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The Bidder, at his own responsibility and risk is to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and
obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as
mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender, before submitting offer with full satisfaction, the cost of visiting the site
shall be at his own expense.
The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be the outcome of the present invitation of Bids,
no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department. The Department reserves the right to accept or reject
any offer without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have been incurred by
any Tenderer at the stage of Bidding.
Prospective bidders are advised to note carefully the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned in the NIT.


Conditional / Incomplete tender will not be accepted under any circumstances.


The intending vendors are required to quote the rate online.



During scrutiny, if it comes to the notice of the tender inviting authority that the credential or any other paper found
incorrect / manufactured / fabricated, that bidder would not be allowed to participate in the tender and that
application will be rejected without any prejudice.
The Department reserves the right to cancel the N.I.T. due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect
will be entertained.
General Conditions of Contracts will be as per the attached file.


Performance Bond/Security Deposit



(i) As a Contract Security the Successful bidder shall have to furnish performance Bond in the form of Bank Guarantee
amounting to 10% (Ten Percent) of the contract price (to be mentioned in the LOI/Order) to guarantee the faithful
performance and security of the contract in accordance with all the conditions and terms stipulated herein and the
relevant format attached. Performance Bond will also have the guarantee for successful and satisfactory performance
of the survey work under the contract till the expiry of the Defect liability period.
(ii) The performance guarantee is to be submitted to the Controlling Officer of the work immediately on receipt of the


The successful bidder will have to submit the following as per the enclosed Annexure :Bank Guarantee for Contract Performance (ii) Extension of Bank Guarantee (if any) (iii) Indemnity Bond
General guidance for e-Tendering:
Instructions / Guidelines for electronic submission of the tenders have been furnished for assisting the contractors to
participate in e-Tendering.
Registration of Contractor:
Any contractor willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with the
Government e-Procurement System, through logging on to (the web portal) the
contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering site as given on the web portal.

ii) Digital Signature certificate (DSC):


Each contractor is required to obtain a Class-II or Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission
of tenders from the approved service provider of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) on payment of requisite
amount. Details are available at the Web Site stated in above. DSC is given as a USB e-Token.
b) The contractor can search & download N.I.T. & Tender Document(s) electronically from computer once he logs
on to the website using the Digital Signature Certificate. This is the only mode of collection of Tender
c) Submission of Tenders:
Tenders are to be submitted through online to the website in two folders at a time, one in Technical Proposal &
the other is Financial Proposal before the prescribed date & time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
The documents are to be uploaded virus scanned copy duly Digitally Signed. The documents will get encrypted
(transformed into non readable formats).

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Technical Proposal:
The Technical proposal should contain scanned copies of the following in two covers (folders).
(a) Statutory Cover Containing the following documents:
1) Demand Draft towards cost of tender fee as prescribed in the N.I.T in favour of the WBSEDCL payable at
2) Demand Draft towards Bid Security as prescribed in the N.I.T in favour of the WBSEDCL payable at Kolkata.
3) The rate will be quoted in the B.O.Q. Quoted rate will be encrypted in the B.O.Q under Financial Bid.
4) General condition of contract & Detail scope of work.
(b) Non-statutory Cover Containing the following documents:

Professional Tax (PT) deposit receipt challan for the financial year 2014-15, Pan Card, VAT Registration
Certificate, EPF Registration Certificate, Service Tax Registration Certificate/ Self declaration for small service
b) Job Credential.
c) Profit and Loss Accounts & Balance Sheets and Auditors Reports etc. for the Financial Years : 2012-2013,
2013-2014 & 2014-2015.
d) Adequacy of working capital and access to line (s) of credit and availability of other financial resources from
Scheduled Bank.

N.B.: Failure of submission of any of the above mentioned documents as stated above will render the tenderer
liable to be rejected for both statutory & non statutory cover.
Click the check boxes beside the necessary documents in the My Document list and then click the tabSubmit Non
Statutory Documents to send the selected documents to Non-Statutory folder.
Next Click the tab Click to Encrypt and upload and then click the Technical Folder to upload the Technical

Category Name

Sub-Category Description






Company Detail(s)

Company Detail


Credential 1
Credential 2


Financial certificates

Profit & loss A/C as per auditors report,

Adequacy of working capital and access to line (s) of
credit and availability of other financial resources from
Scheduled Bank. etc.

Opening of Technical Proposal:

Technical proposals will be opened by the Departmental Officials electronically from the website using their
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
a) Intending tenderers may remain present if they so desire.
b) Cover (folder) for Statutory Documents will be opened first and if found in order, cover (folder) for Non-Statutory
Documents will be opened. If there is any deficiency in the Statutory Documents the tender will summarily be
c) Summary list of technically qualified tenderers will be uploaded online.
d) Pursuant to scrutiny & decision of the Department the summary list of eligible tenderers will be uploaded in the
web portals.

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Financial Proposal:
The financial proposal should contain the following documents in one cover (folder) i.e. Bill of Quantities (BOQ).
The contractor is to quote the rate online in the space marked for quoting rate in the BOQ.
Only downloaded copies of the above documents are to be uploaded virus scanned & Digitally Signed by the
Financial capacity of a bidder will be judged on the basis of information furnished by the bidder
Penalty for suppression / distortion of facts:
If any tenderer fails to produce the original hard copies of the documents like Completion Certificates and any other
documents on demand of the Department within a specified time frame or if any deviation is detected in the hard
copies from the uploaded soft copies, it may be treated as submission of false documents by the tenderer and action
may be referred to the appropriate authority for prosecution as per relevant IT Act.

Rejection of Bid:

Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to cancel the Bidding processes and reject all Bids at
any time prior to the award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders
or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the ground for Employers action.


Award of Contract

The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified by the Tender Inviting & Accepting Authority through
acceptance letter / Letter of Acceptance.

b) The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.


The Agreement as per enclosed format in G.C.C. will incorporate all agreements between the Tender Accepting
Authority and the successful bidder. All the tender documents including N.I.T. & B.O.Q. will be the part of the
contract documents. After receipt of Letter of Acceptance, the successful bidder shall have to submit requisite
copies of contract documents stated in N.I.T. of the concerned work within time limit to be set in the letter of



12.1 If the prospective Bidder finds discrepancies or omissions in the specifications and documents or is in doubt as
to the true meaning of any part, he shall at once make a request, in writing, for an interpretation /clarification, to
the Owner in triplicate one day before pre-bid discussion. The Owner then will issue interpretation/clarification
as he may think fit in writing. After receipt of such interpretation and clarification, the Bidder may submit his
Bid but within the time and date as specified in the Invitation for Bids. All such interpretations and
clarifications shall form a part of the Bidding Documents and shall accompany the Bidders proposal. The
Owner will respond in writing to any request for such clarification of the Bidding Documents. Written copies
of the Owners response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying its source will be sent to
all other prospective bidders who received the Bidding Document.

If the prospective Bidder finds discrepancies or omissions in the specifications and documents or is in doubt as
to the true meaning of any part, he shall at once make a request, in writing, for an interpretation /clarification, to
the Owner in triplicate one day before pre-bid discussion. The Owner then will issue interpretation/clarification
as he may think fit in writing. After receipt of such interpretation and clarification, the Bidder may submit his
Bid but within the time and date as specified in the Invitation for Bids. All such interpretations and
clarifications shall form a part of the Bidding Documents and shall accompany the Bidders proposal. The
Owner will respond in writing to any request for such clarification of the Bidding Documents. Written copies of
the Owners response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying its source will be sent to all
other prospective bidders who received the Bidding Document.


12.3.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the Owner may modify the bidding documents by issuing addenda.

Any addendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents and shall be communicated in writing or by
cable / fax / e-mail to all the purchasers of the bidding documents. Prospective bidders shall acknowledge
receipt of each addendum by cable / fax / e-mail to the Owner.

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To give prospective bidder reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing their bids,
the Owner shall extend as necessary the deadline for submission of bids.




All documents relating to the bid shall be in the English language.


The Bidder shall quote in the appropriate schedule of the Bid Form, item wise firm price in Indian Currency
i.e in Rupees only for the entire scope of work(covered under the Biding Documents).




