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Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

English Translation:
Healer.R.Gnanamurthy, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)
Edited by: Malarvizhi

Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)
First Published : November, 2010
Published by

Indian Universities Press

im print of Bharathi Puthagakalayam

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Thanks to

Hr.Bose.K.Mohamed Meera
Hr.Magi Ramalingam
Hr.P.M.Umar Farook


Learning Language


Health is Strength


Immunity is Life


Eat Hunger



Fate Prevails!



One plus One is not Two



Creating and Protecting



Disease an Imagination



Diseases of Exact Science


10. Quietness is Pleasantness!


11. Waste stagnation causes Death!


12. Action and Reaction


13. Reason behind Stories


14. Shining and the Sign!


15. Elixir is Venom


16. Thirst - Hunger as per requirement!


17. Milk - is it Food?


18. Poison-less Food


19. Love Nature! Come back to Nature


Learning Language

veryone has their own language. Expressing

our needs, sharing our feelings it is through
language that we create our relationships with
Language is a necessary communication tool
for people. Beyond our mother tongue, we learn
languages of neighboring states, of the nation,
of the world so our needs increase.
Beyond human language, we also know the
language of our pet animals, learning these
languages through their activities. We learn the
many needs of a dog through its barking. We learn
the languages of our other pets goats, cows, hens,
cats, parrots... and we understand their needs by
their expressions.
A farmer knows of the coming rain from the
fragrance of the earth and the voices of the birds.
In Kerala, people calculate the rainfall for the year
upon the blossoming of a kanikonna (Q)
So, people keep learning new things for their
outer needs. Also, every creation of nature has its
own language. Those men who live in harmony
with nature understand them.

6 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

If someone tells you of a terrible disease that will come to you

few years later, what will you do?

If he tells you that the food you eat will spoil your health while

you eat how do you react?


he warns you in advance of the evil your activity will cause

your health, how will it be?

Think about a well-wisher who's always with you and warns you
of the dangers to your health
Will we listen to him? Or Refute him?
There is such a one with each one of us! He is our body. The
language we learn from him is the language of the body!
We are ready to learn the computer languages, just for money.
We do not bother to learn the language of our body that determines
our health throughout life.
Our cravings are only for our external needs. We try to learn
everything in this world everything except us. We ignore
completely the basic science of the body.
Do we speak with the body that has been inter-twined with us
since birth. Or do we sense our body talking to us?
We can create a rich life for ourselves by knowing the language
of the body. A prosperous life is drugless and disease-free.
Come ...let us learn the language superior to the worlds
languages, the language of our body!

Health is Strength

ell-being is health and a disease-free life.

Your bodys complete health is strength.

The outer muscular appearance or the well-built

body alone does not determine health. The
internal functioning of the body determines health.
More, health is the natural state of the body and is
lasting. The build of the body is a false appearance
and temporary.
Health is not in the appearance; understanding
this is the beginning of body language. Material
or exact science believes only what it sees and
concludes by assumption. Life science (material
plus spiritual) understands and accepts what is has
We have been pushed into the mindset of
material science. Only turning to natural (life)
science can give us well-being.
Our body language is linked to nature. What
is nature? 'A series of coincidental events' is a
lesson implanted in us.
Nature is not a coincidence; it is an orderly state
of perfect motion. Many of our ancestors understood the harmonious character of nature. They

8 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

used it for their well-being. They did not live as material scientists
inventing new products. They were life scientists who understand
the mysteries of nature.
'Nature does not make mistake' - clearly understanding this is
the basic lesson. Understanding the body through the vastness
that is nature is difficult. Understanding nature through our body
that is familiar to us is simple.
Therefore, let us come back to the basic lesson. If 'Nature does
not make mistake', let us begin with the 'Body does not make
A healthy person walks into a dusty cotton mill or some factory.
His nose inhales the dusty air. Immediately, there is an outburst of
heavy sneezing.
It is easy for modern material science to simply call the sneezing
'dust allergy'. What is the reason for sneezing?
If the nostril allows the dust to enter, it will reach the lungs. It
could have caused many acute and chronic lung defects. What is
good allowing the dust into the lungs? Or ousting it?
Our body will never allow anything that can harm it into itself.
This is the nature of the body. Identifying the dust that may cause
it harm, the body ousts it by sneezing. We do not understand
Our body has the wondrous capacity to protect and heal itself.
All the actions of the body have our well-being at their centre.

Immunity is Life

hen did the body get the strength of

protecting and healing itself?

The newborn informs us of hunger and thirst

through crying. The bodys expression of need
becomes the language of the body or the voice of
We feed the newborn with mother's milk or
water. The child stops crying and returns to is
natural state when its hunger or thirst is sated.
When there is insufficient mother's milk*, cow milk
is given. Assume that the cow milk is spoilt. We
unknowingly feed the child this spoilt milk.
What should the child's body do now?
The body should not allow anything that harms
it to enter it, isn't it?
Now, watch the child.
Within minutes of drinking the milk, the
child vomits. The spoilt milk is rejected and
completely cleared out of the child's body.
Does the newborn's body have the strength of
protecting itself? Is any outsider needed to teach
this to the body?
* In such situation, another milk-feeding mother has to feed milk.

10 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

No one and nothing is required to teach the body. In fact, we

can learn many things from the child.
The body has complete knowledge of its well-being as a gift by
birth. It grows with the inherent knowledge that it should accept
the good and resist the bad.
Outbursts of sneezing against dust or vomiting of spoilt milk are
symptoms of good health.
The body's full potential for life becomes known by its
immunity. The body without immunity is nothing but a corpse.

We mistakenly treat this immune response of the body as disease.

Believing good health to be disease, is this not a stupid belief?
This scientific stupidity blocks awareness of the bodys nature.
A sneeze does irritate the nose and the body. This irritation or
the disease that dust can cause which is more severe? The body
decides. Spontaneously, the body takes action.
Stomach pain or gastritis, the burning sensation in the mouth
and throat, due to vomiting; are not deadlier than spoilt milk.
The body decides this to expel the spoilt milk.
The body executes its task by itself. The body has no knowledge
of materialistic manners to do this.
Since knowledge exists only to assist the body, the body is not
controlled by knowledge.
Every activity of the body makes us aware of the harmonious
function of nature. If we suppress symptoms with knowledge that
was taught to us, our body rebels against the knowledge too.
When the spoilt food is given to the body, the body expels it by
vomiting. This vomiting can be stopped or suppressed by our
knowledge. Spoilt food can be sent into the body by taking an
anti-suppressant pill or by changing the taste of the food.
The body still does not bow to human knowledge. The food sent
in, through the food-pipe to the stomach, is sent out, via the small
intestine to the large intestine without proper digestion. Dysentery


The body at any stage does not accept anything that harms it. It
expels it. The easier act of vomiting when suppressed becomes
severe dysentery.
Anything expelled by the body is harmful and is against its
nature. Allowing this expulsion is good for health. You can control
vomiting and get dysentery. If you control the dysentery, you will
have to face the worst.
Bad health is due to knowledge which does not assist the body.
What do we learn from these activities of the body? The body
never makes mistakes. Allowing the body to do its duty brings
good health.

Eat hunger

veryone likes eating. Fine, when should

we eat? 'On time' answers from everyone.
What time is it?
We have already seen there are two views, inner
view (thought) and the external view (scientific).
If we give a shape to time in the external view,
it becomes a clock. We eat promptly according to
the time shown by the clock. This is wrong.
The inner view (sense) is 'the time when we have
hunger'. With these two definitions, which is
acceptable? To find out, we'll go back to food.
Why do we eat? The body needs it! If so, should
we eat when we have hunger or when the clock
Eat when there is hunger this is reasonable.
When we give food to the body according to its
need the body converts it to energy and helps us.
When food is given according to the clock, the
body rejects unnecessary food. Food is converted
to waste and expelled without digestion.
Feeling hunger (C C ) is the basic body
language. Nowadays, many people rarely feel


Before we eat, we should taste hunger. Eating after hunger fulfills our body's need. In recent times, there is a practice of drinking
litres of water early in the morning, in the name of Naturopathy.
Just as the feeling of hunger requires food, the feeling of thirst
needs water.
Drink water without thirst early in the morning. The first time
you attempt this, the body rejects it with a vomiting sensation. Don't
we already know that vomiting is the bodys act of rejection?
Drinking without thirst and eating without hunger is violating
nature. If we continue these practices as science based, what will
1. When you feel hunger and you don't eat, hunger rejects you.
You will lose the feeling of hunger.
2. If you eat when there is no hunger you will hate food. You
can't eat, when there is hunger.
3. If you drink when there is no thirst thirst rejects water. Even
if you drink litres of water, your thirst is never sated.
4. When there is thirst and you don't drink, thirst rejects you. You
will lose the feeling of thirst.
If we continue to lose the feeling of thirst and hunger, the body
allows all problems, starting from indigestion to diabetes.
Thirst, hunger, sleep are the natural needs of the body. If we
understand the needs of the body and assist it, health is
Sound body, sound mind is a well-known phrase. Healthy
thought comes only from a healthy body.
An unhealthy body creates negative feelings. Sorrow, grief, fear,
anger, emptiness, pride are not natural human feelings; they are
created by diseased thought of a diseased body.
Cherish the body to cherish life!

