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Approval Sheet

Table of Contents
Approval Sheet

Table of Contents


List of Figures


CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................1
THE PROBLEM......................................................................................................1
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...............................................................3
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK....................................................................4
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY................................................................5
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS.........................................................................6
DEFINITION OF TERMS.............................................................................8
CHAPTER 2..........................................................................................................10
LITERATURE AND RELATED STUDIES............................................................10
CHAPTER 3..........................................................................................................14
RESEARCH DESIGN................................................................................14
RESEARCH SETTING..............................................................................15
RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION............................................................16
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................16
CHAPTER 4..........................................................................................................18


CHAPTER 5..........................................................................................................27
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................27
SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH.............................................................27
List of Appendices 37
Bibliography 47

List of Figures
Figure 1 An example of commercially made quadcopter......................2
Figure 2 Concept of Study........................................................................5
Figure 3 Suitable site for testing evaluation of Quadcopter...............15
Figure 4 Circuit Lay-out of Quadcopter.................................................18
Figure 5 E-Calculator specifications form............................................20
Figure 6 Ecalc Speedometers result......................................................21
Figure 7 Ecalc comprehensive output of the specifications..............22
Figure 8 Motor Characteristic at Full Throttle.......................................23
Figure 9 Back portion of prototype carrier...........................................24
Figure 10 Front portion of prototype carrier.........................................25
Figure 11 Quadcopter Autonomous Mission Plan...............................26

The Problem

Technology found around the world continues to move forward. Some of
the elements created from it, change the way we view things from that point on.
One of those inventions is the drones. Drones have been around since later part
of 1800s, they have been used in several times including during World War I and

World War II. The early ones were referred to us as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle /
Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
UAV (Unmanned or Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles) can generally be defined
as a device used or intended to be used for flight in the air that has no on- board
pilot [1], however, it does not imply that the overall system is free from human
intervention. These devices are sometimes referred to as drones, which are
programmed for autonomous flight, and remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), which
are flown remotely by a ground control operator [2]. The most popular personal
drone right now is the quadcopter, also called a quadrotor helicopter, which has
four engines that make lift vertical take-off through their propeller on each end

Figure 1 An example of commercially made quadcopter [3]

Out of four rotors two are rotating clockwise (CW) and others are rotating
counter clockwise (CCW), these use variation of RPM (revolution per minute) to
control lift and torque. Control of vehicle motion is achieved by altering the
rotation rate of one or more rotor discs, thereby changing its torque load and
thrust/lift characteristics. The front and the rear propellers rotate counterclockwise, while the left and the right ones turn clockwise.
Quadcopters are unmanned or uninhabited aerial vehicles, which are
widely being used in modern aerospace industry. Primarily enabled by
advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Automatic Control,
Robotics, Communications and Sensor Technologies. The wide area of operation
and high maneuverability makes quadcopter even more useful.

Quadcopters are used in geological survey, agricultural monitoring,

spying, traffic monitoring, shadowing enemy fleets, and reconnaissance under
security and law enforcement to name a few, however, theyre not limited to the
above specified practices. They are light in weight, maneuverable, easy to build,
easy to deploy, portable, and can be extended and optimized as per the specific
task. Extended in a way that they can be also used for commercial purposes, e.g.
delivery of food, goods, medicine supplies, parcels, etc.
The study will highlight the application of the quadcopter as a lifter that
can hoist a weight of to 1 kilogram object. To achieve this, the researchers will
determine the power to be needed by the motors to lift the specified weight
(object) in order to transport the object from source (point A) to destination (point
B) at a certain distance.


On time delivery of important light weight goods such as medicines,
parcel, etc. to a remote area such as hinder land is one of the concerns of people
that live in such area. With the new technology this concern is slowly addressed
using UAV. Though there are many kinds of UAV, the most widely used carrier
UAV is the quadcopter type.
In this study we propose to have a quadcopter capable of transporting a
specified weight of load, approximately one half to one kilogram. In the design of
such quadcopter the following questions need to be addressed: (1) How much

power will be needed for each motor to lift the object without fail? (2) What
mechanism will accomplish its object orientation?, (3) Will there be human
intervention during deployment?

