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Planet Nilknarf

June 2010
Happy Father's Day
June Birthdays

Cover Story

Believe it or not, this was the FIRST EVER picture I ever took last year when I first got my
digital camera; a random collection of objects on my coffee table. Boy was I ever nervous!
Perhaps my biggest fear was accidentally deleting whatever I just photographed. Fortunately,
my camera is a lot more idiot-proof than that! I must admit that when faced with a new piece
of equipment, I certainly can be something of a technophobe, but I've certainly come a long
way since then.

This little camera of mine, slightly smaller than a deck of playing cards, has been a good
friend through some wonderful times. It more than paid for itself several times over at the NCA
convention. If I still had my old 35mm I would have spent a fortune on film and developing. It's
funny to say my camera pays for itself when I got it for free in the first place. My husband and
I just happened to have enough Air Miles points for a digital camera.

We had a terrible time getting it though. I was battling illness (like I am again NOW!!
GRRRRRR!!!) so I was an emotional basket case. We had just celebrated our anniversary
and I had a sale coming up and wanted to take pictures of my merchandise in my gazebo. But
I did NOT want to use that big, clunky, ancient 35mm camera I bought in Sandusky and Dave
didn't want to lend me his because he was going fishing that day. So I had to go out and buy a
disposable camera while I waited for this one. Ordering this camera was such a hassle. I did
not know how to use the website and we did not know our pin numbers and had a hell of a
time getting through by phone. We fought like cats and dogs over the course of those days
leading up to my sale and dealing with this camera issue! We don't usually fight but this was
the worst we'd ever gotten along, especially since I had a major meltdown when we were
trying to get through by phone.

We were supposed to go out for supper at Johnny's but had such a horrible argument that we
stomped off in opposite directions, him to the restaurant and me to Black's camera store. I
was crying my eyes out by the time I got there. It also didn't help that as I'd stomped away
from Dave I twisted my foot! It still hurts sometimes.

Anyway, my digital camera was on its way. The brochure said allow 6 to 8 weeks delivery. But
we ordered it on Friday and it came the following Monday or Tuesday already and to this day
I've got maybe four or five pictures on that disposable camera and STILL haven't taken it to
be developed. I HATE shopping at Blacks anyway. They NEVER should have changed their
location. They used to be at the other end of the mall, near Sears. Now they are right outside
the Food Court and they always seem to attract the Screaming Baby Parade!!!

And now that I have my digital camera I really appreciate and enjoy the luxury of not having to
go out to get my film developed, or have to wait until the roll is full. I love the freedom of being
able to take pictures of something interesting I saw today and be able to plug my camera into
my computer and share it with the world in mere seconds!

And I was also ever so thankful I was able to film footage of the KISS concert to show to my
husband when I got home from it! It was like taking a piece of the show home in my pocket.

My doctor tells me I should walk for half an hour each day. One thing that makes going out for
walks more fun is being able to take pictures of some of the wonderful things I've seen in the
neighbourhood, especially these pretty flowers.

And recently when I was putting the blender back where it belongs I was surprised, delighted
and relieved to come across my vintage collection of “Go-Go-Glasses”!!

These used to be available at gas stations in the late 60's-early 70's. When I was a kid Uncle
Mike and Aunt Anne used to have several of these at their cottage. I only had one or two.
When I was living in Toronto I bought these at a yard sale for something like only 50 cents
each and they were the highlight of many a party when I'd serve drinks in them with cherries
and little paper umbrellas! So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I found them! I was
afraid that I'd left them behind at the store when I quit my job!!