As regards the Income Tax surcharge on Income Tax and other corporate taxes, the bidder shall be responsible
for such payment to the concerned authorities. If such taxes are required statutorily to be deducted at source,
the owner shall be entitled to deduct the same.


Applicable rates for Service Tax etc. shall be as per prevailing. The rates quoted by the bidders shall be
considered for evaluation purpose. In case, the rates quoted by the bidder are higher than the prevailing rates,
the prevailing rate shall be considered as the rates at the time of awarding the contract to the L1 bidder. The
rates shall be specifically indicated on the Price Schedule.


Statutory Variation: Statutory variation, if any declared by the Govt. or any statutory authority would be
considered while executing the contract. If there is any increase/decrease in the taxes & duties, that should be
applicable/ considered for payment purpose. However, if any, new Tax, Levies etc. are imposed/ introduced
subsequently by the Government, that shall be fully on your account and that will be borne by you and
WBSEDCL will not bear any extra cost for it.


The Contractor should take Third Party Insurance cover and Workmens Compensation Insurance cover of
the adequate value.




All prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian Rupees.




The completion time would be 2(Two) months from the date of handing over the site.


The basic consideration and the essence of the contract shall be strict adherence to the time schedule for
performing the specified works.


The Owner reserves the right to request for a change in the work schedule during post-bid discussion with
successful bidder.




Bids shall remain valid for a period 120(one hundred twenty) days after the deadline date of opening of
financial bid. Bidder shall have to extend the bid validity beyond the above stipulation, if required, on demand
by WBSEDCL. In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the WBSEDCL may
request that the bidders may extend the period of validity for a specified additional period.



The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, a bid guarantee for an amount as specified in the tender notice. The
bid guarantee/ security shall have to be valid for 30 (thirty) days beyond the bid validity date. If any further
extension of the bid guarantee is required the same shall be extended to such required period on receiving
demand from the owner.


The bid guarantee is required to protect the Owner against the risk of bidders conduct, which would warrant
the guarantee forfeiture pursuant to Para 19.6. The bid guarantee shall be made payable to the Owner without
any conditions, whatsoever.


The bid guarantee shall be denominated in Indian rupees only and shall be in the form of Demand draft issued
by a Schedule Commercial Bank in favour of West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.,
West Bengal, payable at Kolkata.


Bid guarantee of the unsuccessful bidders will be discharged / returned as promptly as possible after placement
of order, but not later than 60 days after the expiration of the period of bid validity as prescribed by the Owner.


Bid guarantee of the successful Bidder will be discharged upon the Bidders furnishing the performance

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The bid guarantee may be forfeited:


If the Bidder withdraws the Bid during the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the bid form; or
In case of a successful Bidder if the bidder fails:
to sign the contract; or
to furnish the performance guarantee.
The bid guarantee shall be submitted in separate envelope in original to this office before bid opening. Any Bid
not accompanied by the required bid guarantee in accordance with provision of this clause will be rejected by
the Owner and shall not be opened.


No interest shall be payable by the Owner on the above bid guarantee.




Bids must be received by the Owner at the address specified above not later than the specified hours and date as
stated in NIT.


The owner may extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an amendment in accordance with
Schedule of Bid activities vide cl. no. 2 of NIT through display in web portal or suitable written
communication, in which case all rights and obligations of the owner and the bidder previously subject to the
original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline.




No Bid will be received after the Dead Line for submission of Bids.




Bidders may modify or withdraw their bids by giving notice in writing before the deadline of prescribed bid


No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of Bids.




The Owner will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors
have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly
signed and whether the Bids are generally in order.


Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis:

If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price
and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between
words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors as
above, his bid will be rejected and the amount of Bid guarantee will be forfeited.
The Bidder should ensure that the prices furnished in various Price Schedules are consistent with each other. In
the case of any inconsistency in the prices furnished in the specified price schedules as identified in Bid Form or
for items not quoted, the Owner shall be entitled to consider the highest unit price of that item as quoted by any
of the bidders in the package for the purpose of evaluation. For the purpose of award of the Contract the lowest
of the lump sum prices in these schedules will be considered.




Tender fee & Bid Guarantee will be examined; any deviation in conformity of the terms of NIT with the
requirement, the bid will be liable for rejection without opening of any further documents of the bidder.
Techno-Commercial evaluation of the bidder as per terms of NIT (Must conditions) will be examined; any
deviation in conformity of the terms of NIT with the requirement, the bid will be liable for rejection
On examination of the documents submitted under different folders in web portal, WBSEDCL will evaluate and
compare the bids, determined to be substantially responsive at each step.
Financial Bid of the Techno-Commercially qualified bidders only will be considered for opening.
Evaluated bid prices of all the responsive & eligible/ Techno-Commercially qualified bidders shall be compared
among themselves to determine the lowest evaluated Bid and, as a result of this comparison; the lowest Bid will
be selected for award of the Contract.
The bids shall be evaluated on the basis of total price for the entire scope of work.
Conditional rebate, if any, offered by any bidder shall not be considered in bid evaluation.



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Notwithstanding, the Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to cancel the Bidding process and
reject all Bids, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Owners




Owner expects that Bidders/Suppliers/Contractors observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement
and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Owner:

Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows :


Corrupt Practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the
action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution, and


Fraudulent Practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or

the execution of a contract to the determent of the Owner, and includes collusive practice among Bidders
(prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to
deprive the Owner of the benefits of free and open competition.


Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.


Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, if Owner any time
determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing
the Contract.

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Any Tenderers willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with the
Government e-Procurement System, through logging on to (the web portal) the
contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering site as given on the web portal.

2. The tenderers will have to quote their rates in Indian Rupees in the enclosed SOW.
2.1 Prices indicated in the schedule of prices deemed to include all the Levies/Duties/Taxes/Cess & all other
incidentals payable as per statute. Relevant Service Tax rule is applicable for the work. The survey cost is
exclusive of Service Tax. It will be paid to the appropriate authority/agency as per prevailing rates and rules in

WBSEDCL, who do not bind itself to accept the lowest tender, reserves the right to accept or reject any bid
and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or
bidders the reason for WBSEDCLs action.

4. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by
the contractors, who resort to canvassing, will be liable to rejection.
5. The tender shall remain valid for a period of 120 (One hundred and twenty) days after
the date of bid opening of financial bid of the tender.

Tender fee & Bid Security as per Notice Inviting Tender should be submitted with the tender in the form of
Demand Draft drawn in favour of West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited, payable at
Kokata from any schedule bank of India, without which tender will not be considered.


Performance Bond/Security Deposit:

The successful contractor shall within 7(seven) days of receipt of LOI/order submit his unconditional
acceptance in writing failing which the Department shall have the right to terminate the LOI/Order as per rule
and earnest money, submitted along with the tender will be forfeited.
As a contract security the successful bidder shall have to furnish performance Bond in the form of Bank
Guarantee amounting to 10% (Ten Percent) of the contract price (to be mentioned in the LOI/Order) to
guarantee the faithful performance and security of the contract in accordance with all the conditions and terms
stipulated herein and the relevant format attached. Performance Bond will also have the guarantee for
successful and satisfactory performance of the materials supplied under the contract till the expiry of the
guarantee period as stated herein before. The performance guarantee is to be submitted to the Controlling
Officer of the work within 7(seven) days from the date of receipt of the order/ LOA.


Defect Liability (Guarantee)Period:

The term Defect Liability Period shall mean the period of 6 (Six) months from the Date of completion of the
work. If any defect is found within the defect liability period the contractor shall be liable to rectify/replace the
materials at their own cost and responsibility. Defects/rectification work so notified shall have to be attended
and completed satisfactorily within 15(fifteen) days. For faithful & due fulfilment of all obligations, this defect
liability period shall be covered by the Security money, already retained from the contractor. After completion
of defect liability period, and on completion of satisfactory rectification of defects, if any reported within the
defect liability period, and on receipt of the application from the contractor the controlling Officer of the work
shall recommend for refund of the Security money.

9. Definition of terms:
a. In writing these General Conditions of Contract, Specification and Bill of quantity/bidding schedule (schedule
of work) the following words shall have normally the meanings here-in-after indicated unless there is
something in the subject matter of content inconsistent with such construction.