The objective of this study is to construct a quadcopter and design a
circuit that will be the source of power of each motor in order to lift an object
weighing from the range of one half to one kilogram. To do this, the researchers
aims to do the following:

To design and implement a power source needed for the entire


flight in transporting an object from specified locations.

To design and implement a prototype carrier that is attached at the


base of the quadcopter.

To design and implement a control circuit that will control the flight
of quadcopter thru GPS.

Figure 2 shows the concept of the study. (a) Computing the materials capable of
carrying the specified load transporting from point A to point B. (b) Acquiring the
right materials and assembling the quadcopter and camera for visual monitoring
during the transfer. (c) The researchers use a laptop or cell phone for monitoring
and other uses that is required.

(a)Computing the specified components

(c) Monitoring system (cellphone or Laptop

(b) Assembling UAV system with camera

Figure 2 Concept of Study

The optimal results from conceptual design stage, play an extremely

important role to the next preliminary and detailed design stages.


The importance of this study is to provide aid using innovative ideas as a
key to much simpler and easy way to deal with transporting quadcopters. This
study also finds its importance to the following people.
To the user, it will minimize the burden of the volunteers to carry a 1
kilogram of load in transporting from one place to another, especially in

mountainous remote area that medical support is hardly possible to extend.

Moreover, this innovation of fast growing technology of drones capable of
transporting mass load would be a relief for those people who are eagerly
spreading care assistance to our people who scarcely notice by the government.
To the Electronics Engineering profession, this study will show the vital
role of having the knowledge of this course in building the UAV. The contribution
of the course specializes in designing the beam flight information to smartphones
or laptop with proper coordination between two digital devices over Wi-Fi
connection. Also, this will improve their knowledge and understanding that
making such drone is not that complex and also, this will encourage them into
innovating more brilliant ideas in the near future.
To the researchers, this study will help the students to understand the
concepts and use of microcontrollers and wireless communication in designing
and controlling a Quadcopter.


The scope of this study is to design, construct, and test the workability of
the determinants integrated to the quadcopter. It focused on the power
endurance of the motor and sub-system (mechanism) which will carry an object
to its point of destination. The study will be limited in the selection of technical
specifications such as the battery to be used, the motor and the propeller, and
the set-up of lifting mechanism.

The battery to be used for the power source would be Li-Po (Lithium
Polymer) batteries because they are light. NiMH (nickel Metal Hydride) is also
possible. They are cheaper, but heavier than Li-Po. Li-Po batteries also have a C
rating and a power rating in mAh (milliamps per hour). The C rating describes the
rate at which power can be drawn from the battery and the power rating
describes how much power the battery can supply. Larger batteries weigh more
so there is always a tradeoff between flight duration and total weight.
A quadcopter uses two clockwise (CW) and two counter-clockwise (CCW)
propellers. Propellers are classified by length and pitch. Generally, increased
propeller pitch and length will draw more current. Also, the pitch can be defined
as the travel distance of one single propeller rotation. In other words, higher pitch
means slower rotation, but will increase your vehicle speed which also uses more
power. It is always a good idea to carry as little weight as possible. Lightness is
very imperative to all flying machine because any excess weight could reduce
your battery life and maneuverability. Battery and weight are not the only factors
that are need to consider when it comes to efficiency, there is also motor
efficiency. To choose a motor we first need to know how much weight the payload
to be carried, and then to work out the thrust required to lift the quadcopter.
When choosing motors, apart from motor KV (kilovolts) and thrust, we also need
to look at its wattage and efficiency.
For target and object orientation, the researcher will integrate a GPS
(Global Positioning System) to the sub-system mechanism of the quadcopter.
Meanwhile, the carrier is attached at the base of the quadcopter, it requires a

