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Clear Your Arteries of Plaque

Many studies have shown that around half of all men in their 20's have significant arterial plaque
(atherosclerosis). This plaque buildup causes all kinds of problems and one of the first major sign
erectile dysfunction. There is good news though: you can actually clear out your arteries!

Self-Testing (Home & I personally believe that most of you can actually clear out ALL of your plaque or at least make si
improvements. The will lead to nice gains in blood flow and nitric oxide in the process.
Raise and Lower T
Testosterone and Diet
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Viagra and Cialis
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Cortisol and Stress

So how do you do this? No, the correct answer is not by taking massive doses of statins (in my op
There are actually studies showing that statins can reverse plaque in some cases. However, they p
make me uncomfortable for reasons I outline in my article on The Potential Dangers of Statins. B
have existing cardiovascular illness, you and your physician have to decide what is best for your s

In the meantime, I want to outline Six Natural Ways to Clear Out Your Arteries. Most of these
come from the men that I call the Plaque Reversers - clinicians that have built up a substantial pr
reputation for actually reversing plaque with many patients. All of them have written extensively
experiences and are apostles for heart health. The significant of their work cannot be overestimat
opinion, because plaque is the #1 killer of men (in modern societies). In addition, unchecked athe
can lead to:

Need to boost your Nitric Oxide naturally through food, drink and supplements? Check out L
book here: The Peak Erectile Strength Diet

Or do you need the most comprehensive testosterone book in Amazon? Here it is: Natural Ve
Testosterone Therapy


1. Less nitric oxide and, therefore, worse erections and increased heart disease.

DHT and Propecia

2. Hardening of the arteries

PSA, Prostate and

3. Increasing blood pressure, a risk factor for erectile dysfunction, stroke and many other medical

Alternative E.D.

4. Great risk of a heart attack, triggered by "pieces" of plaque breaking off (coupled with coagula

Depression and

5. Surgeries, stints, angioplasties and countless office visits and drugs.

Diet and Nutrition

6. Angina (heart pain)

Low Fat Paleo

Low Carb Diets
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Toxic Stuff to Men
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Killer Diseases
Critical Links
Resources for Men
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Super Sexual Herbs
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I constantly say "testosterone affects everything." I could just as easily say "artery health affects e
Decreased blood flow and/or calcifiicatrion, for example, have been linked to dementias, Parkinso
Alzheimer's. [4][5] There is evidence that calcification of the smaller vessels is responsibe for a l
back pain that Westerners experince. [8] Many tissues require good blood flow to deliver nutrients
could go on and on, but the key point is that clearing out your arteries (and smaller vessels) can be
in improving endothelial and general health.
Let's look at some of the natural and semi-natural strategies out there:

1. Dr. Gould (Heal Your Heart). Few men have heard of Dr. K. Lance Gould, but he has written a
book that I discuss in my Review of Heal Your Heart. If you need motivation to get started on an a
journey, this is probably the best book to do so, because it is just packed with data. Dr. Gould inc
showing how our meals create plaque, the age at which plaque begins to form and the consequenc
happens as the plaque begins to grow and take on a life of its own. Of course, he also carefully ca
methodology for reversing plaque:

The starting point is a low fat diet but not the standard one:
Grains are are discouraged; fruit is encouraged
Meat and low fat dairy are allowed
Encourages monitoring of many lipid parameters with aggressive targets, but not as aggressive
Makes use of a low dose statin for his heart patients

The advantages that I see with his diet is that he allows men to have some low fat meat and dairy,
make a low fat diet much more palatable for the typical man that has grown up in a modern lifesty
disadvantage is his use of statins, which many men feel uncomfortable with, for many of his heart
those with significant existing arterial plaque. In addition, I personally feel uncomfortable with to
dairy as this can potentially increase prostate and other cancer risk.

