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Chapter 3 - Lab Activity

Addition of Vectors

Submitted by
Mohammed Alfouzan

Prof. Jeffrey Reeves

Due Date : 07/05/2016

The objective of this experiment is the addition of vectors .The vectors are added by resolving
them into their rectangular components.

Methods and Procedures:

In order to add the vectors, we must first resolve them into their horizontal (Vi)
Then the vertical (Vj) components are calculated.
Then add them up.
Finally add the two orthogonal components using the Pythagorean Theorem.
Using the inverse tangent function, solve for the directional angle.

Results and Calculations:

1st Case:
55 m/s at 250 + 15 m/s at 450

Calculation for 55m/s at an angle of 25

a=55 m/s at 250

Vi = 55.000 cos(25) = 49.847
Horizontal component of Vector
#1 = 49.847
Vj = 55.000 sin(25) = 23.244
Vertical component of Vector #1
= 23.244

Calculation for 15m/s at an angle of 45

b=15 m/s at 450

Vi = 15.000* cos(45) = 10.607
Horizontal component of Vector
#2 = 10.607
Vj = 15.000* sin(45) = 10.607

Vertical component of Vector #2 = 10.607

Magnitude of horizontal component = 60.454

+ Magnitude of vertical component = 33.851
So the magnitude of the new vector is = 69.286

Sum of Vi = 60.454
Sum of Vj = 33.851
Vi + Vj2 = 4,800.493
Angle = tan-1(Y/X)
Direction of new vector = 29.246 degrees counterclockwise from horizontal.

2nd Case:
20 m/s at 350 + 25 m/s at 450 + 25 m/s at 900

Calculation for 20m/s at an angle of 35

a=20 m/s at 350

Vi = 20.000* cos(35) = 16.383

Horizontal component of
Vector #1 = 16.383
Vj = 20.000* sin(35) = 11.472
Vertical component of Vector
#1 =11.472

Calculation for 25m/s at an angle of 45

b=25 m/s at 450

Vi = 25.000* cos(45) = 17.678

Horizontal component of Vector #2 = 17.678
Vj = 25.000* sin(45) = 17.678
Vertical component of Vector #2 = 17.678

Calculation for 25m/s at an angle of 90

c=25 m/s at 900

Vi = 25.000* cos(90) = 0
Horizontal component of Vector #2 = 0
Vj = 25.000* sin(90) = 25
Vertical component of Vector #2 = 25

Magnitude of horizontal component = 34.061

+ Magnitude of vertical component = 54.149
So the magnitude of the new vector is = 63.971

Sum of Vi = 34.061
Sum of Vj = 54.149
Vi2 + Vj2 = 4,092.268
Angle = tan-1(Y/X)
Direction of new vector = 57.829 degrees counterclockwise from horizontal.

3rd Case:
15 m/s at 1500 + 20 m/s at 2000 + 30 m/s
at 1800

Calculation for 15m/s at an angle of 150

a=15 m/s at 1500

Vi = 15.000* cos(150) = 12.990

Horizontal component of
Vector #1 = -12.990
Vj = 15.000* sin(150) =
Vertical component of Vector #1 = 7.500

Calculation for 20m/s at an angle of 200

b=20 m/s at 2000

Vi = 20.000* cos(200) = -18.794
Horizontal component of Vector #2 = -18.794
Vj = 20.000* sin(200) = -6.840
Vertical component of Vector #2 = -6.840

Calculation for 30m/s at an angle of 180

c=30 m/s at 1800

Vi = 30* cos(180) = -30
Horizontal component of Vector #2 = -30
Vj = 30* sin(180) = 0
Vertical component of Vector #2 = 0

Magnitude of horizontal component = -61.784

+ Magnitude of vertical component = 0.660

So the magnitude of the new vector is = 61.788

Sum of Vi = -61.784
Sum of Vj = 0.660
Vi + Vj2 = 3,817.727
Angle = tan-1(Y/X)
Direction of new vector = -0.612 degrees counterclockwise from horizontal.

4st Case:
100 m/s at 900 + 150 m/s at 1800 + 200 m/s at 2700 + 150 m/s at 900

Calculation for 100m/s at an angle of 90

a=100 m/s at 900

Vi = 100 cos(90) = 0
Horizontal component of Vector #1 = 0
Vj = 100 sin(90) = 100
Vertical component of Vector #1 = 100

Calculation for 150m/s at an angle of 180

b=150 m/s at 1800

Vi = 150* cos(180) = -150

Horizontal component of Vector #2 = -150

Vj = 15.000* sin(180) =
Vertical component of
Vector #2 = 10.607

Calculation for 200m/s at an angle of


c=200 m/s at 2700

Vi = 200* cos(270) = 3.67394e-14

Horizontal component
of Vector #2 = -3.67394e-14
Vj = 200* sin(270) = 200
Vertical component of Vector #2 = -200

Calculation for 150m/s at an angle of 90

d=150 m/s at 900

Vi = 150* cos(90) = 0
Horizontal component of Vector #2 = 0
Vj = 150* sin(90) = 150
Vertical component of Vector #2 = 150

So the magnitude of the new vector is = 158.114

Angle = tan-1(Y/X)

Direction of new vector = 161.565

All the vectors are added by resolving them into their rectangular components .As a result we
came to know the final vector which tells us about the magnitude and its direction.

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