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Westminster International College

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Submission date:

16th of April, 2014



Lecturers name:


Marketing Management

Executive Summary
The key purpose presented in this assignment is to present a study of one determinant
organizational buyer behaviour by elaborating on how the organization buying decision are
affected one or the other by internal or external variable. To have a clear insight of how an
organizational buying making decision can affect the process because of the bureaucratic
complex process or the hierarchical procedure a single purchase can take before it can be
approved by executives and managers.
360 Business information Technology Solution (360 BITS) will be used to support the request of
this assignment, to know how they make their decision on their service product. And how their
services help organisations buying behaviour by making their decision fast by mitigating the risk
involve in making some decisions. Risk is one of the challenging factors or an identified threat
on an organisational buying behaviour. 360 Business information technology support
organisation to accelerate their complex process of buying by using corporate applications like
SAP GRC and SAP HANA, IBM Open Pages GRC software, Oracle Fusion GRC and Microsoft
Dynamics GRC Software.
360 Business information Technology Solution as an information Technology use this
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) softwares when making a purchase and use all the
buying situation depending on the purpose of the purchase. Besides 360 BITS using it for their
own purchasing process they have partnership with Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, SAP AG, and Oracle
to resell their Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) software and as a service to
organisations to speed up buying decision process.
The effective administration requires great knowledge of the enterprise's customers and their
worth recognitions, which is accomplished by sorting out continual and systematic exploration of
organizational purchasing behaviours. Focus is on understanding what the worth is for 360 BITS
customers and how to make inter functional coordination to make prevalent quality. This is
particularly paramount since once made customer relations ought to be supported, improved and
developed continually. It is significant and important to constantly put resources into building
Marketing Management

trust, learning and shared modification. Enterprises which creates advantage by utilizing shared
assets in improving quality and procedures are in a better position.
360 BITS providers companies with various types of Information technology services to help
large organisation and small or medium size business to meet their technological goal. Its a local
Information technology (IT) company that provides a range of service from Big Data service,
cloud computing, Network security to the basic wiring and networking of computer systems to
small and large organisation.
Organizational buying behaviour and what influences them and how 360 BITS apply their GRC
service and other cloud services to large organization like the Governmental instruction, big
institution like the mining and telecommunication industries to improve the understanding roles
in the buying procedure. Giving the organisation a broad set of risk to manage both Financial and
non-financial and operational risk both internal and external. In the following we will identify
the various jobs in several levels. And get a deeper understanding of the right qualities in in
service provider.
360 BITS depends on dynamic environment requirements to apply intensive competitive
strategies to meet their customer demand and keep their customers. This is because there are new
competitors moving into the market with new ideas and diverse risks strategies. 360 BITS uses a
set of instruments from multivariate statistical tools in analysing scientific structure of an
authoritative purchasing choice making process and deciding its key actors. Exploring the
psychological aspect of individual customer behaviour is significant and complex if the number
of participants in the buying process is bureaucracy.

Marketing Management




CLOUD COMPUTING.................................................................................................................6

2.1 Types of Cloud Computing Service............................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Software as a Service (SaaS).................................................................................6
2.1.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS)..................................................................................7
2.1.3 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)............................................................................7

ORGANIZATIONAL BUYING...................................................................................................7

3.1 The Commercial versus the Buyer Market......................................................................7

3.1.2 Business market have some characteristics that that will distinction dramatically using
individuals involving client marketplaces:........................................................................7



Product Category for making organisational decision using SAP GRC implementation and SaaS


Governance, Risk and Compliance (SAP GRC).....................................................9


SAP GRC software solutions definition:..............................................................9

Reasons distinguish organisational and industrial buying choices from individual customer
choices. Below is some distinctions:................................................................................ 10
4.4 Buyer criteria might be differentiated into two structures:.................................................10
4.5 Types of purchasing situations:.................................................................................. 11
The Table below shows the sorts of mechanical purchasing choices and the participants
involvement within the activity:................................................................................... 12

CLOUD SERVICE BUYING BEHAVIOR................................................................................13


Reasons to migrate into cloud based services............................................................14

5.1.1 Five major factors that influence Organization to purchase cloud solutions:......................14
5.2 The Cloud Services Supply Models.............................................................................15
5.3 The Cloud Service Providers view of organisation purchasing behaviour.............................15
5.4 Cloud service providers opinion to the diverse roles........................................................16
5.4.1 The subsequent table shows the diverse role and job titles:...........................................16
5.5 Cloud Service buyers view of the organisational procurement behaviour..............................16


