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Position of adverbs of frequency

1) He listens to the radio. often

2) They read a book. sometimes

3) Pete gets angry. Never

4) Tom is very friendly. usually

5) I take sugar in my coffee. sometimes

6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. often

7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. always

8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. Usually

9) They watch TV in the afternoon. never

10) Christine smokes. never

Frequency Adverbs Multiple Choice

1 Carlos is an excellent student. He _________ goes to class.

Always, usually, sometimes, seldom, never.

2 I hate vegetables. I _________ eat carrots.

Always, usually, sometimes, seldom, never.

3 Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a year. He ________ goes
to the gym.

Always, never, usually, seldom.

4 Harold never leaves the college on Friday. He ________ eats at the

cafeteria on Fridays.

Always, never, seldom.

5 Ms. Biethan is always in a good mood. She is _________ sad.

Always, usually, never.

6 Teresa is not a pleasant person. She is ___________ in a bad mood.

Never, seldom, always.

7 My sister usually drives to work with a friend. She _________ drives


Never, always, usually, seldom.

8 I never lend money to Curtis. He ______ pays me back.

Sometimes, always, never, usually.

9 Susan goes to the beach whenever she can. She _______ misses a chance
to go to the ocean.

Never, always, usually.

10 It almost always rains in Seattle. The sun ________ shines there.

Always, usually, seldom.

This - These, That - Those

Type the plural form in the boxes below and change the verb form.

For example:

This car is new. These cars are new.

That girl goes to my school. Those girls go to my school.

1. This orange is very nice.

2. That student writes well.

3. That house is near the


4. This book belongs to


5. That dog barks all night.

6. That computer is old.

7. This lesson is very


8. That person sings badly.

9. This exercise is easy.

10. This man works at my


Best Wishes Letter example.

Misha Brown
Freeville OH
Dear Misha
I am writing because I wanted to take this time to tell you how lovely you looked at our
church's fundraiser last Saturday; I barely had time to speak with you there.
I know it has been a hard winter for you, but I have heard that the future outlook for
you and your family sounds encouraging and we are all wishing the best for you
You should know that you have been a source of comfort and strength to me over the
years, and I hope you know how appreciative I've been of that. If you need anything
please give me a call.

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