2. Weight Loss. One of the best to regress plaque is to just lose weight according to one study. T
showed that it didn't matter how the participants ate: as long as the lost weight, their atherosclero
RESEARCHED: equally. I cover this very interesting study on this page: Arterial Plaque and Weight Loss . Most
this are probably 20-50 pounds overweight. If they gradually lose that weight over a couple of ye
likely that they can achieve several years of plaque regression and get their arteries back. T
important for erectile strength and, well, survival. (I have a lot of additional information on the su
here: My Weight Loss Pages, Testosterone and Weight Loss and A Study Showing That Reducing
Too Much Can GREATLY Lower T Levels.

CFM Proteins

3. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (Dr. Esselstyn). Some of you health veterans may remembe
first researrcher to really prove that you could regress plaque was Dr. Dean Ornish. Dr. Ornish em
almost entirely plant-based diet but did allow some non-fat dairy. He also insisted on some exerc
management, etc. A physician with a similar protocol was Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who is now ve
known for his work at the Cleveland Clinic. As I discuss in my Review of Prevent and Reverse H
Dr. Esselstyn's program is probably the most simple and striaghtforward of all the Plaque Reverse
basically asks men to follow a strict whole foods, low fat vegan diet and does not like dairy, nutrs
meat (including fish). Furthermore, he does not emphasize supplements and basically wants all m
low LDL-C levels.


His philosophy is that if you get your LDL-C low enough, below about 80, then a whole foods ve
take care of all the other issues, such as lowering inflammation, that are required for plaque revers
he can't get that LDL low enough through diet, then he will sometimes give a man a low dose stat

Also, I want to mention, because there is so much misinformation out there from the Low Carb an
crowds, that all carbs are not bad. Just as there are "good" fats and "bad" fats, there are good carb
carbs. Vegetables, fruit, legumes and beans are all excellent low glycemic choices. In my opinio
grains - like quinoa (which isn't a grain actually), brown rice (which boosts nitric oxide) and noncorn - can be used in moderation.

The other key thing to remember is that low fat carbs do something beautiful: they clear out lipid
cells. I cannot emphasize how important this is. This is one of the reasons that cultures that eat a
fat carbs are so healthy and long-lived: their liver cells are drained of lipids. The root cause of in
resistance is extra fat getting packed into the liver cells. This is why low fat diets, if done correctl
actually reverse diabetes. Dr. Bernard proved this in a landmark study, which I discuss in page on
Reverse Diabetes with a Low Fat Diet.

By the way, it is tragic that a Low Fat Diet is called "low fat", because it is really not low in fat at
typical person on a Low Fat Diet will consume between 20-40 grams of fat per day and 5-10 gram
saturated fat which is plenty. Even "dry" foods like whole grains, legumes and beans will supply
amount of saturated fat, more than enough to trigger ample production of cholesterol for the body
believe you should avoid wheat however, because it is GMO'd and spikes blood sugar levels.)

My personal take on Dr. Esselstyn's program is that it will definitely work for about 80% of men r
However, I do have concerns that some men in maintenance mode, i.e. neither gaining or losing w
have their LDL Particle Counts go too high. The reason I say that is that Dr. Davis and Dr. Goul
observed that some men on low fat diets actually increase LDL particle counts and small par
which usually leads to an increase in plaque. Furthermore, studies show that signficant number
with low LDL, even lower than Esselstyn advocates can end up with atheroslcerosis and heart dis
going to mostly be men who are insulin resistant, i.e. prediabetic. If you don't know what I mea
please read this all-important page on Understanding LDL-P Particle Count Levels to Reverse Pla

So the bottom line is that Dr. Esselstyn's program is an excellent one, but I would pull your LDL P
Count about a month into your program and just double check that you are handling the increased
carbohydrates properly. An additional test is your triglyceride levels. If those go too high - say ab
then you may need to figure out a way to ramp down the carbs.