The Company/purchaser/Owner/Department shall mean the WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY

DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD, having its Office at Vidyut Bhavan, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Kolkata-700091.


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The Engineer-in-Charge/Controlling Officer shall mean the Engineer deployed by the Company for the
purpose of this contract.
Companys representative shall mean any person or persons of WBSEDCL appointed by the Company to
supervise, inspect, test and examine workmanship and materials of the work under this scope.
The Contractor shall mean the Bidder who will be awarded with the contract by the Company and shall include
the contractors executors administrators, successors and permitted assignees.
The work Site shall mean the site of proposed work as detailed in the specification or any other place where
the work is to be executed under the contract.


Date of Contract shall mean the date on which notification of award of contract/letter of award/telex award


has been issued.

Zero Date will be reckoned from the date of handing over of site.

10. Scope of work:

The contract comprises of detailed route survey (strip survey) & preparation of drawings for conversion of all
overhead HT & LT Electrical lines by Underground cable, showing all the buildings, shops, drains, walk ways,
trees and all other physical structures and important land marks along the route at Digha-Sankarpur Area,
Purba Medinipur, West Bengal (as per enclosed SCC).
Manner of execution of contract:
The successful bidder has to submit acceptance of the LOI/order within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue
of the Letter of Intent/order Letter of Award (LOA).
11. General requirement:
a. The contractor to visit the site before submission of tender. The bidder shall inspect and examine the site
and its surroundings and shall satisfy himself before submission of his tender as to nature of the site, the
quantities and nature of work and the materials necessary for the completion of the work and the means to
access to the site, the accommodation he may require and in general shall himself obtained all necessary
information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence and effect his tender.
b. Cost of bidding: The Contractor shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of their bid
and WBSEDCL in no case shall be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome
of the bidding process.
c. Correctness and sufficiency of rates quoted in the tender: The bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied
himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender for work and the rates and prices
stated in the schedule of the items. The rates and prices quoted shall cover all obligation of the bidder under the
contract and all equipments/ materials etc. necessary for proper completion of the work.
d. The contractor shall execute, complete and maintain the work as per direction of the Controlling
Officer/Engineer-in-Charge/ Site-In -Charge of the work or his representative.
e. Contractor to submit programme: Within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of issue of letter of intent/
order(LOA) the contractor shall submit a programme showing the order, procedure and method in which he
proposes to carry out the work.
f. Contractors staff at site: The contractor shall provide at site his authorized representative duly approved by
the Controlling officer (approval may be withdrawn for a particular person, if necessary). The contractor
and/or his authorized representative is to be constantly on the work and shall give whole time supervision of
the same. Such authorized agent or representative shall receive (on behalf of the contractor) direction`s and
instructions from the Controlling Officer/Engineer or his representative.
g. Removal of persons employed at site: The Controlling Officer/Engineer shall be at liberty to ask the
contractor to remove from the site any person, employed by the contractor in the execution of the work, who in
the opinion of the Controlling Officer/Engineer misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the
proper performance of his duties and such persons shall not be again employed upon the work without the
permission of the Controlling Officer/Engineer.
h. Setting out: The contractor shall be responsible for setting up camp office at work site.
i. Protection of work: The contractor shall in connection with the work provide and maintain at his own cost all
lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary if required by the Company or by any


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competent authority or statutory or other authority for the protection of the work or for the safety and
convenience of the public or others.
j. Care of works: From the commencement to the completion of the work, the contractor shall take full
responsibility for the care thereof and of all temporary work and in case of any damage, loss or injury to work
or to any part thereof or to any temporary work due to any cause whatsoever shall at his own cost repair and
make good the same, so that at completion the work shall be in good order and conditions and in conformity in
every respect with the requirements of the contract. The contractor shall take every practicable precaution not
to damage or to cause injury to any adjoining or other properties or to any person. However, even if any
damage or injury occurs, the contractor shall be responsible in meeting the necessary claims and demands as
may be required.
k. Workmens compensation for accident or injury to ant workmen: The Company shall not be liable for
damages or compensation payable as per provision of law in respect or consequence of any accident or injury
to any workmen or other person in the employment of the contractor. The contractor shall have to pay all
claims, demands, preceding costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
Insurance Policy covering provisions for workmens compensation for all the workmen to be engaged by the
contractor is to be made by him.
l. Facilities for other contractors: The contractor shall afford all reasonable facilities for any other contractor
employed by the company in execution on or near the site of any work not included in the contract.
m. Clearing site on completion: On completion of the work the contractor shall clear away and remove from the
site all constructional plant, surplus materials, rubbish and temporary work of every kind and leave the whole
of the site and work clean and in a good and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
12. Labour License: Contractor will have to obtain Labour License in respect of the above work as per Contract
Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 as early as possible.
13. Compliance of labour laws: The contractor shall comply with all statutory labour laws to protect the laborers
engaged by them. In this connection the contractor will be required to execute an indemnity bond (as per
specimen enclosed as Annexure-1) after placement of Letter of intent/order.
14. Variation, omission, addition & alteration:
The Contractor shall not modify the work except under direction in writing by the Company. The quantities
provided in the Schedule of work are provisional only, which may vary up to any extent or may be deleted
altogether. The quoted rate of each item shall remain firm till completion of contract. The Company reserves
the right to alter, amend, and omit or otherwise vary the quantities as may be necessary but such variation will
be limited to 25% (plus or minus twenty five percent) of the contract price. Payment shall be made as per
actual execution.
15. Supplementary works:
Whenever supplementary work becomes unavoidable for completion of the work in all respect, the Contractor
shall bring the matter to the notice of the Controlling Officer and submit their proposal. However, the
controlling officers shall have the right to advise the contractor to proceed with such item (s) of work. Rates for
supplementary item shall be arrived at as given hereunder:
15.1 The rates of all supplementary items shall be decided on pro-rata basis from the existing Schedule items.
15.2 When clause no 15.1 above shall not be applicable, the rates should be analyzed, to the mutual acceptance
from present market rates of different elements involved in the item, against documentary evidence, with 5%
overhead, contractors profit as 10% and 1% Cess towards BOCWWC Act,1996. In that case contractual rate
of quotation will not be applicable.
16. Terms of Payment:
All items of work shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant/ respective 33 Kv. & 11 Kv. feeders by
the contractor, as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge/ Site-In Charge. Measurement of which shall be taken
jointly by the Site-In-Charge and by the contractor in joint measurement sheets on the basis of survey drawing
and BOQ sheets. Payment will be made as per relevant survey drawings, BOQ and Joint Measurement Sheets
against bill(s) in triplicate, to be submitted by the contractor. 80% (eighty percent) of the bill amount shall be
released against certification by the Controlling Officer after completion of survey and submission of
drawings, BOQ schedules & Joint Measurement Sheets. The balance 20% (Twenty percent) bill shall be