Fate Prevails!

t is ridiculous to understand fate as something

written on ones forehead. Fate represents
the harmonious, orderly function and laws of
Fate means limits and boundaries.
The microcosm is the macrocosm
(F H) just as man is made
out of the same elements as the universe. The
universal pattern represents the body. The body's
p atter n repres ents t he univers e. E ach
internal organ, functions in order and in harmony
with the laws of nature.
Medical studies or incising the body is not
necessary to know the body's nature and the
functions of the internal organs. The basic sense
of thought is sufficient.
Theories in books are of no use. Knowledge
does not require school education.
Is the stomach alone enough for digestion? No,
the whole body helps in digestion. How?
1. After chewing, food passes through the food
pipe and enters the stomach.


2. The spleen, right from chewing, absorbs food energy.

3. The bile helps digestion, secretes and comes from liver and gall
4. The food particles are broken down in the small intestine which
metabolise and absorb the energy; the rest is sent to the large
5. The large intestine again removes energy in the undigested food
and then solidifies it into faeces before sending it into the
rectum with the help of the lungs.
6. The energy absorbed by the spleen and small intestine is fed
into the cells by the heart with the aid of blood circulation.
7. Kidneys recycle and absorb the energy in the waste. The left
over is expelled through the urinary bladder.
These are the known functions of digestion. We understand that
the entire body performs digestion not one or two organs.
Every organ of the body, in keeping with its natural laws and in
harmony, aids the functioning of the body.
All functions in nature never violate their laws; we by our
intelligence can neither change nor control it.
Understanding the basic law of the body is sufficient to
understand the activity of each organ in relation to the body. There
is no need to study the function of individual organs.

One plus One is not Two

ow do we understand our body?

The body is made of organs.

Organs are made of inner organs.

Inner organs are made of muscle.
The last unit of division in this process is the
Tissues are made of cells. Organs are made of
tissues. Body is made of organs.
To understand nature, understanding the body
is sufficient. Similarly, to understand the
body, understanding the function of the cell is
Our ancient medical system has identified 9000
functions of the cell which can not seen by the
naked eye. Accuracy of this kind or deep thought
is not necessary to understand the body.
The basic function of the cell is only one and
that is digestion.
Eating and excreting are the two functions of
In different terms:


1. Assimilation
2. Elimination
Even though they look like two functions, they are same. The
end part of assimilation is elimination; the starting point of
elimination is assimilation. This is the basic function of all the parts
of body.
Respiration is inhaling and exhaling. Blinking is closing and
opening. Heartbeat is diastole and systole (expansion and
All are two characteristics of one action. These two
characteristics combine as one function!
The gods, created by man, also have these two characteristics
Creation and Destruction.
Why does a cell perform this function? To live!
These cells teach us the essentials of living.

18 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Energy, the vital force, is required to live. We need food to

acquire this energy. For this, assimilation and elimination are
Food has energy within. The metabolism that extracts this
energy generates morbid matter or waste. In short, the process to
getting energy has waste elimination built into it.
We know that the husk has to be removed to get rice! Thus, a
cell eliminates waste and gets it energy for its safety. So does the
We will go back to our question. The only functions that is
essential for living are accepting and rejecting.
If we understand how our body utilises energy, we will know
our body.

Creating and Protecting

he basic function of the body is to get energy

for living. Getting energy requires eating and
"Confirm and consider the earlier intake and
the waste excretion are done before taking
food" (F P E ) said
'Thiruvalluvar, Tamil saint poet.
Intake and expulsion only give energy. What
are the uses of this energy? How is this energy
The energy acquired through food, water and
respiration (nose and skin) are utilised by the body
in three ways.

1. Functional energy

2. Digestive energy

Equal energy

3. Immune or restoring



1. Functional Energy :

The energy required for our functions.

Functional energy is used for involuntary functions

20 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

of the internal organs and voluntary functions such us moving the

limbs, blinking, talking, etc.
Seeing with our eyes, hearing through the ears, smelling with
the nose, using the hands, the legs functional energy is the basis
for all these activities.
2. Digestive energy :

The food we eat, the air we respire is digested. Energy is

replenished by the digestive energy. If digestion is improper, the
energy required for the whole body suffers. The other functions of
energy, functional and immune energies also rely on this digestive





Immune or restorative

3. Immune or Restorative Energy :

This is the maintenance energy of the body.

1. Functional and digestive energies produce routine wastes in the
body. Immune energy safely removes these wastes without
causing suffering to the body.
2. The internal and external organs are replenished after routine
activities by immune energy.
3. To restore affected parts of the body; immune energy removes
accumulated waste and restores parts affected by the stagnation
of waste.
This is the proper energy distribution of a healthy body.
Healthiness lies in their equal distribution.
The body does not need anyone's help for this natural function.
Do we need any help to talk, walk and see? No, we don't need
anyone for our functioning.
The body informs us of hunger and thirst. We give food and
water to it. The body doesn't need anyone's help for this.


The body identifies poisoned food and expels it; resists impure
air. It also expels waste and regenerates cells.
Are those the only function of the body? No, the body that is
affected by our violation of natural laws is also rectified and
rejuvenated by it.
If we cut our finger, do we bleed and lose all our blood? No,
within minutes, the body clots the blood and stops the loss of
precious, necessary blood.
At anytime the body only removes waste, it never removes even
a cell that is necessary to it. Remember the dysentery, vomiting
and sneezing we saw, what do they tell us?
They show that the body removes waste from the body! What
do we understand from blood clotting?
The body does not allow the drain of anything that is essential.
Yet, today we suffer from so many diseases? Why is this so? We
already know that the body is in no way the reason for it.
If we doubt a thing we already know, it only gives undesired
sufferings (O b )
Thiruvalluvar. We are reaping the benefit of our doubt.

Disease an Imagination!

f the human body does not make mistakes,

where did diseases come from?

They are the result of our violation of natural

laws! Does it mean that the body simply notices
all our violation or does it warn us?
It gives us severe warnings each time. We choose
to ignore it.
The energy of a healthy person functions in
three ways functional, digestive and immune.
Our violations interfere with and destabilise this
equal distribution.
Instead of eating when there is hunger, a person
takes food without it. If this continues without any
concern for digestion, he ruins his health.
Finding no time to remove stored waste; the
body repeatedly expels food comes that enters
it without proper digestion. Waste stagnates
abnormally till the body cannot perform even
regular activities (at this stage, fever occurs).
Waste can stagnate in any part of the body. Also,
the waste may be of different kinds. Faeces,
urine, mucous / phlegm, air, etc. the body takes
prompt action to remove them from where they
have stagnated.


To remove the waste, heat energy has to increase from its normal
level. To remove waste stagnated in some part of an organ,
gradual heat increase is stimulated all over the body which appears
as fever.
The fever - is it a disease or an action to remove waste?
This fever alters the energy distribution of the body. The energy
gained is distributed evenly for functional, digestive and restoring





Immune or Restoring

The energy received by the body from food, water and air is
assumed to be 99% normally. Of this, 33% each is distributed to
digestive, functional and restoring processes.
The waste removal process takes place as below:
Stage 1: If the quantity and character of the stagnant waste is
within 33%, the bodys restoring energy is sufficient. We notice
nothing when this waste is expelled.
The occasional headache, stomachache, light temperature or
uneasiness is the symptom of this waste removal. These symptoms
occur and disappear spontaneously. Everyone has experienced this.
This is within the limits of the immune energy; hence, we do not
get fever at this stage.
Stage 2: If the quantity and character of waste is 50%, the
immune energy generates a fever. Now, the fever is an emergency
energy distribution block made by the body for its purposes.
The immune energy is spent by the process and the body takes
help from the digestive energy. The 33% digestive energy changes
into immune energy.

24 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

The body informs us of this energy transformation hunger is

reduced when digestive energy changes into immune energy. As
the main functions of digestive energies thirst and hunger are
reduced, the body is able to transform digestive energy into immune
energy. The patient with severe fever feels no thirst and hunger.
When the favoured elimination takes place, assimilation stops. This
is the body's nature.
Is it not true that we feel the energy distribution in the body in
the above process?
Stage 3: The immune and digestive energies together remove
the waste. At this stage, we lose the feelings of thirst and hunger.
If the quantity of waste is more than these two energies, what
will the body do?
At last, the body converts a portion of the functional energy into
immune energy. Why is only a portion converted? Involuntary
functions such as heartbeat, respiration and functions of the
internal organs are necessary for life.
Only a portion of functional energy, other than that required
for importants, is converted into immune energy. The change in
functional energy causes immobility of external functions.
We are unable to talk or walk. We experience this when we have
high temperatures of fever. If the waste elimination continues, the
patient may feel giddiness. Coma or deep sleep is the last step of
defense taken by the body.
The waste elimination process continues; gradually functional
and digestive energy return.
The patients eyes slowly open and the body permits external
functions to recover gradually.
When the complete function returns, first, it gives us thirst, then
hunger. This shows the victory of the body.
The body teaches us gradually to understand its internal
functions as its principal duty. It is because we are the first enemy
of the body!

