 the PlateWriter™ is designed for small to medium printers and in-
plants looking for low cost, chemistry and processing-free metal CtP.

In fact, alongside industry recognised terms such as laser based “Thermal” and “Violet” based CtP systems,
Glunz & Jensen has set its’ sight on being the only credible alternative. The PlateWriterTM series delivers
press-ready aluminium plates without the use of chemical processing, for small to medium litho offset printers
supporting a wide range of presses. Setting new standards in the cost, flexibility and speed for all 2-up press and
most 4-up presses by applying a patented Liquid Dot™ image on to non-photosensitive aluminium printing plates.

Simple, ECO Friendly – the PlateWriter™

The PlateWriter™ adds a press ready image directly onto the metal plate. This means there is NO photosensitive
diazo or photopolymer coating to remove, and therefore NO light sensitivity and processing at all. There are no
costly chemical disposal charges or wasted time cleaning processors involved in using a Glunz & Jensen

After the plate is imaged, users pass it through the integrated finishing unit, which dries and gums the plate,
making it ready to use immediately on press or store for later use. This technique of plate making makes iCtP one
of the most environmentally friendly ways to make plates today!

Sales 1.800.551.1976 Fax 1.952.831.9680

“Green” was our driver
With over 30 years of experience in developing leading products in the market’s high-end, Glunz & Jensen plan
to dominate the entry level plate making market with their PlateWriterTM series of affordable, plate making
devices that come with a very green message;

”The PlateWriterTM inkjet Computer-to-Plate (iCtP) technology sets new standards in the cost, flexibility and
reduction of workflow for offset printing to the small and medium-format printer. The marketplace can now enjoy
the benefits of an even more environmentally friendly and fully digital workflow – and of course, high quality
output,” says Mark Baker-Homes, Business Unit Director, iCtP.

“In 2008 the PlateWriterTM 2000 ignited immense excitement amongst all small printing companies, and
commercial print establishments who were looking to invest in a low cost CtP solution. At IPEX 2010, we aim to
further that excitement by introducing the 3rd generation of iCtP, our newest HIGH SPEED PlateWriterTM . In
addition we are actively seeking to further embrace the environmentally friendly message and the resolute
reliability that users expect from the Glunz & Jensen brand.”

For further information regarding the system and market, please contact Mark Baker-Homes, on e-
mail: or phone: +44 (0) 1202 232422.

For information regarding images or brochures, please contact Ann-Christine Nettey-Marbell on e-mail: or phone: +45 5768 8346.

Or see the GLunz & Jensen PlateWriter micro-site:

Sales 1.800.551.1976 Fax 1.952.831.9680

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