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Security K

Security is psychological before its political the affs

ignorance of their contribution to the threats of the 1AC
absolves them of responsibility in creating the problem in
the first place.
Mack 91 (John, Doctor of Psychiatry and a professor at Harvard University, The Enemy System Note: We do not endorse offensive
language, card is gender modified)

The threat of nuclear annihilation has stimulated us to try to understand what it

as soon as it was already built, then we would have war.

Their identification of external threats is an attempt to

cohere the self in opposition to the demonized enemy
this psychic reconfiguration justifies violence.
Hollander 3 (Nancy; professor of Latin American history and women's studies at California State
University Dominguez Hills and psychoanalyst; "A Psychoanalytic Perspective on the Politics of Terror: In
the Aftermath of 9/11"
In this sense, then, 9-11 has symbolically constituted a relief in
believes that such denial only increases reliance on projective mechanisms and stimulates paranoia.

The alternative is psychoanalysis vote negative to

interrogate the 1ACs enemy creation. Reformulating
discourse of the other is crucial to developing empathy.
Byles 3 (Joanna, Professor of English in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
University of Cyprus, Psychoanalysis and War: The Superego and Projective Identification,
War tramples in blind fury on all that comes in its way, as though

a state of mind and, most importantly, a way of thinking.

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