Diseases of Exact Science

e experience changes inside the body as

suffering. Allowing the waste elimination
process to complete itself is the only way to
We have created imaginative diseases by giving
names to the elimination process.
We have to understand each stage of the
elimination process. We should not interfere with
the body with knowledge given by exact science;
the body will regain its health by itself!
Interfere... interfere! How do we interfere?
Let us go back to the second stage of fever. At
this stage, digestive energy is converted into
immune energy according to the requirement of
body. We do not feel thirst or hunger.
What do we do? In the absence of thirst, we
drink; in the absence of hunger, we eat!
Our knowledge says that drinking helps
sweating which will reduce fever; that an empty
stomach means less energy.
The immune energy fighting the disease force
within the body, temporarily stops and hastily
digests the food and expels it. This gives a false

26 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

belief of fever reduction. The solid matter is sent to the large

intestine and the water content is sent out through the skin
and the kidneys - then the immune energy again rises.
Now, the fever resumes. The digestive force transforming into
immune energy develops a bitter taste in the mouth. What is the
meaning of this bitter taste?
The body hopes that we will not eat now as we can not feel the
What do we do? We force fermented bread and non-digestible
milk into our mouth even though it is bitter.
The immune energy returns as digestive energy and expels the
food through vomiting. The body is sternly telling us, "Go away,
I am on a different duty altogether".
With our knowledge of exact science, we suppress vomiting and
force food into our stomach. What happens to the food inside the
stomach? As already seen, dysentery replaces vomiting.
Do we stop here? No, glucose (saline) is injected into the veins.
Along with poisonous drugs to stop vomiting and dysentery - to
safely keep them inside the body!
The body finding it difficult to fight normal waste, with the
arrival of chemical drugs, is cowed down. Waste stagnation and
future diseases the body faces these without action. The fever
reduces on its own! The body does not expel the chemical toxins
came that have come into it. The kidneys will fail if they recycle
blood with toxins.
So, the body holds the chemical toxins inside the body with the
help of the liver. These toxins cause chronic liver diseases like
hepatitis and other diseases.
Suppressing waste at the second stage without allowing the body
to expel it causes diseases later.
Then in the third stage?

Quietness is Pleasantness!

e have seen what happens when we interfere

with the activity of the body when the
digestive force transforms into immune energy.
What do we do in the third stage when the
immune energy is at its peak?
Now, the digestive energy and part of the
functional energy transforms into immune energy.
What happens now?
Our day-to-day activities suffer, we are unable
to walk, talk, speak or see and we lie down in our
When the whole energy of the body is
converted into immune energy - will this not
Already we have started eating when there is no
digestive energy. We don't keep quiet even now!
We feel pain and tiredness as the whole body
has lost energy. The need for rest hardens and
Even then, we try to work. We try to walk when
we are unable to; when the eyes are tired, we try
to read and watch TV. Unable to speak, we try to
talk more.

28 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

These activities reduce energy further. Our activity saps immune

Immune energy temporarily stops its work and functional
energy props us up. We increase our activity further. Immune
energy to utilise functional energy causes dizziness and brings
us down.
The body knows fully, what to do and when to do it. The body
is aware and decides that immune energy is of higher priority than
the digestive and functional energy. Hence, it makes us faint.
Keeping quiet and supporting the functions of the body will
make things pleasant. We are not quiet.
We sprinkle water to get rid of the faint. We inject glucose and
chemicals into the veins.
The level of waste accumulation decides whether to stop the
immunity function and regain consciousness or to continue the
immune function silently by turning ordinary unconscious into
deep unconsciousness (coma state).
Only at this stage does our 'doctor' say - "we do not know when
the patient will wake up, he may wake up any time!"
Believing this we wait for hours, days, months even years. The
body regains consciousness only after it removes all the wastes in
its own pace.
Nowadays, this deep unconsciousness is misguided as brain
death by modern medicine. We have heard of patients regaining
consciousness from coma even after many years. Present day
doctors declare it as brain death - the patient being alive, the doctors
cut and remove organs for donation.
Only now, life leaves the body due to the removal of its organs.
It's only we, who convert an ordinary fever into vomiting,
dysentery, body pain, tiredness, losing mobility, unconsciousness,
The body's prime function is to remove stagnant waste. We do
not allow the body to do this and try to preserve the waste.


This stagnation is the cause of ill health. We imagine the body's

functioning of removing waste to be disease.
Does this mean that stagnation of waste alone is the cause of all

Waste Stagnation causes death!

t's easy to say in a single phrase - waste

stagnation. But the difficulties created by waste
stagnation are not so easy to face.
Waste is the mother of all disease created by us.
Its character and level determines the severity. The
place of stagnation helps naming it and assess the
Example: let us watch cough. What is a cough?
Why do we cough?
The under performance of lungs produce
phlegm (waste) stagnation. Cough is produced
to eliminate this waste!
How does this sputum stagnate in the lungs?

which directly affect the lungs may

cause under-performance.


food we eat may be too cold for the



heaviest, difficult-to-digest diet is milk.

Excessive use may cause under-performance.


expulsion of faeces may cause

difficulty to the lungs.


 ating when there is no hunger may turn into gas that reaches
the lungs.

Although the basic reason is one, we can give many reasons.

Our violation of natural laws affects the lungs making them
struggle to perform their primary function of eliminating waste.
It regains its function when it gets enough immune energy.
Drinking normal pure water (not boiled), eating good fruits,
soaking in the purest water rain gives immune energy to the
body. This starts removing waste wherever it is.
The lungs start removing phlegm, when its immune energy is
strengthened. How does it remove phlegm?
For babies, the phlegm is removed by vomiting or through the
faeces slowly. If the quantity of phlegm is more, a cough is
generated. For adults, the removal of phlegm by vomiting and faeces is less. Hence, the body eliminates through cough.
Phlegm stagnated in the lungs, is it advisable to keep it inside
the lungs or to remove it? Waste should be removed from the body.
Forcing it inside will damage the organs and their functions.
We imagine the cough to be a disease. By suppressing the cough,
we preserve the phlegm.
Allowing the cough to do its duty will remove the phlegm. The
cough will then go down on its own. The lungs will regain normal
function. Nevertheless, we suppress the cough with chemicals.
What do these drugs do?
The heat of these chemicals dries the phlegm that was in the
liquid condition, ready to be removed easily. The normal cough
becomes a dry cough.
We are satisfied, saying that the phlegm has stopped. The
drugs powders the dry phlegm and deposit it in the bronchioles
(micro-space in lungs).
The physical change in the phlegm temporarily stops the cough
for few days. This is the result of our so-called treatment. What
happens to the dry phlegm?

32 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

It is preserved in the body, until the body gets immune energy.

The body first eliminates the chemicals used for suppressing
phlegm; the liver preserves the remaining toxins.
The body slowly regains its normal functions. The food, water
and fruits we take develop immune force.
This process of getting immune energy may take a week or even
years. Again waste removal begins. In the initial stage, removing
the phlegm was the only function. Now, the powder in the
bronchioles has to be wetted and turned into phlegm and then
Only now, we get cough with burning sensation, blood particles
in the sputum etc. The waste removal after chemical intake is much
more severe and intense.
We say that we have caught a new cold. Soaking in the rain,
eating fresh fruits are drinking normal water (not boiled) does not
give us a cold. We do not recognise that the same phlegm suppressed
inside the body is being removed vigorously.
Again, all our efforts to put the phlegm back inside the body
begin. With the help of drugs, phlegm is again powdered and
preserved in the lungs.
When this process continues, children get primary complex (first
stage cold). Adults get tuberculosis, asthma, eosinophilia, etc.
(second stage advanced disease).
When sneezing is suppressed, it re-forms into sinus. Constant
headache, unknown migraine, one- sided headache, etc. follow.
The next stage of disease appears on the skin as psoriasis,
eczema, ringworm, etc. What is the root cause?
1. Violation of natural laws
2. Under-activity of the organs
3. Waste stagnation
4. Suppressing waste with chemical drugs
5. Re-forming waste with chemical drugs


We gain diseases one by one through our own activities!

We constantly interfere with the body, which tries to heal our
violation of natural laws. Whatever we do, the body has only one
thing to do removing waste! The body never fails its duty.

Action and Reaction

very action has an equal but opposite


Reaping the benefits of an action, does it need

many births to achieve? Each word has a question
and its answer within. Violating the body's natural
law is action; waste stagnation is the reaction.
Both are not two actions they are one
activity with two characteristics!
The same holds true for bodily functions. Our
every activity has a reaction in the body.
Let us come back to waste disposal. Phlegm,
cough, sneezing, skin diseases, digestive problems,
hepatitis, stomach pain, dysentery, fever... are these
the only things caused by waste stagnation?
No, all diseases of the body are due to waste and
its accumulation!
Cysts or tumors are the solid forms of wastes.
Waste, which cannot be removed by the body,
is hardened and preserved temporarily. When
sufficient immune energy is gained, the cysts
are diluted and dissolved.


