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January 2015 ‘To Whom It May Concern: Atthis point in your search for a teaching candidate, | am sure that you have read many a letter of recommendation, trying to accurately choose one that will match your school district’s needs. Now itis my turn to provide you with a recommendation, a true endorsement, of Ms. Lindsey Ofcansky, a teacher candidate who possesses intelligence, guts, heart, and humor. When I first met Lindsey, she was an undergraduate student attending Seton Hill University and participating in Assessment 335, a demanding course for pre-service teachers. What I instantly noticed was Ms. Ofcansky’s knack for probing - no matter the topic, Lindsey wanted to know more, asking continued higher-level questions until she formulated an answer. She was an excellent student, navigating the RTII Model, datamining district scores, analyzing diagnostic and benchmark assessments, Ms. Ofcansky completed the work that demonstrated her mastery of the course content. Yet, many students can do the same; what makes her accomplishments outstanding? Ms. Ofcansky’s intelligence was noted as she re-entered another one of my courses, this time as a graduate student in Middle Level Theory & Practice. By this time, two years had transpired, student teaching had been completed, and Lindsey entered this course with experiences and practical ideas of how the education world functions. Her maturity was notable; her stories hilarious. | could see how her worldview had changed and how easily she matched her sense of humor to the situation. In this course, Lindsey and her peers created a middle school, using the Schools to Watch rubric and middle level theory to erect this structure. Lindsey took on a leadership role in this class, using her technology expertise in the area of Web 2.0 tools to direct her peers. And this is what makes Lindsey special: she is not afraid to tackle any situation and has the intelligence and fortitude to make the discerning decision in a split second. She has faced many a challenging situation in both her private and professional life and what she brings forth is the courage it takes to be an effective teacher. In other words, Lindsey has guts, a descriptor you probably have not heard in most letters of recommendation. Students love her wit and respect the high expectations she sets for them the moment they enter the classroom. Her content knowledge is exemplary as is her knowledge of students’ ability; she differentiates lessons interestingly and her second language, American Sign Language, isan even greater asset to her list of skills. This black and white visual of Ms. Lindsey Ofcansky and what she could bring to a classroom in your district is not the entire picture. To see the color version, bring her in for an interview. She has what it takes to bea teacher of distinction. With much sincerity, Dr. i D. Monsour Assistant Professor, Seton Hill University Division of Education mmonsour@setonhilledu Seton Hill ec re 32/3/2013 Raymond Baker 1015 Dalia Lane Jeannette, PA 15644 ‘To Whom it May Concern Please accept this asa letter of recommendation for Miss Lindsey Ofcansky. thas been my privilege to serve as her college supervisor throughout both of her student teaching placements. Miss Ofcansky successfully completed assignments in both elementary (kindergarten) and special education (autistic support). She was evaluated in the following four areas: ‘+ Planning and Preparation: Miss Ofcansky prepared lessons for differentiated, direct and intensified instruction. Her lessons were always aligned with district and state guidelines. The lessons were well ‘designed and tailored to meet the needs of the individual students in her elassroom. ‘© Classroom management: Miss Ofcanshy had experience using a wide variety of classroom management strategies to establish an equitable and safe classroom environment. Often she needed to employ behavioral management techniques designed specifically for individual students, Miss Ofcansky quickly developed a sound working relationship with her clas. ‘+ Instructional delivery: Miss Ofcansky delivered the instruction ina clear and concise manner, Her use of ‘materials and the technology provided by the host district were excellent. Miss Ofcansky always provided {feedback and reinforced prior knowledge. ‘© Professionalism: Miss Ofcansty quickly became an active member of the professional team. She established a good working relationship with both the professional and support staff She completed all tasks assigned ina timely and professional manner. She participated in EP and other parental conferences. In this writer's opinion, Miss Lindsey Ofeansky is prepared to accept a ful time postion inthe areas of her certification, She has demonstrated dependability, enthusiasm and professionalism throughout her student teaching experience. Miss Ofeansky would be an excellent addition to your staff | would be pleased to supply additional information upon request at: rbakes?@comcastnet, baker{@setonhilledu or 724-527-5003, Raymond W. Baker Kanone 02 Bah Seton Hill University Division of Education Greensburg, PA 15601-1599 + Phone: 724.830.1032 * Fax: 724.830.1295 Seton Hill tiene eed December 5, 2013 Re. Lindsey Ofeansky To Whom It May Concern: Lindsey Ofeansky has just completed her student teaching experience in the Gateway School District. In both of her placements at the Cleveland Steward Elementary, Ms. Ofeansky did an exceptional job. Her cooperating teachers and university supervisor have high praise for her work. She taught both Kindergarten and Special Education. She met the challenges in each with skill and creativity Ms. Ofeansky was a student in several of my classes at Seton Hill. She was always prepared and an active participant. She is creative, intelligent and personable. She developed great rapport with her peers and her students in her student teaching experience. Thave no doubt that Lindsey Ofeansky “has what it takes” to be an excellent teacher. She will be an asset to any school district that is both fortunate and smart enough to hire her. recommend positive consideration for Lindsey for an elementary or special education position in your district. you have any questions regarding her candidacy for such positions, please feel free to contact me. ery youl, ‘oniel Paul Gray, Ed.D Associate Professor Unienty Super sor Division of Education Greensburg, PA 15601-1599 + Phone: 724.830.1032 + Fax: 724.830.1295 Seton Hill ae November 21, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: Itis my honor to write a letter of recommendation for Ms. Lindsey Ofcansky. | have known Lindsey for one year. Lindsey was a student in several of my education classes and my advisee at Seton Hill University. Lindsey is an outstanding student who takes her education very seriously. Lindsey is always conscientious, punctual, attentive and a leader in the classroom. She participates frequently and shares personal and professional experiences with her fellow students that enriched the class immensely. Lindsey is dedicated to working with children. She is professional and goes above and beyond in her course of study. She sees obstacles as challenges and overcomes Whatever is placed in her path. Her maturity and strength of character are to be ‘commended. I recommend Lindsey without reservation. | know that she will succeed in whatever career/education path she chooses. | would be happy to further discuss this recommendation for Ms. Lindsey Ofcansky with you at any time. | can be reached by phone at (724) 552-4378 or email at Sincerely, \ Gane Ondine Bonnie Ordonez; Ed.D. Associate Professor Seton Hill University 4 Seton Hill Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601 (724) 552-4378 Division of Education Greensburg, PA 15601-1599 + Phone: 724.830.1032 Fax: 724.830.1295

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