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released on acceptance/ approval of drawings in all respect and fulfillment of all contractual obligations by the
contractor. Every effort will be take for release of the bill(s) within 45(forty five) days from its submission.
17. Completion of contract:
All works under the contract must be completed by period of completion mentioned in NIT while portions of
work as per program settled in consultation with the Controlling Officer/ E-I-C shall be completed by the date
stipulated in the said program. It is to be noted that time is the essence of the contract and any default on the
part of the contractor to complete the work within the stipulated date/dates aforesaid or within the time as may
be extended in writing by the Controlling Officer subject to the payment of liquidated damages, the Company
shall have the right, without prejudice to any other clauses, to terminate contract forthwith and to take
possession of the balance work and have the same allotted to any other agency and the contractor shall be
liable to compensate the loss that may be occasioned to the Company on that account. Any letter in writing by
the Controlling Officer shall be treated as conclusive on behalf of the Company.
18. Drawing:
The work shall be carried out as per the instruction, sample drawing and to the entire satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge from time to time.
19. Materials and workmanship:
All the tools, tackles, machineries, instruments etc. whatever necessary to execute the work will be provided by
the contractor.
20. Extension of time:
An extension of time without imposition of liquidated damage, may be granted for delay in execution of work
provided there is no fault whatsoever on the part of the contractor. Such extension may only be granted on the
basis of application to be submitted by the contractor who has to establish that the extension of time required
by him is not due to his fault.
21. Liquidated Damage:
If the contractor shall fail to complete the work within the time prescribed herein or extended time for
completion, then the contractor shall pay to the Company a sum amounting to half percent(1/2%) of the total
contract price as liquidated damage for such default for every week or part of a week which shall elapse
between the time prescribed or extended time as the case may be and the date of completion of the work
subject to a maximum of ten percent(10%) of the total contract price. The Company may, without prejudice
to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such damages from any money in their hand due or
which may become due to the contractor or from the Performance Bank Guaantee. The payment or deduction
of such damages shall not relieve the contractor from his obligation to complete the work or from any other of
his obligations and liabilities under the contract.
22. Companys right to terminate the contract:
If the contractor neglects or fails to proceed with the work proportionate to the scheduled time of completion
of the work or fails to complete the work within scheduled time for completion or within the extended time
approved by the Company, the Company shall have right to terminate the order/letter of intent after giving
notice in writing to the contractor. If the contractor fails, after 14(fourteen) days of such notice, to proceed
with the work in the manner notified, the Company shall terminate the contract and call the contractor to take
joint measurement along with the Engineer for the finished portion of work. If the contractor does not appear
for a joint measurement, ex party measurement by the Company will be taken as final. In that case the
Company shall take possession of the work site and may engage other agency to complete the work. Extra cost,
if incurred to get the unfinished work done through other agency, will be realized from him, from his pending
bills and Performance Bank Guarantee or security money. If the contract is terminated as above, the contractor
shall have no claim for compensation against the Company for any loss or deterioration of any materials that
he may have collected or engaged or entered into on account of the work.
23. Quality of work/material and mode of measurement:
The contractor shall arrange and provide all necessary facilities along with necessary manpower for inspection
and measurement of work at his own cost.
24. Materials:
No departmental material will be issued to the contractor for the work.
25. Deductions of Taxes and Cess for BOCWWC Act, 1996:
If it is obligatory under the provision of Income Tax Act 1961 and West Bengal VAT Act (Works Contract
Tax) to deduct tax at source then the same will be deducted from the bills as applicable.
The Contractor is required to follow the Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Act, 1996.


Page 4 of 6

Registration of his establishment under section-7 of the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation
and condition of Service) Act, 1996 is to be made after the contract is awarded. 1% cess towards BOCWWC
Act, 1996 will be deducted from its total amount of each bill .For these deductions certificate will be issued as
per rules.
26. Force Majeure:
The Contractor shall not be liable to pay any liquidated damage for delay/failure to perform the contract for
reasons of force majeure such as acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of Governments, fire, flood,
epidemics, quarantine restriction, strikes, freight embargos and provided that the contractor shall within 10(ten)
days from the beginning of such delay notify the Company in writing of the cause of delay. The Company shall
verify the facts and grant such extension as found to be justified without imposing liquidated damage.
The Department shall not be responsible or liable to pay any compensation for any interruption in your work at
the site due to strike, lockout, riot, earthquake, flood, cyclone or civil commotion or any other force of accident
due to any reason beyond control. The Department shall not be held responsible to or liable to pay for any
interruption in your work at the site arising out of resistance from the local public due to any resistance
towards work.
27. Engineers decision:
Controlling Officers decision is final in respect of all matters which are left to the decision of the
Controlling Officer including the granting or with-holding of certificates.
If, in the opinion of the contractor, a decision made by the Controlling Officer is not in accordance with the
meaning and intent of the contract, the contractor may file with the Controlling Officer, within 7 (seven) days
after receipt of the decision, a written objection to the decision. Failure to file an objection within the allotted
time will be considered as an acceptance of the Controlling Officers decision and the decision shall become
final and binding.
28. Liability of accidents and damage:
The Contractor shall be responsible for the loss, damage or depreciation of the Companys materials while in
their custody and until the same is taken over by the Company or any Companys installations during
execution of the work.
Until the completed work is taken over by the Company the contractor shall also be liable for and shall
indemnify the Company in respect of all injury to person or damage to properly resulting from the negligence
of the contractor or his workmen or sub-contractor or from defective workmanship etc.
29. Language and measurement:
All documents pertaining to the contract including specifications, schedule notices, correspondences, operating
and maintenance instruction, drawings or any other writings be written shall be in English language. The
metric system measurement shall be used exclusively in this contract.
30. Completion of work:
Completion of the work means completion of the work in totality and acceptance/approval of drawings/
takeover of the same by the Company. Partial or phase wise completion will have no bearing towards
consideration of guarantee/defect liability period.
31. Idle labour/Machinery:
Whatever the reasons may be no claim for idle labour and machinery, additional establishment cost, hire and
labor charges of tools & plants would be entertained by the Company, under any circumstances.

Safety rules:
The contractor shall also provide necessary protection/ fencing and lights to protect the public from accident
during execution of work. Fire extinguishers may be kept by the contractor at the site of works where there is
risk of fire hazard. Adequate washing facilities shall be provided near the place of work.

33. Settlement of disputes:

All disputes concerning question of act arising under the contract shall be decided by the owner/company on
receipt of written appeal by the contractor. Any dispute or differences arising out of or in connection with this
contract shall to the extent possible be settled amicably and where settlement cannot be reached then such
disputes shall be subject to settlement under the jurisdiction of Calcutta High Court.
When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary equipments shall be
provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and
adequate provisions shall be made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the
course of work.


Page 5 of 6

These safety provisions shall be brought to the notice of all concerned by displaying on a notice board at a
prominent place at the work spot. The persons responsible for compliance of code shall be named by the
To ensure effective enforcement of the rules & regulations relating to safety precautions, the arrangement made
by the bidder shall be open to inspection by the employer and WBSEDCL.
Notwithstanding the above clauses there is nothing in those to exempt the bidder from the operations of any
other Act or Rule in force in the Republic of India.
All storage, handling & use of flammable liquids shall be under the supervision of qualified persons.
First aid arrangements with the degree of hazard and with no. of workers employed shall be maintained in a
readily accessible place throughout the whole of working hours.
34. Reporting of Accident:
All accidents, major or minor, must be reported immediately to WBSEDCL and the contractor will provide
first aid to the injured person immediately. The injured person shall report to the First Aid Station along with
the Injured on work form as per appropriate proforma, duly filled in quintuplicate and submit to the Medical
Officer of the First Aid Station.
Serious Injuries:
In case of serious injuries, the following procedure shall be adopted by the contractor.
To provide first aid at his own First Aid Station.
To take the injured person to the hospital along with the Injured on work form duly filled in.
To report the accident to WBSEDCL.
Fatal Accident:
Fatal accidents must be reported immediately to WBSEDCL as well as to the Police.
Failure to observe the Safety Rules will make the contractor liable to penalty by way of suspension of work
and termination of contract. Adequate arrangement for proper lighting & guarding shall be made at the work
35. Equipment & machineries:
For timely completion of the work, the contractor must have to deploy all necessary equipment, tools &
tackles, machineries and instruments to execute the work at a time to perform all works simultaneously as per
requirement of WBSEDCL.
a. The entire work shall be inspected by WBSEDCL representative from time to time at site as necessary. The
contractor shall provide all facilities for such inspection free of cost. Notwithstanding any inspection of the
site, WBSEDCL shall have the right to reject any work not conforming to the Specification/ instruction
without being liable for any explanation or compensation. The authorized representative of WBSEDCL shall
have the free access to the work site, contractor site office.
b. During the execution of work, if any, problem arises which is not covered by the Specification, the contractor
shall seek necessary clarification and instruction from WBSEDCL such instruction shall be binding on the
contractor and shall be observed in full.
c. Electricity for construction purpose, if supplied by WBSEDCL the charge shall be borne by the contractor at
the rate specified by the WBSEDCL. The contractor cannot claim any compensation for any failure in such
supply caused due to any reason whatsoever in case of non-availability of electricity for construction purpose
from WBSEDCL. The contractor will have to arrange the same at his own cost.
d. The contractor shall strictly follow the construction safety rules, regulations and instructions issued from time
to time. In absence of any particular reference the contractor shall refer to relevant Indian Standard and also
the State Government rules and regulations.
e. All works are to be carried out with due regard to the convenience of the occupants of the premises or road
users and with close co-ordination with other contractors/authorities who may be working/ staying in that area.
All arrangements/programs of work must be adjusted accordingly. All precautions must be taken to guard
against chances of injury or accident to the occupants, users & workers. The contractor must see that all
damages to any property, which in the opinion of the Controlling Officer are due to the work of the contractor,
are promptly rectified by the contractor at his risk & cost as per direction and satisfaction of the Controlling
f. It must be clearly understood that WBSEDCL is indemnified by the contractor against payment of any
compensation or award on account of any accident, injuries, and damages and if any such payment has to be
made by WBSEDCL under order of appropriate authorities, the same shall be recovered from the contractor.
g. Any services if affected by the work must be restored by the contractor on emergency basis at his own cost &