Heart disease
Waste stagnated in the arteries forms blocks. Strengthening of
immune energy reduces the blocks. Pain occurs when the body
dissolves these blocks in the blood vessels.
Kidney failure
This does not happen with the stagnation of normal waste.
Each time, we stop the removal of waste with drugs. The liver
preserves the toxins in these chemicals. These toxins are
removed in the form of hepatitis and liver disease. If we take
drugs now, the toxins overcome the liver and leak into the
The toxins in blood circulation reach the kidneys and are
preserved as stones. These are the kidney and bladder stones!
When the intensity of toxins increases, kidneys function
decreases. If we opt again for drugs, the kidneys fail gradually.
Gall bladder stones
Toxins absorbed in the liver are preserved in the gall bladder.
The gall bladder with the help of the liver tries to detoxify. The
most dangerous toxins are preserved as stones. Strengthening
immune energy dilutes and destroys these stones.
The important organ in the digestive system is the intestines.
Here energy absorbed from food is taken to the blood. Food
we eat with hunger does not do any harm. Food taken without
hunger is eliminated as waste from the body. Repeated
occurrence of additional wastes ferments to acidity and forms
Ulcers form only when we take food without hunger. Instead,
exact science says not eating when hungry forms ulcers.
Knee pain
Waste stagnation may be in the form of heat or water or air or
solid. The destabilizations of water energy produce waste that
stagnates in the form of water in the joints. Water-stagnated

36 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

joints cause pain. The same water when it stagnates in the head
is called cyanus and when it stagnates in the joints is called
When the liver gets affected, paralysis occurs.
Brain cyst
The brain is not a vital organ. The heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys
and liver are the vital organs in our body. The brain functions
as the reflective organ of these vital organs. Under-performance
of these five organs and waste stagnation in them weakens the
functioning in the reflective organ the brain. The waste is
stocked as cysts in the nerves of the brain. Developing sufficient
immunity in the body can reduce the cyst. At this stage, we feel
pain. If we cooperate with our body, these cysts are reduced.
Cancer does not occur overnight. Waste stagnates in an organ
of the body. We preserve it instead of allowing it to get away
from the body. Then these wastes turn into cysts. Chemical
drugs (toxins) given by us develop these cysts. A stage comes
when these toxin waste develop and rot. This is called cancer.
The location of the waste decides the disease-naming
ceremony, viz. uterus cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, ovary
cancer, gastric cancer, etc. when cancer develops in the spleen
the vital organ for blood cell development it affects the blood
and blood cancer is created. Cysts reduced by radiation or
broken by drugs do not cure cancer. They develop again in the
same location or at other locations of the body.
A separate volume can be written for each disease. However,
we will see the basics briefly.
What is the reason for sugar (diabetes)? It is a shortfall of
insulin secretion. Why does insulin reduce? That is still under


 he answer is superficial. The function of the body is a

combination of invisible energy changes and visible chemical
changes. Shortfall of insulin is only a chemical change. Unless
we know about the energy change, we cannot cure the disease.

The foods we eat are digested into glucose to feed cells. If food
is properly digested, we get good glucose, improper digestion
gives bad glucose. Insulin secretion is decided by the level of
good glucose in the body. If bad glucose increases, insulin
secretion is reduced. Insulin reduction is due to improper
digestion. Improper digestion is due to waste stagnation
and under-performing digestive organs. Bad glucose entering
the body is removed as urine by the kidneys. This glucoseremoval activity is named as diabetes.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is not a disease related to heart. What is the
function of blood? Giving the necessary energy (food) to each
cell! The necessary speed and pressure required to circulate
blood all over the body is given by the heart. This is normal
Let us consider an organ is affected or is under-performing.
This organ needs enough pure energy (glycogen) to recover.
From where does it get this energy? Only through the blood!
There is an emergency to supply energy (blood) to the
particular organ. Now, the heart gives the required pressure so
that the blood reaches the organ.
When does this heart rate and pressure reduce? When the
requirement is met!
Is blood pressure a disease or is the stagnant waste and affected
organs a disease?
Is the heart the cause for blood pressure? We send drugs for
BP into our body to reduce the function of our heart. When
our immunity increases, again the blood pressure increases.
Intake of drugs reduces it. There are situations of low blood
pressure, due to this.

38 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

I f we diagnose disease with the help of machines or equipment,

we will never conclude and end disease. Equipment can detect
only chemical changes in our body.

- Hunger is a basic sensation do we have an equipment to

detect it?
- Pain is a symptom of disease. Can it be found out or catagorised
by any equipment man can make?
- In the name of treatment, we inflict different methods of
suffering on our body. All these are tolerated by our soul! This
so-called medical treatment can never see or understand the
A quote from the father of Indian Acupuncture, Dr.Fazlur Rahman
MBBS DV MD PhD (Acu): "There is no equipment which equals
human brain (sensing)".
Only our knowledge of disease will enable us to get away from
disease. To know, give your ears to the bodys language!
The body never makes mistakes; never fails from its duty!
Let us recall what we have gone through until now.

The body never makes mistakes.

The body never allows anything that harms it.

The body knows to recover and rebuild on its own.

Thirst and hunger are the body's need.

required when there is need.

Water and food are only


not required by our body, or forced into it, is

converted to waste by the body.

The difficulties faced by us in waste removal are called



removal of waste, when affected by drugs, leads to waste

stagnation and related complications.

Stagnated waste affects the function of the organs.


under-performance of affected organs develops new



developing waste and the effect of chemical drugs destroy

the organs.

Incurable chronic diseases engulf the earth.

Waste stagnation is the reason for all disease.

Waste stagnation is due to our violation of nature's law.

The body never fails its duty.

We have gone through all this with our general knowledge. If

we have any doubts about this, we should go back now and clear it
before we proceed further.
What we have discussed so far is knowledge about life science.
The secrets of the ancient medical systems of the world have been
protected so far. We believe only when it is proved.
The answer for doubts and proof for functions of the body is the
body itself. If you give thought to your day-to-day activities, you
will find the answer for each of them.

Reason behind Stories!

o far, we have learned the truth about our body.

We know the reason for every disease.

Further, we will see some stories told as the

reasons for disease. The reason for disease is
determined by the function of the internal body.
Nothing outside the body can bring disease. Let
us take the measles and malaria stories now.
What do we do when we have measles?
We had a belief that it's God's Punishment and
we don't take any treatment. We grind neem leaves
and apply the paste on our body to cool it. In the
countryside they tell us not to fry food in the house,
when a member of the family has got measles.
Why? The patient with measles should not eat
cooked food. Natural food such as sweet fruits and
tender coconut is recommended.
What we did is not important. After a period of
rest, what happens to measles is important to us.
We strictly follow the practice in the fear of
God. The disease subsides and we are cured fully.
Without a single dose of medicine in the 21st
century, which claims to be highly developed in
medical science, how are the measles cured?


Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Fruits for hunger and rest for tiredness, we give the body. The
stagnated waste is completely removed and we are cured.
What is modern medicines bluff about measles? Measles spread
through water. The germs in the water get into the body and
measles spread.
If this is so, how did the measles get cured without antibiotic
In 1964, writer Thamizhlvanan has written in his book about
"Measles is God's punishment the faith of the countrymen
without schooling as well as, Measles spread through germs the
belief of the educated, both are nothing other than superstitions.
What does our life experience teach us? Neither are germs the
cause of disease nor are drugs the cure is it not so?
We dont take drugs for measles or even for yellow fever
(hepatitis). Modern medicine has given the reason that yellow
fever is due to virus till now.
Neem for measles and keelanelli for yellow fever are medicinal
herbs. Both are anti-bacterial. A debate exists here.

42 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

We can accept them for now as these herbs are said to kills germs
without drugs. That is a good step forward!
We'll come back to malaria. Modern medicine says malaria is
caused by malarial parasites, that we cannot be cured from
malaria without antibiotics.
Malarial parasite is the cause of malaria. When did modern
medicine find out this?
Only in 1864 did Louis Pasteur give his first theory of germs.
Ever since, disease has been tabulated according to germs that cause
them and germs named accordingly.
Following this, malaria also was named after its mother! In 1929,
antibiotic drugs were introduced.
Modern medicine is admitting now that the first antibiotic drug,
Penicillin, induces severe complications (side effects). This is a
different story.
The antibiotic for malaria was discovered only after 1930s. Let
us go back in medical history.
In 1795, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann introduced the Homeopathy
system of medicine against Allopathy. His first medicine in
homeopathy is cinchona.
Do you know which disease this medicine was for? Malaria!
Since 1795, homeopathy practitioners have used this medicine
for malaria and other diseases successfully.
Look at the contradictions in medical history:


parasite is the cause of malaria this is discovered in


cure for malaria was discovered without the fear of germs

in 1795!

