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Green Engineering and Boiler Design

Elective Class 2

Prepared by: Engr. Rugi Vicente C. Rubi


Short Quiz for week 2-3

Essay Test: (10 points each)

How do we know the energy is there? (Answer: We can see it, feel it, hear it, etc.)

Ask students to describe where this energy comes from. (Answer: ultimately all of it
comes from natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), but it is often moved
(transferred) and changed (transformed) in the process. You may want to give an
example here like coal being mined from the earth, sent to power plants where it is
burned to produce steam. The steam turns a turbine and produces electricity that is
sent to our houses via power lines, and used in our electrical items like a
refrigerator. Or how solar energy is used by plants to create food so they can grow
and then we, in turn, use the plants as food to provide energy for our bodies.)

Ask students to describe where they get their energy. (Answer: from food) Ask them
to describe what might happen if suddenly there was no more food. (Note: this is a
stretch for some because generally food is considered a renewable resource and
because the food supply often seems unlimited to people in the U.S.). What would
they do? (Answer: Become hungry, eventually starve, engineer some new source of
nutrients, etc.) How would they feel? (Answer: Hungry, sad, scared, motivated to find
a way to survive, etc.)

What if there was only a tiny bit of food? How would it get distributed? Who would
decide? What are some other consequences? (Answer: equal world-wide distribution,
war, the rich get it, others die, new source of nutrients discovered/engineered, etc.)

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