7.0 REFERENCE....................................................................................................................................18

Marketing Management


Organizational buying requires more interaction with the chief executives, procurement and
managers to take or decision. 360 BITS as service provide to organizations helps organizational
buying bureaucratic or complex process and decision making easy by reducing the risk involved.
The growth of technology has changed the traditional way of business purchases, making it not
difficult to influencing what an organization need purchased and supplied. The company has
depended on new applications and new technology to make organizational B2B easy for

360 BITS (Business Information Technology solution) is an information technology service

provider company in Accra, Ghana and was established in 2008.360 BITS has offices in Kumasi,
Takoradi, Cape cost, Tamale and a new office in Togo. It started with providing network solution
to companies, basically setting up network from scratch to the configuration of servers. 360
BITS providers companies with various types of Information technology services to help large
organisation and small or medium size business to meet their technological goal.
360 BITS provides a range of service from Big Data service, cloud computing, Network security
to the basic wiring and networking of computer systems to small and large organisation.


BITS has partnership with Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, SAP AG, Oracle, Red hat, Amazon Web
Services and other medium size information technology service providers. Their partnership puts
them on the lead, because government organization, institution and some commercial market
depend on them for their Business to Business transactions (B2B). This helps the organisation to
purchase services to help facilitate their daily company operations.
The actual escalating globalization and increase of cloud, Big Data, and internet services
supported with several resources, create challenges on the modern day administration theories
along with success of organizations behaviour. Together with the multitudes of emerging
technologies which strive for integration within the present market (Arns, et al., 2002).
Introducing technology into organizations comes with a lot of challenge for managers as they try

Marketing Management

to keep a flatter hierarch, as well as the maintenance of the present staff members in addition to
sustaining an inexpensive budget simultaneously (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006).

Cloud computing is design for allowing ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network right to
use a shared pool of configurable computing resources (Example Servers, Applications, networks
and services) that could be quickly provisioned in addition to unconfined with minimum
operations attempt or perhaps service provider interaction.
This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four
deployment models. There are five vital characteristics of cloud model, three service models, and
four deployment models. (Mell & Grance, 2011)
The five essential characteristics are On-demand self-service, network access, Resource pooling,
Rapid elasticity, and Measured service. The three service models are Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Deployment models also comprise of Private cloud, Community cloud, Public cloud and Hybrid
cloud. 360 BITS in the organizational buying behaviour context uses, Resource pooling
characteristics model and the three service models; Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a
Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) (Mell & Grance, 2011)

2.1 Types of Cloud Computing Service

2.1.1 Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS can simply be defined as software deployed as a hosted service and accessed over the
Internet." (Carraro & Chong, 2006). Some of the benefits to the organisation will be: Reduce
time for software deployments, which IT administrator department can save time. New release
(software Upgrade), the upgrades are done by the service provider, it will lower cost and

Marketing Management

2.1.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) has all the benefits of SaaS. PaaS can simply be defined as a
platform permits the creation of web application easily and quickly without the difficulty of
purchasing and also maintaining the software and the underneath infrastructure (Kepes, 2013).
This allows IT Manager and other IT personnel the greatest flexibility to help efficiently deliver
project on time.
2.1.3 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Is a technique for conveying Cloud Computing Infrastructure by leasing servers, storage ,
network system and operating systems - on-demand and paying for what is been used. This
service is another break to reduce pressure for the IT administrators because most of the services
are out sourced (Carraro & Chong, 2006)
Is defined as the decision-making procedure where official organisation create the essential
dependence on ordered product or service as well as discover, assess and choose between
alternative models and vendors (Kotler & Keller, 2012). This creates a system for organisation to
help better decision when it comes to purchasing product and service.

3.1 The Commercial versus the Buyer Market

The business enterprise is comprised of companies that obtain merchandises and services
employed in the actual generation connected with different services or products which can be
sold, booked, or supplied to be able to some others. (Kotler & Keller, 2012)

3.1.2 Business market have some characteristics that that will distinction dramatically using
individuals involving client marketplaces:
360 BITS has partnerships with the top information technology giants like IBM,
Microsoft, SAP AG, Cisco, Redhat and Oracle. Because the company purchase directly from the
organization, billing contracts become very cheap during bidding.