A reason and an opposite drug for disease, which already has a

cure discovered 70 years earlier. What is the reason?
This is the politics in medicine we will not go into this.


What do we understand from this? Internal reasons are the

cause of disease, there is no truth in the external reasons.
Let us look one more thing before going into the proof of
Research into leucoderma the white patches on skin
concluded that bacteria are the reason. Researchers drew pictures
of the bacteria, detailed its functions and published a paper. An
antibiotic drug was introduced to kill the bacteria. Everyone used
the same drug till 1984. That the drugs did not have any effect on
the disease is discovered after 40 years. In 1984, a new theory is
published that leucoderma is not due to bacteria but due to vitamin
The antibiotic drug is thrown in the dustbin and the bacteria
ignored. Now vitamins are prescribed.
Still nothing is improved; people are still affected by the

Shining and the sign!

sign is proof or identity. What is proof? The

truth! Those who provide proof or the truth
of nature shine in all ages.
Those identified as discoverers of truth in the
medical world are well-known.
What do the pioneers say about modern
medicine's basic theory i.e. infection theory?
Dr. Anthonie Beachaump found microorganisms in the body during research. How do
these organisms, which are different from the cells
of humans, appear in the body? His research
continued and he named them microzymas.
Later in 1864, Louis Pasteur said that the micro
organisms in the body are germs and these
germs cause disease. To prove this, he had a
demonstration in Vienna University, Paris.
A piece of flesh was kept in the open air. The
flesh rotted in a few hours. Numerous germs were
found in it.
"The cause of disease are germs, each germ has
the potential to cause a disease. These germs spread
through water and air into the body, announced
Louis Pasteur. This is infection theory.


Dr. Beachaump, who first discovered microorganisms, did not

accept and apposed the infection theory. The same year, 1864, he
made another demonstration at Vienna University, Paris.
He kept a piece of flesh in a vacuum chamber. After some hours,
this flesh too rotted and germs were found in it. If germs spread
through air, how did germs enter a vacuum chamber, Beachaump
asked Pasteur. He continued his research and published his
"The stagnant morbid matter (waste) in the body creates germs.
These germs eat the morbid matter and help the body. At the stage
when the waste is finished or eaten, then the germs die," is the
result of his research.
Traditional medical systems worldwide say the same and this is
better known by as LICO codes. Dr.Beachaump's new research in
1869 enforced his conclusions.
Research about germs continued worldwide. Allopathy practice
saw a set back with the introduction of homeopathy in this period.
Allopathy specialists joined Dr. Hahnemann's Homeopathy College,
Germany, in large numbers.
Louis Pasteur's infection theory was taken as the life-breath of
allopathy. Comments against this theory was rudely rejected by
the allopathy practitioners of those days. However, research results
were against germs theory.

46 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

 r. Bitin coffer in 1892 mixed Bavaria germs in his food and ate
it. He repeated this in universities to demonstrate germs do not
 r. Rodermont Viscon injected strains of measles into his body
as a demonstration and was not affected.
I n 1916, Dr. John B. Frazer (Canada) proved and gave an article
in the Lancet medical journal, about morbid matter creating
I n 1928, Dr. Betto Pale gave a marathon speech about the Fraud
of Germ Theory. The Anti Vaccination League grew stronger
in this period.
Douglas Hume wrote Beachaump and Pasteur.
Dr. Kojiko (France), who followed Louis Pasteur, in his research on
vaccination said, "Immunity against germs is predominant and
powerful in a living being.
Louis Pasteur said, "Tissue is everything, germ is nothing," on
his deathbed against his own research.
Research and conclusions were kept aside by modern medicine.
The year 1929 saw the invention of antibiotic drugs. Alexander
Fleming introduced penicillin as the first antibiotic drug.
In 1908, Robert Hook tabulated disease and germs. The same
year the Lancet criticised Robert Hook as 'irrelevant tabulation.
Though infection theory has come a long way with antibiotic
drugs, vaccination etc... it is still a problematic and debatable
Our universities teach infection theory as the allopathy medical
system and anti-vaccination theory as alternative medical system.
"As the king, so the subject." Today's government recognises
allopathy and follows it. Therefore, the people also follow it.
One university teaches both these entirely opposite theories.
Students learn this as just a lesson. The will to research to find the
truth is dwindling nowadays, though there are two different views.


As much as modern medicine spreads its infection theory, an

equivalent opposition against it is found throughout the world.
Today germs have crossed medical system and are now
"Bad breathe - due to germs. So use our tooth paste which kill
germs (life)", says a commercial advertisement.
"Body odour - germs, use our soap which destroy germs," says
Dr. Hendry Lindlahr said, "If diseases are because of germs then
all of mankind should beg germs for life".
After so many children have died after vaccination, the issue has
come into the limelight today.
Right from the day vaccination was introduced; millions of
children were affected. Infection theory still being a debatable
subject, is vaccination advisable to kill germs?
Leave aside these things: let us first be aware of germs.
When we violate our body's natural laws, waste is produced in
our body. These stagnant wastes affect the function of internal organs.
The body after getting sufficient immune energy tries to expel waste.
We preserve the morbid by using chemical toxins (drugs).
Waste accumulation develops when we suppress its expulsion
by chemical drugs. We do not allow it to leave the body, it develops
Will the body accept the morbid? These wastes are dangerous
to the body. Therefore, the body never keeps it inside. As the body
cannot expel waste from the body, it finds an alternate way. That is
The morbid gives birth to germs. These germs eat the wastes as food.
How did the morbid create germs?
A Dog's carcass is found on a road. The flesh begins to decay.
The decayed flesh creates worms. Do these worms come from the
flesh or the environment?

48 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Decayed flesh creates worms. These worms eat the decayed flesh
as food. In a day or two, these worms eat all the flesh. The worms
die of starvation when there is no food.

Why are worms created?

To eat the decay.

From where they are created?

From the decay.

Where do they go?

Without the morbid, there is no food, so they die.

Let us see another example. We keep masala powder, chilly
powder in tightly-closed small containers in our kitchens. If we
don't use these items for long periods, what happens when we open
the container?
We can see worms or insects in it. How do these get into
tightly-closed containers?
Worms are created from spoilt items. We generally think that
these items are spoilt by worms.


But, the truth is:

Worms come from the spoilt things. The same is the case with
the body!
When waste accumulates alarmingly, germs are created in it.
These germs eat the waste as long as it is available. Then they die.

Where do these germs come from?

Germs are created inside.

What do they do?

They eat the morbid and finish it.

Emptying waste from the body is it good or bad?

It is definitely good.

Do germs help or harm the body?

No doubt, it helps the body.

The body creates germs. Germs are produced to rectify our

violation of natural laws. When we kill these germs with
antibiotic drugs what happens to these wastes?
Waste accumulates and develops; when immune energy
stabilises again, germs are created.
Consider a stagnant gutter with lots of mosquitoes. What shall
we do to get rid of these mosquitoes?
1. Kill the mosquitoes using a chemical spray. The mosquitoes
breed as long as the gutter is stagnant.
2. Clean the gutter.
Which is the right decision?
Mosquitoes increase due to the stagnant gutter! The gutter is
the mother of the mosquitoes. Destroying the mosquitoes
repeatedly is a wasteful exercise. Only cleaning the gutter can
remove the mosquitoes.

50 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

The same with the body, it is the waste that produce germs! We
think that the germs create waste. Removing the waste destroy
germs. Removing the germs keeps the waste intact in the body.
The waste again produces germs. Does this mean that germs do
not exist?
No, there are germs, but they neither cause nor spread
Through out the world, there is only fear of germs, not God.
Today, all dreadful diseases are built on germs. Example: AIDS.
A professor criticised governments that scare the public using HIV
(Human Immuno deficiency Virus) saying, "Preaching AIDS, as a
life threatening disease should be stopped." Sunday Times, London
Dr. Alfred Hossick is the director of the Swiss Red Cross blood
bank and a professor in Bern University, Disease Immunity
Let us also see the opinions of well-known medical professionals.
Dr. Harry Rubin from California University's Biogenetic department said, "We cannot prove HIV as the cause of AIDS." Sunday
times, London (3.4.1994).
Another biogenetical department professor, Harvey Bealey says,
"HIV is an ordinary germ. The endemic proportions claimed by
scientists about HIV are not possible" Spin, June 1992.


The Nobel Price winner for chemical use in medicines in 1980,

Dr.Walter Gilbert said, "HIV is not the reason for AIDS, and it
would not be surprising if AIDS is due to some other reason."
Omni,June 1993.
We understand more about AIDS from these comments
of medical professionals. To conclude, let us take prof. Dr. Luc
Montagnier, Germology Dept., Paris Pasteur College, who first
discovered HIV. "HIV is not the reason for AIDS. The research
papers of so many researchers are contradictory and bluffing."
Miami Herald, 23.12.1990.
Whatever gives profit, either by politicising or commercialising,
is spread among the public. But truth always prevails.
Thinkers and those who search truth will find and know it.
Morbid stagnation is the reason for any kind of disease.
Stagnation occurs because of our violation of the natural laws of
the body. Just like germs, all external reasons are false.
If we follow external reasons, we will never get rid of the
Lets say, we have kept a thing inside our house. We begin
searching for it outside our home.
When will this searching end?
When we return home!
The same holds true for our external reasons. Searching outside
the body will not give any benefit or truth. So, we will come back
Knowing our violation of our body's natural laws will keep our
body safe from morbid stagnation.