4. Dr. Davis (Track Your Plaque). Dr. William Davis is probably the most popular and well-know
Plaque Reversers. He resonates with many in the Paleo community in particular, because he advo
only small amounts of carbs, rails against wheat and most grains and allows a significant amount
Originally, he preached against to saturated fat, but I heard from a member on the Peak Testostero
Forum that he now actually encourages saturated fat. Saturated fat can slow down blood flow, so t
favorite idea, but many guys do not feel that that is an issue for them.
Here are some of the key aspects of his program as outlined in his book Track Your Plaque:

Eliminate wheat and keep carbs down to about 15 grams per meal.
Megadose two supplements (fish oil and niacin)
Insists on solid Vitamin D3 levels
Encourages monitoring of many lipid parameters with aggressive targets
Advocates actual monitoring of initial plaque levels and regression

His book, Track Your Plaque, is a must-read for every English-speaking male on planet earth over
20 and you can read about here: A Review of Track Your Plaque by Dr. William Davis. This is no

way to try to regress plaque as I feel uncomfortable with decades of high dose niacin. However, D
makes a strong case that it is generally safe if under the care of a knowledgeable physician. Even
accept that premise, the book is an absolutely invaluable source of information.

5. My Attempt (Pritikin-like, Tarahumara-like Program). Now I am not a clinician or researcher, s

in mind: I am a sample of one. However, I can tell you that I had a Calcium Score of zero at age
something I discuss in my article My Heart Scan Results. My personal opinion is that I very likely
plaque a few year earlier, based on all the issues with erectile dysfunction that I was having. And
going on a low fat diet about five or six years ago reversed that (along with HRT of course). I als
sure felt better. However, I cannot prove that I reversed plaque, because at the time I did not know
get an IMT or Heart Scan. I have, apparently, kept the plaque off tho, no small task in a Western c
age, so I am proud of that achievement.

In addition, I have always been intrigued with the story of Nathan Pritikin, who definitely had sig
plaque and heart disease and died with perfectly clean arteries per a coroner's report. My personal
to try to take what I consider to be the best of the above three Plaque Reverers and essentiall
Pritikin-type program. Here is my summary of what Nathan Pritikin did for example:

Ate a low fat diet in the 10-15% range

Allowed some low fat meat - about 3 oz. per day I believe - and a little dairy
Emphasized whole food, plant-based foods
Exercised an hour per day - jogging in his case

Now notice the beautfy of Nathan Pritikin's Program. The low fat diet will dramatically lower h
levels and the exercise will dramatically lower his triglyceride levels and increase HDL. All o
have greatly lowered his LDL Particle Count as well, so no wonder he died with no plaque! And
lifestyle - a low fat diet plus exercise is what is consumed by the most long-lived, ultra heart
cultures around the globe. The supreme example of this is something I have written up in my pa
Diet of the Tarahumara.

CAUTION: There are a few unusual markers that can trip up any diet. Again, read the book Tra
Plaque above to make sure you don't accidently miss one of these.
And here is how I am implementing the above:

Eat a low fat diet in the 10-15% range, although I am probably up to about 20% at times.
I consume daily BPA-free sardines and no other meat
Otherwise, I am a whole foods vegan with an emphasis on nitric oxide-boosting foods
Exercised an hour per day - walking and weight most with a few HIIT intervals thrown in.

I also am implemmenting some LDL-lowering strategies as well, including oat bran. For other ide
read my page calledHow to Lower Your LDL. Of course, I am trying to achieve good plaque-regr
numbers without taking niacin and/or a statin. Time will tell if my strategy works, but I believe if
for Pritikin, it can work for me.

How can a Low Fat Diet clear out arteries? The research shows that it does it by hitting almost ev
pathway that leads to arteriosclerosis:

a) Lowered Cholesterol. A Low Fat Diet brings saturated fat consumption down to more natural
this, in turn, almost immediately drops LDL into the range where there is little to no heart disease
it is possible to have a heart attack with low LDL, but it is much less common.) CAUTION: Som
low LDL for reasons that can be detrimental to their health potentially, such as certain genetic con
digestive disorders, cancer, addictions, etc.

b) Increase LDL Particle Size. Many of the experts consider the baddest of the bad boys are the v
LDL particles. LDL, as many men now know, is the "bad cholesterol" of the lipid world. Howev
the small particles that do the most damage according to one school of thought. Well, one study sh
Low Fat Diet increased LDL particle size. [1] Now, if you do a low fat diet wrong, this will not be
play it safe and avoid wheat and all refined carbs. And test to make sure that you are doing what y
you are doing.