person to put the item inside the carrier. Under any circumstances, safety comes
first. Upon arriving to its delivery point, the quadcopter will automatically drop the
load to avoid any possible accidents that the propellers may incur to the receiver
then the quadcopter returns home.
The ground pilot plays a vital role in testing the workability of the
determinants (power and mechanism) and performance of the quadcopter during
operation. The pilot on ground will be responsible to monitor the flight using
cellphone or laptop and maneuvers the quadcopter during its autonomous or
non-autonomous flight using controllers. Some applications implement an
autonomous flight mode, however the autonomy here is intended as a simple
path planning through several given points. In this study, the quadcopter followed
5 waypoints, these are the Home, the 2 spline waypoint (2 and 5), the target
location and the RTL (return to Launch/Home).
The ground pilot must be knowledgeable also about the path terrain of the
target location before utilizing the quadcopter in order to avoid any
unprecedented event during operation.

The following terms is given definitions for deeper understanding.


An act of freedom to change behavior separately direct, from

human control in response to unanticipated events during


A factor that controls or decides how something

will develop or what result it will have.

Lifting mechanisms.

It is the extended innovation of the drones, a

capability to transfer or carry a specific load from one place to the


A competence to move readily from one position to the other

while in motion.

It controls the swaying or oscillation of an aircraft or vehicle in a

regular rhythm around a horizontal axis perpendicular to the
direction of motion of up and down.

Reconnaissance surveys.

Denote a type of ground survey that is often

used to gather initial information regarding the presence or absence

of significant assets within a project.

Controls the tilting of quadcopter left and right. It also control the
speed of one motor increasingly and lowering the opposite one.



An instrument designed to offer a realistic imitation of the controls

and operation of a project, example an aircraft or other complex
system used for training purposes.


The propulsive force or move cause by an engine during regular



It controls the twisting or oscillation of an aircraft or vehicle in a

regular rhythm about a vertical axis. Controls by turning up the
speed of the regular rotating motors and taking away power from
the counter rotating.

Literature and Related Studies

This chapter tackles some literature of the components used in the study
as well as some established similar researches done about UAVs.
In the book, Design Considerations for Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles by Johan Meyer, Francois du Plessis and Willem Clarke [4]. The arena of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has for many years been dominated by the
defense industries. The reason for this can be attributed to the complexity and
cost of designing, constructing and operating of these vehicles. An additional
contributing factor is the legislative issues around operating an unmanned aircraft


in civilian airspace. However, in recent years advances in microelectronics

especially Micro Electronics Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and advanced
composite manufacturing techniques have placed the design and construction of
UAVs in the domain of the commercial civilian users. A number of commercial
UAV applications have emerged where the legislative requirements of operating
of a UAV in segregated airspace can be met UAVs are extremely well suited for
the dull, dirty and dangerous tasks encountered in performing surveying and
surveillance applications. For these tasks the primary design considerations in


design of the UAV would be the propulsion system, the guidance and control
system and the payload system.
Rapid present development of unmanned aerial vehicles is rather
unstructured. As specified in the book of Interpreting Development of Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles using System Thinking by Jelena osi, Petar urkovi, Josip
Kasa and Josip Stepani [5]. Starting from general systems theory formulation of
classification of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that properly groups diverse
produced unmanned aerial vehicles, along their currently unproduced, yet
possible types. First, the structure context of applications of UAVs using system
thinking. Secondly, dividing UAVs according to their function in environment:
transfer of mass, energy and information. Thirdly, dividing UAVs following with
exchanges between them and environment which do not perform UAVs main
predicted function like threat avoidance. Lastly, analyzing possible types of UAVs
and divide them, based on the configuration of their lift-creating component, on
their regulating programmers, and on the type of their power-plant.
From the book, Target Localization using Cooperative Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles by Ali Pirshayan, Hadi Seyedarabi, Siamak Haghipour [6]. Generating an
estimation of the target position in the testing environment. To get the
coordinates of the target in the test field, needing to have the coordination of UAV
in the environment plays significant role. This information can be obtained via the
localization sensors which are mounted on the UAV. Also a simulated inertial
measurement unit (IMU) mounted on each arm to obtain the rotational angles.