Page 6 of 6



The following Special Conditions of Contract shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract. Wherever
there is a conflict in the two, the provision herein shall prevail over those in the General Conditions of Contract


The requirement, conditions, etc. stated in different volumes shall apply to and shall be considered as part of this
Volume, as if bound together. In case of any discrepancy between the provisions of this volume and other
volumes, the provision of this volume shall prevail.


Unless brought out clearly, the Bidder shall be deemed to conform strictly to the provisions of the bidding
documents. All deviations to the specifications shall be clearly brought out in respective schedules of
deviations. Any discrepancy between specification and bid if not clearly brought out in the schedule, will not be
considered as a valid deviation.













Detailed scope of Survey work of LT & HT cable route should be done considering the conversion of existing
Over Head (O.H)lines by U.G cables and as per present & future load growth of different feeders. Survey should
be conducted as per instruction of Site-In-Charge and as per enclosed sample drawing specified here under:
Detail survey of proposed 33 KV underground cable route along the PWD /Municipal / Panchayet/ DSDA /
other Govt. roads for 33 KV Double Circuit Ramnagar- Digha feeders and submission of route survey (Strip
survey) drawing inscribing land marks, cable bends, junctions, loops etc.
Detail survey of proposed 11 KV underground cable route along the PWD /Municipal / Panchayet/ DSDA /
other Govt. road for all 11 KV feeders emanating from Digha 33/11 KV Sub-Station (considering PTR capacity
of 2X 10MVA) and submission of route profile drawing inscribing land marks, cable bends, loops etc.
Survey for installation of 11 KV 3-Panel & 4-Panel Ring Main Unit (RMU) with Circuit Breakers for
controlling 11/0.4 KV DTRs/ Bulk consumers and interconnections of 11 KV feeders to form the ring main
system and incorporation of the tentative locations of RMUs with important land marks in the route survey
drawing for 11 KV U.G cable.
Survey for installation of 11 / 0.4 Kv DTR (preferring 160 KVA & 315 KVA on plinth mounted) with L.T
feeder pillar boxes for controlling L.T underground feeders and interconnections of L.T feeders with other DTR
source for ensuring 100 % reliability of the system and incorporation of the tentative locations of DTRs &
Feeder Pillars with important land marks in the route survey drawing for 11 KV U.G cable.
Detail survey of proposed individual DTR wise L.T underground cable emanating from Feeder Pillar Boxes of
different DTRs along the PWD /Municipal / Panchayet/ DSDA / other Govt. road for catering power to various
segments of the consumers viz. Domestic, Commercial, Industrials etc. and submission of route profile drawing
inscribing land marks, cable bends, loops etc.
Survey for installation of L.T Junction Boxes for effecting individual service connection to various segments of
the consumers viz. Domestic, Commercial, Industrials etc. and interconnections of L.T feeders having separate
DTR sources for ensuring 100 % reliability of the system and incorporation of the tentative locations of Service
Junction Boxes with important land marks in the route survey drawing for L.T U.G cable.
Various segments of the consumers viz. Domestic, Commercial, Industrials etc. connected to the different
proposed DTR are to be submitted with connected load of individual consumer as per enclosed format along
with survey drawing for assessment of loading of the DTR & material requirement.
Survey for laying of R.C.C spun/ Hume/ G.I / HDPE pipes of different sizes for proper protection of 33 KV, 11
KV & LT U.G cables at the crossing points of different road/ drain/ pipe line of other utilities / small streams
etc. and incorporation of the same at the route survey drawing for different U.G cables. Portion of MicroTunneling, as required, should be incorporated in the drawing.
Survey for tentative location of cable Joint Pits of 33 KV, 11 KV & 1.1 KV U.G cable lines and incorporation of
the same at the route survey drawing for 33 Kv, 11 Kv & 1.1 Kv cable.
Survey for shifting of shops, goomties, houses, hutments and other establishment to facilitate drawing of U.G
cable line and incorporation of the same at the respective route survey drawing for 33 KV, 11 KV & L.T U.G
cable, in order to preparation of Environmental, Health and Social Impact Assessment report.
The said route survey drawings are to be prepared for laying of U.G cable for L.T & up to 33 Kv grade as per
IS: 1255-1983.


Page 1 of 3


Survey of U.G cable may be done considering (N-1) contingency for following H.T feeders with allied L.T
33 KV Ramnagar- Digha
2 nos. separate Feeders (Existing O.H)

11 KV Digha Thana Feeder

1 no. (Existing O.H )


11 KV New Digha Feeder-I

1 no. (Existing O.H)


11 KV New Digha Feeder-II

1 no. (New)


11 KV Saripur & Moitrapur Feeder (Rural) (Part)

1 no. (Existing O.H)


11 KV Sankarpur & Mohana Feeder

1 no. (Existing O.H)


11 KV Sankarpur & Mohana Feeder

1 no. (New)


Any other new/ proposed feeders, if necessary

m) Tentative route length :

33 KV D/ C line = 12 Km., 11 KV lines = 111 Km. & L.T lines = 215 Km. i.e total 350 Km.(approx).
n) Survey of existing L.T & HT Over Head (O.H) Electrical net work with DTR to be dismantled after conversion
to U.G cable may also be one of the part of said U.G cable survey, drawing of which may also be incorporated
in the same survey drawing sheets of respective U.G cable route survey.
o) The survey of U.G cable route should be as much as practical, so that minimum effort and shut down is required
for conversion of O/H Electrical network by U.G cables.
p) The survey of U.G cable should be carried out in consultation with local District/ Municipal/Panchayet
authorities & DSDA to avoid future complication during execution.
q) The survey should be conducted as per instruction of Site in charge.
r) The survey report along with drawings should be submitted within 2(Two) months from the date of handing
over the site.
s) The survey report should also includes the assessment of 33 KV, 11 KV cables, RMUs, DTR & DTR wise LT
cables of different sizes, Feeder Pillar boxes, Junction Boxes, Jointing Kits etc. as per enclosed format.
t) Carrying out strip survey of the roads to identify foot paths, drains other visible services of various service
u) The cable route shall be away from the carriage-way of the road to the extent possible.
v) The route shall be suitable for placing manholes wherever required.
w) Future expansion of roads shall be taken into consideration.
x) GPS locations indicating the of 33 Kv. Sub-station, 11 KV RMU, DTR, Feeder Pillar, different crossing points
of the proposed U.G net work, important land marks etc. shall be mapped in the survey drawings.
2.1 Deliverables
a) Strip Survey map shall not cover more than 1 KM per sheet. The map shall also indicate the existing structures,
manholes and any other services.
b) The vendor shall obtain necessary latest maps from various authorities and use them for preparing the maps.
WBSEDCL will assist in obtaining these drawings from various authorities.
c) In case drawings are not available the vendor may to prepare the maps based on field data collected by him.
d) The maps shall also indicate private or other properties, if any, falling in the proposed cable route.
e) The first set of maps shall be approved by WBSEDCL before proceeding with further work.
f) The final set of drawing with BOQ and other formats shall be submitted in soft copy (Auto CAD) and 3 sets of
hard copy in A2 size sheet, which shall be placed for approval.

