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Solve the puzzles. All of them are idiomatic expressions.

1. THE +



2. BE +

+ OVER +



3. LISTEN + WITH + 0,5 + AN +


4. A +

+ 2 +

+ ON




Match the above body idioms with their definitions. Put numbers 1 - 5 next
to each definition.

_______ - to be passionately in love with somebody.

_______ - someone who gives you sympathy when you are sad.
_______ - still feel and behave like a young person.
_______ - a person or thing that is very precious or much loved.
_______ - to listen to something without giving it all your attention.


What do the underlined idioms mean? Finish the sentences.

1. If you sit on your hands, it means that you

2. My sister has a sweet tooth, which means she .

3. You should get this problem off your chest. In other words you should ...

4. If you see eye to eye with somebody, it means that ....................................


Complete the sentences with the names of the parts of the body listed
below. There is one extra word.









1. Good luck in your exam! Ill keep my .................................. crossed.

2. The red dress is gorgeous but it costs an . and a .. .
3. This chocolate cake smells delicious. It makes my ... water.
4. Shall we dance? Sorry, Id rather not. I have two left
5. If you call someone a pain in the it means that you think
he or she is very irritating or annoying.
6. Of course Im listening! I want to know every detail. I'm all .!
7. It was difficult for me not to react; I had to bite my .. .
8. He knows this town like the back of his . He grew up there.
9. He was caught stealing. Now he has to .. the music!


Change the underlined fragments of sentences into idiomatic expressions.

Use the words from the brackets.

1. I cant understand it .
(head / tail)
2. You paid far too much for this watch.
3. Teresa was kidding Tom that hed won the lottery.
. (leg)

Good Luck!

Ex. I.
1. the apple of your eye
2. be head over heels in love
3. listen with half an ear
4. a shoulder to cry on
5. be young at heart
Ex. II.
___ 2 ____ - to be passionately in love with somebody.
___ 4 ____ - someone who gives you sympathy when you are sad.
___ 5 ____ - still feel and behave like a young person.
___ 1 ____ - a person or thing that is very precious or much loved.
___ 3 ___ - to listen to something without giving it all your attention.
Ex. III.
1. If you sit on your hands, it means that you do nothing about a problem or a situation.
2. My sister has a sweet tooth, which means she likes sweets very much.
3. You should get this problem off your chest. In other words you should say what you have
wanted to say for a long time and feel better because you have done this.
4. If you see eye to eye with somebody, it means that you agree with somebody.
Ex. IV.


Arm / leg

Ex. V.
1. I cant make head or tail of it.
2. You paid through the nose for this watch.
3. Teresa was pulling Toms leg that he had won the lottery.

1. a pain in the neck - someone very annoying or disturbing

2. to pay through the nose for sth - to pay for sth too much
3. to see eye to eye with sb to agree with somebody
4. to cost an arm and a leg to be extremely expensive
5. to bite ones head off - to shout at somebody in a very disturbing way
6. pull sbs leg If you pull somebody's leg, you tease them by telling them
something that is not true.
7. have two left feet be clumsy and awkward in movements
8. to have a sweet tooth to like sweets very much
9. a shoulder to cry on someone who gives you sympathy when you are sad
10. to be all ears to listen very attentively
11. the apple of sbs eye a person or thing that is very precious or much
12. cant make head or tail of something If you can't make head or tail of
something, you can't understand it at all.
13. sit on your hands to do nothing about a problem or a situation
14. have sth on the tip of sbs tongue To say that a word or an answer is on
the tip of your tongue means that you're sure you know it but have
difficulty finding it.
15. to be head over heels in love to be passionately in love with somebody
16. to listen with half an ear to listen to something without giving it all your

17. get sth off your chest say sth that you have wanted to say for a long
time and feel better because you have done this
18. to bite ones tongue not to say what you really think or feel
19. make ones mouth water Food can make your mouth water when it looks
and smells extremely good.
20. to be young at heart still feel and behave like a young person
21. to face the music - If you have to face the music, you have to accept
the unpleasant consequences of your actions.
22. to put ones feet up to sit down and relax
23. keep your fingers crossed - If you keep your fingers crossed, you hope
that something will be successful.
24. know sth like the back of one's hand - If you know something like the
back of your hand, you are very familiar with it and know it in detail.

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