Powerful batteries are being developed that will greatly lengthen the drones flying
As stated in the research study, A Photovoltaic Cell-Lithium Battery Power
Management System for Smartphone based UAV by Engr. Lory Liza D. Bulayog, et al.[7], under the article Lithium-Polymer Battery. The main function of the
battery is to provide the required current and voltage to on-board avionics and
also to electric motor when its activation is required. Batteries are normally
comprised of two dissimilar metals serving by way of the anode and cathode
detached by an electrotype. Lithium-ion (Li-on) batteries have been the standard
chemistry used in military and consumer electronics. An improved version of
Lithium-ion called Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) over the Lithium-ion design include
flexibility to a extensive selection of packaging shape, reliability and ruggedness,
with the disadvantage of holding less charge. Lithium polymer batteries are fully
charged when each cell has a voltage of 4.0 V and fully discharged when each
cell has a voltage of 3.0 V.
In the implementation of Li-Po battery, it is required to apply a 4.2 V
source across each cell in the battery and limit the current to the C rating
(capacity rating) of the battery. This is referred to as a constant voltage, constant
current charging. When first connected to the batterys C (charge) rating. It is not
advisable to charge a battery with over four (4) Li-Po cells in series. The series
connecting of cells assumes that the cells in series are all identical in capacity
and state of charge. Connecting Li-Po batteries in series lead to cell drifting,
which poses serious dangers when charging. The solution is therefore to connect


all the Li-Po cells in parallel, which forces all the cells to the same state of
According to the developer and creator of Mission Planner by Michael
Osborne [8], Simulation allows for safe testing of experimental code and settings,
and can help the user to practice using the Ground Station without having to
leave the desk, where the planner is a ground control location for Quadcopter
plane, etc., Mission Planner can be used as a configuration tool or as a dynamic
control enhancement for your autonomous aircraft to stabilize the flight, example
by changing its codecs and settings, the desired Yaw, Pitch and Roll. Mission
Planner also provides information about the status of the quadcopter during
operation, it also register telemetry logs which contain much more statistics onboard autopilot logs when using Autonomous flight operation, viewing and
analyzing telemetry logs is possible.



To fully understand the design and implementation of the determinants, this

chapter shall discuss the research methods available for the study in which is
directed towards the mechanisms and power circuitry of the motor. Likewise, this
chapter presents the various procedures in identifying the sources needed
information on the analysis to design and construct the mechanisms and power
circuitry of the motor.
Thus, this part of the study will specify the research design, research
setting, research instrumentation and the methodology used as well as the
analysis of the gathered data.

This study uses an evaluative-experimental method of research.
Evaluative because the researcher evaluates the existing quadcopters and
determine its limitations such as material used, electrical specifications and
program used in the design of the proposed quadcopter. An experimental set-up
was made and tested to see if it function as designed. Innovations were made to
attain the stated objective.


Figure 3 Suitable site for testing evaluation of Quadcopter[9]

The design process of this study including the design for the power source
of the motor and the lifting mechanism of the quadcopter will be conducted at the
ECE laboratory of Liceo de Cagayan University. The researchers choose the
laboratory because of the work space.
While the site for the final flight test of the Quadcopter, will be conducted
in an open area somewhere in Liceo de Cagayan University vicinity, more likely
in front of the Engineering department SAC building. However, due to safety
concerns , the researcher had decided to change the location of the testing site
and evaluation of the quadcopter at the back of the Courtyard subdivision near
SM City, Upper Carmen. Where there are minimal people passing by the area,


free from obstacles and to avoid damage of property. The researcher also
consider the 10 feet distance from the quadcopter during operation. Figure 3
shows the suitable site for the testing (see also Appendix A for the real time site
of the evaluation)