Marketing Management

360 BITS deals with few and larger organizations like the ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of
trade and industry and Ghana Revenue Authority by taking government contracts. Such contracts
are handle by few companies. Because 360 BITS also purchase from companies like IBM,
Microsoft, SAP AG and or Cisco and the orders, the department in charge of purchase fellow
professional purchasing procedures and policies. For example an organization will be a service
from 360 BIT there are series of transaction that has to be put in place like the demands intended
for quotations, recommendations, and buying contracts (Kotler & Keller, 2012).
Before any cloud service is purchase or resold for an organization, the professional buyers have
to go for series of training from our partners IBM, Microsoft, SAP AG and or Cisco and the
orders based on the customers demand. This professional training is very important because to
win government contract it need a lot of clearance and professionalism. The product or service
becomes the main reason why the company keep getting contracts. So products that will be used
in contracts has to go through the purchasing policy of the institution that awarded the contract
(Kotler & Keller, 2012).
Also because 360 BITS have a few but large contracts from the government of Ghana and Togo,
their partners also offer constructs once in a while depending the kind of information they
require. So they get information quick by using the company team to get the information they
need to help improve on their services for the other partners in the other African countries
(Kotler & Keller, 2012).


4.1 Product Category for making organisational decision using SAP GRC implementation
and SaaS
360 BITS offers organisation with SAP Business Objects GRC software as a service
(SaaS), to help organisations change from the outdated in-house computer system and software
to Cloud computing. The product gives the organisation access to all application anywhere
possible. SAP Business Objects GRC SaaS come with benefits like cost of operating being cheap
Marketing Management

due to pay as you use, Zero in advance Capital Spending, and headaches of maintain of software
and hardware.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (SAP GRC)

This SAP GRC software product supports organizations with the ability in speeding up decision
making process using the embedded benefit Strategy Management, Risk Management, Process
Control and Access Control benefits. The beauty of the software is its ability to monitor, identify
manage and analyse risk and compliance across the enterprise in one integrated solution. The
SAP GRC software motivates business performance by driving business performance with
insight by supporting the organisation to increase business performance and manage risk, help
the organisation with regulatory conformity difficulties across the enterprise and applying all the
appropriate governance. It also Influence GRC information to help improved business decisions,
empower decision makers with fully scalable and interactive GRC reporting and trending tools.
(SAP AG, 2014)


SAP GRC software solutions definition:

Strategy Management - monitor and manage performance from advanced objectives down to
key performance indicators and manage enterprises designed to reach your business goals.
Risk Management- preserve and grow business value and giving the business the prospects with
strategic, operational, financial, legal and compliance risks to capitalize on corporate
Process Control- Ensure continuous control monitoring to mitigate risk across the enterprise
with full confidence.
Access Control- Access control software reduce access to risk and prevent fraud across the
enterprise with full confidence. (SAP AG, 2014)

Marketing Management

4.3 Reasons distinguish organisational and industrial buying choices from individual
customer choices. Below is some distinctions:
Buying choices are made by businesses frequently, example are those who perform exact buying,
the individuals who specifically or by implication impact this choice, along with the staff who
will actually utilize the products or services.
Organizational along with industrial products in many cases is acquired as reported by with
official requirements that needs great deal of understanding the information about the product
group. Impulse buying is rare when it comes organisational buying, since buyers are experts,
their judgements depend on past practical knowledge and a cautious evaluating of changes.
Choices typically tend to be dangerous, particularly when buyers career could be riding on his
demonstration of great common sense.
The actual organisation to organisation advertising frequently will involve much more of a good
focus on individual advertising in comparison with upon advertising other designs regarding
marketing and advertising. Customers usually involves far more face-to-face get in contact in
comparison with is necessary regarding conclusion consumers. (Solomon, 2004)

4.4 Buyer criteria might be differentiated into two structures:

Use criteria. Buying criteria in which branch on the path in where a company has an
effect on real purchaser price through cutting down purchaser expense or raising purchaser
performance. Use may incorporate these kinds of aspects as product or service top quality,
product features.