The qualifying requirements for the Package are given in Invitation to Bid

4. 0

The bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Price Schedules of the Bid Proposal Sheets, the unit prices and total
bid prices of the services, it proposes to provide under the contract.
Price indicated on the Price Schedules shall be entered separately in the following manner :
The unit price of survey work
Applicable Taxes and Duties such as service tax on services portion, as applicable.
All the prices are to be quoted on Firm Price Basis and no price adjustment what so ever, shall be applicable
on any of the Price Component during the currency of the contract.




Page 2 of 3





The payment to the vendor for the performance of the contract will be made by WBSEDCL as per GCC of the
Bidding Documents and as per conditions specified herein.
Submission of Bill to be done on compliance of the following:Acknowledgement of letter of award by the contractor.
Establishment of site office for commencement of work
Submission of an unconditional & irrevocable Bank Guarantee for 10% (Ten percent) of the total contract price
towards Contract Performance Guarantee.
Net 80% (Eighty Percent) of the survey charges will be paid on submission of reports with preliminary
drawings, on certification of the same by the Engineer- In-Charge & Controlling Officer.
Service Tax in full will also be paid/ reimbursed in accordance with provisions of Clause Taxes & Duties on
verification of relevant documents.
Balance 20% (Twenty Percent) of the survey charges shall be paid on final approval & acceptance of the report
and drawings by WBSEDCL.
Service Tax, as applicable, will be paid/ reimbursed in accordance with provisions of Clause Taxes & Duties on
verification of relevant documents.
Mode of Payment
All payments under the contract shall be released directly to the vendor. Payment of bill(s) may be made within
45 days from the date of submission of bill(s) to the Controlling Officer.



Original Demand Drafts for Bid Guarantee for an amount of Rs. 42,000.00 and tender fee of Rs. 2,100.00 shall
be submitted to this office before dead line as specified in NIT and Xerox copies of D.Ds are also be uploaded
in e-tender portal during submission of bid.
Any bid not accompanied by a Bid Guarantee & Tender fee will be rejected by WBSEDCL, as non-responsive.




The successful Bidder shall furnish to the Owner a Contract Performance Guarantee against the contract as per
the terms prescribed in relevant Clause of GCC.




The quantities of work given in the Bid Proposal Sheets of the bidding documents are provisional. The final
quantity shall depend on the actual survey/detailed engineering. The Contractor shall be responsible for supply
and execution of such final quantities for completion of the work and they shall be paid for such finalized
quantity at the unit rate indicated in the Letter of Award.


The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of good to the extent of (+)25% (Twenty five
percent) of the contract price, by way of suitable amendments to the contract, without any change of unit rate /
price and / or other terms & conditions of the contract.




When the entire work under the scope of contract is completed successfully and the drawings are submitted by
the contractor that may be taken over by the owner, WBSEDCL. The warranty period for the work starts from
the day when it is taken over by the owner. However, there will be no reduction of the value of contract
performance guarantee.



The Regional Manager, Purba Medinipur, WBSEDCL will be the Controlling Officer, Divisional Manager,
Contai Division will be the Engineer-In - Charge & the Station Manager, Digha CCC will be Site In Charge
of this work, under whose instruction survey is to be conducted.


Asst. Manager (F&A), Purba Medinipur Region, WBSEDCL will be the Paying Officer.


The entire survey work is to be conducted for 33 KV H.T feeders from Ramnagar to Digha and all other 11 KV
H.T feeders emanating from Digha 33/11 KV S/Stn. with relevant LT feeders, considering Power Transformer
capacity as 2X 10 MVA within the Jurisdiction of Digha Sankarpur Development Authority(DSDA) and other
Panchayet (eg. Patima -I&II, Talgachari -I & II, Gobra etc.) areas under Ramnagar I Block.


Page 3 of 3




Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Bid Guarantee/Security


Proforma of Letter of Undertakings


Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Contract Performance


Proforma of Extension of Bank Guarantee


Proforma of Application for Payment

Page 1 of 2


(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)
The non-Judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing bank

Bank Guarantee No...............


The Chief Engineer-Distribution
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
Bidyut Bhawan, 1st Floor, D Block, Bidhannagar,
Kolkata 700091,
West Bengal
Dear Sirs,
In accordance with Invitation to bid under your Bid No...................... M/s...................... having its
Registered/ Head Office at.......................(hereinafter called the `Bidder) wish to participate in the
said Bid of..........................and you, as a special favour have agreed to accept an irrevocable and
unconditional Bank Guarantee for an amount of.....................valid up to.....................on behalf of
Bidder in lieu of the Bid deposit required to be made by the bidder, as a Condition precedent for
participation in the Said Bid.

We, the.....................Bank (Name) at........................(address) having our Head Office at..................

guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on demand by West Bengal Sate Electricity






..................................................................(in words & figures) without any reservation, protest,

demur and recourse. Any such demand made by said `Owner shall be conclusive and binding on
us irrespective of any dispute or difference raised by the Bidder.

Page 2 of 2
This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto and including...................*............ .
If any further extension of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required
period (not exceeding one year) on receiving instruction from M/s..........................................on
whose behalf this guarantee is issued.
In witness where of the Bank, through its authorized office, has set its hand and stamp on




(Official Address)

(Official Address)

This date shall be 30 (thirty) days after the last date for which the bid is valid.

Page 1 of 2
(To be submitted by the Bidder along with his Bid)
(To be executed on non-Judicial stamp paper of requisite value)


The Chief Engineer-Distribution
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
Bidyut Bhawan, 1st Floor, D Block, Bidhannagar,
Kolkata 700091,
West Bengal

Dear Sir,


I/We* have read and examined the following Bidding Documents relating to the
................(full scope of work).

Notice Inviting Tender


Condition of Contract for supply cum Erection containing sections, Invitation to

Bid (INB), Instruction to Bidders (ITB), General Conditions of Contract
(GCC), Erection Conditions of Contract (ECC) & Special Conditions of
Contract (SCC) and relevant Drawings and Technical Specifications.

I/We* hereby submit our Bid and undertake to keep our Bid Valid for a period of six (6)
calendar months from the date of Bid i.e., upto.......................I/We* hereby further
undertake that during said period I/We* shall not vary alter or revoke my/our Bid.
This undertaking is in consideration of WBSEDCL, agreeing to open my Bid and consider
and evaluate the same for the purpose of award of Work in terms of provisions of clause
entitled Award of Contract under Section Instruction to Bidders (ITB) in the Bidding

Page 2 of 2
Should this Bid be accepted, I/We* also agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and
conditions of provisions of the above mentioned Bidding Documents.
Signature along with Seal of Co............................
(Duly authorized to sign the Tender on behalf of the Contractors)
Name of Co........................................................
(in BLOCK Letters)
Name & Address.......................
Telegraphic Address..................
Telephone No...........................
Fax No...................................
*Strike out whichever is not applicable

Annexure Page 1 of 2
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)


Bank Guarantee No...............


The Chief Engineer-Distribution
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
Bidyut Bhawan, 1st Floor, D Block, Bidhannagar,
Kolkata 700091,
West Bengal

Dear Sirs,
In consideration of West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. (herein after referred to as the Owner
which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and
assigns) having awarded to M/s.............................with registered/Head office at................(hereinafter referred to as
Contractor which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors,
administrators, executors and assigns), a Contract issued by Owners Letter of Award No...............dated.................
for(scope of work) and the same having been acknowledged by the Contractor, resulting in a
Contract bearing No.................dated Contractor having agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee
for the faithful performance of the entire Contract equivalent to Rs.............. being (15%) (fifteen percent) of the said
value of the Contract to the Owner.

We................................................................................................................................. (Name & Address) having its Head

Office at........................(hereinafter referred to as the Bank, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to
pay the Owner, on demand any or all monies payable by the Contractor to the extent of aforesaid at
any time up to.......* (day/month/year) without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or
without any reference to this Contractor.
Any such demand made by the Owner on the bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference
between the Owner and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other
authority. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consent of the Owner
and further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the Owner discharges this
The Owner shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under the guarantee from
time to time to extend the time for performance or the Contract by the Contractor. The Owner shall have the fullest
liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of
any right which they might have against the Contractor and to exercise the same at any time in any manner and either to
enforce or to for bear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied in the Contract between the Owner and the
Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to the Owner. The Bank shall not be relieved of its
obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or
any of them or by reason of any other act of omission or commission on the part of the Owner or any other indulgences
shown by the Owner or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under law would, but for this provision have the
effect of relieving the Bank.