The following equipments are used to test the study and will help the
researcher to achieve the objectives; (1) Laptop, used to gather data and
compute the ratio of motor and battery power. (2) simulation,the researcher will
be using the software Mission Planner in order to create a realistic imitation of
the quadcopter and its codes and setting without crashing the real one.
(3) Multi tester, used to measure the input voltage of the motors and the
continuity of the quadcopter. (4) Ecalc, an electronic calculator that will let the
user to gather data in different specifications keyed. (5) Mission Planner, an open
source software that will let the user to create a realistic imitation of the
quadcopter without crashing the prototype itself.(6) Battery Monitoring Status,
used to measure the electric charge left in the battery.


The following procedures is needed in order to achieve the desired output
of the UAV: (1) gathering of data and computations, (2) simulation, (3) acquisition
of material, (4) testing / troubleshooting.
1) Gathering of data and computations
Data must be gathered so that the components of the quadcopter will work
as the researcher want it. The researchers studied the flight basics of the
quadcopter such as pitch, lift, and roll, forward and backward motion. Also,
data must be gathered in order to achieve the desired power, motor,
propeller, frame, and the lifting mechanism the researcher will apply.
Computations is important in order to obtain the battery power and motor
that is required in order to carry a weight of to 1 kg. Also, the flight time
will be calculated. Thrust is acquired by the equation: Thrust =

( weight )2
; then the researcher will use the software Ecalc for further
no . of motors
2) Simulation
The researcher will be using the software Mission Planner in order to
create a realistic imitation of the quadcopter and its codes and setting
without crashing the real one.
3) Acquisition of Materials


The materials will be selected based on the data gathered and the
computation result.
4) Testing / Troubleshooting
.The transporting quadcopter will be tested in an open area, if it doesnt
meet the desired objectives then changes will occur in the quadcopter


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the provided gathered data and the researchers
analysis and interpretation of the test results conducted on the quadcopter. To do
this the following objectives were cited.

Objective 1: To design and implement a power source needed for the entire
flight in transporting an object from specified locations.

Figure 4 Circuit Lay-out of Quadcopter [10]


Figure 4 is the circuit lay out of quadcopter.(see Appendix B for sharper

figure) The power module connected to the battery was design and used to
distribute 5 V to APM (Ardupilot Mega) is the power controller. The APM was
connected to the four Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which controls the motor
individually. The battery directly powers the motors. The computation of power
needed for each motor to lift the object and deliver it to its target location will be
based on the thrust of each motor. Thrust is uded to overcome the drag of an
aircraft and to overcome the weight of a plane. When a system drive out or
accelerates mass in one direction, the accelerated mass will cause a force of
equal magnitude but opposite direction on that system. The force applied on a
surface in a direction perpendicular or normal to the surface is called thrust


. It

reperesents the amount needed to accelerate the lifting of 2 kilogram of mass

including the quadcopter itself at the percentage of 1 meter/second squared.
Thrust is acquired by the equation:

Thrust =

( weight )2
no . of motors

equation 1

Sizing of elements used in building and designing a quadcopter was done

through E-calculator. The result was shown in Figure 5 and corresponding
remarks are in Figures 6 and 7.


Figure 5 E-Calculator specifications form [12]

In Figure 5 shows the result of the computation made through ECalc,(see

Appendix C for sharper figure), like its type of battery to be used, the type of
controller, the type of motor and the type of propeller. These components are the
basic factors to consider in constructing and designing a quadcopter. Ecalc will
automatically provide certain output depending on the choices of the components
you have entered.


Figure 6 Ecalc Speedometers result [13]

Figure 6 shows the speedometer result .(see Appendix C for sharper

figure) Airspeed Indicator markings use a set of standardized colored bands and
lines on the face of the instrument, in this study we use the Laptop to check the
gauges of the quadcopter during flight. The green range is the normal range of
operating speeds for the quadcopter. The yellow range is the range in which the
quadcopter may be operated in smooth air and then only with caution to abrupt
control movement while the red range is the maximum demonstrated safe
airspeed that the quadcopter must not exceed under any circumstances.


