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In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, but in the experts mind there are few

- Shunryo Suzuki

Prime Number Task
Find a 6-digit prime number, which contains each of the digits 0 to 5 exactly once.
Solution: There is no such number, because the sum of the digits is always dividable by 3, which means that all
numbers formed out of these digits also can be divided by 3.

Studying Animation and Game


Animation AND Games (not OR!)

student pupil
o Student = Adult person proactively studying a scientific or artistic subject
Lecture school class
o General outline of the topic, not tutorial
o Guidance to your studies, not substitute
o Place for learning together
o Ask questions (fellow students, tutors, me)
o Participate in the community
Self-directed work
o Consult textbooks, internet resources, learn by doing!
o In groups or on your own

Why to learn Game Development?


To pass the exam

Important for professional career (become valuable / diverse skillsets)
Because computers are tools of creativity (better skills = more possibilities)

Computer Science 01

Topics in AG

There are three major topics

o Topics overlap
o Everybody has preferences
Try to reach the middle, where all three fields overlap
(though almost impossible)!

Art / Design

Concept art
o Environment
o Character
Game design
UI design
Level design


Drawing Basics and Video Game Art

o Classic to Cutting-Edge Art Techniques for Winning Video Game Design
o Chris Solarski
Level Up!
o The Guide to Great Video Game Design
o Scott Rogers
The Art of Game Design
o A Book of Lenses
o Jesse Schell
Game Design Workshop
o A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovate Games
o Tracy Fullerton
The Art of Video Games
o From Pac-Man to Mass Effect
o Chris Melissinos & Patrick ORourke

Technical Art / Production


Game Balancing
Character Animation
Level Creation
Effects and Explosions

Computer Science 01


Body Language
o Advanced 3D Character Rigging
o Eric Allen & Kelly L. Murdock
Production Pipeline Fundamentals for Film and Games
o Renee Dunlop

Game Development / Programming


Is not math (but can benefit from it)

Games are Computer Programs (aka software)


o A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists
o Casey Reas & Ben Fry
Learining Processing
o A Beginners Guide to Programming, Images, Animation and Interaction
o Daniel Shiffman
The Nature of Code
o Simulating natural systems with Processing
o Daniel Shiffman
Creating Games with Unity and Maya
o How to Develop Fun and Marketable 3D Games
o Adam Watkins
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping and Development
o From Concept to playable Game with Unity and C#
o Jeremy Gibson

Computer Science 01

Game Development History

Early 70s to mid-80s

One person: programmer+designer+artist.

Abilities of early computers limited
Game concepts generally light
Games are played for a few minutes
Art content and variations in gameplay were constrained by computers' limited power.

Golden Age of Acade


Specialized and powerful arcade hardware & home systems

o deeper storylines
o high-resolution and full color graphics
o physics, advanced AI, digital sound
Advanced technology
o 3D graphics and full motion video
o Assets for professional graphic artists
o Programmer art ;)

Contemporary Game Development


Adding more depth and assets

division of labor
o art production by full-time artists
o game programming separate from game design


Big games: many coders, artists, designers

Some mobile and indie games:
o Simple enough, still one (or few) programmers
o BUT: most game developers (artists, programmers, producers) have say in final design
o Examples: Bejeweled (early), Flappy Bird, Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Candy Crush, Super Meat
Boy, Giana Sisters, FEZ,

Game Development Today

The Vision

The Player steps into a world that seems as real as the real world
No boundaries through software and/or hardware
Coming closer: VR-glasses etc.

Computer Science 01

Game Development Process


Producer (Management, PR, Contracts, Stakeholder, QA, localis.)

Publisher (Company)
o Designer
o Artist
o Programmer/Developer (Physics, AI, Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Scripting, UI, Network,
o Level Designer
o Sound Engineer
o Tester

Game Developer / Programmer Domains


Game Programming: Applied computer science to special domain

Fruitful collaboration with Computer Science (SIGGRAPH)
Game Engine
o Graphics Engine
o Physics Engine
Artificial Intelligence
o Enemy behavior, Pathfinding, Strategy
o Control, Level-Structure, Playability, Balance, Story-Development, Inventory
o Script Engine Interfaces, Game Scripts (Game Design)
Game Tools
o E.g. Level/Physics Editors
Lead Game Programmer

Computer Science 01


70s 90s:

mostly 1 developer
Dev costs at 5 Mio USD
20 Mio USD -> Publisher Modell

Most projects are not profitable

Emerging: Mobile, Browser, Indie Games
Need for high-skilled programmers skyrocketed


... Is the modern day language of creativity

... is powerful force in the economy
... can make creative visions come true
... gives one the power to build something out of nothing

Programming is an art form.

Anyone can learn programming.
Its fun to create something and let people interact with it
So first
Open your mind and learn it
and then
Open your heart and do it
the sky is the limit.

Computer Science 01

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