Page 2 of 2

The bank also agrees that the Owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and not withstanding any security or
other guarantee the Owner may have in relation to the Contractors liabilities.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.....................and it
shall remain in force up to and including ..................**(day/month/year) and shall be extended from time to time for
such period as may be desired M/s.....................on whose behalf this guarantee has been given. Unless a demand or
claim is lodged on us within and including ..*(day/month/year) we shall be discharged from all liabilities





(Official Address)

(Official Address)

Attorney as per Power

Of Attorney No............................................

Six (6) months
Nine (9) months.

The stamp paper of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of issuing bank.
The sum shall be 15% (fifteen percents) of the Contract Price.
The performance Bank Guarantee/ Security Deposit Bank Guarantee shall be valid initially for
21(twentyone) months. A period of 3 (three) months should be added as claimed period from the last date
of validity of the Bank Guarantee.

Page 1 of 1



The Chief Engineer-Distribution
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
Bidyut Bhawan, 1st Floor, D Block, Bidhannagar,
Kolkata 700091,
West Bengal
Dear Sirs,
Extension of Bank Guarantee No...............................for Rs......................... favoring
yourselves, expiring on..............................on account of M/ respect of
Contract No........................dated............... (hereinafter called original Bank Guarantee).
At the request of M/s......................., We....................Bank, branch office at....................and having
its Head Office hereby extend our liability under the above mentioned Bank
Guarantee No.................... dated...... for a further period of....................(Years/Months) expire on............ Expect as provided above, all other terms and conditions of the
original bank guarantee No....................dated....................shall remain unaltered and binding.
Please treat this as an integral part of the original bank guarantee to which it would be attached.
Yours Faithfully,
Power of Attorney No.......................


The non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of the
bank who has issued the Bank Guarantee.

(to be executed on a Rs.100/- Non judicial Stamp Paper)
BY THE PRESENT INDEMNITY BOND EXECUTED by me / us on this .Day of ..20, I/We
having Registered Office / residing at ..
(herein after called OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS which expression shall mean and includes my / our successors legal
representatives, assigns) do hereby binds myself /ourselves and also our company / firm
.after having the power to bind so with the promise and undertaking in
favour of the West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited / West Bengal State Electricity
Transmission Company Limited, a government company within the meaning of sec.617 of the Indian Companys act
having registered office at Bidyut Bhavan, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake City. Kolkata 700091 (hereinafter called as
OBLIGEE, which expression shall mean and include its legal representative, administrators assigns.
Whereas OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS has / have been awarded to execute the job / works under letter
no..dated. issued by the OBLIGEE after having observing necessary formalities, the details of
which is described in the schedule given hereunder as per letter mentioned herein-above and whereas the said job /
works will be / likely to be done in places covered under Employees State Insurance Act (ESI) and / or the Workmen
Compensation Act (W. C. Act) and / or other laws relating to the Labour Management and Welfare.
And whereas according to the condition of the contract the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS is /are under obligation to
execute this Indemnity Bond before the commencement of actual execution and OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS is/are aware
that unless this Indemnity Bond is executed in accordance with the condition of contract before the actual execution in
accordance with law the OBLIGEE shall have the power to deem that actual work has been started within the meaning
of the contract before the execution of this Indemnity Bond.
Now this indenture witnesses that I / we the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS do hereby undertake:1. THAT the OBLIGEE shall not be held responsible for any type of accident which may take place during the
course of work undertaken by the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS.

THAT the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS will take / adopt all safety norms in respect of each and every workmen
labour personnel according to the rules or to the satisfaction of the OBLIGEE in all cases.


THAT the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS undertakes/undertake to engage only those labour worker or any other
personnel whether skilled or unskilled or any other person whether in technical management or nonmanagerial or any other capacity in the area covered under Employee State Insurance Act who has/have
insurance coverage within the meaning of Employees State Insurance Act and further undertakes NOT to
engage any person in the area covered under Employees State Insurance Act., who does / do not has / have
insurance coverage within the meaning of Employees State Insurance Act.


That the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS further undertakes/undertake to engage only those labour, worker, or any
other personnel, whether skilled or unskilled, whether in technical, managerial or non-managerial or any other
capacity in the area NOT covered under Employees State Insurance Act, who has life insurance for the sum
assured equivalent to the amount of Compensation under the Employees Compensation Act in case of
accidental death or inquiry and such insurance has been effected by the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS.


THAT the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS undertakes / undertake to indemnify and keep harmless the OBLIGEE
from all claims, action, proceedings and of risk, damage, danger to any person whether belonging to / or not
belonging to OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS.


THAT the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS shall keep harmless the OBLIGEE from all claims, compensation,
damages, any proceedings in respect of any of its employee / workmen under the Workmen Compensation
Act. Act or any other laws for the time being in force.


THAT , if during the course of execution of work as stated in the letter mentioned hereinabove issued by the
OBLIGEE, it is found that the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS has/have not complied with guidelines/formalities
within the meaning of Employees State Insurance Act or Workmen Compensation Act or any other laws
relating to the Labour Welfare for the time being in force, and also has not observed the safety norms in
accordance with the law to the satisfaction of the OBLIGEE, the OBLIGEE shall have the right to stop the
execution of work / job and the period of such stoppage shall continue till adequate safety and other
compliance mentioned hereinabove under the labour welfare legislation have been observed and such period
of stoppage shall not be taken into account for the calculation of the total period of completion of work for
which the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS is responsible to complete the work / job and it will be deemed that
discontinuance was due to default of OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS.


THAT, if at any time, due to exigency, the OBLIGEE i.e. the West Bengal State Electricity Distribution
Company Limited / West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited, as the Principal Employer,
becomes liable to pay any such compensation mentioned hereinabove, whether on failure of the OBLIGOR /
OBLIGORS or for any other reason, the OBLIGEE shall have the right to recover the said amount from any
amount receivable by OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS or any bank guarantee deposited or anything payable whether
in connection with this contract or other contract by the OBLIGEE to the OBLIGOR / OBLIGORS.


THAT the OBLIGOR / OBLIGATOR is / are aware and accept that for the persistent or repeated violation of
any condition mentioned in this Indemnity Bond, the OBLIGEE shall have right to terminate the contract of
work issued by the OBLIGEE to OBLIGOR / OBLIGATOR.



1) Name, Designation


Bidders Name & Address:
Bid Proposal Reference:
Person to be contacted:
Telephone No.:

Fax :

The Chief Engineer-Distribution
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
Bidyut Bhawan, 1st Floor, D Block, Bidhannagar,
Kolkata 700091,
West Bengal
Sub :

Tender for Detail survey of Underground Cable route including position of Distribution Transformer for
L.T & H.T network at Digha-Sankarpur Area, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal Dear Sirs,


We, the undersigned Bidder, have read and examined in detail the specifications and tender
documents of Detailed route survey (strip survey) & preparation of drawings for replacement of all
overhead HT & LT Electrical lines by Underground cable, showing all the buildings, shops, drains, walk
ways, trees and all other physical structures and important land marks along the U.G cable route is required
now for assessment of work involvement and preparation of final Detail Project Report (DPR), preparation of
EISHA report & CRZ clearance.




All the prices stated in the bid are firm and no price adjustment is applicable in line with the
bidding documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this proposal are valid for a
period of Four (4) calendar months after the date of deadline of bid submission. We further declare
that prices stated in our Proposal are in accordance with your "Instruction to Bidders" included in
Condition of Contracts, Bid documents and copy with the clauses content under ITB, Section 2.


We do hereby confirm that our item wise quoted bid prices as quoted in Schedule X includes all
taxes, duties and levies payable shall be to our account except service tax which will be paid by the
owner at the prevailing rate.


We do hereby confirm that our item wise quoted bid prices for survey work as quoted in Price
Schedule X on item rate basis on the specified schedule of work all taxes and duties except
service tax which will be bourn by the owner at prevailing rate.