Figure 7 Ecalc comprehensive output of the specifications [14]

The figure 7 shows the complete output of the entered requirements

based on the researchers desired specifications for the quadcopter(see Appendix
C for sharper figure). The result shows the related measurement and the
conditions of the battery and motor for the entire process.
Ecalc also added an information of the assembled quadcopter in multicopter
section, it shows the total payload of the quadcopter, the maximum tilt of the
propellers, the estimated rate of climb during take-off and the condition that the
rotor might fail. Green Check means the rotor will not fail with the efficiency rate
of 83.3%.


Figure 8 Motor Characteristic at Full Throttle [15]

In Figure 8 shows the diagram data of the quadcopter based on the data
of Motor at Full throttle.(see Appendix C for sharper figure and Appendix D for the
graphs during the actual testing) It shows the full thrust parameters with
increasing current which is the orange color with marked maximum values of
17.96 (4870 rpm) in violet color and an efficiency rate of 73.9 %. The estimated
motor case (green color) will turn red as soon as it goes over 80 degrees Celsius.
Note that Higher Motor Case temperature can result permanent damage to the
quadcopter. In this graph, Ecalc uses a Dynamometers test, the theory is to
calculate and match power transfer at different points on a medium, thus letting
the engine or drivetrain to be adjusted to acquire more efficient power transfer


An inertia dynamometer provides a fixed inertia mass load, calculates the power


required to accelerate that fixed and known mass, and uses a computer to record
RPM and acceleration rate to calculate torque. The engine is generally tested
from somewhat above idle or hover mode to its maximum RPM and the output is
measured on a graph [17]
Objective 2: To design and implement a prototype carrier that is attached at
the base of the quadcopter and capable of handling up to one kilogram
In this manner, the reseach started to build and design the quadcopter and its
carrier prototype which was organized in Liceo de Cagayan University at the
ECE Laboratory for assembling of all the components of the quadcopter.(see
Appendix D for additional figures during assembling of the quadcopter)

Figure 9 Back portion of prototype carrier


Figure 10 Front portion of prototype carrier

The prototype carrier is made of plastic and a wooden flatform to handle

the load or object during its operation and an automated servo is attached to a
hook and automatically release the load. A servo is a small gadget that has an
output shaft. This shaft can be placed to specific angular spots by sending the
servo a coded signal. As long as the coded signal subsists on the input line, the
servo will uphold the angular spot of the shaft. As the coded signal changes, the
angular spot of the shaft correspondingly changes


.The carrier specifications

are as follows: 145 cm Width x 75 cm Height x 185 cm Length.


Objective 3: to design and implement a control circuit that will control the
flight of quadcopter thru GPS.
In order to accomplish the pre-planned task for the quadcopter, the researcher
used a software to address the coordinates or waypoints through GPS (Global
Positioning System) as shown in Figure 9.
It shows the distance and time travelled by the quadcopter of 340.8
meters and approximately 20 minutes mixed flight from home to the target

Figure 11 Quadcopter Autonomous Mission Plan [19]


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

Drone-based delivery of goods may possibly turn into a reality in the near future,
as witnessed by the increasing successful experiences in both research and
commercial fields.
This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and
recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter. Included
in this summary are a review of the (1) statement of the problem, (2) objectives of
the study, (3) the methods of the research employed, and (4) results. Conclusion
and Recommendations for further research and possible studies determine this