It amazes me that with today's technology we can take a picture, plug it into the computer,
crop and edit it and share it with the world in less than ten minutes, but it takes TWO
MONTHS to get the medical care that I need!!! X-#

Autism Awareness Carousel Update

First of all, I would like to thank Peaceman Jim Koegelheide for all his help and enthuisam
with my project, and a special hello and thank you to his wonderful, talented students too,
who ride his bus every day. Peaceman Jim is a school bus driver in London, Ontario who
basically has a MOVING ART GALLERY!! It's amazing! The students who ride his bus, from
kindergarten to grade 8, have done so many wonderful, colourful drawings, usually peace-
themed. In fact, those are some of their masterpieces I selected for this month's Birthday

When I shared my idea about the Autism Awareness Carousel with him, he thought it was
great and got several of his students to participate. Here is a variety of their carousel horses:
I wish I could have made these bigger but my computer was acting up causing them to bunch
and overlap. Not to worry though. In time each picture will get individual recognition as I make
embroidered copies of each horse for the quilt that I've been working on.

I also have these three horses by Harris Spencer Anderson:

I am currently working on the second row of my quilt and I've been alternating Harris' horses
with two of my own. Here's what I got so far:

The unique thing that both my quilts and the carousel have in common is that I never know
what they are going to look like until they are finished as much depends on the artwork of my
participants. I already know that with Quilt Number Two the top row has classic carvings of
yesteryear, the second row has these three horses plus my “Celebrate Neurodiversity” horse
and one more of Harris' horses, the official logo goes in the middle of the quilt and I actually
have enough from Peaceman Jim's students to complete the rest of the quilt as each quilt that
I make has 25 squares in all. I want to raffle these quilts to raise money for the carousel, but I
think it will also be cool to have an exhibit of them in an art gallery.

I've also made a new bottle for my friends at Rapid reproductions to have on their table. It's
the one on the right:

So as you can see, there is no right or wrong way to create a “Pennies for Ponies” bottle. I
basically just took seven of my favorite, most colourful horses and encircled the whole thing.
How you decorate one of your own is entirely up to you and your own imagination.

In the meantime, when I was feeling better, I was also out posting flyers on as many lamp
posts as possible. You can see them here:

And you can see more of Peaceman Jim's wonderful students' work in his blog:
Book Reviews:
The Yadayada Prayer Group Gets Rolling
The Yadayada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out
Neta Jackson

Once again we join the adventures of Jodi Baxter and her friends from all over in the
penultimate and final books in the Yadayada Prayer Group series. The prologue of Book 6
tells the story from the fire's point of view as the spark ignites and spreads through the Manna
House shelter, where Jodi's son and Edesa work together.

Shortly after the book begins, Jodi and the other Yadayadas are present at a bris for Isaac,
Ben and Ruth's boy.

Later, the Yadayada sisters decide that a wholesome family activity for Valentine's Day would
be to all go roller-skating together. They are offended by the suggestive lyrics in today's
modern music and when Jodi complains to the disc jockey, she gets given the cold shoulder.
Amanda sees Jose skating with another girl and they break up. I know what it's like having
your heart broken on Valentine's day and I believe I cried when I read this.

They also lose the family dog, Willy Wonka, who they got as a puppy when Amanda was
born. Jodi watches his health deteriorate as he is confined to the kitchen in an attempt to
keep his accidents off the rug as he becomes incontinent with old age and soon dies.

Yoyo is feeling disgruntled and left out as life at the Garfield household revolves around the
babies. Ruth and Ben are so preoccupied looking after the twins that they sometimes forget to
drive Yoyo places. In fact often it feels like they forget she even exists anymore. Jodi and
Yoyo agree to babysit the twins one evening.

Lots of other interesting things happen, but I shan't spoil it for you!

No wonder the cover for The Yadayada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out is so different from
the other books! It jumps ahead to two years later. The book opens with another prologue,
this time about purse snatchers. Jodi gets her purse stolen, slips on the ice and sprains her

The twins are now two years old.

And the Manna House is up and running again and Josh and Edesa are engaged to be

They end up getting married sooner than planned when a young single mother is shot and
killed and the couple decide to adopt her baby and tie the knot on Christmas Eve.

This book is the classic segue to a new series of Neta Jackson books that will revolve around
life at the shelter.

One thing I've enjoyed about this series is reading about how other cultures celebrate the
holidays. These books even provide recipes for some of the Yadayada sisters' favorite dishes.

Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?

The Sequel
Recently, on my way home from Ladies' Bible Study at my church, an idea hit me. What if
Judy Blume were to write a sequel to her classic “Are You There God, It's Me Margaret” 35-
40 years later, reuniting Margaret with her old friends from sixth grade.

This was the first book of hers I'd ever read. My mom gave it to me when I was in sixth grade.
In fact it was that very book, yellowed and well-worn with age I brought for Judy to autograph
when I met her at Harborfront in 1998 when she was reading excerpts to promote her newest
book at the time, “Summer Sisters.”

In the original story the four friends, Margaret, Nancy, Gretchen and Janie had their secret
club where they discussed things like bras and periods and made a pact that whoever got
theirs first would tell the rest of the group everything about it.

And being born to a Christian mother and a Jewish father, it was also up to Margaret to
decide what religion she wanted to choose for herself.

35-40 years later when the four of them are all reunited they would be talking about their
families and careers, what religion Margaret has finally chosen, and, of course, the trials and
tribulations of menopause.

When I got home I went to Judy Blume's website and quickly emailed her my idea. I even
touched briefly upon my own tribulations.

So what do you think? Has it been done before or am I the first person who's suggested it to

Well.... I did hear back from her and here's what she said:
Hi Margaret,
Thanks so much for your warm note. I'm touched by how well you remember 'Margaret' and
you're not the only reader to suggest a sequel - but really, I don't think there will ever be one.
Readers like you have made my career, and I can never thank you enough. If you have a
chance check out my blog and you'll find out what's going on. I'm trying to add a new post
every couple of weeks.
Judy check out her 'blog I will.

Budgie Drama in Bowmanville

It started out like any other day. I had just finished eating my breakfast and I was watching
Joyce Meyer. I had my day planned. I was going to go to the bank and pay off the minimum
payment on my Visa bill and then I was going to post flyers around the neighbourhood to
promote the Autism Awareness carousel.

Just then the phone rang. Call display told me it was Alan. “Can I call you back when Joyce
Meyer is over?” I asked.

“But it's very important!” Alan was in tears. “It's about Bella!”

Bella is one of Alan's four budgies, who appeared to be having sore feet lately, rapidly shifting
her weight on her perch. And she seemed to be getting worse. Nobody else was around to
help Alan, so I had to drop everything and come over to see what the problem was and we
had to go to Bowmanville to take the poor bird to the vet because there are no avian vets here
in Oshawa. At least Alan paid my way.

But still, it was a half hour walk to the downtown bus terminal. It was a chilly, windy day and
everything seemed to take longer and be noisier than usual. We practically ran there and I
worried that it would be a miracle that the poor bird, which we had inside a Kleenex box with
tape over the opening, survived the journey thus far.
Once we reached the bus terminal, Alan trusted me with his debit card to purchase our bus
tickets. The lady told us to catch the 11:26 GO bus on King Street behind the Micheal Star
building. Alan was confused because she had said “behind” the building when King Street is
very much in front. The operative word was “King Street” and the lady had mentioned a
bench. I recognized the area at once. Lots of people board the bus to Bowmanville here
including many of the clients at the CMHA clubhouse.

It seemed to take forever to board the bus, especially when it was almost our turn. The lady in
front of us was holding up the line as she let her little kid play with the buttons on the bus
driver's cash machine!
We felt a little better when we finally got on the bus. Under less stressful circumstances this
could have been a more enjoyable journey. At least now I know how to get to the zoo if I want
to go there. The bus goes right by it. And Bowmanville is quite a nice looking town that
appears to have some good restaurants. I got thinking that maybe Dave and I could spend
the day there to celebrate our anniversary.

However, the next stop after the zoo was ours. Talk about being in the middle of nowhere. We
asked the driver what time to catch the bus going back to Oshawa and he said they were
every hour on the half hour but the one after 1:00 was ten minutes later! We walked toward a
building that looked like the Veterinarian's Office. Even the parking lot had employee parking
signs that LOOKED like they said “Veterinarian's Parking Only”! But it turned out the building
was locked and abandoned! Go figure. And to top it off it was the name of the business that
was a long word starting with a “V” and ending with an “N” that had my eyes fooled into
stubbornly thinking it SAID “Veterinarian's Parking” when it didn't.