We have studied relevant clause relating to Tax and we hereby, declare that if any income-tax,
surcharge on income-tax or any other corporate tax or works contract tax or BOCW Cess is
attracted under the law, we agree to pay the same.




We declare that we are making the offer on the basis of single source responsibility basis.
However, we will have no objection in case owner decides to split the subject work. We declare
that the award of contracts will not in any way dilute our responsibility for successful completion
of the work as per the bidding documents , which will confer on the owner the right to terminate
the other contract at our risk and cost.


We have enclosed a Bid Guarantee, in the form of .................................................
(Please fill in alternative chosen)
for a sum of ...........................................................................................................
(Amount in Words & Figures)
in original and two copies of the original, valid for a period of 30 days beyond the bid validity date,
in accordance with documents, for package as per the following details :
Form of Bid Guarantee

Value of Bid Guarantee

Valid upto and including

We have also ensured that the above Bid guarantee furnished by us is in line with the Bid
documents and complete in respect of following:
a) Value of non judicial stamp paper purchased in the name of executing bank is as per Stamp Act.
b) Power of Attorney no. and date as well as signature and full name & designation of executants
along with Bank's stamp are there.
c) Signature, full name, designation and address of witness are there.
d) Complete mailing address of the Head Office of the Bank is indicated.

We declare that our item wise quoted rates price is in Indian Rupees




We declare that the Works shall be performed strictly in accordance with the specifications and
documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out
exhaustively in the following Schedules, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary
anywhere else in our proposal.



Schedule No.

Commercial Deviations Schedule

Schedule A

Technical Deviations Schedule

Schedule B

We confirm that specified stipulation of following Clauses are acceptable to us and no Deviation/
exceptions are taken on any account, whatsoever in the following Clauses :

Terms of Payment


Bid Guarantee


Contract Performance Guarantee


Liquidity Damages for Delay


Price basis and Payment


Defect liability period


We further, declare that the prices stated in our Proposal are in accordance with your 'Instruction to
Bidders' included in Conditions of Contract, Sec I of Bid documents.


We declare that our price components are on FIRM BASIS (Their shall be no price escalation
during contract period).


In addition to the information called for in these Proposal sheets, we have included with this
Proposal information as listed in Schedule- C. We further confirm that such additional information
does not imply any additional deviation beyond those covered in Schedule and in case of any
contradiction between these additional information and other provisions of Bid, the latter will


We confirm having submitted the Qualification Data in three copies, as required by you in your
'Instruction to Bidders' and Special Conditions of Contract. Further we have filled in information
for qualifying requirement data in Schedule D. In case, you require any further information in this
regard, we agree to furnish the same in time.


If you accept this proposal, we agree to submit engineering data, provide services and complete the
entire work from time to time, in accordance with Schedules E indicated in the Proposal. We fully
understand that the Work Completion Schedule stipulated in this Proposal is the essence of the
Contract, if awarded.



We further agree that if our proposal is accepted, we shall provide an irrevocable Contract
Performance Guarantee, of value equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the Contract Price valid upto
the end of 3 (three) months after the end of the contract warranty period with a further claim period
of 3 (three) months thereafter in the form of Bank Guarantee in your favour within 15(fifteen) days
from the date of execution of Agreement and shall enter into a formal agreement with you within
30(thirty days from the letter of Award.


(Signature) ............................
(Printed Name) .....................
(Designation) ........................
(Common Seal) .................

Page 1 of 1


Bid Reference: WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- 01(e) / 15-16
Dated: 01, dt. 07.09.2015

Bidder's Name & Address :

Chief Engineer -Distribution
Vidyut Bhavan
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-91

Dear Sirs,
Sub : Detail survey of Underground Cable route including position of Distribution

Transformer for L.T & H.T network at Digha-Sankarpur Area, Purba Medinipur, West
The following are the Commercial Deviations and variations from and exceptions to the
specifications and documents for the subject package. These deviations and variations are
exhaustive. Except these deviations, the entire work shall be performed as per your specifications
and documents.
/ Clause


Reference /
Page No.

As specified in the

Commercial deviation and variations

to the

(Signature) ............................
(Printed Name) .....................
(Designation) ........................
(Common Seal) .................

Note: Continuation sheets of like size and format may be used as per Bidder's requirements and annexed to
this schedule.

Page 1 of 2

Bid Reference : WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- 01(e) / 15-16
Dated: 07.09.2015

Bidder's Name & Address :

Chief Engineer -Distribution
Vidyut Bhavan
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-91

Dear Sirs,
Sub: Detail survey of Underground Cable route including position of Distribution
Transformer for L.T & H.T network at Digha-Sankarpur Area, Purba Medinipur, West
The following are the Technical Deviations and Variations from and Exceptions to the specifications and
documents for the subject package. These deviations and variations are exhaustive. Except these
deviations, the entire work shall be performed as per your specifications and documents.


Ref./Page No.

As specified
in the specification

Technical deviation
and variations to the


Date :

(Signature) ..............................

Place :

(Printed Name) ..............................

(Common Seal).............................

Note :
1. Continuation sheets of like size and format may be used as per Bidder's requirements and annexed to
this schedule.
2. The deviations and variations, if any, shall be brought out separately for each of the equipment and are
to be submitted in five copies.

Page 1 of 1

Bid Reference : WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- 01(e) / 15-16 Dated: 07.09.2015

Bidder's Name & Address :

Chief Engineer -Distribution
Vidyut Bhavan
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-91

Dear Sir,
We have enclosed with our proposal the following additional information for Detail survey of Underground
Cable route including position of Distribution Transformer for L.T & H.T network at Digha-Sankarpur
Area, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal

Sl. No.
Brief Description of Information
Ref. & Page No.

Date :

(Signature) .........................................

Place :

(Printed Name) ...................................

(Common Seal)....................................

Note : Continuation sheets of like size and format may be used as per Bidder's requirements and annexed to this

Bid Reference : WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- (e) / 15-16
Dated: //2015

Page 1 of 2
Detail survey of Underground Cable route including position of Distribution Transformer

for L.T & H.T network at Digha-Sankarpur Area, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal
Bid Reference : WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- 01(e) / 15-16
Dated: 07.09.2015

Bidder's Name & Address :

Chief Engineer -Distribution
Vidyut Bhavan
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-91

Dear Sir,


In support of our meeting the Qualifying Requirements (QR) for bidders of Section I (INT) of
Bidding Documents, we furnish herewith the details / documents/ confirmations etc as follows.
Also the following additional documents are enclosed with our bid as ------------- (Annexure/
Attachment no. to be indicated) as per/ in support of above.


We have submitted our bid as a single firm who meets all the qualification requirement
set forth as stated in INT.


The details / documents, required in regard to average annual Turn Over of Bidder are
included / furnished in our bid as indicated below :


Average annual turnover of the company (Bidder) .

for the three best financial years out of last five financial years as annualized is

The details / documents, required for qualification requirement are included / furnished in
our bid as indicated below :

Annual Reports
Profit & Loss statements
Balance Sheets for the last five years

(These documents must be submitted by the sole bidder or all partners of the joint venture/

Bid Reference : WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- (e) / 15-16
Dated: //2015

Page 2 of 2

Annual Turnover Data for the last five years


By the sole bidder

Annual Turnover Data Rs.

Turn Over



We have also submitted all the relevant data/documents as per the bidder documents.

Date :

(Signature) .........................................

Place :

(Printed Name) ...................................

(Designation) ......................................
(Common Seal) ....................................

Bid Reference : WBSEDCL/CED/ DIGHA U.G CABLE SURVEY /NIT- (e) / 15-16
Dated: //2015

Page 1 of 1

Detail survey of Underground Cable route including position of Distribution Transformer for L.T &
H.T network at Digha-Sankarpur Area, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal


Bidder's Name & Address :

Chief Engineer -Distribution
Vidyut Bhavan
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-91

Dear Sir,
We hereby declare that the following Work Completion Schedule shall be followed by us for the subject package.

Sl. No.
Description of Work
Period in Months (from the date of LOA)

Date :

(Signature) .....................................

Place :

(Printed Name) ..............................

(Common Seal).............................

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