In this study, a prototype system exploiting to build a quadcopter drone for
delivering products is proposed. Some limitations have been identified. The
advantages of the quadcopter as a transporter like the one described in this
paper are mainly the highlights of the study and to the possibility to make
deliveries in


areas usually difficult to be reached, and to the drone's ability to autonomously

carry out consignments
practical use case, in which the proposed project is used for delivering
drugs (an application in which the need to quickly receive the goods might be
particularly important).To attain this, the researcher will determine the needed
power for each motor to lift the desired object weighing to 1 kilogram by
gathering data through various computations using an electronic calculator
software designed for UAVs like quadcopter. Target recognition and position
estimation is the most important phase in mission planning aided by the GPS. In
this phase, the quadcopter recognize the location, and estimate their relative
position. A sensor is mounted on the quadcopter to obtain the information of the
coordinates of the target in the test field. Also a simulated inertial measurement
unit (IMU) mounted on each arm to obtain the rotational angles [6]. Furthermore,
this study discussed the participation of human during deployment of the object.
The literature study was done in Chapter 2 on the researched conducted
on the importance of the primary design considerations of the UAV, these are: the
propulsion system, the guidance and control system and the payload system.
The control of the system thinking to avoid threat during operation and the
capability of the quadcopter to generate an estimation of the target position in the
testing environment was also discussed. The importance of power management
of the battery that determines the performance of the quadcopter during its
operation according to its task, were discussed.


Meanwhile, the researcher proposed the objective of designing a power

circuitry for each motor in order to carry the object and deliver it to its target
location was discussed. As mentioned previously in this study, the researcher
aims to design and implement a power source, a prototype carrier and a control
circuit that could accomplish the focus of the study which is to build a quadcopter
that can transport object from one place to another.
The research approach used in this study was an evaluative-experiment
research approach. The researcher conducted an evaluation of the components
and the existing elements to create a prototype based on the gathered desired
specification as shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7.
The testing site was conducted in an open field. The instruments and the
methods used in constructing and designing of the Quadcopter were discussed
in Chapter 3.
After the Final Defense of this study dated 16 February 2016 at the
Engineerings Conference Room, one of the panel member cited an example:
When I dropped by in City Health beside the former Hall of Justice in the
city (Cagayan de Oro City), I saw a fainting young man with his family
patiently waiting to be attended by the staff of the said center, I asked
them what happened and they answered me, he was bitten by someone
at their place in Claveria. Then I rush to get some help from the staff .


Engr. Lory Liza d. Bulayog

Now imagine the scenario. Imagine how inconvenient for the patient and
to his family to travel miles to get a vaccine for anti-rabies, whereas, we could
deliver the medicine right to their place using a drone, a quadcopter specifically.
Sounds great though, but at this time there are just a small number of the
existing issues that an idea of drone delivery has to robustly solve, before the
rural or urban drone delivery on a commercial or industrial scale will work: First
we have the battery / power issues, in order to lift a one half to one kilogram
payload for approximately 20 minutes with redundancy, you need big motors with
big propellers because drones flight time are limited only depending on the
choice of battery/ power you are using, in this study, we decided to use Li-Po
battery, since it is the most widely used battery for lifter drones. Second, the
object orientation, drones are using GPS (Global Positioning system) might it be
differential or not, have no trouble navigating around open areas or landing in
fields. Were probably dealing with an accuracy, especially when there are
obstacles like trees all over the place. And then once the drone gets to where its
going, and Lastly, human intervention, which brings us safety issues to the
receiver, even small motors with small propellers hurt, and big motors with big
propellers can likely cause significant injury, this is why the amount of interaction
between the drones and humans is intended to be minimal, but these things are
autonomously delivering packages at high level while fully powered. And this
doesnt even get into what happens if one of these things actually crashes for


whatever reason, which they almost certainly happen from time to time, if for no
other reason than weather is unpredictable. All over again, prevention is better
than cure, its very dangerous letting someone come near the drone to get the
Several studies and research programs are in progress about the point to
point delivery of important stuff like medicine using drones in situations where
drones are the only delivery method that make the most sense or possible. Our
hope though is that the important kind of drone delivery, the kind that involves
medicines and hard to reach and seems technologically feasible becomes more
of a focus and gets put into practice where its needed and as soon as workable.