A man across the street was digging a hole. We tried to ask him for directions Of course, he
spoke no English. Go figure. Abandoned buildings and people who don't speak English seem
to be my lot in life.

Fortunately, we were able to get directions from the chip truck man, as I bought myself a
bottled water and Alan a can of root beer. Thankfully time was on our side and we were
actually early for Bella's appointment.

The vet was very good with Bella, who was quiet and well-behaved while she was being
examined. We were very surprised when the vet told us that Bella might actually be a BOY

It turns out Bella was actually suffering from respiratory problems and there might be a less
than 10% chance she could have kidney trouble too. The vet sold Alan a bottle of strawberry-
flavoured liquid antibiotic medicine and provided two syringes, showing him how to feed it to
Bella who was very good about taking her medicine.

Now here comes the interesting part. Our journey home. We found ourselves this platform to
sit on near this ditch. The bus snuck up out of nowhere TEN MINUTES EARLIER than the
half hour! Frantically we waved and tried to flag it down. It ground to a halt about a football
field's distance away but when I tried to get up I slipped on the grass and fell flat on my back.
As I struggled to get up the damned bus took off without us and we were stuck waiting there
for at least another hour!
This had to be the longest hour of my life! I felt like I had to be strong for both of us as Alan
kept grumbling and complaining, trying to phone various people on his cell phone for help. It
was getting colder and windier out and we were afraid it might even stop raining. I suggested
we walk to the zoo because there would be a specific bus stop there instead of trying to flag

In the meantime a stranger in a black car pulled up to the side of the road and rolled down his
window. I hesitated, wondering if he really wanted to offer us a ride or if he was up to no good.
Finally I approached him and he took off! Go figure! Probably his idea of a sick joke.

As every minute seemed longer than the one before, Alan suggested we wait on the other
side of the road to catch the bus going the rest of the way to Newcastle because it would
eventually have to turn back this way. I said it doesn't work that way. They'd probably charge
extra. And I didn't want to miss the bus if it tried to sneak past us again. I was DETERMINED
to keep my eyes on the road.

In the meantime I saw TWO buses that appeared to be heading our way, but made left-hand
turns! And I was beginning to hallucinate! Several buses heading our way actually turned out
to be TRUCKS!

FINALLY we boarded a bus! We told the driver what happened. She didn't seem very
apologetic. I was glad to be getting home more than anything!

And it was a nice surprise to see our friend Mark LaFlamme get on the bus in Downtown
Bowmanville. He sat with us and we chatted. I always enjoy chatting with Mark. He's usually
such a cheerful and upbeat person.

He got off the bus at the edge of town but Alan and I stayed on the bus until we got to Simcoe
Street, where we waited for the downtown bus. He caught the King bus but I decided to wait
the few extra minutes to catch the Grandview bus because it goes right past my house.

When I got home Alan phoned and we debated whether or not we should call GO to complain
about what happened to us.

To top it off, he accidentally caught footage of me falling and the bus taking off on us on his
cell phone, but accidentally deleted it.

I left GO a message on their website and they responded, but this probably isn't over yet. I
don't like how they tried to weasel out of this one by saying that they weren't responsible for
my fall because it didn't happen on their property. HELLO!!? IF YOU BASTARDS HADN'T

Last Words
Be sure to catch next month's issue. July, being my birthday is the TOTALLY CAROUSELS
ISSUE!!! I know I talk plenty much about them in any given issue as they are my favorite
subject, but you know how it goes....

May 2nd was “A Night of Queen” at the GM Centre in Oshawa. I was given complimentary
tickets but ended up not going because I had nobody to go WITH! Even my husband. He had
to work early the next morning. There ended up being no singing contest because only TWO
people entered. And I was one of them. You know the old saying:

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