Elixir is Venom

otatoes gives gas.

Tomatoes cause kidney stones.

Eating vegetables that grow underground
increases sugar.
If we begin listing them, we will have as many
foods as diseases.
Are these facts? If it is true that this food brings
this disease then potato eaters around the world
should have a gas problem.
It is unlikely that one or two out of a hundred
will face problems. If disease is from food,
whoever eats it should suffer.
Poison kills everyone who takes it. A thing that
brings disease upon consumption should bring
disease to everyone. No food has the quality of
bringing disease. Food is a need of the body.
Then, why do we suffer? Food taken by those
with under-active internal organs is rejected. The
body tries to expel it without digestion. For
instance, a person with under-active stomach due
to morbid stagnation consumes potatoes without
hunger. What will the body do? The body expels



it and begins to rectify the function of the stomach. When the body
tries to expel solid waste, it also converts it into gas. Unless the food
is sent out, rectifying functions can not take place. So the body
tries to expel it in different ways.
Here, is gas formation due to potatoes or due to taking food
without hunger?
We always believe external reasons.
Suppose a man hits himself with a stone and is wounded. If
asked what happened, he says, "The stone hit me.
Did he hit the stone or did the stone hit him?
We are brought up seeing only the external, not the internal,
No food becomes the cause of disease. Then what is the cause
of disease? Eating habits!
Its the habit not the food.

54 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

When to eat? Only when we have hunger.

How to eat? By munching.

Munching helps digestion. Taking food in small quantities

helps munching till it becomes semi-solid or liquid form before
swallowing. Food cannot be broken in the stomach. The stomach
does not have teeth. Chewing until the taste is diluted helps
digestion. Munching is not to be taken carelessly; when we munch,
the foods qualities are communicated to the stomach naturally. The
softness of the food tells the stomach the quality of digestive juices
required to digest the food.
The harder we chew food, the harder the digestive juice
concentration secreted in the stomach.
If the stomach should know the quality of food we eat, we have
to chew. Only then is proper digestion initiated. Secretion required
to digest a coconut is not needed for an orange. If the acid secretion
is more than required, it will harm the inner walls of the
In this manner, diluted acid is enough to digest an orange. Only
when the stomach knows the quality of the food we are eating does
proper digestion take place. To achieve this, we have to chew the

What can we eat?

There is no discrimination in food. You can eat what you like.

Vegetarian, non-vegetarian the body does not have this
bifurcation. The food we eat when we are hungry should be
digested and the energy should be utilised. This is the body duty.
The body will not reject anything which is food.
When to eat, how to eat, what to eat there is one thing more
important than all these: that is how much to eat?

When there is hunger

Proper chewing

The food you like to eat.


How much to eat?

Why do we eat? For hunger! Hunger will decide the quantity
we eat.
The food we eat should not fully diminish hunger. We should
not feel heavy after taking food.
Before we feel heaviness, our hunger reduces. We will have the
feeling enough. The foods taste upon the tongue gradually
reduces. This is the right time to stop eating. The food we have
consumed is enough to increase energy in the body and refresh it.
If we cross this limit, we feel the heaviness in the stomach, instead
of refreshment, we will feel sleepy and tired.
The excess food we eat is an unnecessary burden to the body.
Food should be eaten while there is hunger within limits. If we
make this a regular food habit, waste does not stagnate. The waste
that has stagnated already will be expelled by the body. If anything
is in excess even elixir is venom!

Thirst Hunger as per requirement!

f food habits are regulated, bodily waste

stagnation is avoided. Avoiding new stagnation
helps expelling the waste that is already stagnated. A
body without stagnant waste is complete health.
Our body announces its thirst and hunger in a
pleasant manner. If we help its need, our body will
help us in our energy requirement!
We know now that we have to chew and eat
food in small quantities when we are hungry. Is
drinking while eating advisable?
The digestive juices in the stomach are
optimised to the quality of food we eat. What do
you do in a lab to reduce concentration of an acid?
Yes! Dilute it with water. Water dilutes acid
Now, there is required concentration of acid in
the stomach for the quality of food we eat. What
will happen if we add water to this concentration?
It will dilute and digestion will be improper. Its
wrong to drink water while we eat. We only have
hunger now; not thirst. Hunger and thirst will not
occur at the same time, either one is normal.
Have we felt both thirst and hunger sometimes?
Then it is only thirst, if we drink the required


quantity of water, our thirst and hunger disappear. When we

chew food, required saliva is secreted in the mouth. Water is not
If we eat food with more masala (spices), we may have thirst.
Drink water in small quantities in between this meal.
Normally, drinking water in between a meal will interfere with
digestion. After a meal, at the end of digestion in the stomach after
a few minutes, thirst appears. Drinking at this moment will help
We eat casually without hunger. Instead of chewing, we gulp
food without hunger and also drink water in between a meal. What
are the excesses here?
1. Eating without hunger.
2. Eating without limitation.
3. Gulping without chewing.
4. Drinking water without thirst.
5. After eating, again drinking water to fill the stomach.
If we go on harming the body like this, the body reciprocates by
non-cooperation until we identify it!
Digestion begins with the first chew and continues even after we
finish eating. We gargle immediately after our meal. This is an unnecessary habit. Saliva is secreted again before digestion is
completed in the stomach. This saliva is alkaline in nature. It washes
our food particles in the mouth down to the stomach. This is because
the food particles left behind in the mouth are digested by this alkalirich saliva. Gargling before this is really unnecessary.
When to gargle?
After our meal, the food taste in the mouth begins to reduce;
we will also have a sticky feeling, this is the right time for gargling.
In the same way, whenever we feel a sticky feeling in the mouth, we
can gargle. This will help digestion. There is one more thing we
should know about thirst.

58 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Thirst is the bodys requirement of water. Nothing can equal

water here. Cool drinks, Tea, Coffee are all foods or parts of food.
Since they are liquid we substitute them for water.
Water is tasteless. All other liquids have added taste. These will
only substitute food, not water.
Only water satisfies thirst. The rest only reduce thirst, they dont
satisfy it.
Now, there are different kinds of water. Normal water, boiled
water, purified water, minerals added taste enhanced and colour
bleached water!
Which is suitable for the body?
Packaged, bleached, ozonised, mineral waterall we suppose
to be pure and energetic, if we pour these for a plant and normal
water to other plant.
We will know in a few days that the water we consider pure and
good does not feed a plant. It reduces growth and dries it up! A
plant knows which water has life energy. A container filled with
normal water will produce worms in a few days. Purified water will
remain as it is for months.
What do we understand by this?
Purified water is of no use even for insects and worms.
In purified, taste-added water, life energy is destroyed. Water
without life energy is rejected by life forms such as plants, worms
and insects.
Its only humans who use it!
What is the molecular structure of the water? H2O two parts
of hydrogen and one part of oxygen combined is water, according
to exact science. We call oxygen as Prana energy.
When we boil water with Prana energy, oxygen i.e. life energy
is reduced. Even heating makes it lose life energy. What will
happen if it is bleached with chemicals. And minerals added for
energy enhancement? How much life energy will it have?


We only drink this energy-less dead water and also give it to our
Why do we boil water?
1. Fear of germs.
2. because it is unclean.
We already know disease does not spread by germs. Also, the
body will not allow anything that harms it inside. Commercial
organisations only increase their business in the name of germs.
What should we do with unclean water? Governments dump
chlorine in water. This chlorine evaporates in open air. When
this water is kept in mud pots, unwanted chlorine is absorbed by
it. Also, the mud pot has the capacity to enhance life energy
Alternatively, we can use normal filters for the dust in water.
Above all, water kept in the mud pot is good for health and
satisfies our thirst.

Milk is it a food?

e are learning about our body and its need.

Stagnation of waste and its expulsion from
the body are considered disease.
Now we know, there is nothing called disease.
We know what to do to prevent stagnation and
what to do to help the body expelling the
We learned the reasons for morbid stagnation
and how to avoid them. We also know what is
wrong with our food habits.
We have items that are not foods as primary
food in our list of foods!
Milk is among our main foods, given without
restriction to children and the elderly. Is milk a
food? Yes! It is food to the one it was created for.
When a child is born, milk is secreted from the
mother's breast. This is food only for the child. Is
there any limit for its intake? Certainly, there is.
Mother's milk is required till the milk teeth grow.
Thereafter, solid foods have to be increased
gradually, reducing mother's milk.
When a calf is born, the cow secretes milk. This
is only for the calf. We take it away from the calf
and drink it, as well as feed our children.