For the moment that this phase of the research had reached its station. To
be honest this research is very broad and is very far from perfection. Then yet
again, research in knowledge is a continuing process, it will never end.
The following recommendations are offered for related research in this
field of technology for future study.
1. Given the changing nature of technology, a series of longitudinal studies
based on this model, improving its design and power circuitry of the
quadcopter making it a hexacopter may possibly surpass the capability of the
motor to lift an object weighing more than one kilogram.


2. While the existing drone is able to capture data images during flight using a
camera attached somewhere in drones frame, the certainty that the load have
already depart or dropped from the carrier, is a question that needs to
address, with this the need for an indicator connecting to the ground controller
operator that the load was successfully delivered to its specified target is
significant for both party.
3. Accidents and weather changes is inevitable to all operation in land, water
and air. In addition for more improvement of the quadcopter, it is advised to
safe proof the load during flight. The prototype and its carrier must be
remodeled into more durable and sensible material.



Drones are expensive aircraft. In order to maintain the performance of it,
maintenance are necessary. This document shall provide best practices and
procedures for the safe operation of UAV in all of the environment. Further, use
your best judgment and err to the side of safety.
Pilot in Command

The pilot must be familiar about the operations of the aircraft.

Must have expertise in mission planning and preflight measures.
Must have a skill in repair during unprecedented situation.

The quadcopter team should educate there spectators to keep distant of
at least 3 feet near the drone.
1. The components integrated into the quadcopter should be always
tested before and after the flight.
2. Conduct a test before take-off to ensure that all components are in
good condition to sustain the intended payload and mission task


Pre-flight and Take-off Procedure

The airframe shall be given a thorough inspection, such as:
1. Verify all transmitter, on-board component and camera batteries are fully
2. Check all control surfaces for signs of damage, loose hinges, and overall
3. Check the wing to make sure it is in good structural condition and properly
secured and aligned to the airframe.
4. Check the motor/engine and mounting system to make sure it is firmly
attached to the airframe.
5. Check the propeller or rotor blades for chips, cracks, looseness and any
6. Check the landing gear (if applicable) for damage, for secure attachment.
7. Check that the servos are firmly attached to the airframe and all receiver
connections are secure.
8. Check all electrical connections making sure they are plugged in and
secured to the airframe.
9. Repair or replace any part found to be un-airworthy in the pre-flight prior
to takeoff.

Flight Control/Ground station

1. Keep distant during take-off into the quadcopter.


2. Turn on the transmitter. If it displays information such as aircraft

memory and battery voltage, be sure these numbers are correct.
3. Make sure that the throttle stick on the transmitter is in the power off
4. Check that all servos are steady and not chattering or making any other
abnormal noise when in operation or idle.
5. Check the motor/engine for proper operation. Firmly secure the aircraft
and gradually increase the throttle to full power and back down to idle checking for lack of thrust, vibration or other possible anomalies. Check
that the motor stops completely when the throttle stick is at the off
Before Take Off:
1. Confirm transmitter antenna is fully extended.
2. Confirm transmitter trims settings in proper position.
3. Confirm receiver antenna is fully extended.
4. Check that the take-off area is clear of obstructions and people.
5. Double check weather conditions and review potential emergency
landing areas.
8. Launch aircraft.


1. Keep aircraft at a safe operating distance from people and buildings.

2. Continually scan the flight and ground areas for potential hazards.
1. Scan landing area for potential obstruction hazards and recheck
2. Always be prepared to go around.
3. Carefully land the aircraft away from obstructions and people


After aircraft recovery, examine the quadcopter, if it reveals damage do repairs or

replace unnecessary components to maintain the performance of the quadcopter.
Never reuse a damage material, it might cost you the whole thing.


List of Appendices

Actual site of Testing and Evaluation of the quadcopter.40


Circuitry Lay-out of the


Ecalc result for the desired


Actual graph during Testing and Evaluation of the quadcopter









Roll and Pitch attitude control during test flight

Battery issues during test flight


Battery issues with noise and thrustout

Mechanical failure-Auto and Stab


Completion of Land /task




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