c) Decreased Oxidation.. Again, small, bad cholesterol particles need to be oxidizied in order to
damage to arterial walls. The above study showed very significant decreases in oxidation levels a
Low Fat Diet. [1]

d) Decreased Blood Pressure. Hypertension is a plague in modern society and high blood pressu
arteries, capillaries and surrounding tissues throughout the body, especially as the years and decad
Low Fat Diet has been shown to decrease blood pressure levels significantly in a number of studie
document this in my link on How to Lower Your Blood Pressure. (See #2.)

e) Diabetes Reversal and Blood Sugar Control. Again, Dr. Neil Bernard, outline how easily a Low
can actually reverse diabetes. He shows how it can lower glycated hemoglobin (A1C) levels and n
blood sugar. This also helps heal and restore your arteries (and about a 100 other tissues.) CAUT
key point here is to make sure that you eat low glycemic Low Fat foods, i.e. not cheating with
bunch of wheat, corn starch and other refined carbs. In my opinion, a solid amount of daily e
activity is also crucial to make sure you do not go insulin resistant.

Right now low fat diets are the ugly stepchild in the health blogosphere, but the fact is that low fa
done very well in the research and you can check out this link for more details: The Many Benefit
Fat (Ornish) Diet. I do tweak a Low Fat Diet, though, to include more protein for building muscle
other things.

6. Pomegranate Juice. It is hard to believe but just a little pomegranate juice could actually clear o
plaque, but this is exactly what one study showed. [2] The group of pateints in this study had adva
arteriosclerosis. However, almost anyone reading this article wondering how to clear their arterie
that category or close. And in those with more normal narrowing of the arteries, other research sho
pomegrante likely slowed arterial plaque buildup even if it didn't actually clear it the arteries.[3] K
though, that this is just one study and the methodologies of the Plaque Regressers is much more w

In fact, pomegranate juice is a wonder worker for your arteries in many ways: it lowers blood pre
nitric oxide, protects against oxidized LDL and lower cholesterol levels. In short, it does everythi
possibly want a foood or supplement to do to protect your cardiovascular system. (Talk to your p
you're on any medications as it can alter absorption rates of other medications.) For more informa
links on The Power of Pomegranate Juice and The Benefits of Pomegranate Extract.

Personally, I would not rely on just pomegranate juice to clear out plaque, but I believe it can be a
tool in your arsenal.

7. Gum Disease. One small study showed that by reversing gum disease patients actually reverse
arteriosclerosis. This may seem implausible at first, but researchers have noted that "infections" o
raise inflammation levels throughout the body and correlate to heart disease. [7] Again, keep in m
is one study and the fact that it was small and on patients with some periodontal disease. Read my
on How to Control Inflammation and Inflammation and Erectile Dysfunction for some related inf

Again, I would not rely on just correcting your dental hygene to reverse atherosclerosis, but this is
information nontheless and emphasizes the importance of controlling inflammation.

CONCLUSION: Get started! Here are the basic steps:

a) Start by find out your personal plaque levels through an IMT (carotid ultrasound) for $70 as of
with Lifeline or a Heart Scan (usually around $99) at a local heart institute. A Heart Scan does inv
radiation, although it is relatively low level. You do not need a doctor's orders here in the U.S. for
procedure in almost all states. (There are a few Control Freak States that do not allow you to do a
medical testing without a doctor's orders. These states decide who is a doctor and what is best for
personal health.)

b) I urge you tread Track Your Plaque and Heal Your Heart - mentioned in the links above - to und
to monitor plaque, how rapidly it progresses and how it can lead to angina, stroke and heart attack

c) Learn how to monitor your lipids and inflammation. This is an involved subject. I have good (
summaries here of HDL, LDL and Triglcyeride Levels and the all-important LDL-P Particle Coun
reading the books in b is critical: these should be on your nightstand and you should read and stud

d) Of course, pick a diet and exercise program. Davis, Gould, Esselstyn, Pritikin - pick one of them
started. The benefits are huge and, by the way, will pay off in the bedroom as you clear out penile
boost blood flow and increase nitric oxide.

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