What happens if we drink cows milk?

What do modern scientists say about drinking milk?
Before we understand this, let us see the exact sciences view.
After digestion of cows milk, one thing is left caseinogens
(a membrane). Human bodies dont have the energy to digest this
membrane, say scientists. Who has the energy to digest casein?
The calf! Drinking calf s milk will only harm us.
A glass of milk equals four full meals. We gulp down a full meal
without hunger and take a glass of milk too. Is there a better way
to hold up our digestion?
At night, just when the body balances itself, we drink milk. All
our digestive energy struggles to digest milk. The casein is left
inside the intestine without digestion. This tires the body and the
intestines. The strong toned muscles in the abdomen start to lose
shape and tired loose flesh starts increasing. Our body begins to
bulge with a never-reducing belly. Can something that drives
daily digestion to tiredness be a food?
A child is active, slim and healthy as long as it takes mother's
milk. This is the nature of a child. What happens when breast
feeding is stopped and cows milk given? The hunger in the child
gradually reduces. Without knowing how hungry the child is, we
continuously feed it cows milk. We start to give different chemicals
(Bournvita, Horlicks, Boost) mixed to it.
The child slowly gains weight. Morbid stagnation increases
weight in the body. The active brisk child becomes languid.
We make the child lethargic, because we like plump children.
A roly-poly child is not healthy, only an active child is healthy.
Let us now think about milk.
The glucose in our body is of two kinds. One is the glucose from
the food. The glucose that is in excess of the tissues requirement
is saturated and stored in the liver as glycogen. Glucose is used
for normal functions. Glycogen is saturated and energy-compressed

62 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Our body does not use glycogen in normal functioning. It is

much energetic than normal glucose.
There are different kinds of milk. Mothers milk is a simple food for
children. It is easy on digestion and for waste removal. The quality of
mother's milk is such that it suits the internal organs of a new born.
But, cow's milk?
Its quality suits a calf 's growth and digestion. Cows milk is more
energetic and saturated than mothers milk.
If mother's milk is given to a calf, its growth is hindered.
Whereas giving cow's milk to a child gives improper growth.
If cow's milk is more energetic, then it should be a good food.
Is it? No, anything in excess is poison.
Snake bite kills a person. What is poisonous substance there in
the poison of a snake?
Nothing is poison. Snake venom is complete protein.
Everyone knows protein is good for health. Yes, protein is good,
if it is to the requirement of the body.
What happens if the protein obstructs the function of the whole
body? The liver will be inactive to the heavy dose of protein and
cannot use it. When the protein reaches kidney's through the blood,
the kidneys stop functioning.
When in excess even elixir is venom!
Normal protein and saturated protein, which will become
poison? Any food in excess becomes poison, isnt it?
Why do we drink cow's milk in excess? Because we were told
calcium is available in it?
The calcium and other energy required for a child is available in
plenty in mothers milk. The children who drink only mothers milk
grow properly.

 hen do milk teeth grow in a child? From eight to thirteen



When does a girl child attain puberty? After thirteen years.

Mothers milk has the required energy to grow teeth, attain

puberty and the energy for the whole life of a child.
When do teeth grow in a calf? By birth! When will the calf reach
maturity to give milk? In a year! The cows milk has the energy
required for the calf.
The highly saturated cow's milk grows teeth and gives sexual
maturity to a calf faster compared to a child.
What happens if cows milk is given to a child? We are seeing
the aftermath today?
All over the globe, girl children attain puberty very young. The
bones either increase rapidly in height or have shorter growth. We
also see children with twisted bones, unable to walk. Middle-aged
people have knee pain and bone wear (the membrane and muscle
tendon around joints loose stiffness). Vertebra pain appears.
The list of diseases is long.
We cannot use dense protein (snake poison) as normal protein.
The same with saturated cow's milk.
What we refer to here as cow's milk is milk from cattle reared in
the countryside!
We do not call milk, that which is sold in cities from the milk
dairies and the packet milk.
Milk from cows reared in dairies becomes profitable the more
the cow secrete. Are these dairies intended to make profit or to
serve people?
No doubt, to make profit. Increasing milk production is the
only way to increase profits. Accidosin, a chemical injection, is
used to extract milk from cows in these dairies. This injection
unnaturally and forcefully takes milk from the cow.
The milk from these cows shows trace of this chemical substance.
This milk harms humans, say government research labs. So the
government has banned use of accidosin.

64 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

A Child affected by decayed milk powder

Patients in hospital


A child suffering from kidney failure

Dialysis for kidney affected patients in hospital

66 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Accidosin milk is more dangerous than normal milk.

Then, Packet milk...
We hear daily about it in the newspapers. Powders are added to
packet milk to increase its density. The energy in the milk is not
enough! They add calcium, minerals and other chemicals to it.
Preservatives are added, so that it can be kept in stock for days
We have to avoid even normal milk. What should we do with
this dairy and packet milk?
Avoiding this is the only solution for health. Nowadays
milk-powder also contains many chemicals.
In many countries, including India, there are companies which
produce milk-powder. Hundreds of children in China who were
given these products have had affected kidneys. They have not
been affected in small ways; the children undergo dialysis, kidney
transplantation is expected.
Milk powders were banned in China. These packets contain
high quantities of melamine, which affects the kidneys.


Not only milk packets, many energy powders (such as Cerelac)

contain chemicals harmful to health. In the 1980's, a well-known
multi-national company was banned in countries including
Pakistan. After globalisation, this company has resumed business
across the world, including India.
Not paying any 'special attention' to our children is enough for
their health. The daily food we eat is sufficient for our children.
If we do not interfere with the child's natural food habits, that
helps their health.

Poison-less food!

n the state of Kerala, an insecticide was sprayed

over a cashew nut farm using a helicopter.
Children in nearby villages were born handicapped
for the next few years. These people did not even
eat the cashews sprayed with insecticide. They did
not work in those farms. The insecticide spread
poison through air and water.
"Every year, one hundred million kilograms of
poisonous substance is mixed into our land, air
and water by us says Nature agriculture scientist
Dr.Ko.Nammalvar (Uzhavukum undu varalaru Vikadan publication).
In 1962, Rachel Carson, a marine scientist wrote
the famous book 'Silent spring'. She writes:
The Robin, the famous bird of America, flies to
countries like Britain in winter. It returns only in
the beginning of spring. This family of birds
started to disappear gradually.
In 1956, a kind of beetle began eating the leaves
of trees on the roads of London. Insecticide was
sprayed through helicopter and the beetles died.
The leaves deposited with poisonous chemicals fell,
the earthworms died after eating these leaves. The
robins died after eating these earthworms. The
poison mixed with water and killed fishes.


The grief did not stop. The birds which ate the earthworms did
not built nests. Only birds which ate few earthworms built their
nest. But they did not lay eggs. Eggs normally hatch in 13 days,
even after 21 days, there was no change in these eggs. The study
showed that the insecticide not only killed particular insects, they
destroyed the genes of other life forms and made them impotent
a word uncommon in species other than human.
Rachel Carson shocked the world by writing so many instances
including the disappearance of American symbol the white
headed eagle.
Dr. Nammalvar and Rachel Carson have given enough evidence
of the consequences of the use of chemicals in agriculture.
Modern agricultural science has no life in it. Their research is
with materials that have no life.
A report from Dr. Nammalvar:
1. This century did not bring a single forest crop into farming.
2. Agriculture, a way of life, has become agri-factory (business).
3. In 1906, France had 3600 varieties of apples; in 1986 there were
only 10 varieties available, now..?

70 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

4. French farmers had 9 varieties of wheat. Now they have only

5. When our tradition loses its importance, not only varieties of
crops, the crop family itself is destroyed.
"Good varieties of crops that do not sustain chemical fertilizers
were destroyed. Now factories will be diversified, fertilizers will
be diversified. Human lives alone will lose diversity.

French geologist Poorinko.

This is the consequence of modern science influencing

agriculture. Our tradition is sensible and is full of life. Todays
science is based on material without life.
When these chemical are used, the soil is given all the ill-effects.
The earth has the capacity to absorb anything. When these
chemicals can impacts even the earth, we are dumping chemical
drugs into our body. What effect will it have? The "green
revolution" protests against chemical fertilizers have grown now.
But, we ignore the poisonous chemicals used on our body!
We never ask questions about taking chemical drugs. We are
suspicious of good foods.


To know about good food, we should know about bad food.

