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Joshua McWhorter

Critical Thinking 8
EDUC 250

For this critical thinking assignment I have chosen a third grade classroom, using
the Indiana academic standard: 3.RL.2.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate
understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. I
have also chosen the fictional book The Swatter and the Bumble Bee Brats for the
reading assignment that we will be basing this assignment on.
I am looking for my student's to be able to read the material, understand what the
stories plots and themes are, identify story elements, be able to answer questions
about what they read, and provide explicit examples from the reading material to
support their arguments. I want them to learn about and apply critical thinking to
understanding the text and to answer questions based on class-wide discussion, small
group activity, and a written assignment. The written portion will be based on the
argument or subject they identify and chosen based on the two other sections of the
lesson plan and must be stated at the beginning of the short paper. The final will be a
test with multiple choice questions about characters and story elements.
We will be doing this using both teacher-directed instruction and small groupbased learner-directed instruction. I want them to read the material, discuss the book
with the class (mapping the information discussed), break off into small groups where
they will find, answer, and discuss questions provided by the teacher, amongst

themselves. At this point it is expected that they will be able to identify an argument
or subject from the text and write a short paper about it using examples from the book
to support what they found. The final portion of this assignment will be the test that
will be applied to assess their concrete understanding of the story and its characters.
Their ability to get it will be based on the completion of these steps and their
ability to discuss the subject in a verbal and written fashion.

The lesson plan will be as follows:

Subject: Reading: Literature

Unit Name: Key Ideas and Contextual Support

Standards: 3.RL.2.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding

of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

Objectives: a) For students to demonstrate the ability to read and identify

subject matter within the book The Swatter and the Bumble Bee Brats and use
examples from the book to support their statements. b) To complete a test to
prove their understanding of the material.

The Swatter and the Bumble Bee Brats.
Writing instruments.
Questions for class discussion (teachers' materials).
Investigative worksheet for group exploration and discussion.

Testing materials for final multiple choice quiz.

Physical copies of The Swatter and the Bumble Bee Brats.

Online access to the PDF for additional access to materials.

Access to online video/audio versions of the book that can be access from

Lesson Day 1: In class reading of the book and beginning discussion.

Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Requirements: Completion of the book and short discussion covering

materials if possible.
Materials: Reading book and note taking materials.

Lesson Day 2: Finish reading and class-wide discussion.

Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Requirements: Class will complete reading of the material followed by

discussion and overview of tomorrows expectations.

Materials: Reading book and note taking materials.

Lesson Day 3: Class-wide discussion of the material

Time: 30-45 minutes
Requirements: Class will engage in a class-wide teacher-led discussion of

the material they just read and answer questions about the subject. Notes
will be required and the module will conclude with summary of next days
expectations and materials.

Materials: Book and note taking materials, paper and writing materials for

concept mapping of discussion.

Lesson Day 4: Small group-based activity.

Time: 30-45 Minutes
Requirements: Class will break off into small teacher selected groups and

complete a group based activity that requires exploration, discussion,

team-work, and collaboration to complete. At the end of this module each
group will have to turn in a completed work sheet that answers the
questions asked that shows each student's contribution.
Materials: Book, investigative sheets, note taking materials.

Lesson Day 5: Written portion and quiz.

Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Requirements: Students will be required to complete a short written paper

using examples from the text to support their argument or material.

Students will have to complete a quiz to show understanding.

Summary: It is expected that all of these activities will be completed with a

class average of 85% accuracy and each days assignment will be evaluated to
determine where students did best and where they still need work.

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