Signalling criteria. Buying criteria which come through indicators connected with
benefit, or resources used by the purchaser to judge that of a suppliers actual importance can be.
Signalling considerations might incorporate components for instance advertising, the particular
charm involving features, in addition to popularity. (Porter, 2004).
Marketing Management

4.5 Types of purchasing situations:

Moreover, the business purchaser faces a lot of issue at the point when choices in making
purchases. Some decisions are dependent upon the purchasing situation complexity from the
difficulty staying sorted. Newness on the buying requirement, the amount of folks included, in
addition to time expected.
The list below show three forms of buying situations: the straight rebuy, modified rebuy and new
Straight rebuy. With a straight rebuy, the acquiring department reorders materials for example
office materials along with mass chemical on a routine schedule and decides via suppliers on the
accepted checklist. The suppliers make an attempt to keep item and administration quality and
frequently suggest programmed reordering methods to save lots of time. Out-suppliers make
an effort to present something brand-new as well as take advantage of dissatisfaction with
existing supplier. His or her objective will be to acquire a small purchase then increase the size of
their own purchase write about after some time. (Kotler & Keller, 2012).

Modified rebuy. The buyer in the modified rebuy desires to change merchandise features, rates,
distribution requirements, or even some other condition. That usually calls for more contributors
on both sides. The in-suppliers turn to be stressed and also wish to defend the particular
accounts. This out-suppliers observe to see a chance to propose a superior offer to get a few
business. (Kotler & Keller, 2012)
New task. The new-task customer purchases a product or service the first time. The more the
cost or risk, the bigger the volume of contributors, and also the greater their facts gathering-the
longer time for a conclusion. (Kotler & Keller, 2012)

Marketing Management


The Table below shows the sorts of mechanical purchasing choices and the participants
involvement within the activity:

Buying Situation
Straight Rebuy

Extent of effort
Habitual decision


Buyers involved
Automatic recorder

Modified Rebuy

Limited problem

Low to moderate

One or a few

New Task

Extensive problem




Source: (Solomon, 2004)

Identifying the significance a firm makes with the customer and the indicators of benefit utilized
by the buyer sits in determine the identification of true buyer. The procedure connected with
pinpointing the actual shopper usually advises new sizes connected with overall performance
which have been not necessarily right away obvious if the shopper is usually considered the
particular organization or maybe household. These may include such variables because
reputation, and the need to avoid particular chance in the buying decision simply by choosing a
well-known supplier. (Porter, 2004).
Risk in organizational procurement is divided into three elements: performance risk, social risk
and economic risk. Performance threat refers to danger that there is malfunction from the
product, or it does not accomplish what is supposed to. The chance is especially higher when
acquiring technically superior goods that purchasers are generally unfit to be expertly evaluating.
Social risk relates to others perceptions to as well as acceptance in the merchandise to get
acquired (Hebthrone & William, 1993) .


Marketing Management

The growth of cloud computing over the past two years is perhaps among the number one key
developments from the history innovative computing history. Nevertheless ,if cloud computing is
to accomplish it is probable, there has to be a particular comprehension of the many difficulties
entails, both equally through the views of the services and also the consumers of the technologies
by itself, there is an equally vital dependence on knowing the business-related difficulties
surrounding cloud computing (Marston & al,2010)
Incredible new customer come with new problems which get use to know are the differences
between consumer and retailer about cloud purchases. Initially of this examine the actual
variations between consumer buying and organisational buying behaviour are already revealed.
While cloud services such as Dropbox, SkyDrive and YouTube have been widely used for some
time now, it is not until somewhat lately of which organization get begun use cloud service to
meet IT needs.
On the other hand, it really is exciting to learn the real key elements in organizational cloud
service buying process. The goal for the evaluation between purchaser and merchant in this field
is essentially the belief that the actual providers usually are currently more used to purchaser
business than to offer associations.

5.1 Reasons to migrate into cloud based services

When picking the segments to learn from cloud service buying behaviour 360 BITS takes a close
proximity consider the typical reason to change from the regular community installs along with
tasks straight into cloud based on technologies.
The actual prospective good things about implementing cloud computing can be assessed from
both benefits of source managing points of views and financial savings. Small medium size
companies benefit from cloud service, because the small medium size companies turn save the
problem of maintain computer hardware, software fixes and patches, maintaining their network
in organization (Miller, 2008).