There is no division in normal food. Foods have many things
such as energy-ratio, vitamins, minerals, and calories. Whatever
food we eat, the body converts it into the energy it needs.
Two persons simultaneously eat food with 100 calories each.
One needs 90 calories and other needs only 20 calories. Will the
body take all the 100 calories in the food? The body absorbs only
what it needs.
The body always accepts only what it needs. These calorie
calculations are created outside the body in a lifeless machine. This
external calculation does not have any impact on a living person.
The same is true of vitamins.
We can conduct tests to find out what kind of energy the body needs.
But it cannot be satisfied by giving the same thing to the body.
Let us say a person require calcium energy and suffers low bone
growth. Who should produce calcium to compensate this short
fall? The calcium produced by the body only is accepted. The body
rejects the calcium produced outside the body.
Let us try to understand this simply. In 1959, researcher C.L.
Kervran made some tests. Kervran studied the growth of hens in
a French village. He found out high calcium content in its feathers,
eggs and faeces. He began to wonder where this calcium came
The villages are full of mica and stone particles; the food given
to the hens is only oats. Kervran studied the daily food routine of
the hens. There was very little calcium in it. He found out that the
hens ate the food and are able to produce the necessary calcium by
Similarly, cows milk contains calcium. Grass eaten by the cows
does not have calcium. It has magnesium. Bio-chemical changes
in a living body produce only what is necessary to the body.
Kervran described his finding to the scientists. "We believe only
what we see," they said. He demonstrated his findings with a test.

72 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)


Kervran brought four rats and broke their fore limbs. X-Rays
were taken for records. Then, he gave calcium tablets to two rats,
grass and vegetables to other two. After two weeks, X-rays were
taken again.
The rats given grass and vegetables had healed bones. The rats
that ate calcium had only small bone growth without healing.
C.L. Kervran proved his point, "In a lifes function, one becomes
the other" C.L. Karvran, Biological Transmutation, 1973.
What do we understand from this? Our body produces the
energy it requires without the food that contains the same energy!
If it needs calcium, our body produces it from anything we eat.
Adding calcium to our food is a wasteful and harmful exercise.
Another basic thing we should know: Where are these vitamins
produced in our body? The food we eat is ground by our teeth and
reacts with saliva the first biochemical change it undergoes in the
body. Vitamins are not produced here.
The ground food reacts with gastric juices. This is the second
change. Vitamins are not produced here. The food mixture goes
to the small intestine, reacts with small intestine juices, bile and
many biochemical changes takes place. At the end of digestion, at
the tail end of small intestine, vitamins are produced. These are
absorbed by the capillaries of small intestine and mixed with the
blood stream. How many biochemical changes have to take place
to produce a vitamin?
1. Saliva
2. Gastric juices
3. Pancreatic enzyme
4. Small intestine juices
5. Bile
All these biochemical changes metabolise food into vitamins,
only to the need of the body!
What will happen if we directly eat vitamins?

74 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

A waxed apple


The vitamins we eat metabolise and change at different stages of

digestion. At the end of digestion, a vitamin will not be energy.
According to Kervran's study, the kind of energy needed cannot be
produced by giving the same kind of food.
What kind of food should be avoided?
Food should not have the same energy composition we need.
Food composed of direct energy after metabolic changes converts
into harmful substance. The chemical changes inside the body are
biochemical changes. The changes we make outside the body are
lifeless chemical changes. The energy produced by the body inside
is the same as the chemicals produced in labs. Its character and
exertion is different!
There is one more kind of food to be avoided. They are foods
known to have added chemicals.
We have to clearly define this. If we study foods contaminated
with chemicals, we have to omit all foods. Nothing will be left out!
This is because we have lost all pure natural varieties of food, due
to the modern scientific approach.
Crops are grown from seeds which do not reproduce, fertilizers
and pesticides are used, fruits productivity is enhanced with
genetic change... and so on. Only foods without natural characters
are available now.
Further, hens that do not lay eggs, eggs that do not hatch are the
commercialised foods that are available on the world markets.
Indigenous agriculture is snatched from the farmers. Multinational
companies have made it a mechanised industry.
It is vain searching for good food all over the world. If it is so,
what are the foods to be avoided?
Food that bear 'chemicals added' label can be avoided. All food
and drink in tins labeled 'preservatives added' can be avoided.
Shining fruits can be avoided. Shining is beautiful, why should we
avoid it? Let us take an example: apple.
First, apples are cleaned with chemicals in the farms. Then to
extend the ripening period, preservatives are applied.

76 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Wax is applied for the shining appearance. We purchase these

apples with these wax for us and our children.
If you scratch the apple on its surface, you get a handful of wax.
We can avoid these so-called high quality fruits.
Then, what to eat?
Whatever you eat, there is the stomach for digestion; kidneys
and large intestine for removing the waste; the liver for
detoxifying and regulation. Even then, it is better to avoid foods
that are known to have added chemicals added and to harm the
internal organs. The rest can be taken as food.
Seasonal fruits can be taken. Cereals and greens that grow in
particular seasons can be taken as food in those seasons. The fruits
we consider cheap fruit should be taken. Guava, Banana, Black
Berry, Mango, Chikoo, Melon, Watermelon, all kinds of grains,
cereals and regional foods are good foods.
What foods should be taken this decision can be left to our
Each of our internal organs is related to a taste that gives energy
to it. Sour to liver, sweet to stomach, bitter to heart, pungent to
lungs, salty to kidneys, sweet bitter to spleen.
If we follow our senses, it will guide us to take the necessary taste.
We can eat food according to the taste required by the internal organs
of the body.
The food we take with the guidance of our senses will only do
good to our body. This is the best food.

Love Nature! Return to Nature!

e have learnt about the nature of the body

and its language.

Starting with, the body never makes mistake,

we have arrived at all the problems in the body are
due to our violation of body's nature.
Due to our violations, waste stagnate in the
internal organs; they affect the functioning of the
body. The body tries to evict the morbid. The
eviction process is unpleasant to us. This morbid
eviction is considered disease. There is nothing
called disease in the body or in this world.
Daily eviction of waste refreshes each cell of the
body. As long as we do not interfere in its function,
the body is healthy.
Working without rest, food without hunger,
water without thirst, excessive eating... all these are
violations and against the body's nature.
When the cells are filled with morbid matter,
the cells tries to save themselves from being sick.
We have allowed stagnation of morbid. At least
we should allow the body to treat itself. We do not
allow it. The stagnated waste grows, accumulates
and generates germs; even then, we are not quite.

78 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

We continue the violation of the body's laws and dump chemical

drugs into. These disintegrate the health and function of the body
The body, at every stage, tries to safeguard us. If we want to help
the body, there are two ways.
1. Support
2. Stimulate
Understanding the body and allowing it to expel morbid matter
with patience is supporting.
Watch pet dogs. When it is healthy, it is busy with its activities.
Occasionally, it loses interest in everything.
The dog, when it is supporting the functions of its body, is at
rest. The dog does not eat when waste expulsion takes place. It
ignores even its favorite foods. The dog is aware of the language of
its body i.e. hunger. Are we?
Being patient with the functions of the body is called supporting.
According to an old saying from north India, "Langanam
Parama Ousatham. "Fasting is the best medicine.
When we support the body, the morbid is expelled faster and it
is easier to regain health. Supporting is the best treatment.
The difficulties we face during the expulsion of stagnated waste
are only temporary.
Do we have any difficulty urinating or on our toilets? No. It is
because they are routine daily wastes. When the motion becomes
a problem, it stagnates. If we control ourselves without urinating
due to some reasons, urination itself is difficult.
The difficulty faced while expulsion of stagnant waste helps the
body in evicting it. Water alone is usually enough to wash utensils
of light stains. The same utensils, if not cleaned for a few days,
become sticky. Now, rubbing and scratching is needed to clean
them. stagnant wastes give the same difficulty during eviction. The
body rubs and scratches itself to expel the wastes.


After the body removes waste, health is regained. To reduce and

simplify the problems in this process, we need a treatment that
supports the body.
To be cured without spoiling the health, medicine-less treatment
such as Acupuncture or Naturopathy can be used.
Whatever treatment you take, helping the bodys waste removal
is important. All drugs and medicines suppress the morbid
removal as their prime duty. Chemical drugs are the worst, as they
suppress the morbid and add toxins to the body.
If chemical toxins are stored in our internal organs, the organs
are affected and decay. When we approach modern medicine at
this stage, the decayed organs are simply removed by surgery.
To be healthy, supporting the body in waste removal is the only
way. This is the language of life!
Return to nature does not mean growing a beard and wandering
in the forest. Following the nature of our body and soul this is
called returning to nature.
Following nature is the simplest way of life. That will reduce
many of our needs.
On occasions, when we are forced to violate the laws, our
body manages and balances itself again. Our body adjusts to any
Consider this: when the cell phone was introduced, it was said
that radiation causes brain cancer. Today cell phones are used
throughout the world.
Our body regulates itself to need. We can use scientific inventions
that simplify human labour. Nature does not interfere in this.
Sharing technology with nature will make our lives more pleasant.
Utilising technology to violate nature brings hazardous
consequences, loss of natural resources and loss of a peaceful life.
Returning to nature brings health to the body. Only a sound
body gives good communal thinking for the welfare of the
individual and the public.

80 | Healer.A.Umar Farook, M.Acu., D.Ed (Acu)

Natural resources are common to mankind. Healthy living is

also common to everyone.
Let us get healthy living individually. Let us share the natural
resources collectively.
Through individual health, we will get communal strength!
Love Nature! Return to Nature!

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