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Box Plot

Average Weather for Los Angeles, Ca in July


Quartile 3

Median: If odd # of data, it will be the

middle #. If even # of data, you will
add the middle two and divide by 2
and that will be the median.
In this case the middle # is 82 as there
is an odd amount of data.

Quartile 1



74 77 77 78 79 80 80 80 81 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 86 86 86 88 89 95

To find the quartiles, you will add the two center #s away from the median and
divide by 2


80 +80= 160/2=80 (Quartile 1)

83 +86=169/2=84.5 (Quartile 3)

In order to find the lower and upper extremes we must first find the Interquartile
Range. To do so we must do the following:
Q3-Q1= 84.5-80=4.5 *1.5=6.75 (IQR)

Upper Extreme: Q3+ IQR= 84.5+6.75=91.25

Lower Extreme: Q1-IQR=80-6.75=73.25

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