Marketing Management

5.1.1 Five major factors that influence Organization to purchase cloud solutions:
Costs. It doesnt require any huge upfront capital to use the cloud service, the organisation only
pays for the service as per use. The organization will save cost on administrators and other cost
relate red with having a whole network.
Fast implementation. Projects can take less hours and do not need long hours to complete
because the servers are scalable and based on usage. Any information can be retrieve anywhere
any time. There is no need to employ network and server administration before project can be
started or completed.
Data amount and data security. The quantity of information in the hard drive increases rapidly
on the other way round and the customers move their security and data responsibility involving
warehousing the growing amount data to a service provider.
Easy to use in addition to lower maintenance. This day customer prefer buying the cloud
services than to own it, because the organisation get to saved money on network problems and
other related issues associated with your own network. It also reduces the pressure on the I.T
department helping them to meet their project deadlines.
Mobility and globalization. The very nice benefit that cloud computing comes along is the
ability to access anywhere at any time with any device that can have access to the internet. The
flexibility is great and helps make decision very fast (Miller, 2008).

5.2 The Cloud Services Supply Models

Cloud facilities delivery channels can be generally categorized into three kinds: Software-as-aService (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). Every type
of service has its own abilities or what can be achieved depending on what the customer need
might be. The cloud types have one common benefits to the consumer, the consumer has nothing
to worry about the how the service is manage or the control underlying cloud infrastructure

Marketing Management

including servers ,networks ,storage ,operating system and the deployed applications. (Mell &
Grance, 2011).

5.3 The Cloud Service Providers view of organisation purchasing behaviour

An important characteristics within company choice by suppliers viewpoint are classified as the
Charge. The purchase price of the supplier still seems to have huge effect as well as the total
price involving control for the cost of ownership.
Status. In data innovation field the general supplier notoriety has any kind of effect.
Simplicity of directing business. Your provider preferences to stress this specific not merely
upon business amount but in addition throughout personal amount. The deals agent and the entire
group can have any kind of effect.
References. Likewise there is a big a distinction, should the supplier have trustworthy references
from comparative activities or administrations.
Over-all fit and pertinence. Yet, the administration itself ought to never be overlooked.
Regardless of the fact that the supplier passes all the past levels, the administration itself need to
fit in the interest.

5.4 Cloud service providers opinion to the diverse roles

Marketing Management

5.4.1 The subsequent table shows the diverse role and job titles:

CEO, Division Director
Manager, any end user
IT Manager, Server/Storage /Network Manager ,Head/Super User
Procurement Manager, Head/Super User
CFO, Division
CFO /Procurement/Purchasing Manager
Network Technician ,Server/Storage / Random IT/End-User Staffer

5.5 Cloud Service buyers view of the organisational procurement behaviour.

The most vital trait in supplier choice from purchasers viewpoint are the accompanying:
Dependability and security. The greatest paramount component from the purchaser's viewpoint
is the accessibility of the cloud provisions and likewise the reaction time in the flaw
Adaptability. This incorporates the activities of the administration supplier all in all additionally
the variability of the result itself, including case the permit condition. The other essential word
utilized here was justifiable, that is some administration suppliers are not capable or eager to
improve their condition enough for the entrepreneurs to have the capacity to make certain that
the agreement is not going to hazard their business operations.
Awareness of the business industry. The supplier ought to be acquainted with the line of
business the client is working. Should the supplier be new about the business rationales case
procuring the right requisition improvement is troublesome or even outlandish.
Critical solving skills and willingness towards improvements. Quit significant should the
service not meet the exact business necessities, the capacity to figure out suitable results with

Marketing Management

unmanageable adjustment is required. This ascribe is connected nearly to the information of


This study topic helps to get a better understanding of buying behaviour of the cloud service to
upgrade the understanding of distinctive parts in the buying process. In the accompanying we
distinguish the distinctive part in diverse stages and extend the understanding of the right
qualities in supplier choice. 360 BITS purchase cloud services from industry giants and resale it
to organisation like governmental institution, Banking instructions and mining companies. 360
BITS as a supplier of cloud service provider adapt organizational buying special needs and
procedures to help the organisation

Organizational buying is the decision-making process by which the organisation choose among
brands and suppliers. This process can be easy and some can be difficult depending what need to
be purchased. If the purchase needs to executives approval, this process of buying becomes very
complex. But with the GRC cloud software implementation in organization, executives can make
purchase fast without going through complex process to identify of the risk and mitigate them.
So this part of the study reflects how 360 BITS sells Business Objects GRC software as a service
(SaaS) for the industry giants like Microsoft Dynamics, SAP GRC, IBM OpenPages GRC and
Oracle Fusion. But only one application is sold to the organization depending on what the
organisational requirement.

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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

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